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Hi, I'm david, so it's a small premise before starting the video what I will show you the preparation of this product this exceptional product I would not want to offend anyone especially our cousins ​​from Parma where it was homeland let's say about culatello I will show you how I prepare my personal culatello well said that let's see what we will need to prepare a culatello then first of all what a culatello is the culatello is a part of the most noble part of the prosciutto of the pork ham ok we start from a raw thigh which in this case turns out to be 13 kilos it's not huge you could use something even bigger up to 16 18 kg i found this i took this i will use this thing and that's fine all the same then the noblest parts where the meat we say is the best part of the ham now as I show him off the first thing there is to do is go and remove the rind then slowly with a knife I look to mark the rind and then slowly latiro away I will look for a rather long video this one here because I would like to show you all the phases while it works in the meantime par it this thing that I have in front of it is called ham from salt at least I have the possibility to order this type of thigh because already prepared as you can see it was already trimmed to be able to prepare a cured ham you see it was already trimmed here in front we have if you notice the pelvis bone is missing that we we call ours in between the ass there is only the classic bone that is in raw ham because in any case that part there for the culatello we will not need so try the imminent you will spend a little more per kilo to buy this thing is that that the other that has more bone and therefore you have the greatest waste is also comprised of rump the other part a little more abundant because there is also a small piece here, however, I did not need it to prepare the culatello and then alive to say in the meantime what this thigh costs then I paid for it I speak of price as a private person and it does not give the course to the retailer that's why logically if you go to buy from the butcher he will have to earn us something then I paid 6 euros and 50 per kilo ok so let's start to do the math on the shopping and that it is to prepare a culatello as I said not using all the ham we will have a little more waste but difference between quotes because this is what we are going to remove in any case you can easily reuse it in the kitchen to make steak preparations then there is also some one that ages that the lancet by golly what we are going to remove it in short, however, the important phase this here go and remove the rind avoiding to remove so much fat from the ham I give you some advice to work better I tell private individuals and not butchers because marc it is better that they do not do it because it is always necessary to work in an authentic environment of the controlled but 6 presumed you leave it out of the fridge a couple of hours it will soften a little it relaxes the meat a little this intervention to remove the rind is much faster it softens and keeping the ten cody pull off short, well look at the amount came to him the next question is what are you doing with turf seems almost obvious do not even need to say it but once clean us well you can easily make pork rinds and beans here is this the median aside well now let's move on to the part of the real disaster we have on this side the shin I'm going to detach a small tendon that is just what we also have behind the heel for go and follow a little a little vein of the shin you see it opens just like this and I go I don't even go to take it off the shin I go on I proceed until I go to find the bone d el prosciutto ok here we have already started to find the nocetta look practically following the shin you are in this situation you see the perfect bone then to speed up the times I could also detach it just like this colossus attached to the year accepts because we would practically need this part here some ham so now I will make a clean cut in this position and I am going to remove what may be the ass going is not finished here yet we have only removed the bone now I am going to pull away the bone that is here in front very simple just go around it a bit with the tip of the knife you can this picture bend down and now roughly more or less we begin to glimpse the shape of the culatello some cuts are still missing then for the record I will show you it was this too near here what I show the nocetta from where the bow is obtained but this is a whole other video what I will do you can see another time that then later in the cured ham at least I technically call it the false per ha so here I go to split the shank so already from this ham we have the shank that is not used to make the culatello you can make it the ossobuco easily with the shank as you have seen in the previous videos we have a nice voice that you can get us a seasoned bow or to make us some excellent steaks or a super rose then the upper part of the ham this here is called weighs the wait for a vein in the ground right on this side here on the part of the cut that we will not have to enter the cut of the culatello you see right here above you see it is a vein that goes in it is this here I am going to detach it to detach this you see it you see to equalize the cut then at this point you check always in here if there are veins or ossicles or impurities in short, let's go and take away all the superfluous if I go to give just a fix you see it then you too with your eyes had been preparing ok see if there is some red meat that is not good from the meat that is very dark at this point we are going to pull them even this part here in front we must just go to equalize in this way we eliminate this part that this is also a piece we call it the fascia the underweight you can make us some steaks make us stew or mince other preparations what you want ok well here we have the naked and raw piece of culatello we take a ride around it I do a walk around to see if there are any imperfections and skin therapy sum how do you think it must stay there for at least twelve months at least and therefore all the flaws that you leave us inside in twelve months you will find them multiplied then if you notice small pieces of blood or things that are not good, pull the sky and away from the beginning well see here for example there is a small bone that I left behind I know sky I pull away no chord now he will have to pull away done this we have the