Agents in a room just THORWING QUESTIONS AT ME

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listen they're going to be buying houses at some point number one but number two their parents their parents you know talk to their parents say hey what's your mom and dad's number call call them say hey i'm a friend of your son or whatever you know i just got in real estate i just want to know if there's anything i can do to help you [Music] first time i heard about you was with uh i think it was brandon mulrenin yeah um and uh i i bought his system and just the wrong time right because there's not a whole whole lot of for sale by owner out there i didn't like the idea of paying uh for for stuff uh what do you mean paying for the coaching paying for the for for the coaching yeah and uh and and more or less paying for leads like i don't like that either because if people see you for who you are they're gonna use you yeah right um and so with that i was looking for systems that you that you personally implemented and i haven't and i haven't quite seen that and and you almost touched on that a little bit you said that yeah that uh when you make your your first call um you know you make your first call you make your initial um hey i'm ricky crewth um you know the how's the weather going you're just trying to strike up that conversation right and um uh past that once you get past that first first call um what is your follow-up system follow-up system like beyond just how can i be of value today how can i be of value tomorrow how can i be of value when you're ready yeah it really does sound like instead of you know talk about the pressure cooker a little bit instead of being on the outside waiting for for them to cook it sounds like you're kind of jumping into the pressure cooker with them and and you know letting your relationship uh be built together so to speak i don't know so i mean is that what you do like i guess what you're asking is once yeah beyond the email yeah once i talk to them and then once they're in my email database and they're getting my weekly email then what basically right yeah they call you that's number one like that's the first thing to wrap your head around sure let me get into some other stuff but first and foremost realize that we're creating a business of attraction our end goal is in five years we don't have to call anyone people are calling us i haven't done anything to sell 100 properties for the last three years except for answer the phone or email if somebody on somebody has been referred to me or a past client or somebody that's getting my emails like a guy called me yesterday i sold his condo four years ago i'll tell you a couple stories four years ago i sold his condo haven't talked to him since he calls him yesterday and says we sold some land we want to do a 1031 and buy another condo and then i called him and after i got off the plane and we had a long conversation and he's coming down august 14th to look at some stuff in 800 range i haven't talked to him since then when you're in the deal with them and they see the they see how above and beyond you go during the deal to make sure everything goes smooth for them they'll never use another agent you don't have to do all this extra you know bells and whistle stuff number one okay when they feel that value they're not going anywhere else they're like i'll never use another a that guy did it right but going back to when i first started talking the progression when you're at the point where you can call people in your database twice a year do it but then as as as you continue to grow you're going to get to the point where you can't call them because when you call past clients and people in your database that's not a a cold call on average is three minutes something like that a past client call is 30 minutes you can't it's a totally different ball game you can't do 100 an hour past clients number one they're all good numbers number two they all want to talk forever you don't you don't realize how valuable each dial is each dial that you're dialing that's like when you're making calls and some people didn't answer and then some people like they want to go back through the list to call the people that didn't answer no they're habitual non-answers they're like the unsubscribers right they're part of the same family family tree they're not going to answer and so why am i going to waste that dial because that dial so valuable to me i could be dialing a new number that might actually answer it's like so important right you guys don't realize the ripple effects here you know i'll tell you something else too how important everyday daily activities are if you like if your dreams are you know five years out all right and you're and you're like i'm gonna make my calls and i'm gonna do my thing if you miss a session you're literally sticking your dreams out another six months just stuff one day of not doing what you're supposed to do because of the snowball and ripple effect that that one day is going to have five years from now the relationships of people you talk to is there a certain program you use hey buddy or company for your weekly email and then what content are you putting on that email guys write this one down zero to backslash weekly email there's a tutorial screen share i build the email walk you through the whole process constant contacts is who i use if you start right there with your free trial they will give you my template they'll create they'll actually custom make a template just like mine for you and then you can just take that and plug your stuff in there so just kind of going along with his um i signed up with uh constant contacts for bed and i'm not a tech guy at all yeah worst i know you say you're not a tech guy but i'm really not a tech guy yeah um i don't know how much time i wasted trying to put together like emails and it just didn't work for me um i would much rather pay somebody out of the sales i've already done yeah to put together something right how viable that would that be do you think listen man here's the thing that email is an extension of who you are it's got to come out of your mind because it's giving your clients a part of you they know it's a bulk email but they feel a little bit of ricky in there because i'm giving my opinions on stuff so listen man here's the thing if you're not very tech savvy and stuff do this be the new listing guy right or every week what's your name jeremy jeremy yeah you just say you know jeremy's new listings of the week right or are jeremy's new listing report that could be the subject every week with the date of whatever that wednesday is and and and you your email could just say you know hope you guys hope you're having a great week i wanted to let you know here's the new listings in the area boom click here it goes back a week or two it's all the new listings say listen if you see something you like let me know everything's going good for me we'll talk to you soon gotcha it could that could literally come off like a gmail or you or yahoo i mean uh you don't even have to do i mean you might as well do it because it it's you know and as you grow your database you know the thing about constant contacts compared to