Come fare una pancetta stagionata

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hello i am davide then today i am in solara in the province of modena i am produced by a dear friend customer also giorgino artioli that he is an institution here in solaro and above all in the comfortable base of a company that then later maybe later we will do another video of this company and we go to prepare a rolled pancetta and then make it seasonal government very well well then initials and then we start no then meanwhile on the internet there are many types of ounces ways of tying the bacon then the recipe that today giorgino shows us is a recipe from 1939 in the sixties and sixties that has been used here in these parts until modernity ok film yes no even now you look then I got him the bacon and now let's see how to prepare to trim it on and season it and then roll them in the product does not get better, but it's up to you then touches now bring already suffered in the drive so we have to prepare a perfect rectangular piece almost quas i ok let's go it pulls me a bit of fat from the signs that those parts like these real that I don't like that they do this too but in front of the door to the world we pull away with the part here because ali naimi well if it were to be made the irons born with to say this is not good this one here the famous but drums spaghetti in argentina argentina so he wants to trim well then take that now we are in June then he has the bacon or in any case there are a seasoning you have to make it the winter of cobain and choose from October by hand but the first of February from October to February also November if I say because it is cold there is cold and the cold helps the curing the lecce the heat not so much then since I have a cell that allows the curing of the pancetta in the meantime we do not go to do the races then after we see the final result as then after the naturalism will remain from 60 to 90 days ok but there are also those who the season one year the bacon there is also the season of the most but in this case but I have to make it pancetta without rind and therefore it certainly needs good he said more difficult could act father as exact in fact the pancetta with rind rolled out with a batten is a little more protected and therefore a little easier to mature while now we do one without rind and then go and put it in a gut sits on a gut the containment will have to think because this guy is what they expect before they are punished first thing is missing the powerful before ripe are a little before the other faiths so you have trimmed slightly at 45 degrees the tip for one direction and the other upwards so in a way with above in one in the bottom well and I noticed I don't mean it is high saw how you want to trace left so that the two parts fit together so 45 degrees so it is also inside so we have one when we go to roll it up the secret is to pull out all the air possible from the inside because the air a is the one that then after the heat blacken and I love to end moldy ok if the mold is outside well it is good but if the mold is to be thrown away then we continue with the trimming I would say that we are there so you owe it weighed at the beginning there is I repeat now it is about that it was 7 kg this is a seven kilos bacon that he understood that it is a panettone now I have already asked giorgio a giorgino if he does it then later later maybe winter roasts let's say the av cup with the stick with the same then today I also got a bacon with the small rind if we can let's see what we do with them we do with the strips with the sticks let's see now where who lives there who then the 5 kg of fresh bacon remain we prepare it I allow a little in withdrawing the tanning as I said now I tell you all the ingredients then for the doses per kg sails I put under par in the infobox ok so do not worry if you can not understand during the video why to move the sum do to mix maybe you do not understand well however it doses sails said they are those infoboxes anyway while we are going to prepare them ok so we told mine the garlic 3 cloves for fresh bacon nor I prepare 6 because also forgive after three students rejected so on a bacon 3 cloves of garlic let's take our crazy nino let's stay them here now I get invited even when he does his on the least intrusive environment because now I a little bit I invaded his kitchen his laboratory with cameras anyway in short we are working does not give way there is a lot of space but this here the suitable environment right here there is no fireplace to the bag the oven and oven already all tar this is a so he had crushed six basic heads but we will not need only three large will serve lost I see that it takes sea salt we put a pinch of salt to make the pasta because here we make rogue pasta then medium sea salt I change the knife and make the pasta of life such as that of the aforementioned a little more price because it wants so if you do not want to do with this if this process you can take laio in a tube from this to the book since the moment you make a bacon this is air loan is back realizes now it is able finds however he starts talking about figures then a bacon like that you what is the shirt of Mr. who has it not less than 550 now not less then wholesale you calculate wholesale 5 euros and 50 per kg your own bacon fresh without cotella without content five years 50 then start to deal with it if you take it from going to 56 and because different series a which one would say that they now have fewer engines but the winter could perceive inquiries but then practically 6x7 what it was 7 kilos in 7 kg so we are about 45 50 euro ton chic of more or less a piece as we have prepared from 40 to 50 I am not going to do the precise because then more or less defined color factories so we start making ourselves d and points 50 euros just to understand if it is more convenient to have it at home or to go and buy the bacon is made let's try to do it of having salt to us now we have five kilos yes for 20 5 per thousand that per cent but let's say we have the dress watch the 25 percent that the 20 5 per thousand which is a 25 g is ok then five kilograms 125 grams of salt and then I think it is only put a little bit of salt to make her understand her steps and we do our they have ours and north ocean here we put a grating of nutmeg inside and moral said er salt that is to say half a nutmeg in lograto gino shit nutmeg we