Salame fatto in casa con Giorgino

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hi i am david then as you can see today i am in the company of giorgino who came to see me uncle giorgino came to see me and today he promised me that we make salamis we prepare for false we prepare it if you are right that is to prepare salami and let's go from where we start from the gut we have to look for the big one therefore the initials and then I will show you then we take our model our gentle model then stop what is the gentle gut is none other than the rest of the pig consequence towards the small intestine exact then this in Tuscany they call it Florentine the Florentine gut we say the gentle model of course where it will be long for limbo of the mind from 150 to 170 cm where the tax collector is cut to the desired size from a very important part I would say that an e to the more important the preparation of the casing to make the room the hour and we would say that the first part the first 15 centimeters for sure we cut the outer part of the casing it is great because if we put this into bagging we normally see that when it comes out that a bowl is formed then the wages are formed it is not that one is beautiful to see but they do not bring the consequences because one is no longer the same the other then we remove it we take advantage of 10 15 centimeters and put it on one side so to speak this part here is precisely the terminal part ok to conceal its own it is on the terminal part of the back then we do so we lose our boutade and we say that we cut them in this way then meanwhile as you can see they are salted so when you buy them you can find them then ask for those you want this here is a bunch that are about ten more from the gentiles and if they are one meter and eighty there are only three salami characters each each gut then we make 40 and 10 circulating and cut some ancient ones then we make casings 40 cm long 45 45 that after tying tying remains 47 we are perfect okay we do this qu a slightly shorter than the gentleman called we do one fine day he said things that on the tours on the 45 we do another ash is broken that we do not care otherwise if you do them two he too are with us they are with family these hunter type much longer a longer thread evening then what is special about the kind model kind model you see and it has a double vidic camera and we show it the part I show this that has a very thin membrane true you see how you see it is almost between shoots this a2 skins and the more often much more iron then for the seasoning this food if it takes 50 days these we want if you leave because if one wants a salami to carry on so said it's okay the gentile one wants a salami that come down first and in fact there are 34 salamis precisely because it will be but it is under gentle the pin is called the 7 is the thinnest and thinnest model and thinnest and what it becomes hard well I hope that the explanation has been clear about the gut already leave now we tie the heads I want to show how we do it because after I called the spool this peace then I recommend because this here is a very important phase of the salami to obtain an excellent product then now he will go and tie us a compass on one side because logically on the other side we will need to fill it with how na and then at the end it seems to also tie on the other side the other very important phase that Giorgio will explain to him is that of I give up choosing which is very important because you know they are salted the buddha they want them washed well even if when they give them they are nice clean but it is always better no no no they want facts and after we will also explain why the tour blade and how to do it because here the model guys must go inside the meat to eat and here I have to do things done as God commands it is now I wonder why I kill them because I give po if I want to wash them iter elevated whole but also because I do better than I tie the single ones to make that passage here that I do now single I ca n't do it I should make a lace protection 10 with the real mixed n stretched the rope which alone helps the areas more from the genoa you make them the classic shake up lanyard at the bottom but here and I would say that you have been quite exhaustive with regards to food in the lego world and now this here is a fuse also this here you can also find it on the internet at fine is a handy spool for tying the sausage to make bindings for salani and as you can see also those protections and the comfortable ones because it remains all rolled up you have not managed it well in your hand as you understand then we take these casings with the others and then flour we will wash them two three four times under water under hot hot water because it was hot from faience the very first hot once done 3 4 steps always under water hot we take the model and the horror you know we do nothing but do this gesture we fill it from which the water throws and passes of the nineteenth century comes out and you can the mutants we wash two three times well about with hot water after three times I call him so he had overturned we take a bucket of cold water we put acquapendente if there are for example we do the math 3 liters of water we put a half glass of vinegar 34 writings of crushed garlic I cut into pieces a lemon squeezed it done before we would have had later cut the peels into pieces chunks deflects an orange laughs a mandarin eat the mandolin and put the peels on it perfect this had room for you to do it the day scream and remains soaking practically one day one day even durc and not do nothing but you know that there is no Salesian and many could rot if therefore 23 at the price in the cold they do not take them up later we will see there predicted on national data when you are ready to do re the in certainly we return passing in the water it changes twice I fear from their commitment because right sinister tightens us collaborates that rim well and must be overturned after we will look at the reverse on the car of the part that remains in contact with the flesh on the side but the inside it was part if we want to see the pig and the external part then stuffed into the same part by the body is a real there was poop on the external part will be emitted to be clear that towards the