How to Mix Drywall Mud PROPERLY!!!

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welcome to vancouver carpenter today i'm going to teach you guys how to mix a box of mud it's a pretty simple video but there is actually some basic techniques to it um so right here i've got one of my preferred brands of mud i like to use this is the uh the cgc light line it's basically exactly the same as plus three the usg plus three that you guys have all over the states it's just a lightweight all-purpose i've got my buckets ready right here and you can see i'm really particular about having the same buckets i literally buy this brand so the certainty mud the all-purpose so that i can have blue buckets um it's a it's just one of those things the only other bucket i have is one yellow one for taping i don't even like this mud as much as this one but i buy it just for the gray and blue buckets so sorry for wasting your time with that little tidbit that's just how particular as tapers can get you know i gotta have the same thing every day to get the same results all right so as you can see this one's got this little bit of tape there open it up and just fold it or not fold but unwrap it down onto the edges like that and lift with only your back in a bending twisting motion don't do that sorry that's a family guy ripoff but basically place it right on the edge here so i'm not like here or i'm gonna dump half of it outside it's just delicately balanced right on the edge here and then quick and just the whole thing falls into the bucket it's pretty straight forward and then when you pull it up you can right away just pull pull the box off before you pull the bag out now the bag comes out nice and easy you turn it this way you can um put your taping tools that you don't want to dry out you can do all kinds of things with this bag but we're not doing that we're just tossing it and a little tidbit for your boxes you want to keep your site looking tidy and then press impress the homeowners break the boxes [Music] down hold it and uh it goes in there you can fit about four of those in there and then you just got this nice tidy thing to throw in the recycling okay so this mud right here is way too thick to use without mixing a fair bit of water into it i'm just going to clean the edges here too i like to keep the edges of my buckets nice and tidy but yeah you take a look at this it's like really hard you can see how i break it apart how much air there is there how dry this mud is um one of the first things i like to do so you want a nice powerful drill if you're mixing a full box a bucket of mud this one you know on some brands there's way more water in them right off the bat and you you can actually give them a quick spin um this brand is like so dry that i actually have to like chop it up before i can even start to spin it around i'm gonna add a little bit of water this one needs at least this much just before it'll spin and the first thing i need to do is chop it up a bit most other brands aren't this dry and you don't have to do this too but this one is now the benefit to this mud being so dry is um it makes for really good spackle so if you're um why does someone have to do yard work when we're filming don't they know the weed whacker no less okay anyways it makes for really good spackle for like touching up walls before painting um it also makes for really good pre-fill if you don't have quick set because it's so dry yet it's an all-purpose so it gets in there and actually doesn't shrink very much because there's so little water to come out of it anyways now that we've got it you know most of the way chopped up now it's time for a few delicate little spins and if your feet are really dirty do not put them on the top of the bucket mine actually aren't that bad so out of laziness i'm gonna put my foot on the top to hold it down but normally what i would do especially when my feet are really crusty you just kind of gotta hug it like that it can be a little hard on the knees i'm just giving this a few quick spins because if i let it if i let it go if i just full throttle what's gonna happen is it's gonna all come out the edges and i'm gonna have mud down my legs which i hate i'm starting at the bottom here if i was going up higher i would do that i'm starting at the bottom lifting up and there we go now i can so now i'm spinning at the top to get all that water mixed in and this is for my finished coat so i actually want a little bit more water than this in here and how much water to add is going to depend on the brand it's going to depend on what you're using the mud for so i can't give you anything specific there i just know for this one it's a finished coat so i want it a bit wetter now that i've spun it i can lift it up a bit higher and try and get this water into the mix real quick [Music] okay see how it's starting to look smooth well guess what this isn't getting close to mixed because it's all wet on the top so what i'm actually going to be doing is while i mix i'm going to be pulling it up and down to get the dryer mud up from the bottom and get it properly mixed because what can happen is you think you've got your mix just right you're about halfway through the bucket and it starts having more bubbles in it and it starts being harder than what you want to use it for so that's why i do this okay so that's pretty wet but it'll dry up on the ceiling as i'm using it and dry up on my hawk as the drywall pulls the moisture out also it's going to be nice and easy on my shoulder as i'm pushing this stuff around anyways that is how i mix up a full bucket of mud now sometimes you might actually want to thicken up your mud if it's really wet and i made a little clip for that but i filmed it the other day so here that is so this is the second part of the video which i've actually filmed first but that's irrelevant so i don't know why i'm telling you guys but this is um i want to show you how to put half of a box of mud into a bucket the reason is we got this taping mud and it's super thin for taping angles but i have to put on corner beads and that's going to be a mess to put corner beads on with so if you are putting half a box of mud into something to soften it up a little or firm it up in this case here's how i do that so you fold this over here [Music] [Applause] just like you're about to do a regular bucket dump there and here's how i like to do this so if you go until about half of it's coming out you don't let the whole thing fall out and then i usually just kind of go like that so sometimes just pushing down on the mud helps it break off so now that big chunk of dry mud in there is going to get this bucket of taping mud back to a reasonable corner bead consistency and make sure you seal that up really good or it's going to get a bunch of crunchy chunks in there [Applause] that's better still pretty thin but it's a lot better so that is how to mix half a box of mud say you don't want to do the whole thing so it's not always going to take so long to mix up a bucket of mud like i said this is a really dry mix and also when i'm talking at you the whole time um it actually slows things down by like 75 or more uh that's how i mix up mud hopefully you guys got something out of that i know it can actually be one of those things that you know unless somebody shows you you don't really know exactly how to do it and i had been taping for a while and then i saw even something as simple as pulling the box off and then the bag out i didn't see that until i watched another taper mixing a boxing button i was like oh that's easier so you can always learn something new i want to say thanks for watching vancouver carpenter hopefully you got something out of this video until the next one
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 79,453
Rating: 4.950572 out of 5
Keywords: drywall, mud, mix, tape, taping, tools, fast, repair, crack, hole, wall, best, easy, patch, plaster, mudding, joint, compound, joint compound, mesh tape, setting, quickset, DIY, finish, topping, paper tape, gypsum, wallboard, corner, inside, outside, trowel, knife, drywall finishing, plastering, taper, mudder, fix, skim, coat, install
Id: gwxgL9VwuyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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