Ricky Calls Old Expired Listings LIVE

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how what's up everybody man welcome to another live call session i'm excited about this i'm going to be calling some old expires today i'm sure a lot of you saw my uh my video monday that i came out with my new favorite leads yes sir so i'm gonna call some of these live for you uh just a second give me a thumbs up if you can hear me all right i'm going to let everybody give everybody a second to log in and get all set up here got me a nice little cup of coffee been making calls all day long tell you the truth trying to get a few deals put together i did joshua smith's podcast today um what else did i do today had a couple zoom calls tomorrow i'm showing some property i mean i've been be it's been extremely busy let me know you guys can hear me give me a thumbs up make sure i uh my technology is working here good deal good deal good deal cool cool so yeah i'm fixing to get get dialing here um you know if you guys have any questions anything i could do to help you feel free to comment um in the live chat i uh let's see anything to announce i um monday monday we have the virtual summit with myself and coach bird it's only 49 and when you do that you're also buying a ticket to see us live in naples or atlanta um so even if you just do the virtual event that's plenty worth the money but if you're close to naples or atlanta you get an extra bonus or if you want to come to naples or atlanta when we finally do those events it's going to be when coronavirus is gone i guess we've already postponed these events twice um you know this is the second time so now we're just going to give you guys something a virtual event for the people who've paid and also stand up for our word that we're going to do a live event cannot wait to get back on stage you guys have no idea how uh how much i miss coming and seeing you guys in all the different places and shaking your hand taking pictures and speaking at those events so um you know if i brought you any value at all over the last three years of me doing this go to the link in the description grab one of those tickets to the virtual summit and come check me out monday and then come see me in naples or atlanta when we finally get to do those events okay cool also red x i'm calling old expireds off red x okay if you don't have red x you need to get red x it's the greatest thing that ever happened to real estate agents in in the history of this industry um i could tell you a long story about why and what i used to have to do to go through to get phone numbers and dial with my fingers so on and so forth but old expires i think is are the new gold that weren't around when i came up i mean now you know i could have went back and did all that research and but it was it was a lot it was it wasn't i didn't think about it number one but it was uh definitely you know just not really in the cards now with red x you get red x you call red x if you can't figure out how to get all expires they'll tell you how to go back a year two years whatever and grab that list and then you got you got leads to call for months and months and months okay and here's my script right here i'll give you guys a script before i get to dial in here they're going to call they're going to answer i'm going to say hey mr johnson hey mr johnson this is ricky caruth down at exp realty and gulf shores how are you doing today good me too i'm just enjoying the day man it's been raining but it sure is it sure is nice now well cool i don't want to take up too much of your time but i see your condo in whatever building or house for sale on whatever road was for sale back in january whatever happened with that bam that is it end of story i'm going to take it from there uh just looked in red x i'm just going to go back to january right around the first of the year mid january right around in that area um that's a good seven months ago so i would classify that as an old expired let me see what you guys are saying in the comments real quick before i make my first dial let's see advice for people who haven't finished their pre-license course as far as zero to diamond court should he wait until actually an agent before doing the course hey you know what i mean the way that i see it is is you need to put all your efforts into finishing that pre-license course uh you know i mean if you feel like you're way ahead on that and you want to spend a little extra time go read one of my books read zero to diamond read list to last you know do the zero to diamond core sure but that that test in that course is is tough i mean a lot of people fail that cloud that test over and over and over again so just make sure you're on top of your top of your game with that okay let's do it let me jump over here and grab my list get this all set up for you let's see all right appreciate you guys tuning in today we're gonna have some fun okay who's my first call gonna be got my notebook here ready to take some notes let's see let me move this over so i can see the comments as they roll in right there bam all right here we go here we go here we go good go now who are we going to call first let's see what we got here oh no north loop west i don't mind if i do i've got one on the same road for sale so might as well start there bam [Music] hello hey mr hugh that's hey it's ricky carruth exp realty in orange beach how are you doing today good how are you good man it's about as hot as can be down here hey i don't want to take you too much of your time i saw that house you got on oh no north loop west was for sale back in january whatever happened with that oh it's been sold okay gotcha you re-listed it with somebody and sold it no i just somebody walked up to the house and said i want to buy it oh well i'm gonna sell it