part of the binding I will show you however also below you see this fat here there must be it goes all around to show you the price here at the bottom there is a little ner bettino I am going to take off just here I am satisfied I am going to tie it then the ligature I will use a 3 mm cord that they then use externally to make the final tying then the knot we are going to make a small knot on top of the rope also this way so we pass it under we start calling the culatello then I go to close it as if it were a shoelace let's say and on itself it closes the knot in this melina we got a slip knot look for it 4 bar 5 bindings to make them in line well done pulled well and make the knot appear on this side so as to have them all aligned then in the end I go to make a way to stop the rope so that it does not slip oils and at this point I cut I show it well again nudino on the head passed under ok we keep it about two fingers from the first from the first binding then go and cross them in this way then on itself I go to close the grandfather and then I pull in this perfect way just felt the rope that must keep the flesh closed then you see how it closed when it is compacting and at this point I do this this round with my hand so it creates a circle for me let's go get my knot pull the rope and I am going to close the knot so that it does not slip away here look 4 five fonda were enough for me there is no need go so you will have tied the culatello and you have compacted it and ready for salting as far as salting is concerned you will not I can give a weight of the salt because there is no specific weight to be able to tell you in short, without anything other than I use a kilo of average cervia salt if you do not have that of grouper use average sea salt if it is possible medium ile and on a kilo of salt I 'm going to put 120 g of broken pepper into it, finding a little katyn mixing in the meantime I can tell you that our piece of culatello once prepared so tied and designed clean let's say five kilos and a hundred then I put the piece of culatello on it and I prepared myself in a small bowl with some black wine and 2 cloves of garlic inside because I can do this this operation goes from wetting the culatello collino without putting saltpetre or other preservatives in it and wine and garlic because in any case wine there is an alcoholicity that alcohol, let's say, kills a part of microbes ok and line it is known that a natural disinfectant that they used up to the ancient Romans even further back then not so much I'm going to moisten the meat in this way just to make sure that the salt sticks better to activate the salt that's why with a little bit of humidity the salt will melt before prop rio just as soon as it is like this here now I go with the salting you cover it and do not leave it with the salt above let's say what can keep this is what I do is the real saviors know that the real ones who do it by trade have the 'eye where to go to put the salt but this one here is the fifth curated work I do one a year indeed in fact then at the end of the video you will see my culatello which is ready it was aged in November last year at end I will show you what the earth is not this here of course that will need at least I leave it at least 12 months of seasoning if you do a nice massage think it adheres fine we are perfect doing so the way the excess what I think is right remains attacked I could also go and weigh the remaining rooms I tell you when it's gone but if you want it done in this way and you are fine you will find them well at this point you need to let it rest me I put it inside a grid with holes as you can see so that it drips with a tray underneath I will go and hold it up so that the liquid that will bring out the liquid ham you know that salt brings out the liquids that will throw out our unknown a culatello does not remain in contact with the meat for six days at least six days ok for many types of cured meats the ideal would be a kilo of meat a day of salt this here the five kilos now when I'm on the fifth day I decide if it's time to take it away from the salting let's say and put it in the bladder and then it will be the next step during these six days you will see that the meat will become darker will change its color if the diets that there are 10 points pay after a couple of days of the points that the meat does not it has changed color and has remained a little more mischievous than the other parts where where it has taken the salt take a pinch of salt and sky turn over ok in the meantime you have to massage it every day just in this way that you will help the salt to penetrate and the liquids protrude and if there is blood inside it will naturally be kept in the fridge ok or in a cool place that is at least 10 degrees here in this way below salt to the at the end of the six days we go back to see and we go to put the bladder and to make the typical binding of culatello then four days have passed from the salting so there are still or two more days to leave the meat so let's say in salt and I will show you my massage daily that I make the meat always using just a drop of wine with lario inside in this way and we praise and massage it for 34 minutes here's how you can see the meat has changed color I did not need to add salt because let's say the color has remained homogeneous not I see parts where the meat has not taken salt let's say that it has remained redder and mushy it starts to be quite firm and the meat from that gummy effect must really re sultare gummy then, however, to match the times of the binding of this culatello with let's say the cut of the culatello that homer sony seasoning last year since there is a small rite there are small operations to do to be able to cut the culatello and they last about two days I will show you what there is to do with the culatello before putting it in the cut so I put aside this year's culatello for a moment and show you the culatello that I put to season last year which was in the cellar not in the fridge and beware this time it is not a fridge seasoner but I kept it in the cellar weight then this aterno pool they put it as I told you at the beginning of the video in November of last year so we have all 'about 14 months if we are not mistaken so in February and 14 a 14-month salted pork as you see shows a shift bit musty see also below the bladder with blacks under those dots which are then transparently ch pepper and we put in the seasoning and this which is the classic tying that we will then