Cold Calling Real Estate Prospects LIVE

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what is up everybody welcome to my YouTube livestream I'm Ricky Carruth and I'm super excited today I'm gonna do live cold calls for you guys I've got 85 or 84 numbers loaded up into my dialer so I use a dialer to call the numbers I use red X to find the numbers so I'm gonna give it a couple minutes to let more people log in and make sure all the technology is working the way it needs to be what's up guys I'll see you in the chat Tyler and Justin so while I'm waiting on a couple people and everybody to log in start watching me make these calls I'm gonna go ahead and just kind of give you guys if this is your first time seeing me just a quick little background exactly what I'm trying to do I'm going to be circle prospecting circle prospecting is how I built my business I started a no 2 of 20 years old got my real estate license I grew up here on the Alabama Gulf Coast I'm Florida and Alabama licensed so got any when I was young before the boom went through the boom made a lot of money when it crashed I lost everything went back to roofing house is working on a whole rig during that time I researched and read a hundred books and studied the market and figured out what I did wrong I came back stronger than ever and o8 really started to get some traction and some momentum and then that carried me through and I've just been building building building until last year I finally hit my lifetime achievement goal of making over a million dollars as a single agent 129 transactions and you know the the bottom line is is that relationships are far more valuable than transactions I think too many of you are judging your entire business based on how many appointments you're setting and how many listings you have how many closings you having and that really doesn't tell me much about your business that tells me that you're going after the deal and I think what's far more interesting to me is how many people are you actually talking to property owner wise on a daily basis how consistent are you with that that will tell me where your work ethic is and then what's what the most important part of it is out of those people how many you actually connecting with right how many people actually connect with you long term know you like you trust you and do you have a system in place to stay in touch with these people forever I do a weekly email report every Wednesday to my entire database over 10,000 people get this report I've been sending it out since oh seven so 11 years now every Wednesday no matter what's going on so that's a little background the circle prospecting that I'm about to do I just want to make it clear what I'm doing before I do it circle prospecting what's happening with circle prospecting is is you're calling a specific neighborhood or subdivision or complex around a cell or a listing or something's going on something's pending or there could be nothing you could just call them about general market information right but you're targeting a specific neighborhood that you want to sell properties in so when you're targeting this neighborhood you figure out okay this is the price point I want to be this is the neighborhood I want to target and then you go after that so what I do is I use red X to find the phone numbers red X has the best quality numbers that I've found I've tried a lot of things I used to use white pages comm took me four or five hours to find a hundred numbers and I would take another eight hours to call that hundred numbers today in today's world you can go on red X find up to five hundred you can even find two thousand phone numbers at the click of a button with geo leads and then plug those into a dialer red X or mojo and start dialing and call those hundred people with an hour hour and a half so what used to take me fifteen hours now it takes me an hour and a half to do you can do so much damage conversation is the key to all closings property owners are the highest quality prospects they buy and sell why not just call property owners initiate those conversation and start crushing it right everybody wants to know how to jumpstart your business and if you're not talking to 20 or more property owners every single day and trying to connect with them as in what can I do to help you instead of hey do you want to buy or sell something then you're gonna go you're gonna you're gonna grow much faster right and so a lot of people want to know that how do I do now business like how do I get business right now Ricky you're telling me how to create relationships for the future your long-term but how do I do it right now need business now here's the thing closings are happening every single day in your market every single day and MLS there's closings happening so it's not the fact that there's no closings it's the fact that you haven't talked to enough people to run into those people who are having those closings if you're new in the business you know how much going on you should be making calls period to me social media you know signs all the other stuff is just to build your brand yes you can get deals off social media you can get deals you can get leads you can pay Zillow to get leads right but those aren't the highest quality unless you're a team leader giving those leads to the people under you it's really not that effective you can do far more damage by by targeting property owners and you know don't look at it as a listing look at those as lifelong relationships that can be buyer's or seller's the ROI on just one property owner that loves you for the rest of your life is enormous and I think a lot of you are losing clients that you don't even know you're losing because you're saying one little thing wrong like for example now I would never say if they say they're not interested in doing anything I would never say well who do you know right that's a big no-no to me because when you said when you have in the conversation you say hey you know do you want to buy or sell okay you're asking him if they want to do something to help you that's gonna benefit you and then if they don't you're saying well who do you know that would want to help me benefit me and so it's all about you right so it's the little things that really go far and you lost that client you don't even know it you don't even know why because it's not your fault you've been trained to say the wrong stuff right so a couple of things before I get started red X if you're interested in that there's a link in the bio I mean in the description where you save the $150 startup fee boom under $50 startup fee waived and then geo leads is $50 a month it's amazing right and then if you want my phone scripts and other videos of me making calls and other resources action plans jump start programs go to 0 to Diamond comm in the description it's all free I don't charge for any of this stuff and there's probably a lot of my local agents in my local area you're watching this right now and I'm not worried about them having all of my secrets right I've been doing this for over a year now and it hasn't hurt my business at all it's actually helped my business because people know that I want to help them I want to do deals with them overall the positivity builds you up not tears you down I think when people try to hold stuff back they're kind of naive of the whole abundance factor it's it's a hundred percent unlimited you cannot handle all of the deals yourself it's never gonna happen so that's my spiel there um so what I do is is I have the comps right so the