PANCETTA the Italian bacon homemade

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hello guys today we prepared a pancetta teaser teaser pork belly cure but before seeing the recipe for the salty our belly pork is one I will use 40 gram of salt each kilogram of belly this Bell is 1 kilogram in 100 L so I will use 45 gram of salt plus 1/2 teaspoon of pepper and 1/2 teaspoon of chili powder now we mix all these ingredients together and after we go to massage our very poor remember also to go around here not only in the middle salted the very pork I put it on chopping board went with food with something down behind in this way with the cleaners from the water before inside this container now we put all this stuff in the fridge for at least five seven days seven days will be perfect every day is remember to remove the water from the container and when you do this work you should turn also the belly at 180 degree so in this way the reason is because if you keep always in this position here will be more drawn to here but if we tour every time will be dry in the same way you after three days in the fridge we turn upside down in this way the skin turn dry but because now here the skin is fresh and here is dry so we keep in the fridge one or two days and after we put upside down again until the seventh day [Music] after one week in the fridge our bacon is more or less dry so now we see was it to remove the salt in excess but now I want to speak first about the dish like you have noticed before was upon a wood that we used to chop vegetables the problem that he can absorb the liquid come out from the back on Sodor is that the bacon start to smell if FN stone work you can because I pick on the skin we don't eat the skin so we wash the skin with the dinegar and after we put the sole I done this already I put in the dish but before I put some salt you can see there now we remove this salt in excess and we wash our bacon with a beer you can wash it over the wine over the bill but if you follow my channel you know that I love to make the bulletin so I will work with a beer after never bacon is a bath puffing in the beer I will speak you about the spices [Music] half glass of beer is enough you wash it very well maybe now I turn upside down again I'll show you the spices to put on the meat no on the skin [Music] [Music] first we make it on with a knife maybe here be perfect in this way will prepare a to egg our belly dress our belly now we should anger over bacon you can put a room temperature somewhere unless between 20 and 25 change the degree for 24-48 hours the only things you should put a container under the bed one because some drop will fall down from the bank on this way you can keep clean your house and after we whittled in the basement but we will see this in next few days see you in 24 or 48 hours after at room temperature our bacon isn't ready it'll be dry you can see also from the skin in the back so now we can put in our basement if you are not the basement you can put in the fridge in the part of the fridge that is not so cold this is what fall down from our word bacon so now that you put in the basement is always good if you put some container and the bacon because if some drop fall down will you will keep the basement clay this is the solution for everybody that don't have the basement you can end up inside the fridge so you can put a stick like this and end up your pancetta after 21 days in the fridge we can remove our pancetta and we will taste it but now we remove from the fridge I will keep at room temperature more or less 5 6 hours and after we will test it sorry forgot to say that first you should remove the skin because it's too are but please keep it because you can use to put other because [Music] mom on your spec table you should try it this Perry yeah now I will test it with that factory that is a pizza dough deep-fried on the end of this video you can see also the recipe of the pizza dough so let's try everything together domina okay guys sooo next time remember to subscribe to the channel to leave me a like either towards the other video here you can find the recipe to deep-fry that Pizza by right
Channel: cuoredicioccolato
Views: 448,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PANCETTA Video Recipe, How To make pancetta, PANCETTA Home made, How To Make Pancetta, what is pancetta meat, what is pancetta made of, How to make pancetta bacon, How It's Made Bacon, pancetta recipes jamie oliver, pancetta recipe in tamil, pancetta recipe in hindi, pancetta italian recipes, Easy Spaghetti Carbonara, pancetta gordon ramsay, Slow-Roasted Pork Belly, italian cured meats, Complete Guide to Curing Meat in the Refrigerator, italian cured ham, italian cured beef
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2018
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