Châteaubriand & Bacon Wrapped Green Beans

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hey everybody I'm chef tom with a TV BQ comm and this is Chateaubriand with bacon-wrapped green beans all right today I'm here to play your wingman I'm gonna help you make a fantastic dinner for two just in time for Valentine's Day we're preparing Chateaubriand a two-person roast of beef tenderloin the center cut best piece of that tenderloin and we're also gonna have some bacon-wrapped green beans so let's jump right into trimming out that tenderloin this right here is a whole beef tenderloin untrimmed and you don't have to buy it this way but this is how you're going to get it the cheapest so if you eventually think that you will want to use a beef tenderloin for some filet mignon you've got this nice roast at the head into this then I would recommend breaking this down yourself now there's a few main components here you want to look at we have the main part of the tenderloin here this right here is right where our Chateaubriand is gonna come from we also have the chain which is going to be removed and the head right here that's going to be removed all right so a lot of this you can actually do by hand just sort of separating it use your knife to help you out just a little bit down here but this pretty pretty obviously wants to separate at this point so you're just kind of following along all right so one clean cut to separate that this chain meat is fantastic for grinding put in your burgers your sausage and then we're going to try and do the exact same thing down here at the head end of this tenderloin and that's to just sort of gently separate this all right so there's that roast which cooks up really nice by itself or you can kind of fake it and turn it into filet mignon by slicing thicker slices out of it all right so now we've got the tenderloin isolated we just need to clean this up get rid of some of this silver skin on here because that tough stuff just won't break down now that stuff we're pulling off that's not silver skin that's just fat that's hardly attached but that'll kind of expose the rest of that silver skin there don't feel like you have to take this off all at once you want to try and leave as much meat behind as possible so this should look white on the bottom where you're not leaving any meat behind and if that means working in thin strips then take your time to make sure you do it right so cut yourself a little tab there at the end then with the knife sort of angled up just take that silver skin right off of there hopefully we just leave behind as little meat as possible now we're gonna start to clean up some of that hard fat starting right here on this front edge this is all pretty hard with almost no meat there so we'll just take that right off and we'll flip this over as you can see the sides not quite as pretty with a lot of ridges in it so we want to get rid of some of this fat and kind of smooth everything out again this fat can all be used in your grind your burger grinder your sausage grind but for presentations sake we don't want a bunch of lumps on the outside of our Chateaubriand all right so we've got the whole thing cleaned up now our filet mignons gonna come from this thinner part our Chateaubriand is going to come from the center cut the thickest part of the tenderloin here we're looking for about a five inch section of this tenderloin so I'm gonna make the cut right here do one right down here this is gonna shrink up a bit and that's what we're working with today now you can cut steak portions out of the rest of this just going every inch and a half or so that's a really nice steak right there and you can continue that with the rest of your tenderloin to portion out these steaks and then the same thing with this other side the tail end and get some filet mignon out of that tail end of the tenderloin you may feel like you're getting some loss out of this you're gonna snip this off and throw it in your burger grind but you have to think about if you're buying steaks like this filet mignon you're gonna pay twice as much as if you buy this hole so if you do the work yourself and you don't throw away half of it then you're already ahead just make sure you utilize these other cuts this nice roast from that head end these all make for great meals there's utilization for that fat for that trimming so keep that in mind when you're buying whole versus buying trims so this is how this breaks down we've got the Chateaubriand we've got our steaks cut out here that roast from the head end this is your trim pile and this is all we're throwing away I've got everything but the Chateaubriand packaged up and put away so now we're going to get this thing seasoned and get it on the grill we're gonna season this pretty simply today I'm hitting it with just a little bit of duck fat spray to start to give our seasoning something to stick to but like I said really simple we're gonna do some smoked salt and a little bit of fresh-ground pepper on here and today we've got the pecan smoked flaked finishing salt works just as well as any other salt but adds just a little bit extra smokiness and then we'll hit it with some pepper today we're cooking on the other smokers why a 640 pellet grill it's running at 250 degrees currently and we're gonna start this guy off on the second shelf to get some smoke for about 45 minutes or until the internal temperature comes to 100 degrees while we're waiting on that Chateaubriand to come up to temperature on the smoker we're gonna put together our green beans all right this is really simple we're gonna take about 6 ounces of these long cut green beans we're gonna add just a little bit of this marinade to them this is the smoke on wheels barbecue marinade but it's real savory garlic onion butter extra virgin olive oil and lemon and we just want to give that a nice coating they don't need to sit in there too long because you can see all that stuff's gonna stick to the outside then we're gonna hit them with just a little bit of steak rub we're using the Cattlemen's tri-tip one of our go-to s for veggies and for steak I just want something savory you got to have that salt that black pepper and that garlic in there and then we're gonna lay out our bacon here divide your green beans in half two bundles one for you and one