right before the pandemic huh oh yeah nice nice well cool yeah i've got one right down the road listed um on the canal is yours on the canal uh this house it wasn't yeah yeah i've got one on the canal right there for sale did you uh was is there anything else i can do to help you down here as far as real estate goes i know i just built amazon on the water so you know that's basically why we just left over there right on the on the old river yeah nice nice cool man well hey i don't know man maybe uh maybe we can do some business later on you know down the road or something if you guys ever decide you want to do something i mean i've been here 18 years selling and mostly orange beach but i do produce as well yeah yeah yeah what uh what's a good email address for you i'll stay in touch with you there and if there's ever anything i can do for you let me know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah text it to me thanks bud see man all right that dude that was his cell phone number that's the first number on uh on red x that's a cell phone he's texting me his email address in just a second let me make a note right quick he is texting me his email address okay dude's got a waterfront home in perdido key all right just built it so it's newer and those things ain't cheap to build down there there's some environmental things you gotta go through all right first one down that was nice all right let's get back in here let's find us another one let's see who we're gonna call now let's see here we go here's something here's something here's something all right let's give this one a whirl oh wait a minute uh it says that's an agent i don't recognize the name though let's see [Music] daniel kettles that rings a bell that's why it rings a bell he's an agent let's see what we got let's see what we got here [Music] so the dude sold it somebody walked up to him here we go somebody walked up to him he said i walked up in his front yard and asked him if he would sell it ah that's a lot but a lot bolton loot here we go foreign orange county nicole that's why you go after old expireds you briefed dana i can't take your call right now please send a message and i'll return your call as soon as possible thank at the you please record your message when you finish recording you may hang up or press one for more options hey dana ricky crew the exp realty of ben foley um give me a ring back when you get a chance i was calling about your house on alton loop wondering what happened with that you can reach me here at 251-752-1138 thank you orange county nicole that's why you go back a couple years worth of expires yeah there might not be a lot expiring right now but what about a year ago six months ago two years ago right i'm going back seven months right now and i'm just kind of hand picking some uh here we go let's see what this do i'm just i'm just hand picking some that are in my area i get expireds all over the county with my expired folder all right busy signal there let's see what we got all right here we go here we go okay it also gives you yeah red x with the onyx expireds gives you all the mls data on red x right here i'm looking at the remarks who had it listed when it was listed how many days on the market the original list price the list date the agent the company the mls number all that stuff is right here on him on red x lot size number of bedrooms square footage year built everything i don't even have to do the research now i don't know if it's been resold or relisted and sold or what have you not too worried about that i can handle that [Music] that's okay we go right to the next one on here hello hey janice ricky carruth exp realty and gulf shores how are you doing okay how are you doing good doing good got real hot down here today hey i don't want to take up too much of your time that house that was on ponce de leon that uh it was for sale back in september 2018. whatever happened with that what's that okay okay um any thoughts of selling it or anything else like that you so you would for the right price if you made me an offer yet but i don't want to list it i gotcha yeah okay all right cool cool is there an agent down here that you guys work with i got you i got you okay is it on a rental program of any kind or somewhere i can look at some pictures or well you're not familiar with it i mean i see it right here online but i don't see any pictures or anything oh it's with meyer meyer got it got it all right i will check it out there let me see what i what i think there and i'll let you know thank you whatever she has an agent she bring me an offer kind of deal she wasn't very friendly all right all right see that's the kind of stuff you got to go through you got to make these calls you got to try to connect you got to try to get in there nothing's going to happen if you don't make the calls that was back in 2018 it's getting right here that expired i guess it was on the market a couple of times when i pulled it up it said 2018. okay here we go here we go there's one down at orange beach on pompano worth about 500. hello hey miss feltman no i'm sorry i'm sorry about that have a good day that's all right i got plenty of numbers for you mr feltman plenty of numbers for you mr felton mr felton this is tanya please leave a message and i'll get back with you as soon as possible thanks maybe a wrong number situation somebody said would i spend time any time researching that last person's property absolutely not i'm not going to spend any time doing any kind of research i'm not even researching to see if these people re-listed and sold their property um let's see where we at yeah i'm not i'm not i'm not into any kind of research i'm only into taking massive action right now immediately let's see looking for a good one a good one [Music] frank little let's see