Comedians Remembering Patrice O'Neal

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bill bird patrice o'neill keith robinson jim norton colin quinn myself um when i say we would sit at this table we would sit at this table for four to five hours and it would be nothing but beautiful trashions to one another this is something that you're doing to uh this is going to raise money for patrice o'neill one of the great great funniest stand-up funniest comic i ever saw unfortunately passed away i'm gonna try to get through this and um sorry that's all right you're gonna by doing this you're gonna raise money for his mom money for his mom and his wife and uh this is huge this is huge i just want to say we missed the hell out of patrice man he's he made everyone in this room better and uh it kills us to this day i just want to tell you a person yeah on the i missed the days of him just walking down that long hall yeah because you know you're you had to be on your game and he was going to [ __ ] bring it and you also knew that it was like all right this the next two hours of radio oh yeah yeah i can become a fan now absolutely right right you could sit back and just watch it was amazing watching him do radio just absolutely amazing i missed talking and hearing silence from my right and then looking over and just seeing that look people just scrunched up face look people don't realize like how many bad jokes you gotta wait like he would be looking over like everybody else would be laughing and then you just you just felt a bit yeah you felt this head turn and then you make that face and you just shrug your shoulder i know it's not up to you but this is all like this is the talent oh you think you knocked one out of the park and then he's just um sometimes he would do it just because you got a good laugh right right and he saw you happy like look at him enjoying himself for a second was that but he would let you know man when you were being funny when you got a laugh out of patrice amazing feeling yeah yeah so like you got called up to the major right we went up to montreal in that truck and we had to go through customs right so you have to pull over and get out of your truck and go into a building and it's me and i still don't remember who the other comics were but we were all white patrice is the only black guy and uh they take all our passports and stuff and then they go ladies like no one of you has a record or something all all four of us look at patrice and he's like what you mf is looking at and and the lady behind the count is trying not to laugh you know i don't know why to this day i don't know what was in his whatever just to prove that stereotypes aren't true at all the other comic was me and i was like but uh so we we we get back we he i i'm busting his chops because i'm i'm really the headliner because when you host the nasty show your name is on the market right you're the other you know you're the one that's selling tickets shimmel hosted it when i did it and bobby slate was the mayor right right but because patrice is arguing with me because he goes on last every night and then on the way up he's saying man well if that's the way you see it man and i'm like the way i see it that's how it is man don't tell me i'm the headliner and we get up there and i you know do my stick up front and then he goes on last after a killer show and just destroys just takes it to a different level you know geraldo colin quinn nick depaolo jim norton rich voss patrice o'neill keith robinson bobby kelly it was insane and if you came down there and you wore the wrong shirt it was [ __ ] over so the funniest guys i ever met yeah i ever met like they they were uh they weren't real patrice was the king like you walked in if he wasn't there you were relieved and there were nights when you were on a roll and you know you were you were killing someone at the table and then he starts walking in like your heart would sink oh [ __ ] here we go here we go here we go now it's the real deal dad's home eddie if said the funniest thing one time he goes dude he goes sometimes like i'll come walking into the cellar and he goes up he would just as he walked in patrice would be killing the table and then just see eddie come in it'd be like and just start yelling over at him and he said and eddie said that i would literally think [ __ ] he saw me and and and then that's when the the whole thing kind of took off and like a tough crowd came out of that how about you kev uh you know what if i wanted anyone to be president i would want to be shaq because shaq can do whatever the hell he wants shaq can call you in right now and tell him that he wants to bomb france they're going to say but why shaq they didn't do anything uh i don't know i don't like the basketball team i think the basketball team stinks i want to drop a bomb on him i want to dunk it he called me with that shack do you think this shack is gonna be good yeah the comedian that you remind me of do you know who i'm speaking of uh no he was my favorite community and he passed away a couple years ago patrice o'neil the reason i love patrice was uh he had his own truth and he was going to tell you and he wasn't going to take any prisoners and that's a giant void to fill patrice o'neill because i felt he was the funniest guy in the world when he passed away but uh yeah our great friend patrice o'neill passed away man and we're all absolutely [ __ ] devastated and i'm gonna try not to get emotional here but he has a um he has a uh a dvd called elephant in the room makes a great christmas gift and it would really help out his mom and he also has a new cd out on itunes called mr p and if you guys could do me a huge favor do you want to repay me for the podcast on any level could you please buy that man's work because i got to tell you man that guy no joke is the funniest [ __ ] dude i ever met in my life and it's not even close it's not even close and you can't even that dude was so funny like even his stand-up work only just captures like a sliver of how [ __ ] funny that guy was that guy i'm telling you like him walking in to a deli to buy a newspaper was funnier than most comedians i ever met and it's just uh it's just [ __ ] awful i'm still in shock that he's uh he's not here anymore and um i don't know when the time's right i'll be telling some some of his stories because of the i'm telling you i can tell you this there's not going to be another one and that's the thing that probably hurts the most is that there's no [ __ ] way i'm ever gonna meet someone like that again in my life all right okay no crying on the podcast here we go plowing ahead so if you guys could [ __ ] do that for me i would really appreciate it um yeah all right so here we go push it down bill push it down do you ever worry that maybe you're putting out this energy and you're manifesting something like some sort of an attack on you because you're constantly dwelling on it and you always have this gun and patrice goes joe believe in magic don't believe me conjuring up the world hey man a positive energy just starts laughing see he's magic joke magic most like most of my friends that are comics most are are at best okay and usually awkward or bad at talking to women yeah a lot of comics most comics are yeah yeah yeah that's usually like guys that came up weren't no no i can't patrice trace was ridiculous patrice could actually insult them all the way into the bedroom that's so crazy they would just be walking and going i know i know you're right but those are the broken girls and broken girls you can always manipulate sure