building I'm calling is Royal Palms in Gulf Shores and I found 84 numbers there's a hundred and one owners redx found 84 of those numbers some of those are going to be cell phone numbers so fix thing get started with that but I have the comps in front of me going back I went back two years just to have just to have enough comps there's only one listing in the building and so there's ones and two bedrooms in this building the one bedrooms are selling for around 300 the two bedrooms are selling for around right a little under 400 395 and so there's a one-bedroom for sale so I'm gonna work off without one bedroom that one listing I'm going to I'm going to call and tell them about the one listing and see if there's anything I can do to help them alright so I'm about to get started with that give me just a second to log into the dialer get the dialer going thank you guys so much I hope you get something out of this and like I said I'm not going after transactions or appointments right I want to know what I can do to genuinely help them and bring them value long-term so that even if they're not interested today that I'm gonna be their age in the future and I'm hoping that I'll run into somebody who is thinking about buying or selling something right now in the present so let's see let me get this dialer going give me just a second to get this started up [Music] [Music] Tony please enter your PIN number you are now walking to the local dollar I love this part I get so excited making calls it's like my oxygen I don't have a lot of time to make calls nowadays cuz I'm so busy I built such a huge business I have so much momentum but I love making them alright here we go wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute let me start over for some reason a head single dial or hold on I'm doing triple dialer hold on guys got to start over I had single dial for some reason switching a triple down on a triple dal okay for some reason it's only let me single dial ouch okay cool that's fine okay here we go we're single dialing which is fine oh hey mr. Alford hey can you hear me hey it's Ricky Carruth remix of Orange Beach how you doing good man yeah I mean it's it's beautiful down here on the beach you guys been down lately you got you got Royal Palms 805 right now I row it Royal Palms 805 hello all right he hung up on me let's go to the next one whetstone let's do it don't you call is very important to us so be sure to leave your number we'll get back to you as soon as possible if this is a Mary Kay order be sure to leave it and I'll get it to you right away you're a cynic at the tone please record your message when you have finished recording simply hang up or press pound for further options miss whetstone Ricky Carruth Remax of Orange Beach give me a ring when you get a chance about Royal Palms you can reach me here at two five one seven five two 1138 have a good day I'm dropping voicemails cuz uh voicemail they're calling me back but I can't answer I'm gonna have to call him back I can't stop the dialer and forwarded to an automatic voice-message [Music] all right I'm just going to answer this [Music] this is Ricky hi yes miss panning yeah hey Ricky crew three mix of Orange Beach how you doing doing good I'm uh it's beautiful down here if you guys been down on the beach lately okay cool oh nice well the reason I was calling it won't take up too much of your time today but there was only one unit for sale at Royal Palms I didn't know if there's anything I could do to help you guys like in terms of buying or selling like I know you guys have our oil palms right yeah yeah yeah yeah I didn't know just like if you guys were thinking about doing anything like that that's great yeah well like I said I wasn't really wondering sell or anything I was just gonna see if there's anything I could do to help and if not like if you guys had an agent down here and the job would work with you no and then maybe start that relationship with you guys for in the future maybe at some point you know you guys got it what about what about you no doubt no doubt okay cool well good talking to you I was just seeing if there's anything in the world I could do for you guys I've been down here I grew up here and I've been said yes I kind of am i went to Gulf Shores Elementary but I've been sailing for 16 years down here and just I saw lots of units at Royal Palms over the over the past you know 16 years or whatever but I was just calling to see if there's anything in the world I could do to help you guys so I never know yeah yeah sure sure yeah oh actually I would love to if he wants to show like what's your email address let me send you submit my information and then if he gets down here and he ever does will just call me up I'll be glad to uh I'll be glad to that's for sure what is your email I'll send you some info and then if he ever wants to do anything just give me a ring [Music] cool summer thank you so much absolutely absolutely I mean it's gotten a little more crowded by even you know that's what we like is the oh yeah yeah that's why most owner owners come it's like spring and fall you know that's when the weather is still beautiful and there's hardly anybody here and well it's actually getting worse you know over the every year every year it's busier and busier in all seasons but you know well cool I'm gonna I'll send you some information and look Ricky Carruth remix if there's anything I can ever do for you guys I'll be glad to show you properties even if you guys are don't want to do anything just to check it out or just whatever yeah I enjoyed it now I'm just looking at stuff too so it gives me a chance to look at some stuff and gives you a chance to see some stuff and me get to know you guys better so that'll be good thank you you too right okay guys so what happened right there was is I was making the calls and then somebody was calling me back they called me back twice and so I kind of felt obligated to to switch over and answer that but I did get the email it's the daughter and I think you guys saw how the call went so okay let me get it back to the dollar I normally do not switch over I normally just keep going in and then I'll call that person back at the end but since they call me back twice I felt like I needed to because obviously when they call the first time they heard my voicemail that I was an agent and then they call me back again so that tells me they want to talk to me or something so that was worth switching over for let me get the dollar back going give me just a second guys I appreciate you guys tuning in and I hope you guys get something out of this day I'm gonna be going until I get through the entire 84 numbers I believe it is so give me just a sec huh it's got where I'm paying for the triple dollar we don't want let me triple dollars crazy give me just a sec guys we get this going again okay here we go triple doll all right good so now I'm triple dialing yes let me get to this voicemail I'm dropping voicemails and here we go huh please enter your PIN number your commemorate can be founded that was not a valid entry using your touch-tone phone please enter your PIN number girl that was not a valid entry in your account I'm starting over had a really good talk right there it's a nice little warmup I've just got a text message that we won the bid on a property will be flipping - hell how lucky okay here we go here we go here we go let's do it triple dial triple dial triple dial here we go here we go three one time baby seventy-nine numbers left if a message after the job Payet Ricky Carruth