Coffee Crusted Beef Tenderloin

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hey everybody I'm chef Tom with a tbq calm and this is coffee crusted beef tenderloin today I want to share with you guys a really simple but really tasty recipe for this smoked beef tenderloin we're gonna rub it with a coffee rub smoke it on the smoker and sear it to finish all very simple but to follow things up we're going to create a really nice cream sauce with garlic and Brie it's cheesy its creamy it's amazing and it's gonna go fantastic with our coffee crusted beef tenderloin so here we have a five pound beef tenderloin this is the whole tenderloin you've got the head in down here the tail and of course the chain that runs along the side there now in the past I've showed you guys how to break this down into the center cut how to make some roast out of it some steaks we're just gonna cook it whole today the only thing we want to do first is go ahead and remove this tail and get some of that extra gunky stuff out in the middle take off some of this silver skin because that's chewy and we don't want that on the end product now the chain here is really easy to find you just run your fingers along the side there and then a couple simple cuts will separate this piece of meat that's covered in fat and tissue so you could go all the way to the end here or you can leave some of it behind we're just gonna make a nice clean cut and this I like to throw into my grind but you can also just throw on the smoker to cook for snacks for the rest of this roast here we're just going to be cleaning up what's on the surface any of this really tough stuff that we don't want to chew on and that silver skin that's down below you just want to slide your knife right underneath it cut yourself a little tab hold on to that and then with your knife kind of facing up a bit so you don't gouge into the meat just gently coming down you want to take with it as little meat as possible hopefully this is all silver skin this can be a little bit tedious but it's worth the time it takes to get rid of that silver skin it's really not enjoyable to chew on after the fact all right so the top sides cleaned up pretty well flip this over and work on the other side where we've got some more really thick bits of fat that we can take off you're not really going to be eating those in the end anyway cut through that you'll see it's entirely fat so we're just going to trim that surface fat right off of here look if you want to leave this behind leave it behind I'm just cleaning it up for presentation a bit and then we're going to get down to the tail where it gets really thin and honestly this stuff's just going to burn up anyway so I'm just gonna make myself a clean cut and we'll throw that scrap in with the grind so that's it for trimming we're gonna leave it that way really trimming that up just a little bit probably going to save you about five bucks a pound on the price of this meat so it's really worth your time and your money now for our seasonings today we want to really complement the beefiness of this cut of meat with some earthy flavors some coffee and chipotle peppers neither of which will be the star of the show in the end you'll see it'll really just elevate the dish overall now before we get our seasoning on our beef tenderloin we just want to get a little bit of binder down so we're using the House of Q slow smoked gold mustard sauce always a great choice but you could use any kind of binder that you like when a little extra spicy use some hot sauce or sriracha you could even just use a little bit of oil this is gonna add just a little bit of Tang eNOS as well today we're gonna double down on the rubs we're starting with the Oakridge BBQ black-ops rub so this is a great savory rub it's got a little bit of sugar in it as well but some really interesting notes with the coffee and shitake mushrooms so this is our base layer this is really going to suck into the meat here on the surface then we're gonna add a second rub to create some extra texture now this is the Cattlemen's grill smoky Chipotle it's a coffee steak rub also has coffee and it also has a little bit of sugar in it and then that should pull a pepper but one of the great things that this rub gives us that the other one doesn't is that texture on the outside that really works to form a nice crust and bark so let's work all that into the meat pick up what's left on the table and already this looks wet on the surface which means it's already ready to go on the smoker we'll get this guy place right here on the top lots of room for the smoke to circulate around we're set up completely indirect at this point but today we're cooking on the Yoder smokers ys6 40s pellet grill will be smoking at 225 degrees and we're running pecan and cherry pellets we do have the grill set up for smoking that means completely indirect but I also have my grill grates in place over the firebox so that later on we can pull the door out and do some direct grilling for our reverse sear the tenderloins been smoking for just over an hour now and temperature on the internals reached 105 and the deepest part of that tenderloin that means it's time to take it off we're gonna cover it and set it aside while we crank the grill up to finish with a sear so we're looking for the temperature and the deepest part of the tenderloin there right in the middle is about the fattest it also gets a little bit fatter down here at this end but that's where you're really looking to get the proper temperature at the ends it's going to be a little bit higher and that's fine so now we're gonna set the grill up for direct grilling take the second shelf out pull our grill grates out of the way and remove that door slide these back over and crank the temperature up we're gonna get a 475 hey guys remember I said that the chain was a really good little snack it's got a lot of fat in it but it also makes for a really nice way to grease the grates here before we sear off the tenderloin so we'll leave that off to the side to finish how to be good snack and then we have the Tenderloin itself that's just been resting for the last five minutes or so while the temperature comes up in the grill so