High limit coin pusher $500 buy in episode 11

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welcome back to the coin pusher uh you can see we've got a great big stack of coins there it's all up at the top basically it's a huge pile of chips and we're doing a 500 buy-in we got 200 quarters i asked him to set it up this way just to see if uh having way too many quarters up there affects it a lot or not so if we lose we only lost 500 bucks it's not a huge deal uh we'll see we'll see what happens i did get that new mic i'm trying it out now hopefully it works out all right if not we'll figure something else out uh i have uh i've left comments on the for the people that had won the uh bitcoins and the wireless earbud thing so if you hadn't already uh checked your messages or the comment area to see if you won on the last video go ahead and do that or do it after the video after this video either way and uh shoot me an email let me know your address and i'll get those mailed out to you it seems to be pushing pretty good so far of course we got a long ways to go to get it to our pay [Applause] [Applause] oh where it went see if we can't get him to go [Applause] say super left still a bunch of quarters up there [Applause] oh nice all right we're about to get quarters again and then start dropping down there in a minute [Applause] ah stack that one on top whoops so yeah we had a hundred subscribers this i think it was friday when uh i was recording that last video and since then i i believe we're like 400 and 430 or something but that's awesome i really appreciate it makes big difference on my morale keeps me a little more positive let me know you guys enjoying this quarters are about to fall into pay 50 chips getting close oh i thought i thought that was gonna do it there we go there we go we just we started getting quarters back i'm to do the right side a little bit see if we can't whoop something rolled all the way to the left see if we can't get some of those quarters to fall off i like to have as many quarters as possible all right that should be a good one doesn't appear that uh having all those quarters up there really made a huge difference it still pushed pretty good a lot of our chips have made it really close to the pay as long as you got enough quarters to push that on down it doesn't really matter if i double stack them or triple stack them or quadruple stack them i i kind of figured i was wrong and thinking that it'd make a huge difference but i think that's proof that it it just pushes on out wow i got busy talking i think i missed some chips falling yeah they just went fifty dollars that's pretty cool [Music] oh that was a nice one that was well over 100 bucks right there so when we did a 500 buy-in so shouldn't be very hard at all to make our money back that was a nice push oh sweet that was our last quarter let's go see what we got all right so we got 800 in chips pretty nice so we're definitely up already so everything from here i was just total profit and we've probably still got 200 quarters so i think it's doing pretty good didn't seem to matter if we stacked them way up or not pretty much the only way i don't have a quarters for the most part just if i get a whole whole bunch of them will stack up in the corners and that kind of gets stuck there forever basically [Applause] i don't know so i got my new laptop i wanted uh one of those new apple computers but they didn't have any in stock where i went so i ended up getting uh adele and then i spent the next the next two days downloading everything because the internet's terrible in my house super slow part of living out the middle of nowhere the internet just horrible but i don't have to worry about a bunch of cars and that's nice and peaceful outside so let's let's work the left see if we can get to get some more of those ships there's quite a bit right there did you get some no looks like there's a 25 chip in there i must have missed oh yeah those 50s are about to go another good push or two and we're gonna definitely get those hey look at that that 50 just fell on there and then another one's going too well [Music] those 50s fell on there and that big stack of stuff on the right fell over too i don't know maybe i bumped the machine a little bit on accident they're just barely hanging on there nevertheless those 250s that were up there that was originally on that big tower of chips so i i don't feel bad about that phone nice i think we just got 100 on that maybe 150 i'm gonna clean it out there's just getting to be a lot in there again all right there's another 400 which is fantastic quarters doing amazing probably still 200 if not more pretty confident we're gonna well we've already made our money back so it's pretty confident we're gonna make most of what's in there let's try to clean the house trying to stay left come on big bush gave us a bunch of quarters so we got 125 just hanging off the edge there let's make it rain a little see if we can't get some of that to fall all right we just got a 50 chip i missed most of them today i was kind of focusing on all the quarters i thinks will happen it's kind of off my game today i guess all right we just got another 50. let's get that 25 now so people have been asking also why why are they the thing's blocked so the house can't get the quarters well that's because it's a high stick coin pusher there's