Coin Pusher Win - A Quest For The Cash

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all right guys i'm backing it as you just saw the silver stacks are already falling um i walked up and it was actually the stacks had already started to fall over in the front i mean there's not a single stack available i mean usually usually they're just stacks upon stacks here in the front but it looks like all the stacks are in the back i don't know if somebody was playing this before me and knocked them all down but it looks like the ones in the back there are starting to move so they must have just walked away a little too soon but i don't know if you guys see there's like five different uh wholesaler bars over there so each of those are worth two to three hundred bucks easily and uh there's five and i can use them as a batting ram for this huge stack of hundreds which is right by the edge here so i'm hoping maybe today i can walk away with some uh 100 bills for the first time i'm going to finally conquer that and uh there's a couple of super bowl rings there's actually one teetering over here on the edge i'm gonna try to get that one down that one treated me pretty well at night last time imagine i haven't put a single quarter in here yet and the silver pieces are still moving for me so that guy just walked away a little bit too soon that's okay his his loss is our gain so i'm going to start i have about 40 dollars i'm going to play and uh i don't think i'm going to leave until i have some 100 bills in my pocket [Music] well there's a couple silver pieces and i'm gonna go ahead and check just to be safe yeah none of those fell into the uh pot they were just into the pit so i won't be seeing those pieces it's only a bad thing about them being all spread out down here they're starting to go off off the sides but there's plenty pushing through the middle there it's not gonna be a problem [Music] and again i'm gonna use the tripod today so hopefully we'll get in one take we won't have a little interruption like we did the last time [Music] one quarter in and i already got a couple silver pieces fell [Music] i always forget now that i'm using this tripod i can do the skill stop if it stops and i can just load this guy up got a couple down in the back there so let those play out [Music] and again that was a couple things that fell into the pit um but i'm not gonna let it get me down [Music] because there's still plenty in on in the field ready to play and ready to come down for me if i jump the gun on that quarter [Music] [Music] i'll play with those see what that can get me i spent seven quarters at a time there oh that was okay a couple silver pieces there so the 100 stack is literally floating off the edge here um i don't think it'll be long until i see that one so i really wonder how much that last guy put in here because to walk away from that [Music] a couple quarters just fell in my pot there so um after i actually saw the stack i went up and asked the front lady the front register girl uh how much was actually in here they never really have a exact amount but they know how much of this 10 this huge stack of hundreds is um that's 10 grand and 100 bills there i mean that's that's a car that's a huge that's like like a fraction of your house i mean that's that's a lot sitting in this machine so i just want you guys to kind of like take that in i might walk out with a pretty good day today a couple more silver pieces dropped from me so that's pretty nice i see all the silver underneath this uh stack here moving so if i can keep that jam back that was another silver ounce it just fell for me so that's pretty nice [Music] kind of hitting hard on the right side there because it kind of looks where like that's where the most uh silver is off there to the right go back to the center here hit some of those up [Music] so i noticed they don't have the propeller in there today but i mean i'd rather rather the stack of hundreds be in there than that propeller that's instant gratification right there all right so i actually think that's a pretty nice set up there i don't know if you guys can see all the ones back there in the back i'm gonna let it keep going though there's a silver silver piece in my pot [Music] so it looks like that might be the way to do it for a little bit stop it and load up in the back kind of makes leaps and bounds instead of crawling up its way to the edge i go dropping quarters again all right all right oh all right so uh my heart's going to beat there because uh all the silver underneath this hundred dollar bill 100 dollar stack i should say it's not just one bill it's a bunch um all all the silver pieces just dropped underneath it so there's maybe like three or four there and it's actually being elevated up a whole bunch of other different stacks of silver so hopefully i can just keep using it to carry it out [Music] so i don't know if you guys saw that that quarter jumped up right up under the pile so all right let's laid a couple there in the middle and one ran off to the right another silver piece fell for me [Music] i'm gonna go ahead and pull my wings out real quick just prevent it from getting all jammed up in there all right just to give you guys an idea of what kind of luck i'm facing today um i've already gotten a pretty good amount of silver pieces out of here let me count them real quick for you so it looks like there's about 18 silver pieces here i've already pulled out so that's a pretty good day so far but i'm just getting started uh i mean we just hit our 10 minute mark um the the huge stack of 10 grand right there is basically asking me get pushed [Music] [Music] so there's also benefits of just doing a couple at a time full so it's a good thing i just cleared that out because i would have just jammed me up there i probably just got another 10 several pieces that dropped um still hoping this 100 stack comes out [Music] [Applause] [Music] a couple more silver pieces just dropped [Music] you guys can see them over here on the edge and underneath the hundred i mean literally there's there's one getting i think it's caught on the the ledge here but should still come down here pretty soon i'll try to get my timing right [Music] all right so that's probably another six silver pieces oh man they're they're just teetering underneath that stack there so we're gonna keep keep shoving quarters in there and knock it out a couple silver pieces just fell into the pit so those won't be going home with me today and of course a couple of silver pieces just fell on top of the bottom pile so it's not going to do any movement there but at least that'll maybe weigh it down a little bit all right let's go figure out so i'm just gonna pull some of my wings out [Music] just dropped right on my hand but i was still trying to get my winnings out [Music] that's pretty good a couple drop there all right all right that's pretty good keep going all right so there's a a lot from underneath this stack of uh hundreds still probably about eight silver pieces underneath it so if i can keep pushing those bottom ones down i can hopefully make the whole stack fall in there and plenty of quarters are falling out too so i can stay in the game they must just be mixed in underneath all the silver with it all right didn't do it for me so i'm gonna keep up there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so i'm gonna go and grab my wings again because that was a lot oh my god this is a lot of silver guys i mean let's cover a couple grand and several ounces here easily now just two more silver pieces that dropped out and i didn't even put a quarter in there you just gotta be patient guys sometimes all right so that's pretty good draw from a silver it almost looks like the middle silver pieces here underneath this stack is actually stuck so i may have to stack like probably another ten dollars and quarters behind the middle here just to get this coming down and we got the silver bars there to help weigh it down and kind of push it up but that might actually work against us as another several ounce drop for me may actually work against us because i don't know if you can see it's the stack is already landing up here on the ledge here so we just gotta hope that gravity helps us out this time all right all right so that was a couple pretty good drops from silver and uh still still no moving on that stack there so keep at it all right so that's pretty good a couple more silver pieces dropped probably watched at least five or five or six go down the drain sorry i'm getting the shot here with my hand all right so that's probably uh another 10 several pieces all right so i'm just going to throw a couple more in the back there and i'm going to click my winnings there's actually a silver piece down here that just keeps moving on its own i think it finally stopped all right so as you can see i really pepper at the back there um you'll see it here in a second once i start moving there you go yeah whole bunch there and that's a pretty good pretty good drop from a couple silver ounces there if i can get all these silver pieces to fall underneath the stack and hopefully the stack will fall and just kind of slide right in but so i'm gonna go ahead and click my wings real quick for more full i mean if you guys watch my other videos first of all thank you but secondly this is probably the same amount of silver in this machine as usual um it's just all laid flat so you don't see it all as much but i'm definitely getting out of the machine there's uh i'm gonna go ahead and do a quick count here but i got pretty heavy basket full of silver [Music] just take a break here look at all this i mean this isn't even half of what i just pulled out of the machine plus what i've already won earlier so i mean i'm not even going to give you a count on that that's a lot but uh i'll pick these up and get them out of my way so i can keep using my quarters [Music] all right a couple silver pieces fell but still no movement on that stack all right this is a this is a lot of a lot of silver pieces i have here i might have pulled more out today than the other days so i'm not really sure i'll