what he talking about wow wow this is interesting let's see what happened with this one this is three acres of foley i mean this is just nothing but straight gold i mean you just look you pick and choose you got thousands there's thousands don't you tell me about nine working numbers about to make this happen all right let's see here we go here we go what we got here what we got here let's see bam bam let's see what we got here oh hmm what we got hold on one second guys just want to make sure i know what building this is oh okay yes sir here we go pradito grande your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system two zero five nine six zero five four seven seven is not available at the tone please record your message when you have finished recording you may hang up or press one for more options hey mr riddell it's ricky carruth at exp realty here in orange beach give me a ring back when you get a chance 251 752 1138. talk to you soon i'm gonna try that second number just to see if i can get him [Music] bam oh your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system two zero five four seven five seven eight eight six is not available at the tone please record your message when you have finished recording you may hang up or press one for more options hey mr red house ricky carruth at exp realty here at orange beach give me a ring back when you get a chance 251-752-1138 thank you okay guys uh let's see there's a bunch of questions here in the comments let me get through these couple of these real quick uh let's see so many people i call are angry i got their number how do i handle them the thing is man is you you there's so many different ways you can handle number one you don't want to bother you right i mean like the lady that was kind of you know semi you know was you know cold calling her but you know i was trying to be polite she wouldn't really wouldn't really connect you know you're going to have that kind of people but here's what i would say every call that you make you're getting just a little bit better every call that you make even the ones that they don't answer even calls that that don't answer or wrong numbers are disconnected you're still getting just a little better every single call whether they answer or not because the ones that answer you're working on your you're developing your skills your tone the speed of your voice uh you know the the the way that you communicate with people okay the ones that don't answer you're still getting a little better because you put yourself out there you put everything on the line you faced your fears one more time and every time you do that you're becoming just a little bit better at sacrificing what you feel is comfortable in the name of trying to succeed to better your life for you and your family okay so just just remember that every call you make you're getting just a little better even if you have a bad call session those are the ones you get even better than the ones if you have a good call session and as far as people being angry with you work on your tongue you got to catch them in the first couple seconds of the call okay the first couple seconds of the call they really have to feel that you're on top of your game that you're confident that you you know you're there to help them they got to feel that the first few seconds or you're going to lose them okay let's see how do you get old expireds okay i said it at the first but those are just tuning in red x go to red x get the expired feature okay and then it should be pretty self-explanatory every mls is different okay so you may have to call red x just call in they'll walk you through it and tell you how to go back a year two years six months whatever you want to do i'd go back like two years and go ahead and grab that entire list and then you got it then you just get the dialer and you hit dial and just chip away at that list just chip away chip away chip away i mean this i'm telling you this is gold um i don't know how i'd act if if this was around whenever i was starting like i wish i was in you you guys have way more advantage than me because of where you're starting your career and how advanced technology is from when i started it's ridiculous all right let's see gonna hop back on the calls let me grab one more question out here let's see how do i allow my assistant to show properties for me if i'm busy no i actually show all my own properties myself i'm not in a market though where i have to be at every showing for my listings now if i had to be there for my listings like some of you do then i would actually probably hire an assistant just to go show property and my list just to show up to show property for my listings okay let's get back on it guys my daughter's trying to bust in the door over here oh matter of fact don't let me show let me show her to you guys you want to see my daughter hold on let me see here we go here we go say what's up everybody say what's up everybody it's whitley carruth welcome back to my channel huh you wanna make some calls you gonna make some calls with daddy come on let's make some calls here let's see who we gonna call who we gonna call who we gonna call yeah you wanna call somebody let's see you want to pick them out all right let's see who we got who we got let's see all right here's here's a decent one right here you want to call these yeah okay let's do it let's see what they're talking about they're sorry your call did not go through will you please try your call again [Music] let's see if we can catch him right here let's see if we can catch him right here okay you wanna go back to mommy do you have fun your first call session your first phone call all right back at it she's a beast in she she is gonna be making so many phone calls i bet you she's she's gonna be making phone calls