Listing Presentation (LIVE Real Estate Coaching)

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what's up what's up guys how we doing welcome to the live training today we're gonna be going through the listing presentation I'm gonna give a couple minutes for everybody to log in and everything let me close the door I hope you're doing super well let me get everything together here give me a big thumbs up if you guys can hear me what's up what's up guys I see everybody here a lot of people tuning in thanks for tuning in we're gonna go through the listing presentation listing appointment all that good stuff for those of you watching on the replay just real quick I want to go through a couple things for 1:02 diamond the coaching program we're over 4200 agents right now super stoked about that so many people are finding success so many people are are finding a different way to sell real estate other than your normal high pressure do you want to sell today if not next mentality so I think it's the wave of the future I think relationships over transactions is is the new black if you will I think it's you know helping people is the new thing I think with the way technology is going you know people worried that technology is going to take over real estate agents I think that you know people that actually provide value and a real service and are creating real relationships with people are gonna continue to win and I think the agents who don't are gonna get sucked into this technology driven real estate discount broker based business so you know it's very interesting that our Commission's have not been compromised through this so Pharr you know where there's so many industries that are actually going down and crashing over technology and I'm still making the same percent 5 or 6 percent it's still the same as the day I started 16 years ago so it's really cool to see that and that the industry needs us the industry needs agents to consult them through consult clients through buying and selling properties this is not an easy process everybody wants to try to make real estate out to be some easy process you know real estate agents make so much money they just sign a piece of paper and boom you know they make all this money not at all not at all there's a lot that goes into it and you know the fact that we're still here strong it's still growing technology has only helped us take our businesses to another level so as far as technology goes I think one of the greatest things that's happened to the real estate industry is red X and the dialers and how you can effectively communicate and and do so much damage in the market in terms of contacting people and finding out and reaching out and do a voice to voice to find out how you can help them that is the name of the game is helping people so I'm behind red X I've tried them all red X you find numbers and dials on for you it's really one of the cornerstones of my success in the later years of my career I think it's amazing so there's a link in the description you could save $150 startup fee and you can start getting owners phone numbers you can call them right there I have a whole video tutorial underneath also constant contacts for my weekly email I've been using them since 2010 there's a lot of them out there it doesn't matter which one you use but if you want to use constant contacts there's a link in the description for that constant contact will reach out to you get you set up and they'll send you my ebook how I made a million dollars in real estate using email also I work to deal out with my web designer if you guys want a real estate website just like mine there's a link in the description for that you just put in your contact my web designer will reach out to you customize your website he has completed maybe ten or twenty four for some of the zero to diamond members and everybody's a static these aren't cookie cutter real estate websites these are the real deal over the top it's zero down a sixty nine a month and you pay the ID X feed for the listings but it's an incredible deal the guy made a really good deal for me I really negotiated I'm really really low because I wanted to bring you guys as much value as possible so let me uh let me go through the comments here and see if anybody has any questions right off the bat looks like everybody just saying hello and for and for those of you who are in the st. Pete st. Petersburg Florida area I'll be down there late November I'm gonna do a meet-up so I'll let you guys know about that but if you anywhere close to st. Petersburg I'm definitely 100% gonna be there late October like the weekend of the 27th of October I think that Saturday I'm gonna plan something with you guys if anybody wants to meet up all I'm down there oh see looking for any quick questions see somebody said hello red X is up and down but so worth it just got a condo listing absolutely that's awesome okay cool so let's get into this listing presentation listing appointment quick question here what are my thoughts on cry chime and real geeks Ruben what's up man absolutely not interested in it at all property owners are unlimited you can't call them all they're the highest quality prospects there are known to mankind and so why would you do anything else but that's just me and guys let me let me just say like uh let me just give you guys a disclaimer real quick everything that I'd say on this channel and in my videos and on my blogs and on Facebook and Instagram this is how I conduct my business I'm not I'm not saying that you need to do it the way I do it I'm just giving you my perspective I want you guys to see it from my point of view and you'll see that with the listing presentation I do it a lot differently and so I'm not telling you guys to do it the way I do it I'm just saying look at how I do it and see if you can figure out a way to make it work for you or incorporate this into what you do or that or take bits and pieces or you might like to do it exactly like me okay so don't think that I'm here to tell you this is how you need to do your business because I'm not I just want to share what's made me successful and then you guys can take and do whatever you want with it that's my goal and that's another reason why everything I do is free the zero diamond coaching programs free everybody knows should know that by now and the reason it's free is because of exactly that I don't want you guys to to say Oh Ricky said to do this I paid him and I don't want to have to hold back hoping that you pay me later I want to give you everything and you go do what you need to with it I'm giving you everything exactly the way that I run my business um this week a closed seven deals three point two million dollars worth I posted it on Facebook so had a big week I have a big week next week September's huge $200,000 in commissions in September but I don't even want to hear anything about September cuz I'm thinking so hard about October October is where my mind is that's where I want to be that's October's what I'm really worried about right now because I only have two pendings right now for October so that's what I'm really focused on where am I gonna get deals to close on in October September's done and that's the way you guys should be thinking you know what's next not you know let's close it and you know they're gonna close or they're not gonna close we can't really control that at the end of the day we'll do what we need to do to keep it going but we're not here to try to force things right we need to let things happen naturally and then try to find more things that happen naturally spend your time finding things that happen naturally over trying to force everything because what happens is you spend too much time forcing and not enough time finding things that naturally happen the way they're supposed to people want to buy and sell your jobs not to tell anybody to buy or sell or talk anybody anybody selling your job is to connect with them and stay in touch with them forever for when they do decide they want to buy or sell you're their agent that's your job so let's see you got a couple questions real quick and then I'm going to get into the listing stuff um let's see let's see let's see okay let's see the email is killing me I really need it spelled out go 2-0 to diamond comma did an entire video tutorial on that I really break it down how it built it and if that doesn't help please reach out to me I'll get on the phone and I'll help you do it whatever we need to do to help you I'll do it will it be sharing the material you use during this video there's not much material to share but yes I'll share whatever you guys want me to share let's see let's see yeah I'll be down at st. Petersburg looking for us to see there's a lot of