*LIVE CALLS* 18 YEAR OLD NEW Real Estate Agent

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what's up everybody Ricky Carruth here what's happening hope everybody's doing super well I hope everybody's crushing it today guys I got the I got a super incredible treat for us today I got an 18 year old real estate agent one week in the business in Kansas City Ricky we've got Ricky jr. owned up that's right yeah there's something powerful about that name man how are you doing pretty good man yeah thanks for having me Ricky I really appreciate the opportunity for sure for sure man so um man this is crazy so I was talking to you just before we got on here and you tell me that you're 18 years old you just got in the business a week ago yes that's correct I just signed all the paperwork with remax I'm I got my office got a plaque that says my name got my license in hand recalling it good what uh what what made you get into real estate at such a young age yeah so I guess contrary to what a lot of people think I didn't get into real estate because my mom is a successful agent she never pushed me in that direction at all she never said I want you to do real estate I saw the way it transformed her life that's it I saw the way my mom went from A to B the for real estate and after real estate and it's incredible to me my uncle he's an entrepreneur he's actually the national president for the appraisal Institute in the United States happy birthday to him by the way big five oh so in you know he's done so many incredible things from TV shows to businesses all entrepreneurial got his license when he was 18 brokers and as well so having those role models in my life of course they played a part but were they everything no nobody pushed me in that direction I'm here because I witnessed with my own eyes that is possible and I want to know how I can tap into that at an early age that's where I found you that's where I'm starting to see things work out so your so your family was been in real estate for a while yeah my mom's woman in real estate seven years okay so not long no not really she's in her late 40s now so she got started right about when she turned 40 yeah ditched Corporate America you know quit the rat race got into real estate started working for herself nice nice cool but you sound very like motivated and stuff yeah I get that and I love it I mean it there's a good reason I'll tell you right now there was something that changed in me because before I had the confidence before I felt like I was doing the right thing because you got to understand Rickey from my perspective in high school going through that everything points me in the direction of a degree in the direction of you know climbing the ladder and pay my money and student loans and that wasn't my calling and I got to a point when I started watching your videos where I felt secure in my choice I didn't feel secure until I saw that you know with almost absolute certainty I'm gonna be okay you know if I do the actions I got it and I was showing you earlier I showed you on my phone I made this wallpaper and I'll post it to the zero to diamond group but it says right here no success without self-discipline if I call every day my problems go away you know and that's all it is that's the truth yeah that's nice ma'am so okay this is incredible so you get red X right yes Gio leads how many calls have you made within your your long career I know 150 so I'll tell you I made 75 without the dialer and then I realized okay I need the dialer Ricky's right so I got the dialer and I'm gonna I'm gonna try it out well I did try it out and I was gonna see how it works to see if it's worth it spoiler alert it is worth it you know so you know maybe we can dive into that no talk about what how would you find me real quick before we start making calls did you like search on YouTube or Google or what did where did you so yeah I had the same question and I went back to my Google search just to see like figure it out so I guess what I googled is Ricky Carruth scripts the reason I knew your name is now I'm not a hundred percent on this but I think my broker might have mentioned it because the two things I googled were Grant Cardone scripts I believe that's his name I never got into him and Ricky crits grips you were the first name I googled I just knew I needed scripts and I hadn't started so I was like shoot let's find someone and I knew you were doing script so I just looked it up the rest is history I found everything I found something I believe in I found something legitimate before we get into it I think this is important to put out there for everybody else you know people might be starting to research or finding maybe somebody just found you so I'm gonna put this out into the world in case it helps somebody I spent a year I'd say a year going through five ten I don't know how many coaches you know I've listened to everybody's advice I've listened to Kevin ward I've listened to you name him I've listened to him going back now after listening to the things you've taught and seeing how it's real it's really real it's not BS you are legitimately the number one Remax agent in Alabama seeing that I can tell you if you really dissect the content of those videos there isn't a lot of substance and some of the things they slate say are flat-out false they can go on they can they can have an easel and write things and talk about some mind-blowing concept and they couldn't say it and deliver it in a way that makes it feel very you know good and full of good content but that's not the case you gotta listen to Ricky if you're new listen to Ricky listen to what he's saying I can tell you now you will get results and we'll get into that in a minute I guess it's uh yeah it's a bunch of I'll call it like a much ado about nothing like that's what yeah yeah a bunch of much ado about nothing dude ain't saying nothing nothing nothing absolutely you