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hello I'm david so today let's see how to prepare a seasoned bresaola but then the ingredients are very few the important raw material we will use the Italian national heifer and not as they do in some places that use the Brazilian zeru ok its in quotes if you want to check however he puts me a photo of the bovine that they also use in Valtellina the use of you very large and we will use a national misfortune we will go and see how to prepare the bresaola and then make it mature then it is normally very lean pieces of beef are used in this case I am using a joist with a walker of things as favorites you can use the tip of the hip offended I put back some images so you can also see the pieces and where they were taken from then the first thing to do is choose a very thin joist I chose magatello which has not been vacuum-packed, that is, boned from the side detached from the snow but now I'm going to degrease the or and face it just to say the seasoning you have to remove as much fat as possible I have practically everything taken in this way here maybe this operation as you can have it done easily by the butcher to solve many problems or at least one of the main problems here is this piece here they weighed before to clean it was about 3 kilos and 200 grams so the doses where I will give them for this piece of meat here but in the recipe then below in the info box I will put the doses per kilo of meat so you can multiply them safely do your calculations to make them at home this here is a is a typical salami of the Valtellina and also they use it many treats everyone has their own begins their way of doing it but the thing that they have in common is the microclimate that they have in the Valtellina that allows them a particular seasoning we we will try to replicate it even if we do not have the same temperature and the same area you know that in any case they vati is because the companies have their own seasoning rooms and so the seasons have the open air let's say and take on the classic taste the classic flavor that knows the clicks on a massacre from the outlet at 19 the bresaola as you could understand is a cured meat is a very lean beef sausage that often in diets recommended in diets or rather in almost all diets bresaola and is an excellent saloon especially to be consumed in the summer because it is a very fast dish with some effect with a few slices of bresaola two salad sheets one makes a quick lunch not bad well I keep hoping for all my magatello just try to remove the skin and just leave the meat alone you see then when you do this work here you always try to slide the knife without letting it pass through many times on the cut to avoid us we say plug the meat make us come with holes that would also be anti-aesthetic you see you just slide the bi knife he really dreamed of using the blade in this way without a saw and this as I often see many people do it even in the videos ok this is a piece of advice then you do as you like I would say that we have tolerated everything at least this side and toilet between are let's turn I chose the joist because the joist is a very lean piece this piece here we usually use it to make carpaccio to make roast beef even the slices is a piece that is not muscular anyway not with nerves inside and is a meat really really valuable this one is often used sometimes also to make it tartare ok okay I am satisfied with this cleaning here I little piece so we practically brought it to live flesh and it has no more skin it has no more external skin now I weigh it and I tell you how much does the piece weigh well is 2 kilos and 600 grams left now I had prepared the doses to make three kilos because it was 3 kg 2 but in the end the difference was mag I am already going to list the doses of spices that I will go to put there then and I tell you we do so well I say per kilo ok then after you do the calculation in the are written because they are all remember them then the salt there are 28 30 grams cane sugar from 57 g 7 grams anyway 3 juniper berries two cloves a clove of garlic 2 bay leaves half a teaspoon of pepper a pinch of nutmeg is a pinch of cinnamon so now in the meantime let's put the piece of meat aside and let's go and prepare our aromas then I'll go and take away a little bit of como already because I exaggerated that they pull away on the juniper boats a few large mines of pepper and two cloves it's fine after all it's fine then I'm going with me I do in the mortar if you want to use the species already the ground spices you can do it then we put the pepper cloves and juniper berries and we start to stay we make it become quite fine but not too much because I like it a little coarse and that then a lot, however, in the end it will be rinsed important that it releases the Rome I have also seen it done with the whole pieces I have of whole cloves and whole pepper but maybe it releases less in Rome by cutting them by crushing it a little and better ok then I take the chat olina I have coarsely crushed these aromas and spices well and here we are going to add the cinnamon so maybe not all because I had calculated it for three and two kilos now I'm going to put nutmeg here is a little less sugar of cane suffered and the salt the salt I used medium cervia salt any type of salt I had this one