MASSIVE Mistlands Valheim Guide

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what's up guys thanks for stopping by I hope you're doing good this land has been out a little while now and some players like me have already played the update quite a lot on the test Branch however there's so much new stuff in this update to familiarize yourself with that it's easy to miss little details and so understandably most videos are only covering one specific topic and I know but for new players and experienced players alike it can be kind of frustrating to learn as much as possible about this absolutely epic update so that's why this video is the massive misslands valheim guide rather than rushing this one out I've put a ton of time and effort into covering everything in this update from the big details to the small ones so that hopefully this is the only video you need to see to learn everything about the misslands update so strapping is gonna be a long one I hope you enjoyed this video if you do don't forget to leave a like And subscribe for future content let's jump into it okay so so I'm first you're just going to quickly list all of the topics I'm going to cover in this video very briefly and just let you know that this video is going to be fully time stamped so you can jump to any specific topic within the video if you just want to learn about that okay let's make this quick I'm going to talk about how to get to the Miss Lance and if you need to create a new world what it looks like how to deal with the Mist how to progress and unlock the boss what other mobs look like and how to deal with them how to deal with the dwarves I'm gonna give you some tips on clearing dungeons I'm going to tell you about the new Forge and all the new weapons and armor I'm going to provide you with some tips and a little bit of a guide of how to deal with the new boss I'm gonna tell you what the new boss power does I'll show all the build pieces Trader changes the new farming you can do the new fishing new cooking new Meads new skills new hairstyles and beards emotes music events characters bass defenses resources plus any little miscellaneous changes in the update that don't fit in any of the above categories so to access the missile ones you just need to travel further out from the middle towards the edges of the map if you're playing on an Old World areas of the map that were previously unexplored will still spawn the new missland's biome however Old Miss lands they have explored will not change into the new version of misslands so you can continue playing on your old world just fine however if you've explored the whole map or close to it you may have a better experience by starting over and it's also worth noting that the world generation has been slightly changed so new worlds have a lot more Miss lands and they pretty much just spawn in like a donut shape around the edges of the world so if that sounds appealing to you and you'll want to explore a lot more Miss lands on your world and maybe even then you may want to start a new world even if you didn't fully explore your old one the biome looks incredible the fog wall on the outside is super cool looking and it's a really cool way to be able to tell you about to enter a misslands when you're on the edge of the biome the Crazy Mountains and cliffs are just so cool and epic looking and in general I think the graphics and the design especially the architecture is just super cool in this biome however it is of course Very Misty to deal with the Mist going to want to make a wisp light you can craft the Wisp light on a normal workbench however it requires one Wisp and one silver Ingot to get the Wisp you're going to need to make a wisp fountain with fountains are made with 10 Stone one torn spirit and require a stone cutter and torn spirits and now what you get for defeating your glove once you place down your West Fountain at night time Wiss will be attracted to it and once they're flying around the fountain you can simply walk up to them and collect them and know you can't get wisps by deconstructing any of the Wisp torches that you see scattered around misslands the Wisp light itself clears an area of mist around your character that makes it much easier to travel and in particular makes it easier to fight within the Mist how however it doesn't give you a huge field of view until spotting things at a distance are still a challenge to deal with this I highly recommend that the main way you Traverse a missland especially when you just enter it is by using your ether ability and scaling every single mountain and Cliff that you find in the misslands because once you get to High Ground you can be above the clouds of mist and from there be able to spot various points of interest including the various Dwarven guard towers Dungeons and boss entrances and even if you can't spot in another Cliff or Another Mountain and heading to that is a good way to travel because eventually you will find a cliff that will allow you to see something useful one of the new swords the Mist Walker which I will cover later in the video also does a similar job to the Wisp light it clears a tiny area of mist around your character however it does have less of an effect compared to the Wisp light and you may have to assume in your camera to even notice that there is less Mist the last tip I'm going to give you about dealing with missed is that you can actually place the new wisp torches wherever you want to clear a big area of mist much like the Wisp light these require one extra cell wood and one wisp or if you're willing to grind out all the mats with these torches you can hypothetically clear an entire biome of mist which will make it extremely easy to travel and give you that large field of view wisps are pretty easy to grind for so I suspect Idris Elwood will be the bottleneck here but if you put the time in this is definitely possible let's talk about progression the way progression is handled in the missland's update is actually awesome so just like every other boss in the game you need to find the Vegeta that reveals the location of the biomes boss and the Vegeta for the queen is hidden inside the biomes dungeons which are called infested mines there's two different types of entrances for infested mines one is in the form of an abandoned Dwarven guard Tower which can have a wisp light outside giving away its location which is mostly easy to separate from a Dwarven guard Tower by the fact that it's covered in enemies you can find the entrance to the dungeon in the basement of these infested guard towers the other entrance type is this huge stairwell leading into the side of a cliff which can sometimes be harder to spot but is easily identifiable once you realize this giant stairwell doesn't really appear anywhere else once inside much like finding the Elder Rune inside a burial chamber it just takes a lot of trial and error to find a dungeon that contains the Rune it is quite rare what I'm happy to say it's nowhere near as rare as the year gloth Rune so as long as you keep fully clearing out these dungeons you will definitely find the Queen's location eventually now this is where things get interesting even when you get to the boss location you cannot instantly summon the boss as the queen actually resides within her own type of dungeon that requires a special kind of key to get inside this key is called a seal breaker and one of the really cool asp aspects of this key is that it has to be crafted whilst exploring dungeons you actually find these fragments inside these little glass boxes and if you smash the glass you can loot these fragments and it takes nine of them to craft a seal breaker I want to have crafted the seal breaker you can now unlock the gate to access the boss one of the other really cool twists is that this boss actually already starts spawned in so you will actually just stumble across the Queen by exploring this dungeon and she can actually be waiting for you right near the entrance or sometimes she can be hiding somewhere at the top so it actually adds a really cool twist and by the way just because you start spawned in does not mean that you can't re-summon the boss right at the top of the infested Citadel which is the name of this dungeon where the queen resides there is an altar that can be used to re-summon the boss this requires three Seeker Soldier trophies which is actually quite an expensive requirement anyway we're getting too far ahead of ourselves another huge twist to gaining entrance to the boss room is the fact that the crafting of the seal breaker requires a gold a table and crafting that is a whole ordeal in itself so let's get to that okay so this is the golden table and to craft it you need 20 extra wood 10 black metal 5 black cores and five ether and the golden table is used to make the seal breaker as I mentioned before but it's also used for all the new magical items like the new Cape the new robes all three of the staffs and the dead Riser we're gonna cover all of these shortly well let's first focus on the maps so black metal self-explanatory you find the black cores inside the dungeons which we will talk more about later Victor saw what we'll also talk more about later on when we get