Smoked Beef Tenderloin

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[Music] hey this is Marc Williams a swine like barbecue today we have one of my favorite cuts the whole beef tenderloin we're gonna get it trimmed and then we're gonna get it seasoned with our very own Mississippi grit and then we're gonna use a little bit of fresh garlic and crushed black pepper to really wake them flavors up well get them out there outlaw patio smoker cook it to a perfect medium-rare and finish with a creamy horseradish sauce you know what's gonna be good let's get started the first thing we've got to do is get this whole beef tenderloin Treena now you can buy them pre trim them but it's gonna save you live with money if you do it yourself so what I want to do is start by taking some of the silver skin off the top the only reason I'm doing this first is because it'll let you see the seams in this beef tenderloin and you'll know where to separate the chain from the actual tenderloin itself so we'll take all this silver skin off we can and you can already see this chain right here is separate from it so I'm gonna go ahead and start removing this chain now you can see this seam right here and it comes all the way down you can almost pull it apart with your hand just like that and if it gets a little tight all you do is just trim that back just a little bit and it'll fold on off there gradually take time and have a good sharp knife and walk that right off now don't throw this chain away there's a ton of uses for it I like to save it I'll go ahead and trim it up I'll cook this for our guests that do not like it to be medium-rare take it a little bit further you get that medium medium-well and they still get an enjoy a perfectly tender piece of beef now you're starting to see the whole tenderloin by itself I'm gonna go ahead and roll this out some people leave this on but it's got silver skin underneath there as well so do the same as you did on the chain walk that seam apart slowly cut it down just like that I'm just trying to expose as much of that meat as I can now they're small in it's gonna have a lot of this fat you can just about rake it off it's not gonna stay on there it's not gonna add anything to this cut of meat find you a good stock point because that's gonna be kind of feathered down really thin take it off right there flip it over it's not much to do on this side this is all fairly good fat I'm gonna shape it up just a little just so it cooks a little bit more even and that's about it we'll look over make sure we didn't miss any where so now that we got it trimmed we're get it tired so you can tell this thin end is gonna cook a lot quicker than this thicker in so all I'm gonna do is take it and fold it under just like that and then we'll take some butchers twine and then just get it tight I'm not gonna do any kind of fancy knot we're just going to cinch it down and double knot it and cut the excess off and then we'll go down and throw here and go ahead and tie it up in a few places kind of help it hold its shape get close to the end won't pull it as tight roll it over and make sure we got that tied up securely everything looks good we'll get some seasoning put on it to get this beef tenderloin seasoned we're gonna start off with our Mississippi grit this is just a salt pepper garlic base rub it's a good base layer I'm gonna go to kind of a medium heavy coat on here make sure you get all sides get that Pat it in now once we get that Pat it in I'm gonna take just some fresh minced garlic or just gonna get a coating on there it's gonna kind of help that ap to kind of get spread around evenly we may lose some of it that's okay I had to guess this is probably about eight or ten cloves total and then next we have some fresh cracked black pepper and again we're gonna go pretty heavy with this you may get some spots there a little bit of heavier and others just kind of rub them in that looks good to me so we're gonna let this sit on the cutting board kind of start coming up at room temp now to give us plenty of time to get this outlaw patio model fired up and it'll be cooking shortly so to get this outlaw patio smoker fired up we're gonna use some Royal Oak lump charcoal this is their excel cut as you can tell the pieces of lump of huge should run this pit perfectly we'll get two tumbleweeds underneath get them lit we got all the doors and vents open shouldn't take too long she'll be right up to at 300 degrees and we'll be cooking in no time now that we got a good little bit of coals going I'm gonna go ahead and add a couple of small splits just to let them catch it shouldn't take them long we'll go ahead and get the firebox door closed the bottom vents open get the cook chamber door closed and I'm gonna leave the exhaust vent open all the way for now until we hit a bust at 250 more I'll start checking the vent back just so we can maintain that perfect 300 degrees now this outlaws come right up to 300 it's time to get this beef tenderloin on so all I'm gonna do get it placed killing the rack right and then as always with any cut of beef and I got me a little cast-iron pot with some butter garlic rosemary and about that 30 minute mark we'll get it basted some we'll go ahead and get a probe put in this just because we do not want to overcook this like a dead center just like that I got the thermal works dot set to 123 and then while we're out here we'll go ahead and add another stick of the secret get it nestled in an bed of coals and then we'll check on it here in about 30 minutes now that we got the beef