Colour Me Ladies Conference | Rica Peralejo Bonifacio

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I saw thank you Miss Lee me and thank you Michelle oh hi everybody missing by the Samoan hi oh boo boo signify oh hi miss Connie movin hi oh no they didn't didn't you love just what she shared okay a trivia miss Connie is actually my disciple so when I found I didn't know in the beginning that we were gonna be in the same country or that we'd be here at the same time cause apparently Nabu Hanukkah me Miss Lee Nina I know Paula along the onion are coming in in baton and then both of us would always decline just because some thinking already was planned ahead of time so I'm always out of the country on March usually it's like the summer vacation and all that so India Holman ahaha pontus a collar me ladies conference so finally it worked out on the very same year when my decipher actually said yes so I was just so blessed many of what you heard earlier I heard myself not a choke on my private showing a focus at the level uncommon Soria so preview coma I know because I got saved 11 years ago 11 years ago I would always be in her then and she would hear about all of the like the nasty past stuff that I went through and she would tell me hers all of those stories and it never gets old I've heard that but I still get teary-eyed cuz it's just it's just a testimony of God's love I mean she's been with the Lord for how many years but it feels like when she tells the story that it all happened yesterday right and that's my prayer for all of us today that when we get out of this room after this conference actually that's when the battle starts in dino-man talaga d2 MRA refresh ka dito your hearts are open you're gonna be excited and all that but when you get out like what miss connie said it's a broken world we're back in you know our everyday lives they may not be the perfect lives but we can see with Mosconi that we can be whole there's no such thing as perfect but we can be whole we can be intact we go out to a broken but we say in a word hole we can do this we can tread through this kind of life because we have God with us right so that's our goal for today we're gonna pump you up with God's love known as Miss konnyaku young Susana do you have Bettina later and I'm sure you're gonna be so filled I've been praying for you guys also the color me ladies I'm Cora team I've been praying for them guys thank you for what you're doing we have how many 1800 is that correct we have 1800 women in this room when you know a few years ago I realized now that maple and issue number by the macarena ministry for women and I've been trying to help people saying can you do a ministry here in Manila for women just for women because I Bank issues Namine you mana issue and I'm in came on Alan laughing I had a chocolate Gullu muy bien para todo un de man newman Ababa by human issues nothing and we need something fellow women who will speak into our lives correct so I'm just so grateful to the caller me ladies women for starting this thing in Cebu and it from all over the regions also who those who came from monegros thank you for coming over and I'm praying that in the coming years in dealing one Grand Ballroom Mariah bye-bye we want this to spread I'm also always very excited also when I'm invited to like different parts of the Philippines because I am a deep believer of the Philippines as not Manila at all the Philippines is say Baba Khalid illa all over the Philippines right and every time I'm here in Cebu talents Abaco bun class and confidence Nang say boo Peron hindi sila aware Nami Manila Biba pero goose Abu Sufyan I told Nana my husband if ever a muumuu vanilla tires a some partner Philippines Paran gusto ko Cebu kissy-kissy anyway grab um Friday night Oakland you pride in nepeta I really like that how the way that you are very proud of your own heritage your own history so many things that I mean a quaint okada Bay Sabitha Hana a suwannee Michelle Oh see Magellan Cunha Glen dosa eben I know on the bonding area ebon province begin artista pero cocina gland ito entire but it really shows your character and I really love it there's so much I know then even your arts is booming the BA many years ago you had Bigfoot already here and I wanted to enroll in Bigfoot because hobbico grab in una una silla semi ramming buggy so I really appreciate the regions I'm from Manila I love Manila but gosh the regions of the Philippines also are just so beautiful and I can't wait to explore more provinces more regions in the future with my son as I know Tito okay long challenging me to Manila Raymond grab in traffic new so anyway we're a roomful of women there are married people here I'm sure who are single single and believe ya know hey huh we will pray later oh we will pray for the desires of God not your desires about we will delight in him Sabine is it upon me Oh keep our young design young apprentice 18 Cassie behind design und design the garden in Makaha Tubman who are the stay-at-home moms Maren Yan working mommies Yanomami tiny baby bonito my last solo parents yeah grab em oh yeah no we have two champions here and you can see that you know solo parenting is not something that you pity or doesn't look nice you can see really vibrant women who are just championing you know this is how to parent not by myself but with God right so that's for the solo and oh mama America in breakout session dban so I'm going to talk a little bit about myself and gossiping analemma Cellini sibu hasn't heard but oh my testimony Paula oh man I realized oh I'm always here for shows canta canta Hogan yin para Hindi Kunis chaeryoung buhay KO like what I really went through so surprise surprise Marin came a hockey town picture Nikita horny jian ass again let's go to our first picture this is me for the nan million memo Millennials body to Sonoma Rama no mera naam on Penny mamajamas to Mendoza Millennials Nala Lana Pato the before 13 ah yeah and Maki for the millennia Salmonella and oh guys mommy líneas chica Tahoe daddy you ma nineties grabbed a Yamaha cadet Oh Papa pictures Ella hot satin so hula and Josi no Cochin Nikita noob an alumni by the time you see Julie near NASA Gillen Rochelle Nancy Lindsey yo and you gotta be kneeling say oh you're young so I was just 12 when I joined on TV I was born and raised in a Catholic home with my the home of my parents I went to regular school all that and the one day somebody told me you know there's an addition for Walt Disney's search for a recording star so hanaman I see kima go audition haha John casino discover coming guidance class Molossia Tom McGuane teacher casa minha who has a talent too Mima don't lose your way manaman can't I know you and so come on topically know so you know I could join join now animal contest school and I could sing pala so that's when I found out Mara no hump Allen and then I joined that search for a recording star and I went to up to three the third round that was afternoon will on an apple on a corporal don't do not start young Jerry Nico and then eventually I heard about on TV and