people gonna be there so yeah let's do it I will be in town here between November 6 and 13th my web the website my website I can set it up to do anything you want you can do what lead generation you can do CRM you can take it as far as you want to take it on the website so go to the link in the description and get set up talk to the web designer tell them what you want see what the options are yeah as far as the idx I'd it's zero down 69 a month and then you pay the idx fee somebody was looking in the perfect storm now by Joshua Smith I think it's really good I know a lot of people that do it and they really like it so you know Josh was a good friend of mine and and I really like the perfect storm now I don't have never used it but I've talked to a lot of really good agents who do and I think it's a good I think it's good ok yeah the links the how do the links will be in that video tutorial but reach out if it doesn't help this will be available for replay I'm not a big found a bomb bomb for emails cuz cuz video and emails goes to people spam folders Yahoo Gmail Hotmail they all red flag those video emails if you do an email of Bom Bom that doesn't have the video then yeah you know I think that something but I haven't really tested it I have tested the videos and it doesn't do good on getting to people's inboxes see when I reach somebody circle prospecting in there and they're already listed let's see and they aren't ready to list is your only follow-up your weekly email do you have a call note it's justify it's just a weekly mail they're not right unless they tell me if I talk to somebody and they tell me that they're thinking about it in the next month or two or three or six months then I'm gonna schedule a follow-up call with them but if they tell me they're good then they're not gonna do anything any time in the next year or two or three or four then they're just gonna get a weekly email they can just call me when they get ready I'm gonna let that email do all the heavy lifting of proving to them that I'm hardworking consistent dependable professional all that good stuff let's see it looks like the link that I added for the website developments not working so I will look into that guys so just hit me up shoot me an email Ricky as your dad I mean comm if you're interested in that and the links not working and I'll see what what's wrong I don't know why I wouldn't be working let's see you don't want know anybody doing Facebook ads I don't really know anybody yeah I know a couple people doing Facebook ads and get leads but the leads are really low-quality alright cool guys I'll get back to these questions in a minute let's talk about listing presentations let's talk about listing employments I did a video Tuesday on the pre listing package if you guys didn't see that or did see it and basically I explained that I actually did it for a while cuz I had a coach who coached me to do it and I thought man this is a great idea so I started doing it you know and what I found out really quickly was and I and I'm really I'm really good at trying everything I want to try everything and figure out what works you know like I'm never gonna judge something and say oh that's not gonna work you know like I'm gonna try it see so I tried this and at the end of the day I did it for maybe I don't know five to ten listing appointments this was four or five years ago five four years ago and what at what I came to realize was that the work that went behind creating the producing package and the time it took to get it to the owner really took a lot of time out of more important things right and when I get to the appointment it really wasn't the deal maker break that the deal maker or breaker was was me you know them feeling comfortable them knowing that I really care about them and really want to help them that's the bottom line and so I quit doing it and I don't lose very many listings I do lose some you're not gonna loot you're not gonna win them all by the way guys I see some people are saying the real estate website link isn't working shoot me an email ricky is zero to diamond calm I'll get it to you and I'll fix it after the live and make sure the link is working sorry about that but like I was saying it takes so much time to do that it really didn't make a whole lot of sense to me and I lose listings not very often but I do lose some listings here and there but it's not because the pre listing package or I had one or I didn't have one or so on and so forth okay so I knocked that out the next thing like to me the listing appointment to get a listing appointment there's three different avenues that I see for listing appointments okay there's there's when you're aggressive you know like you're cold calling or you know your door-knocking or you know you've contacted somebody to say hey do you want to sell your house or whatever and they said yes okay and you're like okay cool I'm gonna need to come look at it da da da da da and you set the appointment so there's there's the way of setting the listing point where you're the aggressor you're being aggressive you're contacting and you set the appointment or an expired or for sale by owner you're calling your set appointments okay so there's the way of you being the aggressor then the second way is passively where you're putting a lot of marketing out there and people just call you people just call you and you know maybe it's a referral maybe it's you know they saw your sign or maybe they looked you up on Zillow and liked your reviews right whatever it is they're they've contacted you out of the blue you've never heard of this person okay that's a passive listing appointment that you've said okay and the third way to settle this an appointment and this is where I really win and this is where most people don't they have a disconnect here the third way is somebody who you've met and spoken with and connected with you've stayed in touch with them until the point that they decided they wanted to sell and then they called you so they called you but it wasn't out of the blue you've heard of them before you've talked to them before you nurtured that relationship until they decided it was time to buy or sell that's where all the money's at right there all the money is the people that you meet that aren't ready that you nurture until they are ready okay and when you can really crack the code on the system that works for you best to nurture these people to the point of a listing appointment that's when you're gonna win what I really like to see out of agents is that they understand these three ways to get listing appointments and that they do all three of them that's what I want you guys to do I want you to be aggressive I want you to go get appointments right and and just so you guys know I don't base my business on appointments I'm just using the appointment word because we're talking about listing appointments okay when somebody says yes I'm ready to sell but my objective is not to set an appointment when I'm calling unless it's a for sale by now for self owners are different they're ready to sell them set the appointment or maybe expired certain situations just depends um but I don't base my I don't I don't judge my business on appointments I judge my business based on my communication skills to connect with people and my work ethic of how many people I'm gonna talk to right how many people might want to talk to on a daily basis and then how those how many people do I actually connect with it that's what I'm gonna judge my business on and from there what system do I have in place to stay relevant with the people I connect with forever that's the key so I want you to I want you to understand these three ways to get listings to get listing appointment so that's what you want to call it listing meetings meeting with sellers to talk about selling the property aggressively going after people trying to create relationships find out what you can do to help them passively where where you put so much good karma into the the universe people know who you are people like you they see your stuff around they see you online they just call you out of the blue and the third one is nurturing where you've met somebody that wasn't ready you nurtured them into the listing appointment okay so once you find somebody that wants to sell or they've indicated they want to meet with you to talk about selling the property or whatever the case may be now it's time to set that appointment let's set a time to go meet with that person one thing I want you new people to understand really quickly is that you don't ever price a property don't even talk about price with an owner until you've seen the property firsthand you don't know the condition right until you've seen it you don't know the paint