prepare the famous the dressing of mythical an Englishman but the dog the famous avatar here we have metal ok then salt nutmeg half a half a piece of cinnamon five centimeters down jacket so not my clicks in the 5 centimeters and then the kind of listening to it still and 5 cloves contacts 5 nails your good then you have q so they are all ingredients except for and then the first stamp is missing so from a cinnamon log the fans and pull 5 centimeters away I see that he is releasing kyoto repeats it is not that I like to find it inside no I do not like this too we do so instant so if in melting no if we do this because we are calm that we do not find the perfect under the teeth also he is curious to know if this bacon because I asked him since it is a quiet moment so we make him a video on the bacon the moment but not it is time for a single cell queue let's try it is curious now when we are at the end of the work we see what turns out we see that all our ruins go to the grinder to the grind of the wounded let's say that he now retired for once was a shopkeeper as a child as a child of iseo and this is his pepper mill that I had in the shop that he used to make an encore then once the weight has been ground and I say well yes but there is a time ground pepper how much pepper we ground a jar of this myth meta meta is 20 g has ground 56 pink pepper with an addition a pinch of black pepper just pinch if I show you that this is this then a pinch of black pepper 10 grams of pepper are not approached by merit ok now put together nod we put our merckle handle we put our garlic halfway here is ours I want you to let him put in that ok we make time with ott italia you know how many times I to sharpen once every three years so that's good but I'm not the fact that heaven does not give me a 20 once never having more in here thank goodness in the view so half pepper half pepper metal or half year is mixed and this they do now after eternally for this here i put it some improving a lot that moment water concetta i put it for a reverse sense so and then this here we make tow with thomas breast then half pepper of the mole de room l monell center the seasoning put it I recommend if you want to replicate it at home follow it step by place then you can see that it's too much about fish now let's take a pinch of salt out of the shower let's do a light massage with a little salt and the gasoline tena runs very tight strong in fact the massage is not for beauty but it is good for anyway it is understood by you the great is not that it is easy to know so so we advance to make funny groups and odor tastes just a handful of salt and massaged together to the team the beautiful part yes less fat I sell my one of my ticket copies you understand done point I will do it with the only purpose I did good the dance depth inside then we do this we do like another puppy me is a particular wood with grandfather this is a wood that were your famous evil I with a point to make a little hole in it but you don't get to the other side you pay for punctures let's say yes because I have to be seen seasoned nor in winter there is no need for this but given a season we have to meet as much as possible it is understood therefore speaking from the seasoning now we will go to legal roll they will go to the bladder we play it now obscured synthetic model the classic lying down that of a species of paper 70 and then after what needs to be done or from so much linked to gaza how to wait not in the fridge immediately cards you give way to pay back you leave out the 4 5 6 days then you put the disc where you mature it more then this process only external internally this here we have to show ourselves how much it costs you think we are left alone do you are two parts we hear kg here it looks like a lot of salt but then after having served and this times the amounts paid that I put in because then we get a part because it melts maria il famous tarot yes no our set-up no the band of beautiful passive no it is better to cover it anyway yes but what if we lose no thanks to finish in head for puglia but under the track I do like a ham so ah yes that I take this we take the photos that will be there it is true immediately then the beginning, middle and end of government we would have for the number 53 athena I don't know I tried to keep a pigtail always in the same direction then started and give it away in the same point so when you pull in turin and never slide again everything remains here in the same position but nothing when landriano and model as tight as possible as tight as possible because it is placed in the narrow room area because then later even with the lowering because chamber I have seen that many use the elastic pods elastic there because the acoustics because they look like cold photos because as the salami drops the elastic goes behind it instead the rope so it will sit you could release but loosen he will surely surrender, however, putting us to help him a little the help of how it was hair often do the exact way I do in the fork and then others of the Ham I think that taught me your way, because I did it my way far fewer rho are curious to hear the project will have long seems because the bacon you go to buy Libyan nonstante say here is that since the Piacenza with the garlic 'hayate alle pepe some have student workshop soldier this winter the rope in the oven or outside and fornovo allow 57 kilometers inland broken down lose some meat I will not say pork this a French premier ac for a file now all thanks but I repeat betrays metal slander is among the orobics he got used to which countryside as we immediately say savani casalini come now that here we are sunny it is to live in modena in the low mode then we make sure that all this goes at once tied let's go to trim the 27 try to have you at rest that we go then the casing he also called it sleeve is a synthetic tube maceration is here ok this tube here could you find I find that those who come, however, put a rally so if you care about your butcher I procure all that all those who sell it leads them towards a year even these rounds in the meantime I will probably put the link also below where you can find it perhaps to his beloved because I have seen that they also sell it on amazon I have never bought it but I have seen that it is there so I will put the link to this sleeve let's say this synthetic government then once the two tips are trimmed we take our tour we make