then I joined on TV so it would be nice to join something like that not just to but um perform I wanted to exercise my crafts Kisei so kappa sonikku hide napa telegram it should that i sobre paya told me breathe Stella Gong in the coulomb company Okanagan artista telegin me just long seguro telegin appeal Yakko no aronia Tita Anita leg arm noon Tiananmen come on a picture Cohen panicking artista random it more apparent median improve knee 12 casino 14 Mohana meet mama two years may john curran confidence but I was so thin so frail I didn't really look hearty Stein at all but you know for some reason God allowed that to happen and I joined and it became one of the unis I because I knew staccato that they know 90s Peleg on it became a big hit and so I I really wasn't prepared for fame because I didn't know man grow up in like a family of Milan artistas or communicator so it was all new to me I had fun and I just kept doing it over and over again and then until I got so busy that I had to say no to school already because there was a time that I got sick and then my mom said I think that by you being an artiste time and then you're also going to school your body can't handle it like I said it was very frail I was very thin I wasn't really the healthiest person so my mom said that you might have to choose and then she offered you might want to do home study so sabi ko si gig ago in Canal study because I was enjoying at that time so that that's the start of my career 12 13 14 and ghanaian and I guess now Hawaii Taccone looking I know not discover Kona I can apologue Andean so before it was just really singing and then I knew that I could die I learned how to dance I learned how to act so that was the start of my career eventually to Matt a girl to Matt a girl to Matt a girl come around my 18 the Cochran Ahonen made sure not a man worries but more like what am I gonna do next tip I in our industry or even in in many industries evolution is important like how will you evolve us as an artist or your changed by or your re reinvention is the name of the game and people were always asking me what's your next thing and I didn't really plan for these things I I just said you know I'll just keep working because I love to work I didn't really mean to be a superstar I just wanted to sing that was my original desire so now that they were asking me to reinvent I didn't know what to do and then some people were suggesting how many of us know that when you don't have a plan others will make a plan for you so I didn't have a plan I was just you know yeah okay so gay going at it going athenian oh this earns more money I'll just do that you know you're my decisions going life I didn't have a solid plan I didn't have a belief that I could hold on to above all I didn't have God so I had no wisdom everybody was wise to me at this point I was young and even my mom was like she doesn't know this business so I couldn't blame her everybody is suggesting doozies do that Canyon until one day Minich sabe at Ala Moana konasana Soros non-hindi Pollock I got gallinnian pero sin Ibiza hand I am a sexy why don't you do sexy roles in reaction cut Elega made yo homey because it's a big apparel but because these people were really saying you know if you do this if you change a little bit of your hair and you look and all that you'd be a superstar that's the gap in our industry right now so a shame prayer like I said we didn't have a plan it sounded good to us and so I jumped on that ship so I'm a 19 I started that I changed my image and then when I changed my image pattern big long the boo hye-young Mendoza poly get good apparently at sailor grab your like this you can do that and you're so sexy but you're so pretty Paula and every time I would go out there was success following me in everything that I did like all sold-out concerts and then a lot of people were becoming my fans because I had that kind of image but all of my fans were really more guys than women's apparel Barrow to you wow this brings me money people are congratulating me this must be right because these are science a demanded timing in Iguala Linda back up a long time ago so I was like thinking maybe this is right so I would do like films that I can't even be proud of today I won't be able to show to anyone of you not my children especially so these were the kinds of things that I got into and I also knew deep inside my heart that something was wrong I was just trying to make it feel right on the surface because what will I do this is the source of my money the source of my identity the source of my confidence at that time so I think I just kept going but deep down inside Emily Hindi : ma pinpoint calm and a young male so I just kept going I kept going and the one day I just got tired I said you know is there nothing else besides work beyond work I'm just so tired of doing the same thing over and over again and just because I felt now something was wrong something was amiss I also got into different kinds of things I got into drugs I would get into drinking so by the time I was like half of me was made out of coffee and half of me was made out of alcohol no no knock on classing Tahu say I was just really trying to cope with everything that I was going through that something was wrong I didn't know what it was and I also didn't like it that I had no other life but work work work everyday so work became my idol that's the fact was the added pressure of I was the breadwinner for family so there were many things that I was balancing in my head now should I let this go if I don't really feel right about it but then again my who's gonna feed my family how will I support them if I don't have that money and so I just kept going I tried to cover it up with alcohol relationships maraming panic hit Bhutan Steve I you're not gonna bonamana panic butas go and for a moment I will be happy but then when I get back to reality I still Nona something's not right and of course you know when you look that way when you look lost all these people who have God in them and we can allah azza work i'm sure that the tehani already saw that way beforehand she already saw it when I was 14 she already prayed with me there's too young to really understand them and you know how many of us know the banner sometimes God will speak to you and then you tune it out and then after a while it appears again and you say gosh you know I really need God so by this point I was already 25 when I realized I really want to stop this kind of life now better I don't know where to start so some of the Christians were getting saved some of the co-workers that were getting saved around me at that time monitamon starlets behind in ocala La Silla Piolo Pascual la la yawn yawns but no major contains hiccup longjourney so messy save Silla all around me but in friend aniseed and they also Sam Milby they would keep asking me to go to Bible studies happy-go-lucky Tommen Bible sign a power Corinne in Emanuel obamas in Newman along tioga Mian SIL hatela mmm well the more Kalaimamani Bible study but Chikatilo Safin until and they would