Remax of Orange Beach calling you about Royal Palms give me a ring when you get a chance to five 175 to 1138 thank you okay we're calling back 302 welcome to the message management system please enter your mailbox number all right moving on moving on hey miss Morello yeah hey this is Ricky Carruth at Remax of Orange Beach how you doing today hi I'm doing good I'm enjoying the day it's a beautiful day here on the beach have you guys been down lately I just I just got back from there I went there for a week I had a meeting up there two weeks ago in Manhattan yeah it's a lot different yeah it snowed when we were there we were like what in the world is going on we weren't expecting that oh yeah I didn't want to take up too much of your time today but there's only one listing at Royal Palms down here and I didn't know if there's anything in the world I could do for you guys yeah for sure for sure um is there an agent in the area that you guys would work with if you were to do something buying or selling I mean not just selling I mean you know buying or selling yeah yeah yeah yeah I love George he's a great guy oh yeah absolutely absolutely man George I love Georgia death so you're in good hands there cool cool all right well I was just checking see if there's anything I could do for you guys have a good day yes ma'am bye-bye hello Wow hey miss you sir yeah hey this is Ricky Carruth remix of Orange Beach how you doing this is Ricky Carruth down at Remax of Orange Beach you know down to Gulf Shores Orange Beach area no no no I actually have me and Ryan actually have went back and forth on email almost you know oh like over the past she has probably been with crime a correspondent for maybe ten years I don't know how long you guys have had that unit but anyway we're always emailing and stuff and I figured I'd give you guys a ring and just you know see if there's anything in the world I could do for you all at the time yeah yeah yeah I didn't know if I would catch him or not could you just let him know Ricky Carruth called and we're just calling to check on you guys and see how y'all we're doing and see if there's anything I could do for you guys at the time thank you now I will say guys I've been in the area a long time and I've sold out probably talked to a couple of these owners most of them is going to be totally cold but there will be a few that I've talked to so like that one there I actually been talking to the husband for maybe 10 years back and forth and I actually sold hey Jeff Ricky Carruth Remax of Orange Beach just calling to check on you guys see if there's anything I could do for you give me a ring if you get a chance to five 175 to 1138 talk to you soon man so yeah just I'm there could be a couple of clients past clients and stuff but most will be cold as you will see this is fun really enjoying this hey miss Howard this is Ricky Carruth Remax of Orange Beach ah is this miss Howard oh how you doing good yeah we're finally getting some really good weather down here been down with the beach lately oh cool cool was it nice it was kind of off and on lastly yeah like one bike yeah one day was nice and I think the rest was nasty so well it's been a crazy year with the weather it's finally getting good though it's not this week is really nice so I think you missed out pick the wrong week hey um didn't want to take up too much of your time but you know sell real estate and stuff down here there's a one there's only one unit for sale Royal Palms I was just calling to see if there's anything in the world I could do for you guys at the time if you if you were there's unit two s6 it's just a one-bedroom for 325 yeah yours is a one-bedroom so the highest so on a one-bedroom looks like three hundred and three thousand five hundred dollars so far I mean there well no 505 305 three hundred and five thousand there's one that sold for three hundred one that's over 303 305 302 so and so they're around there between that 300 and 310 mark I guess like right around in there that is amazing for a one-bedroom yeah hey if you were to do something if you were to do something you know like in five or ten years or something is there an agent down here that you work with already okay who is it who's the agent I might know him oh yeah yeah yeah Vicky love Vicky cool cool we aren't good hands with Vicky um I'm Ricky Carruth if there's ever anything I can do for you just please let me know but uh yeah I think you missed missed the right week to come but you'll get it next time okay you have you a good day yes ma'am bye back let's see yeah you see how the weather thing works loosen them up loosen them up loosen them up rouses drama message mr. Evers hey mr. Abbas it's Ricky Carruth remix of Orange Beach I'm doing good how about you sir good good yeah we're finally getting some good weather down here man it's been crazy this year yeah you guys meant oh you hear nice nice well yeah that was my next question if you guys were down if I could take you guys to lunch or something yeah how you doing [Applause] we had issues with water intrusion from rain over the years and they kind of figured it was the French doors above us that were in them every place so they could come in and do some sheetrock work and stuff so we're going to be coming back probably next week week after ok no you know maybe yeah for sure for sure I'll just give you a ring in a week or two and maybe we can do some lunch and catch up okay anything else anything else I can do for you guys if we do sell any other three that we have right now it might be ciosed be the first one that I think we because the other two I really really really like all right all right which unit is that got it and I can't remember who's the rental company you do okay is it to where I can look at it sometime in the next day or two okay how would I get in we bought it in 2010 and then they were all then so the old now will be over there Friday because they're going to be cleaning carpet in two bedrooms and waiting for the delivery can be in evening like for 6 so this variety will be over there so if you want to stop by you know ok I'm mad you know what time it goes again well well I can give you guys an evaluation and that way you know kind of where you stand and then you can when I kind of make a decision from there what what time you guys going to be over there okay perfect perfect oh I'll just get in the car yeah I'll just give you a call before then and just see if you got and I'm gonna be down that way anyway tomorrow around that time so I don't think I can just stop in and see you guys and just take a look at it and give you a quick I'll drop off some comps to you and tell you kind of what it's worth and then it'll be good to see you guys and we'll go from there I would just like to know you know based on what we bought it for yeah it rents pretty good I mean rents good because it's it's right on the lagoon and in pet friendly yeah like that okay all over it I'll talk to you tomorrow all right okay possible listing right they're going to see them tomorrow different complex never know where it's gonna lead you that was a cell phone number that redex found cell phone number miss Dale yeah Ricky Carruth remix of Orange Beach how are you doing I'm doing just fine we'll finally get some good weather down here you guys been down lately oh it was kind of it was it wasn't great this past weekend was it it's kind of cold oh yeah I actually I actually kind sir when it gets windy we went Saturday for a little while it was really nice hey I don't take up too much of your time today but there's