you don't know the the appliances the furniture the roof you don't know any of that it could be horrible and if you see pictures pictures can be very deceiving you don't you don't know even if it's a recent picture they just took with their phone you still don't know unless you go see it so a very professional thing to do is not to price a property don't even talk to them about price because if you mention a price and then they turn around when you get there and they have this price on their mind but then you show up and the property is in horrible condition you can't anywhere near the price that you talked about you're in trouble because now there have these expectations in their head about where they think the property should be priced at and you know you you lost that situation now you have to try to figure out how to backtrack and backpedal yourself back and make them realize that you made a mistake so be professional don't price the property without seeing it okay and also that's another really good way just to create another reason to meet them because you got to see it to price it it's another good way to create a reason to contact them again you know and there's there's two there's two deals here there's there's the property owners who don't live in the property that you're pricing it's a second home it's an investment property it's a rental property and then there's the property that they live in their primary right and then there's commercial there's lots there's all kinds of stuff but we're just talking about residential we're talking about you know second home vacation primary properties so you may not see the owner like in my market if I go to a condo they live in Texas and I go to a condo to to preview it I'm just gonna go look at it nobody's there I'm walking through it I got to see it to price it right when they call me they say I want to sell it and I say okay good I gotta go see it that's the next step as me going to see it so you know let's set up for me to go see it I'll go see it then I call you back we talk about price then we go from there and so you know it's a lot easier for an agent just to say oh yeah here's the comps it's worth this without going to see it but when you do this you're putting in work and then that client sees that you're putting in work you're making time for them you're going to see their property you care about that you're just starting to really grow the relationship quickly and show them how much you care and really want to help them and do a professional job right so you know and it gives you another reason to call them back and when you say you're gonna do it and then you do it then you call them back right when you said you would call them back they appreciate they respect that and now you really have some momentum in their relationship okay so it's a primary home they live there okay got to come see it you know that's that's the next thing is they need to come see it I need to come meet you I need you show me the house so that I can evaluate it and then we can go from there so we're gonna set that appointment we're gonna set it you know whatever day whatever time all that good stuff okay so here's my listing package now know a lot of you guys have a really detailed a lot of statistics what you're gonna do how you're gonna market the property so on and so forth but I don't do that okay and and here again this is just another example of me doing things a little differently just based on my experiences what works for me to give you guys a different perspective of how you can do the business and I'll tell you something else that's interesting a lot of the agents that I talk to you know when we really sit down and dig into a lot of my stuff and they ask me questions you know one on one it seems like every step of the way all of my stuff it really creates a sense of calmness like you know my phone scripts for example when people are using other phone scripts it feels like you're forcing it where you know hey do you want to sell you know and do you know anybody or whatever the scripts are they sound very telemarketer and they sound very you know non personal and then when you switch over to my scripts now it's like a big waste lifted off your shoulders because it's really really laid back it's really you know low pressure you're not you're just helping people right same thing with this listing presentation a lot of people are worried and stressed out about how to do the listing presentation what do we need to do you know they want to go through this big should we be going through this big 20 page listing presentation um you know forget some of the details and they stress herself out big-time right and so I make it very simple for you right and you can do it like this or you don't have to do it like this but this is how I do it okay I show up I have a Remax you know folder you put whatever company that you are I have a Ricky Carruth pin right and so I show up with this folder okay she's black folder they don't know what's in it right I just show up I say how you doing I shake hands I go in through the house okay the next the next move is hey how you doing we talk you know see what kind of conversation is gonna happen there then I'm gonna let them show me the property now this is my favorite part because they want to walk you through the property and they want to show you every little thing about the property and they want to they want to tell you why this is special and that special on why this house is the best house in the neighborhood right everybody's house is the best house in the neighborhood always right so I walk through and I'm and I'm not saying anything I'm just listening and I'm saying oh that is nice oh yeah I love that I love this all that stuff right I want to be very calm I want to be there I don't want to talk a lot right here I want them to be in charge I want their were in their house I want them to be in charge the biggest thing with the listing appointments is making people feel comfortable with you this is the biggest biggest biggest thing is making them feel comfortable with you who you are what you're there for what your intentions are you know why you're doing this and if you can make them feel comfortable with you and who you are then you have really won you have written you have given yourself the best opportunity to win the listing even if they're up if you're up against they're interviewing several agents and there's some really heavy hitters you know some of those heavy hitters are not as personable as you're gonna be if you're following my coaching if you're you're listening to my videos and podcasts and watching my Instagram you you're you're in the mindset of how can I help this person it's not about the deal it's about the relationship long term because if you help this person really help them even if they don't want to sell right now but if you take the time and you really help them they are gonna see you as somebody who really cares about them and now it's done they're never gonna use another agent ever in their life you are their agent for life they're gonna refer everybody to you they're gonna buy and sell everything through you they're gonna refer everybody they know to you so take this serious do not go after the deal be very very low pressure and let's just feel the situation out remember my quote that I did a while back be 95% low pressure and 5% high pressure okay you have to pick and choose where you're gonna be high pressure at if you see the opportunity see they've already decided when they're gonna sell it's not up to you to decide when they're gonna sell but it is up to you to notice that they want to buy or sell that they want to sell and that they're motivated for some reason okay the big big thing in the listing the listing appointment is to make you to make them feel comfortable with you and number two to find out why they want to sell what is the reason behind why they're wanting to sell that is the second most important probably those two go together there's really not one that's more important than the other being making them feel comfortable and finding out why those are those are two very closely related situations that needs to be your biggest goal to find out why they want to sell what happened in their life because something's going on uh their life did they get older do they want to downgrade did they lose a job do their kids go to college they get a divorce or they just do they just want to invest what what are they what's going on in their life there's something besides I just want to sell a house there's a reason and when you can get the answer to that reason and focus everything on that reason we're just taking another step closer to being their agent forever when