ask me to go to service but for me I was like I don't wanna I don't go to that kind of service of course not I have my own faith next sorry Rahul but Dad the sallow Hindi conical on onion until one day not to Akane Sam will be having a subpoena subpoena moanin and details are known of course it said in English Nami Joe may contain Tagalog 'no block today somebody said that you were here in Rockwell's getting an answer I left not tapas Sabina how can I meet you today Sam become sandy yeah yeah I know and it is a treat that'd be cool I know I'm sorry I'm going I'm going home naka say Samia oh yeah that's perfect because you will pass by ortigas right that's where I will go to church I know what the Mayans are no as a service nice example it's a service remember us born and raised a Catholic this is my first evangelical service and I enter a cinema because at that time the center was being renovated so they had to be in the cinema so I was so it was all new to me it was like why is it you see me hon movie by n so laugh at laugh at the what oppas they were all praise and worship nagging yeah Jesus Jesus concert Banco elegant militant aho happy go pero Jesus dos Iggy okay until they put me there some last third I know one third row so i sat there quietly and I said you know what I think this is wrong this is not right this is the last time I will be tricked by this Sam Milby good Chaparro ok hindi natanya yes the decision economic isa soliloquy and then this preacher started talking again dismiss inna be sure about the bleeding woman do you guys know the story of the bleeding woman in the Bible when he started talking about a bleeding woman somehow my heart opened and I felt like crying which you know I'm not one with easy to cry it takes me quite a lot before I cry so I was like so weirded out that I felt like crying and then as I was listening I think I know why I'm crying because this woman I could relate very much with this woman this woman has been bleeding for twelve years and it says in the Book of Luke that she went to many physicians but she wasn't healed how many of us know that over one week if you're still living something is wrong with you this girl has been bleeding for twelve years something must be really really wrong with her and during her time it was even taboo to be beside someone who has her thing for the month right so now it's a except now but that time no cannot touch so you can just imagine the shame of that moment of being able to master herself to get to say nasan being Jesus and I just didn't want to touch the robe of of this guy right because he has power to heal me so for her to get herself there it's already trying to overcome her shame and I could relate very much I felt like maybe that's what I've been feeling all this time there was shame dignity was taken away from me being a woman and having to sell myself in those movies that way no one protected me enough to say that you know God is giving you dignity and let's preserve that God is giving your purity this is his gift to you let's preserve that what did I do I just let it go I just let it go for the world to see and as a result I really felt broken I felt like that leading woman was been bleeding for twelve years and guess what it was my 12th year in the business during that year so I said okay I think someone is talking to me so penny picking and company Papa proud PAHO parang someone is talking to me parent God is talking to me and I realized okay maybe I should give this a try so after that everybody around me sense that you know I think she's open so they immediately prayed for me and did not gonna God Allah God gatita honey I think you know I got an Eriksen if Ankita I have one girl for you a Peola bah okay Peola called you and so I started to meet with DITA honey in there was an open twelve sessions by one-to-one noon so we went through twelve sessions of this booklet that we use in church together and there every session I would session after session cry my heart out to her because I just realized that all these years I was broken and all I needed to do was touch the hem of Jesus robe and I will be healed and I felt the healing of God God Bella loves me God Paulo can heal me in an instant like that well you know in an instant in some places and in some place it says please says work per inch edema and I'm just so glad Tita honey was so much a guy with me and let me just say this huh if you don't have a mentor go and find one if you don't have anyone who you can do life with or like you don't have a disciple or go and find one because it really helped me a lot the Tita honey will just regularly meet with me and go through all of the junk in my heart until healing after healing after healing breaking breaking breaking these are not you don't identify with this anymore you don't identify with your past anymore you are a new creation somebody has to keep saying that to you right because even if you read it from the Bible the lies cuz it can be so strong that you need others to agree with you you are a new creation Sabine must have to be more you are a new creation Nimba sometimes hard to believe they could say popping in more it's still me but we are a process so I'll show you a picture of over there their picture namu gaji Omega ko maganda na Hodgins I do my own so that was doing our victory weekend and you know it really just helped me a lot to work with it Akane and to be reminded day after day after day that I'm a new creation let me tell you a short story one of those days my mentoring community Suhani chef Linda Panamera hopefully new so I mean accompany Nevada hope Aaron Kayla and Poong it week in many places in areas and I still would smoke a lot so I was a smoker before many while a behind each other how I was annoying I know two packs a day and yangon in the home of smoke before so Lord Sam eating salmon a long time unity Tohono canoe smoke was your Puma belie my lord one of those days Tina no line yeah Sabina Oh octopus Nami Nami love us now so I was about to get out of the dorm when she said oh by the way do you still smoke Saguna eternity in my mind like the decision I was so scared but she would get mad at me and she said I it's okay una healer you hurt mom that's what she told me and I felt like it so it was just such a love and power of God the parent God is not someone who who's out to punish you you do wrong you do right he's not like that he's actually asking you come as you are I'll change you with my love and that's what I felt through Tita Corning so go and find someone that you can do life with someone who can rally you and say rally with you and say I am a new creation doesn't feel like it yet now but we will be we will be we will be every day is that you're believing more and more that you are a new creation okay so this is my my picture with it Akane the next picture is when I finally graduated I know okay my Kubelik that this is my baptism that was on the same year when I got tricked by Sam Milby radical I guess how I go pulling in a hand-up go boom boom I couldn't you see nabhi chakra so