just like I watch a video and I'm like what yeah like where I was waiting on the punch line the whole time you know yeah yeah calls what uh who you callin so right now I was just prospecting a house kind of in the mid-range of our market in the between the 200s and 300s you know nice neighborhood kind of local about ten miles away from me from my house right now let's do it let's do it let's do a quick roll play before we get into sure I mean ring ring hello tell me Who am I do what are you protecting me or my prospecting you you're the agent okay I'm the homeowner hello hi is this Rickie Cruz yes hey this is Rickey Ames Remax and liberty how are you doing today doing good about you yeah man I'm enjoying the day it's starting to cool down outside isn't it yep yeah absolutely well hey look man I didn't want to take up too much your time but I did see that eight homes and your neighborhood actually sold within the last month I just didn't know if there's anything I could do for you not right now yeah man I got you well hey let me tell you real quick I like to think long term so you know maybe five ten years down the line you're thinking about doing something do you have an agent in the area that you would work with no not at the moment good well you know I'd love the opportunity to work with you have presented the chance you know like I said I think long-term so be at five ten years if I could have the opportunity to stay in touch would that be okay with you Newark cool man what's a good email for you I'll stay in contact okay so real quick before you start on the calls two things one when they say they don't want to do anything immediately say I got you was there an agent you would work with because you kind of beat around the bush and you're like you're like well I think long term maybe five or ten years down the road so like that's gonna make them hang the phone up everything be short sweet to the point yeah as soon as they say no very quickly so that we're not wasting any more of their time and we're not rambling just say I got you we'll look because they're an agent you would work with if you were to do something got it and then use the five or ten year thing later if you want to you don't even have to use that but once they see no it's like okay well cool man I'm sure you're gonna do something some point would it be okay if I stayed in touch see how short that is right right none of it make everything really crisp but really short and sweet brilliant perfect all right bro let's get on these calls yeah yeah let's do it all right all told I want to hear people saying hello I want to hear you screwing up I want to hear all kinds of stuff going on in a minute oh you're gonna hear it man you're gonna hear it okay let's uh I'm pulling up red X right now hit call vortex all right go dude we got an 18 year old agent wouldn't weak in the business his name is Ricky jr. and he's on he's on it he's on the show with us today man like where your career goes man like you're 18 years old man you have so much time on your hands here yeah oh I didn't hit start that's not bad yeah so that's one thing I wanted to mention to you Ricky um I'm one week in the business right now yeah I've got about six deals lined up what yeah did your mom spin spoon feed you these I'll break them all down for ya I'm getting a call right now I'm trying to okay here we go one yeah do you want me to break it down for you before I get no let's mark walls will break the afternoons yep yeah for sure there you go bring your there you go there you go okay think we're wrong yes yes My Blood starts pumping with me too and this is the moment I get into it and I'm good but right now I'm like fired up you know I'm all antsy I think we're good okay we got oh this is a weird name hopefully I don't see this stream I'm sorry I'm not trying to be offensive you know like you know what to do when you can't pronounce her name or anything right yeah man I posted about it and zero to diamond yesterday okay yeah just start out with hey this is Ricky and Remax yeah you gotta do it yeah for sure okay oh okay we're going to ring in now as a heads up I'm really bad and you're gonna have to coach me through this I'm really bad at wrong numbers really bad at it very easy good show me hi Dottie this is Ricky Ames Remax first choice here in Liberty give me a call back whenever you get the chance seen if there's anything I can do to help you out reach me at each one six two one zero six nine two one Thanks I Hey for the purposes of the live now mm-hmm let's just go to the next call okay yeah instead of leaving voicemails every time ya know I got you let me try to get to live call more live calls we're rolling but for everybody else always leave voicemails on to the next man this I'll tell you this is pretty fun I can see why you've been doing this dude it is it's it's so intense yeah it is totally intense I got I got three listings today and I'm negotiating two offers that's awesome the excited man cuz like I literally I literally drove around a day and just picked up listings like a people call me over the last week and made appointments today to meet with me to talk about selling their properties and I showed up and we talked for like 10 minutes and signed a listing and I left I went somewhere else talked for like 10 minutes sign the listing went to the next one hi is Sara there Sara oh I got you well Hey look my name is Ricky Ames I'm with Remax and liberty how are you doing Foster ok so whenever they whenever it's like the wrong number whatever say gotcha I'm Ricky I'm in real estate in the area didn't if there's anything I could do for you okay all right I know it's it's simple but yeah well it's like instead of trying to say how are you doing because it's like you they don't know you it's just like get it out there real quick like basically the message is I'm in real estate is there anything I can do for you kind of thing you