our measure it is healthy of the karst a sentence is a good dc to make ten centimeters of c here we clarify it in this case I take cold a jug container that of the hot water understood line 2 31 we do here so it relaxes if I and how it comes as cohabitation becomes dead yes he had no thanks increased and lengthened time with hot water let's look for what is this stuff the hope is that it is the scale these drug dealers then look with the bacon pr immediately exempts with ctp the seasoned so you lose someone for whom gravity made another vow we must take a card of the true pains please do these correct ok we do so I want and to keep clean stop for this role you do not resign and then we want the whales we take back our cricket we do with her and then too much how to kick a classic dog never hurts 5 so the new and double they are not and we do not take the bacon we pull it up beane our little hole we have it so here it is a colander what there was this years so many tips if we make projects that do we tend and scalars is the exact the air comes out and it can also talk about the dripping so the absorb pulled strong very strong the tell not you we say it we call longer because after we get half of those naked normal superstar or we cut rovic announced the way nervously after laugh as the part of the race ceiling from let's say or normal glass the paper the chord divides them into six races but we keep the double chord a little bit long so that we can do a berlin I read what we do in the typical far range there is just not there that the problems with we do about the fact that they are the ones for ham gifts and we do this to you so in society I admit it to you and without trial a way soon the doctors 3 recent up enters our big one we take the hammer mbia we see it we consider it four heads no you have not done it around a light with offices today well it always seemed to me for the next after I fall down decisions for those educated close thousand years and some things you did not do it fapav ancient centigrade your hand all manual then had denied in four points let's say we did the four things for the length but it is a year when two mustaches 33 are 33 for the asi 330 prison to one of the figures a ballet with a big beautiful strong that will be what we go to give this is true percent we are behind there is here and let's say now let's sail typical we get our hands we take our elastic share this is also we call it inside I'm doing however once tied to the four sides with the normal thing we take the elastic rope a very roman elastic rope angels and then I will make you an inter description finds it therefore I do not strangle the first again having to accept always strangling because the old modern runs this pull until the end obtained to make it wake up the elastic to the end of the stroke of our few laps around Europe I feel in my hand so as to adhere to our sleeve ours I have not voted yes exactly and also to shake it off the recipe is therefore also the walls that restart the first year have helped because this of this folding here well how close she is if you are not looking perfect she starts taking just the state i would say she looks pretty good even some girls if you miss some c dare here he knows where you learn in six in 60 days 90 days 90 it will take others even more later then we will go to hear little by little about the exhibitions moment as potters with tonight it was hard city to hesitate to stay a little while no one is cut the elastic here is the answer we have yes known it so they give starting dino left a little game more a little bit longer three groups of beak translated too much but we are long here that if one commits a ticket with the band and our bacon who go down discreetly regardless we make TV that you will leave the family also because flower asking for access young giuseppe d'orio so I leave six young people at room temperature since it is bad from the fridge we let it drip what it has to do today and next Wednesday we take while regime son I who take the Roman with the tip of this is a year from bcr bacon yes then you are telling me that practically with this marine 4 could the holes that ago they could that the city full-back really ran then with a throat and a bigger mind that this one looks like a needle from the calzolari and marco to grant people have the famous bow to sew them pancetta di tremonti but this is a detail because as statutes the film so other is also the formula our port I was speaking for the singer collection 15 ago for the safety of the few slightly longer well therefore in the two titles in those it was then they left a part for just this one here I now bitter take home limana six days it's out of the fridge when landro matriciana maybe we'll take them let's take another shot also because I imagine that this video finish it in three months of real good see you dinner together there was you want to hang them in the meantime we take it as if there is rubble vito give you a neck long period cericola done it has already done then we do as we do a sort of 5 6 degrees there are five minutes signed for once believe me it does better what we do yes it is true yes and then after we resume then finally we have arrived at the time of cutting our bacon I am right remember the start of the video was hand in early June ok today is September 8 act of exploitation so more or less 90 days later came the right climate and time in the plural ok the black point that the period was not the right one because in the summer they do not make cured meats unless one knows of this team that this time unless one has a seasoning cell usually the men in the house do in the period deceive him giorgio and when today because he too curious to see how it happened and I would say that we can do the test essay prepared 23 little things in the meantime I to that of nature and yet with in the meantime good morning giaveno of course yes and then let's see we begin to explain them why we are linked then we will see berlusconi yes yes prepared because the impression is beautiful we must go away from our boys alfresco japigia after we go to pour pe r now in the meantime I have already proposed two small pieces unraveling even of the fact that the homemade bread of the original one, yes, of the original one, originates from a massage as we will say and I would say that there is everything I arrive and david the missing things with a glass possibly well in the meantime