How to Cook Tri Tip | Mad Scientist BBQ

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[Music] hey guys welcome to mad scientist barbecue i'm jeremy yoder and today i'm going to show you my absolute favorite way to make tri-tip now when i first moved to california everybody loved tri-tip they talked about oh are you gonna make tri-tip um you're barbecuing are you doing tri-tips or i got the grill going and people would ask well what's on there tri-tip people freaked out about it and i had it probably half a dozen times and i just thought to myself these people are nuts this is not even very good you could make a hundred better steaks this is not a special cut and then once i went to a place where they were doing it over direct heat coals and i was like oh when you do it this way it is special it is really really good so my point is if you treat it right it's amazing if you don't it's kind of ho-hum in my opinion i think it's way way overrated unless you do it this specific way and then the way they view tri-tip is actually correct so i'm going to get these out of the package i'm going to show you what i do to them and then we're going to take them out and cook them [Music] it's called tri-tip obviously because it's got three little points here it's regionally extremely popular on the west coast and now it's becoming popular nationwide and if done properly it can be super super good i exaggerated a little bit saying that this is the only way it's good there are other ways it can be done well but this is just my absolute favorite and there are lots of ways it can be done poorly so the way i do it is really simple if there's fat on one side i trim off the fat to expose the meat and then i season it but what you may not be expecting is this time i'm not using just salt and pepper i think tri tip actually benefits a lot from a more complex flavoring on the outside of the meat today we're going to be using this this is the oak ridge barbecue santa maria grill seasoning i had this once just by chance and was blown away and so i thought i got to try it i did still loved it so if you want some of this i'll put a link in the description but this is what we're going with today you can use anything you want but i would stay away from too much sugar because it can burn [Music] [Music] to me that looks just about right this is one of the only rubs where i actually like to go pretty heavy usually i want very simple relatively light coat but on this i really like it i think it just really contributes to the flavor plus when we do it direct heat style you get this amazing crust so let's take these guys out and get them on one thing to consider though is that parts of this are very thin and parts are a lot thicker so you're going to have parts that are going to be well done at the very tail right here where it's thin and then parts that are going to be medium rare where it's nice and thick so there'll be something for everybody even the well done parts on this are going to taste amazing because of the flavor that we added with the seasoning and the flavor we're going to add by how we cook it okay so i arranged a charcoal on this so it's mostly toward one side so one side of this grate is going to be a little hotter than the other i'm going to put the thicker parts of the tri-tip toward that hotter side so we get closer to even cooking but there's no way around it you're not going to get perfectly even cooking you could sous-vide it maybe and then just for like 10 seconds get it over something crazy hot to try to sear it that might be your best bet but for me the flavor you get with this is so much better that it's worth the cost of parts of it being a little overcooked put them on [Music] it's been on for 15 seconds and already smells incredible right now it's too hot right at the great level so i'm going gonna drop the lid and lift the whole grate off to get about the right amount of separation right now i'm looking for a relatively low temperature probably something like 250 degrees and then i want to add smoke flavor to the outside from two sources one is the chunk of wood that i'm going to add in a second and the other is as the fat drips into the coals i want that aroma and flavor to kind of flood around the tractor and this lid helps keep that smoke in but i'm going to drop the lid raise this up so it's an appropriate temperature and then we'll talk about the rest of the cook [Music] oh yeah had wood smoke flavor i'm adding this split right here beautiful and as those tri-tips cook down and start to drip fat that's going to fall on the coils and provide even more flavor and aroma and so i'm going to start off low at 250 or so i'll drop the lid down and check the temperature internal periodically but here's one difference that i have with a lot of people a lot of people think that all red meat that you're cooking over direct heat needs to come to a temperature of medium rare and no higher i think actually tri-tip benefits from being at about medium i just think it has a better texture feel free to disagree with me you can use this exact same process to get the kind of flavors i'm getting but you can cook yours to medium rare if you so choose but this is my favorite way so i'm going to show you how i like to do it you can adjust it to your needs it's been about 10 minutes and we're getting good smoke flavor the fat's dripping into the coals all that stuff i like to see but i'm going to see how these are progressing so i'm going to drop the lid down take the lid off and see if we need to flip them let us see here look at the crust it's looking good already oh yeah still has a little ways to go so it looks like we're about 112 degrees right here on this thickest part and so i'm just 111 degrees so i'm just going to leave these at the great level that they're at now just to finish them off and get some color on the other side and then i think we should be done very easy now you can finish these things off caveman style i don't prefer to do it that way if you do totally fine i just don't like seeing ash all over the meat but it's another fair way to do it and i wouldn't hold it against anybody if they do it that way i've had it that way and tastes great just doesn't look as good to me okay so the smell of these tri tips cooking is making my mouth water right now i'm imagining myself eating it my mouth