know yeah okay I'll get back on dialing now hey is Derrick there hey man this is Ricky Ames Remax and liberty how are you doing good deal yeah I'm enjoying the enjoying the days it's starting to cool out there isn't it cool on cool down yeah well good stuff man look I didn't want to take up too much of your time I noticed a few homes in your neighborhood sold this month I didn't know if there's anything I could do for you gotcha man well let me ask you if you were to do something down the line is there an agent in the area you'd work with I don't plan on moving I understand that man sounds like you got somewhere you're comfortable that's good well you know hey look I'd love the opportunity to work with you in the future yeah you know 5 10 years down the line would it be okay if I stay in touch good deal man can I get an email all right good deal man well all I'd loved the opportunity to stay in contact with you over over time so if you ever need anything give me a shout okay all right good deal but that's how it's done yeah can you see me can you see me can hear me yeah I see you first call bro first call oh my god all your new agents first call it's crazy man you took somebody that is not interested at all you know those people would have said most people said okay thanks have a good day yeah but now you have an opportunity to work with him later like there's an opportunity he's gonna know who you are maybe not maybe the email doesn't do it for him but right at least there's a chance now that can build a brand with him and you can always e in facebook custom audience run Facebook Instagram ads to him he's gonna know who you are that this is awesome man yeah yeah absolutely I forgot to tell you bro when you get the emails you got to put it on mute so people don't hear it around the world but I'll cut that part out of the video after we're live I'll go back and cut it out yeah thank you sorry you know and I've seen lots of your live videos it's just you know being in it it's a whole different ballgame I was there like oh no yeah it's funny all right back to it back to it back to it yeah yeah let's get some more cool I can't believe that's so funny first call yep it works man it works that was his wife I don't think I need to bother both of them do I know yeah on to the next come on there we go oh this is a trust okay yeah I know good hi this is Ricky Ames I'm with Remax and liberty how are you doing hello hello I lost it yeah that's on me man I totally botched that hey would you say wrong my day it wasn't what I said it was my is how I said it I was like am I really Ricky with me I'm not sure yeah I don't blame you that's fine hung up I deserved it on to the next do the same price this is fine all right yeah I gotta get serious here yeah the Robertsons Robinsons hey mr. Robinson hi this is Rikki Ames I'm with remax here in Liberty how are you doing good man enjoying the weather it's starting to cool down isn't it yeah a little bit well hey look man I didn't want to take up too much of your time I saw that a few homes in your market just down the street from you actually sold in the last month didn't know if there's anything I could do for you you're content for another couple years well I got you man you know let me ask you do you have an agent in the area you'd work with if you were to do something pretty happy good deal man who are you working with him I know and not familiar with her but I'm sure you're in great hands man there's a lot of agents in the area so it's hard to keep up with them well hey I'll let I'll let you go man I appreciate your time all right yep bye one thing you could have done right there at the end and say I got you well sounds like you're good hands again I'm Ricky Ames with whatever real estate if there's ever anything I can do for you let me know you don't say throw that extra little bit of branding in there you know saying and there's a lot of people that go after the email even if and then they have agents like hey do you you know what would you think about having like a backup agent mm-hmm you know some people take stabs like that too I've never done that I've always just kind of used the extra branding there and we'll move on but just things to think about and that you that you can play with you know and you're you're young career yeah man I got I got a lot of a lot of time in real estate to add me you you like perfectly laid that one out there uh-huh hey John hello yeah hey can you hear me hey this is Rickey Ames I'm with Remax you're in Liberty how are you doing good man well hey look I didn't want to take up too much of your time but I saw that a few homes in your neighborhood actually sold in the last month I didn't know if there's anything I could do for you okay I think I got a yeah yeah yeah for sure man for sure Oh couldn't you get me in contact with your dad is that possible yeah sure you ready eight one six oh you know what do you have a good number I could maybe text you on my connections kind of shot here right now cool man I'll shoot you a text cool all right thanks man but what don't say my number oh I didn't know whose number you were saying oh it was my number okay I said I said I was trying to get his dad's number gotcha I didn't know what number you were starting to say I thought you're repeating his number no no no no okay yeah so so it's cool I don't care I don't think yeah knocking this are gonna you'll never call every owner in your area promise you oh man oh it's awesome yo say that again thank you will you think you'll call every owner in your area no no no no I was talking to my mom about this last night yeah in the MLS I put in my address and within 20 miles man that put in perspective how many closings are happening yeah it is limitless so even if even if I were the world's worst recession cuts down the closings by 75% yeah there's more business than I can handle it doesn't matter doesn't matter the agents