we take notice of why they're wanting to sell so let's get into my package here okay so what happens is is we're gonna we're gonna let them show us the house when I show up I normally show up greet them talk to them and now I know when we set the folder down on the kitchen table and I'll leave it there and now I'm gonna let them show me the house and we'll leave the folder there and so what happens every single time is is they show me the house we're walking around and all that we kind of circle back to the kitchen or living room and then we just start talking you know because by then I've opened them up they feel comfortable with me by that time and I've probably popped the question of you know why are you guys want to sell or what's what's causing you to want to sell or you know I'll fill out exactly how to ask the question and to the answer to the question tells you a lot it tells you how motivated they are when they want to sell if they really want to sell sometimes they may say you know you say hey what's cause you need to want to sell they might say well you know we're just kind of thinking about it right then and there you know that they're not super motivated right or they may be in not telling you you can still fill the situation out you're always feeling the situation out don't ever believe anything you hear you know just go with the flow of it but we're gonna circle back around we're having this conversation and then at some point the conversation is gonna break and it's gonna be about the price you know like what is the price um you know like we're talking and you know we're talking about you know fishing and stuff and then you know this and that and then you know we start you know thinking about well you know what you know what's the house worth because that's what we're really there for will what the house is worth we went to a meet Ricky see if he makes us feel comfortable see if he cares about why we're gonna sell the property and then we don't know what the house is worth so we can make a decision right what's the house worth in the current market okay so that's when I grab my folder open the folder up first thing I grab is the comps okay so what I like to do with the comps is I like to put it on one sheet of paper I got that I got the active listings here and the close listings here I like to put it on one sheet of paper like this where I can just compare everything I've got you know price subdivision bedrooms baths your bill of size selling price closed day days in the market price for a square foot I like to do it like that because it's easy to read you can look at all the properties right there you're not flipping through this long you know this long deal with all these properties it's one page boom now a little side note if I'm dealing with a unique house and I need pictures I need to show them pictures we need to cook we need to we need to like compare like real pictures and you can't do that on one sheet of paper if it gets that deep or I feel like I really need to bring my computer I'll bring my computer hook up to their internet I'll pull up MLS right there and we'll go through everything if they want to see everything and it's a really really unique house then then we can do it but you know most houses are in subdivisions where the price per square foot is normally you know work you know you can kind of tell what's up with the price per square foot or if it's a condo it's really easy because they're most all the same same floor plan and so forth so I like to do one-page comps and so what I do and they start talking about the the the price I start I just say okay because I've seen the house and I know about it I also bring the tie I like to bring the county tax evaluation of their property I didn't put that in this folder for you guys but I like to bring the tax evaluation that shows the square footage when they bought it how much they paid for it all that stuff that way they can't argue with me if they say they bought it for a different price or if it's a different square footage it's like here's the county information right here like this is where it what it says so I'm gonna go through all these comps and I'm gonna kind of formulate in my head what the place is worth what we could ask what we could get okay because that's what they want to know so we talked about that then I just kind of take the conversation from there right whatever direction they want to go in you know let's talk about okay what is that what you thought you know what where you know what do you want to do you know that it could go so many different directions from there based on what they say you go with the flow of it and just try to help them accomplish what they want to accomplish other things that are my folder so they get to keep this entire folder the comps and everything in this folder the the pin I actually leave it with them just like this when I leave it's theirs okay so other things that are in this folder this is a one-page resume I don't do this anymore I just put this in here for you guys because I do think it's a good idea to have this I don't do it anymore because I'm just I'm such a people per I just want to connect with them like it's just me and them and like our personalities I just want to show them how much I care based on how I'm acting and what my body language and tone is and and how how in tune I am with them and why they're wanting to sell that's my thing and I think it should be your thing but I do have this one-page resume that shows some things also I bring a blank listing agreement always bring a blank listening agreement because I don't know if we're gonna list the property or not if we don't list the property they can have this so they can kind of look through it and then you know they can kind of know what's in the contract you know and we can kind of go from there and then I always have a $20 gift certificate to a restaurant tacky Jax is the one I do because there's three locations down here it's a pretty popular seafood restaurant my area so regardless of where they are on the island that could be in Fort Morgan Gus Shores or Orange Beach there's always a tacky Jack's close to them so I always give them a $20 tacky Jack's card and I give these $20 tacky Jack's cards when I show property every single time I show proper you have a listing appointment I take a techie Jack's card and they can have it I also do these folders for my buyers I'll have all the properties we're gonna see I give them the folder I give them a little sheets every time we go to a different property and they can have everything when they leave also there's business cards in here okay so nothing fancy it's more about connecting with with my with my potential client than anything and you know that's it guys that that's the listing appointment I'm gonna go with the flow from there I'm gonna see what they think about the price I'm gonna see how they feel about the entire situation and then just just see what I can do to help them from there that's really the whole process the biggest thing is making them feel comfortable and finding out why they want to sell and focusing everything around that and then just trying to connect with them long-term I mean that that's the name of the game so we covered a lot guys you might want to go back and replay this we cover the three ways you can get listing appointments its aggressively passively and by nurturing relationships you need to be doing all three we talked about at the listing appointment you're gonna make it you want to make them feel comfortable find out why and I don't do pre listing packages so I think all that in a nutshell is is my entire process there from there I'm going to follow up accordingly and help them do what they need to do if they want to list right away let's list it right away if they they want to think about it you know that let's think about it if you know I need to follow up with them in a week or three days or two weeks or six months whatever the case may be I'm gonna start you know helping them however it is that they need to be helped so I'm gonna get into some questions here guys let me scroll back up here and get to wherever I left off let's see coach Kaiser what's happening let's see Kristin says how do I jump start my business after a slow period you really need to go to zero to dummy calm and sign up for the course it's all free and go to the 60-day jumpstart program it's one audio you listen to every week for eight weeks and it will jumpstart your business let's see let's see looking for questions you guys got any questions just talk them in if the link for the website designer is not working I will fix it after the live is over and you can email me at Rick is your dude ami calm and I'll hook you up