fat we have of sel the part where it is it was the poop and it always remains outside in the outside that's why baron breath after on the other hand where there was the so-called poop we have to remove the salt where there is that the horror we will go let's go take me and parts as I do here some parts of fat that would not go well then with boiling water a hug of hot water but if you want there are problems to spoor well we biamo with ours ours begins in with our garlic to 100 lemon p uliamo we give you a smell knows where it has to rotate we owe it to this is the rule of bologna I want to see then we will see it free while we do together while we make salami we do everything here store di turo of these things with good we can proceed with the soak and see you later when we go to prepare it dear sir and the grind and varieties all auction stuff person from this point we were tied and exact weight it will be a day as you said we have ten models there are three or four reasons from women come a a lot if we go well see you later thank you goodbye see you bondi then we have arrived at the long moment the highlight key moment we showed the speech of the guts sir I'm here soaking after come and see us now the very important moment the selection of the meat I say well a selection made as god commands exact and this is what governs his whole role and give it forward well then we would now do d in the proportions to make about thirty to heal more or less then after us at the limit below I put the doses then for a kilo of meat ok then let's start because I and the butcher have prepared a ham a loaf of the cup now pian d'alma in the meat that we need to make like this type of salami now a box is placed from here in front good so he can work better so that I go on with me I was we take our turbot yes it's true notary half because it's too long yes I put it in these parts I do it in strips for a long time then why not all meats are good for making salami because meats with muscle I say good since this see that bad gene that is below see the resistant one is not good why not it's okay because when it happens to you that you are eating scene me if you are in the middle of the object you have to take off you understand david now we do with gloves this here we take it after we will keep it to do so and different and we are already starting to do our parts and we put it there ok then let's talk about proportions of thin and fat in the meantime proportion which are of his professions that we say if we do 20 kg of carone rock so red choice without skinny white we make 20 percent more bacon not bacon lard so among the money of this 4 kg of bacon let's say that we take in the cup there is the cup is a muscle that we know in falling here too we have to remove a small piece to avenge this part because he is a little bit nervous then we have to remove it now what we do we do the ribbons so well and we see that the meat is beautiful it is true between and jazz as we go back we realize that these filaments are harder here we see it facts ok then we do only are so this tyranny having seen scum the sausage it is good to do everything even to the rostrum if you and see how well you see now we pre Let's take out our ham I take what class does it do by preventing do not leave it alone boneless you can you have made a masterpiece now we take it we put it in the right direction in the meantime I throw you with love of meat because of the muggy morning here same thing and yes mentions let's go and take this divine piece away and let's do another piece in the meantime I can name the pieces that it detaches if we take it we have the rump at 8 the rump a great piece also for steak and even if you remember the video of the culatello and the upper part of the culatello here we have the underweight or fascia with this some muscle attached that everyone calls it fish and in March and that piece that is used to make broth even special as a sense what kind of turn around here so we would take it away is part of the known jargon hens that is because this poor piece and with that quiet piece does a kind of doing then we call it us not the bricklayer this is the exact nocetta ri bec we have the collapse this is the truck and adecco you like rump there you feel I wanted to show you something when you 40 c adjusting you look at the ham and so be careful because you see these are legal bad woe if this year in the salami those the corners like this are very good because you see they are very small you see that when the pig is lowered if there is no vet that if you are calm that he does not have a fever tv in the groin when the tongues have three iandolo that is you see that there are glands shop and baron you do not have to make me of the room alone pop in the solar carnet meat to boil but I must not roven it absolutely means that the pig is not in excellent health then we have abolished 17 kg and 6 of campers of meat for salami then all selected degreased pulled away in er 20 nie all on 17 kg and 6 we go to put three and a half kilos three and a half kilos of bacon china and bacon sea we made 17 kg and 6 of c arne and three and a half kilos of bacon and now he is reducing unexpectedly in the little ones by tent in the meat grinder as you understand then but if you are struggling in his opinion he goes there is the bacon and too fat you pulled a little bit of fat I feel good to understand why if it is too fat and salami promised and perhaps too thin or add a little white and exact white instead this pancetta and ballan is beautiful I like it very well then we have concluded the speech of the choice of meat and bacon we have a total weight of 22 bar 23 kg certain about for a gram plus g less than 22 22 and a half now let's go to prepare the tanning well we have arrived at the preparation of the david we have taken our salt of the tanning yes of the countess of salt in the medium keel salt then use of cervia does not receive at will and we put 20 per thousand ok that 22 kg 440 grams of medium salt of sannino di marino and this is it here now we take our ground pepper if n not too fine but not too windy also this is a medium route 2 tablespoons or we don't think this is not necessary because my eye and my hand do so I show the year in the wind the bag I take out a handful of rome that this is resumed