Coast Guard Florida | Season 1 - Episode 1 Premiere! | Full Episode

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[Music] it's florida where the water is warm and the action is hot going on scene we're not sure who's on board or if there's any more drugs in miami boat teams are fighting the war against drug smuggling and at air station clearwater the crew races to save a diver in grave condition i knew time was of the essence the florida peninsula a hotbed for mother nature's fury here every day the brave men and women of the coast guard's busiest boat and air stations vigilantly patrol nearly two million square miles of turbulent waters protecting the public from the dangerous elements and preventing foreign threats and illegal drugs from reaching our shores america's southern waters are protected by coast guard florida [Music] hey senior it's great from station miami good how you doing i'm mk2 sean green this morning we received some intel about the freighter glory sky we received intel that the captain found some contraband on board potentially cocaine so i assembled some of my boarding team members to assess the situation it's 180 foot freighters sitting three miles off at the laguerre anchorage everybody good venezuela was where he came from right the boat venezuela my name is omar castro i'm a bosses mate second class cases like this is one of the main reasons why i joined the coast guard keeping drugs from entering the country and keeping our water safe is part of what we do every day my name is tyler shabades i'm a petty officer second class i'm part of a vessel boarding security team vbst [Music] basically our mission is to board and search all the freight and container vessels coming in and out of the port of miami it's a very essential mission for the coast guard being south florida very a prevalent area for a contraband to come through [Music] [Music] okay i'm gonna whip it and then just go on the starboard side on a case like this usually we try to get all the information that we can but in this case this boat is coming from venezuela with everything that's going on around the world we really don't know what this boat's all about what their intentions [Music] are so at all costs we're going to protect the boarding team [Music] going on scene we're not sure who's on board or if there's any drugs station 4a we are conducting boarding glory sky at this time right now our boarding team has embarked glory sky they're doing an initial inspection due to the intel that there was some contraband on board once we got on board team conducted a full sweep of the vessel to search for more contraband i was the one that met with the captain we'd inspect all their passports all their visas the ship's documentation i just make sure everything matches up and look for any inconsistencies this is his sources one thing that really stood out to us was how the boat had two chief engineers there's two engineers on board that's unusual for a fader of this size so that's suspicious to us [Music] in this case we're looking for contraband so the boarding team is going to conduct an extended inspection of the vessel i'm me3 marcus price we had two people go to the bridge and another two do a sweep of the deck petty officer vanilla wava and i went to the engine room looking around to see if anything suspicious we found cocaine there was a hole cutting the ceiling tile they were placed in there [Music] we detained the crew just for our safety and theirs at that time we really weren't sure exactly who the bad guys are and who is innocent [Music] hey what's up my man what do you guys so far like when you because i saw you searching people and stuff like that i found three keys oh what the crew's doing now is they're getting photos of everybody waiting for uh other agencies to show up customs border protection will come and assist typically with operations like this that happen in south florida it's common for us to work with uh other federal law enforcement agencies such as customs and border protection let's go guys where are we going good good all right guys you're gonna go out to the 45 weather on the anchorage yeah the 45 will transfer you guys to the freighter they ended up finding a lot more cocaine so we're transferring some customers guys out there and they're going to take control of the situation really rock and roll let's do it [Music] with the conclusion of our search we tested it came back with a couple hits positive for uh cocaine [Music] two questions you guys got going on up there roger we have everybody detained at this moment and we are doing the uh nikki test at this moment good call i'll be on standby at this point the crew has been detained for safety and we're gonna hold him here until customs comes out and takes over the investigation eight people on board and apparently two suspects the funny part is can you keep engineering on another boat other uh engineers that make it or something like that all right we're uh we're ready to go to bring these guys into the pier so you guys gonna stay on board for the uh transit [Music] and we're going to escort this boat up the river and then uh more up to appear and there they're going to do a more thorough search see if they can find any more contraband looked out yeah got him overall the mission was uh was very successful not only for our unit and keeping drugs off of south florida but as well as working with other agencies the boarding teams are going to stay on board alongside with customs so i'll be escorting them while they are up there maintaining positive control it went well that's good man it's definitely a great mission and i'm proud to be a part of it and i'm very fortunate to be in south florida where our mission is so broad whether it's conducting just the local boarding you know with recreational