go to see when I tie this here between a couple of young people the first thing you need to do to the culatello and go and remove all the rope around in this way we leave it just without a rope then the first intervention is actually very easy because it will be enough to soak it in a basin with water there are different schools of thought I leave it there for a couple of hours because the water will soften the bladder and then I will be able to go and detach it well from the culatello and instead there are those who leave it there for two days under water those who leave it directly under wine but I opened the first phase I do it with only water cold water running water then it is the wine that I used before I forget it is a natural wine does not have sulphites ok since we have not put and this pool atella is all natural of course we have not put saltpetre there is neither ads nor are sulphites in the v ino therefore practically 100% natural the only preserved we used is salt and here is the culatello all peeled that is we deprived it from the rope to prepare a basin with water inside and we go to immerse it myself I will put it face down in this way the water will clean the molds will make the bladder around the culatello soften it will make the stripping easier let's say because the culatello will need to be totally uncovered to pass to the next phase which is that of wine see you in three hours when we are ready to remove from the bladder once soaked our culatello will give us a little dry you see that all the buffo have come away now for the lower part I make a small incision with knife must remove the growth look how well it comes off once it has been soaked in the water let's make a good smell I go to take off the laces terni practicam ente we remained at the culatello vivo here is the next phase which is very important which will last a couple of days is to go and put it with a cloth here is a dish cloth naturally clean that I will go to soak with wine I will use dry white wine not use the last tip of the cellar I recommend playing a discreet wine and then after I go to cover the cloth it is important that the part above is covered let's say where the lean is because it was part that during the aging it dries up more I have covered everything then I take the film decide a turn of danger this way and make the duvet remain possible leave it in a cloth so sometimes in the film for a couple of days do not put it in the fridge left at room temperature because it is very It is important that the culatello is consumed at room temperature to preserve its aromas and the traditional taste that already then we begin to arrive towards the end says bladder of pork the bladder for those who do not know the one that contains the pee let's say then it is washed and then it is dried but I give you a further wash and I prefer to give us a disinfected with white vinegar so now to go and rehydrate I put a couple of liters of water in a basin and I go to soak it in the water I throw in two glasses of vinegar it was we leave at least a couple of hours even three hours because it must rehydrate well and it must be soaked in the water see you at the end for the binding then let's sum it up we left our piece of culatello salted for six days and we pulled out and it's ready the casing was in water and vinegar for three four hours maybe even four because I lost a little more of time it was re-turned inside inside we pulled out so that the part that contained the urine let's say being a bladder I am externally rinsed under water and this is the result this is our v we are ready to go and insert it in our culatello and as you can see the hole is a bit tight so let's go and widen it with a knife I make a small cut that will be the part that I will then go to sew I will try to make it a little bigger attack now I widened the bladder let's go insert the culatello in the bladder and then after that cut that done I will discard some of the excess it will have to be from the pull they gave me in the very big cities it would have been enough a little smaller so I go to discard death this way and then he goes to the carla with a needle and some wire roast wire I use try not to take it meat but only the bladder so we do the Ladin here and then we do the classic tying then we thread the lake step inside the rope so it is well tightened et voilà drilled general cynical and we are ready for the final tie then for the final tie I will use this salam rope and I will show you the tie ra a cobweb then it starts in this way it turns around it in this way so I practically show calmly that it is always only the part attached to the roll here we have done our 8 pulls at this point I go to the races down here with a classic knot hello like this then another long one up here then arrange a bit of the strings in a homogeneous way ok ok done this done this first tie let's say eight strings you will find yourself in this situation with two corbini then this eagle goes to split like this and passed it under let's say a left wire in this way it is the same the same thing we do it with the other string split it take the right wire let's say equivalent to the one parallel to the other in short and let's go to pull in this way we are going to reinforce the whole structure and then we will have to make a wall on it in this fair way we already say the structure that holds the culatello up ok well now the part is a little bit or more rigorous let's say it stretches the strings a little look that it was blister it has not broken you have to check try to equalize these strings well here's where to go of a pear shape as much as possible and by then at this point I take a piece of string enough long but not so much but because then we will go to go add king and started making a knot here at the bottom this way and started to do this game then he passed the rope in this way ok from below acciona then you have to keep pulled this way you pass the rope under then the first turns are done quite well because we tell you the strings the structure I call it the structure is still quite slow but as you go on to make this spider web it will become more and more firm and it will be more difficult so I will use that species of device that I made myself let's say self-made decks of truth did not build roberto della hardware from a metal spoon we made with the kind of brush that I will need to love under the ropes after I make you leader from here on I can no longer make a joint in the meantime it took the mill then the braid