tenderloin out there on the smoker we're gonna go ahead and make our horseradish sauce we're going to start out with a half a cup of sour cream and then I got three tablespoons of prepared horseradish what I did is I actually measured this out on a paper towel kind of in this bowl to get all that moisture out of it drain it as best you can go ahead and get that added and we got two tablespoons of mayonnaise one tablespoon of finely chopped chives and then one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar so we're gonna go ahead and get this incorporated draining that horseradish so keep this sauce from getting too runny it'll keep it good thick and creamy now you can add about a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of pepper I'm gonna go ahead and add a little bit of this grit just because it has all of that in it sprinkle a little bit over the top incorporated here now the sauce is ready to go in the fridge I'd like to do this at least a couple of hours ahead of time it'll keep for about a week in the fridge so if you wanna do it a couple days for no longer it sits the more of these flavors mingle the better it's gonna be so it's been right at 30 minutes we're gonna go ahead and get some butter base on it I'm gonna flip it that way to cook a little bit more even we'll get color on all the sides so let's see what we're working with that butters melted good good color of course that rosemary that garlic and that butter smells excellent and I'm gonna simply take it give it a good spin just like that tuck that back under the same thing we'll keep a close eye on the temp we're sitting right at about 90 degrees right now so we should probably got another 20 to 30 minutes Port hits at 1:23 we'll get it off we'll rest it a little bit of full and we'll crank this outlaw up to 500 degrees and we'll sear that outside perfectly our thermal works dots telling us it's done the probe out of the way so I'm going to place this tenderloin on this bowl and then we're gonna get it baste it one more time of course it's already got really good color we're gonna make it even better I'm gonna get it wrapped up the reason I'm wrapping this in full that fools gonna take that heat pull it off that tenderloin and stop the cooking instantly we'll get it in here on the counter let it rest for a few minutes in the meantime we're gonna let this outlaw breathe we'll get it up to 500 degrees and we'll get a good sear on this tenderloin here in a few minutes so we've let this beef tenderloin wrist got the outlaw up to almost 500 degrees it's time to get it seated get our full pack open I'm gonna go right over here next to the fire we'll just get the lid shut we want that high heat to come up over that tenderloin sear the outside of it we'll let it go for about a minute we'll roll it let it do it again and we'll keep doing it till we get a good color and a temperature still about 123 so it's been about a minute let's get it move around and get it right over here close that garlic's starting to get brown get the lid shut so this tenderloins been seeing for about three minutes I think she's ready to get off got good color until all that garlic's done browned up man she looks beautiful so we're gonna get it in this pan we'll let it rest for about 10 minutes now that we don't kind of seared it off we'll get it on that cutting board and get to slicing my favorite part this beef tenderloins been resting on this cutting board for about 10 minutes just as a quick recap we started off with a whole beef tenderloin trimmed it down removed all the silver skin and remove the chain off the side tied it up where it present nicely we seasoned it with little bit of Mississippi grit added that garlic net pepper to really wake them flavors up put it on the outlaw pit she ran flawless we got a perfect medium-rare doneness I can't wait to try it with this horseradish tea the truth so let's get in here and see how we're done I'm gonna start slicing on this end and just kind of check our doneness oh man that is medium-rare through and through smells great and I mean if that ain't just a perfect doneness and look at it I mean it's just as tender as can be someone cut me a little slice right here of course you always got trapped by itself first ma'am that right there that's awesome you get the perfect char that garlic really shines through and that crust that crust is excellent that hickory smoked real mild I'm gonna go ahead and cut me a little bit thicker slice give me the edge of that crust of course we got trapped with this horseradish now I'm a horseradish fan I hope it lights me up man that tops it all off this right here would be a perfect for your holiday get-togethers or just just because I mean it is it's that good that's a wrap for today at swine light we appreciate ya'll checking this video out y'all forgot to try this recipe that horseradish tops it off it's a perfect holiday meal y'all got any questions shoot a submission on Facebook or Instagram and as always like and subscribe to the channel we'll see y'all next time [Music] y'all got to try this recipe this is gonna go in my cookbook what am I talking about I ain't got a clue
Channel: Swine Life BBQ
Views: 144,384
Rating: 4.929853 out of 5
Keywords: beef, beef tenderloin, whole beef tenderloin, Chateaubriand, reverse sear, recipes, how to bbq, smoked beef tenderloin, grilled, smoked, holiday recipes, filet mignon, traeger grill, outlaw smokers, stick burner
Id: nxM1p1lsH_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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