when she's like five or six years old it's going to be insane she's going to have the biggest database she's going to have the largest database in history by the time she's like 25. she's going to have her entire database her whole business will be built and she will at that point have her weekly email going for a good 12 years at that point and then she's just gonna start building other businesses it's gonna be pretty insane all right let's see what we got here okay let's check this one out let's see what this is um [Music] hello you've reached samantha please leave your name and number and i'll call you back please record your message when you you may hang up or press one for more options hey samantha ricky carruth down here at exp realty and gulf shores give me a ring back when you get a chance 251 752 30 talk to you soon bam so how many coaches do you guys have that bring their daughter on to make a phone call that's even making phone calls not very many out there oh man i'm having fun guys i'm having fun with this you guys know if you've been watching my videos and stuff for a while like i don't make calls like this anymore i don't have to because the way i built my business that weekly email keeps me busy it close 100 deals a year 100 deals a year 100 deals a year since 2014. i kind of quit making calls about 2016 and that's when i got into you know writing books and coaching and speaking all right here's a call back let's do this this ricky yes hey mr riddell ricky carruth exp realty at orange beach how are you doing good how are you good man i was calling about that perennial grand that was on the market a while back whatever happened with that totally sold okay did you go back on the market and sell it did you buy owner or how'd that go down uh no we sold it okay we started last year okay all right cool did you uh is there anything else i can help you guys with terms right now i gotcha is there do you guys have an agent that you work with uh chris has been selling some of our stuff gotcha gotcha excellent agent yeah yeah yeah he's doing good for you yes yeah he's good man he's good he uh i was working right there with him at re max when he started so i kind of watched him watch him get going man i'm kind of proud of him tell you the truth you never know yeah you never know about some agents they come in and some of them do good some of them flop so cool man well i'm ricky cruz if i can ever help you let me know and i'll talk to you soon alright thank you yeah man all right all right all right all right let's see see how i talk to him right there guys i want you to take note of how i talk to that guy right there okay how i talk to him like he's my brother or my my cousin my dad okay my best friend from high school did you hear the tone you know did you hear how i talked about how i was proud of his agent how i watched him come up that's what that's what a son would tell his dad he wouldn't say oh well you looking for a second agent you want to you know maybe i can help you no no no that's that's not what that's not how i roll i'm trying to talk to people like the family you feel me that's how you build a business that's how you build a big business you're not going to be worried about where where your next deal is coming from when you start to talk to people like that all right let's move on to the next one i hope you guys are enjoying this hey do me a favor if you haven't already click the link below and get a ticket to my virtual event monday you're also going to come see me you also get it for 49 dollars you get that and come see me live in naples or atlanta whenever the coronavirus finally goes away okay i got me one right here look at this little nine hundred thousand dollars nine hundred thousand dollars all right skirt i am not scared let's do it bam bam hello hey mr ramsay yes ricky carruth at exp realty and gulf shores how you doing good area good man i was calling about the house on dune drive it was for sale a while back whatever happened with that i still haven't okay cool um any i mean you had it for sale back then are you guys still possibly interested in doing something with it i know at this point bobby's gonna put it back on the market in a couple weeks gotcha gotcha okay cool well i'll look for it i'll look for it to come out all right thank you thank man dude has an agent they're going back on the market in no time hey i'll tell you what yes yes yes guys listen to me because i see a lot of comments if you did buy a ticket you are automatically in for that okay there's going to be a facebook group so make sure to get with me if you haven't seen the facebook group that you enter that's where the live virtual event will be in the facebook group okay so just get with me if you haven't uh if you haven't joined the group or saw that happen there all right let's see here let's let's carry on let's carry on this this cold calling extravaganza man and if you guys notice how this is going for me i'm not using the dialer i'm just dialing by hand because i want to talk in between the calls and visit with you guys and i'm just calling a few here a few here you know trying to you know get some people on the horn and let you guys see me in action but if you notice some of these people that you know they're they got you know they're good you're gonna have to find some people that are ready to do business create relationships with okay the guy the first guy i talked to text me his email address just like he said he would um so we're good there we got that so we did get that first guy's email address he owns that house down in perdido key and i'm going to follow up with him with a personal email after this call session and thank him for his time and sending me his email address and let him know i'll stay in touch with him so we could possibly