are like the most recession proof it is such a big misconception around that man really is bro there's only three markets buyer-seller and balanced that's it I've been sayin man I mean that that's exactly right there you know what though I think the same thing for stockbrokers too like the actual brokers that sell and make missions you know I'm saying yeah they make money on the way up they made money on the way down well the thing is your market changes your your target changes you know maybe you know when when the markets down maybe I'm targeting investors who have been waiting for this period I can say hey prices this subdivision or 75% lower than they were a year ago hidden now you know that's how we're gonna be friends for a long time absolutely um I think I got distracted when I was telling you this earlier but I'm a week into my career right my goal is to kill it this year and I'm gonna get another call with you and we're gonna be doing something not like quantavis birthday yeah we'll do a podcast for sure that's done we'll do that like in six months or something but uh but I'm gonna be up that way at some point I don't have anything planned but like I want to meet you dude I haven't said this but you're like a celebrity to me that's that's so crazy I mean obviously you're just big in the real estate world but now you're a celebrity to me though you know I'm saying I love it you're the best man all right back to it back to the calls well oh shoot it's the same guy sorry John next one fine all right here we go how's the dial are working for you changes everything man yeah it's a wrong number anyway I bet if you had darker hair and you like comb it straight down you would look just like me when I was 18 man you don't want to see me with my hair straight down I look like something scary I don't even ow dude I just don't care you know like I'm more like I just do stuff and I'm just not into all the fancy cars and haircuts and stuff man you're speaking my language if I could get by in real estate driving my 2004 mazda forever I would but I know it's an image a little bit of an image thing to kind of kind of not as much as you think though oh no no I think a lot of people think it is bigger than I do that's why I'm not too concerned about it it's just like it's just like a small thing you know always got new cars because I wanted them not necessarily because I thought I needed them for an image you know just mmm wanted them for an image I guess yeah I feel I feel that there's a lot of pressure around it but I've never been somebody who's like into big brands or spending on things I've always been a saver like for example I worked throughout high school so I had $5,000 saved for real estate you know I get into real estate to get your license mm-hmm but you you live with your mom though mm-hmm I'm in my bedroom that's the best oh I'm gonna stay here until nope never mind as far as long as I can you know probably another good three four years I want to be here dude you're gonna be make it like 100 200 300 thousand by then I'm a year you gonna stay with your mom if you're making like 200 a year um I don't know man probably not oh no when it's right you know I made two yeah yeah we don't need to be trying to make all these big decisions right now dude now I'll know I'll know when I'm there [Laughter] what's so funny man he's just a larious man you're kind of uh you're real mature for a team bro mean you're I want to hear about these six deals after the next call let's talk about the six deals cool yeah yeah and I don't want to misconstrue it like I got six contracts that's not understand yeah I'll explain everything though once we get this next caller or I guess I'm gonna call her this next what's your Instagram everybody wants to know really our dot I see KY r dot I CKY like it with the dot after there are yep Wow I'm following you right now no way man that's like life made haha that's cool I gotta see what this is all about yeah you'll see my last post we were at an event for the top five real top 500 real estate producers in Kansas City two weeks ago with my mom one of the big builders in the area held a big party for for all of us that's cool this is your mom in the first picture yeah yeah it's a wrong number anyways you know in that what does she think about my content oh so I've been telling her and I'll we'll get to this after the next call but I've been telling her about my success with your calls mmm and she went from kind of apprehensive to okay maybe I need to start doing this right my mom's business is 100% sphere of influence she does about 30 deals a year well she got in when she was older and had a big following of people already yeah my mom's the most sociable person you will ever meet I mean huge presence she's known for that um hey is mrs. Williams there hi this is Rickey Ames I'm with Remax and liberty how are you doing good yeah I'm enjoying the day today it's kind of starting to cool down isn't it yes just a bit yeah well hey look I didn't want to take up too much of your time but I did see that a few homes in your neighborhood sold in the last month I didn't know if there's anything I could do for you I gotcha sounds like you're in a good place cool cool well you know do you have an agent in the area you would work with if you were to do something Yeah right right it's not even not even a consideration of yours I understand that well you know my thing is I'd love the opportunity no matter when it is you know five ten years down the line so even if you're not ready for a very long time and you're happy where you're at I'd love the opportunity the opportunity to stay in touch if that's okay good good deal is there maybe a good email I could get you on awesome well hey I appreciate your time on the phone and if you ever need anything just give me a shout you know I'm not here to do a transaction with you I'm here to build a relationship and and uh