a little and then we do with the troubles it was gone in two grams or even more see new I want to point out something because here it is not that I am weighing I am a butcher made so I see this still salt in a salt black and white white black and white white a black and white white that we will show it a black and white viano now we say that this will have gone to us one per thousand quiver of pepper pepper therefore one per thousand fragments graham two branches 23 grams of reagan we put another handful ran I presume 5 grams of pepper and total total we laugh I presume that here we are in the right plot of white to the true facts you see that we have our salt but we also notice our great true that ground it under there is what it seems so here we take a teaspoon also the head of the spoon a whole nutmeg a pardo is this here see this here is a rock teaspoon of nutmeg ok then 422 kg 440 of salt 5 grams of pepper and a teaspoon of nutmeg just barely abundant because and fragments 26 happy that they help heat since in the meantime it is minced a year then we five heads of garlic 5 cloves of garlic notes exactly stand now but if I can treat it what a strike because here it slips away I put a little bit of salt I give you a chopping board let us see if I can take a rarer cutlass because he wants it a little better and I make myself a paste dario comes from it seems to the grip and the voice then once reduced to a paste let's say with a little bit of salt and to help ourselves in the old rare keep it more exact we take everything we mix it they don't like spoons they are no longer good and they are like vegetables when no one sees them they still do p aul they love and then come to this moment here we want to talk about the saltpeter saltpeter I do not put it well then who puts it there to do what to say that it is preserved and to avoid that it is a disinfectant is that also another thing rich from bacteria cuts the cid and then and then makes you sell and become the meat region interesting there is that he puts lemon in it and he does these things a lot ok because I many people who ask me why he does not put sun nitro in it and if it is healthy enough eat a salami well muskets but that I here yes no and for garlic to turn the page ok however many people are afraid to eat salami without the service because they are afraid of the Sorbonne and I used it the Turks you have it inside here no I don't have it I don't put it in the months it was just a speech that I wanted to forfeit for now there is that it takes from 10 to 15 per thousand if a nice spoon a nice spoon I those I make and I make him eat I challenge a lady or young lady or child who has the problem of br ufoli let's eat one of the salamis anyway according to if they come overboard now let's put if you eat a whole one you don't even have Italian drilled roderigo wire then the beauty of this thing here is that the meat will be seasoned before being ground you see why so yes mix better during the grinding grinding many aids free of some you do n't need finished so even the knife no air air now let's take our two steel scrapers our two steel sides so let's stay them with david you had I know that to keep quiet a bench there yes times this anyway we manage even here slowly slowly if there is no one running after us okay he had also proposed to me to go and make the video there but after there was all the talk of the cameras we were almost okay at the end he made an effort to come and see them let's say one thing but I wanted I wanted to support a fact because I will be the meat first because not everyone does this is in fact I have f note that then we notice it does equip salt it first there is a problem that the knife from the machine is a little offended because it grinds but these are steel I don't care I do this because many times I am alone and if I have to burrata re 20 kg or thirty kilos of meat I find it hard to grind to put the salt after it is divided well because I have to work a lot if I do it first the meat comes out of there already cut with companies which is enough shortly after for me to be calm instead do it later so that the salt is well distributed we mix it 623 it is nothing if you put it there one is born alone enemies so look at the meat every step is prevented from its little piece of salt see here we do nothing but now take our car and let's start to grind that then you push a stuff after when we have grinded however another knew way I was mind you I have my rules they are not international rules or crisis starts go I go lahti a lot the sit because I'm angry pulled back the meat okay then how many times do we have to grind it once it was a single pass a very important one test a plate number 8 the rowe hit of the eight better than the eye that many people who pepper in grains they do not want it because it did not have many who want very much it would mean a 2 per thousand or so we put a little less we do so we make a hypothesis what I say that every exam there are those 45 grains or six paintings that when you cut the slice that manages to cut the pepper it looks beautiful there was no pepper in the year of wrapping but it is a visual effect that when you cut it disturbs you the grain to see and gives a certain effect for at least half of the students two kilos madonna john 50 g of pepper I always say black courier to black pepper I always say it with containment enemies 120 tot 122 hp this is now we take the bottle of ugly prayer at this point me long snow and there are weevils raco it seems right if you are ripe labruce colors the that bottle we had that other behind there the one nearby well enough with one's role also for this it brings good no cheers to health is ours of our flowers cultivated and perfect and this piece now we can pour it owes it I take off the watch we make the holes with my fingers so you see you and you towards the woods I leave but a bottle is all there still works no no no this two is fine glasses it's not like this now I roll up my sleeves go over there you go over there and let's go grind so she laughs she is so convinced from the beginning we go to the end from this way without from here we go to milk david it was true that he goes out to blow it on the ground we get What's the point of spending I make you milk it out of your fingers so you