stuff or the big container ships and it's a great experience that i'll be able to take with me you know the rest of my life [Music] we just received a call of a vessel taking on water [Music] 52 years old involved in a diving accident she was unconscious so i knew time was of the essence five right five here we're pushing forward thanks for the ride i'm fourth class tim early from the coast guard academy and i'm here at station miami beach for my third class summer training to learn about the fleet and what all the coast guard has to offer here's the watch from right here all the calls and bikes you made through here my name is durian duriet i'm a fourth class today at the united states coast guard academy today we just reported in uh here in station miami beach kevin we have two cadets reporting from the academy today hey how's it going come on in tim really nice to meet you jeremy nice to meet you all right have a seat my name is lieutenant commander joe abeda commanding officer of coast guard station miami beach these are freshman cadets so they've just completed their freshman year of uh the academy and this will be their first exposure to operational coast guard there's a couple things that i require you gotta take care of yourselves okay you gotta take care of each other your shipmates and then if you do those two things and i know that you're 100 focused because your personal life and your friends and your family are all in good order because when you are here at this unit i need to know without a doubt 100 that you're going to be ready to execute that mission i got to know that there's no distractions because your next decision could be a life-threatening decision do or die and i need to know that you're 100 on your game meeting lieutenant commander of beta for the first time was a little intimidating i mean he is the ceo of the station one of the first officers i've seen outside the academy so we have to say get a first impression for him what are you looking to get out of this next six weeks i just want to gain as much information and knowledge about what the real coast guard's like because this is the really the first taste of the coast guard right so you're at station miami beach uh probably one of the largest and busiest units in the coast guard we have two ready boat crews 24 7 and we respond to search and rescue law enforcement and we do a lot of ports waterways coastal security missions the law enforcement side of it is probably the most dynamic because we do a lot of what's called non-combined muscle pursuit as one of our big missions we're only 44 miles from an international border so as a result it's very easy to to transit between two countries when you're only in a two-hour boat ride away miami beach is also home of the largest cruise ship port in the world about 4.5 million passengers per year pass through these ports on cruise ships and we are responsible for providing the primary protection of those assets so you know the public really counts on us to be out here and doing our job i'm expecting whatever comes our way i'm really open to anything i can't wait to see what sector in miami and state miami beach have and the kind of cases that we get we'll get you a sponsor and we'll uh you know have you guys hit the ground running the cadets are going to gain first-hand knowledge of what we do at the deck plate level they're going to get to see the behind the scenes experience of all the work and effort that has put into not only being a member of station miami beach but the qualification process that goes into that so that they can take these experiences with them into the future promise you will be more than happy with your tour here okay yes sir all right guys let's go get out of here thank you [Music] your gorilla petty officer hopkins united states coast guard and machinery technician third class we just received a call of a vessel taking on water we're just getting a crew together and heading out quickly the station marathon tower one seven uh underweight this time everyone's sitting here [Music] [Music] i'm blake grella bose is mate third class at station marathon we got a call of a sailboat i was taking on water about 43 nautical miles north of us [Music] the waves were about two to three feet the further we got out went to about three to four foot occasional fives when the seas are rough it's a lot more complicated [Music] my biggest concern for a vessel taking on water like today putting people over we put someone over you're taking a chance of them falling in the water and then you got another problem on your hands [Music] you down below [Music] we got a call of a uh sailboat i was taking on water [Music] hey how much water you got on board where's the water coming from once i get on scene i assess the situation find out which side is best for me to drop my crew members off at yeah i want you to go over and find out where the water is coming from judd and bowman get the p6 pump ready all right when it's rough i mean you're bobbing up and down to maneuver the boat up against it it's tricky you just got to take patience don't get overwhelmed and just take it one step at a time when i stepped on board the sailboat i noticed a lot of water in the cabin the first thing i think about mainly is a generator the generator conducts the most electricity and that can do the most harm to you but i saw him in the water and he was just doing just fine so i figured you know maybe i could be okay too he had a few mattresses that were floating on top there's boards everywhere but for that amount of water to coming in you must have went through some trauma sir you mind coming on board and having our guys assess the situation uh him off the boat it wasn't working that well he really wanted to be there it's his home if it became a lot worse