you know really Serbia so if you need anything from me just kind of shout out to me okay yeah absolutely Hey Bastia yeah I bet I got that you know Wow I didn't I didn't see you going that way you did it no she was apprehensive she was like oh well you know she starts saying it but I got it doesn't matter she's apprehensive but I got it so you got two of them get on it okay yeah for some something happened with my internet right there that's cool um okay did you shut the dollar down it's pause right now yeah okay cool so we've been calling for business a long we've been calling yeah let me I closed them or I didn't close the tab I just changed it 25 minutes did you not mute that email mmm I think I did yeah all right I'll go back through I'll cut it all out oh it should be muted as far as I'm aware but just double-check it yeah we'll see it's like it's a 38 mark or something um okay so 25 25 minutes you talked to I think three or four people right mm-hmm got two email addresses yep boom now you'll start building your brand with those people and you just keep doing this mascot snowball you're gonna snowball into a you know you're gonna morph into a Ricky Carruth situation that's how it's gonna be yeah tell me about these six deals real quick and then we'll make a few more calls yeah so um you know you probably saw us in the audience Quinn Tobias Burdette his interview he talked a lot about how he I think he had 104 deals and 15 of them came from going to Kroger yeah which is hilarious I love it so I've adopted the same thing that's what I've been doing so for me okay um I'm actually so I'm only 18 you know I four hours a week I'm teaching kids how to swim guess what all those kids have two parents right so I built a relationship with those I got their phone number I'm making money in the process all while prospecting right only four hours a week commitment so from that so far I got two things kind of lined up now one of them got real lucky so at the end of my class I kind of tell them what I do or I'll give him a card or whatever and I had one guy saying hey you know I was looking my spring to to buy I didn't work out and I really like you why don't we stay in contact I was like great let me get your number he almost been fed that to me you know so this is where I got real lucky come to find out my sister who lives right down the street from me he's her neighbor so I walk outside and I see him and he's like no way man that's your sister I know her she's my neighbor and she's real cool and so I talked to him he's like yeah we got to get you in the house man we want to you know figure out a value we want to start you know getting ready for the market so every now and then I'll see him outside and it's all about the relationship I don't talk about real estate with him it's all about the relationship how are you doing how's your son doing how's the house coming along I noticed that you got that new railing up there so that that's one right that's one potential buyer and seller okay um - same thing happened just this weekend last weekend I finished my lesson told him what I'm doing they say hey we moved from Las Vegas we're in three days to find a house it wasn't the right one they tell me where they're at they're telling me about their situation are you on Facebook yeah I'm on Facebook cool I'll add you she adds me now I got her on Facebook I must stay in touch from there that's two they said this spring we want to start you know potentially looking so there's two from the pool yes I got one more from yesterday actually I was cold colony guy calls me back I'm walking downstairs I'm about to leave the office he calls me he's like hey I saw I missed a missed a call from you now come to find out this was a wrong number this wasn't in the area I was prospecting but still in my city so I took it from there I was like yeah man and he's like now this is golden I know this is rare he's like I'm actually looking to sell like immediately so this Thursday in two days he's coming into my office I'm gonna sit down with him have a chat you know he's gonna find out about my age but what I do is I put up this barrier while I'm talking to him I say you know we've got an agency team with about a dozen agents who are gonna help me out by verifying that I've assessed your home at a fair market value so that when we hit that market we're gonna make sure it sells as fast as possible for top dollar you know because if we price it right and I got 12 other agents saying yeah this looks good then we know that's the best way that's the best way we can get it sold so I kind of build that defense by backing myself up with my mom I brokered the other agents my office so that's number three that was just a call from yesterday probably about an hour session by the way now last week my grandma she's a god bless her heart she's in a nursing home she's 95 and she was having heart issues so she you know she got into the hospital or whatever turns out everything's okay um things got back to normal really quick but her heart I guess her heart rate was like really high or something enough for them to go to the hospital so one of the nurses um my mom my mom's in there typing on her computer you know doing real estate agent stuff sending in contracts whatever we're in there and she's like you know what are you doing here I was wondering why you've been working this whole time and you know it makes sense you're an agent right and then she's like actually thinking about buying so this one imma call it 50% imma call it 75% my mom 25% me I'm not gonna take credit for this so my mom's like you know I'm not licensed in Kansas but my son right here he is like he's got his Kansas license I'm getting next week but I'm gonna have it um you know that type of deal so she's like oh good and I'm talking to her I'm chatting with her I'm walking outside with her with my grandma I'm just talking about her life I'm not really