with that Titus Titus linen tell me what you thought about the listing my listing presentation I know you always have some pretty good opinions about my stuff I want to hear what you think see how do we handle when someone says they already have a family member in the field great question great question so if somebody already has their mom or their cousin or their dad or brother is a real estate agent there's really nothing you can do what can you do you can't do anything there you just move on to the next person guys listening business is 100% unlimited so just continue go down the line and seeing who you can help there's thousands and thousands and hundreds of thousands and actually millions of people that that are available for you to reach out to and ask if there's anything you can do for them do not get hung up on one person especially if their mom is a real estate agent you can't waste any more time there now if you you know something may happen they may get mad at their mom and say oh I'm not gonna use her anymore I'm gonna use a different agent yeah that's fine look if you want to get their email address and put them in your database and see if they come back to you later fine I'm not telling you not to do it I'm just saying don't waste any more time there move on let's see what do I use instead of Bom Bom I use Constant Contact to send my emails I've been using them since 2010 the open rate is amazing the templates are incredible there's a link in the description to get signed up with them and they will reach out to you and they will send you my ebook how I made a million dollars with email sorry guys I'm just reading through here trying to find questions okay what about property valuation sites where they get a twenty to forty thousand dollar range on value how do you feel about using those Thomas really good question I guess your references estimates or something like that where some online website decided they know how to price properties when they haven't even seen the property remember what I said you got to see the property to price it there's a lot that goes into price and a property there's there's the condition there's the location there's a lot of things going on technology hasn't really figured that out yet so I think what you need to do is just make the let the client the owner understand that that that is you know an online that's a website spitting out numbers you know trying to figure out what your property is worth I am going by the market that's right here in front of me here's what things are going for per square foot here's what this household for here's what your neighbor so for boom this is what your house is potentially worth this is what we should ask this is what we should potentially look at you know trying to get as a contract and you know that's that I mean don't don't dwell on it too much go by what has sold in the area in the subdivision in the complex you know take off or add to the price for improvements and so forth and so on and and that's what it's worth you know it's worth what a buyer is willing to pay and so based on what other buyers have paid for similar properties is what this property is gonna be worth so just educate your owners let's see I was listening to a video of yours about pricing it was really great you have a huge insight on which price ranges reach the most qualified buyers nice let's see let's see sorry guys just trying to find the questions here okay Fred says is this the comps from my MLS or is it a spreadsheet I made it's actually a spreadsheet I made from MLS MLS I'll pull the comps and then I created a spreadsheet from there and then I just I altered the spreadsheet I deleted the columns I didn't want and I fixed it all up exactly how I wanted it and then I printed it Kenneth says I give sellers two numbers first I say that the more dependable value is blank and the listing price should be blank and blank should be between blank and blank pretty tight range good good deal let's see Farah says are you talking the CMA are you taking the CMA with you as well yes yes I had well no no no no I don't have a CMA I don't have a CMA guys I just have the comps with me I don't want to do a CMA cuz its CMA it could be wrong I don't want to give aI don't want to give them a fall so I don't want to give up I don't want any numbers out there I want to see the property first and then I want to evaluate it based on the comps I brought and then tell them a number you know and then once I tell it to him I can write it down on the page that has the comps and they can keep all this and they'll know that that's what I suggested when they look at it later but I'm not all about the CMAs because it could be wrong I got my Remax folders online from some website not sure exactly where I'm sorry Christy what-what-what website we used to get those folders I'll let you know in just a second should a new let's see I lost it there was a good question there's some good questions here guys I'm fixing to be getting to hear a lot of questions let's see would you do a resume if you haven't listed a house yet yeah yeah yeah yeah guys listen as a new agent you have a lot you have an upper hand over a lot of older agents because you have time right you have time that you can spin on their deal right you got time experienced agents don't have as much time so don't be scared as a new agent see that see the value you have you bring so much value you care about them you're gonna work hard you're gonna make this happen for them don't be scared to be a new agent you know make a resume that you you know whatever you've done but there again guys listen you don't have to do a resume I don't do it anymore I didn't do in the first part of my career I did it halfway through because I figured it would help but I didn't realize it didn't matter they just want to know who I am and how I act so just concentrate on your personality and don't worry about much else how do you deal with someone who needs to sell fast that has an investor property that needs work they also want top dollar you have to tell them what the market is and then if they want much higher you just tell them look at that price you're gonna own that property for a while that's just the reality and then they need to make a decision and then sometimes they don't believe you they think you're just trying to get them for a lower price and what can you do they're right all you can do is be as professional as you can be and say look here's the numbers here's the numbers this is what it's worth you know if you want this much more then we can do that but it's but we're not it's not gonna sell you know in my professional opinion I don't see it selling there's a lot of listings that just sit out there because they're overpriced and yours is gonna be one of them and then they either make the decision or they don't Christopher says do I do electronic documents yes all the time electronic signatures electronic signatures electronic signatures somebody said $20 even if they don't list I'm broke as a joke already coming into this do $5 do a $5 Starbucks card something of value is my point but yeah I give everybody $20 gift cards to restaurants if they list I give every buyer I meet $20 gift cards every single one of them what about reviews or testimonials versus resume inside packet absolutely try it I did that for a while I had reviews in there that was part of that I used to be part of my package reviews and testimonials and stuff like that um yeah go for it absolutely cool nice and simple presentation thanks Martel see I'm broke too right now but but I see that could really make them remember you and make you stand out you do this even with buyers you show every single one of them do you always wear a polo or do you get suited and booted not at all I wear flip-flops every single day I wear flip-flops shirt shorts everyday unless it's cold now I will put on some dress shoes and some khakis if it's cold here's the thing about dressing guys you have to blend in with your customers you got to blend in with your customers I used to dress up I used to go suited and booted and that made everybody feel awkward because I was suited and booted and they were dressed they were wearing polos because we're at the beach if I'm in Atlanta selling commercial property yeah I'll be in a suit and tie every day blend in with your surroundings yeah what do I put in my resume I just put you know like how many properties I sold um let me see I haven't used it I haven't used it in like two years how long have been an agent I'm Alabama for two licensed you know all my little Awards number one and stuff top ten you know I put that I've grew up here put that I love you know the outdoors and I love a healthy lifestyle you know all that good