Ina Garten's Filet of Beef with Mustard Horseradish Sauce | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

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three things I love about filet beef with mustard  horseradish sauce are fillet beef may be a little   expensive to buy but it's so easy to prep  I don't mind the second thing is the sauce   is like five ingredients whisked together in a  dish that's it and the third one is that I have   this great system so the filet beef comes out  perfectly roasted every time let's go make it so let's roast a filet so I know this looks  a little daunting but it's not trust me so I   asked the butcher to trim and tie it so trimming  is taking off all the fat I know that little layer   of silver that's sometimes on it taking that off  too and then tying it so it's nice and round and   sometimes there's like this little end help tie it  under and the point of tying it like these little   strings is to make sure that it's very even so  the beginning the middle and the end all cook at   exactly the same time so it's going to be perfect  so that's the fillet and I'm gonna just dry the   outside and the point of this is so the butter  that I'm going to put on the outside sticks to   it that's the drawing so two tablespoons of room  temperature butter you want to be really soft   and then I just do it with my hands just slather  it on the outside and the point of this is to keep   the meat really moist also then the salt and  pepper that I'm going to add is going to stick   to it I actually did this with Jay Leno once  a long time ago on TV I had him rubbing butter   on a filet of beef if you can't make a joke  out of that he doesn't deserve to be a comic   it was really fun okay so I'm going to just rub  this on the outside get better all evenly all   over it good and messy tablespoon of salt I know  it's a lot but you really want you've got a whole   filet beef to season I want to make sure it's  really well seasoned and a tablespoon of pepper slippery hands this is such a great dish for a holiday it's  not really Tuesday night dinner but it's for   a holiday or for a special event so easy to do  and people are so impressed that you can make   a whole filet of beef okay I'm just gonna wash  my hands into the oven 500 Degrees it's really   hot make sure your oven's very clean otherwise  it'll smoke for 22 minutes for rare but I like it   medium rare so I'm going to do it for 25 minutes  and it comes out perfectly every time [Music]   next mustard horseshire sauce say that 10 times  fast okay so first I need one and a half cups of   mayonnaise mayonnaise is a great base for sauce  the key is that it doesn't taste like mayonnaise   when I have the store I would make all these like  chicken salad minutes but I'd add white wine or   mustard or something to take away that kind of  distinctive mayonnaise flavor three tablespoons of   Dijon mustard and then because I want it to look  like mustard and taste like mustard one and a half   tablespoons of coarse grain mustard and then you  see the grains of mustard and that kind of little   bite of mustard which is great tablespoon of  horseradish not too much because it's really   sharp and a third of a cup of sour cream so the  mayonnaise and sour cream together kind of like   mess the fact that you started with mayonnaise  should be about a third of a cup and salt and just whisk it all together so you've  got a really great high low thing really   fancy filet beef and a sauce that you  made from ingredients in your pantry   I almost didn't even have to shop for  them I'm just gonna put this in a bowl maybe a simple sauce but you put in a fancy Bowl  looks fancy I actually collect these hotel Silver   bowls they're really great it's kind of not  your mother's fancy silver it's like silver   that hotels used to use so it has that patina  I love it and that's the sauce okay the beef's   almost done I'm going to take it out to rest and  then we're going to go to the Garden so I'll take   the filet Out Boy does that look good I'll cover  it in foil and let it rest while I head outside   so when it comes to the Garden I've  just recently redone it [Music]   I mean the truth is I'm always redoing  it but instead of adding things I seem   to be taking things away so make it simpler  and simpler so I've got big box wood well   that used to be boxwood now ilex hedges  big squares Willows and the four corners aren't they crazy I love the Willows I think  they're really fun and this is Nepeta no it's   not napita actually it's kalamintha it's  Napa in the spring but Calumet the later   beautiful big white flowers and I love the geraniums aren't they crazy they  just get bigger and bigger and bigger all purple   but it's really simple it's not complicated  right and then over here I've got all kinds of cutting flowers and vegetables got white zinnias a riot of zinnias of course I only  use the white ones lots of butterflies   and this is the craziest thing is the  biggest basil I've ever seen in my life   I think it's time to make pesto I would say so  that's crazy it's almost as big as me but I need   parsley I think it'd be really nice on the platter  so like big bunch of parsley with a filet beef that'll be really great I've got celery here this   looks pretty good doesn't it celery  okay let's go back to the filet beef [Music] I'm going to show you how to  carve a fillet beef and trust me it's   so much easier than like a standing rib  roast okay so I think it should be perfect   it's been resting how gorgeous is that so we'll  put it on the board the first thing I need to do   still really hot it's amazing how hot it stays  under that foil first thing I need to do is   get rid of all the strings nobody wants to eat  string so I'm just going to take each string off   first time I ever had a whole filet of beef  was at a friend's house in Washington in the   70s Jeffrey and I were invited to somebody's  house for dinner it was a guy a single guy   was making dinner and I thought oh this is  going to be really bad and the days when I   was making like Julia Child's recipes really  fancy French things I was teaching myself how   to cook and I said to Jeffrey we should probably  eat something before we go to this guy's house   because I thought it was going to be terrible  and when we got there he had roasted an entire   filet of beef which I thought was so elegant  I couldn't believe it he baked his own bread   and he made something like chocolate mousse  for dessert it was just stunning absolutely   stunning and after that I actually decided that  my cooking should be simpler that it shouldn't be   so sort of French and fancy it should be really  elegant and really simple I wonder if he knows   how much of an influence he had on me all the  way from the 70s and one thing about having a   filet beef in your repertoire is you can always  make it with lots of different sauces and you've   got something totally different so this is with  mustard and horseradish sauce but I make it with   a blue cheese sauce by just boiling heavy cream  and adding blue cheese to it which is so good I   sometimes do it with a basil parmesan mayonnaise  so it's like a summer dish or a winter dish   one filet beef lots of different ways okay so  this is done just takes a second but it's really   important to take the string off and then I'll  show you how you slice it and this is the moment   I always think I hope it's perfect and the good  news is it always is so I like sort of thicker   slices and each person gets two slices so wow now  tell me that isn't perfectly cooked filet beef   so when I put it on the platter I actually  slice most of it but not the whole thing I   think it looks nicer to have a big piece at  the end you can always slice more one filet   beef will serve like 10 people that's why it's  great for parties or for holidays and if they're   leftovers you can make little sandwiches the  next day very elegant sandwiches I'm just using   a small sharp slicing knife truly just make sure  it's Sharp get nice slices okay so onto a platter   we've got a big long narrow platter perfect  I'm going to put the big piece on the back   just like that and then try as much  as I can to put this right next to it yeah I did it and then some parsley just to make it look better always looks  better with something green on the plate   just right down here and mustard horseradish sauce  it's great together and happily there's always a   little bit of filet beef left over for whoever  carved it me it's so tender and so flavorful   it's really great and that's Rose for  lay beef that's pretty easy right and   the mustard horseradish sauce even easier your  friends are going to be completely knocked out this recipe and more can be found  in my book Barefoot Contessa parties
Channel: Food Network
Views: 173,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food network, food, cooking, how-to, how to make, easy recipe, food network recipe, barefoot contessa, ina garten, how to cook, ina garten tip, ina garten recipe, at home cooking, how to entertain, dinner party, dinner party recipes, dinner recipe, family dinner, family meals, filet of beef with Mustard Horseradish Sauce, Filet of Beef, beef filet, Beef, filet of beef, Mustard Horseradish Sauce, tangy mustard-horseradish sauce, tender filet of beef, dinner, date night dinner
Id: Vd32AcrVfVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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