for your sweetie and then just wrap it up doesn't have to be pretty doesn't have to be perfect just has to hold together and those are ready to go so we're gonna put together some flavors that really complement beef and then mix them into a butter because fat carries that flavor and as that butter melts out across that steak the flavor spreads throughout the dish we're starting with half a stick of butter and we're gonna add to that about a teaspoon of minced garlic and a teaspoon of minced shallots I also want about a teaspoon of fresh tarragon so we're gonna strip these leaves off the stems and mince this down and what we're doing here is we're kind of mimicking some of the flavors of a Bearnaise sauce without all of the work of making that bearnaise alright so right in the bowl with everything else along with the squeeze of lemon juice going for about a teaspoon of that as well just a dash of hot sauce I like the vinegar in there and just a little bit of heat and you're also gonna need a sprinkle of salt we've got that smoked salt in there as well so that's everything pretty simple now we're just gonna mash it all together and mix it until it's well combined then you want to leave this out at room temperature so that it easily melts into the steaks once they're sliced that's really nice the fat coats your mouth and it allows those flavors to kind of move all the way around your palate but start from the lemon from the hot sauce tarragon's already popping off and it's gonna even get more intense as this sits and everything warms to room temperature together it's been about 50 minutes that our Chateaubriand on now and it's come up to a hundred degrees internal temperature now about half an hour into this process I slid a 12-inch large cast iron skillet in there to preheat because that's what we're going to be finishing this cook on let's take a look inside of the grill make some adjustments and get ready for the sear so there's our beef we're gonna pull that off and tint it with some foil the next thing I want to do is remove this second shelf so it's not in the way and then I'm going to remove the door here from our two-piece diffuser so that we can open this up to direct flame our grates back in place remove our cast iron just a little bit closer and we're gonna crank this grill up we're gonna go all the way up to 450 degrees now while this is coming up to temperature we're going to slide this over here so that at least this half of the cast iron is really starting to get hot for that sear and we can also add our green beans right over here to start to come up to temperature soften the beans a bit and then when this thing really gets hot we'll get some crisp on the bacon alright we've given this about a ten-minute head start here the skillets smoking hot over there you can hear the bacon sizzling away we're gonna move some of that grease over to the other side [Music] fantastic aroma coming off of these already we're going to start to move these around to crisp the bacon on all sides just want a little bit of fat down there to give us a nice sear on the Chateaubriand and we've got that right there in the hot spot just above the flame where we can get a really great sear in the short amount of time and let's see how that Sears looking on the first side all very nice beautiful right now you really need to be paying attention to that internal temperature on the beef because if you're sitting it like say 95 100 degrees and it hasn't come up any further you could always close the lid on the grill and start to bump that temperature up a little bit faster for us we're right on schedule 115 with one more side to sear so I'm gonna leave the lid open so we don't trap too much heat in there yours looking good on that side as well so we'll get a whole more roll checking out the green beans getting some browning on that bacon the beans are starting to soften up as well and just keep right on cruising now we're creeping up on 120 internal and since we've got time we're gonna stand this up and get a little sear on these ends as well move that bacon fat down there there we go that's what we're looking for [Music] all right guys we are just about there checking the internal 125 126 125 on the money [Music] all right we're gonna take this out of the hot skillet and just move it tint it kind of with a pretty loosely with the foil just to let it rest for a few minutes before we slice into it I just throw the lid back on the skillet here to keep our beans warm all right we have rested the Chateaubriand and we're ready to slice it up we're just going to go with some fairly thin slices over here I'll get the finish on that nice and pink in the center plenty of juices that's beautiful all right we made a little bit of potato puree to put on the bottom here kind of fan out your slices there and then we've got our green beans here look at that just beautiful all we need is a little bit of that compound butter and just let it melt right into those warm slices top it off with some chives for the pretty and that's a beautiful plate all right let's give it a taste just melts in your mouth and then that butter butter coats your mouth and there's so much flavor burst of flavor from the garlic the tarragon is in there that bit of tart from the lemon that's incredible look so maybe this year this is date night you skipped the restaurant prepare this all at home it's incredibly delicious it's really not that much work you're gonna get big-time brownie points thank you guys so much for watching be sure to check out ATB BQ comm for all of the products featured in today's video if you enjoyed the recipe hit that subscribe button if you have any questions or comments so there's anything you'd like to see me cook let me know in the comment section down below and let's be good to one another for more recipes tips and techniques head over to eighty b BQ comm slash the sauce all things BBQ where barbecue legends are made
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 69,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atbbq, all things bbq, all things barbecue, yoder smokers, pellet grill, smoking, grilling, steak, beef tenderloin, roast, veggies, valentine's day, recipes
Id: X-dwsadce84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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