get a final count when i'm done here i'm not not really close to being wrapped up yet i got plenty of quarters to play so i'm gonna keep at it all right sorry about that i had to grab a couple quarters on my winnings it's pretty heavy basket because i haven't gotten all the silver out of it yet i'm just trying to keep you guys entertained while i do it and there's a couple silver pieces that fell into the pit i won't i want to win those but i've got plenty out of here i'm not really going to beat myself up over there [Music] [Music] all right so guys just so you know i've i've easily won a couple thousand dollars worth of silver ounces out of this so far um so i really can't beat myself up if i can't if i don't walk away with that stack of hundreds but i'm not giving up any time soon it's not that close i walked away from it a couple times while it's this close and get my basket out of the picture there so that's what it does that's pretty pretty cool trick reporter just hopped up on the other one to do effectively nothing for me [Music] a couple quarters just dropped for me so that's pretty cool all right so i finally got all my quarters sorted out on my winnings so maybe i can play for a little bit without any distractions or having to stop [Music] all right come on so that whole push got me one silver [Music] that was probably three four shorts over it's still not the 100 stack who would have thought 10 grand was so easy and so hard to move really all right so there's a whole bunch of silver that just dropped uh i i'm gonna go ahead and get rid of the couple quarters i have in my hand here and i'm gonna grab my winnings and i'll let this finish all right so that was all the quarters in my hand i'm going to go ahead and uh kneel down and start getting my winnings out before they start pushing more out for me [Music] all right so that was finally all the silver that was underneath the 10 grand but um bad thing uh the silver bar actually snuck its way right underneath this hundred dollar bill here so um i'm gonna have to push that down in order to get the the ten grand but uh i'm okay i'm still gonna keep working at it got a whole lot of silver here uh i mean if i wanted to catch one of these and keep me playing for a while so i'm gonna keep going until i uh until i give up all right can you guys tell how hungry i am for that 10 grand getting all nervous dropping quarters and stuff all right i'll do one more don't let go all right all right [Music] silver pieces just dropped and then one fell into the pit there that one was actually in my my pocket so that's pretty good [Music] so this is probably worth mentioning i've almost got all the silver pieces off the top here there's only like uh let's see like five left there and once i get those down it's just quarters at the top so it'd be a little harder to get them the back they're moving but uh i don't think i can really beat myself up over it because there's a whole lot right here in the middle um and it's pretty much moving as a unit everything's kind of stuck in its place until the place gets moved oh okay so there's a ring actually fell down for me uh i had to use a little bit i'll use one of the silver coins to knock it down but i did get the ring down a little bit of a trick shot there i was kind of wondering if you you can actually get some of that stuff down off the ledges there [Music] [Music] so the last of the silver pieces from the top all the 20 all the silver pieces on the top there have now joined the bottom and i got a lot of quarters to play with up there but um hopefully the ground works done and i just got to knock off the silver bar and i can take that 10 grand so fingers crossed there's a whole bunch that's dropped into the pit i won't be seeing any of that so don't get excited over those drop sounds but maybe here's some good ones yeah so i can actually i don't know if you guys can see um but they're right here in the middle there it's hard to see i have a with a tripod there this is actually a jackpot hole that i'm realizing actually you've got a stack you got a whole bunch of quarters it's like a weight thing i think so once you have so many quarters in there it all tips the jackpot and you get to take a huge wings home but we haven't hit that yet so hopefully one of these videos will get that i'm sure i have a pretty good collection of quarters down there that i put there kind of interesting to see if anybody else has taken the jackpot i've played into [Music] all right so a whole bunch of silver just dropped i think i'm getting pretty close to knocking that silver bar down and hopefully the 10 grand with it [Music] all right sorry about that how to start my winning quarters out for my silver and it's pretty good amount of silver down there so but i'm ready to go now brings this now just so you guys know i haven't even used all my original quarters yet so i got a little bit a little bit to go yet all right that's a couple of quarters drop there and there's actually a silver piece right here that's getting ready to fall right underneath the 10 grand