a lot of times you guys notice i barely get any profit occasionally they mess up and they make a game that i make too much on but uh most of time i just barely break even there's been a lot of times i lost too i just ended up deleting the video because i lost lost too bad it just wasn't it wasn't good material i do put us post losses but sometimes i lose really really bad and i don't know i just don't want them out there it's all a huge loss i try to keep it exciting as much as possible nobody wants to watch 30 minute video or something just to find out the guy lost a bunch of money or maybe you do that's the case i guess i can i can put the losses on there just don't feel bad for me when i if i lose money i enjoy playing the game it's i'm not worried about if i'd lost some money entertainment costs money [Music] it's gambling you're not not going to win every time all right we got another 50. so yeah that's why they got those blocked they're not worried about getting quarters back they're just trying to hope that they jam up like to this whole side over here there's so many quarters over here if there would have been any chips there i wouldn't get those i think you see that in a lot of the videos where stuff just gets stuck forever that didn't even matter what i do i just will not push it i don't always have those blocks but most the time when i come up here i got them blocked off let's make it rain a little bit all right that was only three quarters [Applause] see if we can get some big pushes [Applause] looking forward to getting the next goal of a thousand subscribers we'll do another giveaway when we get there hopefully they have something in here by then i'd been talking to them asking if they would uh put like silver coins or something a big big stack of silver coins that way i can mail those out i would assume i could just stick those in the envelope this cost me like 35 cents in postage so if that sounds sounds good to you guys bunch of silver coins big tower silver coins that i'll give away i get a thousand subscribers shoot me a comment let me know if you got something else you'd rather rather meet your eye i could do that too just that's just an idea that i'd come up with it can't be too expensive you know we we've got limits around here how much i can spend all right completely appreciated oh that's a good one all your feedback if i'm not busy at work because i do have a real job too you know i work 60 70 hours a week i'm not at work um trying to reply to comments reading them i love watching that subscriber number go up that was our last quarter let's see what we got all right so we got 275 it's pretty good quarter wise we're we're doing all right a little less they're they're getting kind of bound up over there on that right side we've already made our money back so there's not a lot on there there's what 325 bucks left see if we can get it all right try to drop three or four quarters at a time [Applause] 50s are getting close i don't really collect coins my fathering collects coins so if some reason i have you know i can't do that i can't take these quarters aren't gonna say i'd take that quarter home to them but they won't let me take this money oh well he's got tons of those anyways he's on the bigger and better things we all start somewhere and he's already past that he's he's moving on to uh well i went with him uh they got an auction and they they sell quarters there or antique coins and stuff collectible stuff and he got i think it was a 100 and almost 150 of those old steel pennies i i didn't realize they made steel pennies but it was a good push yeah he had said that uh apparently during during some war we had they were keep saving all the copper for uh i'm assuming bullets but for the war and so they made they made the pennies out of out of steel for a little while that's kind of neat i don't have any of those but obviously my father does just a little bit of history i found out this weekend i thought i'd pass along well we got one handful left doesn't seem to be pushing all that great everything is kind of getting stuck i don't know if we'll ever get that hundred over there on the right so much in front of it all right guys there's 1 525 in there so we made uh what 1025 profit it's pretty good for a 500 buy all right sorry about that camera messed up there for a second i got a one thousand twenty five dollars profit of a five hundred dollar buy-in i'm happy i hadn't already subscribed please hit the subscribe button uh hit the like button please uh leave me a comment of you know something you want changed i'm always up to doing things differently trying different things out yeah like i said i'm planning on trying to do uh silver coins for the thousand subscriber when we get to a thousand subscribers we'll do some silver coin giveaway um i got something else in mind besides that or just want to add something to it let me know and we'll see no promises all right take care and i'll see see y'all on the next video
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 11,675
Rating: 4.8885632 out of 5
Keywords: coinpusher, coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, high risk coin pusher, games, arcade
Id: r7XBuHBGolM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 29sec (1949 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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