stuff see they don't ask about how you will market the property no see Tori here's the thing some of them do ask that but the answer to that is this when it goes on MLS it gets syndicated out to the world okay beyond that I'm gonna do I'm gonna have it in my weekly email that goes out to 10,000 people every week I'm gonna do social media push I'm gonna do a postcard campaign and I'm gonna make phone calls right so yeah I mean whatever they want you know I mean in nowadays when it hits the market everybody sees it in the world somebody said I imagine you're not paying $20 per card to a partner with the restaurant no I actually paid $20 per card it's a good idea though we need to call me to talk to them packy Jack's my partner and with this because we get out so many cars it'll split it with us or something we'll work on that okay Rachael says about the comps do you ever show pictures of comps I I did talk about that if I think it's a property that needs it I'll bring my computer and I'll pull MLS up right there and we'll look through all the pictures of all the comps Joan says objections what are my most common objections I mean give me some examples I don't really get any object I'm not looking to try to force anybody to do anything I'm there to help them do what they want to do so there's never any objections because I'm gonna help them do what they want to do I'm not trying to get them to do anything else but what they want to do so there's never any objections Mario says what what I take an overpriced listing if they want to list it if they want to overprice it if they understand it's not gonna sell they just want it out there yes I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna take the listing to say this is gonna sell I'm gonna take the over price listing to say this is not gonna sell but if you want to have it on the market just to have it on the market let's do it I'm more than happy to take an overpriced listing you know guys I've sold a lot of overpriced listings that I thought would never ever sell ever sell Brian Chapman what's up Brian how do you talk about your marketing strategies when asked I answered it above I hope you caught that if not just comment I'll tell you again nada says what if they say they don't want to list it but we are we're welcome to bring buyers here's the thing about that guys whenever if they're not willing to list it then that tells me they're not motivated to sell it and I'm scared to tell buyers because if I tell a buyer and then they the buyer comes and they think they have this property they're gonna buy but the sellers really haven't committed you know I got to see some commitment before I actually try to work on the property now if I have a buyer that once that property really likes that property then sure I'll show it to them I'll try to sell it and all that stuff but I'm not gonna tell buyers about other just random buyers that I have if I think a buyer would really buy the property really then I might try to work that angle but I'm not just gonna go looking for buyers for a property that's not listed because that tells me that they don't really want to sell and it's hard for me to work on a property for somebody that they don't really want to sell and that's what I'll explain to them I say listen here's the thing if you don't list it that tells me that you really don't want to sell and it's really hard for me to work on it if you don't really want to sell you know if you do the listing you can back out at any moment you can back out anytime I'm not gonna hold you to it but you gotta sign this for me to work on it at all you know because I just I don't feel like you're you really I don't feel like you want to sell it even though you're telling me you would sell and all this stuff I just don't it's hard for me to move forward and get a buyer involved if it's if this is not real okay should new agents wear a suit and tie or just business casual just blend in with your environment bro you should establish value without cutting Commission don't negotiate what my dentist charge me we're professionals I've heard that one a bunch don't you know I'm not gonna negotiate my dentist because you know or my doctor's fee or whatever yeah of course man listen trust me I stay firm I stay super firm you look at my listings 6% 6% 6% 5% 6% 6% 6% 5% I'm really firm and I get 6% most of the time but here's the thing you have to be flexible and this is this is a big reason why I sell 100 properties a year because I am flexible I will do what I have to do to get the deal done and make everybody happy and that's my job and in building the relationship do you tell any story or if you had the same experience do you share I think you're saying like outside of real estate like to build a relationship like personal stories of stuff absolutely I want to go deep with the relationship about personal stuff I want to really connect so absolutely if I see an opportunity I'm gonna go for it I've primarily been a buyer's agent so far how can I make a seller feel like they should use me to list their home and I don't have a lot of listings I can say I've sold Lynn it's not about how many listings that you can say that you sold it's about how a if you make them feel comfortable that you want to help them get the job done and that you care about why they're wanting to sell that's it nothing to do with your sells nothing to do with your experience they want to know that you care about them that you make them feel comfortable that you're gonna work as hard as you can work to get the job done that's it if you can prove that to them you don't have to worry about how many listings you have or haven't sold do you ever mention the features that your brokerage has to offer no I don't Craig Titus I think your listing presentation is great it's all based on feel that benefits both the potential client and the agent so it's easy for an agent to go into a presentation without the pressure yes guys like I said from the beginning if you're just tuning in or whatever a lot of my stuff makes you makes you feel so much like so little stress it's like all the stuff you're worried about and then you learn how I do it and you're like oh god great I don't have to high-pressure people I don't have to have this listing presentation I don't have to do all this stuff that I'm being told by the rest of the industry I can actually do it my way I can be myself and I can be even more productive than than the guys that are that are out there doing it the other way right so that's a cool thing that um I feel like is really zero to Diamond thing this that's really helping people helping you guys when they ask what you're going to do different than other agents what's my response because I'm gonna call every single person that I think might want to buy your property till my ears bleed looking for a buyer Jones says what's my clothes pitch if they say that they are ready to sell or thinking about selling or and I think I need to push them over the edge I'm not gonna try to force them but if I feel like they're ready and I need to give them a little push I'm gonna simply say hey guys look I think we need to go ahead and put this on the market and then I'm just gonna see how they respond to it you know I think we need to put this on the market see how they respond then we go with the flow from there okay let's see besides red X do I advocate any technology I like constant contacts and I like web innate that built my website those two are the ones I mean that's for the weekly mail red X to find the numbers in column for cell Boehner's expires geo leads and web innate to build a website in constant contacts us in the email out you can get all that in the description below let's see hey Ricky Carrie here what other than your weekly email what do you do to nurture I like to take all the emails put them in a facebook custom audience and do Facebook and Instagram ads to those people and then I make I may try to call them once a year or once every two years just check in say how you doing they love to hear from you because they get your emails they see on Facebook you're kind of like a you're a little kind of like a celebrity kind of status with them and so when you call them and they know that you're busy and you took time out of your day to stay hey how are you doing what's going on anything I can do to help you they really really like that so if you can call them every year or two after that that'd be good send them a Christmas card if you can you know stuff like that and if you get into the deal with them really go over-the-top really just call them a bunch about it make sure they know that you're working hard for them and all that stuff they'll love you forever I've been so nervous about doing a