among our 30 minutes on the holo-book for all my sins that joke Lanka that me mama tell a cute name so does my next picture is when I graduate okay a short story about my educational life like I said I went to home study when I was around 13 and I never got to go to regular school all throughout my life and so when finally I felt like you know I need to finish this part of me I need to graduate I need to have that degree I was already 25 can you imagine being freshy at 25 so you or same nominee telegin gonna be introduced amana by Goom I know about mr. giant a hobby like a Buddha must know Julio so major mo bargain now but you know I by the grace of God I was able to get my big Reaper in even in my twenties and so after that I also became a part of have you do you remember oh my gun keg and up okay when I finally decided that you know what God has given me the gift of dignity and of purity I I need to be holy and blameless before him he's gonna help me wash away my past I said I started saying no to all of these sexy roles but that was my identity at least in in the industry so can you just imagine how much money I lost by saying no no no but it was my conviction I said I'm not gonna do this anymore because I love God and I trust God I'm not gonna go hungry even if I keep saying no to these things and you know really not that they went by no Elohim in Cana in Emilia ho nikomina gira geithner magazine oho saladna and at Indy long yon doors were open for me like this one can you imagine me on a news and current affairs show Canada during the time the papadum huh Oh Sunita Hodgins has shown a yawn but God started opening doors for me I became a host and then that's when I discovery discovered my love for writing and I would keep on writing it other people would sing in the Nepali mug so let's not bicker in a loop but you know can see when we don't pursue Cassie the plants of God for us what he wants for us a to move on that is a a bang lugar him be Marie not Akita onion design dementia Paris Iowa I didn't really know that God gave me the gift of writing God gave me the gift of speaking I didn't even know that because I kept pursuing my own desires and so when finally I went back on the right track I was just so humbled by the thought that you know even if I went wrong for so many years of my life God will still give to me what he has prepared for me he's really not a God who punishes say now LM moon on part number hey mo I mean Malaya so along BBK say you my plane I know how far you God's not like that we can be like that but he's not like that yes our sins have consequences but remember that these are not punishments of God God will still give to you what he has prepared for you and in his wisdom he allows things to happen so eventually after you know that whole lagari la jolla the current embargo identity is a show business I finally found the one nurse ears yeah on a wedding picture name and that was on during sunset in 2010 I finally a tapa Matata why you were late papa misawa no pastor pastor's wife oh oh the bad joke but yeah theory can you send current affairs girl just pastor's wife oh the bad guy the honeycomb a hyssop in storyline now only God can do something like that right so I not in my wildest dreams that I would ever end up with a pastor but I did and you know he's one of the next to God he is the best decision so first is being Jesus the best decision second is being with this man single ladies it to you Monica Sabu hi no NASA no parent and Dan aho Kumagai saga hi-yah Jose how about my boy Haman en Casa Madiba oh hey so I am one among a bamboo him Osama is a comedy but what do you think moo Mallika Perrine fergie singl cumali Perrine and Watteau and Yandy bad so is sleeping my booty keeping my booty mug the Sun on my booty must Ohain LM a single kiss Emily de ba yung I'm ruling coup in life because I look at that I sabe say Bible I must submit a commune so submit enjoy indica submit submit panel on de ba ii lock submit na cause I was having Italian tired it's a bangin I sure submit da da ba so that bad human clear lead Metallica so single women put that in your minds huh there is nobody better than God God is the best debater Connie's husband is the Lord you already are loved so don't even think of a toupee dinner in tow you know pump a leap asuras come down along let's get puppies no let's get pets okay if we want somebody loyal ganyan and won't even tell you what to do no you you tell that puppy what to do but the puppy will not tell you let's go here ganyan you won't submit their puppy so get a puppy and then of course after 4 years of marriage we finally had her first son his name is Phillip and this is how he looks now 4 years old nasha so that's like one of the lights changing moments many parents in this room know that when once the firstborn comes it's just never the same again right they we are we are in charge of world changers right right in our own homes the moment they are born our worlds are changed we don't sleep we don't eat we don't have a life hi world has changed but it's such a fulfilling task to have right it's such a privilege to be a parent so here are the photos of our family right now yeah and so that was last New Year's I have more photos there and like what was said earlier I'm also now enrolled in an online course in Wheaton College I was privileged to be picked as one of those people that our church was sponsor that was in Chicago and our course is called evangelism and leadership and you know what it was such it's also a testimony of God's grace on my life remember I didn't have the normal track when it comes to education I never thought I would even finish college but I did and after I did God would even give me further studies like I never imagined that this would happen now these are the ladies that came to our Christmas party so one of the things that I'm busy with right now is also as Tita Connie did it to me I also do it to others I mentor other women also so you are being mentored by someone make sure you're mentoring the next generation also because this is very important we we need to be able to pass what was passed on to us right we need to keep on sharing his word sharing the gospel and raising more and more women who can lead in different places right who can lead in church lead in the marketplace it doesn't matter where God puts you where God calls you it is important that you lead with the Grace and the power of God right so right now this is what I'm busy with and then also I have my blog every day a new page command also the social media sites that I am on CJ young oh hey so you knew mama where where I'm busy right now because God has given me a platform I want to use it for his glory so I always tell stories they're not always with verses not always with the by because we want to reach those who don't know that yet right so we just want to show them and nobody like a young boo Hanna Marin see God because he Mohini manimaran see God minimun para me Bible verse castle at Sonoma all the time right it's always in your heart it's always in your