Coating cornerbead / pan and knife - Drywall Instruction

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hey it's Mitch with drywall instruction calm let's do a quick segment on coding corner bead with a pen and knife regardless of what type of corner bead you're using and on my display here I have square corner bead it's important that you have your corner bead on properly and what that means is it needs to be on square if this square corner bead was was shifted a little bit and a little bit crooked for example it was too far back this way then this edge is going to stick out too far you're going to have too big of a dip here and you're not going to have enough dip here to coat so when you put your corner bead on it creates this swell this little valley to fill that when you fill it properly you have a nice smooth flat surface here and so again when you're cooked when you go to coat your corner bead if it's crooked take the time to take it off it'll create just a lot of grief if you try to to make it work if it's crooked it's just very hard to get it a nice looking corner and so again the the idea is that we're going to fill this void with mud for the for this segment like I said I'm going to use a pan and knife if you look at this 12 inch knife I think you'll be able to see in the camera that it has a curved edge to it so so that has a curve that goes one way on the on the 12 inch knife that's important to know when you're coding corner bead because you want the curve to go out instead of in if you have the curve in as you coat this corner you'll be pulling the mud back out of this valley or swell so to speak if you have that if they have the curve going in if you have it going out you'll be able to leave more mud on your corner bead the first time I'm also using topping to code I always use topping for everything that I'm coating all-purpose mud shrinks more and is harder to sand and so and the topping is much softer to sand and it doesn't shrink as much this topping is straight out of the box the majority of the time you'll be able to use it straight out of the box sometimes it might come a little dry in the winter time because they don't want it to freeze type of a thing but if you can use it straight out of the box and not add water to it that's an advantage because again it won't shrink down as much so let's go ahead and show you how that's works with the 12-inch knife you've got your pen and knife you load your knife up and the first thing you do is you go ahead and you fill that corner with mud so you're not trying to do anything pretty here if you notice when I'm filling this I'm pulling my knife out to the right instead of to the back to the left and that enables me not to have a big buildup of mud on that outside corner so we'll go ahead and fill that that corner bead all the way up and then the next step we'll do is we'll take our blade or our knife and we'll press on the right hand side tight and we'll take it right down to the metal on that side on the next will be on the left side we'll press down hard with our knife on the left hand corner of our knife and we'll wipe that edge down tight so what you see is once I've wiped that down I have no edge whatsoever to sand I've wiped it right down into the sheet rock and then lastly we'll go ahead and we'll take a pass or two over this this the middle area and well this lightly we're not we're not pressing really hard too so that we don't take that mud out so as you can see the way I'm holding my knife I'll just I'll just let that glide down that lightly again making sure that I'm not digging not digging my mud out if I want to come back up I can do that so basically what we end up with is we end up with a product here and you might say well they're still imperfections Mitch you don't want to you need to work that out some more and there are little imperfections but once this dries and we sand it because it's soft we'll be able to stand those little imperfections out and we'll be basically 99% ready to texture now if your is a little bit wet then it may shrink down a little bit more in the process if you've got that case it might shrink down in this area and you may need to come back and do a quick skim coat over this area right here because of it shrinking down just a little bit ultimately what we're looking for is a flat smooth surface out to this strong edge that the the corner bead creates and that's the basic principle of coating drywall corner B I hope this is helpful to you and you'll continue to follow us at our website drywall instruction com
Channel: Drywall Instruction
Views: 75,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coating corner bead, taping and coating, drywall corners, tape and coat, diy drywall, diy sheetrock, drywall instruction, drywall videos, drywall tutorials, mud and tape, coating corners, drywall cornerbead, drywall, mud, sheetrock, how to drywall, how to tape and texture
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2016
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