on to talking about resources but the refined ether is where things get particularly interesting there is also an upgrade you can craft to the golden table as well by the way it's called the Rune table both these things look so cool together and to make the room table you need 10 black marble 5 Acres of wood and ten refined either so to make refine ether you're going to need to make one of these this is The Ether Refinery to make the refinery you're going to need 20 black marble 5 black metal 10 hsl wood five black cores and three sap once you've made your Refinery you then take some sap and some soft tissue and you place the sap in the bottom and the soft tissue in the top and it will start to create refine ether however during the process you can see these little laser beams of ether get shot out of the refinery and this does actually damage most things that it touches and if you pay attention to the refined ether that comes out the bottom each ball of ether also generates more of these beams that deal damage to the surroundings so the more ether you have piled up here the more damage it will do however you may notice now when these ether beams reach the black marble the damage value coming off the bricks says zero so this means that these beams don't damage black marble which gives you an awesome reason to build a structure similar to this or buy whatever design you like to house your Refinery so you don't damage your base I absolutely love this feature because it incentivizes more building and in some cases they require a little more creativity okay so just to prove what I was talking about I built this other facility for a Refinery that's just in case in stone [Applause] and you're gonna see once it gets going now look the stone actually takes 30 damage which doesn't seem like a lot but particularly when you realize that this is actually enough to start destroying huge blocks of your structure and will eventually bring the building down in fact if you do this you will definitely see some damage I'm gonna try and prove that to you now okay so this is the amount of damage done just from one batch to refined either so as you can see it's pretty substantial so you definitely going to want to cover this in black marble okay so that's how the refinery works now let's talk about the sap and the soft tissue required to create the refine ether to get sap you need to place a sap extractor on one of the ancient roots the stick out of the ground in the misslands over time these extractors will automatically drain the ancient roots of sap and each root does eventually get depleted and as it depletes it gradually takes longer and longer to extract the sap however if you then remove the extractor from the root eventually it will recharge crafting a sap extractor requires 10hill wood five black metal and one the Virgo extractor you find the extractor inside these Dwarven settlements that are scattered across the misslands inside the Dwarven structure you're looking for one of these chests and if you destroy it you get the extractor I actually have already made a video where I show all of the extractor locations in all of the different structure types so I'll leave a link in the description to that video if you're interested in that or breaking these chests will actually alert the dwarves and make them attack you and I'll cover how to take out all the dwarves later on in the video but as you can see you find the extractor on the inside so that's how you get the sap to make ether soft tissue can actually be found inside these chests within Dwarven structures and it can also be found inside the giant schools of petrified bone as the inside of these schools actually still contains the brain of the Giant and that is what the soft tissue actually is it's the brain matter of these Ancient Giants these giant heads are the best source of soft tissue but it's still surprising how much you can get from chest and dolphin structures too it's also interesting to note that the Dwarven extractor can't be teleported so that means your sap extractors are going to require to actually go out and sail to miss lands to place them every time so anyway that's how you get the maps required to make ether that will then allow us to make a golden table that allows us to make the seal breaker after collecting nine fragments that we can then use to unlock the door to fight the boss okay so since we talked about the golden table let's also talk about the other crafted station added with the misslands update the black Forge the black Forge is used to craft them the vast majority of new items in the update aside from the magical ones as discussed earlier and to craft it you just need 10 black marble 10 Idris Elwood and 5 black cores and it too has an upgrade called the black Forge cooler which can be crafted with five iron five copper and four black marble so we're now going to talk about all of the new weapons and armor that you can craft but before I do I just want to explain that the bile bomb and the Wisp light are crafted on a workbench and the New Black Metal pick is actually crafted on a forge but everything else that we're about to discuss is mostly crafted on the black metal forge unless it's magic related in which case is crafted on the golden table so let's jump into the items let's go so as you can see lots of prep went into this video because these are all the items we're going to talk about so we've got a lot to get through here so let me fire through them real quick just so we can get through them all and if they do something particularly interesting I'll spend a little bit more time on it just to demonstrate so we've got the new pole arm the him in apple this is just like all the other pole arms except it actually does lightning damage as you can see by its really cool secondary attack and to make it you need 10 extra wood 15 ether 5 silver and two mandible which are dropped from some of the mobs we're going to cover later on next up is the carapace spear this works just like a normal spear it requires 10 Ninja steel wood four characters and two mandible therapists are dropped by Seekers and just to make it super clear anything that's dropped from a mob will be covered later in the video we're going to do a whole section on mobs then we've got the spine snap bow which actually deals a little bit of spirit damage and to craft that you need 10 fine wood 40 bone fragments and 10 refined ether this bow looks super cool by the way next up is one of my personal favorites the demolisher which works like all the other Sledge hammers it requires 10 digital wood 20 iron and 10 refined ether this one also looks particularly cool in my opinion and this is what the attack looks like [Music] then we've got all of the new arrows and bolts for the crossbow [Music] plus missiles for the Ballista we'll cover those new weapons later on all of these just require exactly what you would expect which is basically the material the arrow is named after plus some feathers so we've got the carapace arrow the car upper's Bolt the black metal Bolt the iron Bolt the bone Bolt and then for the Ballista a wooden missile and the black metal missile then we've got the Jolteon Bane which is actually a type of ax that deals poison damage and this requires five extra cell wood 15 iron three bile bags and ten ether then we've got the Chrome which is a giant two-handed great sword it requires 30 iron 20 bronze and 5 scale hide and you get these by killing their hairs just scattered around the misslands this one I feel like is Worth showing off because of how massive it is next up is the Mist Walker which is actually a sword that deals Frost damage and it also emits a little bit of light as we discussed earlier this one requires three fine wood 15 iron 10 ether and three wisps it actually has this cool glowing effect then there's the jewel knives which require four fine wood ten iron and ten black metal these are an awesome upgrade for people that like the knife combat in the game then there's the lantern which requires two bronze one circling core or one Crystal these are actually extremely underrated we're gonna talk more about lanterns later when we get on to build pieces well the reason they're underrated is because they never go out then we've got the crossbow which requires 10 Ward 8 iron and four root I should demonstrate how this works as it is actually quite different to bows as you see when you equip it you have to wait for it to load and then when you pull the trigger it just instantly shoots this actually makes it particularly useful for hunting in my opinion I also feel like it's worth noting that I think it's really cool that this incentive advises you to farm some more Abominations because Abominations are one of my favorite enemies in the game all right next we've got the black metal pickaxe which requires Idris Elwood and 25 black metal or mention this thing a little bit later on okay so now we get on to the staffs which are super cool this is the frost staff to make this you're gonna need 20 eggs or so wood full freeze guns and 15 refined ether so the way all of the magical items work that require ether usage is they require you to eat a special recipe that adds an ether bar on