only one listing at Royal Palms and actually you got 401 so not none of the two bedrooms are for sale I was just calling to see if there's anything in the world I could do for you what kind of countertops you putting in granite nice um you you're I mean the highest sell on a two bedrooms 395 um you know there's a 1/4 385 383 you know 360 but I would say you're you're I mean you know around 400 yeah yeah yeah 400 give or take we might be interested in selling in the fall like I said we're going to do these renovations we've got some renters see how that was going to go yeah I would like I would love to what let me get your email address I'll stay in touch with you that way as well okay that's funny that's exactly the way mine is like it's my first name underscore left and then is this your cell phone number I'm calling okay is it what's your cell number perfect perfect okay well I'll start emailing and stuff is there there's not another agent down here you would be working with huh okay perfect perfect well I've been I grew up here I've sold a lot I've been selling for 16 years I've sold Lots and that's that complex so I look forward to working with you if you guys decide to I'm gonna I'm gonna start emailing you and I'll give you a call in a couple months and check on you okay okay what what is it I what rental company is it on oh I got you yeah perfect perfect all right well I'll start emailing you and I'll call you later and if you'll get my email so if you need anything in the meantime just reach out to me okay thank you so much yes ma'am okay let's do it let's do it let's do it let's do it let's do it let's do it dude this is fun I got one I'm going to see you tomorrow that one sounds like a listing that's gonna be a really good listing at the end of the summer let's do it let's do it let's do it [Music] looks like I got about 50 more numbers to call to dial so about 25 calls in there at two possible listings and two email addresses dude red X and triple dial you can do so much damage it's crazy Sarah Ellis please leave a message and I'll call you back I'm gonna drop a message on you oh hey mr. Reynolds oh hey mr. Reynolds this is Ricky Carruth and exhale Orange Beach how you doing Oh Carruth Ricky Carruth down at Remax orange beach can you hear me oh you hung up on me see if it wasn't the dialer I would call him right back and say hey I think we got disconnected but because the dialer I can't do it people that hang up that's silly that is silly hello oh I'll know what happened there Oh what happened there mm-hmm I have to call her back I'll call that one back oh hey mister someone huh is this mr. Summerlin I'm sorry about that man have a good day if I was doing residential property I would have furthered that but since he's five states away I'm calling about vacation property there was no need of me but if it's residential I'm taking a bad number I'm saying well what can I do for you kind of thing Hey hello hello drop it drop that message jump it like it's hot call Henry leaving your message called hammer call hammer means it's calling the second number that it found for that person so I asked red X to find two numbers per and so call hammer means calling the second number of that same prospect to see if we can't catch him message I'm driving I'm driving messages I'm dropping messages because I don't want to be leaving the message myself and then somebody else pick up and then they'll hear that message about its I have to call them back and stuff I want to catch them athenians hello I can leave witnesses because there's no more calls in the queue hey miss Hardcastle at Ricky Carruth down to Remax of Orange Beach and Gulf Shores area just give me a call to see if there's anything in the world I could do for you give me a ring if you get a chance to five 175 to 1138 that's Ricky Carruth Remax of Orange Beach have a good day okay two emails two possible listings in about 45 more dials to make and hey miss weathers this is Ricky Carruth dead at Remax of Orange Beach how you doing I'm doing good we're finally getting some good weather down here you guys been down lately well it's probably a good thing because it's been nasty but it's getting now it's getting it's getting good now yeah hey I don't want to take up too much of your time today I just want to let you know there was a there's only one unit for sale at Royal Palms and I didn't know if there's anything and I think if there was anything in the world I could do for you guys at the time it's 206 206 or one-bedroom for 325 the one sole for 305 that's the highest sell 305 once all for 302 303 300 so there's been four sales right there 300 plus one bedrooms like crazy like what like one bedroom for sale for over 300 or oil palms I just that's nuts to me but uh back in the day there yeah but I will say back in the day like oh four or five those were about four hundred thousand you know when the market went crazy yeah so we're not we're not back there yeah which is probably a good thing yeah and if I've got your contact information I know I didn't give you felt for me perfect if they change them under anything I'll tell you give you a call that I'll be honest a lot of there's four there's four owners and they actually go down all the time yeah very joy in thinking of themself but my shirt there I don't even run it out anymore yeah they're pretty content there they love it I don't blame them at all yeah I don't blame them whatsoever tonight Royal Palms is one of the best places because the State Park and stuff so I totally get it well I was just calling to see just check in with you guys and see if there's anything in the world I could do so just know I'm here if you need anything whatsoever and why honey when are you coming down next well if you guys get down this way and you think about it shoot me an email back one of my emails about a week ahead of time and I'd love to take you guys somewhere nice for lunch and just see you guys and get to know you a little bit better cool okay have a good day yep all right let's do this let's do this who we got here we got who we got hello hey miss hunter yeah hey this is Ricky Carruth remix of Orange Beach how you doing I'm good I'm fine we're finally getting good weather down here it's been nuts this year yeah have you guys been down lately Yeah right well I didn't want to take up too much of your time today but there's only one unit for sale at Royal Palms and I was just calling to see if there's anything in the world I could do for you guys today so you want to sell and he doesn't okay what what's his hold up he just absolutely [Music] hey man how are you we're finally getting some good weather down here man it's been a crazy year every year since the old spill has been a record year with tourism down here that yeah I mean that's that's not uncommon for any year but it's getting a lot worse like like like we used to not see a lot of wait times during lunch and now even during lunch there's several locations that are on a wait so yeah and I'll tell you to the the fall and winter is really starting to pick up too it's it's it's getting closer and closer to being like a year-round place man a year-round destination Hey I'm loving it you know a lot of people are like man I wish it would stay you know like it used to be in a really you know the secret of the country and stuff but you know you just can't you can't hold progress back you know oh my gosh man go down to Destin and tell me what you think I mean it's it's a small little bitty island and we got all we got all this space to spread out you know