so hopefully we can knock that down and bring the whole stack of cash down with it okay all right so we got some stuff falling but nothing really nothing really to go to bank about i really want that 10 grand [Music] some recorders fell i'm sure you guys can see everything here so you guys see how caddywonk that 10 grand is franklin's in there giving me an eye so [Music] [Music] all right so a couple a couple good drops there i think i heard some silver jaws yep got a couple pieces of silver out more quarters to keep in clay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so all right so i really loaded it up back there this time see if i can get some movement all at once one thing i noticed when you throw a whole bunch in at the same time like that you just tend to get a lot and fall off the edge on the sides there where you go they go into the pit and you actually see it but um i'm obviously getting plenty out of the end of the pot so i can't be mad about that one a couple silver pieces i heard that's always good i should have waited a second for that one [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] so all right so that's a pretty good amount of silver still not a bar and still not the 10 grand all right so i'm starting to make it a little messy in the back there i might actually pay off for me and throw a bunch in the back layer them up and let them move but i'm kind of going to go back and forth in between putting a bunch in and they're just doing one or two at a time at least that's what i see so the more i play them actually look it looks like the 10 grand is probably gonna end up on the shelf here um i'm hoping i don't push it right up on the shelf but if anything like it'll gravity will help us out and bring it down get out of the shot here a couple more silver just fell [Music] sorry if you guys see it i'm out of a there we go a couple a couple of caught back there so if i just all right so there's a whole lot of silver that just fell get rid of those quarters in my hand and i'll go collect my winnings so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so there's a lot of silver that just dropped off there to the right if you watch my other videos you'll know what i'm talking about that red quarterback there's my lucky quarter so maybe that means we can get 10 grand out now we are approaching the end of my uh original set of quarters so i don't have a whole lot of time left might play off a couple winnings to see if i can get that in the last couple quarters you know how hard it is for me to walk away [Music] so all right so this is the last set of my quarters is all the quarters i'm using it's what i got left so wish me luck i'm going to use all these sparingly i don't want to do them all once uh take away from my uh poke tell you what though they really got that figured out these three huge stacks in there so i spend all this time here playing this game trying to get it out and just lands up on a shelf so but you know i'm the guy who's probably gonna come back and uh come back and try to get that guy out there i'm not gonna let that happen i uh really wanted to walk away with uh my first uh crisp dollar bill 100 bills and instead i have to walk away with a huge basket of silver oh darn that was my last quarter guys so yeah i dropped the quarter so i'll throw that quarter just so you guys can see all right well there you guys have it uh walk away i'm gonna give you a total count of how much silver i walked away with today uh here in a second i'm just gonna put you on pause and sort it all out but uh thanks again for watching guys and give me one second i'll be right back all right guys so uh this is all that came out this is my winnings for today um minus all the quarters i just put right back in the machine so uh it's actually a pretty good haul i think this might be my best haul yet i i'm not gonna count on it everybody's kind of in a rush here so i'm going to hurry up and let these guys close but i really wanted to get these uh get get a shot of this because this is a pretty good haul um so that's that's what i'm walking away with today and i'm not done i'm going to definitely come back with more quarters i'm getting this 10 grand out that's that's my money i'm taking it so i'll be back for it and i'll be back for my lucky red quarter but in the meantime thank you guys so much for watching i really appreciate um everything and i really would appreciate if you guys would subscribe push a little button right underneath the video subscribe and uh tell your friends subscribe and uh come back for more i mean we got plenty left to win i'm not not done um come back with us 10 grand and we'll uh we'll have some more fun guys so again thank you so much uh slam the subscribe ring the bell and uh we'll see you next time again thank you so much
Channel: Todd Bosley’s World Famous
Views: 14,893
Rating: 4.7667637 out of 5
Id: kJX4DOdF0Xk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 36sec (3276 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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