Nate Bargatze Tells Chappelle & Patrice Stories

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the jurogan experience when you first go i went to so when i moved to new york i went to boston comedy club and i barked and handed out flyers oh did you do that i did exactly what i did with pete holmes his show i did exactly that show so uh with pete he got me i moved like five months after pete did and he was like i'm barking at this club and so i was like all right i'll go do that i remember just standing on the corner it taught me to learn to like when i have goals and comedy was like learn just to have little goals like i never said big goals i always said just a goal that i can get and then so i was like i don't want to be on this corner so i was like how do i get off this corner and then it was like you just want to go stand in the door like i just i would like at that moment dream of just being able to take people's tickets at the door right and so you're like and you're just you know hand these fires out people are just dropping them in front of your face like no one cares dude like just throwing them it's like 25 degrees out you're like and uh uh and so but i was at boston so chappelle used to always come by this is 2004 or five so chappelle would always come by and do spots he'd go up in front of six seven people no one was there and then we'd go outside and just say hey chappelle's on stage this was when chappelle show has already been off the air no it's it's right before he ended it oh right before he won wow he would come i remember him coming and having like white makeup on his neck like if he played like a white person on spell show and he would still have it on you know because he'd come from there to uh straight to the stretch of the club and so we'd go up at boston and we would and everybody would go on stage and i'll never forget these one people they walked by and i said hey dave chappelle's on stage if y'all go watch for free you know and boston comedy club member had those steps and there was a window and they go i don't believe you i was like well i'm at a comedy club so i was like he's in there just go look in the window if he's not there then don't go in and they were like no they left i think about those people every day they could have watched your belt for free those people in that 500 bucks those 500 bucks we bring i'm bringing them to my wife every day and those people too i did uh dave's show when he was in new york uh when we did this this fear factor episode and tyrone bigels was on fear factor and uh it was in a warehouse in the middle of the winter freezing [ __ ] cold no heat in the warehouse so we had these little blast furnace you know those things that they do on sets yeah it's like yeah those things that are blowing hot air out and you know you just stand in front of that until it's time to do the scene and then you go out there and do the scene and everybody would run back and stand in front of the blast furnaces but he was in character the whole day as tyrone bigham's he was having so much fun yeah he was i mean watching him he would come by you know and he would go up for a while he hosted one that when uh i think it's when boston switched to the comedy village like he was like run my buddy dustin chafe is the one that got us he was running the boston at the time and then it switched to comedy village whoever sold it but then chappelle came by one night and hosted for everybody like all the even though open mic guys they were going up because he would come up and just do whatever obviously whatever he wanted and uh it was and getting to see that bill burr was a big deal for me uh patrice o'neal i used to sit in patrice's car because he would park it out front of the boston you couldn't park there and he'd go on stage and i would sit in his car and so if a cop came i would just drive his car around and wait till he got done wow i went to their i saw burn patrice where everybody's a big deal but they were they were big for me because when i went to new york you know at that time 2005 something like that they're you know birds just a comic that people know him in new york but he's not he's not doing he's not what he is now obviously and uh so they would come by and they would run their hbo one night stands for these 30 minutes specials and i remember i timed patrice's one night he didn't ask me by the way just like a young comic being like i'll time it for you and he gets off and this is i have no concept of being on tv i think like he has to do 30 to the dot right and i tell him afterwards i was like that was like 34 minutes and he just like looked at me and walked away there was no reason for me i mean i was so embarrassed about doing that and now i know but it was like at the time i was just trying to be uh you know a good comic and like did you see his uh the comedy central documentary they did about him i haven't watched it yet i haven't got to watch it i haven't either i haven't either but i i will make myself for sure but i've seen so many of his sets he was the guy he was he was for sure one of the greats for sure but he was but maybe even more important like he was a cornerstone of not giving a [ __ ] yeah you know what i mean like you had to have a guy like that that was an elite stand-up comics like what what the [ __ ] are you talking about and you you needed a guy like that to have a great point like really well thought out point that was hilarious that showed you why you shouldn't care or why something was stupid yeah like i remember um there was some controversy about uh opie and anthony and he went on some show and some one woman was saying that certain jokes could never be funny and you know and and he went and said like a joke that was on that subject that was funny yeah and and then and he was like look at all but this is a point that he had that's like a really good point that i stick with to this day it's like it all comes from the same place whether the joke is funny or the joke is not whether it's offensive or whether it's hilarious and non-offensive it's coming from the same place you're just trying to be