1 Quarter Challenge $1,000,000.00 Buy in High Limit Coin Pusher

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hey everybody welcome back to the coin pusher today we're doing a one million dollar buy-in they only gave us one quarter for a million dollars we just set it over on that right side come on come on nice push oh yeah that's what i like to see nice got quite a bit of quarters back too oh nice they gave us another one all right let's get them in here real carefully come on oh yeah there we go there we go nice we got two quarters back we need a few more come on gotta make progress here oh my goodness that was it just two quarters oh my god scary come on baby give me a rat come on pressure come on oh yeah oh yeah nice big push that's what i'm talking about right there oh yeah it even gave us a few extra quarters nice but i made two grand i mean that's still a long ways to go to make a million dollars back it's a start let's start somewhere they got this thing loaded up real nice what is in there one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve tower or something like that i'm getting all kinds of five thousand dollar chips ten thousand dollar chips ginormous tower in the back it's already starting to go [Applause] wow look how much is on the edge the humongous tower in the back it's got a couple layers of gold in it it looks like all the tires are landing perfect so far well there's the last of the quarters oh my look at this tower almost ready all right we got the quarters nice made 173 thousand dollars on that last round got goodness what a little over 800 grand we've still got to get out of here break even hopefully they got some dice in here somewhere oh that ginormous tower in the back it's teetering nice that tire went good the one that just went oh yeah this is doing amazing oh my goodness wow green gold ten thousand dollar chips five thousand dollar kids oh my gosh nice [Music] it's all on the edge now oh look at this tower on the left oh nice so there's a dice in there right there oh yeah it's gonna be big money and get that out of there get to roll that whatever it lands on we get to multiply our winnings by that amount that could be a massive win goodness stay on this rack we've got two corner big old towers over there try to get them to go i'm gonna try to save that dice also this is doing real good all right look at all those 10 chips something right there in the center underneath those ten dollar chips i can see a red string i wonder if that ain't no mystery bag or something oh it is it is a mystery bag i'll open that up later on if we get it hopefully something real nice in there they normally put some pretty good stuff in those mystery bags i'll find out here shortly i gotta stay farther on the right don't i say that nice oh mr bags just barely hanging on there went got it oh that tower on the left finally went finally gave way that's probably good 100 200 000 probably that right side's not gonna hold on much longer so there's a bunch of ten thousand dollar chips on the edge little bars oh yeah hopefully we broke even already i hope so anyways all the rest of hope will be profit we tallied up here in a moment see where we're at the dice is getting closer won't be long now probably how to clean up clean that old loot shoot out huh all right we didn't count none of that we just cleaned it out knocked it down into the basket down there tallied all up and we run out of quarters all right someone ten thousand dollars oh yeah right corner's starting to move again glass is getting real close the tire on the right is hanging over the edge quite a bit way hanging over it's almost halfway maybe more oh the tower on the left just before i think all three of them hitting the glass now wow we just got some five thousand dollar ships off that left all right that was the last of the quarters we grabbed the quarters tallied up and we'll be right back nice made a little over 1.8 million dollars so we're way ahead it's doing awesome still got that dice in there three towers so we'll hopefully make a whole bunch of money which i really need because we lost a bunch so hopefully help us out quite a bit so [Music] tower on the right i'm surprised it's still standing it's going across the whole field now going for maximum push loaded up real nice oh yeah there's 10 grand we just got oh yeah the left side is going come on [Music] oh we almost got the dice right there on the edge [Applause] so oh nice the tower on the rap moved oh yeah we got the dice got that multiplier oh i forgot we also got 33 ounces of gold on that last round pretty darn good that's the last of the quarters let me grab the quarters tallied up they're right back nice made 74 grand on that last round i think there's just a hair over that 74 35 stay on the right side see if we can't get these towers on the right though there's two of them over there one of them is about to go any second just focus on this right side i hope we don't lose too much through the red shelves but i don't want to pay a million dollars to get them to move them anything touching the glass or the walls they'll come back and move but they charge you a fine and it's whatever the original buy-in was so in our case a million dollars i don't want to pay that just yet that's mighty expensive it really cuts into your profit if that dice though it uh would definitely probably still be okay for getting that if i am still eating at our profits though especially if we can do it on our own am i staying as far right as i can all right it's starting to go i seen it move some more timber nice yeah it's all going now that's the last of the quarters that's a pretty good round right there let me grab the quarters tallied up we'll be right back all right well we got that right side clogged up kind of kind of loaded down let's try the left side out i think we made a little over 150 grand on that last one might have been like 170 000. pretty darn good let's stay on the left side see if we can't get this tower on the left but they easily do now while