now we just want to keep an eye on that roll it around get some nice color on the outside on all of the sides and in the meantime we're also going to be putting together our cream brie sauce with the garlic in it so we're gonna be a little bit back and forth we'll make sure that we don't overcook this for targeting about 125 on the internal temperature here we're gonna get that cream sauce going back at the table we're gonna start our sauce sauce off with four tablespoons of unsalted butter just let that gently melt down over medium heat I'm gonna slice up a couple of shallots here I just want to get the skins off and slice them nice and thin we're gonna add our shallots in here we're also going to add a quarter cup of garlic that's been minced down already we want to go medium low heat here we don't want to do too much browning we just kind of want to work this garlic flavor into the butter base start to break up these shallots in the meantime let's go check on our beef tenderloin nice it's a good grill marks on there great little crust forming on the outside we check the internal temperature 1:13 so we're coming right along and that's great because we're about halfway to that 125 that we want to just close this up and let it finish out bringing the heat down low now so really just poaching this garlic to soften it while that's happening let's go ahead and pull some thyme leaves to throw in here I really love the flavor of thyme and butter onions all these things go together really great especially going to complement with that creamy brie so I'm gonna be pretty generous with the time we're looking to do a couple tablespoons of leaves and just run a knife through here to make sure everything's kind of even in size all right we're at 125 almost on the money and I'll let this finish with the carryover cooking when it comes off the grill just loosely cover that with foil once again go ahead and add the time as well mix that in our garlic's coming along you can see the shallots are getting softened that's really what we're looking for we don't want the garlic to have that raw smell anymore and those shallots should be pretty translucent in color I give this another minute before we add our chicken stock all right so we're also going to add a about a teaspoon a little bit less of our black opps rub that we used on the beef itself bring some of that mushroom in there really adds to the earthiness of the sauce everything else is cooked down so right now I'm going to add our chicken stock we're kind of deglazing with the chicken stock you could also use wine to do this but I'm going to bring the heat up now and I'm gonna cook this chicken stock down until it's almost gone so we've just got that concentrated flavor of the chicken stock down in there so here we have our eight ounce wheel of Brie I'm gonna slice it open this stuff is just super creamy on the inside and then it's got that tougher rind on the outside the rind won't break down so well so I'm gonna cut that off and then we'll just kind of scoop the creamy stuff out of the center and add it to our sauce the cream is already thickening just from simmering away and now we're gonna start to melt that brie into the cream sauce I'm just working in there until it's fully melted and incorporated just the outer layer I don't want to leave much behind and take with us what we do so melting it down and that's all there is to it we're just going to wait until it's fully melted we're looking for the right consistency in the sauce but we're already getting there alright guys I am calling it good here this is looking like a fantastic consistency let's get a little taste here see on the spoon it coats it really nicely do that oh my this is what we call a special occasion sauce sitting for every weeknight save it for something special because this is incredible especially for your garlic garlic lovers out there you're not crazy about the garlic dial it back just a little bit but so rich and creamy I can't wait to see what this tastes like with our beef tenderloin all right guys it's been about 15 minutes here on our beef tenderloin it's been resting we've got some great juices left behind check this out don't lose those that's pure flavor keep your juices to come in here and start slicing some steaks some nice thick ones and it smells incredible just a bit of a pink Center tons of juice in there that's ideal as I come down to the end here I'm gonna make a special cut I'm gonna take that thick part off the in there you still get a couple of good steaks there and that's your snack all right for presentations sake today we're going to come right over the top with our brie cream sauce I make a little extra sauce just in case all right I'm gonna dig into this guys just to show you how tender these are just a fork is all you need to cut right through that no steak knife required beautiful it's been a little taste oh man that rub is amazing I love the coffee with everything it's got a touch of sweetness from the sugar in the rub but man that creamy garlic brie sauce unbelievable it was just savory that fat covers your mouth so much flavor with so little effort I mean you could cook this any night of the week but it's decadent enough to say for special occasions well thank you guys so much for watching be sure to check out ATB BQ comm for all of the products featured in today's video if you enjoyed the recipe hit that subscribe button and if you have any questions or comments so there's anything you'd like to see me cook let me know in the comments section down below and let's be good to one another for more recipes tips and techniques head over to 80 BB q comm slash the sauce all things BBQ or barbecue legends are made
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 53,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atbbq, all thingsbbq, all things bbq, all things barbecue, bbq, barbecue, beef, beef tenderloin, filet, smoking, grilling, cooking, recipe, Yoder Smokers, pellet grill, sauce, cream sauce, cheese sauce, steak sauce, steak, holiday recipes, holidays, coffee, coffee crusted, the sauce, chef tom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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