do some business in the future let's see what we got where i'm going to go to next see i just called that one let's see [Music] here we go hey that's my grandmother's little subdivision right here let's see what happens here don't mind if i do my goal my grandma lives right hey michael yeah hey it's ricky crew at the exp realty and gulf shores how you doing well i'm good i'm living in chicago okay did you guys uh did you do you have a house at cotton bay court okay you sold it yeah i saw where it went off the market back in august my grandma lives right across the street from you guys missy um yeah that's my grandma oh how's she doing she's you know what she's she's doing good but right now she uh has a little thing in her chest she's not feeling too great um my aunt came down from huntsville yeah she she went got x-rays today she's not feeling great but um i think she's going to be fine you know you never know with her you know what something small yeah you know yeah i know man something small could end up being big for her yeah especially [Music] i know i know she got tested they gave her a test yesterday i think but they don't give you the results for like three days it's like man what good does that do but well cool yeah i just i saw that it went off the market and i remembered it was for sale right across the street there from her yeah yeah do you guys have any other property down here or anything else i can do to help you it was my parents home and we had the salad you know to split the money yeah brothers and sisters and stuff yeah uh you do give a shout out from this before i will man i'll tell her i talked to you and you uh gave her gave you your best wishes yeah thank you so much you're welcome man see ya okay hey guys like family like just say this with me guys like family like family like family treat everybody like their family let's see what we got here let's see what we got here i'll try to get somebody else on the phone [Music] here we go here's a decent little house of orange beach hi this is dawn elizabeth with nmd sorry that i missed you please leave a detailed message after the tone and i'll return your call as soon as possible thanks and have a great day at the tone please record your message when you finish recording you may hang up or press one for more options hey miss olinger it's ricky carroth down at exp realty in orange beach give me a ring back if you get a chance 251-752-1138 i wanted to ask you about your house on pine court talk to you soon okay guys i just put in the chat the link to the virtual events and also i want to put another link to the red x discount so let's see here so guys look i wanted to say something else while i got a lot of you on here publicly um because i'm doing a lot of private coaching calls as well with my team and with agents you know just one-on-ones and stuff like that where i say a lot of stuff a lot of stuff that i don't really say but man the amount of agents that have doubled and tripled their income you know through the zero to diamond program um is very humbling um it uh i mean it really does something to me when i think about it uh that people are just taking something that this guy from alabama does in his business and they're using it in their business all around the world and they're doubling and tripling their income um it's just insane so just want to give a big shout out to everybody who you know joined and stuck to it put the work in you know visualized how the little things every day add up to be huge over time and just took action so big shout out to you guys i only use red x um i did use mojo but the data is so much better with red x i just once i realized that i used i tried them all i tried espresso agent cole resources uh vulcan um i tried about six different sources and uh red x was hands down the best with their data so they also have for rent by owners and that's that's another jewel i'm going to do a live session workfall for rent by owners pretty soon that's another like golden lead source but the circle prospecting i mean you do old expires and you pick up some listings and then you do circle prospecting around those listings once you get them there's your one-two punch do the old expireds get a listing circle prospect around it keep calling all expireds get a listing circle prospect around it get a listing from you know your mom's referral circle prospect around it call some world expireds circle prospect around the listings you get i mean it's just knocking out the park okay let's see where we at here i don't send any letters guys direct mail i think is super powerful but it's super expensive too i was spending about i want to say maybe like eight thousand dollars a month on postcards at one time all right this was maybe five years ago i cut that off um i cut it off five years ago because i was looking at 8 000 and i'm thinking that's 90 grand a year 90 000 a year on post cards okay and i looked at i looked at the return on my postcards i'm like man i'm doing good if i'm breaking even you know that's when i started to recognize the power of what i was doing with the weekly email since 2007 and like where all my business was really coming from was that weekly email because everybody would tell me i know you from your weekly email i get your weekly email you know it was just like so powerful um that i just quit doing everything else i don't even do social media in my real estate business i only do social media to build a global brand which is what i'm doing right here i'm not doing anything for my real estate business the only thing i do is a weekly email cody just got your license hit me up send me a send me a message email me email me ricky at zero to diamond let's see postcards no i wouldn't do postcards at all there listen guys everything works you know social media