listing presentation because so many presentations you come across online from experienced agents are so fancy on top of the line exactly and that's why I wanted to do this videos to show you guys that it doesn't have to be like that you don't have to stress out about this stuff be yourself and people are gonna love you cuz you're a good person you care about people when you work hard bottom line the only difference is you haven't put the work in to find the people that want to work with you that's that's the that's the missing piece of this equation do you ever tell them that you will call them the next day with the price if the property is unique or hard to comp if I see the property and it's hard to comp really figure it out I need to do some more research I will tell them listen I'm sorry but I have to do more research to figure this out now that I saw the property I'm gonna do my research I'm gonna figure it out I'll call you back you know tomorrow or later today or whatever with the price and then we can go from there sure a lot of questions here a lot of questions guys I don't really have enough time to answer all of the I'm gonna I'm actually gonna try I'm gonna try to get to all these just to clarify when you say I'm gonna call people to buy till my ears bleed what list are we calling your sphere know what you're gonna do is you're gonna get red X geo leads you're gonna target a subdivision or something of houses that whatever your listing is will be an upgrade so if you have a four-bedroom call the three bedrooms in the same neighborhood and say hey do you need a four bedroom you want to upgrade to a four bedroom um if you're got a condo on the beach call the people have condos directly across the street from the beach right there by the condo and say hey I got one in this building do you want to upgrade um stuff like that try to figure out what property owners might want to upgrade to what you have and call them that's what I mean I have a seller leads our purchase that won't answer the phone what's the best way to cut make contact have them send any I have sent an email as well phone call should I go by the house Torre you can go by the house but I would say you know if you want to go door knock on the house fine but if people want to answer the phone or email what else can you do with them and listen Tori it's completely unlimited you can't call all the property owners ever ever ever ever you can't call them on your area so why would you worry about one property owner that won't answer the phone you're wasting a lot of time here don't have money for advertising most most is BS I guess you're saying sucks at advertising restaurants struggle for guests ask for $10 card hey sellers talk about it over dinner and I here's a gift certificate Montana I don't know what you're asking me there let's see Mike says just got your website so Mike I think got a website by my web designer and he loves it appreciate that Mike I'm glad you like it I hope it does really well for you what's my favorite fast-food place I don't eat fast food at whatsoever I'm trying to sell one home a month wood postcards be the way to go John no phone calls are the way to go go to my website zero to Diamond sana for the coaching take the course do the 90 day action plan and then and the 60 day jumpstart program do it right now start if sellers ask me firmly to take 5% I ask them to meet me halfway and it's all and it always has worked great get five and a half that extra half goes a long way let's see do I believe flat fee brokerages may takeover seller side of the market not at all Nick not at all flat fee brokerages are actually probably gonna be out of the business soon because they don't provide enough service let's see I make sure that I'm I'm the one who brings up Commission first yeah good good deal there do you do you still give three percent to buyer's agent if you take the listing of five no I'll do two and a half two and a half I split the Commission 50/50 there is a deal I'm doing right now for four and a half where I'm gonna give the agent two and a half and I take two because it's a really close friend of mine so I'll do deals like that but no when I take five it's two and a half two and half but that depends on your markets some markets are different how they split Commission's and stuff do I have listing cancellation fees absolutely not like I will never charge you to leave me like if you want to leave me I want you to leave me I want you to go quickly let's see how would you lead our buyers that waste your time Tony I do not weed out buyers that waste my time I spent as much time as I can on buyers that want to waste my time because I'm going to develop that relationship and even if they don't buy today they're gonna buy in three years and they're gonna refer me everybody they know the more time I waste on people the more money I make [Music] if sellers not ready to make a decision because they're interviewing other agents do you kick in your 5% rule and what do you say I don't really care about interviewing other agents they want to interview other agents fine if they pick another agent fine I'm gonna do the best I can do to connect and let them know I'm here for them and I'm gonna do everything can make it happen as if they were family as if they were my mom and dad and if somebody else won them over because they connected better I can't help that I got to keep moving call me back and that we get into a negotiation I that could happen I could go down on my commission then to make it happen but I'm not just not gonna automatically start going down I want to keep it up not down Mario is it it is my market there it is my market there is a lot of low-cost brokers and agents in my area agents listing as low as 1% plus the coop you know you just have to compete you know when you go to the listing appointment go and see what you can do to help them try to connect with them to where they don't want to use another agent because you connect so well but you got to get in there compete if they're doing it then you got to compete with them some house you got to figure out some way to compete with them right maybe you do you know 2% plus you know I don't I don't know how you're gonna do it I'm not in your market but I'm saying this the deals are there the clients are there that want to pay you your commission you got to go find them okay is your CRM to put their email in constant contact you have anything else you remember details when with call the reminders and where do you put past clients from follow-up everybody goes in constant contact and get the weekly email I have a notebook that I keep notes in and that's it I'm not very organized I don't have a fancy CRM I don't have a way to keep up with all that stuff I kind of go by memory and I just go I take more action than I probably should but it works out for me so I'm sorry guys that are looking up to me for this organization thing and how to stay in touch but the thing is this if somebody's wants to do something I'm gonna write their name down and I'm gonna stay with them they're on a list okay and you know they get the weekly emails so they're getting that and I'm just gonna stay with them on this list and you know I'm gonna stay with them till they either do something or tell me they're not ready or whatever the case may be I'm gonna keep them on my list or people I'm follow up with I always have a list of people that I'm following up with all the time like here's here's my list right here this is a list of everybody that I'm falling you know I have a list of everybody that I'll keep checking for who I have that I need to follow up on all it you all right y'all still there I don't know what happened there all right let's see do I give a seller in that sheet to show them what they own that after closing costs I'll do that with the listing when I do the listing how do I prospect for leads on investment properties do i target them separately or just adjust on the fly just on the fly just call people to see what I can do to help I don't care if they're an investor or primary home do i staging my properties no I always sell properties as is I priced it as is a salad as is let's go so you really just do one appointment so you really just do one appointment which is when you view it and at that time you shown the comps so as a new agent how do you recommend pricing on the spot if you need to if you need time to research and get back to him on a price tell them I need to go research I'll get back to you today or tomorrow on a price after I get to listening to us still use colorful flyers or you just use a property website with tore digital photograph or what I have a professional photographer go in and take the professional pictures put it on MLS