is this practically we have a smooth tip a smooth tip it is a little hole it goes to insert the rope in here it takes the place and let's say a needle but having the rounded tip I don't go to pierce the bladder see I can get under the strings well without going to ruin the polish you don't even need to mourinho logically I don't I do every day I am not that great and fast as everyone will notice but I see that the binding is coming quite well and also quite tight that it is necessary the aim is always to make the bladder adhere well to the culatello there is also I can pass now I am going to pass under one of these things must go and stop a string let's say if we make another this film yes and here is the culatello made my way it means it is not a l super- professional finish such as that of culatello di zibello but broadly the binding is this here now I will go there to make the holes I recommend do not be afraid to do it because it needs it because it has to bring out the scenarios that exist remained under in the meantime and then after a while it will have a way to drip that's it then now this culatello will remain I will keep it a couple of days at room temperature I will take it here indeed I take it immediately behind us it will remain there hanging for a couple of days you have it under a basin so that it blooms it will do the first dripping then afterwards I will put it in the cellar and it will remain there in the cellar for at least 12 months ok now last year's one as I told you is ready he had put it in Turin two days ago I am ready now we will go to do the cutting test and let's see how last year's culatello then we are ready for the cutting test at this point after two days I will go to open the cula tello after two days of undue canvas in wine let's say we are ready to see how the ass has become it has cut after a long journey because from the beginning to up to here 14 bars have passed 15 months I say 15 because being that I have put it in November of last year now we are the first of February let's say it is 14 bar 15 months here then it is nice wet and a little softened and it is right what we want to get now I am going to cut it in two then for those who consume it at the counter cut them in two to a waste because it is right to start it from the tip because otherwise you get 2 butts and as you all know let's say the bottom is hard to give away especially for a culatello that has a fairly prohibitive cost let's say yes as this is mine here is at home mine I am going to divide it into two pieces, one of which I will cut and one I will keep it vacuum packed when I have finished the first one it is possible to safely keep them for three months now curiosity is assailing me an let's cut it then seasoned and seasoned I would say it is exceptional then I keep this here which for me we say was the best part I keep it for last I will put this cure in Italy the let's say final part the part of the tail gives us only a clean because it is right that the rind it is very well that is not the rind but the but the red of the ham the lean must not have yellow must not have yellow because otherwise it would transfer bad taste to the culatello so I give it a light top peeled because he wants the culatello clean so to remove it in itself by chance I made a bit of yellow we say rancid you see this part here and more yellowish but I go to unwrap most likely in the shops you will not find anyone that I will do this job here and it is bad because the ass and spoke served clean well here is how you can see I already put the slicer on the machine as tradition dictates, it would take an actress slice with the flywheel of the red ones that you know well the brand I can also tell you and that nothing happens anyway those of the merkel because the rotation of the blade is slower than the blade, let's say with a motor, it is said that since the culatello is served at room temperature because the aromas are enhanced let's say at more room temperature it is said that the blade turning very strong heats the slice makes you lose the roma al culatello is a small thing however it is a small trick that in parma or they use in short they use merkel to slice the ass at the end we are ready to make it slice then another another rule is that it must be very thin really thin a veil in the meantime I have prepared here behind me two slices of bread the perfume for the fantastic just one more effect because if not I have no more left than then here it is and culatello fantinati the culatello fantinati here it really is truly exceptional I go get my two slices of bread before they burn and I prepare myself preparing some while I talk to soul food for the essay test and cco here and finally I go to taste it then first I taste it without the bread because I have to know the taste melts in the mouth very sweet to the characteristic taste like the original as I did not say is the same as this I tell you snow that the efforts have been rewarded a truly exceptional Christmas then another thing about the cellar this one will end up in the cellar as I had already said in a couple of days the cellar my cellar is more or less from 15 to 18 degrees is a fairly humid map and I will be born the the result is this here that of last year happened perfectly so I do not move it from that position and if you have a cellar that has this characteristic, let's say between 13 and 18 degrees and that is quite humid, put it and leave it there. summer remains cool enough because the salted pork must undergo own all seasons up to the cold this strange that we are ready to cut the south goes well I will end because the video will have lasted really long I hope that the video was interesting because I left a little let's say the steps and I dwelt a bit in talking to try to explain as best as possible how to do it at home the various steps the binding even if not I am a super professional but as you can see the rifling had quite good so I would say that if you have any questions to ask, put it below in the info box do not forget to subscribe to the channel for other video recipes or seasoning videos I would say that you can easily show us to the next video greetings from david to the next hello bono
Channel: Davide Fantinati
Views: 177,736
Rating: 4.8989282 out of 5
Keywords: Culatello, salumi, stagionatura, in casa, tutorial, ricetta
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 10sec (3130 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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