we can spread out all the way down the expressway Foley I mean Gulf Shores are on time even North Gulf Shores has a lot of room so yeah I think we I think we got a leg up on them with that with the geographical layout but you know if I had to just say a round number I'd say 400 because the highest cells 395 and that was about a couple months ago so just 400 give or take if it's really nice maybe for ten or something you know if it needs some work maybe 390 or something like that it just kind of depends on the condition but let's just say 392 for ten depending on condition talking to you man it does it does I mean if you got if people have to throw away all the furniture because it's outdated or it's you know I mean if furniture is older then it depends on the furniture but if the furniture is older then three three to five years old most of the time they're going to replace it all so you know that's going to be 10 20 grand what they do I would love to not done a major overhaul in that comment yeah you do have no no that's fine it was really good to talk to you guys just give me a gimme you know respond to my email or call me about a week ahead of time and and we'll figure out a good day in time for me to come over and check it out and we'll get it straight yes ma'am have a good day all right we'll see what we've got and see what we've got let's see what we've got let's see what we've got huh all the questions you guys are asking in the comments I hope they show up after this thing's over with so I can get hey miss Harris is this miss Harris I'm sorry actually at the end of this live I'll scroll through all the questions and I'll answer all the questions all the questions that you guys are asking I just can't do it right now cuz I'm trying to pay attention I got triple dial going on here the number you are trying to call is not reachable PPS looks like I got about 30-something numbers left looks like I'm about an hour in this is the first time I've ever went YouTube blog too so really enjoying the YouTube live hey this is Ricky Carruth remix of Orange Beach how you doing good I was called for the the owner of the Royal Palms unit in Gulf Shores the owner of Royal Palms condo and Gulf Shores I'm sorry all right keep this trend going let's say 37 second out four zero four nine three six five five one four if not available job cool cool cool cool cool all right hey this is Ricky Carruth remix of Orange Beach how you doing I think so is this the owner of the Royal Palms 1405 and Gulf Shores okay sorry about that man okay yeah you too I'm getting some bad numbers I'm getting some good numbers I've been some cellphone numbers dude in real estate you got to take what you can get you take what you got and you work with it I mean yeah got some bad numbers got some wrong numbers right but look what I got I got two possible listings I'm getting email addresses actually you got three possible listings that last one sounds like I'm their guy when they decide to do something so you know that means something that's actually what you want it's exactly that means you're doing your job whenever somebody tells you they're not interested hello hello okay let's get three more going your call has been forwarded to an automated voice-messaging drop drop drop messages like it's hot I would rather say the message so it so it's a little more like authentic I guess and real but I don't want to risk like losing somebody else the answers actually captain drop hey this is Ricky Carruth remix of Orange Beach give me a call back when you get a chance to 5 1 7 5 2 1138 have a good day it didn't let me drop that time so I had to just say it dude yeah you're gonna get some good some bad you gotta you gotta just take what you got man look you guys don't realize how important to leads add a drop it's not winning a job messages hey this is Ricky Carruth Remax of Orange Beach give me a call back when you get a chance to five 175 to 1138 thank you why is it not let me drop a message okay okay I think I got it now yeah hey it's Ricky can you hear me oh not much man this is Ricky down at Remax of Orange Beach how you doing good well do you got the Royal Palms 1104 okay sorry about that man wrong number ah a lot of wrong numbers so I don't know gotta take what you can get guys I mean this is gold if you're a new agent don't have anything going on whatever I would live on this like this would be my home it would be red X mojo my phone just doing deals just nine three three nine zero one drop I would absolutely hello just think of how much business I would have going on if I did this every day how much business you could have if you did this every day got some good leads to work with want to get through all the numbers here I'm going to go back through and answer all the questions you guys have left please leave your message for drop okay here we go got three dialing right now you went through some bad ones now we've got three fresh ones somebody answer somebody answer let's do it let's do it let's do it hello hey this is Ricky Carruth remix of Orange Beach how you doing I'm doing this fine man just enjoying this we finally get some good weather down here it's been nuts this year with all the cold marina yeah oh not much man it won't take up too much of your time today you do have the Royal Palms 1207 right okay cool yeah well there's only one for sale in the building and those one bedrooms have been selling over three hundred thousand so I'm just calling to see if there's anything in the world I could do for you guys second one three years ago yeah we are happy to see the price go off and sure yeah yeah yeah hey if you guys were to do something is there an agent down here that you guys work with we have I believe you're from Remax - we have like almost 12 years ago because the team of Calvert yeah yeah yeah yeah that's right right well look man um I mean I don't know how you know what the relationship is there but I'd love to work with you guys if you know five or ten years down the road if you guys ever do something that's crazy yeah awesome man yeah I uh cool cool well look look I didn't know you know how did I didn't know you knew all that so there you have it I've already got hugging your stuff or you know me so man when you guys get down your necks I'd love to take you somewhere nice to eat for lunch school and summer Louie June July one of the weekends that you can choose that's pretty much it is this your cell phone number yeah we're good good and forgive me here but how do you say your name yeah no I've got I've got it I've got how you spell it but how do you say it oh okay cool awesome man well look I'll give you a call sometime you know getting close to the first again and just see if you guys have your schedule all lined up I would like to take you guys to lunch and just meet you at least so I'll give you a shout-out around that time yeah cool yes sir have a good day dude the legend that's that's insane how crazy is that man like the legend right that's nuts you suit you guys had to say about that real quick Reuben Pierce huh all right let's see what you guys see Ricky the legend or not like I talked to him I didn't cold call him I have no idea who that guy is before now I didn't know his name I didn't have his number he's getting my emails because he subscribed so no this is not a setup let's don't no one ever take you up for your lunch invites yes info no there's not I write it down I'm putting my schedule book see apparently cold-calling is an absolute blast - in a known yeah it is it's a lot of fun actually you literally