mouth and it's in your life most especially the way that you conduct yourself right so that this is where mainly I displayed more than PV consumer I mean a katana cannibal monkey TV I I would love to but seguro when I have more time so that's what I'm busy about and also I do yeah I do campus ministry work together my husband my husband it actually leads the campus managed ministry of our church and so I do it together with him so they're maraming Malpani are Aki hindi renuka Machado upon Tonito but really I am just so happy to be here in Cebu panel feeling go give didn't just happen because I've been telling the syllabus Lenina is a similar dream squeeze him up on palana Hadi tono Alan gagawin focus on McGee kata-kata ho at the delinquent Anacapa Rama discovering Cebu and him among adding a on puede Manya rape a latter part of the year but it's been I think this is part of God's gift to me to bring me here why I just turned okay birthday call new March 7 Ilana ho he leant on the house again make a guess yes Peter corrido 27 yes higher higher honey how old do you think I am 32 and oppa lan-evo bus a novice and I'm Glenda back at the Barbizon block with Billy Nagato okay I am sanctum at again thing 37 and you know of all my birthday's yes get behind you age go thank you so much at 37 oh hey mid-june accent people I'm not a very sentiment I know I'm a sentimental person I'm not emotional so I find many things sentimental but this one I became very emotional approaching 37 because I really felt like so many things in my life are going away my skin has always been perfect until five 35/36 a pimple Naha me mama lines nasha so I feel the need for skin care for the first time of in my life in terms of in in when it comes to because I'm a content creator also so I do this for my blog and I do this for different companies and you know I felt like I was already running out of ideas I said you know I'm one who's always with 1,000 ideas but this year it feels like my ideas are being shot down they're not all great Paula and I feel like even that my excellence in that area is already kind of going away it's kind of major nap not realize cuz I'm not that great Paula when it comes to my strengths I cannot even stay awake past 12 anymore okay daddy I don't sleep I only see two hours a week I say I could work work work work two hours Lemieux solid sleep Cola hotness a cardinal on 102 to log in the plane now I can't do that and I could feel my strength is really going away it's not like before anymore and I'm pretty sure that many of you have felt that also I've had my health scares this year I started the year by going to the ER because there was a hip pain here and I had the lump here and I said oh my gosh will I be seeing more of you er people this year I don't want that but I think that's the reality of life our outer outer cone is going away it's not gonna stay there forever it's really it's temporal you man it's not eternal these bodies are not eternal and all of these things were scaring me and then top it with social media use your scroll and you see Ben Ben yeah McCamey Peter Potamus my condition and then you see you scrolled back would he have such a nice house how come I don't have this kind of house bahía no and then you scroll again well close the manila see no relationship Cana ganito and how many of us have felt that way just by simply scrolling through the walls like the the our screens right this thump is so powerful we do this it feeds so many things in our heads and the number one thing the number one message of what we see online is what you don't have not what you have it will not remind you of what you have but it will remind you of what others have and what you don't have and it causes me to be fearful it causes me to be insecure and that's my goal delegate today to tell you that I'm just as vulnerable as all of you you might think that when I post these things online she's got a perfect life she's got the best husband she's got a great kid it's not like that every day I have my bad moments it's just that I don't publish it right so let's remember that when we scroll on the screens these people are publishing the best they're not publishing the worst so boo hey Mia Elmo beholding boyang empanada of nain phone yeah I know my new bamboo heyco I'm not saying I'm evil but I don't have it all good there are days I'm a horrible person there are days when I am just not great but you don't see that right I know I'm telling this to you but I should be telling this to myself also every day because I get fearful I get insecure and all of that it's happening to all of us right so what are three things good I was trying to think of what are the three things that you know we hold on to what what are the three things that tell us or panic the measure of how much other people will love us the topic this the theme for this year is everlasting love and we all are craving for love who wants to be loved all of us tiba so all of us want to be loved but we all have different ways of going about today a new social media malakas mahogany Cassie Palin use social media neguin measure of love Nene conga no cramming thumbs up feeling Morgan and gajala vibha it could fool us to think Nagano in Kahala away long way long thumbs up Hindi tire love so animala rubric not an earth standard not an para para Apogee rappin attentive NATO Parma deserve not and the one is beauty how pretty are you how's your skin how's your body liebe young beauty not a pattern see guru anything each other home us-korea name each other hot today muslim nila who disagree on in busan my own anybody banana kaaya banana data kasi para and also many pistol a subpoena Kalbach Eli I'm gullible hottie on at a teen on girl yes ahaha they love me today I don't be good d check good and let me many peace so a hun what happen the man sir Palin if we're always gonna follow the beauty of the world we're always gonna have to keep on changing just so people love us right the other thing relationships how connected are you your measure of love from your husband or your measure of love from your friends yeah yes they should love you but we all know that we all fall short diba even our kids we pour so much on these little ones Lana security tonic Mahanama and and I'm sure that those with all their children have experienced now on say Oh tapas neons in Asakusa good Minako you on a home liner at the Hui Sakuma I weigh a million dreams are keeping me awake so Habib lashes Abbas is couse opinion why ami hummus a good convoy now I'm gonna mind I mean if we always look for that affirmation that love from other people they will always fall short as you would also fall short towards them what's another measure we have our work whether it is your work in the house work outside we use it as a measure yeah no haggling no more bosses Cubana vanilla ho or vamos Abajo Abajo nama Nalini scoobert anima booty Casey Bahama muñeca Nelly nice Machado young young floor indica Machado la misma in vanilla haha that's kind of like how we were fed Eddie but this is how other people will love us