talking about real estate I'm talking about her and her plants and just connecting with her you know um so that's a relationship I'm building there and she's talking about buying some time in the next know few months within the year so that's number four one other family so kind of a given but family moved in from Texas to move to Kansas and then one other [Music] I did an open house actually I'm looking at the house right now it's across the street from me it's right there I did an open house and these buyers came in and you know open house the first day you had your license first weekend yeah oh well while we're on the subject so I'm on day two of the 28-day challenge right okay so yesterday I had to set up two open houses asked everyone in my office I got a five hundred thousand dollar one and then one in the mid twos I think this Saturday Sunday part of the 28 day challenge so if you're not already on that be doing it um but yeah so I've got those this weekend but yeah so open house these people came in they moved from Minnesota I bond with them on that cuz I got family in Minnesota my mom was there with me but I must say we got this one 50/50 so four of them I'll say by myself two of them were kind of a mix of me and my mom but the plan is once I establish myself my mom and I are gonna do a team oh you're gonna be in your mom's team no not my mom's team my mom and I are gonna be he's gonna be on your team she's gonna watch this man don't call her out like that no I love my mom I know you're playing I know you're playing so am i all right let's get the dollar going again yeah let's do is trying to get one more live caller on and then yeah we'll do some final thoughts cool cool pull that up really quick for you all right let's see no nope okay on to the next we recently got a bunch instrument forwarded to an automated voice messaging system hey man this is gonna be crazy cuz I know you've got you probably get like 2 2 K after a scream is posted 2 K views yeah probably more than that on this one hey is Denise there oh I got you well hey look my name is Ricky Ames I'm a realtor is there anything I could do for ya I got you I would have hung up - that wasn't great all right I'm doing some Instagram stuff for you man you're the best I I'm gonna hop off of you know because my notifications don't come up while I'm on these phone calls so I'm gonna get off and go on to face or Instagram or whatever and see it going crazy I'm on Twitter - Ricky Ames underscore so you got Twitter you got Instagram but not ticked off hey how are you doing this is Ricky Ames my name is Ricky I'm with Remax and liberty I'll get real quick with it I noticed a few properties in your neighborhood sold in the last month I was just wondering if there's anything I could do for you I got you I got you sounds like you're probably pretty comfortable where you at then oh wow how are you liking it good good deal well you know I know you've only been there for two years but when the time comes I'd love the opportunity to work with you no matter how far down the line it is do you have an agent in the area you'd work with oh good yeah it's always nice to have a friend or relative in the business you know I like working with them too so I completely understand that well again my name is Ricky Eames if you ever need anything from me just give me a holler but I appreciate your time okay yep bye yeah thank you cool her friends an agent if you heard that what sounded like I totally botched the intro on that man I was freaking out for me though it's it's fine cuz sometimes I'm like yeah I'm on it and then other times I'm like who the hell what am I saying hey is Jesse there yeah this is Ricky Ames I'm with remax here in Liberty yeah sorry say that again oh well you know I saw that a few homes in your area actually sold him last month I just didn't know if there's anything I could do for you good deal man sounds like you're somewhere somewhere you really like well that's great um you know I like to think long term do you have an agent in the area you work with if you were to do something oh good deal man yeah it's always always nice to know somebody in the business I completely understand that you know I have those types of relationships myself so I'm with you there again my name is Ricky aim so if you ever need anything for me just give me a shout it sounds like you're in good hands so I'll let you go okay yep thank you very much you too man lost two in a row told me good that's the first time that's funny um shut the dollar down yeah yeah dude that dude you could tell there at the end he actually respected you a lot like in the beginning he was like oh what do you want all this and then after he kind of talked to me a second there like at the very end like you got him there at the end like he actually you actually started connecting with you right when you got off the phone because he was like good luck to you I could tell the tone of his voice yeah he was like he had like mad respect for you there at the end because then he realized what you were doing you know I'm saying he realized that you weren't trying to like like high-pressure so you're like okay you got an agent well that's good you know so you know I'm Ricky so if you need something he's like oh he's thinking dang this dude's cool you know what I mean right right and then we'll and let's say let's say scenario where it does work out and they don't have someone and they come in and they see that I'm 18 or they see I'm so young for me I don't use that as a barrier I use that as they're gonna respect that and they're gonna look damn this kids doing something right right dude everybody loves a hard worker I don't care how old you are or or what the case may be dude like everybody loves like somebody that works hard doesn't matter how old you right yeah I'll tell you two men on that guy that's coming in to talk to you Thursday about that house and you're