Another Live Cold Calling Session 43 | Jayden Hughes

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what's up everybody ricky carruth here welcome back to another live cold calling session i'm your host ricky karuth i've got another incredible agent coming on this guy's a 21 year old agent out of austin texas surrounding areas actually and uh has sold about 10 to 15 properties so far so this is incredible i can't wait to hear this this young man on the phone and see what he's got um reminder for tomorrow i am doing my two massively huge announcements tomorrow at the same time 4 p.m central so i'll send you guys out on alert and looking forward to seeing you there i'm also going to be giving away two of my nfts which that nft project is dropping as well i'm going to give away two of those if you're not you don't understand what nfts are or what's going on in that world i put a link in the youtube description um i'll also post it right here in the comments for the guys on facebook and um instagram i mean uh youtube instagram you know facebook linkedin and uh and twitter all right so um let me know if you guys have any questions regarding that um do you know just a couple side notes last week i went to dallas it was an incredible incredible event guys um that that uh that session is live here on youtube if you guys want to go back and watch that every speech i do i feel like is just totally different and i really really enjoyed uh going over to dallas dallas thank you so much you guys really welcomed me with open arms and um i just had such a good time meeting everybody and talking to you and all that good stuff uh the next event the zero dime event is going to be in connecticut okay that's going to be october 26th that's what we're shooting for right now so we're you know a month and a half out from that roundabout so that's the next one that we're gearing up for so i'm looking forward to seeing all you guys in connecticut hang out with you guys for a little bit or anybody up up in the northeast right anybody that's even close to connecticut come to connecticut this is going to be i think maybe even a larger event than the miami event which was 800 agents i'm really gearing up for this one to be to really top a thousand is what we're going for on this one so i'm really excited excited about it but yeah guys uh today just to give you guys an update on my personal business um this weekend i put that one under contract i listed a house for 1.35 went under contract multiple offers of course higher than full price it was a really special property to be honest with you um and i'm really happy for the seller um who is a close client of mine uh for a long time and i'm just happy to see this happen for her and also today i'm a new construction home uh that uh that i've been working with the celeron kind of off market going under contract full price 700 both sides full commission and so i'm excited about that cash deal as well and i just passed my mortgage course now i have to take my state test but i passed my mortgage course i only gave myself two weeks the course actually called for two weeks or i had to start over pay for the course again so i put that pressure on myself to get it done in two weeks and getting two weeks done i did actually the the deadline was today by the end of the day and i got it done yesterday morning so you know being able to get that done in between everything else that i'm doing um i was excited about that that was a milestone so anyway again for you guys just tuning in tomorrow 4 central two massive announcements for you guys and i hope you enjoy so i want to bring on today's agent mr jayden hughes jaden hi there how you doing man i'm i'm doing good doing good welcome to the show brother yeah thank you i'm glad to be glad to be on i've been watching you for a long time yeah man no i'm i'm glad to have you bro so you're 21 you're in the surrounding areas of austin right yes yeah yeah we're about an hour northwest of san antonio in the hill country real got it yeah nice man nice man and you've been tearing up the phones out here yes yeah i took inspiration from you and watched watched your videos and just thought that was a i like the you know simple stick to this and that's all you got to worry about so all right i've been doing i mean so you've sold about 14 properties you say yes yeah and they they range from ranch you know i live on a ranch here and we sell a lot of ranch at least mixed with acreage so getting more into the the homes in these calls but i enjoy doing all of it so gotcha gotcha where did these 14 deals come from if you don't mind me asking um well um let's see a lot of past clients uh working i work closely with my father david and so we have a few of his past clients uh there was a one that came from we were actually on a on a listing appointment on a ranch and then a a neighbor of theirs drove into the ranch and we ended up some two or three of his houses so that was good and uh two or three huh yeah yeah we filled his ranch uh listed his house and then helped him buy a couple investment you know properties nice nice how that works so how long how long have you been making calls uh i've been making calls for [Music] let's say about five six months okay okay and what's your normal what's your normal like you know routine as far as like how many call sessions per week how long are the sessions uh i do about it it's four or five times a week you know i try to do it every day of the week except saturday i work on saturday i don't i just don't