have three phones hooked up or just one just one phone but then the the the prem calls three at once alright so cool i'm back to the calls now matthew Rogers yes this video will be posted on YouTube forever alright so let's see looks like I've got 30 dials left 30 dolls left let's do this oh this is crazy hello it's weird you hello hey this is Ricky Carruth remix of Orange Beach how you doing we met where no no this is Ricky Carruth at Remax of Orange Beach down there in the Gulf Shores area real estate agent how you doing good is it Rd are you the owner of the 1205 Royal Palms okay cool cool well we're enjoying I mean we're finally get some good weather down here it's been crazy down here have you guys been down lately oh you live you live there oh nice night you live in the condo okay okay yeah in the area well oh yeah I wasn't calling you about that yeah well I was just calling to see if there's anything in the world I could do for you okay well if you guys were to sell maybe five or ten years down the road is there an agent that you would work with there is yeah okay ma'am you have you good-day okay enjoy your day all right bye-bye this wasn't fill in that one right but but I got the questions in right I got the questions in it's like okay hey miss Blevins yeah this is Ricky Carruth at Remax of Orange Beach how you doing good yeah we're we're enjoying the UH we'll finally get some good weather down here it's been crazy this year you guys been down lately oh I got you I got you well look I don't want to take up too much of your time today but there's only one unit for sale at Royal Palms and I didn't know if there's anything in the world I could do for you guys at the time no no if it's a one oh you're oh you would buy a two if one was or you would look at it if it was a to you yeah okay is there let me ask you this if you were to find one is there an agent in the area that you would work with I got you I got you okay well I'll tell you what yeah well well look I'll tell you what if I run into a 2-bedroom do you want me to let you know about it I got you okay cool you have you a good day I mean you know still go in still go in yeah dude I mean you know why not hang up on them dude I gotta go man I'm trying to create relationships here if you're just telling me no no no no no no I'm not I'm not I'm not then obviously you're close you're closed up you know I'm looking for the yes I'm looking for the openness I'm looking for the relationship I'm looking for somebody I connect with our personalities match up right which is going to be 20 to 30 percent of the people you talk to it's not going to be everybody I can't worry about the people that you don't connect with work with the people who do man that's what this is all about filtering through all the Queen this one yeah it's all about filtering through all everybody market to get to the people who want to work with you that's your job not to try to convert hello okay not to try to convert everybody your job is not to convert your job is to create relationships through comfortability and likeability hello hey mrs. Johnson hey this is Rick this is Ricky Carruth at Remax of Orange Beach how're you doing I'm doing good man we're finally getting some good weather down here it's uh it's been crazy this year you guys been down lately sure on this number all right yeah I'll call you soon all right let's do it I'll call him back he sounded like he wanted to connect right it sounded like he wanted to connect work with what you got guys lots of bad numbers lots of wrong numbers and then boom somebody wants to connect with you the ROI on one client is outrageously high over the life of your career your job is to accumulate as many of these as you can closing in on 20 dials left [Music] drop drop drop get it out of here get it out of here did guys I freaking wish I was a new agent man I would be killing it I would do this all day long talk to people put appointments together put deals together get relationships I mean it's crazy how easy this is and that's why I'm doing a lot for you guys just to show you how easy this is you just got to have fun with it you know this is where it's at this is where the money's at in real estate not all the other stuff drop drop drop drop drop I got a drop quick man I can't afford to lose a diol lose somebody answering Matthew Roger says am i calling her do not call numbers yeah I'm calling everybody not telling you guys to do it whatever okay I'm actually gonna answer this guy's this is Ricky yeah hey miss Kieffer it's Ricky Carruth remixer Orange Beach how you doing hi yeah yeah we're finally get some good weather down here it's been crazy this year you guys been down lately you move down here Wow nice nice when did that happen got it got it got it did you guys have an agent when you bought whatever you bought yeah yeah that's beautiful yeah sure sure is um is he good is he so he's gonna sell real estate yeah I'll tell you what I'll tell you what just just tell him to call me okay yeah yeah yeah just tell me give me a shout if we you know if ever wants to get up and you know have lunch or whatever I'll be glad to you know share with them whatever and you know helping you know figure out a good you know something to somehow to get into the market and stuff so thank you have a good day all right so that person called me back and I just you know I wanted to catch it I still probably wouldn't if I wasn't doing this live I probably wouldn't have answered that if I would have just kept calling but whatever I wanted to I want to talk to as many people as I can for you guys you can see my tone and stuff um I got a question here about the drop yeah I'm dropping voicemail I'm hitting drop and there's a pre-recorded voicemail that gets dropped alright let me get the dollar back started second finish these calls I got about 20 dials left so give me some ok the voicemail is hey this is Rikki crew 3 Mitch orange beach you know calling you about whatever give me a ring back at Yatta Yatta nothing special six seven three seven six six I'm gonna go back through after this after know making the cross and I'm gonna answer all the questions okay I got 18 more dials to get through these numbers okay I'm not gonna talk to her I already talked to her let's go guys let's go let's go let's go let's go [Music] oh hey mr. Farrow yes this is Ricky Carruth down at Remax of Orange Beach how you doing good man we're finally getting some good weather down here it's been a it's been nasty this year y'all been down lately yeah yeah y'all probably it was probably nasty when you came if there's a couple weeks ago was it cold yeah well look man I don't think of too much of your time but there's only one unit for sale Royal Palms did enough if there's anything in the world I could do for you at the time yeah it's only been for sale for 30 days so it's kind of pretty newb 300 to 305 so that's amazing really I mean you know I mean I know what the peak back in oh five it got up to about 400 so we're not there yet but still man three bits right you know one bedroom for 300 is uh that's pretty good yeah uh we'll look man is it yeah is there an agent down here that you guys would work with you were to do something okay yeah Oh Scotty cool cool well I love Scott so you're good hands there you know I'm Ricky Carruth is there anything I can ever do for you ma'am just please let me know yeah you too Rob I see your question and the answer is I would crush it if I were calling it somewhere in the area that nobody knows me in so many hey mr. Reeves I'm sorry all right