here but I know that it is also excellent for seasoning other things so I used that one there I had prepared 100 grams net in the ne I put a little less so since the smallest piece and I'm going to mix this here is practically the tanning of our bresaola is fine and we do not waste it on now at this point I have prepared myself and a basin of that you can use ass that even the transparent ones are convenient for me this because it enters the fridge and they have it framed since in any case the first six days had to pass in the fridge so I put the maga in the inside of a food sack after we should close it and leave it sealed and start putting ours in rome to our names on practically the same principle of the salted meat festival with different aromas and a different dosage of salt here is perfect then all 'inside inside of my packet that I am going to do they go put some garlic in this I will not tweet it or I will only make small pieces in this way so then I had prepared and three I am going to put only two and a half so I only put also if nothing would change, however, it means bay laurel and I will put 5 leaves this one I only do it in small pieces 66 sheet a little girl I make this video into small pieces eff etto we put it in perfect we have seasoned our bresaola we have salted it in the right doses now I'm going to massage it well with my hands so that it goes back up and can go everywhere in all positions of our piece of meat the bag is for convenience so as not to dirty in home or not but you can use a basin close it with the lid even without the bag here is ok once massaged I go to close my bag this way I squeeze it tightly because after I have to reopen it and continue to massage it in this way then this here now you put it back in the fridge ok normal fridge and at least once a day you take it out and give us a massage turn it so it goes up it will adhere and all sides of the meat and then we will have no problems with seasoning ok so 5 to 6 minutes every day for six days passed these days we go back to see then six days have passed I left our joist under tanning we are ready p To go and shape them then first we go to open our sack let's go and see how the joist looks like look now I'm going to rinse them under running water and then we go to model them then once we have rinsed and dried our joist we go clean of the art then I will use a natural casing of course but not the classic sausage casing but an open casing just to be able to wrap the magatello then these casings which naturally sell in salt and want to rinse well and I have soaked also in water and vinegar and for about twenty minutes now I'm going to cover my joist with this gut most likely it will take 2 to be able to do everything made of lear well they unroll and stretch so ok in fact we take another important corner all the meat is covered in fact otherwise fast drying this is a very important phase because if the meat remains uncovered it could bbe having problems during the seasoning do not worry because then after this it loses water it will dry out perfect then as regards the tying I will use an elastic cord in this way let's go back to doing the bare nothing easier the classic slip knot I do it just like that and then step by step under this way if I go to make an apple it is what I do in the right pre-conditions that I use the elastic cord as it goes because as it is generated a little bit will drop some elastic and it will follow the course of the meat let's say then you have to tie the psycho up to the end of the stroke and then slowly go and be careful not to forget our piece of meat here right up to the end of this way then we will see that during the its own seasoning will change color it will become the classic color of bresaola here you can find all types of casings also to make sausage lugan sausage also go to all these products no ok then with regard to this season point the elastic and in the turn up on the last one a tie and I try to make one of it neither this way here then sex discovered a piece with another piece of use I can cover it it can happen easily even at home because don't throw it very thin this one here I have it goes to put on nothing happens so much it dries up and it will speak then instead to hang it I will use another rope now we are here a rope you see with the elastic rope and very very easy you just need to hold the shot and in the end make one of marco you don't have any particular bindings so simple enough then with this rope and he tells me but to make him a hook for hook to hang it then I take four times the size of my joist a one two three and 4 slightly more to stamp dad then I go to do it in two for fact and now in the half in the half of a rope exactly here I go to do nothing v isto where you stuck together one they send to the races to keep it still in this way we practically made four children now I will go to them garda in this way but not only one side is only one this is my system and then after each one has his own its modalities here it is and then I'm going to make us just one dino to do to hang it with a hook he did it this is how much we have tied it now I left a cord to be able to put a note with the date I go to give it a light fort with the coi has already so that if I have to drain again it can easily do it well now this piece of meat here this salami