or the world will love us and you know there's so much of love that we know today that only comes from movies comes from popular culture comes from media social media the way that you should be loved according to the thought leaders of the country and we forget that the Bible has a very different way of looking at these things the Bible has a way of redefining Jesus really find so much for us and he wants it our burden to be easy and to be light he wants us he wants to give us rest tiny'mon we want to keep on running after these things KCU new maraming recents a union pin APPA pin up on a velocity no mundo so today I was on I was asking God seppuku God what do I tell these women we're gonna talk about everlasting love but what about your love do you want to share with them I asked God the laga what do you want them to hear and I was able to come up with three points so are we ready to go through that and okay let's start with this God's will is good acceptable and perfect that is what it says in Romans 12 right good acceptable and perfect but what does it say there he minute in a hockey toss a usually no first part so the next slide says do not be conformed to this world because this world has its own definitions if you follow that you're just gonna have their definitions and you're gonna have to play by their rules but also be transformed by the renewal of your mind because some of these things have been already ingrained in our heads since we were small because it doesn't even go as far as you know social media or TV sometimes the love that we see in our own homes where we grew up in our own backgrounds you may have come from a broken home I don't have my parents are not separated but they're not really in good terms like they're not functioning as my wife and my I have one brother who's separated so can you just imagine me growing up and seeing that maybe this is what love looks like so when I actually got saved I said you know I'm not gonna be one to marry or to have children because they all fail anyway so that was how my mind was conditioned growing up in it take it took a lot of renewing washing of my mind with God's Word and I'm just so grateful again for Tita Connie and all the others who went through with me that entire time Elan Elan boo boo gain and you been since I've been on Bible Tomkins about mama hi laundress don't go Cebu Hina is some time on NASA rose and so today I want to share with you three things about love what the world says and also what the word says so number one the world says work for love we need to be something in order for us to be loved right that's what it says what what does God's Word says the word says you are made out of love and let me buy you I know you seen as a banana we are part Stardust the bargain on dota apart star does NotI Odessa mama boom you know how Tommy Machado science uni Oh working on a master a science and an along literature along goes up a nothing but that's what they see but do you know that we are made out of love what do I mean so let's see the word the word says anyone who does not love does not know God because God is love the bottle of nothing and God is love God is love God is love but can we go to the next slide then God said let us make man in our image after our likeness if God is love then so are we we are made out of this love in fact one of the most beautiful explanations that I've heard cuz if you think about it how can God be loved by love exists in a relationship it cannot exist diagonally now become I love Queen Zapata square the relationship between me in my shoe right so love only exists in a relationship so how can be God love but he's a trying gun he's the Father Son and Holy Spirit and they loved each other for all eternity until they said let's make man in our image and likeness they were overflowing with love that all of us are here today so you possibly know you are made out of love so pocket Allegheny nice Canadians I began more mystery means they buy so we have to remind that it's also a very good thing to remember when when we're already about to give up on a person this this person is made in the image and likeness of God there is love in this person I just need to be able to draw it out right we need to believe that and we see this this in every new boom I am you know family wallah every newborn baby but my newborn baby in me mobile mo Pamela and Hindi mapa alarm come on oh no gigging shot say some ballon arrow parapet in England more grabby kamehameha little baton toga nunca new newborn baby car kamehameha Rika Gannon conejito Andros you are made out of love what's another thing the world says be perfect so I can love you but what does God's Word say you will be perfected by God's love first Corinthians 13 says the very famous the bottom not love is patient love is kind does not envy does not boast is not proud does not dishonor others not self-seeking not easily angered it keeps no record of wrongs love does not delight in evil but rejoices it always protects always trusts always hopes always perseveres love never fails what's another thing that we can look to the next slide is there is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear for fear of something to do with punishment and whoever fears has not been perfected by love back at night in his Buddha dad a bond okay I am love casts out fear okay I you know back at NYU Marron saladna god and then I realize that if you go to first Corinthians 13 it says its patient its kind it perseveres and it never fails it doesn't stop it's actually wait it's not asking for a perfect person Cassie love is patient love is kind Khun Mugler love cut a post patient at kind Nahum illa love we need a panel of Eun ha model a pair love is patient it is able to do it is able to overcome those things it is able to bring you to that level where you will be perfected by this love you know there's this study that babies are not natural learners Yaiba Salmonella peridot Spanish una pelota opening anak were wired to for survival they by instinct nothing jana for survival but what makes us learn is that if the the home or the unit is able to make you feel safe if you are loved enough it's gonna make you feel safe that you can pursue other things it will free you to pursue other things and I believe that that's what the Word of God is saying but the love of God is like that it will always persevere it will always hope it will always trust it will always protect you so you don't have to fear you don't have to fear now you know one day okay I know me jacarandas and never go back on accounting and kindness or in the hope patience Arenado nice again I wanna know HIPAA Hindi Kyran see God Kongo Neely Bonta SiO at conga Dona Mirana sang mo Hindi Gannon see God say oka fish' he will protect always trust he will hope and he will persevere and he will not fail you knew Melania kya pala his perfect love will drive away every fear in me because you what do we fear ba we fear being left even Mauna ala Moana who love kasi I'm kinda hop on the Millennium choir to hop on Indy Machado Mugen impossibie