top of your stamina bar that is essentially just a Mana gauge we're gonna cover all new food recipes later on but so long as you're eating some magical food when you fire in the staff you can see it drains the new ether bar this Frost staff is one of my personal favorites then we've got the protection staff to make that you're gonna need 20 extra wood four blood clots and 15 refined ether and that is what this spell looks like and this barrier will actually protect you in battle then we've got the dead razor and to craft that you're gonna need 20 extra wood 10 bone fragments 15 ether and one rancid remains trophy so it's nice to see another use for trophies this item essentially adds necromancy the valheim because it allows you to summon skeletons a level 1 you can summer one and at level two you can summon another skeleton so you just saw at level one they actually destroyed the skeleton we had and spawned another one but now it's at level two we can have two skeletons then we've got the fire staff this requires 20 Idris Elwood for certain cores and 15 ether and this is what this attack looks like next up is the bile bomb this requires one sap one bile bag and three resin these bile bombs act exactly the same as ooze bombs except the area of effect is fire then we've got the two new shields which are the karapas Buckler and the characters Shield the normal Shield does still allow Parian but the buckler actually just has a 2.5 Harry bonus so make the buckler you need 10 characters three scale hide and 10 eater and for the normal Shield it's the same recipe except it requires 20 characters next up we've got armas this is The Ether weave armor set each piece both the Torso and the load pieces only have a minus two percent movement speed well they also have a plus 40 ether regen and The Horde as opposed 20 E3 gen so these are super important for people that want to use a lot of magic and I think this is the best looking armor set in the update The Horde requires 15 linen thread 15 ether and two iron the robe requires 20 linen thread 20 refined ether 10 feathers and five hide and the trellises require 20 linen thread 20 refine ether and 10 scale hide this is the other armor set which is the carapace armor set it decreases movement speed by five percent and each slot gives you 32 armor at level one this is what it looks like the helmet requires 15 characters rescale hide two mandible and five refine ether and both the chest and the low pieces require 20 characters three scale hide 5 iron and 10 refined ether last but not least we've got the feather cape this is one of the most epic things in the whole update it does still make you resistant to frost like the other capes but it also completely removes fall damage and limits your full speed to 5 meters a second to make this you need 10 feathers five scale hide and 20 refined ether but check out just how epic this is no ball damage whatsoever so cool it's finally a cure for the glass ankle disease that apparently all Vikings suffered from I just wanted to add this on after the fact to let you guys know there is currently a patch that's on the public test that might end up in the main game that changes some of these recipes a little bit it makes the character's armor helmet requires 16 characters 3 scale hide two mandible and four ether and the chest and low pieces require 20 characters 3 scale hide 5 iron and four ether it also changes to eat the weave Hood to require 16 thread and 15 ether and two iron and it also changes all of the staffs including the dead Riser so it makes the fire staff require 20 to so what four cores and 16 Eve there the dead Riser it makes it require 10 bone 16 either and four skeleton trophies it makes the protection staff require 20 acres of wood four blood clots and 16 ether it makes the first staff require 20 extra wood full freeze glands and 16 ether and it also changes the carapace buckler to require 16 characters 3 scale hide and 10 ether maybe this change won't happen but I just wanted to let you guys know just in case to avoid any confusion okay so that's it for all of this weapon and armor now let's jump into the mob showcase okay so first up we've got the Seeker um the way I would recommend taking on Seekers is just to use your bow and mostly just use Frost arrows they seem to be the most effective on them but any of the elemental effects are good for Seekers with arrows you can actually see that they drop zika meat and carapace I also just want to show that it's also really effective to just Parry them and then just attack with whatever the best one-handed weapon is that you've got I recommend the black metal sword or the frostner but anything you're highly leveled up in that's fully upgraded will work for this next up we've got the Seeker brute I recommend using the bow and arrow for this as well uh mostly just Frost arrows also but again other Elemental damage is good to get more uh DPS of the ticks one thing special to note about this enemy is that it does have a weak spot which is on the back you see if we shoot the back of the enemy you get yellow damage which means that it's a weak spot you can also Parry with this enemy um and get some decent damage that way but uh pairing the Parry with the weak spot is also kind of good they can just run around to the back you see that it's actually a lot of damage but overall I'd recommend just keeping your distance particularly if you're struggling with it I'm just uh shooting it with a bow and arrow and trying to shoot it in its weak spot on the back even if you can't hit the weak spot just keep you shooting it with arrows and any Elemental does actually work really good tiger soldiers drop mandible Seeker meat and carapace so they're actually a really good source for maps it's also worth noting that if you just get up on an area that it can't reach you can actually just rain down a ton of damage really safely you can combine bile bombs with ooze bombs to get extra damage ticks and this is also a really effective way especially if you're just in safety using a sledgehammer weapon from safety also works it's just not as effective next up we've got the yawls the y'alls also have a weak spot which is this Wonder belly here you see the little bubbles on the bottom we get yellow damage every time we shoot that and obviously they fly so ranged attacks but the arrows are gonna work good Frost arrows again seem particularly good oh yeah if you just keep shooting it from underneath you actually do deal quite a lot of damage you can also just keep your distance and keep firing arrows at them you'll be all right we're aiming for the underbelly is really the best bet and y'alls drop bile bags alright next up we've got ticks because yards all calls them to spawn in as well when they grab you you can use the pole arm to immediately insta kill any ticks that are attached to you it's a great way of dealing with this enemy and ticks drop blood clots next up is hairs uh hairs are actually really fast so I recommend trying to sneak upon them and just shoot them with your bow they can be quite hard to see though obviously but even if you have to chase them down it's not too bad and the hair actually drops scale hide and her meat alright so next up is uh Seeker Broods Broods actually start in eggs and they fly out at you really quickly so I recommend being ready with a high DPS weapon so you'll see they'll fly out and they're actually really low HP sort of spamming whatever High DPS weapon you have I recommend some sort of knife you don't even have to have the best knife for this lots of the knives in the game work really good it's also worth noting that another way of dealing with this enemy is just by throwing bombs on the eggs before they pop out and you can do this from range this is a super effective way of dealing with secret Broods and this enemy drops royal jelly right now let's talk about Dungeons first of all you're always kind of in danger in the misslands so one thing you can do to make sure you're safe when you're going into a dungeon is to start out by placing a workbench and then putting down a stone cutter and then you can actually use that to deconstruct all of the black marble around the stairs even around the entrance a little bit and then you can start to make it more difficult for enemies to come in and attack you you can then use some of this black marble to block the way so that enemies can't get down to you so you see now we've got a pretty good barricade then in this spot you can always place a portal so you can keep Portland back to deposit any mats and have easy access from your base if you do die in the process of clearing the dungeon okay so now I'm going to clear out this dungeon and hopefully you guys can pick up a few tips on the way so I'm gonna take it slowly just waiting to see what comes around Each corner I'm gonna mostly stick to bow and arrow see they're all just starting to uh pile up near the entrance now this is quite a common thing that happens if you just stay right by the entrance sometimes they get aggro and start trying to run towards you um also as usual sledgehammers are actually really good for clipping through walls so you can actually take care of enemies on the other side of any