Herb Crusted Beef Tenderloin

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hey welcome back to how to barbecue right I'm Malcolm Reed today I'm going to show you how I do an herb crusted whole beef tenderloin I'm gonna get my grill set up for a twos on fire bring this beef tender going up nice and slow and I'm gonna serve it with the creamy dill horseradish sauce you know it's going to be good let's get the cooking so I'm starting with the whole beef tenderloin I bought it in the bag this is a Certified Angus beef brand tenderloin and if you buy the Pismo cut what it's called in the cryovac you'll save a little money because you can break it down trim it out yourself now to get started I used my hands to kind of separate the beef tenderloin it really has three parts it has the chain which is kind of the fatty more membrane piece that runs along the whole side and you could use your fingers and kind of separate it out and then it gets down to the tail of the beef tenderloin it kind of folds back around you want to separate these out the best you can with your hands and then use the knife where needed to go ahead and remove it don't throw away the chain or the tail because you can trim these up and get some great stir-fry meat or either grind them up and make some excellent burger but what I really want is the center piece of the beef tenderloin I'm gonna use my knife clean the beef tenderloin up remove any seen ooh that silver skin that's on it it's tough and then you just kind of want to even up the cut side where they've trimmed it off the backbone and this is what I have here that Center cut of the beef tenderloin beautiful piece of meat it's also called a Chateaubriand it's the center part of that beef tenderloin you can also cut this up into nice thick fillets and make that filet mignon so for the seasoning I'm using today I'm just taking some regular kosher salt and some coarse black pepper and putting it in a little shaker dredge and then I've got some herbs to prevent it's a blend of rosemary thyme parsley all those good herbs are in this season you can find it at your local store but I really like the freshness that those herbs have if you wanted to use fresh herbs I'd be fine to just cut them up fine and mix them with it so the first thing I'm going to do is kind of get some olive oil on the outside of our tenderloin that's gonna help this season he helped the herbs stick to it go over all the sides with it maybe a little more olive oil on the side that looks good and now we're ready for our herb blend it's got the salt the pepper all those good herbs and it's really gonna make a nice crust on this beef tenderloin I'm going pretty heavy with it I wanted to create a crust as it cooks and the Tenderloin can take it this isn't too much seasoning for it make sure you get the edges and if you wanted to you could tie it up with a little butcher twine I'm not going to today this one has a great shape as is so now I just want the beef tenderloin to sit here and relax let it come up to room temperature nice and slow that's gonna help it cook even when we get it on the grill it's gonna need about 30 minutes of just sitting you can take it back inside we'll just leave it sitting there if it's nice and cool outside like it is here today I'm gonna fire up the grill so for this cook I'm using a two zone fire set up on my PK 360 grill I'm gonna get some Royal Oak charcoal briquettes going in a chimney with a couple tumbleweeds when the coals are good and hot dumping them right in the far end of the PK 360 you want to make sure the intake vent is a hundred percent open underneath the hot coals and then the exhaust vents are gonna be closed over the coals and it's gonna be just the opposite for the other end of the cooker we want the exhaust open 100% and intake closed that way the heat draws across the 360 over the beef tenderloin and it's gonna cook it nice and slow at a steady temperature so I've got the PK stabilized set up for two's on fire got my hot coals on one side I'm gonna go ahead and put my smoker wood on I've got a couple of pieces of pecan I'm gonna stick over those coals close the vent down now we're ready to put our beef tenderloin right on the cool side of the smoker I'm just going to set it far away and I want the heat and the smoke to roll across the PK over the meat and out the exhaust on this side that's what's creating that two zone fire now I've got my dot thermometer this is the key to cooking this beef tenderloin properly I know my grills running in that 325 350 range with this two zone setup I'm not really worried about that temperature I'm worried about what it's doing in turn on so I'll go ahead and get my probe right in this beef tenderloin so I can monitor it you don't want to mess up an expensive cut of beef like this by not knowing what the internal temperature is this is what's gonna save us it's been about 25 minutes on this beef tenderloin you can see it's a 106 degrees internals cook it at a nice rate I want to check on it right now let's see what it's looking like and you can see man we've got that herb crust going it's got a beautiful color what I'm gonna do is just kind of rotate it I want to make sure it's cooking even on both sides because it is a little closer to the fire we just kind of spun it around fires looking good we've all you used up all our smoke from the pecans so that's a wonderful thing we're gonna shut the lid and we're gonna keep watching it as it slowly climbs up it'll be time to get it off and I'm gonna have to try it alright you can see our thermal works dot is reading 125 degrees I'll let it creep over 120 kind of finish it on the high side of that rare tip I want it right medium rare but it's still gonna carry over so I want to get this beef tenderloin off cuz I don't want it to overcook that's where you can really mess up just pull the temp probe out and I'm gonna transfer it over to a metal pan we're gonna take it over to the cutting board and cover it loosely with foil because I really want it to rest so I uncovered this beef tenderloin just after about 15 minutes of rest and that is the important part but just look how beautiful it still looks with all the herbs on the outside and that beautiful mahogany color from the pecan smoke that we added to it it's time to slice it up now I can't take it anymore so I'm just gonna use my knife and you can cut this as thick or as thin as you want for dinner sized portions I'd lean a little bit more on the thicker side not quite a filet mignon slice but a little bigger than your typical say brisket or prime rib slice this looks about right to me nice just gliding right through it you're gonna preserve all the juice from letting it slow down letting it rest letting it stop cooking I mean it doesn't get any easier to cut than this right here and that's all there is to it I'm gonna spread it out see what this beef looks like I mean that is gorgeous perfect medium-rare even in the dead center you pull that piece out its juicy it's packed full of moisture perfectly paint no unevenness from cooking it in the indirect zone that's what it's all about now I'm serving this beef tenderloin up with a creamy dill and horseradish sauce it's got a little bit of a kick I used some sour cream some horseradish some deal a little salt and pepper to balance it lemon juice and a little bit of mayo makes a perfect sauce to go with it I'm gonna get a piece of this out oh man I know it's gonna melt in your mouth what I'm gonna do it's just a little bit of sauce over you normally just whole piece right I can't help it but let's see how it tastes like butter you get the smokiness from the pecan wood from the grill beef tenderloin super soft super tender it's the most tender part of beef on the cow putting it with the creamy dill and the herbs it all goes with it a little bit of a bite from the horseradish I mean it doesn't get any better than that mmm I love it so this is one recipe that's really easy to do you can start with that whole bhisma beef tenderloin break it down by hand and carve the center piece of that beef tenderloin out get it seasoned up you could use whatever you want I really like that herb crust on the outside of it though get it in indirect heat to the internal temperature hits about 125 and it's money every time serve it with the creamy dill and horseradish sauce you got a fine dinner y'all thanks for checking us out here at how to barbecue right if you like what we're doing subscribe to the channel you can find us on Facebook Instagram Twitter and shell and I talked about this beef tenderloin recipe all the other delicious stuff we're cooking here during quarantine on our podcast every Friday so y'all can listen to that too we'll see y'all next time that's hard you good right there
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 218,684
Rating: 4.9696593 out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, beef tenderloin, Tenderloin, filet mignon, whole beef tenderloin, how to bbq, smoked beef tenderloin, grilled beef tenderloin, beef tenderloin on the grill, beef tenderloin grill, beef tenderloin recipe, how to cook beef tenderloin, how to butcher beef tenderloin, beef tenderloin roast, how to grill beef tenderloin, tenderloin recipe, pk grill, pk 360, Herb crusted beef tenderloin
Id: Q5y1Y3G6634
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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