call right but i call from 9 to 9 to 12. okay and what does your typical session look like in terms of number of dials pickups so on and so forth uh so i use a triple line dialer so i get roughly 120 calls per day done and okay i've trimmed it back from the triple line to a two line dialer because i was getting a lot of people answering while i was on the phone or writing a message something like that yeah so about 120 per day and then i get a week it's about 500 per week like like dials or answers or whatever i already talked about diagnosis per week okay yeah i uh i for contacts you know when i actually talk to the person i get about 10 of those a day talk to and have a conversation and those aren't missed calls that's you know they're the right person and i talk to them right right and then out of those 10 that you talk to what's the numbers there in terms of great conversations or data collected so on and so forth um so out of those 10 uh i'd say about five of those okay okay um they're good conversations they don't have an agent and they they said it's okay for me to keep in touch with them uh and then what happens to those five approximately is they go to they go into our system kv core and we uh we have this 60 you know 65 point touch that it it sets up these follow-up calls it sends them instantly a direct mail thanks dot io direct mail and it does holiday cards so it's just a way to keep in touch with them nice bro nice nice i love it man so my last question before we get started on the calls is like how long can you keep this pace what do you project yourself what do you see yourself projected to do you know over the next year to two years are you still going to be making calls like this like what do you like in your mind what do you envision for yourself over the next one to two years in terms of your actions uh the next one to two years i i really think that that your your style of doing it with the calls that i'm currently doing is the best honestly the only thing i need to focus on right i got distracted in the past i i'm just about to hit my two-year mark for being in real estate uh and in the past two years i had so many distractions with you know social media marketing direct mail all that just i wanted to be focused and the calls are exactly what i needed so i think i'm going to continue doing calls for you know five years whatever it takes to build up the database that you you talk about and i think that's really all it all i should focus on is staying consistent with it what how many people are in your database right now and are you doing a weekly email yes i i am so in our database there is roughly there's 2024 people in our weekly email list uh and then in our in our total database there is i can check that real fast total database is the 2000 2024 yeah so there's 2024 in our database 2024 so just over 2 000 yes bro i'm telling you man if you keep banging away at that phone and if you do what you say you're going to do you will literally be the top agent in your market over the next three to four to five to six years right thank you i mean do you and do you like see that i do yeah i'm working really hard because you know before before i was like the top remax agent in alabama like i saw it happening you know i was like okay i'm doing these actions and there's no way if i'm doing these actions and i do them for this amount of time that i'm not going to be the best agent down here you know what i mean yeah that way yes i totally feel that way i uh didn't i didn't go to college i was doing real estate my sophomore year junior year of high school helping dad write contracts and all that stuff so i you know didn't go to college i got my real estate license during high school right as i graduated that summer i got it and i was studying during so i i knew that i didn't want to have a corporate job and and do that for the rest of my life i want to do real estate that's what i enjoyed and that's what i wanted to do so i definitely want to do real estate for for the rest of my life and i really enjoy it so i can see myself you know getting to that top level and i it's it's crazy how much i guess i've grown over the past two years because i knew some stuff about real estate but i really didn't know everything that went by day to day uh so over you know over the past couple years i've learned everything that i need to that really hit hit it off successfully with his dad my partner he's he's been really helpful too i guess all i guess the last thing for me bro is is what do you sound like on the phone yeah well let's see i'm i'm ready there's only one way to find that out yeah there it is let's get that phone ringing all righty i'm uh ready to do it i'm gonna hit hit play all right there they're dialing um let's get it i'm guessing you have the ring the ringer sound off right yes yeah it doesn't have a ringer sound yeah it's kind of weird when they answer you're not not expecting it right i might want to have the ringer on just so i can kind of keep track of them three two two six is not available all uh what i do uh by the way is i i drop a message whenever they uh don't answer and it says to leave a message yeah but i'll for this uh for this instance i'll i'll not do that so it doesn't take up because it it leaves the message instead of dialing another another contact so it i guess i'll get more dials if i don't do that but i usually do leave a message hmm so you dropped the message i pre-recorded i i dropped my pre-recorded message i understand like the pre-recorded message