barriers already steps down like this all right now they get close we go with uh Parian and we just uh keep rinsing our repeat and we know there's a tick there so we switch to the pole alarm and maybe we just bait it trying to avoid the Seeker go with bow and arrows whilst it's not right next to us try and beat the tick again focusing on the secondary attacks with the pole arms um we can see these pile of Broods here so we're gonna throw some bombs down there these Broods there's a bruise there that's not getting caught in the uh AOE um now once you're in here and you start looting stuff you can start collecting these fragments as you see them this is obviously one of the things you're going to need to find all right so there's another secret there I'm playing it super safe here by the way you don't need to play it this safe but just for demonstration purposes uh we're gonna be going back to the entrance um and I'm just focusing on any doorways that are open to start with got another fragment there so that's really good now if you use poison bombs are these types of barriers here the effect of the poison will actually clip through the barrier which allows you to uh defeat enemies from safety another way bombs are now super super useful if you use firebombs however um oh if you actually hit the barrier he likes to see a breakdown look if you're here with firebombs hurry this guy I saw a tick so I'm just changes the pole alarm for the tick and uh yeah this is really good this is the Black core so you're gonna need black cores for a few of the recipes as well so this is what they look like it's one of the reasons you're gonna need to know how to clear dungeons effectively um also you've got piles of royal jelly here so you do actually get quite a lot of royal jelly from these dungeons so I'm not going through any barriers yet I'm focusing to open areas because those are the ones that are going to rush us um I just pop this new lingering potion this Crystal's stamina passively I'm gonna throw this bomb on these Broods taking care of all the Broods there very nicely and uh yeah it looks like almost cleared out all of the open areas of this dungeon a focus on any open areas first without open any doors because if things get out of hand it's the open areas that are going to overwhelm you anything behind the door is obviously not going to rush through so we've actually got a soldier here so we're gonna do the combination of bombs on this guy I'm gonna spam a few extra fire ones and whilst he's getting those damage ticks I'm gonna fire some arrows I can't even see his weak spot but just look if we get all those damage ticks at the same time we melt those soldiers uh basically no matter what skill level you are with your character by the way when you make a video like this you always get comments saying oh yeah well that's really easy when you're on level 100 even if you're not on level 100 um again that's never actually true um this is a debate that lots of less experienced players try and get into in the comments um but as long as you're I would say above level 20 or 30. with the skill levels for whatever um weapon types you're focusing on most of the time you're still going to defeat enemies in the same amount of hits or perhaps just an extra hit it is far less of a deal breaker then people realize I'll play this game for thousands of hours multiple World Records in a speedrun no speedrunner gives a about skill levels for this reason so I promise you it's not about the skill levels it's much more about taking it easy being prepared not rushing in and just knowing the right strats basically okay so this is good we've got one of these barriers here so for this I'm going to use a sledgehammer foreign way of clearing out any dungeon in the game really because it Clips through walls this is just the iron Sledge if you use the demolisher extra effective side note as well you actually stun Seekers with doing these so you can then just fly in with a melee attack the hammer still works pretty good for clearing off Ticks by the way also a good option single bomb to deal with all those Broods so we've got another Soldier here so I'm gonna start throwing in bombs we've got a Seeker coming at us here um but they are struggling to get through this door oh okay so multiple enemies ganging up on us hammers are pretty good when you're being gang of the farm we're gonna get my shield out oh this secret is actually stuck behind a wall again okay now let's go with multiple bomb types some extra fire ones what's the bow the soldier again and we really start to get that insane DPS there we go easy peasy oh you see because they're getting very angry at us here so that's that room cleared out oh no it's another Seeker it's gonna wait for this one to land or just Parry him oh we stunned him there more royal jelly if you need that for recipes or black cause more fragments this is actually an excellent excellent dungeon so far I personally like to go around with auto collect turned off in this scenario clear out the dungeon and then just go through my portal dump my weapons and just run around collect everything afterwards and go through my portal I find that's a pretty efficient way I'd rather be over prepared weapons and gear wise and not have space for Loot and actually not die basically ever and then just have to go for a ball to stash my loot that died several times over perhaps have to make a longer Journey all right we're back upstairs going through some of these other doors um we know the Seekers at the other side of this place um so yeah like I mentioned the fire bombers will actually break there was just wooden barriers uh that I discovered in Vines um we're low on arrows but it doesn't matter we can just throw bombs down combining both types of bombs it's a really good way of dealing a lot of DPS foreign for the tick this one always got us off guard we'll Parry this guy we've got more ticks coming some more pull arm action we'll use the tasty meat that quickly get to Max stamina something else of note you have these sort of secret rooms that look like this inside the Dungeons and sometimes they have treasure behind it sometimes it's just more dungeon but it can be easy to miss if you're not always scanning the walls so these are the other type of rooms that you can get behind these hidden doors oh we got super lucky this one actually has the queen register inside so this is actually super rare but these also spawn in Black cores and these chests which now actually contain potions and sausages and obviously some gold as well lots of gold in fact so that's pretty much everything about Dungeons okay so next up we're going to talk about clearing out the Dwarven settlements you're gonna have to do this to get access to the Dwarven extractor generally I recommend trying to keep your distance and using range attacks either with the bow and arrow but also especially if you can get high up like this dropping bombs down can be really really effective this is actually one of my favorite ways to deal with it so yeah we've got a really awesome Vantage Point here you might not always be able to get one like this so this is kind of a lucky spot but we're going to capitalize on it but I will show a few approaches they're in out these Dwarven settlements I'm gonna get a little closer foreign [Music] so yeah the bow is also really good for this I mostly use Frost arrows for this as well um but yeah you can actually do this totally from safety of since some people recommend just taking them out uh one at a time or at least trying to um but obviously there's no real need for that as long as you just stay at range and if you find a vantage point that's far enough away notice you do a lot of this pretty much from safety still got a few left here so I'm just gonna get a few bombs going when there's only like one or two quarters left it's not really a huge problem so that's one option but you can also try and kite Seekers into the Dwarven settlements this can actually be really really effective right here we've created a Seeker Soldier so we're gonna see if uh this secret is enough to win the fight and if not we'll try and kite some extras in it's worth noting that sometimes these Dwarven Towers can spawn right next to the infested mines if you ever see that scenario I highly recommend capitalizing on just leaving all the Seekers alive and try and just lead them all over so the seek is doing a pretty good job but it's looking like it won't be able to defeat all of the uh dwarves there is a y'all over there we could always try and kite oh weirdly enough we've got a mage that's decided to come over to us so uh let's show him how much of a mistake that was oh it's not gonna matter it's the secret is gonna clean up all right so that actually worked out pretty nice to seek a soldier wrecked all these dwarves this actually can happen more often than you think um but we're actually gonna check to see if there's any more dwarves Left Alive it sounds like there might be it's also worth noting by the way that at this point you could just take the extractor but Mage here which doesn't seem to have seen us yet so we're able to sneak off and take that guy out dwarves can drop soft tissue