yeah it doesn't matter where I'm at I'm gonna say the same thing I'm gonna make people feel comfortable with me I'm gonna find out hello I'm gonna find out what uh what they want to do how I can help him it's all the same stuff it doesn't matter that they've heard of me or not I mean I've been here for a long time sill oh hey this is Ricky Carruth the remix of Orange Beach how you doing I'm doing just fine we're finally getting some good weather down here it's been crazy this year okay cool so you you get so if you were here might if you so this we can you it was pretty cold this weekend then okay I don't want to go too much of your time today but there's only one listing at Royal Palms and I didn't know if there's anything in the world I could do for you guys all right gotcha I gotcha is there a is there an agent down here that you guys would work with if you were to do something oh yeah Mikey yeah I love Mike all right cool you're good hands there well I'm Ricky Carruth if there's ever anything I can do for you just let me know thank you alright let's see I know you don't have a team it is just you and one assistant yes it's just me and one assistant and says do ever ask for the email if it sounds like they aren't real connected to the agent yeah sometimes hi hello hey miss Johnson hi is this miss Johnson no I'm so sure I'm so sorry oh hey mr. fetcher yeah this is Ricky Carruth at Remax of Orange Beach how you doing great thank you good yeah me too man we're finally getting some good weather down here it's been crazy this year hey I don't want to take up too much of your time today but there's only one unit for sale at UH Royal Palms didn't know if there's anything and the oil what's that there's only one unit for sale at Royal Palms right now and I didn't know if there's any what's that yeah 206 right yeah so anyway there's only one unit for sale it's been on the market 30 days but I don't know if there's anything in the world that I could do for you guys today okay well look all right yeah well look I'm sure at some point is there an agent in the area you guys would work with if you were to do something in the future okay is there is there an agent down here that you guys would work with if you were to do something yeah we've been we've been working with Angie Campbell's daughter uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah love her love her yeah we bought two condos under Tina and we didn't we'd know she had passed away and so we've got involved with Amy yeah and we we chased the condo which was under foreclosure and it turns out that she's got all the way up to closing the through closing actually and they people-people notified Fannie Mae that they were gonna redeem it oh you know very everybody we talked to up to that point said it never never ever happens I benefited a 37 unit never happened yeah that's what they all say so fortunately I think the law says they can't shop something under Redemption hmm so they pull all better things back and we got our deposit money back and all that so it worked it was disappointed when I learnt that okay yeah yeah well I was really good friends with Tina and I'm really good friends with Angie so um sounds like you're in really good hands there okay okay well man I was just calling to see if you had a relationship in place or if there was a door open for me to to start that relationship and take you guys to lunch and all that good stuff but it sounds like you're in good hands so I'm gonna let you go with it man I'm great talking to you thank you yeah have a good day Justin says how about saying if I could get you top dollar would that be of interest to you no I don't want to do that because I feel like that's just going after the deal hello hey hey this is Ricky Carruth remix of Orange Beach how you doing oh yeah is this the it is is it I'm looking for the owner of Royal Palm 706 hey wait on Ricky Carruth remix of Orange Beach how you doing this is Ricky Carruth Remax of Orange Beach yes sir okay yeah yeah Noel I didn't want to take up too much of your time today but there's only one unit for sale at Royal Palms down here in our Gulf Shores you are the owner correct okay okay cool great great well I've been down here selling for 16 years I just was calling to see if there's anything in the world I could do for you okay do you guys well hey way is there is there an agent down here you guys would work with if you were to do something in poverty no I got you I got you well you don't think maybe in 10 or 15 20 years you might do something got it got it well man absolutely dude could live to be 108 happens all the time pessimistic okay guys get down to it here I think we got I'm down to eight more dials left let's do it let's do it it's been an hour and 41 minutes since I where I started at 12 we'll see how long have they gonna live here all right party you are trying to reach let's not set a voicemail on four to three let's get out of there yeah yeah I think of my soul this guy his unit I mean I know I sold it to him I just don't know if he's gonna answer oh hey mr. Breitenbach oh is this mr. Brittain Bach I'm sorry man I must have the wrong number okay all right so yeah looks like done done son ah yes 84 dials it took me let's just say an hour and a half um so I'm gonna go back through all the questions you guys have I don't know how many people I talked to because I don't really care about like keeping up with all that all I want to know it's about people who said they might do something I've got one guy have to call back in about an hour one lady who said that I'm their guy when they decide to do something one lady I've never talked to okay this is what I want you guys to know there's one lady I didn't I've never talked to she says she's gonna sell they in the fall more than likely to call her back in late summer she gave me her email address I've never heard of her talk to her ever totally cold okay totally cold listing in the fall then I got the guy that says I was I'm a legend I'm gonna call him in May and set up a lunch in June or July when he gets down here looking forward to meeting him then I got the email from the lady whose parents on the condo and then I got the possible listing in another complex I'm gonna go meet those people tomorrow around so one two three four five five very very super positive conversations so I'm going to go through and answer questions I'm going to start at the bottom here for the most recent ones first actually I'm gonna start at the top that way in case more people ask stuff okay okay yes I'm using mojo triple dialer this it looks like some of you guys are answering each other's questions that's good okay we have with the dialer it shows the person's name and address that you're calling yes as soon as the answer you see everything the property they own their address or phone number all that stuff let's see people are talking about how I use the weather and the call they really like it Richard thought that one person was about to murder me and then I turned it around it was awesome Trisha as this is a lot less scary than I imagined sealing people are nice for the most part they really are I mean you got the people that hang up but the people that are mean normally just hang up on you so you got talk to them one thing I'm getting from this stand up when you make your calls yes stand up when you make your calls that way you can move around a pace I'm normally pacing since I'm doing this in front of you guys I have to sit right here but normally I pace I love your energy crush it Ricky you're on a roll