gonna like talk about the Tina's stuff make sure he understands that this is gonna be the only deal you're gonna work on for eight hours a day until it's sold you know what I mean like there's no other thing no other agent can offer that you know what I mean I think I stole that from you a while ago but yeah I got it don't worry I got it um really quick while I'm thinking about it um I know the the agents watching this live stream are a bit older you know most agents aren't for my age so ramen anybody in the world is older got me there man got me there um which is about thing by the way yeah I got all the time in the world if you got kids to our middle school or maybe going into high school get them in Speech and Debate I wouldn't be here I wouldn't be confident if they didn't do Speech and Debate changed my life they taught me how to work hard it taught me how to sift through the BS all the bad coaching it taught me how to figure out what's real what's legitimate speech and debate transforms your life builds lifelong relationships teaches you how to build relationships teaches you confidence if you've got a kid going into middle school or high school and you're like damn I want my kid to be out here hustling get them in the program I'm telling you right now it's the biggest thing you can do to transform your life academically can you guys do a Rickey a favor and hit that thumbs up button on this video man the students incredible I think he literally has single-handedly inspired the entire zero to Diamond world here like like shook up the zero to diamond industry here because I mean here you go man you got two emails today I've been on call coaching calls like this with people who didn't get any emails you know what I mean you're really smooth I think you got a good head on your shoulders I think the only thing is is I think that you got to know that you're gonna have to do this for like 20 years straight like working 15 hours a day you know what I mean and then you'll be where you want to be you know I'm saying yeah which I'm glad you mentioned that this is a question I always have when I watch your videos because I feel like you answer it in some ways but you never quite fully address it I want to know and maybe I've just missed out on where you've answered this but I want to know what you mean when you say I'm working 15 hours a day because at this point I don't have business I'll have enough business to work 15 hours unless I'm making calls for 15 hours you know what I mean that's it you explain that that's it you're making calls for 15 hours you're either closing deals or making calls hmm yeah yeah but whatever it like in the beginning of your career that's all you're doing is making calls to try to get to business right let's see if you when you get where I am I've made so many calls that now people call call me to do deals like all the listing appointments I have today when I got all those listings all those people called me last week and I've they've been on my email list they been I've talked to them before or whatever for years you know and they called and they said well I think we're ready to pull the trigger here you want to meet us Tuesday or one of them actually said Monday but how to go to Birmingham and do an event that's all I have to do that Tuesday so like when you get to where you can you you you control your business you don't let your business control you you know like you you let the business conform to what you have going on don't react to every single email as soon as it comes in you know like time block and do the most productive activities and make sure you knock that out what do you think about 20 visas for point system literally the biggest game-changer it is here's my thing cuz you're saying you know now this is you Quinte be is kind of kind of conflict a bit here because quantavis is saying if you do the actions you reach your four points call the date good go home play fortnight you know now you're saying work 15 hours a day period I kind of fall in the middle because my thing is like I understand what quantavis is saying like you got to have things that are non-negotiable they're happening whether or not you know no matter what happens in that day these things have to be accomplished you know and that's kind of that's a lot of what Brian goofy needs you know preaches to um you know you and Brian are probably the two coaches that resonate with me by the way but but I've been focusing on you just just for that just for clarification I think the 15 hours a day man is kind of uh it's it's just like um it's just a statement it's just like it's a philosophy you know what I mean it's like work as hard as you can you know I'm saying don't give up you know what I mean and it also has a lot to do with being efficient you know it's like because people that have families that have to go home and spend the time with their family that they can't work during those hours okay like at the event yesterday an agent kept asking me over and over again you know she asked me like three times during the Q&A and like throughout the event she was asking about how do I handle this balance thing and you know cuz she works till ten o'clock midnight or whatever she just can't shut it off and I said you know I wish somebody would told me a long time ago about this four point system or something close to it where I would have known that I could turn it off at like five or six o'clock and I need to recharge so I don't feel burned out but it's it's you know it's more from philosophy and I said okay if you can't get done what you need to get done between 8:00 and 5:00 then we need to take a hard look at what you're doing from 8:00 to midnight and we need to took a take a hard look at the actions because there has to be some inefficiencies there you know right right so you can you can compress time like the more efficient your you can compress time and that's what