it doesn't continue to dial while it's leaving the message no it um it uses there's three uh three lines that it uses to dial and it leaves a message with one of those so it takes up that what is it 20 or 30 seconds of the message for that hello hello hi hi good morning er mrs mourino i'm sorry hi is this mrs mourinho no it's not oh it's not uh are you are you in kerrville yes i am you are okay well uh my name is jaden hughes i'm with exp realty in kerrville i i was calling for uh the owner of a property on in the j type v subdivision but since i've got you i wanted to see if there was anything i could do to help you out today no thank you okay gotcha well is there an agent in the area that you would use if you were to buy or sell anything in the future um not necessarily i don't have any property to sell right now thank you okay you don't you don't own anything sorry about that yeah she hung up that was good dog sorry about that that was nice bro that was nice yeah i i try to see if they're in you know at least in our area before i before i hang up so that was a nice little warm-up call right there yeah busting them transitions out is there an agent you would work with ma'am if you were to do something in the future yeah yeah your your script is amazing well you know what it does man it just takes those weird awkward situations and it spins it into a real conversation that ends up where we want to end up friends with somebody yep yeah exactly relationships over transactions guys if you're watching this yeah if you're watching this you don't know what we're talking about all my scripts and 90-day action plan is at zero to or you can go to the link in the description here on youtube and i'll uh i'll say this i can tell when they answer it goes green so i'll stop talking but i've noticed i get sometimes there's a day where it's you know just not good and maybe they're rude or something and then there's some days where it's like i find two or three perfect people you know i yesterday i found a actually he's a a renter he's an investor who owns and you said 12 rentals and he wants to sell six of them and he's coming over here tomorrow morning to talk about selling those six rentals and those are perfect because they're in the subdivision that i was i'm calling right now uh and so he uh that was just from you know one good day that i got two people one was a a homebuilder and we're also going to meet with him and then the other was that investor gag and you know some days they're they're just you know on fire um so it's a hello please leave your message for eight three and you got those you got those uh you got you got that guy off the offer call yes yeah hello mrs chandler we are not available now another message um yeah i got him off of one of these calls yes it was it was one of his rentals and he answered and he had a different mailing address yeah you know i was able to tell that he was an investor or this was at least another property he owned and then we started going into into that and he said doesn't have an agent and he wanted to talk about this stuff so we set up an appointment for him to come visit the office and talk about that there that that's how it's done ladies and gentlemen it's as easy as that yeah and there's there's a lot of people that that are great to talk to as well a lot of people are real nice to an automatic voicemail some of them jaden some people say they're scared to make calls what say you i let's see in the in the beginning i was call uh hesitant you know like i would get to the phone and i'd i just feed this is jim sorry i can't get to the phone you know i'd be a little bit nervous or whatever but once you start actually calling and you you talk to a bunch of people you start to kind of enjoy it hello uh you start to enjoy the conversations and i've i'm to that point where i you know maybe after i haven't called for a little while if i miss hey if i miss a week or something like that i i still get the jitters a little bit um but i i enjoy it definitely i called someone yesterday he uh said he just got back hello please leave your message for he had uh just gotten just gotten back from alaska on a fishing trip and i talked to him about my fishing trip and all that and asked him about his his life and he he has a trout farm in north carolina and he said he just moved over here and he's getting rid of that business and settle them down so you start to talk about people's lives and it's exactly exactly man when you take the real estate thing out of the equation and just call people to like talk to people hello you're good just call people to talk to people man and just get to know people you know yep yep yeah that's the that's the business the relationships how many people do you know in your area yeah some people say real estate's hard and tough what say you jaden oh it it is if you don't have a good mentor all right hello hello hi hi mr engelmann no i think you got your number oh okay sorry about that do you do you live in kerrville yeah oh you do okay well my name is jayden hughes and i'm with exp realty in kerrville i uh wanted to see if there was anything i could do to help you out today no i'm good okay do you have a agent here in kerrville that you know and trust no you don't okay well you know if anything ever changes and you you need an agent i'd be happy to help you out in any way i can would it be okay if i stayed in touch with you oh no he he actually hung up nevermind some some people just aren't interested that was good man that was good um