Yet Another HUGE Coin Pusher Haul in the Quest for Cash! - Silver Stacks & The Cash

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all right guys i am back and uh i am not leaving without that 10 000 that they just put right on top of the pile here so they did end up restacking it it's not the not the same pile i had before i left you the other day um but i i was kind of getting beaten up with the placement of that one so i'm actually okay with it being restacked so today looks like there's actually some uh gap between the stack and the silver here it's hard to see at the angle there but um it's actually pointing downwards so if i can knock them all down they'll just hopefully slide right in the pot for me um there's also a darth vader silver ounce in there again uh got one of those out a while back those were pretty neat um and then there's actually three stacks in the very back here where one of them actually already fell over it looks like um so it's been it looks like it might have caused a little bit of movement over here on the left of the main pile but uh i don't think it's gonna be an easy run today so we're gonna go ahead i have a whole box full of quarters and we'll see how far we get all right so a whole bunch right off the start we'll see what that does for me try to break it up kind of like you're playing pool gotta break the formation before a lot of movement starts to happen but what happens with these stacks of silver is they start to move the bottom start to move but the tops stay exactly in this in place so they start to kind of angle themselves and that's what makes them fall over so really it's just about driving them apart as you can see the middle there just fell over so hopefully there we go so you got a whole bunch just dropped in behind my pile there pop a couple in here and there just to see if i can get a little bit more moving on the top shelf it's really nice when you get one single silver piece and it lands flat because uh they're a lot bigger they cover more more area than a quarter and they just they move more so it's nice when you can get those to land flat but since they're usually on stacks they're usually stacked up on each other a couple more fell there in the back a little more fuel to help push it see a whole bunch of quarters that are going to drop here in about 30 seconds hopefully yup there we go some more quarters fell so as you can see we've pretty much broken up that middle pile there it was it was kind of like a triangle or a diamond shape when i first got here um but it's kind of just remnants of that you get the most the the main here and the off to the right most of that's still there but a lot of the back left has kind of fallen apart and starting to spread out the nice stack of um hundreds that i'm really wanting is actually hovering over the um the pot but what i'm afraid of now is if i push it the bottom is going to move all the bottom is going to fall it's going to land on the lip and it's going to get stuck there but i try not to think like that so i'm going to keep working at it see what movement i can get a couple silver pieces just fell a couple of them fell into the pit so i won't be winning those but it's okay yeah that quarter lined it up on top of the other one so you gotta spread them out and really even if you spread them out you can still land them on top of each other so that's what i really like is when they hit each other and they both lay flat next to each other all right so that's uh not what i wanted to happen the the piles falling backwards uh even though i was hoping it would fall forward um but it's okay though it just acts as more of a batting ram and keeps that keeps the pile moving so i can't beat myself up over that one there's another bad quarter drop the quarters silver pieces not a whole lot of movement looks like the the stack is actually moving backwards i mean the bottom's moving forward and the back the top is moving backwards so let's go that first quarter a little bit too early there all right all right so that's pretty good drop of silver i'm pretty sure there's an entire stack just fell maybe about half a stack uh i'll keep moving but what that stack was uh it was half of the support for that ten thousand dollar stack so hopefully i can knock the other support down and take the whole pile sometimes the cord is actually gonna get stuck in the back there not hitting anything you kind of have to throw a couple more quarters in and get them free it happens me a lot but all right so i'm just messing up my placement so i'm going to turn more and i was going to leave it at that but i had a really nice setup and i kind of stacked a couple quarters so now we got a whole like pretty much like a lake of silver here uh let it kind of move okay so um so now that the 100 000 stack is pointing backwards it was originally pointed downwards into the pot and now it's opposite so i just gotta play with it keep the stack of silver underneath it moving go ahead and grab some of my winnings so i don't get jams up there as i said there's a whole silver stack so that's a pretty good drop still looking i've got well over 20 silver coins here i'm not a silver expert but i'm pretty sure that puts me uh about halfway through halfway to a thousand that was another another silver piece of job so