funny yeah and when you're comic you understand that because like you'll say something that some people might find offensive but the only reason why you're saying it is not because you're trying to be mean you're saying because you think there's some funny in there like you're trying to find the funny and sometimes like you'll slip and it doesn't doesn't work at all and sometimes agreeable is not funny right yeah and like the whole point of it is like i can't agree with you exactly comedy's all built from sometimes if someone like they'll be like oh you're being mean to him you're like well i don't that's what the comedy's mean sometimes i mean i i told a joke where i said i did some of my dad but i came out and i did a show these people didn't expect a comedy so they didn't know i was a comedian and i started telling my act they don't know what i'm doing so it just sounds like i'm doing a mean speech because that's what comedy is if you have no if there's no context to it like this guy's the worst and you're like oh but if i if i just told them right i was the comedian they would be like oh okay they get it i still live to this day by some patrice said it was so i was uh i just kind of started with uh big j uh kurt metzger kurt matt's by the way one and kurt and big big j were one of the comics i ever saw that i just was like really where i was like you moved to new york and you're like oh man this is like the real like these guys are like really good you know have you been paying attention what message is doing with uh kyle dunnigan yeah [ __ ] yeah matt's good is one of the i mean one of the funniest guys i've ever really super smart i remember watching him uh at the very beginning he would take me on the road we did like these old weird gigs and so he would just call me his opener and i'm like friends with kurt at this point i drove him to the gig and we'd be in the elevator and he's just on the phone he's like what's that no i'm sitting here with my opener i'm like kurt just say my buddy like you know like we're it's not like i'm opening for like you know seinfeld or something right like it's like you're getting paid uh 800 for this weekend dude like he just would call me that to my face and i got him in that room though i could see he we were we shared a hotel room that's where like the gig we're doing and he goes to put uh we're going to the bathroom and he's like is this lotion and i would always just like mess with him or if he asked a dumb question he goes i need lotion it says conditioner and i go that's it it's conditioner for your skin and i just tell him that and then i walk in there and he's just rubbing conditioner all over his body and then we had to go do radio and when he had everything he was he was he's that's why he called me opener he's a brilliant guy he's a rod duck the moment i met him the first time i met him i met him in montreal ari introduced me to him and he goes hey what's up and then he goes hey what are you doing for your hair your hair's falling out are you doing anything for it i was like whoa i go yeah i'm minoxidil all kinds of [ __ ] he's like yeah me too literally the first words out of his mouth man he's just uh he's got an interesting way of looking at things but he's also got a a a brilliant perspective because he grew up in a cult yeah you know and because he grew up in occults like he sees a lot of those same patterns in like woke thinking and he's like like where you can't question certain ideologies and he gets really angry because no no no i know what the [ __ ] this is because i grew up with this [ __ ] what was he a jehovah's witness yeah that was what right yeah and you know his stories about growing up as a jehovah's witness for [ __ ] crazy i mean can you imagine that coming to your door hey what do you do with your hair that's the first thing he says you're like oh buddy well he's just i don't know i'm so happy he's around though he's yeah it makes me so happy at the comedy store whenever i talk to him uh uh unbelievable and when i watched him at the very beginning uh the patrice thing though so jay was we used to go to patrice's house for uh uh like fourth of july or something he always had a party at his house and so i got invited and jay uh and then someone i got into it with someone else one of patrice's friends basically and he was like and he told jay hey patrice doesn't want nate to come to the party and uh then jay calls patrice and is like uh well the context of this too is like so patrice would always ask me i grew up in the south like i grew up you know christian in the south typical southern upbringing going to church all this stuff so patrice knew that and he would ask me like do you believe in dinosaurs and stuff and i would just go with what i would say no i believe in him but like it was you know i was like i want to just say no like i'm not going to give him what he wants right because then he would make fun of you right right right so i would always do that and so then uh so jay calls him and says hey uh our other guy says that nate can't come to your house for that party and patrice was like what he goes i didn't say he goes that dude doesn't believe in dinosaurs you don't think i want that in my house i want that all over my house because he can come to the party and i've lived my life by that with that eye open mindness to go if someone came up to me say i don't believe in the moon i'd rather talk to that guy than a guy that does believe in the moon catch new episodes of the joe rogan experience for free only on spotify watch back catalog jre videos on spotify including clips easily seamlessly switch between video and audio experience on spotify you can listen to the jre in the background while using other apps and can download episodes to save on data cost all for free spotify is absolutely free you don't have to 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Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 1,709,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party
Id: 5twTAI07Tt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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