like marble gold and also uh some of the blue jute as well anyway looks like we've successfully cleared this one out just with the use of this one Seeker Soldier but you can do this exact same thing with regular Seekers as well but you do have to get a little bit lucky so now let's talk about how to defeat the boss for this part of the video I've decided the best way to demonstrate this is for me to actually try and kill the boss without dying for you guys trying to explain all of my thoughts and my strategy throughout the fight and but first I want to go over the gear that I've chosen to use for this fight I've actually done this fight without dying several times with this gear set so start with the first slot I'm using the carapace Buckler just for that Parry bonus so I can quickly Parry any Seekers that get too close and then finish them off with a black metal sword using a spine snap from our bow just for those ranged attacks with the arrows and of course Arrow wise I'm going to be mostly going with the frost arrows but I'm taking a little bit of poison arrow and fire arrow so we can keep the elemental ticks going I'm using the frost staff I prefer using this stuff on the boss fight compared to the other staffs because of its higher DPS and each shot requires less ether to use so anytime we're actually at distance and in a safe spot and we have line of sight on the boss we're gonna be chipping away at the boss's health for as long as we can then we've got bile bombs and ooze bombs we're going to be throwing these at the boss as often as we can because we want as many Elemental damage ticks going on as possible to keep that DPS up this is actually going to dramatically reduce the length of time it takes to kill the boss and that's why I've got a hundred of each bomb type then we've got the big health potions got basically two stacks of those tasty Meads to restore stamina one Mass stamina meat is on cooldown stamina Meats so you can quickly run away if Below on stamina I'm taking the dead riser mainly just to use when I first go in because the skeletons can actually distract the boss and allow us to get a lot of ranged attacks in and then level 2 characters helmet level 2 characters Greaves just for the arm values the feather Cape is really useful in this boss fight because you want to keep running away as much as possible and go for as much range attacks as possible I find and so this can lead to a lot of falling off the edge because it's actually quite a vertical boss fight and I'm actually using The Ether weave robe because it boosts your ether regen which helps when using the staff and we've also got these minor ether mids which restore re the bar which will also help with the staff usage the Wisp light because it can still get Misty in there and then for food we've got the honey glazed chicken because of that high HP and then just two the best eat the food which is the secret aspect and the ages of porridge just so we have a decent enough ether bar to get a lot of DPS in with the staff now this may seem like a pretty low HP food combination and that's because it is [Music] but with this approach we're going to be trying to keep our distance as much as possible so hopefully we won't get hit that much anyway I'm also going to be going for rested and going in with the bone mass buff all right let's go for it I'm going to start with summoning my skeletons foreign I can't actually see the queen yet oh we found a all right so let's start out by getting those poison foreign taking care of any Seekers that are close by like I said my Approach here is to really just get as much DPS going as possible it's kind of a lot going on but in this scenario I'm gonna be kind of running away a lot and whenever I have ether I'm gonna try and capitalize on our ether usage foreign and if I see that she's not actually taking damage sticks making sure I always get some bombs in there so she's always got some damage ticking away on her so we are out of ether now so we're gonna be going to arrows oh took quite a lot of damage there I actually haven't used my bone mass yet so Now's the Time to use that well she's been quite fast now trying to restore some stamina take out these Seekers also getting close all right we don't want it to ever be recovering HP because whenever you're not doing the damage to a boss in this game did you gradually restore HP over time which is another reason why bombs are really good because on this boss fight you'll find that a lot of the time you're having to avoid damage and if you spend more time avoiding damage then deal in damage that is a pretty good chance it's going to take you way longer to defeat the boss because if there's too much time in between the times when you're attacking then uh she's just gonna out heal you so it's one reason why bombs are really useful be consistently dealing damage you can see as well a lot of the smaller mobs foreign also take a lot of damage is that her over there you can see that she just went away I think she's closer than we think here yeah there she is okay again just re-lighting those ticks trying to get with shots in with this stuff as we can so we are taking hits here if we ever get in danger by the way we can always just drop down because of the feather Cape it does help a lot um our bone mask buff is actually been very useful for us right here whoa the tasty meat I don't see it but yeah she's right there I think she maybe got away sometimes you have to take a bit of a stab in the dark quite literally because there's no location um so whenever we get this chance to be dealing damage with the staff from safety to try and take it ideally we would do that while she's also getting Elemental fixes for the highest amount of DPS oh foreign actually kind of insane so far I can't see where the boss is at right now it does seem like we're hardly taking any damage right now well that will change a lot once uh or bone mass flares off oh God it's not good all right we're down at the bottom now would have been good to have dropped off at one point there probably try and go up a bit whoa she came super close to me then [Applause] right this has been way too long without dealing any damage always staying aware that you need to constantly be dealing damage there's a really key factor in the success of any boss fight in this game really but this one in particular because of the giant hell fall that she has [Applause] uh one Strat that I feel like is worth mentioning is uh making sure that you're actually always heading upwards can get you in a situation where you're always gonna have the option to escape by just dropping off okay so you can see that it's actually quite common oh we got a save there which is weird it's actually quite common to be in a situation um where you can get damage in with your staff but at that moment she will also um start to speed poison at you so oftentimes the moments where you're able to get your most damage in quite short-lived um another thing I really want to mention during this boss fight is you might notice that I'm completely avoiding corners I just never ever put myself in a situation where I might end up getting cornered because it's actually a huge problem during this boss fight to be cornered she sounds pretty close she is close so she's trying to oh you see these bombs again are just so valuable because you can also get a lot of damage in whilst you're on the Escape and this boss more so than any others is largely about trying to always be dealing damage because there's almost a guarantee that it's gonna be a long Buy um and yeah we can stop and fight a lot of these enemies by the way but that is also gonna just increase the chances of us getting ganged up on I'm just refilling up my bombs um so in these kind of situations she actually just went underground oh no she came back out over there look in these kind of situations it can actually be hard to hit her with anything other than Arrows by the way um [Applause] oh Josie fell down then uh which is why it's worth it to me to have both bow and arrow and um okay I'm gonna use my health potion right now I'm trying to not overuse health potions okay she's quite a bit closer than where she was just at so that's why I'm going for the staff when she's a bit further away sometimes it's not really worth going for the staff it's quite easy to miss all right let's get those damage ticks in so run away from that poison in the meantime think she went underground again see a brood there maybe try and get out there she is look let's try and get rings attacks it's good to get poison attacks in uh sorry like bomb attacks and uh bowel Obama news bomb attacks from range but it's actually easy to miss at that range so typically just try and go for staff or Arrow when she's really far away Seekers are actually one of the biggest problems in this fight if all you're doing is running away because they really will hunt you down um oh that's a perfect spot for the staff damage there's a nice chunk of damage you just did at some point she probably will reappear pretty close by so I'm not rushing in I'm just being patient um because she can't make her way over to you pretty quickly but that I can't see her Makes Me Wanna throw bombers