Beef Tenderloin

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beef tenderloin let's cook it [Music] beef tenderloin classic holiday dish that's a favorite amongst my family we normally do either Thanksgiving or Christmas at my brother's house and this is typically what he prepares and the family absolutely loves it lots of ways you know that you can do it obviously here at the meat church we love to use smoke so we're going to smoke it and then we're going to sear it at the end you could do things like sous-vide it's really good that way you could roast this in your oven but like I always say we don't do anything indoors so here's how we started out when you buy a whole beef tenderloin this is how it comes you can get these at your grocery store you can get them at Costco I get them from my friends 44 Farms down in Cameron Texas never ever product means no hormones antibiotics it's amazing beef this is a prime grade so we know this is going to be delicious you can also go with a lower grade like a choice and it would make an amazing beef tenderloin it's you know super super tender and with the way we're going to cook it it's going to be amazing so how did we get to this point I trimmed the whole tenderloin down just a little bit and there's a few ways you can do this we're going to cook this hole and we're trying to feed a couple families so I would like to kind of maximize the meat that I cook if you are going to buy a whole tenderloin and trim this out and cut it down into filet mignons you would actually take this a little bit further than what I did so let me talk about what we did and how we got here I want this to be nice and even I did trim the kind of end off here the tail up into a part was pretty thick you can also leave that on and fold it under if you would like so I pulled you know a lot of this stuff off the top by hand that I could and then I ran my fingers along inside this natural seam to remove What's called the chain so I separated that out and then very important step I removed the silver skin here off the bottom that's super important and don't be intimidated by it because it's really tough and with a sharp knife you can go right underneath that and you can remove it with ease you'll notice I actually left the head on this and that's because there's a lot of meat here and I'm going to butcher twine this up to make it even and as you see this is fairly even it obviously gets a little smaller here but if I really form this like a tube it's actually quite even all the way down to about right here and so that's going to cook really really even now down here which will be a little more cooked than this section I'll just serve that to someone in my family that likes their beef cooked to a little higher internal temperature than what I like so pretty simple so we took some butcher twine I'm gonna go the very simple route of cutting five or six strings here and I'm going to tie them just every couple inches to help this keep shape you can skip this step if you want but as you cook it it could kind of flatten out so in order to keep it nice and round we're going to tie this as I just mentioned here's the nice and simple way to do it [Music] all right we've got it all nice and trussed up and good to go so now I'm going to slather it and season it now you could have done this before you put the butcher twine on I just thought it would be nice and clean to show you how you do this directly on the meat so it doesn't really matter I'm going to slather with an English mustard much like you would do with a beef wellington so I'm using just this Coleman's mustard here that I get at my local grocery store this is optional you certainly don't have to slather I like the flavor element uh it's you know it's subtle but the color that it gives is really nice and like I said it comes from uh you know basically what you would do with uh with the Beef Wellington so my buddy Kevin VanDam called me just before the start of deer season and if you fish you know Kevin VanDam and he said that for his family they prepared beef tenderloins the night before the season opener and he asked me if I had any advice and I said you know what I love a mustard slather and if you guys follow him on Instagram he cooked two one with a slather one without and he claimed the slather was the way to go all right let's season this up I'm going with the beef uh flavor that I love which is our holy cow which is salt pepper garlic and then I'm gonna come across that with our garlic and herb so just really traditional beefy pairing that I love certainly you can use you know whatever the heck seasoning you like you could also do a dry brine on this which I'm not doing today but a dry brine would be where you could salt this so if you guys watched our dry brine turkey video you could have put a heavy application of kosher salt on this and let it sit for a while I've been known to do that with a lot of different beef if you've got the time I think that's a great application you could either leave it on for about an hour and rinse it off or you could brine it the night before with salt and then you could leave the salt on it and you could basically it will pull the moisture out of the meat the salt will absorb back in and then you could just add pepper to it the next day so this garlic and herb I always say is a pretty delicate seasoning so you can put a lot of it on here it's not going to hurt you but again season whatever you like and we're going to let this sit here for at least 15 minutes but with this big cut I'd love to give it a little more time if I were you give it up to an hour or so so that's looking mighty fine okay let's talk about cooking while we let this sit here so today I'm going to choose to reverse sear which means I'm going to smoke it at first and sear it at the end you could do a couple other options as well you could just smoke it until your desired internal temperature you could sear it at first and then smoke it to your desired temperature but we're going to smoke our mil scale 94 gallon offset which is an amazing cooker you guys follow me you know that I love this but you don't have to smoke it you could cook this on your pellet grill your kamado Style Grill your Kettle whatever the heck you want to cook it on but