that's pretty good a couple more quarters fell out that's pretty good still no more silver and not a whole lot of progress on 10 000 stacks so i'm just going to keep at it hope everyone's having a good new year so far not letting the negatives of the world get to warm just like that lots of silver dropping that's gonna be how our year goes right lots of ones i did want to wish a happy new year to uh cindy lopez i remember guys keep your ears open wishing happy new year to a couple people throughout these videos i'm gonna go ahead and click my wings there because that's a pretty good one too so far that's about 17 more silver pieces on top of the 20 already had so i can definitely say i'm at a thousand so far a couple more silver pieces just fell so that's pretty nice there we go that's pretty good drop of silver that was a pretty good job i don't know if you guys heard that but uh that's all you need to do is here and you wouldn't know how much you want um i'm still down here gathering some uh grabbing some more winnings if i can learn the english language all right so i'm not counting anymore uh guys i'm i'm clearly at uh two grand and silver so far i'm just gonna let you guys know that and i'll let you know as i kind of pull more out but uh this is this is a lot of silver so far i'm just getting into it that's the nice thing about them getting stacked all side by side when you knock one down you're probably not gonna hold bunch down there's a lot in here all right so back at it so just so you guys know that the stack of ten thousand has definitely moved backwards now um so working a little backwards the counter uh counteracting myself but that's okay just landing on more silver which can hopefully just keep pushing it off i'm telling you guys i'm gonna walk away with that thing another silver piece just fell all right all right so that was a that was a phenomenal drop there's a lot of silver i almost got to put these quarters down pull that out in here plenty to go so sorry about that guys a lot of silver i had to pull out um so i don't have to sit there and fight with the the pot cover and try to get the all my winnings out usually if i let too many accumulate it kind of throws up and i can't even get to them so so just take this in for a second there's a lot of silver here just like in in the pot it's like ready to fall in the hole basically you sneeze on it and the whole bunch is gonna fall so pile up a couple quarters in the back and watch them drop just like i said so all right that was a lot of stuff that just dropped that's pretty good i'd like to get some more off the the right side there or the middle just because i feel like that would make more movement on that stack of uh cash that i'm after so you'll notice i'm just dropping a whole bunch so that was the jackpot so there must not be a siren that sounds off but all that quote all the noise you just heard uh you couldn't really hear it but i could um i'm just gonna pull it out real quick to show you there's a lot of quarters in there so it looks like the jackpot is made of just quarters so it basically what happens is when it fills up enough when it gets full enough it just kind of tips the scales and they all drop out unfortunately there's a lot of silver in here that's still from drop right before it so real quick that's those are some of the quarters from that jackpot and then these are the all the silver i've one so far it doesn't look like much but it's all stacked up in there and it's pretty heavy as you can see it's way easier to hold the left side than the right so going back to that right side there all right so that was a lot a lot of quarters and a lot of silver too i'm gonna have to pull that one out once i get this last quarter out all righty just show you guys that's probably about seven or eight more silver pieces i just pulled out um i dropped in there was a couple silver pieces fell into the pit there so i didn't win those i'm not gonna bother looking i kind of know that noise see one's actually sitting there i'm going to pull one more quarter in you'll see two drop out most likely see see how far we can go up there we go all right so we're gonna let those roll out and play i'm really gonna need you guys to start willing this uh this stack of hundreds off the off the edge here okay lots of silver that helped drop in quarter again so it's a couple more silver pieces that just dropped into the pitch i will not be seeing those but i have plenty of more silver friends that i have i will be taking home and we'll be pulling out this machine so i'm not really not even affected by it see keep going six more silver pieces of that i just pulled out so another thing you'll hear me like kind of messing with the quarters you get you get a whole pile of them you want them to be nice and neat like this you can go rapid firing on if they're in your hand like this can't really play with them like that you got to get them all in one nice pile and up there there also depends if you have too many quarters in your hand your hands don't really like slide off but the fact the more you get through the easier it gets i'll let those play out and have another half stack for this so i probably should have had about half the quarters i just showed you guys when i started this a little easier to wrap the