in places where we have no vision all right I'll see ya now it's actually kind of nice when you can get her in this routine of just staying on the stairs and trying to Lunge at you uh bombs can be quite a useful way to find her location okay always making sure that stay in top top with food whoa dude all right going a little bit too long without dealing enough damage here we don't want it to uh the healing to watch it'd be easy to Coast by but it's safe but actually you need to make sure doing as much damage as possible this is a little bit low damage all of this huge amount of time here that we spent not doing any damage accidentally used a potion there but Jesse keeps falling down which you know is a safe thing but it's really just gonna make it so it takes forever to get to get through the fight and the more you extend the boss fight more likely all your stuff starts to run out and all your gear starts to break so we're actually gonna move in a little bit closer might notice by the way it's one of the top things that you might see other speedrunners do is uh switch to the Hammer instead of unequipping because there's no animation when you switch to that hammer which means that you can get the extra movement speed of move-in without having to carry a weapon um without having to stop to unequip the weapon which can get you out of some sticky situations right so I'm pinned now I'm going to try and Roll and Roll and fall and then we're just gonna focus on falling down all the way to the bottom we know we're in a dangerous situation here we can uh throw some bombs to uh make hard position a little bit safer the entrance is a pretty safe place as well um so I'm gonna stay top top on stuff and just wait here get my shield out and any second now you will be able to use our health potion there we go so we're using our bombs in this moment now now we've healed I'm just gonna run away I'm actually gonna try and just run all the way back up to the top um there's a good chance he cuts us off though yeah here we go so now we can fall down again and uh that one pretty much good we recovered and we've not got too many enemies piled up in one spot I'm a little bit lost though it can be easy to get lost downstairs I find um well you're being chased by enemies throwing bombs is also like a really solid thing to do all right I know she's over there so we're gonna run in the opposite direction pretty much foreign Trip Away damage the bombs right now now we're in a solid spot again even though I've lost it let's see The Seekers ow ow I one of the reasons why I'm using one so much as well is because it's actually just a really passive way to uh if you're dealing damage to the mobs that are after us that allows me to mostly just focus on doing damage to the boss okay here we go this is gonna be a good lot of damage can't quite see it down there so that was a good example of how to get out of a sticky situation using all the straps and stuff that we've talking about during this fight so far sometimes it's worth taking some hits by the way just for the sake of dealing damage to the enemies you're surrounded by getting rid of one really quickly and taking a little bit of extra damage if that makes it so you can get rid of the other one very easily you can definitely be worth it but scenarios like that yeah now we've got a trapped in a really nice spot so as you can see like capitalizing on the right time to be able to use this staff it's something that's not necessarily always present like if we just stand in front of doing it we are just gonna get wrecked foreign get back up there now I don't want to get too far down I find the actual entrance area is one of the most dangerous areas they're very and they're very first spot by the doorway is a great spot to stay safe but um the actual bit with all the pillars and the holes where the Seekers come out I guess he finds to be a terrible spot to be in right we don't want to get trapped in the corner she's actually a nightmare for trapping you in the corner I'm gonna drop back down for food potions and then I'm gonna mostly just run away whilst throwing bombs on the ground now um try and get some high advantage as soon as we can I'll wait until Jesus stamina potion because oh actually we might be able to just use a tasty meat now I've got rid of those Seekers it's gonna say with a Seeker on your tail tasty means not like super interesting uh super useful which will just end up standing there and taking loads of damage so many Broods around right here what's happening here we go there she is I would be gradually wearing it down this whole time see we're getting very close now it's not a time to get careless though that is the perfect scenario of if you just backed into a corner there you'd just be dead pretty much see The Seekers coming so it will bow and arrow out ready foreign [Applause] she went away that's annoying but basically you just stick to the entire same set of strats for the whole boss fight and just be patient and it's really just about avoiding damage oh we've got our bone mask back as well which is great it's about avoiding damage but also constantly dealing damage oh God [Applause] actually didn't mean to fall down that one time but I am after this gonna show you a way to cheese this pie there is as the way currently stands a way easier way to do all of this but this is a conventional way and honestly this way is super fun to me I absolutely love it I'm just gonna tank it at this point boom there we go she's dead obviously it's not officially over so you survived the whole thing technically right you see because it is chilly there we go a few brews left but that is it that is officially Queen boss fight so I hope you got some tips from this I hope you found it useful there's the giant crazy Queen Trophy next I will show you what this trophy does while billia gives you but before that I want to show you a cheeky cheese how you can choose this boss fight so let's do that okay so this is the official where you can choose this boss fight you can come into the room and aggro the bosses by shooting it with a bow and if you hide behind this wall and stay in this exact spot in this left corner any of the sledgehammer type weapons will actually deal damage to the boss through the wall right now I'm demonstrating this with the demolisher but any Sledgehammer weapon will work this is just the new best type of Sledgehammer weapon if you do this with Max stamina food and rested uh you can actually get through this really quickly you will have to repair your Hammer uh once if you use rested probably twice if you don't um but yeah you can actually kill the boss this way uh and I've tested this to load for the speed run um because this is a pretty good Speed Run Strat and it works super consistently um I've seen people bring this up and say about having to fight off enemies but actually if you stay jammed in this left corner like this facing the wall I have found that extremely consistently you do not get attacked by enemies so you can actually do this really really safely and obviously yeah it's faster if you go with like Max stamina food and uh that's rested as well but this is a totally viable way to kill the boss right now uh that's super easy let's see if this gets patched or not I kind of hope it doesn't but uh if it does it makes sense right I kind of hope it doesn't because I think this is actually a super fun thing for the speed run right now but uh obviously it totally makes sense if they do want to patch it I'll understand if I had to figure out another way around I just thought it was a cool trick to show you guys the purposes of this video so the buff for the queen forsaken power is faster Mining and increased ether regeneration next up I want to show you guys all of the new build pieces in the update as I see tons to get through here and lots of it there isn't really that much to say so I'm just gonna let the build pieces speak for themselves then afterwards I'll show you guys an example of something cool that I built with some of the new pieces thank you [Music] thank you so this is a build that I've done with some of the new black marble pieces I really like all of the new angled pieces and new pillars it really allows for a whole new style of architecture and I really like how this build kind of looks like some kind of weird Ancient Temple just by being able to do some different shapes and I really love how you can really make some cool looking doorways now but yeah there's a ton of new potential as you can probably see with the new build pieces I do feel like it's worth noting in particular that these lanterns don't go out which for a lot of people will be a huge deal people actually install mods just so they don't have to keep collecting resin so I think that's actually a really awesome addition but anyway this is just a little example I wanted to show you there's also been some changes to the trader in the update you'll notice now that if you go to visit health or right near the beginning of the game he won't be selling all the items that you used to see in now I should beat bosses in the game new items unlock at the trader to get the Thunderstone you have to defeat the Elder to get the yamir