Cantante vyas does like he he compressed his time with the four point system and like he goes in the office and he doesn't do anything except for you know contacting people like you're not worried about how to fill out a contract or designing business cards or doing a Facebook ad or whatever he does all that stuff kind of like on the side he's focused on the main activity which is talking to more people and once he gets through either talking to eight new people you know or a contract or two listings or a lunch and two listing appointments or whatever then he then he can shut his mind off if he wants to but me and hims been going back and forth we've been texting each other every day how many points he's got how many points I got every time I'm sure he's not really yeah a little exit back and forth every day and like third days where he gets like 18 points and days where I have like you know 12 points and you know what I mean like I had a like okay like you know we're not stopping at four and the whole thing about the four points is is the fact that you can keep going after you get the four points but the thing is is at that point you know now you're just doing bonus work like you know that you're doing work that you don't really have to do if you don't want to well you know this kind of makes me think of you the idea that you can have let's say you got five tasks on your to-do list you give yourself eight hours right you're probably gonna complete it in eight hours now let's say you take those same five tasks give yourself three hours how fast are you gonna do it right it's like procrastination once you wait to a certain point and you're like at the very end you are busting but you're getting things done now imagine if you could do that just without the procrastination you know that's that's what an efficient day looks like you know well man any last thoughts questions or anything else I can do for you right now this was all really good go back and watch this you know again and kind of listen to the little tips and stuff I was giving you maybe take some notes and just keep tweaking and keep trying to perfect it and keep just striving for you know that ultimate connection with all your calls and I mean I don't know what else to say bro you're gonna be a beast yeah I know I'm with you man I'm with you this is um you know it's been surreal you know getting to see somebody you I consider you know you know leader and a coach and somebody who's kind of shown me the way and now you're getting more I'm not you know you feel more like a friend to me than you do just a coach it's cool it's cool to be there so you know I'll I'm just gonna keep pushing forward my goal is to get back on here do another show with you down the line to show what type of success I've been happen prove that you can do it at a young age group that you don't have to fall in line you don't have to take the path most-traveled you don't have to you know do something cookie cutter thing dude do you do you you know live your life you know one day at a time but always be pushing forward and you know no you just be yourself that's all you got to do that's all it is it's all it is yeah I love it bro all right let's chat after this stay on stay on the zoom call and I'll see all you guys later let's see any announcements I got coming I'm going to be on Charlotte Charlotte I'm gonna be there Thursday at the event there go to zero to Diamond Kombat such events I'll also be in DC that's November 11th there's an event there hyper-fast agent summit remember eleventh and 12 I'll be there on the 11th speaking that day I'm working on some things and working on something for Long Island in January Phoenix in January South Florida in April some I'm starting to work on some things for next year after November 11th I'm shutting it down for Whitley that's gonna be joining us in the world as my daughter is born around November 18th so my graduation man that's awesome thanks brother not gonna do anything for the rest of the year after that and just enjoy the family time and Thanksgiving and Christmas and stuff and just kind of hang around Orange Beach and sell a few properties and I think I'm actually gonna take that time to finish my third book I've been working on so I'm really excited about that as well so a lot of big things come in 2020 is gonna be so incredibly huge for everybody everybody watching for Rickey for me for everybody I just think it's gonna be a huge year regardless of what happens like we're due for an economic downturn you know it's do or do for one hit when it when it's gonna happen nobody knows but we're due for something to happen at some point but even if that happens we're gonna we're gonna turn whatever year that happens it's gonna be one of the best years I think because it's gonna help us transform ourself on our business into the new market and like it's gonna give us a real a real good look at how to adapt to like a big change in the market which a lot of a lot of you haven't seen you know like the one I saw in 2008 mm five six seven eight see anyway I was coming ramble in there I love you guys let me know what the world I can do for you we'll talk to you guys soon let's go
Channel: Ricky Carruth
Views: 29,568
Rating: 4.9253497 out of 5
Keywords: real estate agent, real estate, real estate coaching, real estate training, real estate agent tips, young realtor, lead generation, real estate cold call, new agent, real estate agent training, new real estate agent, cold calling, new realtor tips, 18 year old realtor, real estate agent career, real estate cold calls, cold calling tips, cold calls, being a young real estate agent, cold calling real estate, real estate cold calling, real estate scripts, zero to diamond
Id: yjTTP7Ajsnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 5sec (3485 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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