Taping and coating a butt joint/seam - Drywall Instruction

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hey it's Mitch with rival instructure calm let's take a minute and talk about taping and coding what we call a butt joint a butt joint is when there is not a beveled edge on the edge of the sheetrock it's just a flat sheet of sheetrock up against another butted up against another and so we don't have a void to fill here so we need to take some precaution and do take a couple of extra steps so first let's go ahead and and tape this I've got my taping mud here that I've got mixed up and I'll go ahead and close that seam with taping mud and once I have that all coated no bubbles or anything I'll go ahead and use my paper tape which I prefer to use over mesh tape you can see that in my pick paper versus mesh segment I'll go ahead and put my my tape on and go ahead and wipe it tight and so I'm not going to leave any mud there I'm going to go ahead and press down on my on my tape and go ahead and get it wiped completely making sure that my edges are nice and tight and that I don't leave any mud on the outside edge so I've got my my seam tape and so the next thing I'll do is I'll grab my pan a knife you'd be using a twelve inch knife right off the bat on this seam and I'll go ahead and load that up with Poppy as you notice I'll go ahead and put a coat I'll make a wipe right down each side of that tape first and so I'll get my mud built up like that and then I'll go ahead and do the opposite side and cook that the junk out of my mud so I'll go down each side then I'll take my knife and I'll press on the outside corner of my knife and press really tight and go right down this and so there's no no mud left on that outside edge at all and I'll do that on the opposite side as well the same thing and then I'll take my mud and I'll just go really lightly over the top we're just a thin coat right over the top of that tape not building up so that our goal is to have as little of a hump in the middle as possible so that this feathers and we can't see it when we're done so again I'll go ahead and wipe those edges a little bit and then in the middle just to get try to get my mud nice and uniform I'll go ahead and take one last swipe over that getting rid of any air bubbles and that type of a thing and so I've got a nice wide seam now and I and so I'm feathering out on the edges so that when I sand this I can take this mud down in the middle and these edges off and have as little a hump as possible once I get totally done this coat that I've put on here once it dries and I stand it I'll be 99% there you can go littler coats if you'd like to it's not necessary this buildup right here will be great this mud that I'm using is topping and it's straight out of the box now haven't watered it down or anything so it's not going to shrink but it is going to be nice to sand I put my tape on with all purpose put that away and coat with topping I hope this is helpful to you and you'll continue to follow us here at drywall instruction com
Channel: Drywall Instruction
Views: 351,095
Rating: 4.7192678 out of 5
Keywords: diy drywall, diy sheetrock, taping and coating, butt joint, drywall taping, tape and texture, drywall tape and texture, drywall instruction, drywall drywall videos, how to sheetrock, how to drywall, how to tape and texture, drywall
Id: HIIxmtp6-bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 10sec (250 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2016
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