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hi i'm david then today let's see how to prepare a little bit then the main ingredient is hard the pork we practically have this piece of pork which is nothing more than the robot ok the part of the pork chop attached is the side and behind we left the pancetta ok let's say it's a part on a part of the belly with the loin then in order to make the porchetta we have to debon it trying to leave the piece whole let's try to see how it is done less or at least as I do then with a knife of course that works with all the protections of the case I show that there is to all the steel apron protections as much as the steel we go to teach all the bones of the side to highlight them so perfect say that we have marked all of them apart from one that there is still another at this point I do a little off the table to look for the joint of the bones ok you see how the bone came off on the side of let's say this here would be the tip of the pett or in the pork however it is a piece of bacon then once we have made the marks in these we go aside to detach them one by one in this way who takes are we detach another and then but do not get bored I detach calmly always calmly I recommend if no one runs after us she almost made me the important thing is not to leave cherry because then later when we go to cook it and then cut it it is very important that there are no tens left because on the palate it is not the best then if we go to slice that slice trenches the bones are a displeasure for the sliced ​​friends the blades light up in an ok I would say that we have removed everything possible at this point at this point we are going to detach the fillet the fillet from the long do not worry if it should come off which is then put back in a second moment in the breaking phase let's say well we hire someone forced to with brazil because it is always but it is necessary that with the given cuts made and now we start removes the bone says mo of the chop for a moment you have seen how it escapes knife escapes in a moment practically they have to detach the sicily the area of ​​the long that's it then practically there is nothing left but to remove these small pieces of less bettino which are the famous pins that you find in the prostrate love or discard that edison of cobain and fabio and are these energetic they are very very tender but in the barbecue side they are not appreciated lecce in the stewed side they are more tender and are more eat them let's say we have practically eliminated any part of now at this point you have to give us an athlete to tell the start a little excess fat and then we will go to season it with aromatic herbs that I will show you we are waiting for the good andrea my colleague that he is the aromas specialist to go and season the competitions and prepare to make the porchetta well let's see the ingredients to make a belly let's say what I prepared for concia concia della porchetta and then abb We have prepared a tray with the dill of the threshold and some cloves of garlic I have prepared a tray about if we go to put a 3 percent salt inside then our porchetta and about 10 kg we go to put 300 grams of salt salt that I flavored with garlic rosemary pepper and enough garlic rosemary salt pepper and I prepared a drop of oil to be able to reach our fork internally oil with the roma for now let's go to stuff with micro car now in the first waning phase done see who I made a small cut here under the loaf and slightly peel off the rind to be able to go and season this part with it also on the other side I did I am slightly open it hit her understand it will season with this word then now let's go and put the ours and then we go to massage the meat very well as I told you practiced in the incisions also which is the vein so that our diamond shapes can also enter inside of this part here of the pylon we are going to massage it is all the parts so even the oil will help our seasoning that in a blocked way miracles here once this is done we put the salt everywhere even below this one I am using is a medium salt of grouper and that's fine because in the cooking phase he will be born there will penetrate inside the card let's massage all the parts well in the sun way and keep it venice everywhere let's add our heard the same but below and also the right time dad let's continue to massage we don't see the herbs right here i'm not really sperm look and the time has come to tie it let's go and fold the vein inside our cortesi and the bacon part and think about it so ok i am already in the pointed first part of the chord I made a dino to hold the string in place and with a needle I go open to give us the first tied to try to keep it closed I am using a heart to become that they can also go into the oven and do not burn remain a powerful not find our hands with the lake as you can see I doubled the rope so that it has more resistance ok we did a turn around it we do not tie then it is once the seam is done let's say bacon to keep the porchetta together had made the cross caricature let's go strangling let's say with a slightly thicker rope I'm going to do the mourinho in the head double double rope for via xxix other robust but we pass under the pancetta alla porchetta cilia one placed more or less at the position where we want it ok and we go to make a last knot practically like that of raw ham ok my father said he calls it hot strangles ok he does not exaggerate not to exaggerate cultivating and then I do a naked top because rope does not slip and so on another dino double rope but we pass under we go more or less in the position we are interested in pulling perfect we try again he to do something visually beautiful in the sense not crooked tries to keep it straight enough nickname from sand that does not slip and let's go on here is the last very important one that goes to keep it out of the flesh for him I would say that it is quite pirate and now we just have to cook it before we leave it to rest at least one night so that the thing is absorbed and the meat is flavored then together devil maybe tomorrow in the kitchen that we will go put in the oven let's see how here we are in the kitchen then the porchetta is ready for the year placed on an oven grill we are now ready to go and gore it or pre-programmed the oven for automatic cooking until the heart is cooked at about 70 72 degrees because it roughly takes an hour every kg every kilo of meat since this course which about 12 kg will take some time maybe not 12 hours but the oven will decide when to stop so let's go to inform I would say that we are perfect i is there for the length all right then the porchetta agreement practically welcomed all night instead of last night at six in the afternoon and pretended to cook it at 3 this morning and therefore the hours have to do with the ball because when I put it in the oven it was 12 kg 11.009 it weighed after cooked it remained 9 kg so a good 3 kg and kamata and let it cool for an hour or so we want to do the test size I would say that the cooking is there I leave let's go for a taste of the curtain definitely excellent special just the rind and crunchy excellent we use this part here since we feel the first slice even a little more in the center but really good david okay then let's frame the last time I would say that they are pretty good in my opinion then with this the video ends I hope you liked the porchetta and very good I remind you that if you want to write to the channel click here if you liked the video and put a like I would say see you in the next video bye to t all
Channel: Davide Fantinati
Views: 494,403
Rating: 4.8502026 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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