we'd have to get him off but um we found that he was actually a help to us so we left him on board with us [Music] [Applause] me and petty officer hopkins took the p-60 watering pump over and immediately got it all set up got the pump running rather quickly it's pumping hey check where that water's coming from find out if we need anything from our dc kit to stuff it and if he gets put in tow and there's strain on whatever stuff's in there is it going to stop the water the captain doesn't leave his vessel it's his home so what we're going to do is try to plug the hole and stop the water from coming in until we can put the vessel into tow if we can control your flooding deep will bring you to four fires and an exit charge are you willing to do that okay the captain didn't want to go back to marathon so i called sector and arranged for them to contact ceto have them come out and tell him where he wanted to go seato is just a commercial salvage company they tow boats all throughout the united states what's up with the whole situation once we got all the water out we stood on scene until ceto came out and took him into town definitely if we couldn't get out there in time the boat could have sank and uh he's just be drifting out there by himself his dinghy that he had with him was also almost about to sink underwater so all he had was a few life jackets and especially if he lost radio coms there's no way you could really get a hold of anybody so it could have really turned into something bad it looks good [Music] with devastation you are clear to rgb at this time over just close up shot and go home it's definitely a good feeling helping people out and you know potentially saving lives you know the guy on board he had made a comment you know that's all he has that's his home and where he lives at and it felt good to to save that for him it's another day in paradise when i come back from a mission i feel relieved if it got done properly there's no more you know 10 million scenarios going off in your head you just feel great [Music] sometimes [Music] yeah they just got a thing on the grill said because lieutenant commander david marama we got a call today that there was a diving accident of a 26-foot charter vessel it's about 88 mile transit from here which put us about 30 miles off shore from fort myers skies were clear the winds were about 10 knots you've got the information that we got you have any questions all right [Music] i am ast-3 mark folgham and i'm a rescue swimmer here at air station clearwater we got our gear and got ready to go that's what we were trained to do get in there get the job done and get [Applause] out regarding the case it's going to be a female who's 52 years old involved in a diving accident she apparently has a collapsed lung she's got labored breathing air from a 1-5 roger good copy of that she's got a booster long she's going to be in a lot of pain she popped along and she was unconscious so i knew time was of the essence [Music] there was a diving accident it was a 52 year old female that had a collapsed lung special pegasus vessel pegasus coast guard rescue helicopter on one five coast guard this is charger vessel roger skipper and we are about five minutes out wanna know if the patient is [Applause] roger copy that coast guard the folks that were on the vessel were very helpful we gave them a good hoist briefing told them our intentions and they were very cooperative very understanding special pegasus now we're going to make an approach now i believe we have you in sight standing by over arrived on scene there was a small white center console 26 foot vessel so it was a small vessel looks like a is that a coast guard yeah skies were clear the winds were about 10 knots spells were about four feet which even on a small vessel like that could be a little bit challenging ready for approach coming up about one o'clock john if you want to take a look that might be a little tight for the litter but we'll have to do it i mean she's unconscious dude we got on scene and uh observed that the uh area we were gonna hoist to was quite small it looks like there's a little like walkway up on the bow that it might fit okay i don't know if it's gonna fit all right you might rather go in the water and swim over to the boat because it's gonna be a tough boy scenario with her little across the back i don't know if we're gonna be able to get you right in the well deck there oh yeah we came to a good conclusion that the platform was too small to hoist to so we thought it would be a good idea to put me down in the vessel water we're going to put the former in the water once he's in the water he could just drive over and pick him up oh copy copy that roger standing by hi john whenever he's ready roger where are ready back here coming down to 35 feet all right your show brother boomers ready that target is at two o'clock roger has target sights swimmers going down swimmer's halfway down silver's going down swimmer's five feet off the water somewhere's in the water somewhere is away swimmer is okay just to get an assessment of the patient the victim was unconscious so they ended up doing a little hoist to the water which is a little more challenging all right it's going to be a litter deployment to the water to the swimmer from 35 feet out the door is going down the water is [Music] got the litter from the helicopter swam it over to the boat [Music] hopefully she's still breathing yeah i don't really see the guy doing cpr but it looks like they're gonna get her all packaged up put her in the water and then we're gonna do it for the water roger ready for one air hook recovery of the litter and survivor you guys are doing a great job man a little dynamic situation here where it's in the water i got him in sight from our survivor are bending away from the boat