see it squeeze that having out between the lives it runs just runs and we take a picture made current we close it then they start to draw a little conclusions we ground cond ito the minced meat has put the baby we mixed by hand until the meat has made the thread and then a cream puff has to do it and in dialect to a native pan now I have prepared for lynwood trend the hair at the beginning of the video you have seen giorgino that I showed them the casings as na as they are when you buy them so they are when he put them in marinade saying that yes ok how many days were won two days with two days you see he put the accent cold water vinegar garlic lemon above all and the peel of a ray nothing nothing the liquid of the orange evo give it ready to be remembered now we take it from cold water in the meantime I have prepared my limbo syringe of the actress that I have this here that is less warner or l 'use for home use it is fine initially the meat I say well you see he had something to show david about dreams that we couldn't yesterday look at this to that famous chef budan you see that famous but it doesn't give the pages to do the cups you see it came from ranieri and a half to the models yes no I had it I took it to show why there is also exist also I am not reiterating synthetic you understand ah yes why we did see in the video in the cup it is sure that the advantage is always that of being able to go a little further with the seasoning about for now you have to press the meat well here that it does not come from the area I say well otherwise it is more difficult for me to stuff exactly because the meat of your model bursts me it is not that he said to the parade ground that cloth to make it here because we put it here see to dry the wages yes ok so it goes into dear hands the gut I took with me that my forino and salami maybe the then he feels everything inside but try then go go to the various stops half turns back this is the el in the salami bag then repeating the gut the part where told with the meat is the external part of the gut if the one next to the meat that abb iamo us not the interior no inter go go go go go then the secret is not to let the air go into the gut rai because if I don't know it comes stairs stairs stairs stairs if there is the area inside and it becomes black at that point of truth there is fat then here we redo keep about twenty centimeters above as here ok ok then after I know I bind myself in my way after we will see dominion come down in your own way or his way how it will be the race just 23 lazio and no more and these are used to keep the salami on do not lose okay are you happy even here or not then we have finished making salami and it serves as perfect then it is logically a salami he brought it to me of the ones we made in October at 8 to 20 October as if ten years of milan as cacciatorino liminal hunter tells us are those he sees too there are still six now we eat it all advances become waste here then last notification to do hanging that do not touch ok hanging that do not touch released drip pe r 4 days 3 4 depends on the ambient temperature ok if there is a hurry the temperature now the ambient temperature that there may be goes from 18 to 22 degrees let's say if process and courage nature because if they are more 24 even just two days I miss only two days in fact this is the big one after which you take it you pass it in the cellar and leave it there in a port immediately and fresh ok then humidity 85 percent temperature from 15 to even from 13 to 16 17 18 slam that of the range no more 18 this here the range of stars have to stay cool for how many days here they have to stay at least 45 days 45 days for the smaller ones for many big 60s and 70s they have to stay a little longer it is understood that gut is double so do double and double you this video I will ask it so because it will have already come quite long possibly the next next time I will show you how they come these here that we did we have come 31 31 please do not do so please is in the meantime I towards a little bit of we look at each other so in the meantime it goes towards a bit of prosecco because the boldrini wine was veni veni pa pure wines we will look at it and he is really wonderful wonderful he gives us the edge there was the vote we could make him hear it from now on it's really nice seasoned it was right he can pay it so he talked about i offer a glass of prosecco i thank you and let's go methods room let's go to the game salami tasting a garden giorgino and i am the wine the father of davide corsetti the father of the chip when I came to check salary check and taste please pray pour parler this came to say why the skin is not there first so you understand that salami is provocative of course when it peels off the skin well you understand it is really fabulous with finiti marco looks is the king and we respect us that because as you have heard good at grinding do everything but even those who want an eye for conservation sequel is a garment made p because the signing is done what the other work begins in the conservation they see each other liked pancin we do with the head master of the photographic company because it competes health and others ta our thanks for the vision I'm sorry they can't hear it is good but even this moment in Rome your stuff who take the greenhouses in vado viabile a cellar and who were called are figures as you want antifreeze good with the journey trusting no gentlemen in the center people in short a cellar more than making a spectacular wine well no chatter me I would say that by now we can say goodbye to you so I hope you understand everything I will put the exact doses for a kilo of meat under you in the info box come inside you too so proud see you next time I remind you that if you want to write to the channel click here activate the bell so you will receive notifications for other future videos and see you next time a greeting from il vino davide giorgino hello claudia Giorno
Channel: Davide Fantinati
Views: 246,150
Rating: 4.9135575 out of 5
Keywords: Salame, felino, cacciatore, come fare, in casa, tutorial, ricetta
Id: yM8XOn02PK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 22sec (2242 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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