listen right no let me tell you it's still work yeah it's just something that women won't understand because you guys don't have to convince people to have sex with you that's all they're great things yeah but like uh bobby kelly back in the day phenomenal at talking to check phenomenal really phenomenal nah like there were legends in new york i was not part of that you're not legend crew no dude come on ron i look like ron howard it was like i just always had to work but uh there was yeah there was i don't i don't i don't want to like you know but patrice patrice i had heard about i mean even a few other years ago about his uh you know i mean i knew he was gifted obviously i mean him on here stand up on shows but i heard stories about him with women about how that was ridiculous yeah it was ridiculous it made no sense and he was he he was so good at making them uncomfortable that they ignored all of his imperfections that were just right in front of their face like yeah one time we was sitting i know i've told this i think i told this one on opinion anthony uh we were sitting down the cellar this is one of his classics and there was three women they were excited and was a loud bar and they were talking so you know women when they talk loudly yeah and he just he just yelled over at one he's like ma'am miss ma'am ma'am and she finally looks up she's gorgeous and he go and she looks she's like what he goes your voice she goes is it loud and he goes it's piercing and and we just started laughing at her and it took her a second to regroup and i don't know what happened five minutes later all three of them gorgeous are standing around patrice and he has them auditioning to see who has the best phone sex voice and they're doing it because he had them all convinced that despite how they looked their their voices were so annoying that most guys actually secretly didn't like them wanted them to shut up and didn't want to hear their opinions yeah and they bought into that yeah and next thing you know they're trying to prove to him that they can be sexy and they were like you know they were all nines yeah like and nine in new york too yeah yeah yeah super smooth yeah so that was uh incredible i saw my time walked up to a girl and she was she was gorgeous and she had this little scar on her forehead and he comes walking up with his big stupid finger she was sitting down and he goes i like that and he pointed right at her scar and she was like mortified and that and that's just how we would you just started off balance with him yeah and then he just kept pushing your shoulder at verbally every time you'd start to regain your footing he would find something else and he would just trash you for an hour and then you loved him yeah now some nights you hated him you wanted to you literally wanted to kill him like he would make you so many would start laughing at you it was brutal i beat him once in 20 years of knowing him at the point which is inevitable i mean it's inevitable at least once you're gonna win yeah i just got him we were on the phone it was a three-way call me him and bobby i think and i was using all of his techniques which which made him mad and then he was off his game he didn't talk to me for like three days he was so upset but uh but it was literally like you know if they when they only drag some idiot out of the stands and he hits a half court shot sure you drag enough idiots out there eventually someone's gonna hit it yeah um that's basically what happened but other than that i think yes i was basically one in 17 000 conversations with him no he pounded yeah we used to gang up on him and he could still we like gang up on him and you'd get him for a little bit it's just like uh i i can't it's like one of those video games you just can't defeat unless you go online and you get the cheats the cheats where we would we would gang up and try to gang up on him and and he yeah he would still effortlessly and then what would you'd hope you'd have solidarity with the person that you ganged up on and then he would get he'd get you with something and then your friend just had to start laughing at you and then you were done then you were done and then they wanted patrice to stop trashing them so then they would pile on with patrice and then it was brutal so then you'd have to try to get it off you on to somebody else and you just oh it was yeah that's so awful it's so awesome sounds terrible every single no but it made us better i used to go downstairs at the seller and they would be upstairs and you'd have some new bit and somebody would hate your joke like keith would hate it or patrice would hate it it just as long as one person hated it they would bring it up and start saying how awful a joke it was and then everybody would pile on and then you have to be like [ __ ] you i'm still doing the joke and then you go downstairs to do the joke and everyone would be standing staring at you during your set dude and it was uh it was brutal and even if you committed and it got the joke got a laugh patrice had a laugh that would was so loud he could shut the crowd up yeah and he knew when to laugh he just knew what he was doing yeah he was he was a nightmare yeah yeah yeah he was a nightmare i loved him to death but he when he was on you it was a [ __ ] nightmare and it didn't yeah it didn't end when you went on stage right it was jesus yeah well that's why we look at all these [ __ ] people now like i can't even relate to him like this whole new the new thing it's like nobody trap i feel like this old guy like hey you know we used to give each other [ __ ] oh yeah it wasn't supportive but it was supportive because you were uh no you're helping each other out with that yeah for sure well that certainly made like somebody heckling you after that point of sitting there having norton keith voss and patrice on your ass at the same time and then kevin hart came along if you had all five of them trashing you like when you went on stage and somebody heckled you was hilarious yeah because that you you just don't with [ __ ] five of the professional professionals yeah yeah it's so professional yeah that's what you're describing is so foreign to me in comedy there were comics who literally avoided going to the cellar just because of that or they would they would just go downstairs and do their set and then they'd leave they wouldn't go upstairs to the table really yeah and the whole table came about i think because of patrice because patrice got kicked out of the club so we loved him so much we just would go where he was so he would be like in front of the club so we would all just go outside and uh they didn't know how to deal whenever they were telling him he had to leave and he was just like oh else what he's like you'll never ever ever never play this club he's like he's like i'm already kicked out of here [ __ ] you know so we were all just laughing so then they got kicked out of the club though like out of the seller the seller kicked him out why i forget why i forget why he just for being patrice right yeah
Channel: LaughPlanet
Views: 167,128
Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Keywords: patrice o'neal, comedians on patrice o'neal, remembering patrice o'neal, comedy, opie and anthony, bill burr on patrice o'neal, norm macdonald on patrice oneal, patrice o'neal tribute, conan, documentary, kevin hart on patrice oneal, joe rogan on patrice o'neal, patrice o'neal stand up, laugh planet, podcast, interview
Id: xelJgibmFK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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