flash you have to defeat bone mass I want you to defeat your glove you get a very special new item which is a chicken egg so now I'm just gonna demonstrate everything that was described with a few commands [Applause] foreign [Music] so the egg costs 1500 gold and with it you can actually Farm chickens which brings us on to the next part of the video okay so the way chicken farming works is first of all you want to build some kind of structure to protect your chickens and then you just place the egg on the floor and this actually works slightly differently to other items because you won't also collect the egg then if you Mouse over the egg you can see if it's warm or not so what you need to do is bought a heat Source nearby I recommend putting a fire on the other side of the wall I like to use a bonfire because rain won't put it out and obviously you don't want to put the fire anywhere where the chickens might walk onto it as long as the egg is warm it will eventually hatch into a chick she can actually see one here it does take a while at first to hatch and you will need two eggs to start your chicken farm so they can breed the processing slow at first but as soon as you get a couple of chickens on the go they do start to multiply pretty quickly anyway once you chicken is hatched eventually it will grow into a hen oh that was good timing and then the hens will eventually lay new eggs and then those eggs will hatch into chicks and the cycle continues Jenkins do however need a food source and they will eat any seed type except for turnip seeds so as you can see I only added this one egg for demo purposes and even just in a short period of time we've been in here one of our hens has laid an egg so like I said it's a slow start but once things gets going it's pretty quick you are also gonna need a butcher's knife to kill your chickens just to show you can't actually damage them and just to show you what the chickens actually drop I'll Slaughter one for you and they drop chicken meat and feathers so chicken meat is a really good food source it's actually used for one of the best recipes in the game which we'll show later um but this also gives you an infinite supply of feathers as well which is really cool as well as chickens you can now follow mushrooms with the misslands update but this all you need is a cultivator and one of the new mushroom types whether it's a jotum puff or a mage cap however it is worth noting they do not grow in any other biome except for the misslands so you're gonna have to plant them in the missland's biome and they also need Sky overhead just like the other stuff you can Farm in the game and it's also worth noting that each mushroom type once fully grown will develop into three of each mushroom so this is a really good way to stock up on tons of mushrooms which will be useful to craft some of the new recipes there's also been some pretty big changes to fishing in valheim now when you catch a fish it no longer turns into raw fish instead you get the entire fish in your inventory which corresponds to one of several new kinds of fish that you can find scattered across the ocean and these fish can also be used to craft specific new baits so how this works is that there's now generic fish which are the ones that we're used to seeing everywhere and those can be caught using the usual bait that you can buy from haldor but then there's some of the more unique fish which change depending on which biome you're in they require one of the new baits so I'm now going to go through all the bait recipes we have a cold fishing bait which requires one tuna and one old trophy the current build on the public test server does swap the old trophy for the Fenway trophy so it changes the recipe to one tuner a one fan ring for the cold fishing bait so I just wanted to include that just in case that change has actually happen hot fishing bait which requires one angler fish and one certain trophy sticky fishing bait that requires one troll fish and one abomination trophy stingy fishing bait which requires one giant heron a one fueling trophy heavy fishing bait that requires one Pike and one serpent trophy Misty fishing bait that requires one grouper and one locks trophy Mossy fishing bait that requires one perch and one troll Trophy and one Frosty fishing bait that requires one magma fish and one Drake trophy first of all you probably noticed that all of these require trophies which adds an awesome new use to trophies in the game that were previously pretty much useless other than just decoration now I'm not going to hunt down absolutely every single fish type in this video because that would take quite a while but just to show you how the process works we're going to go and try and catch a troll fish so I haven't quite worked out which fish all the bait catches yet but I have found that it's kind of pretty obvious just based on the recipe this bait is called Mossy fishing bait it says dead trolls in the forest often attract official too and you craft this with the perch and the troll Trophy and this is used to catch troll fish so let's go and Hunt some down so here we are in the Black Forest where trophies spawn and I can see this is school a troll fish here in front of me so we're gonna equip the mossy fishing bait see if we can't catch one of these troll fish okay we've got one hooked and boom we officially caught a troll fish the models for all the new fish by the way looks so cool and just to show you that you need specific bait I'll equip the normal bait so look you get this notification saying it's not taking the bait when you use the wrong kind of bait so if you see a cool looking fish anywhere just offshore look for any recipe that uses a trophy from the biome that you're in that's a pretty good hint for most of them and oftentimes just the name of the baits or the description is a little hint as well some of them like Misty fishing bait are actually really obvious so look you can see that we just managed to catch an angler fish there with spawns in the misslands with the Misty fishing bait to craft these baits by the way you're going to need to use your cauldron and they do all seem to require station level one which is actually pretty convenient but it's actually brings us on to the next part of the video there is actually a new station upgrade to The Cauldron called the mortar and pestle this means that your cauldron can now be up to level five which is required to cook some of the new recipes to make a mortar and pestle you'll need eight black marble six fine wood and four core wood so now let's go through all of the new recipes of which there is a lot so I'm just gonna try and fly through these I'd rather they give you all the stats I'll just tell you whether it's a stamina health or magic food and what value it gives you for the relevant attribute so in no particular order first up we've got salads there are stamina food that gives you 80 stamina and a 3 HP tick they require three jotan Puffs three onions and three Cloud berries we've also got a mushroom omelette which is also a stamina food that gives you 85 stamina and a 3 HP tick and that requires three eggs and three jotum Puffs then we've got our cooked egg which does requires an egg this is a health food that gives you a 35 HP and gives you a 2 Hp tick next up we've got eggosol porridge which is a magic food that gives you 80 ether and a three HP tick this requires four sap three barley and two royal jelly next up you've got cooked chicken meat which is a health food that gives you a 60 HP and a 5 HP tick and for this you just need chicken meat next up we've got uncooked fish and bread this requires an angler fish and two bread dough and this will also need to be baked in the oven and cooked fish of bread gives you 90 stamina and a 3 HP tick then we've got cooked zika meat cooked Sika meat is another health food that gives you 60 HP and a 5 HP tick to cook these new Meats by the way you'll need to use an iron cooking station next we have our uncooked magically stuffed shroom for this you'll need three Mage caps one blood clot and two turnips this is a magic food that gives you 75 ether and a 3 HP tick then we've got cooked ham meat which is a health food that gives you a 60 HP and a 5 HP tick then we've got an uncooked meat platter which requires one second meat one lox meat and one hair meat and the meat platter is a health food that gives you 80 HP and a 5 HP tick we've got an uncooked missed hair Supreme that requires one hair meat three jotan Puffs and two carrots the missed hair Supreme is a health food that gives you 85 HP and a 5 HP tick then we've got Seeker aspect which is a Magic boot that gives you 85 ether and a 3 HP tick that requires two secret two Mage caps and two royal jelly then we've got an uncooked honey glazed chicken that requires one chicken three honey and two jokes and puffs and the honey glazed chicken is a health food that gives you 80 HP and a 5 HP tick that is actually it for all the new help recipes however there are a couple of new Mead recipes first up we've got the major healing recipe to make the meat base for this you're going to need 10 honey four blood clots and five royal jelly all these will of course have to be placed in a