with the listings you're a winner let's see Brandon says everyone's just subscribe to my channel Jeremiah what's up buddy Reuben I'm pumping them up to make calls trying to get to some questions okay that was a triple dial work this is possible if someone has to wait on the phone for you finish your call no there's a message that says hello hello hey this is Ricky I'm in a bad spot I'll call you right back and then you hate and then it hangs up and then it calls that person back when you get through that's why I was dropping messages because I don't want them to hear that if I can help it because a lot of times they want to answer the second time so that's why I was dropping I would love to just say the message where it sounds more genuine than just a robot but uh but I'm dropping them so that I don't lose in case somebody else picks up because I really don't want them to hear that but it's worth it to me to triple dial and that's the price you have to pay for to get things done right you're not going to get everybody looking for questions there's a lot of awesome comments but Matthew says what email system are you using right now I'm using Constant Contact I'm actually looking in a bomb bomb I'm really like bomb bomb with the video and stuff embedded in the email so I'm really taking a hard look at them right now I'm considering switching the bomb bomb let's see Richard says focus is key keep at it this is motivational and enjoy watching great training I'm caught I was using mojo triple dollar guys the red X tripled the red X dialer they're making it better and better it's gonna be better than mojo before long it's not there yet and I get the numbers from red the red X numbers are the best though there's nothing better than the red X numbers there were cell phone numbers in that list and they're gonna up the limit on how many you can get per month right now it's 2,000 you can actually call and get more if you wanted to right now but they're actually going to make it an option do you ever practice alone on your tonality no I never practiced I practice on the phone making the calls I've never playtime never practiced I always practiced by calling and actually practice with potential clients is there a particular database I used to keep track of all this no I actually just write it all down in notes and then I put in my scheduler and all that stuff it's just my system you guys might have an electronic system or CRM or something that where you keep everything and that's fine whatever works for you this video will be posted later I'm getting down here to some questions yes can you import name data in numbers into the dialer yes everything is imported into the dialer when you say drop or you leaving recorded voice messages yes let's see it looks like I made 84 dials in about an hour and a half but there's a lot of I stopped a couple times and I talked in the beginning so it wasn't a normal call session okay this is a good one if you if you call it an area where no one had ever heard of you what would you expect your results to be compared to this video call not as warm maybe because there were several people that knew I was right but think about lady that never heard of me right here the lady that's gonna sell in the fall totally cold never heard of me I never heard of her she's shown in the fall she doesn't have an agent I started a relationship I got the email I said an appointment in my head to call it summer um you're gonna get business like maybe it would have been as good with those people that already knew who I was but I'm going to do business and I'm going to crush everybody in the market with this method I mean this is how you do it you want to crush you want to dominate if you want to be number one this is what you got to do you're not going to get their referrals and stuff like that justice says how about saying if you could get top dollar for a unit would that be of interest to you that's not my gig I'm not for the you know I want to be totally about them and what I can do to help them not hey what if I could sell your unit thing that's not my style you may crush it with that and if so I want you to go do it but it's just not my style right just want to get to all the questions before I end this mark says what was the call session you were in and explain that not sure what that question means I know you're not supposed to call the N seed but okay but what that's your decision the dialer shows calling mobile or landline no it doesn't show you just know whenever they answer and you ask them if it's our sale or if they say how'd you get my cell number that's how you know that it's a cell number Matthew Roger says much nicer people versus expireds and cancels yes when you circle doll much nicer people better response than for sale by owners and expires every time how many messages can you pre-recorded mojo as many as you want no I like the red X triple dialer it's just I feel like mojo has a step up on them right now but not for long red X is coming strong they're doing a lot of things to make their software better and they're gonna completely dominate the entire they're already dominating the data place with the best quality phone numbers now they're fixing to dominate the the dialer market as well it's gonna be a one-stop shop for everything cool I think that's all the questions again guys I really enjoyed this let's see vortex shows three numbers for each contact do you call each one of them yes I I could look up I think up to three or four numbers with red X and I and then I call and but all I do to I look up to and I call both so you can import data into red X yes you can import it in there and boom it's all in there import or export or whatever you want to do guys enjoy this I'm gonna call this one got back in about an hour I'm going to go through my notes I'm going to plug everybody I'm going to send everybody a personalized email and I'm going to get ready for the podcast I'm going to do in about two hours with Colin Krieger this video will be up live on YouTube from here on out and for you guys to watch it over and over again if you want and just reach out with any questions again zero diamond comm get my phone scripts and all that stuff for absolutely free reach out with any questions use the link in the description for to waive one hundred fifty dollar startup via red X or just call them and tell them I sent you and then I mean other than that I'm gonna get back to work I really enjoyed showing you guys how to make calls and enjoy getting some leads today for some listings and this is this is this is like a dual purpose situation for me so really enjoyed it reach all the questions I love you guys very much that's why I'm doing this I want to see you succeed and I'll do anything to see you do that so we'll talk to you guys soon be good
Channel: Ricky Carruth
Views: 65,082
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: Cold calling real estate, real estate cold call, cold calling for leads, cold calling techniques, live cold call, real estate cold calling training, real estate cold calling scripts, real estate cold calling live, real estate cold calling youtube, cold calling live, cold calls real estate, cold calling real estate prospects live, live cold calling real estate, free real estate coaching, real estate prospecting calls, live cold call real estate, real estate coaching
Id: 4ZrDWTjos2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 11sec (6851 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 19 2018
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