ANSWERING YOUR QUESTIONS & ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT ME (My Showbiz Life) | Rica Peralejo - Bonifacio

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[Music] is we tried until the fourth year and i said you know what this is not gonna work [Music] hey guys welcome to the vlog and welcome to this new area in my home so some of you have heard and seen my vlog about um getting into the renovations last year and so some of the parts of the renovations are like done so i'm going to be able to share with you guys soon after that vlog today if you notice that i'm a bit dressed up this is not my usual look on the vlogs of vlogtalk i know the mood of the vlog [Music] okay start is first question how did you and pastor joe meet well that's very easy to answer because we met in church he looked very very geeky and he had like a psp in his hand he was like socially awkward that appealed to me kenya would you let your kids enter showbiz one day so i've been a public figure ever since i was 12. i'm approaching 40 do the math and that's a long time and so i know what it takes to be um a celebrity an artist and i know the heartaches i know the pain i know the work so that makes me very hesitant i i really don't know if i would say yes but one thing i know for sure is that they've got a calling from god and so whatever their decision is going to be when the time comes i would respect that i would respect that what made you want or start being a public figure it actually wasn't a plan because i never wanted to be a public figure i only wanted to sing that is all i have this brother-in-law who is a member of the tax taxes this singing group back then parang mala the company they would have like shows and stuff and i would go with them when i was in ebs even because of that anoa my brother-in-law they were singing for ryan ryan musikahan i'm not sure if you guys still know that but it used to be a show on channel 2 for mr c mr ryan kembia tops do remember tito winnie who is a wife of one of the tax members all that was in my heart was like i want to sing okay look at this stuff isn't it neat and then that was it i got accepted and ever since then you know i would go to the saturday tapings of ang tv that that's how i started most memorable on tv memory [Music] specific feeling of starting small i didn't think of it that way when i was young now this is what it means to start small but it was like looking back it was a really good time of my life it taught me so much about life about work about craftsmanship about being a creator about being an artist and a professional like you can buy your own car level hindi the industry was nowhere near to how it looks like a few an obago cinema close what was your turning point in life and how did you come to meet jesus turning point go i think i was 25 when i felt like they work on but i don't i i couldn't explain why there was like this hole in my heart that's when i started like entertaining thoughts of like retirement because back then also the industry was so small that they kept repeating the stars and so i i would have like several shows and so you could just imagine how every day just went from one taping to another and that you know i'm i was looking for something that would help me uh cope in that season that's when i met some friends who were going to church and they asked me to join a bible study in the beginning i was very hesitant i attended my very first service in i think 2005 and that's where i heard the story of the bleeding woman and i i've never read the bible before that after hearing the preacher talk about the bleeding woman so next i'm glad i'm glad that i found god and that he has been all the time trying to pursue me [Music] is it true that you're you were an alcoholic and a smoker before being a christian yes i would smoke two packs of marlboro reds before every day i would have a lit cigarette in my mouth before i would open my eyes i would smoke inside of my room i would smoke inside of my my car and i've had several conditions and complications like this is there was something wrong inside of my heart is it true that you had breast implants yes oh my gosh when i was 18 the bellagio booms truth be told i don't really remember why i did that there was a question posted on my instagram account that was asking me did you have a breast reduction and then i said yes because that's true i had my breasts augmented so i had my implants and i had them removed in 2017 and i felt like i said with all of the changes in my life after how many years i understood and i have nothing against those who are no ha it's just that it calls back and so i had it removed and you know i i just felt so much peace after that it felt like next question what made you decide to become a sexy star like many things in my life i really don't make decisions what i mean about that is putting the flow in and out of things long ago they i was already about a few years old in the business and they were telling me that you know you needed to change your image for you to be able to survive one way that they saw this happening was if i took on more mature roles that means that i really bared some parts of my body and did some really horrifying not so proud of things on screen just so we could give something to our producers for a movie you know what i did caused other people to sin or at least aggravated it contributed to you know just the the filing of of who they are that's of course heavy on me and also at the same time how how it just really highlights the grace of god in my life in the sense na he can save somebody like me and that he will choose to save somebody like me and so do i regret it there's your answer apart from the money that you're getting what made you stay that long and showbiz truth be told it's really just the money i didn't like it and plus the fact that you know i supported my family for the most part and so it felt like if i said no or if i quit support the hand were you a virgin when you met pastor joe how did you talk about it at first no i wasn't a virgin anymore when i met him um that's very evident to the kind of life i led before how did we talk about it we didn't really talk about it i have more issues than just that you know a virgin so and i think that's one of the things that made me fall in love with him was that he knew everything about me and yet he chose to love me and he chose to see the best in me why did you and bernard balanca break up okay um yeah you know bernard was like my longest of all the boyfriends we were together for four years we just didn't do life the same way i like to be with him a lot he loved to be with me a lot back then but on the most crucial things hindi kami agreed we tried until the fourth year and i said you know what this is not gonna work i can't change this person to be the person that i want him to be he has to want it for himself it took me a book i read the book and i was like you want him to suck to be somebody else but he can't be that unless he wants that for himself i've received anoba a1 come on 100 questions with each other but we never put a label on ourselves never named but it was very very that was because i've been asked by several reporters about it but it was very clear to us that we liked each other a lot we would talk about the future like being husband and wife and all that kenyan but you know i mean like i i did that also with bernard somebody you want to be serious with it sometimes you can't help but move forward with your thoughts na parang when that day comes and also i i'm not gonna say that i was the only one again wally but does your past ever get to you yes before or even my old habits like being an alcoholic or being a party girl or your manga ex i don't get bothered by them but i really feel freed from all of that already but there are parts of my past that i'm only beginning to understand right now i haven't been well i i've had mental health issues i feel like some of the things in my past are like catching up already and so that got me really really broken but i think it's a good thing and i think it's about time that i get to deal with these things from my past because god wants to frame me from all of the things that hold me back from being exactly the person that he wants me to be if i don't because i deal with them so he really wants to free me from those so i have to walk through it what will be your advice to your younger self enjoy these times are not going to come back anymore once that's done it's done don't worry because it's only gonna get better because you're gonna be meeting someone who's going to change your life completely i'm not talking about your spouse yup your spouse is going to change you also but somebody bigger than your spouse and when you get there no matter how pained you are and hurt you are with yourself right now and in the days to come for you as a young person it all can be healed and washed away by that one person you're gonna meet in your future last question will you ever go back to showbiz [Applause] [Music] [Music] project and so that's it i still have a lot of other questions but you know maybe we'll do a part two thank you guys for listening and i hope you got encouraged we all are in a process we haven't really arrived at that perfect person yet this age is so prone to showing all of us uh whether we mean it or not and when we get to show that not everyone will really like what or who you are but i do hope that you know that there are people who love you and those people who love you will love you regardless will love you even if you're not perfect those are the people that you want to listen to
Channel: Rica Peralejo-Bonifacio
Views: 482,473
Rating: 4.9646358 out of 5
Id: 9pYrdZzSkbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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