continues to water it's going to be so good there are a lot of different ways you could serve this you could serve it with mashed potatoes you could serve it with jalapeno cheese grits as a personal favorite of mine you could do anything that you want some kind of starch to kind of complement unfortunately for me i'm not eating any carbs right now so i'm going to do steak and eggs but it's still going to be delicious all right we just pulled off the smaller one this one has a few more degrees to climb so that this part gets done enough it's at 122 now looks like 121 122. can't really decide but we'll probably let it go another couple degrees and then pull it off these smell incredible let's take them inside and let them rest while those tri tips rest we are going to cook our eggs and maiden who's sponsoring today's video so thank you to them they sent me a new pan to try out it's a stainless steel pan now my experience in the past with stainless steel pans has not been good but everything i've had from maiden so far i've loved we use their non-stick pan to cook eggs like every single morning and i want to see what happens if i try it with this stainless steel pan [Music] the difference between this stainless steel pan and the ones that i've used in the past is that this has got a five ply design which means it's gonna have better heat retention more even heating and it's gonna be easier to control and this is actually the kind of hand that made in sells to the most professional kitchens this 12 inch version is big enough that you can do multiple chicken thighs in here you could probably even do a spatchcock chicken in something of this size also this handle is going to be far enough away from the heat source here in the center that it's going to be cool to the touch so all of this looks really good but i want to test it out let's see how i do with some eggs [Music] [Music] [Music] my impressions of the stainless pan are that it's really really really good but that should come as no shock to me because i love their carbon steel pan i've loved their nonstick pan my wife uses that every morning to cook eggs for my daughter and their carbon steel block is amazing a video with that coming soon it's no surprise to me that made in stuff is used in three michelin star restaurants and it can be sold to regular consumers like you and me so if top restaurant quality cookware is what you want in your kitchen maiden is offering my viewers a special 15 off of your first order if you click on the link in the description below so you get my very favorite cookware for 15 off if you click on the link in the description below [Music] all right we let this guy rest and so now it's time to slice it up we're going to have some parts that are going to be you know at the very end that are going to be well done some parts that are going to be medium well medium medium rare probably in the very thickest part i like about an average of medium you can go less you can go more if you want to the issue is for me cooking it this way provides so much better flavor that i don't really want to mess with like a reverse see or anything like that i think this is going to give you the best possible results so what slice how the brain runs on this tri-tip is going to determine how we slice it so you can see now and especially before we cooked it that the grain kind of runs like this and then like this so if we cut this the same way that we cut this over here you're going to have long stringy pieces that aren't going to be as tender as they could be so we're going to come through we're going to slice like this until we get to about right here and then we're going to turn it and then cut across the grain like this on the thicker portion [Music] [Music] do [Music] now it's time to taste this thing and so for me this is exactly how i like tri tips to be so we have kind of a crust on the outside right here and then if i look at it that's the perfect level of doneness for the center of a tri-tip for me if you want less done you totally can if you want more done you could do that too though i wouldn't recommend it for me this is kind of the sweet spot going beyond it is worse than not getting all the way up to it what i mean is overcooking is worse than undercooking this cut but for me this is exactly how i like to do it now you could have a perfect medium rare or medium whatever you want all the way through if you really focus on getting a great reverse there but for me doing it this way is worth it even if i have to sacrifice some of the thinner pieces to being you know medium well or something because the flavor i can achieve is so much better at least in my opinion you can do it however you like this is my favorite way so this slice is perfect i'm going to take a bite there's so much flavor on the outside there it's unbelievable here's one of those pieces it looks like it's about medium well so let's try this out too still great and the crispy end bits everybody likes those that's money i'm going to stay here all night eating this at this point i'm going to take probably half of this tri-tip and then eat it with my eggs it's going to be a delicious meal i'm really looking forward to it and we have to wrap up the video now because i'm fighting my wife off because she's trying to steal tri-tip from the cutting board before we end the video so if you guys enjoyed the video you can hit the like button down below and don't forget to subscribe to the channel so you can get more fun informative barbecue content you can also follow me on patreon where we do smoker giveaways and a bunch of fun stuff like that and finally i want to thank maden for sponsoring today's video if you click on the link in the description you'll get 15 off of your first order it's a great deal and an even better product thank you guys for watching i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Mad Scientist BBQ
Views: 247,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbq, tri tip, barbecue, california barbecue, tri tip recipe, tri tip steak, smoked tri tip, burch barrel recipes, birch barrel, cooking santa maria style with the burch barrel, jeremy yoder bbq, mad scientist bbq, brisket, made in cookware, how to cook tri tip, how to smoke meat
Id: wsZlzcY5c6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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