there's a whole bunch of weight over on this side [Music] come on you can do it stay as far left as we can oh yeah it's buckling a big old tower nice it's moving it forward real good we're getting some ten thousand dollar chips there in the center let me stay further to the left keep just the left side pushing so come on [Applause] well it's been pretty stubborn but we'll get it hopefully it's ran through all the quarters though i'm gonna grab the right quarters oh yeah we made 98 000 on that last round oh that was a good push i have to get a couple more like that that was real nice oh yeah there we go that was a good one also that's a ginormous tower though not gonna give up without a fight [Applause] [Applause] all right guys stay further to the left center's starting to go on us i want that keep all the weight in the can on that right side [Music] oh nice time for that tire fell off [Music] hopefully that'll help us out quite a bit [Applause] goodness we went through all the quarters already and grabbed the quarters tallied up they're out back nice made 135 000 on that last round phenomenal all this from one quarter incredible a million dollar quarter it though an expensive quarter it's doing good though big push close around a bunch didn't it [Applause] yeah it's that tower bean stubber that was the last of the quarters again we got the quarters tallied up be right back nice made 32 000 on that last round starting to think maybe we ought to just go across the whole field i hope that we can get that tire to go before we lose too much weight on that right side we've been at it for a while now i've been here one hour and 53 minutes playing this game it's a long time putting quarters in it's pretty typical normally they pop out we still got a tower standing i need to get it out of there oh yeah that moved quite a bit right there that was a good push [Music] [Applause] well that was the last of the quarters right there we grabbed the quarters tallied up we'll be here right back nice we got 77 000 on that last round it's doing phenomenal get this tarot on this left side to get going [Applause] i think i might have jammed up the machine all right it'll break free here in a minute way back there there's way too many quarters got it all jammed up it's breaking free though we really needed that momentum though it's kind of taking it from us oh come on another push or so and it ought to be clear come on [Applause] it's pretty much clear [Applause] there it is so dennis has been stubborn hanging over the edge smash up against the glass [Applause] we'll stay on the left again i tried doing the whole field [Applause] [Applause] all right well that was the last of the quarters again we grabbed the quarters oh it almost went all right let's keep her going we didn't make nothing on that in that last round right there not a penny got a bunch of fours oh i went too far to the right getting stuff off uh i really gotta get that tower to go so close jammed up the machine again [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yes it's got to go soon [Music] it's all it's hanging over the edge quite a bit wow we went through all the quarters again all right let's grab the quarters all right made 31 grand on that last round [Applause] oh yeah it's moving [Music] leaning quite a bit come on come on push shaking it around quite a bit isn't it come on wow that's hanging way over the edge oh yeah it almost went goodness that was the last of the quarters though we got the quarters i spent 20 grand oh yeah it's starting to go come on stay far left oh we got the machine jammed up again been loading it up too much i really want that tire to get going look how far this thing's hanging over the edge all right that's the last of the quarters i grabbed the quarters now i stayed 21 000. my last round oh nice we got it nice i should be able to go across the whole field now huh get it all cleared out of there i almost had a quarters though [Applause] that's the last of the quarters let me grab the quarters we'll be right back nicely 247 thousand dollars in that last round real good oh yeah it's doing good nice get a bunch on that right side get that right side going [Applause] so fall on the edge [Applause] that left tire was super stubborn oh my almost got it all out of there that was the last of the quarters though i grabbed a couple quarters let's keep it going i didn't tallied up i just grabbed some quarters so close to getting it all out of there shouldn't take long now oh yeah nice you got the right side all cleared off get a couple on this left side and get it cleared off it's so close come on there it is nice nice all right well i'm gonna tally it all up oh well let's check and see what's in that mystery bag yes i've been waiting a long time to see what's in this baby let's check it out we got it popped open oh nice we got a one ounce gold bar and dice so that gets we got two dice now so we'll go roll them dice and be right back all right let's use this random comment picker to pick the winner of the video and it looks like the winner is bob beck congratulations bob beck if you contact me at coinpusher100 at gmail.com i'll send you over that hundred dollar amazon gift card good luck to y'all in the next one nice we ended up getting three million sixty thousand dollars we also got 33 out oh no 34 ounces of gold and those dice when i'm landing on three and the other one landed on a four so we got to multiply it all by seven turned it into 21 million hundred and twenty thousand dollars that's over a 20 million dollar profit that's outrageous unbelievably amazing well if y'all enjoy the videos do me a favor hit that like button and subscribe and we'll see on the next one take care
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 92,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coin pusher, High limit coin pusher
Id: 2IR_h54IzLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 38sec (1958 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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