firearm off so i've actually gotten a couple pieces of silver up on the ledge here never mind they just fell down so that that should prove that once stuff hits the ledge that can come down so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna be beat up next time get the uh hundreds up there i will say i think that ben franklin starting to get a little annoyed seeing my face here okay so i really felt like some should have dropped there but none did so let's see i'm gonna throw a couple more quarters in here all righty silver pieces fell so that's pretty nice i didn't think the last quarter i put over there was going to land right but it did so so keeping my quarters on my silver wasn't really working out anymore basket's only so big and uh kind of got too many of both so i got one big messy full of them now and the basket's pretty heavy i'm not even bother showing you guys yet uh we'll get a little farther in i will say we're starting to start near the end of my play i got a probably about 10 maybe 12 more minutes left to play for you guys so i'm gonna keep without it try to get that 10k out and before i leave um and let's go no time to waste right all right so a couple nice silver pieces just fell keep that going only about four pieces there so so all right all right so that's a pretty good drops pretty good set up a couple quarters fell up on the other quarters that's okay well that was only one effective quarter even though i got three all right so i have less than 10 minutes left for you guys so i'm gonna try to get through the rest of my quarters that i bought i haven't even finished them off and then maybe i'll use a couple of my winnings if i still have some more time oh yeah we still have a pretty good amount that i brought so i'm going to try to get some backed up there all right i have more quarters to go but that was a really good lineup somewhere i wasn't gonna mess with it and a pretty good drop two times in a row oh nope nevermind i was hoping it would be two times a little more work to get that's that server fall i did want to wish a happy new year to a pat krauser so congratulations i'll have some more people i'll be wishing happy new year too coming videos and i did want to say thank you to uh todd bozzi's world famous products for sponsoring me and letting me uh play these games and bring you guys all the entertainment you love so much just wanted to talk to you real quick about the satsuma pepper jelly it's actually a really good jelly you can use it on crack dip crackers in it pretzels chips spread on sandwiches or toast um but really i've never heard a satsuma pepper before tried a little bit of it but it tastes just like the the orange stuff you'd get in like orange sauce from a chinese restaurant um so you order your orange chicken this is just like that that stuff uh at least in my opinion i loved it um i'm pretty picky and i don't like a lot of stuff this is really good just like a silver dropping that's that that's how good it is so i'm gonna go ahead and pull this over out let's just just fall in so that's the last of the quarters i have left to play at least that i brought um if i have a little more time left i may drop some of my winnings in there and see if i can make any movement but uh i'm gonna stay true to my uh my time can't be late again that's a pretty good job though lots of silver today guys we're walking with lots of silver and little to no paper so i really would like to walk away with that 10k i've got about five minutes left to pull it off see if i can uh so that's all the quarters i brought today i'm going to go ahead and grab some of my linens to keep us going ouch so some of that silver actually just fell on my hand but you should never reach for your winnings when you have winnings dropping it's a little piece of advice for you guys you bang your fingers up with a piece of the silver quarters wouldn't hurt so bad but give me a second guys grabbing a couple quarters of this mess of silver and quarters i have to play with okay some more silver pieces fell so that's pretty nice so all right guys this is my last handful of quarters i'm going to blast them all out right away and then i'm done no matter what i walk away with i gotta walk away so all right guys that's it that's all the quarters i have all right so that's it looks like i gotta walk away today without that 10k after all um but don't worry i'm definitely coming back i'm not going to give up until i walk away with that makes makes this whole journey worth it so thanks again so much for watching i really appreciate all all your uh all your your likes your comments uh you guys have any anything you want to blast out there's comment section right below um don't forget to subscribe so you can see our whenever we have new ones of these coming out and you can always watch the old ones so we have uh have all of them in a playlist so you can find them right in their coin pushing so i think that's all i have for you guys thanks again so much for watching don't forget to subscribe and have a good night thanks
Channel: Todd Bosley’s World Famous
Views: 8,958
Rating: 4.7841268 out of 5
Id: d0HehFR_AgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 7sec (2527 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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