i think uh i think like you know like it definitely could have been smoother you know what i mean but you've got the basics down you know you're transitioning from one awkward place trying to bring it back to more hey hi mrs collins yes yes hi my name is jayden hughes i'm with exp realty here in kerrville how are you today oh we're not interested in realty company thank you very much okay sorry about that and you get you know something like that that just once they hear really if you had it to do over again though what would you have said right there um uh right after she had said that i'd say well no no worries i'm just here to see if there's anything i could do to help you know i mean like right there like you listen to what they're saying you're good like right there you listen to what they're saying she says oh we're not interested in real estate companies say ma'am i'm not a real estate company i'm a real estate agent yeah right i'm calling to see what i can do to help you today well we're not interested okay cool listen that's fine if you were interested later do you have an agent you know what i mean like you got to kind of step up the tone to try to keep them engaged you see what i'm saying yeah sometimes you got to be ready to pick that tone up right in those moments to keep them engaged it's all about keeping them engaged okay if you hear me on stage if you hear me make calls you hear my voice go up and down yes you know i'll get a little bit excited all of a sudden you know what i mean that little bit brings everybody back right and then it keeps everybody engaged whether it's a speech whether it's a phone call whether it's a live video whatever that little bit of excitement for just a split second wakes them up and gets them to pay attention to you for a second longer and then you got their attention for a little bit right and then you kind of ride that out and see where it goes yeah yeah we're not interested in our real estate comp good ma'am listen i'm not a real estate company hello are you there not not there i'm a real estate agent not a company right i'm not a company man i'm not really saying no real estate company yeah well good because that's not what i am i'm just a single agent out here just trying to you know provide service to the property owners in the area to see what i can do to help you yeah yep yeah i notice the the more i call the better i get it handling situations like that exactly man exactly that's the name of the game man you said it man like whenever i asked you about being scared of calls you're like oh you scared a little bit in the first but then once i made some calls it was cool right and now you're talking about oh my tone could get a little better all i gotta do is make more calls the answer is always jaden make more calls you know what i mean you need more closings hi good morning is this mary oh oh i do okay do you uh live in kerrville yeah oh you do okay awesome well my name is jaden hughes i'm a real estate agent here in kerrville with exp realty i just wanted to give you a quick shout and see if there's anything i could do for you today no okay gotcha well is there an agent that you'd use in the area if you were to buy or sell anything in the future no no no thank you okay awesome well i'd i'd be happy to i'd like the opportunity to work with you in the future if anything were to change would it would it be okay if i stayed in touch yeah let's be fine awesome okay great is it is this your cell phone number yes no okay gotcha what's a good email address for you that's weird she she hung up after she said yes it happens man she was just trying to pacify you to get you off the phone as soon as you ask for private information i'll tell you what i'm hearing right there and that is just like it's too much of a question you're like would that be all right if i stayed in touch with you like it's it's a little bit too like the tone is too much of a question where like okay there there's a statement and there's a question there's like there's like you're telling them to give you the email address and you're asking we give them the email address right hello hello hello hello yes mrs sainz sorry is this mrs simes is this karen can you hear me no they had a baby or something i'd i couldn't what i'm saying listen to what i'm saying that before the next caller comes on there's this statement of demanding an email and then there's asking right there's two different tones right think of it as a spectrum you're way too far on this side of the spectrum where your tone feels like you're kind of almost begging yeah right and i'm i want you to like just tone it back just a little bit to where we're still asking but we're also almost saying of just a much more confident tone you know what i mean yeah yeah yeah okay i got you yeah i uh i've kind of played with my pitch and how i how i say some of those things like a question you know you kind of make your voice more high-pitched to make it sorry your question and all that uh but you're writing and what you're saying just need to work on that because it's a little too high pitch and it's too a little too questiony hello hello mrs cravey some sometimes i get them uh to where they don't say anything it shows they answer and they don't doesn't say anything so i wonder what that is about sorry what was that i wonder what that's about yeah i'm i'm not sure why they some of them have the uh the answer and hello mrs hamilton yes yeah hello mrs hamilton yes this is the wrong number oh okay uh do you live in kerrville