fermenter then we've got the minor ether potion this requires 10 honey five sap two Joe Tom Puffs and five Mage caps I finally got the lingering stamina that requires 10 sap 10 cloudberries and ten jolten Puffs major healing will actually instantly restore 125 Health which is absolutely huge minor ether will instantly give you 125 ether which is also a lot of ether and the lingering stamina is particularly interesting because it gives you a passive 25 HP stamina regen bonus so it's kind of like having an extra rested bonus just be a stamina and the duration of this is five minutes however it's worth noting that even though this is a different kind of potion you can't use regular stamina potions while the lingering stamina meat is active there's also some new skills that have been added to valheim these work pretty much exactly how you would expect by simply increasing the effectiveness of using the relevant tools relating to each skill we've now got a fishing skill which is self-explanatory blood magic skill which relates to the new Dead Riser an elemental magic skill which relates to the Frost and fire staffs and a crossbow skill which relates to the new crossbow obviously we've also got some new hairstyles including curls one pills 2 gathered braids neat braids pulled back curls Royal braids short curls single Bond and twin bonds as well as the new beard styles including braided four rated five Royal one Royal two short four Stone dweller and thick too we've also got a ton of new emotes including below kiss bow Cowa cry dance which is absolutely epic by the way [Music] despair [Music] Lex come here head bang Neil Raw and shrug we've also got some really cool new music additions like the new misslands music which includes a track for missland's exploration for missland's locations and the missland's boss and all of this new music is absolutely awesome and we also now have special music for when we're visiting haldor [Music] the music is also now more Dynamic for example when resting by a fire it will now change to better suit the mood [Music] there's also two new events including one where you get invaded by Seekers called they sort you out let's get super hectic and the other one is called what's up y'all where you get attacked by y'alls and this one seems to only be triggerable in the misslands however it is for sure the thing of nightmares one of the other cool new things in this update is we technically have a new NPC in the form of hugin's brother munin I'm not going to spoil all of what munin says but I think fans of the lore of this game are gonna love this and I think he looks super cool we do also have some really cool additions for base defenses including this Ballista which you can craft with 10 black metal 10 digital wood three mechanical Springs and a workbench and to craft the mechanical Springs you're going to need one refined ether and three iron so to use this ballista once you've placed it you actually got to need some of the blister ammo which are the new missile items that we explain how to craft daily in the video once you've got some missiles you walk up to some blister and just press e to add them and the Ballista will officially shoot anything within 180 degree radius in front of it um including you which uh is kind of a weird twist but anyway this is a really cool addition and I think the site was actually a lot of fun we've also got some Dwarven sharp Stakes which require five extra wood two iron and a black Forge and these actually look really cool and these actually pair nicely with the new stake wall as well and perhaps the coolest and most interesting addition for bass defenses is the Trap you can craft this with five black metal 10 bronze nails and one mechanical spring and you're gonna need a workbench and this is basically a giant bear trap it works exactly how you would expect once it's been set off you actually get stuck in it for a few seconds and then you can reset it again by pressing e and this will trigger from anything that walks into it so I really think with the addition to the new base defenses you'll be able to have an extremely secure base with the right build which I think is super cool so by this point you've heard me mention several new maps that you're probably wondering how easy they are to get hold of so let's talk about resources so the two main resources you're going to be after for these new recipes are extra still award on black marble in the misslands you do get this new tree type which is called the Idris Els shoot and to chop this three down you're going to need a black metal ax know what that ax will do the job however if you're very lucky you may be able to get a Seeker Soldier to chop it down for you these trees are actually pretty plentiful so as long as you have a black metal ax you'll be absolutely fine this is a side note I think the model for the pieces of each result what is so cool again so we briefly mentioned this resource type at the start of the video but these petrified bones in the remains of giants littered across the misslands are the number one source of black marble that you're going to find in the game these do require a black metal pickaxe but if you're mine every last petrified bone you find this will yield a lot of black marble and remember inside the brains you can find all the soft tissue you need all right so we're almost at the end of this epically long guide but there are a few more things I want to mention that didn't really warrant their own full video part but I still think are important to let you guys know so this is officially the miscellaneous section of the video your stamina level is now remembered when you re-log so no more we log in to get a Max stamina bar you used to be able to spam jump when going up really steep hills to kind of fly up mountains really fast that has also been nerfed there's been a few little terrain generation changes we'll see just to do with fitting in the misslands and there's actually been some sort of height map changes in the misslands themselves Bish can now spawn in Ice Caves there's been multiple improvements to several of the animations and visual effects the stamina drain multiplier when running uphill has actually been removed so it used to be that the steeper the hill you were running up the faster your stamina would drain now it actually always drains at the same rate which I actually think this is a really nice change because stamina uses in valheim is actually pretty intense anyway and it could be kind of unintuitive views going uphill so I think this is a good change doc back mechanics have been reworked a little bit axes now have a special attack which is actually pretty cool some enemies now have weak spots which we did briefly cover with the secret Soldier but the troll also has a weak spot if you shoot him in their head there's also some new law stones and new dreams as well alright guys that's just what I'm gonna do for this video but before I wrap up I just want to say thank you so much for watching to the end of this video I know you guys are always eager to see more content from me and you may have expected more from me over the last couple of weeks but hopefully now you see that this video is almost the length of like a feature film it's pretty clear where I've been spending my time so this was a lot of effort but I hope it helps because I really wanted to put something out to help returning players and new players and people that just appreciate a little bit more detail and don't want to have to just watch a ton of different videos to know everything about the update but anyway we're gonna leave it there so thanks a lot for watching I hope you enjoyed the video if you did don't forget to leave a like and a nice positive comment and subscribe for future content I do actually stream live on this very YouTube channel and live on Twitch at Nick rawcliffe so I'll leave a link in the description to my twitch Channel if you're interested in that although what I could do here is actually completely crowdfunded so if you would like to support the content and help keep my dream alive I've been able to continue to do this and in return your access to a private valheim server they can do so on patreon at Nick rawcliffe I'll leave a link in the description if you're interested in that as well you can follow me on social media and join my Discord at the links below and until next time have a good one [Music] thank you [Music]
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Views: 298,231
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Keywords: valheim, valheim mistlands, valheim update, valheim mistlands update, valheim guide, valheim tips, valheim tips and tricks, valheim mistlands boss, valheim mistlands build, valheim mistlands guide, valheim mistlands tips, valheim mistlands tips and tricks, valheim new, valheim new boss, valheim new update, valheim news, valheim mistlands boss fight, valheim mistlands new boss, valheim mistlands boss guide, valheim mobs guide, valheim dungeon guide, valheim gjall guide
Id: OCeadtVZjMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 24sec (5964 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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