kognito even Munna who in De Sica did anyone panic on and Vito Kaku mankind kaha nothing but go hanging together that's the kind of love that we have in him third world says I will love you only when it's easy they buy but what does the word of God say the word of god says i will love you through at all where do we see it we see it in Romans 8 verses 35 to 38 who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation distress persecution famine nakedness danger sword as it is written for your sake we are being killed all day long we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered next no in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us for I'm sure that neither death nor life Angels rulers things present Yong Yong Yong buca's things to come powers cinimala my power my own gana kata as gano column gaya an oppa nothing else in creation will be able to separate us from the love of God the Christ she's our Lord and when I was reading this the last time I was just so struck by gosh all of these things are gonna happen huh it can happen to me tribulation distress famine nakedness sword but nothing can separate me from the love of that there's my promise no matter what you do whether you cost it or others costed nothing can separate my love from you I will all depend on you will he is always gonna be with us and this is what we want at the end of the day no matter what happens if I eat him alive I was snapping I know some local guys nick apartheid but then england wannabe till death do us part a to omaha through sickness health my a man come here Misaka well ahead max san mateo indigenous have been a lord pero more than conquer cajas not even death can separate you there's marriage in heaven I will have no husband in heaven only the Lord even the strongest love even if you have a perfect marriage here on earth I don't mean to disillusion you but that's not it great if you have a great great marriage I have a great marriage and that's a you know speaks to me about the love of God at the end of the day as much as I love this kind of marriage there is something more this one says till death do us part this one not even death can part me from the love of Christ and again at the end of the day this is what we want do I have beauty that lasts no do I have I mean like go my own way depe Pharisee Guran want a punk that one more align the television Kelly advice cause honey Subin and Guapo with an arrow Hollywood nothing came upon you but they were beauty everything external even relationships they all they could go I mean someone lasts until you die work until when is this viable until when is this this is gonna be good for you but nothing can separate you from the love of Christ if you have that you're not gonna fear of course you're gonna have your own issues but you always can go back to you know what I have somebody who loves me I can love actually because somebody first loved me and that's the love of Christ that you have with you so as a conclusion what do I want to live with you you are made for love you are loved and always you will be but I know no it sounds so and and then packing guns arrow again no when we go back to our own worlds we feel like but it doesn't feel this way it doesn't I don't feel this love from the people around me I don't feel this love in myself and for many reasons it could be caused by your own unbelief or it could be caused by your surrounding I don't know where you're coming from you have your own backgrounds and it might not be the best you might be saying in your head you can say that because you have a great life well as a matter of fact I don't I yeah I I'm saying God has been victorious in my life for 11 years now but I'm I'm not spared from all the heartaches of the world just in 2016 okay a little something about me I've always loved to have like many many children as early as 18 I wanted a barren guy for Santa may not know ya long the meeting was about 28 now so a prepackaged Yuma enough no 18 so 28 is a no no no no honey Panem they want so much more they want mama come sign up where the den ganyan because it's J you know the feeling right of getting the c'mon meeting so brown cute in a baby you want to have more of that all the more when he was growing and I could see there's just so much wonder in a child and it's so healing to have a child to just look at that innocence if I I told my husband after am i I'm good no with the CS can we just start trying again so we started trying trying trying and then one day oh my gosh I'm pregnant in 2016 I was pregnant and I I couldn't wait to tell the world because it's like yes and then it was survivor with my sister so we announced it now we're pregnant Canyon so happy and happy AHA then I went to the doctor and I said okay it in a premium checkup nothing on me I'm gonna home honey come along months Nash yeah no ill I'm weeks Nisha calm a heartbeat shagging on and then she did the doctor thing on me Doppler Doppler give me my hand up your heartbeat no I don't mean I'm getting your first experience with my first son immediately we found the heartbeat of Phillip but this one so it's normal is this like the baby's hiding and all that and I could see my OB getting concerned already so cut the long to cut a long story short we went to the ultrasound on the area we had an ultrasound and found out that the baby has lost its heartbeat before that cousin I think I might have a new heartbeat day and then the baby lost his heartbeat then it was the first heartbreak of my life after I got saved Namid Ramallah Hey because I really wanted it I really desired it I wanted to have a lot of children and then now I don't have that child where's part of it all I have to give birth to this this child right and so I have to take it out and I was I fell into like a deep deep dark place in my life I felt that was when I empathize with everyone who went through depression because appalling feeling : every day this is how we go overland on this Neverland because this is oblong locodoco today I got over it why because of a community I had people around me who would rally me in prayer who went through with me when it comes to healing and all that so great 2016 yon 2017 I found out pregnant the whole Lab didn't know what to feel I had a previous experience that was pretty traumatic I didn't know what to feel but I know I still wanted this baby I still know that I want to have a lot of children so I said okay let's wait for the best of God I was in the States when that happened and when I went home I went immediately to when I found out that I was pregnant when I when I got home I went immediately to the OB because by that time when I counted everything I should be nine weeks when I get there they tell me the baby is measuring only five weeks are you sure that the baby is nine weeks so I give the numbers I said this is when the last Canyon Canyon hmm yeah should be nine weeks but the baby is five weeks but it's too early to tell that you've lost the baby so let's just give you medicines and we'll see what happens so it's like wow a new