yes i do you do okay well my name is jaden hughes i'm with exp realty here in kerrville how are you today i'm fine good good i'm uh i'm doing good as well just trying to stay out of this heat right i know it's so hot in here yeah it is yeah we got humidity with all this rain yeah good we've been getting some rain though yeah well um yeah yeah well i i just wanted to reach out to you and see if there was anything i could do for you today no but i think you have the wrong number oh okay well um uh that that's that's fine i just wanted to i'll see if there was anything i could do for you is is there an agent here in the area that you would work with if you were to buy or sell anything in the future no actually i have already bought my house thank you oh okay gotcha well if anything changes and you you know you need to to sell it or buy anything or if you have any other real estate needs i'd be happy to help you out in any way i can all right that's fine thank you thank you hey also uh would it would it be okay if i stayed in touch um hung up hung up i think i need to to ask that before they respond to the to the talk when i say if there's any way i can help you in the future say would it be okay if i stayed in touch it needs to be all together all together really fast yeah okay i love the opportunity to work with you in the future when that day comes it'll be hard if i just stay in touch with you okay yeah you're splitting it up i noticed that on the last call yeah and um i probably should have gotten that by now that i shouldn't split that up and it needs to be all together yeah yeah i do this kind of thing where i mix it up and i sometimes i'll say it uh this way one day and then the next day maybe i'll say it a different way and and that's good for some things but yeah for that it's i'd say it's better every time yeah and pick it i think pick up the pace a little bit too just a tad okay i'll do that they're they're calling away i'm i'm getting some messages do i know and when you get them uh when they answer but they don't say anything when they answer and you don't uh they don't saying anything do you usually say hello mrs blank or mr blank or do you i'm just saying i'm just i'm just saying hello like hello are you there hello hello okay yeah that that's what i've been doing i'd i need to work on tone i know but yeah no absolutely and speed right your speeds off a little bit yeah needle be a little bit faster just a tad not too fast like don't start talking fast but if you would take your slow you know your slow you know the way that you're talking here and sped it up just a tad not like to talk fast but just like sped it up just a little bit i think that would dramatically increase his voicemail has not yet been yep i think that would dramatically increase and then work on your tone to sound a little more confident not like over confident like if you did like a tad more confidence and a tad more more quicker i think that would change the entire game for you okay good awesome thank you getting a lot of call backs from numbers that that i miss you should be answering those if it's if you think it's people that you called hello are you there that was a uh hero yeah no that was a um answer machine wasn't it yeah i think i think that was their answering machine some people have weird answering machines where it's you know it sounds like they're trying to answer it and yeah yeah yeah leave it right yeah i've gotten a few funny ones where they're playing a joke need a message please this is nancy please record you gotten a few funny ones from some people where it's like hello you know hello hi oh leave a message yeah and in some days i don't get a whole lot of answers and then other days please leave your message for two in other days i get a lot more answers it kind of varies but this is kind of a day where i'm not getting a whole lot of answers because usually i'd have at least hello is this uh mrs bear yes yes hi mrs bear this is jayden hughes with exp realty and kerrville how are you today that's good me too just trying to stay out of this heat well i don't want to take up too much of your time today but we had just sold a house down the road from you and i didn't know if there was anything i could do for you today and where did you show it on which street it was 624 ross street yeah right right next to the lytle park okay no um i'm not interested in selling it okay okay gotcha well is there an agent in the area that you would work with if you were to buy or sell anything in the future i'd probably work with myself i'm a broker oh really what sorry about that i didn't catch your name what was your name denise bear denise bear okay awesome well sorry about that i didn't i didn't know that well i hope hopefully i get to meet you someday mrs bear my name is jayden hughes again what's your last name hughes hughes yes and i'm with exp realty okay well thank you for calling jaden we don't normally do houses so if something comes up i'll give you a call oh great thank you so much any way i can thank you bye bye bye should have got her email that's good sorry what was that you should have got her email oh okay yeah that that's true yeah yeah i should have gone in here and listen man don't break that name before the bear bear real estate i i just didn't make the connection and two like don't apologize for calling real estate agents right yeah like there's no need like like it's good to call real estate agents and talk to them and say oh cool how's the market going for you how long have you