like gmail and yahoo and all that stuff is that they only let you do so many recipients per email and then so many of those emails per hour so it gets the point where you can't scale but with constant contacts and some of these other platforms you put everybody in there and you make the email click send boom it sends everybody once it's a personal preference listen everything that i tell you guys is just what i think it is not to be taken with this is what we need to do i want you guys to take i want you guys to listen to me and then say okay i can take what he did and i can apply this to my business and that i see the light right and if maybe you can take my approach of just trying to help people with your door knocking i don't know what kind of scripts or what your approach is but if you can take a more lower low approach low pressure approach more of a friendship creator data collector type you know type strategy then maybe that helps you i don't know what you're into but um no man i love door knocking i've never done it right never done it but i don't know a lot of people that have a lot of people very successful whatever you have to do to build your database right if that's what you like i'm all about it like it like if i were starting all over again i believe i would have my my email would be my foundation right i would want to do something like a monthly bulk text and i want to build that text database i mean i want to get numbers from my prospects and i want to build that database as well and i would do social media as well but to answer your question listen they're going to be buying houses at some point number one but number two they're parents their parents you know talk to their parents say hey what's your mom dad's number call call them say hey i'm a friend of your son or whatever you know i just got in real estate i just wanna know if there's anything i can do to help you right use those connections to work up get their data put them in your database build build build build build right i don't know i i started when i was 19. i'm 20 now so i'm kind of a younger guy give him a hand same thing he's 20 years old kind of the same thing like my spirit my sphere of influence or younger people my age and stuff and like i'm trying to connect to older people yeah just people my parents age and stuff like that and i just want to ask you like what is one thing you think that i could do that could provide value to older people for them to not see me as you know a younger guy like hey this guy's been in the business for a year like i'd rather use someone who's been in the business for 15 years or something like that because i feel like you know i've been doing it for a year yeah i'm confident in myself and my ability yeah but i just want have you made sales yeah yeah so here's the thing whenever number one talk to them that's first and foremost because if you're not talking to them then nothing's gonna happen number one number two have the conversation with them and say listen tell me why exactly you would want to work with someone who's 15 years in the business and probably too busy to really give you the attention you really need why wouldn't you want to work with someone like myself who has a little experience here that knows i know the game right and i have time to spend just about every waking hour on just your deal there's no other agent if you want mr 100 deals a year ricky down the road you go down there look at him right in his eye and ask him where hit your deal is going to be on his priority list i can guarantee you it's not going to be at the top because that's where you're going to be for me at the top and i'm going to spend eight hours a day on just your deal right so you have time the experience agents don't have the time you have that's a huge advantage and you need to play to that advantage you need to tell your prospects that you have that on your side right as as an up and coming agent as someone who's trying to make it in the business you've got that to go out there and really really take care of them i don't care how to cook shrimp at toufe i don't care what color to paint my walls in the fall or 10 buyer tips for to win multiple offers and stuff i don't care about national stats nobody cares about that they want to know local information right so when you go to your your when you're door knocking so you're a door knocker yeah you're just gonna say listen and then too i want you to watch this video you can write this down it's called best door knocking script for real estate agents it's like a six minute video and there's a guy named ben stephen in michigan who basically took my circle prospecting script and he kind of formatted it for door knocking and he even breaks down the body language right it's not just it's not just the words he breaks down the body language go watch that video that'll answer all your questions you're going to say hey this is joe with whatever real estate right how you doing today and you're saying hey my husband is dale right with whatever appliance that's how you're going to start the whole thing out right there hey hey so and so hey it's joe at whatever real estate how you doing today cool dale is my husband over at whatever appliance boom instant credibility you're done in the bag now you're going to just have the conversation say listen i just want to call and just see if there's anything i could do to help you in the real estate world i know dale helps you on the appliance stuff and i want to be here to help you if you ever want to buy or sell anything so is there anything i can do to help you now if not cool i want to do business with you later i have your email here in dell's database is it still cool i'm going to stay in touch with you there right and you just let me know if you need anything listen if if you go through six months then you don't call them because you were so busy you know don't beat yourself up they're still getting the weekly email they're gonna call you when they get ready you know what i mean and then my next question is so when you hold an open house for another agent you have a list of buyers that are already represented what are you doing with that information are you putting them into your weekly email are you just not contacting them or i mean considering they're already represented well you know i mean what's the definition of already represented sometimes you know what i mean um that's the first question but definitely going in my weekly email everybody's going in that even their agents who's your agent let me put them in there too okay all right and put you and put them that way everybody knows what um it just depends on what the definition of already represented is you know what i mean like if they sign something then i guess that's off limits maybe but you know um it doesn't hurt to call and say hey i met you at the thing i know you said you're represented i just want to make sure that is true and that you are taken care of you know you can always take that approach you
Channel: Ricky Carruth
Views: 931
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: P_eK3ZEi6Jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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