we're running 275 degrees Post Oak fire temperature wise instead of going really low to me 275 is going to leave this in long enough to get plenty of smoke you could even cook it hotter if you want less smoke we're going to go to 110 internal temperature and then we're going to pull it off and we're going to sear it back here on our mil scale Yakitori so I'm just going to let this sit here I'm gonna get 15-20 minutes and I'll be back and we'll get to cooking seasonings adhered so let's put it in the pit we're not going to do anything to this I'm putting the head in closer to the fire since the tail is a little smaller we'll put that towards the back not going to baste it do a thing again we're cooking it to an internal temperature of 110 degrees in the dead middle if you like yours even more well done then you'll cook it further but we'll talk more about that when we go to Sears so I'll check in with y'all when we're closer to 110. while the beef tenderloin is cooking let's put together a sauce that I love so let's make a horseradish cream very very simple I go two parts of mayonnaise to one part sour cream and a bunch of fresh horseradish so two to one you know me I use Duke's Mayonnaise I like the cider vinegar twang in it and this is you know it's horseradish to taste it's a lot this is like a third of the jar that I had Stir It Up salt and pepper to taste but you know me I don't salt and pepper anything a holy cow and lastly a little bit of fresh lemon juice there's our friend Cody sharp says Sheek of a lemon so it's the perfect amount Stir It Up and if you want to get real bougie put a little Truffle in it you know I can't afford real truffles so I'm gonna hit a little little black truffle oil optional but man this goes great especially at the holidays we're gonna put this in the fridge and let it chill I'm gonna go get my Yakitori Grill over here ready because we're getting pretty close on the tenderloin and we're going to need to see it here in just a minute off the fridge I go see y'all in a second [Music] all right guys it's been one hour exactly 111 right there she looks beautiful all right I'm going to make sure my fire's hot over here on the Yakitori lift this rest for a few minutes and then we're going to sear it all right guys it's been about 10 minutes the fire over here in the middle scale Yakitori is nice and hot as you can see so let's go ahead and cut off this twine because if you don't when you stir it it's going to pop off anyway okay all right glove up so I've got a cotton string glove on here with the nitrile glove pulled over the top because I don't like to use tongs it's just easier for me so we're going to put this over here on this hot fire I don't know how hot it is it's over 500 Degrees and I'm just going to sear this for you know two three minutes or so to get a nice char [Music] foreign get all sides bring it back to the block to rest so depending on your desired doneness I like medium rare remember we took it to 110 in the smoker while we rested it it probably got up to 115 116. gonna sear a couple minutes I'm trying to go under medium rare for my liking but if you like this cooked higher then just go higher with it [Music] foreign [Music] guys it's been on you know we we went with probably about two minutes aside total I said two three minutes to clarify I meant two three minutes per side kind of rolled it around and again it's gonna be preference thing for however you like it so I'm gonna go grab the horseradish cream out of the fridge and I'm ready to get into this all right guys this looks awesome it smells awesome I'm ready to go so get the Montana Knife Company chef knife out here and let's see how we did tell you how we did nailed it this right here honestly is is perfect done this for me personally what I like so before I even get into testing this I'm going to tell you again if you like it cooked further then we went to 110 you can go closer to 120 or you can go pull it at 110 and just sear way more than two minutes per side if you want but for me that right there in the middle this is how this middle may be a little difficult for you all to see that's how it would have looked come off the smoker and this exterior is from all that sear that we did but man I can tell you right now actually I won't tell you oh my God that's the most tender thing I've cooked all year I've said before more tender than your mother's love you could gum this it's so tender dang I ain't mad at it sorry hold on okay holy cow garlic in her amazing flavor profile but first off this 44 Farms beef is insanity I mean it's just so so so good oh forgot my horseradish cream it's just me eating here so glove please suck it where's my house that's awesome you gotta make that all right so let me tell you something this video is supposed to be coming out a little bit before Christmas if you want to order any of this stuff online be mindful of shipping transit times this time of year you might want to consider hitting the dealer locator and shopping local uh you know so that you don't have any potential issues because this is coming out like 10 days or so 11 days before Christmas if we stay on track this was awesome this is definitely in my top five things that we have cooked all year so I would highly recommend this for your holiday meal this will go in our holiday playlist we got everything from all sorts of you know pork tenderloins and turkeys and but who the heck eats pork when you can eat 44 Farmer's beef all day long thanks for watching like And subscribe weekly how to outdoor cooking videos see y'all next time foreign [Music]
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 297,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beef tenderloin, tenderloin, mill scale yakitori, mill scale offset pit, whole tenderloin, smoked beef tenderloin, reverse seared tenderloin, Chateaubriand, beef tenderloin recipe, whole beef tenderloin, beef tenderloin roast, how to trim a tenderloin, how to cook a beef tenderloin, horseradish cream sauce, meat church, matt pittman, barbecue, grilling, meat church bbq, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, how to, how to make, cooking show
Id: 9tZSF5gaWgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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