been selling around here you know what i mean like talk to them get to know them you know how can we help how can we do some business together you know what i mean me and my dad work together here you know and blah blah blah you know just same thing we're dealing with property owners yeah you run into an agent let's talk to them let's help them let's see what we can do just because they're an agent doesn't mean we're not supposed to call them or we can't do business or like they're just as they're probably i mean they're debatably just as power just as important to your business as clients they're going to be the ones selling your listings they're going to be the ones representing sellers that you're representing buyers on um they might teach you something about the business who knows you know yeah yeah that that's a good point i yeah i should have kept going about you know where our office is and find any really thing i can talk to her about another thing jayden when you talk about the weather you said hey i'm just enjoying this heat and you left at that remember whatever you talk about in that little little split second of small talk whatever you talk about during that little split second of small talk needs to be a quick statement and a question right the question is going to turn around and and cause them to respond when you just say hey it's i'm enjoying this heat or whatever and you just you don't ask a question there was this little awkward moment right then yeah she didn't say anything and you're like well yeah well listen i don't want to take up too much of your time you went into the rest of the stuff and it was just a weird moment whereas if you'd have said i'm just enjoying the the heat you know cooling off and you know what about you or you know i'm enjoying the day isn't it gorgeous or whatever but if it's a statement and a short statement a short question to provoke a response that kind of keeps the conversation out of the awkward zone yeah all right that's where we want to stay away from that awkward zone okay yeah i have a hello hello hi hi mrs guerra i'm sorry hi is this mrs guerra no oh oh it's not sorry about that oh do you live in kerbin who's calling my name is jaden hughes i'm a realtor here in kerrville with exp realty okay well you know um i'm not sure who you're trying to reach but i am not the person you tried to call oh okay yeah sorry about that well if you don't mind uh i'd like to see if there's anything i could do for you today no no i think yeah see in situations like that where it's kind of like whatever right there say and you normally haven't really talked about a house selling or anything it's like well look i don't know if there's anything i could do for you in terms of buying or selling real estate or something yes hi hi mrs lewis hi is this mrs lewis oh oh i do sorry about that um do you live in kerrville nope they hung up after i like that i like how you got your like okay well i'm sorry about see how you rose your voice right there a little bit to try to get her to engage see that was good see i'm seeing glimpses of you know a little bit yeah i'm seeing glimpses of you know a champion here i'm seeing seeing little glimpses of greatness thank you very much yeah watching your watching your videos helps a lot getting to know i guess the tonality and some of that you can tell more experience hi hi mrs nicks yes yes yes hi this is jayden hughes with exp realty here in kerrville how are you today i'm okay yeah that that's good me too just enjoying this good weather outside isn't it gorgeous today uh what do you want oh well well i i don't want to take up too much of your time today but we had sold a house right down the road from you and i didn't know if there was anything i could do for you today not today oh okay gotcha well is there an agent in the area that you would work with if you were to buy or sell anything in the future no no okay well i'm i'd uh like the opportunity to work with you and if the if anything changes would it be okay if i stayed in touch yeah sure yeah awesome okay well is this your cell phone number yeah yeah okay thank you what what's a good email address for you what oh what is a good email address for you oh uh i don't use that email oh okay well no worries well i'll send you a direct mail my postcard in the mail then all right yeah all righty thank you so much mrs nicks hope hope you have a great day bye bye all right another thing right there is that always at the end of the call there you want to repeat your name your company right at the end because by then like she doesn't like right now as it stands she doesn't remember your name at all right yeah so you got to repeat your name at the end as well you know say after you get her phone number and email and all that then say okay cool well listen miss james i'm going to stay in touch with you via email i'll send you a postcard as well again my name is jaden hughes with exp realty right here in kerrville you know if you need anything at all you just reach out to me even if it's to move a piece of furniture yeah oh okay yeah that added bit of friendliness i bet yeah just whatever whatever but you got to repeat your name because as it stands she's going to get a postcard she's not going to remember she's going to put two and two together though she might not when you repeat your name as well repeating your name's not going to do it either necessarily but at least we're trying to you know say our name as many times as we can to her so that she at least you know yeah okay yeah