they were discussing the next video word on this winter he has already invited me to make caria so we believe we are charged in the Modenese dialect in the Modenese dialect ago there was and a piece falls let's say it's worth it I'll take it the so-called cute homemade is nothing more than the homemade butchery let's say how it was once done in the courts c in campania in the fort where there was still a house from the contrary to the farmer where they raised his 23 pigs when now the laws have changed a bit because we have the permissions of certain loni desertification classes to declare the day that phase where it was born everything must also come evening even if the stuff yes yes yes yes the same and a bit more complicated it must certify with the right reason even if the pig always done you believe in it you already have a stamp say of exact breeding then at this moment giorgino is pulling away all his binding they have done that it was done so definitely exact now we are here is the right time the cream let's look at several arm knoll me yes wow and technicians since april an aseptic is stuff just imaginative and beautiful okay then now you want to have gone down otherwise he also loves me walker brain after the first is that it smells base let's go sing it that now they are perfect then let's talk a bit on the part of I leave you luciesi we spend that mirrored regatta we did we did not do the video in this video here but previously but immediately after the live we did but headed where we showed how to make the battened bacon is nothing more than a bacon instead of being rolled folded in two with the effort with the rind instead that the bacon we made and a pancetta without accounts in the very demanding care yes because the current is a protector let's say yes and helps in the seasoning while instead it is without faults that the pancetta is a little more complicated the seasonal because there is a risk of going to ruin it if not building a right place we believe that this is also its surrender yes after after this can not even the with precedent that we can say we are how many bacons also to pour at times the principal is missing there even those who are unable to make products that is mourning and away they seem mental to me a year later to camille de castro percolate look how beautiful or fantastic if today today the happiest man in the world on earth both of us because we look we managed to make a verse how beautiful sick what beautiful faces agreed brawn gp really clear a nice piece then we find we keep accept what you say we cut hand then we made some rather exaggerated choices when to divide the bread that nothing of course these when I was in brussels in order with what with rosary stones to retract very comfortable in depth we have not even the taste this video will be a little long I hope it is not boring and that it can remain for posterity just for because the bacon and it merely really helps or if these are not rushed with gloves and these stuff there even that slice slicing here the choices easily anyway there is a satisfaction ok now we take our knife that is already very sharp and we see pain for a dinner so we laugh fantastic as he said well salani does instead the fa aa these spoken it is seen I arrived when piquet ruins now let's try then this is for you yes it is also for you it is also for david the first move I would have never thought then I I would not have never thought of it even as a joke but it's formidable it's missing just sits behind we are a hood there is nothing to say just why not but that we are doing well with the other yes no taken too a crouton of the beautiful and beautiful women but also for the ata well you cause then the bacon like all the other cured meats want to eat a little room temperature do not eat the ham tight from the fridge villages of calicella the ctt taste devoid of flavors exactly like net files pain and colors and scents take it out at least 20 minutes before from the fridge those will lower a bit the temperature goes to room temperature and you will taste right from Rome that on the moon and that is their complaints his amauri what I learn afflict you feel age meanwhile I go apart from the wheel it is good from the genius loci congratulations because we really feel that dog rind slightly less garlicky but it is very good sweeter you are always sweet they did not know that it goes much sweeter it is at 15 very good then I knew of other desserts cuisine very good still the entrance a little the law for this we have to rejoice this quite primary this is a way why I am going to reward this here never leave to caf that I see that guests are expected melts guys if you have a wife time is a bit of passion also try the ball in question this are dead david in our health and to expect that all of you this is a t-shirt as it eats little anyone can sweet camilleri through cantenne walsh lamela second but I would say that we can close the video because by now it has really reached your health and your health I have to thank a genius for everything and for all the work also because you do not know it but during the aging he also came to checking auctions karl is a great satisfaction to this boredom cast of the in short thank him thank you thank you thanks we got an exaggerated result winter we replicate taken in due time if he comes out more eminently he was learning as I said before making the finger cup and the cup of right other nice for action too we grass job leaving early because yes because guys types of work are rub y indeed you have to respect because you can't decide all of the brands it takes me the cooking time and there is no sea then there is a nice donation also lina and that's enough then don't tell me all of nine Greek in 110 e come to me inferior we say no thanks for watching we are the peaches of in the commercial channel here put a like if you liked video I hope convinced with immediate with all your friends you know because in my opinion this is something that must remain ok yes no thank you gianchino I would say that you show us the origin and thanks to all of you bye
Channel: Davide Fantinati
Views: 512,804
Rating: 4.7974167 out of 5
Keywords: Pancetta, bacon, stagionata, salume, affettato, come fare, tutorial, videoricetta
Id: qnNzN76pvJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 57sec (3237 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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