turn of story they say that lightning cannot strike twice in the same place and I was be scared that it was is it gonna happen again and if it's gonna happen again why does God not tell me now can you just tell me now am I gonna have this child or not and I just went home and I said I really don't know what to feel I can't I can't grieve prematurely I can't rejoice prematurely I was in the middle what did I do I just kept listening to worship songs I just kept reminding myself of the faithfulness of God God is faithful I cannot say but he's a God who just takes away because he gives they say that God gives and God takes away we always focus on he takes away but the truth is he first gave so I kept focusing on that God gave God gave God gave another week I go back and then I tell I tell Toby maybe you can tell me now if I have the baby or not she says it's the same sighs still no heartbeat still inconclusive let's wait another week I grab any manang suspense not oh okay fast-forward to ending and obatala game ending and by the end of it of course I find out I don't have a baby I go home and I'm gonna lose this baby in my tummy again but you know what that's when I learned about the real love of God neither death nor life can separate me from the love of Christ cannot separate me from the race and I think that's what he taught me in those two weeks I have nothing my husband cannot comfort me right now I don't have this child my son is cute he's funny but he's not the child I still wanted that but I learned this is what it means to be loved by Christ death life tribulation distress things present things to come nothing can separate me all I had and you know what it says in the Bible God is near to the brokenhearted I share that story with you all of you today because I know you're broken I know you come from places of brokenness we're not here to lie we're not here to say God's gonna do this for me if I become a Christian everything I'm gonna be blessed my life is gonna be perfect no we're still live in a broken world which someday will be fixed perfectly but it's still not that way and you all have your places of brokenness but in that brokenness God is near to you nothing can separate you from the love of Christ just before I go let me share this quote that I learned from one of our pastors he mentioned this in his teaching it's um called school of healing so he would teach us about healing when I compare this Barbara Fredrickson is a psychologist and he said she said that when I compared love to oxygen and food I'm not just taking poetic license I'm drawing on science new science illuminates for the first time how love in its absence fundamentally alters the biochemical in which your body is kept tipsy Gurion they in turn can alter the ways your DNA gets expressed within yourselves the love you do or do not experience that they made quite literally change key aspects of your cellular architecture next season or next year cells that affect your physical health your vitality and your overall well-being love can change you on a cellular level love can heal you genetically it can change you not poetically physically it can heal you are you broken today here's my question what does it mean to be loved by God you're broken you need healing the love of God is there to change you in every part of you on every level that you can imagine and if you don't have any idea of what this kind of love looks like let me leave you with this greater love has no one than this with someone lay his life down for his friends and Jesus laid his life for you you remember that you were worth dying for and he rose for you also so if ever you go out you go back out and say I'm broken everything around me is broken I can still be whole because Jesus loved me loved me enough to die for me on the cross for all my sins for the sins of others on me for the evil that surrounds me he died to that and said no more of this and we will rise together to be new creations let me pray for you lord I thank you for the women in this room you all have put them here for a purpose for a reason it's not an accident that they are here they may have welded or somebody put them in here but Lord it is your purpose that they are here to hear this message this morning god I pray that when they go out they just won't go out saying that you're gonna do this for me you're gonna be victory you are victorious but I also pray that they will be testifying to others as the bleeding woman has testified like you have healed them Lord minister your healing to the hearts of the women in this room they all come from different places I may not know the depths of their pain the depths of their brokenness some of them even from their childhood some of them now some of them about to come but Lord you have covered all you are the same God yesterday today and forever and you have covered all you are near to the brokenhearted let us make make us feel your presence lord I pray that right in this moment you will make them that you are so tangible and so real that you are willing to envelope them and embrace them with your love the love that they look from the world the love that they look from other I pray Lord that they will find in you today I pray that when they go out they will just say God loves me I'm loved I'm made out of love and always I will be loved by this God in that he is patient and he is kind he will never fail he will always persevere even if I'm not the best person today his love is going to perfect me through it so lord thank you that you're gonna minister your healing your love and your power to even change first their hearts God but you would change your hearts today it will begin there and it will i declare in the name of jesus that when they go out as they carry that love out it will eventually change their environments their hopes their cities communities their nation thank you Lord that you are there to love us and you are there to use us and that we don't need to pretend to be perfect in front of you but we are here here vulnerable saying that this is all we are take us change us use us in Jesus name we pray amen thank you so much miss Rica please stay for a while yes we will have a photo-op with you but you know what we are just so blessed by this beautiful message right ladies you know what miss Rica said a while
Channel: Citichurch PH
Views: 248,944
Rating: 4.9057074 out of 5
Keywords: Citichurch, Citichurch Cebu, Jesus, Bible, Faith, Pray, Prayer, Hope, Obedience, Church, Philippines, Love, God, Savior, Messiah, Jo, Alfafara, Brian, Kairuz, Grace, Rivera, Herbert, Pascual, Brian Kairuz, Jo Alfafara, Cebu, Waterfront, Church in Cebu, Jesus Christ, Bible Study, Preaching, Preaching Cebu, Holy Spirit Cebu, Worship Cebu, Worship, Live Louder, Deeper, Production, Volunteers, Ministry, Ministry Sunday, Rahab, Rahab Sunday, Rica Peralejo Bonifacio, Colour Me, Coney Reyes
Id: BgeHZ42SRnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 41sec (4181 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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