that begins to be a salami you leave it out of the fridge a whole day at room temperature then eventually I will take some photos some videos because I had to put the store in the cell but those who do not have a cool room with a cellar that reaches 10 15 degrees or seasoned even in the fridge 60 days ok owes it to you black hung so that it does not touch the walls of the fridge you can make a canopy, I don't know, like a hanged man to hang on top with a nail, keep it taut or some tricks to be able to keep it free on the sides that do not touch anywhere and must keep them for 60 days I am generated it in the cell my cell goes from 4 and 6 degrees ok it would be fine to clear it from 10 15 degrees but a4 and a6 are also good , keeping it under control will always make a bit of mold but that does not happen just cuts they will forget it okay so one day hung at room temperature then the next day you put it in the fridge then for 60 days every now and then give us a check you can forget it but in my opinion we will see you at the end of curing to do a taste test then finally we have reached the end of the curing of the bresaola let's go and see cases there has been out of this seasoning and from this piece of meat in my opinion that in my opinion has truly become as it will be exceptional there was as sodata in my opinion is perfect and let's go and cut it in two let's go and see how its inside I and then after if as a personal product that I will keep at my house I will then put it in half vacuum half the meteor Italy immediately by chance my years of pulling strings you have seen the maturation phases I took some photos unfortunately when I remembered in short I hope they go well in short we also made it straight then I go to cut it leca and I will show you how income I would say it is truly exceptional it must be said also here a very good it seems here is the rope then you can turn them also comes a perfume and we speak in my opinion it is perfect perfect work that well on 1 is wonderful now I motivate us off the skin a little bit I go to slice it where you clean it up where you plan to cut the rest he left it covered I recommend if you then have to keep it in the fridge cover it you put a film in front of the cut here and then you cover it with ap year a canvas a durazzo what you want to call it then metal of a machine slice must have felt like then this here is a salami that in my opinion wants to cut thin to me the salami this type of salami really like it thin like mortadella mortadella I like or very thin missiles but just a veil or large diced somewhere in between I don't like there are many types of cuts let's say luckily not everyone likes the same way so everyone likes the type of cut a different type of cut let's say this one here in my opinion is to be cut thin really good really really good there is the right salt the aromas are felt after each one then I showed you mine my aromas of my experts that I put in you you can try variations of the readers whatever you like now i'm going to cut a little bit on the spectator i'm going to make a dish to do to do sent to be brought let's say a summer dish starts now starts to be we are in winter now we are now in winter you could have done it even before the video anyway it's fine the same I hope that the procedure remains and you can watch it and anp carlo here then I go to the viewer I take a plate and let's go and wait for a few thin slices now of course it doesn't seem that the first seven will come because I cut it by hand so I have made this bresaola really good here when you also prepare salami bassoli not squashed on even slices give it a slight movement to the slice so that those who then have to take it must serve manage to take it well without tirane on 67 at a time turn slightly do not like the dates in movement to the slice that is lost better here is a perfect butcher's advice now we put on a little bit of rocket but watch it dance as it comes we put on some rocket and we would like a few flakes of parmesan a drop of a drizzle of oil is flat is ready is mala ccio added I added the rocket and unfortunately I forgot to take back the flakes of parmesan to make flakes of parmesan but I hope that in any case the dish makes the idea in short rco then at aged 65 days I would say 65 days this is the result is for me it is really good I suggest you repeat it I would say that if you have any questions for me, put them below in the infobox I would be very happy if you like it if you liked the video of course even if you did not like it, put a no I like it with maybe motivating it and I hope this video will be seen because in my opinion it is very interesting it is something that sport has replicated quietly at home I would say that with this dish with this beautiful fresh and light dish I can greet you if you want to sign up to the channel please click here and see you at the next video recipe or something else some other seasoning some salami or sausage we will see a greeting from david c i see you soon bye
Channel: Davide Fantinati
Views: 431,442
Rating: 4.9177146 out of 5
Keywords: come fare, bresaola, insaccati, salumi, valtellina, fatto in casa
Id: V07XhOt_r8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 25sec (2005 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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