Kevin Hart Tells HILARIOUS Patrice O'Neal Stories | Joe Rogan

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you do it you ping-pong hate all for one another yeah unless it's funny it can be funny sometimes funny funny hate funny it's just between yourselves like the trees yeah patrice was was one of the best and funny one of the best funny haters okay okay you you bring up a good point comedic hate is a different kind it's a different kind of hate yeah comedic hate right which is true one of the not one of the probably the best patrice patrice used to do i remember when i would talk and if i was saying something you were just here [Laughter] what what you talking about what what are you talking about he's like just the way you talk bugs what your voice everything about your voice just makes me want to punch you in the face like we what are you talking about when he would go after you two it kind of made you feel good too like if you're a comic especially if you're a comic like i called opie and anthony once i was talking to them and anthony anthony always has a gun on him he carries a gun everywhere like he has a concealed carry permit and [ __ ] and i said to him i said do you ever worry that maybe you're putting out this energy and you're manifesting something like some sort of an attack on you because you're constantly dwelling on it and you always have this gun and patrice goes don't believe in magic don't believe me conjuring up the world hey man a positive energy just starts laughing see he's magic joke magic and i'm like when he would go after you man it's like you just want to step back and watch i remember he got bill bird so mad one time oh bill used to get so [ __ ] mad beautiful thing about bill burke when we be snapping bill bill has got to get back i guess it's not funny if you went after him it's not none of it's funny y'all laughing if you build like where's the punch line in it there's no punchline he would get so [ __ ] mad we the comedy seller the days that we had there man bill bird patrice o'neill keith robinson jim norton colin quinn myself um when i say we would sit at this table we would sit at this table for four to five hours and it would be nothing but beautiful trashions to one another when i say they used to give me so much [ __ ] that's probably why it's so hard to bother me now the trashions that i took from the age 20 to 24 in my young comedic career about how awful i was i had a joke i had a joke way in the beginning of my career because of the times let me preface this this was way in the beginning of my career this was a joke that i had about uh about little people midgets at the time and it's you know it was so bad just i got robbed by a cross-eyed [ __ ] and the joke was i didn't know he was robbing me because i was with somebody else so he was looking at my friend but he was robbing me it was like a play on being crying very very awful joke i remember telling this joke and a phone book comes flying on the stage patrice threw a [ __ ] phone book at me i'm talking this is the way at the boston comedy club people in the crowd tiny little place all you heard was and you sit back it hits the floor and i say yo what what the [ __ ] was that and patrice said read it there's better material in it than what you're saying now crowd starts laughing he's ugh they all say they used to trash me so bad so bad man uh give you a legendary patricia neal story a couple of trees jerking off at my house before this is i moved to l.a i'm staying in the two bedroom apartment i just got there patricia's coming out i said yo you need to play sass i got two bedrooms you can come there it's my ex-wife at the time uh you know i come home it's like afternoon i was like patrice i'm like yo you home patrice patrice i go in the back open up the door i said it's big ass computer all i see is his back hunched over like it's like baby oil right here and i come in i'm like what you're doing he's like yo get out get out get out are you jerking off of my housemate [Laughter] he's so sick he's so [ __ ] sick that he didn't stop he said get out get out get out he was so concerned with finishing that he didn't even break stride he didn't turn around acknowledging nothing get out get out you just saw his back hunched he came out like seven minutes later he was like my bad i know he was coming home didn't even acknowledge that [ __ ] patrice man i love him to death love him to death yeah he had the most don't give a [ __ ] of any comic i ever met like the most 100 yeah good and bad though yeah you know there was there was a good to it and there was also some bad to you know a lot of things that didn't happen for patrice probably could have happened but i think the the level of not give a [ __ ] yeah uh prevented some of those things well he was almost too authentic yes like his like did you ever see that was it charlie sheen's roast whose roast was it that he did where he just tortured everybody else it was on the road with him and then he got up there and afterwards you know the [ __ ] on my level yeah you're talking about why am i here i shouldn't even be here with you guys who who the [ __ ] has this been who's this [ __ ] oh my god patrice has so many of those things yeah so many things one of one of the best to do it uh if you if you are listening you're not educated on patrice o'neill just i i i ask that you just watch uh elephant in the room one of his specials some of the some of the funniest [ __ ] ever man and so insightful he was so wise very very smart the way people thought and behaved he would say [ __ ] like one of the things that he said that i i tell people all the time it's a it's a brilliant thing that he said it was um i forget what controversy it was but he was on television with some woman who was saying that you should never tell jokes about certain things you know and they were they were getting mad at someone i think it was open anthony about a joke and he said you gotta understand that all jokes come from the same place the ones you like and the ones you don't like the ones that make you laugh and the ones that make you mad they all come from the same place someone's just trying to be funny yeah like sometimes they just don't work i i had a talk i had a talk with the the i forgot her name i got i forgot her name but it was when i was doing all the promo for upside and they kept trying to break down you know where where where the jokes come from you know kevin these uh insensitive jokes that you told back then why what what makes you why would you even say those things and the hardest thing for me to explain i was like do you think people think of jokes and while thinking of them think that they're not going to be funny everything that you think of in a joke form you're thinking of it because you think you're going to get a laugh behind it yeah the gamble is if i get the laugh versus not get the laugh if you don't get to laugh the joke was not funny if i get it left then i guess i'm on to something there isn't a bunch of thought that goes into the funny moments that we think may be great bits yeah i wish that i had a more logical answer to put behind it i said but i don't especially at that time in my career i just thought it would be funny the same way that some people think certain jokes is funny it's a thought comedians are constantly throwing [ __ ] out there yeah you're constantly rolling the dice and throwing [ __ ] out there half the [ __ ] you roll ain't good right it's not gonna be good the other half maybe all right may be kind of good but it's all with the intent of entertaining is not with the intent of being malicious it's not with the intent of sparking hatred it's all trying to make you laugh yeah that's it like it's it's literally that simple from a thought within a comedian's mind yeah nothing nothing else and they kept trying to look for this like hard definition of why and i was like i don't have it i don't have the reason why i thought it would be funny and it wasn't that's the downfall that's it
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 4,046,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of, Kevin Hart, Patrice O'Neal
Id: 1suf3cKXW6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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