works you know postcards work you know open houses work you know online leads work zillow leads work right like all that stuff works to a certain extent you know but where can you be most efficient the most efficient thing you can do is talk to people who own the exact type of property you want to sell and you can do it for two cents a contact two cents to target the exact person that you want to talk to and build your entire database around your exact perfect client instead of spending thousands of dollars getting random people all over your marketplace why would you do that why wouldn't you just spend two cents a piece and get the exact people that you want and pretend like their zillow leads pretend like they're buyer leads you know just get these thousands of leads and just go through them pretend like they're buyer leads that you've been paying a bunch of money for or have to pay huge referral fees when they close it's horrible it's horrible let's see okay somebody put their phone number in i'm going to call one person to end the in the call today i want to call one person into the show get your two cents see if you have a question for me and then we'll call it a day so put your phone number in i want to talk to one of you uh before we call it a day and then i'll let you guys get back to work give it a second to it's a lag on the on the live but i hope you guys got a lot out of this session in terms of you know um okay here we go here we go how i'm talking to people how i'm communicating with people okay looks like i'm calling simple key realtor you other guys to put your number in if you have a question just send me a message on instagram hey what's up bud hey ricky how are you good man how are you doing doing well good man where who you know what's your name where are you from my name is menhas uh i'm uh i'm actually also with exp in uh long island new york nice bro nice yeah i just joined uh i mean i came on board with them about only like in march yeah me too me too march 10th yeah i was probably like mid-march yeah yeah best move i ever made bro yeah i i i just got my license recently as well i just got a license maybe but in november or december actually right and then i need to move to exp because one of my friends was there got it got it yeah so what can i help you with yeah so i actually asked that question because that's exactly what i was about to do the postcard because i have uh all of my leads i had a bunch of buyer leads that i was working with but due to covey that all stopped so now i was trying to see if i should send out some course cards maybe to some people who have been living in their houses for 10 years plus or something like that just to get that geoforming going and uh and i just couldn't figure out because right now in new york we're also not able to cold call listen bro listen listen hand written letter handwri handwritten letter hand write the envelope hand write the return address hand write the letter inside got it yes and then use the same uh red x uh to do do the mailers the list from there yeah you can do that are there any other ways to get the addresses i mean like we have a bunch of different ways through the county records we have a website that gives you all the all the addresses property owners and all that good stuff right um you know so i mean like you know through your mls or your county records or whatever system you use but you can use red x to get all the uh you can just export the uh export the addresses right off red x oh great yeah yeah you can export them right there i'll definitely look into that as well yeah cold calling we can't do right now otherwise listen bro listen hand write some letters right just one sentence right one sentence would you consider selling your property at address to a prospect of mine question mark sincerely sign it send it bam you're going to get call backs i think that that sounds like a great approach you will get callbacks okay i'll definitely try that yeah and then do this the two to three hours you would have spent cold calling that you can't cold call anymore right use that same spin like an hour or two on instagram and facebook direct messaging people the same script of the circle prospect got it okay right right find people in your area like their pose comment under their their their post you know send them a dm say hey how you doing i see you live in whatever area you know i'm in real estate how are you doing well yeah is there anything i can do to help you huh is there anything i can do to help you is there an agent that you would work with i'd love to stay in touch what's a good email the whole nine yards okay yeah that sounds like a good idea yeah i watched a few videos regarding the cold calling stuff so i was definitely ready for that yeah and uh you know once once the state emergency lifts we'll definitely be able to call again uh after september but till then i think that these two solid ideas are great yeah that and i mean you know really got to look really deep into the the rules right like where's the small print like what what what do they consider a cold call you know what i mean um it would be really nice to know you know where do you draw the line because if you talk to him once before and then you then you are okay actually sorry to intro but uh then you're okay as long as you had a broader relationship with them you already have the number you already spoke with them once before you can call them right now without any issue there you go man listen everybody everyone out there should should have been calling the whole time right right so therefore you should have a list in red x you should have them disposition that you talk to them then you can filter out the dispositions for the ones you talk to and bam you should have hundreds and hundreds of