and they'll let all the syndication websites do their thing for that hey Rick ease your crm separate from Constant Contact how do you integrate your email list from your CRM Constant Contact is my CRM basically if they are interviewing several agents and they tell you they've received different price than what you came up with how do you handle this I tell them here's the numbers this is what I think I'm a professional this is what I think you know I may even say if it's a really higher price that they got I may say hey you know that agent there blowing smoke they're there they're just trying to tell you what you want to hear I'm telling you the reality and if you want to go there that's fine but this is reality and that's my job is to tell you reality when if ever do you compromise or cut your professional commission what about a builder developer with potential for many many deals yes like I have a development now 80 units then we're gonna open up another hundred units I'm doing 5% on all that so yeah I'll cut my commission for the developer cool I'm almost at the end of these questions the property is in bad condition shall I ask the seller to fix or remodel at first no I don't I'm not telling you what to do a lot of people say tell them to fix it before you do it I want to sell it as is because I think that the money that you put into it you may or may not get that money back for what you can sell for as is today so it just depends on the market and the property in the certain markets you might want to do that certain properties you might want to do that what is the basic advice you give the sellers to get their property prepared to list not much if it needs some paint touch-up they need to unclutter stuff like that easy stuff let's do it do you give the buyer $20 every time you show them property or just when you meet with them the first time normally right why not just just the first time I meet with them let's see Montana I got you man let's see Frank says I'm glad I found your system I know it's gonna blow up soon this is just fun it is fun let's see can you pass them out to build rapport and ask the restaurant to pay for their addition be okay yeah about the restaurant thing you know I just get the gift cards I give them out and that's that Kenneth takes many listenings at five point nine that's very interesting nick says thank you so much for all the value give you help me figure out what was wrong in my business I signed seven listings in August using your strategies Wow I've had success with Zillow is there something comparable that is less expensive yes it's called red X geo leads and you call every owner in your area and you make friends forever put them in a database cinema weekly email every single week on the same day of the week forever your business will explode there are so many numbers on red X that are on the do-not-call this it really gets me depressed is your market different not at all and I call them you know guys there's certain states if you look at the do-not-call this thing there's certain states where real estate agents are exempt from the do-not-call list situation so look it up and find your state and find out if you're good or not what do I think about xmax well not sure if I know max max well Craig more Craig says do more luxury property owners expect more of a presentation here in Boston some function don't want to hear that all you're going to do is call I didn't say all I was gonna do was call I said it's gonna get syndicated to every website out there I'm gonna do a postcard campaign it's gonna go to my weekly email that goes out to thousands of people all that stuff I'm gonna do social media campaign I didn't just say I was gonna call I said I would I said all this kind of stuff I was gonna do so keep it in perspective if they wanted me to do an open and also do an open house you know keep it in perspective Craig and also if you know watch the other agents what are they doing what are they saying right what are they what are they saying like what are they saying that so like up there in Boston you say what what's so different in Boston what do you what do you think that they want to hear alright do I charge a broker admin fee in the addition of 6% no my company wants me to but I don't because I'm not gonna charge my client an extra fee that's just a thorn in their side that's gonna give them a reason not to use me later I'm about to become newly licensed agent I'm a little overwhelmed with making a decision on broker should I hang my license with I don't want to make the wrong decision any suggestions van listen to me really loud and clear here it doesn't matter who you go with the first time I'm go with somebody he feel likes gonna help you learn and what's gonna happen is after a year or so and you actually get to where you got your feet wet a little bit then you decide where you want to go you're probably not gonna end up where you start you're gonna change companies a couple times probably before you find your home so don't worry about in the beginning it doesn't even really matter about the split because you're not gonna sell that much property in the beginning go with someone who's gonna teach you everything that you you know snow somebody feels gonna teach you as much as you can that's the most important thing do I have a checklist for listing process I don't why weekly emails because weekly emails is frequent enough to to to extent a relevant with them a and B show them how dependable you are and hard-working if it's every other if it's every other week it's not enough they don't they don't think you're working every day think you're not working one week working one week not working one week when they see it every single week on the same day of the week forever and you got that consistency it creates the relationship deeper for you without you having to do and contact them one hundred one item listing presentation is probably too long correct yeah because I got like a five piece listing presentation do I call expireds and for sale by owners no that's not my preference I will I can be successful with them I like them but it's not my preference I like circle prospecting how do I keep contracting my leads I just write it down in a notebook on a piece of paper that's it for buyers do i do broker on buyer broker agreement never never have never will if they don't want to use me I want them to go somewhere else if I show them property they don't like me they don't want to do business with me I want them to go somewhere else I don't want them to feel like they're tied to me I just got MailChimp for my weekly email Constant Contact might be better but for now um cool Craig absolutely ma'am great stuff got redx got Constant Contact gonna start hitting it after a research in the script over the weekends and our first weekly email dad a nice cool well look guys looks like I've answered all the questions it's been about an hour and a half that we've been live so I'm gonna shut it down I just want to give a big shout out to all you zr2 diamond members out there for over 4200 people right now we're growing at about 50 people 50 people a day it's all free I don't want a dime I just want you guys to succeed when I come speak in your town or close to you I want you to come see me I want to see you want to shake your hand I have dinner I want to sign a book I want you to read my books and I want you to just take what I'm teaching you and just get out there and just make it happen winners just make it happen and people that do not win they lose because they make excuses there's an excuse of why they lost right they this or they that or whatever their markets this or whatever the case may be don't make excuses and here's the last thing I'll leave you with adapt figure out what works and what doesn't work is not working after six months don't try something different right try different approach and when you find the approach that works for you the best go all in all in I love you guys so much you have no idea I actually uh you know I probably want you to succeed worse than you do so till next time guys we'll talk to you then peace
Channel: Ricky Carruth
Views: 26,788
Rating: 4.7846656 out of 5
Keywords: Listing Presentation (LIVE Real Estate Coaching), live real estate coaching, real estate coaching, real estate training, how to get listings, how to get listings in real estate, how to get real estate listings, listing presentation, real estate listing presentation, real estate listings, find real estate sellers, #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa
Id: 9G0wmRdYucs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 11sec (4871 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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