and also uh people like that you know they say it's okay to follow up we can go over this in more detail later hello hello hi hi mr duncan yeah yeah yes hi this is jaden hughes with exp realty here in kerrville how are you today i'm okay all right that that's good to hear me too i'm just enjoying this good weather outside isn't it gorgeous today yeah yes sir yeah we'll uh yeah well i don't want to take up too much of your time today but we had just sold a house down the road from you and i didn't know if there was anything i could do for you today uh well what is this concerning it says internet resources on the phone call oh yeah well sorry about that that's an old uh it's an old business name i'm a real estate agent here in uh in kerrville with exp realty um i was calling about your property on fourth street we we had sold a house on raw street down the road from you okay yeah now i just wanted to see if there was anything i could do for you today you know whether it's a comparative market analysis or if you're looking to buy any investment properties or or sell anything any anything i can do to help well i appreciate that but here's the problem you know if i sell this house and make a bunch of money on it i gotta have another place to go to and so you end up paying you paid you end up paying the the same amount on the back end you know what i mean yeah and the way the market is right now yeah yeah yeah that's that's true unless you're you know looking to downsize or or get a larger house there's less inventory yeah i would definitely not downsize that yeah no i'm good man i appreciate you checking yeah yeah i'm i'm good yeah well thank you thanks for your time do you uh if you don't mind me asking do you have an agent that you would work with in the area if you were to buy or sell anything in the future well i mean i've been here for 20 years i know tons of real estate agents here yeah i mean i own a construction company and you know what i mean oh you do several people that i can call on if i need that service yeah what's your construction company called you might be asking dmd dnd construction dnd construction okay all righty and do you do uh do you do ranch roads or anything like that no we don't really do any roads i mean there's a couple you know chip filled guys or there's you know there's some people that do that around here but it's not cheap yeah yeah it's not that that's true well i'll uh i'll put you on my vendors list so you know if i come across anyone that needs a construction company i'll give them your information what a what what's a good email address for you uh rd carville well well uh you know if anything ever comes up in the future i'd i'd be happy to help you i'm right uh right here in ingram got an office to the left of that grocery store to even grocery store so be uh feel free to stop by here and love to love to chat with you okay yeah you might want to get that phone that phone comes up internet resources so it just automatically tells me a spam you know what i'm saying yeah i want to get that changed yeah thank you yeah i'll do that yeah it's a it was a business name in the past that that's got it yeah yeah well also mr duncan uh would it be okay if i stayed in touch uh well i'm pretty busy i'm better to text with better to text okay yeah and i'm not i'm not going to spam you i'm just just wanting to know you know every every once in a while just to check in see how you're doing yeah that's fine oh awesome all righty thank you mr duncan have a great day thank you thank you bye-bye right as i hung up i realized that i was supposed to say my name again okay man that's okay dude you got dude you got like a hundred thousand more calls to go man you'll have plenty of chances yeah yeah thank you there you go bro like you're a young guy you're gonna be there to sell on property for 30 years he's a builder like what if he has a son that's going to come up and then take the business over you become good friends with them you know you just never know like what's all going to happen and plus he can end up like having breakfast with you and your dad which you guys should calling at breakfast and like just hang out and see what you can do to help each other and where could that go nowhere but positive places right yeah yeah that that's true getting to know people and like and like like if you have a client that wants to build a house hi hi uh mrs williams i'm sorry oh hi is this mrs williams yes yes hi uh this this is jaden hughes with exp realty here in kerrville how are you today i'm fine well good i'm i'm glad to hear that i'm uh i'm doing good as well just enjoying this good weather outside yeah isn't it gorgeous today what do you need sir oh well i don't want to take up too much of your time today but we had just sold a house down the road for me on a raw street and i didn't know if there was anything i could do for you today you sold a house down the street from me yes a property on ross street uh i have you as a property owner of property on second street is that is that correct no sir oh okay i live in tierra linda oh gotcha yeah sorry about that i i must have the wrong number all right thank you thank you also yo mommy asking uh do you have a real estate agent in the area that you would use if you were to buy or sell anything in the future are you there no i let that one go i guess oh my gosh bro that was just incredible bro you're good man it usually i will say it usually works better than that they don't usually hang up after that they're usually a little