people that you've talked to if you've been making your calls like you're supposed to you know what i mean yeah well i didn't uh look into that actually but that's a that's a very good idea as well i'll definitely go back and uh go through the list already that i already have see that see that's the kind of things you have to think about in times like this you know i mean you already talked to him once so how can they say this is a cold call you already talked to him once then i can 100 call them back for sure right so i mean you should still have plenty of people to call especially people that have been you said you just got in business so i mean like you may or may not be like people that have been in the business for several years you should have a long list of people that you've talked to in the past that you can call i know that the for that my fear uh i definitely have but i'm just uh uh i've been calling them of course during the covet stuff as well because yeah uh what you mentioned all the time the relationships uh over revenue and all that stuff so i've been doing a lot of that stuff yeah yeah okay bro well keep me informed all right we'll do it with you thank you so much thank you bro later bro bye cool good call i mean somebody in new york you're under the do not call mandatory thing which i think is insane um but you gotta look for other things you can do you can do handwritten letters you can do social media direct messaging you know spend a couple hours that you would have been calling but more importantly go back through all the calls that you made and call those people again it's the second time you talk to them it's not cold anymore right stuff like that okay guys look it's been fun it's been great i've enjoyed it got the blood pumping got a few people on the phone got an email address um going to email him right now and thank him for his time on the phone and sending me his email address look forward to doing business with him in the future he's a waterfront brand new house in penido key i mean that's incredible and all i did i called how many people that i call maybe like six seven you know and i got a million dollars that's a million dollar house i got a million dollar client out of this today you know that may not transpire into anything for eight years okay eight years however when that happens you know i could potentially be be that guy you know so um powerful stuff here guys powerful stuff i don't know hey all i want to do is help you guys get to the next level and understand what i go through and what i've been through to get where i am and this is it the grind this right here what i did today is what you all should be doing three hours three days a week period mandatory minimum three hours three days a week you know if you watch the calls where q q came on and made some calls same thing wrong numbers not interested i mean that's what we go through you guys are complaining about bad numbers and disconnect and wrong numbers and not getting deals in the first you know week and you know i mean you know give me a break guys give me a break nobody said this was going to be easy all right and anybody that tells you that there is an easy path or this is easier over here oh don't do that guys everything that you do outside of making cold calls all this other stuff social media buying leads doing this doing that networking events all that stuff all that all you're doing it for is to try to get into a conversation with someone and i'm just trying to say hey let's cut out all that and let's just go straight to the conversation with the exact person we want to talk to wake up guys wake up your all the stuff you're doing is just prolonging the inevitable that we're going to have a conversation with someone let's just go ahead and target all the people want to talk to and go ahead and have those conversations that way we can fast forward our career okay we can leapfrog everyone else that's out there trying to do social media and get buyer leads and do open houses and you know networking events and you know postcards and you know making videos listen guys i'm not saying none of that doesn't work because all that stuff does work but what does it do what is the purpose of it the purpose of it is to create conversations with people to get into conversations to create relationships to build your database to do business okay why not skip all that metal stuff and let's just go straight for it so i'm gonna get off that i think you guys know where i'm coming from just wanted to make the point and i'm here to help you so let me know what i can do love you so much um hit me on instagram if you need anything whatsoever i'm always available i definitely get to the instagram messages daily okay so um 48 hours at the most if i get really behind but that's as long as it's ever last it was 48 hours most of the time it's 24 at least and uh yeah i can't think of anything else man 150 dollar discount on red x go and grab a ticket to the virtual event monday i look forward to seeing all you guys there i'm gonna have a special gift for everyone and uh with that we'll see you guys on the next one i'm gonna start doing some more live call sessions i'm gonna bring some agents on and do some live calls as well and i'm just looking forward to all this just continuing to build and build and build and build because that's what we do guys we just build that's what we do over here on my channel is we try to put ourselves in position to be in the best possible situation moving forward peace guys talk to you guys on the next one
Channel: Ricky Carruth
Views: 12,862
Rating: 4.9299612 out of 5
Id: S9CvP3Awh9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 18sec (3618 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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