bit more chatty i i guess it's in the morning you know i don't know if that is a factor but it usually goes a little bit further than that you're good bro you're real good hello no one is available thank you very much the big the biggest the biggest asset i see is the fact that when people kind of act weird or like even like remotely upset or something it doesn't even phase you yeah you're just like well okay ma'am well i just you know wanted to call and see i mean it's just like you're a natural at this bro yeah the number you were trying to call it thank you yeah i've uh i've had a few you know they're they're starting out pretty rude you know they're like uh spam or whatever and i end up being nice back and they by the end of it i've had a couple that are i mean they turned into a buyer seller after that and they started off they started off rude but because i guess i was nice back they loosened up and i was able to have a good conversation and you know like i was saying a couple of them turn out to be hello hello hi hi is this mr cruz oh no no i missed a lot oh no mr lopez oh hi there do you live in kerrville yeah oh okay great well i was calling about the property on jefferson street do i have the right person street yes do you live on jefferson street at 1318 jefferson street oh no no no you don't get out of there okay gotcha sorry about that well i i anyways i'm a realtor here in kerrville i just wanted to see if there was anything i could do to help you out today uh no we're not really not today okay gotcha yeah okay yeah well is there a is there a realtor you would use in the future if you were to do anything buy or sell anything in the future okay i don't need anything right now oh okay i well i i'm just here to help in any way i can so you know if anything ever does happen i'd be happy to help you out just just give me a shout thank you and and your name again lopez gotcha gosh lopez lopez would it be okay if i stayed in touch just just well just to see if there's anything i could do to help you you know if anything ever changes in the future and you do need a real estate agent i'd be happy to to do anything i can if you if you need help moving the couch i'd be happy to do that as well just anything i can okay yeah thank you well thank you mr lopez i hope you have a great day again this is jayden hughes thank you bye-bye oh man well i get their number because it's the wrong number but i still get their number when i create the note and then i put them in my system and i do all the yeah ask they go after that 100 percent bro a hundred percent all right you can shut it down man okay um oh wow man that was just like a world whim and you you need to go back and watch this and take notes you can also look at the comments and stuff i think there might have been some good um a couple of good comments um some tips and stuff in there so you guys uh you guys drop a comment right now let me know let jaden know what your best advice for him what you thought about the uh the call session so he can go back and watch this and read your comments and uh just so he can get better guys this is all about getting better and i just gotta say from my perspective you seem like a natural out here so um so much yeah do you have any questions or anything for me oh i guess just i mean you you've pretty much answered all the questions i have uh you you gave me this uh this invaluable tool and i'm hoping to take you know good use of it and it it works really well just i've realized over the you know past six to eight months i've been doing it it's just consistency that's the most important to get to get out the fears you know know that you know you're just trying to make a friend and even if they're rude it doesn't matter because you're just trying to help them get to where they want to be and you're just facilitating that and just be consistent with it and that's you know you've taught me that so thank you no man my pleasure man i'm i'm proud of you bro for uh for coming on and doing this in front of the world and um it's gonna make you a lot better so uh where's your dad out let him come on for a second before we go he's right here been working away while i'm calling david yeah did you think our boy did he did great yeah dude he is a natural man yeah yeah he just does real well he sticks with it does it nine to 12 four days a week uh wednesday based on your advice he does follow-up calls so he's just doing four days right now but he just gets out and generally he gets into a whole lot more conversations where he gets to say i've sold a property down the street from you today it didn't get there but a couple of times but usually he'll get he'll get more like 10 of those and it'll lead into a better conversation right but uh yeah he did great yeah thank you for having me the thing that i love the best was that like no matter what anybody did it didn't shake him yeah he just kind of keeps the same tone and keeps trying to help and no matter how bad they get he just keeps on trying to you know exactly get in there cool guys well i enjoyed it you guys uh go back and jaden go back and watch the video and take some notes and um and call me yeah awesome ricky thank you so much cool man all right guys thank you have a great day appreciate
Channel: Ricky Carruth
Views: 2,719
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 3BmrqkCt6DA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 7sec (3307 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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