roger stable at 35 feet targets at two o'clock round your head's inside place up's going down swam with the litter this is actually my first uh live operational little voice [Music] when i was throwing her into the rotowash thread wash actually makes it a little more difficult just because it pushes it around right here we're pushing right forward and right then both easy left [Music] connected both of the uh lifting v-rings to the hoist hook and then uh lift from there easy forward [Music] survivors clear the water swimmers in the water clear back and left drivers halfway up they sent the hook back down for me picked me up from there and got me back into the cabin roger sector safety 600 uh once the swimmer and survivor were hoisted we weren't quite sure how stable she really was poor girl i started taking her vitals my emt skills started kicking in and when i started giving her oxygen started coming back to life so i just kept grabbing her hand making sure that she was okay and we're gonna go to the hospital as fast as possible yeah i think her body's just like from all the shock and the pain the body just does its own little thing and kind of shuts down she's got a strong pulse so it was good her life is in your hands so you want to make sure that you take care of her the best that you can we're about two minutes out from uh landing memorial parents at 11. [Music] carried her into the hospital from there i gave the pass down to the doctor the patient was looking a lot better went back to the helicopter and we rtb at that time and we are departing to the north guys there was a more challenging one is that a life saved or a life assisted life yeah that's what i saved we had an opportunity to save a life today and uh of course saving a life is always a great thing not a bad way to start today guys oh not at all well you know i was reading that email this morning about uh if anybody wanted to take dive lessons i'm like i don't know you know we don't want people to be in trouble but you know when things do happen it gets to uh solidify our job and it makes us feel good about what we do [Music] i'm mitch peppers i live in port charlotte florida for recreation we like to go to the beach and go diving and there's a shipwreck out there that we were going to go dive on [Music] got down in the water went down to the bottom and i started having an issue i just couldn't get comfortable i got up to the top um grabbed the ladder and that's all i remember she was unconscious [Music] then the helicopter came and like wow thank god see the big red copter and then the coast guard on the side you're like yeah okay we're going to be good divers in the cabin boys roger i remember being on the helicopter it was a big sense of relief it's like you know thank goodness for the coast guard i might not be here if it wasn't for them they're running now their turn of course for had contraband on board they pulled the plug i got him it's taking on water again let me get that pump pump it up come on come on [Music] cadet jerry you're about to receive a full facial exposure oc pepper spray do you have any questions no bmt roger that close your eyes take a deep breath and hold doing a training exercise for exposure to olio resin capsicum spray which is basically also known as pepper spray and we require all of our boarding team members and our boarding officers to be exposed to it so they know how to react should they encounter an exposure during an actual event while they're out doing their missions open your eyes [Music] what happened so we spray the trainee to ensure that a they know what it feels like they can defend themselves they can protect their weapon and ultimately get to a point where they can now still exercise the appropriate level of force to ensure that the subject that sprayed them can be taken down i have just been oc pepper sprayed it's probably one of the worst experiences i've ever been through in my life the most painful i think it forms a special kind of bond between you and the crew because you've all been through that same experience you all know what it feels like and uh you have a lot more respect for them and respect for each other open your eyes what happened get down get back your defense during it yeah it sucks but you don't really notice the pain you're just trying to get through it zach get down you're down or what i'm shaking get down or you will be shy and then right after it was like oh man what did i get myself into and so yeah we ducked our head in ice water start flushing it out but basically you're just gonna have to sit through it for a little bit let the paint go there's not much you can do about it why are they videotaping this again [Music] all right here's what we got for a lot of them accepted a boat had contraband on board they pulled the plug okay but the contraband they tried to throw the bale overboard we were able to recover the bale right now a cutter took the the contraband and the subjects but our boat has the boat in tow my name is omar castro and i am the coxswain on the 45-foot boat one of our air assets reported a toi coming from the bahamas [Music] and our primary non-compliant boat went out to engage him here they're running now their current course 135 sector requests an updated position look at me one three five we're gonna pursue myself one outboard what's up buddy they needed my help to go out and de-water the boat because as soon as they engaged the non-compliant vessel they tried to scuttle the boat scuttling the ball is basically when a smuggler is trying to destroy all the evidence they will either break a hole on the boat or take the plugs out so that way the boat will sink and there's no longer evidence the evidence will sync with the boat we suspect that there's a lot more drugs on board so henry has it on toe uh he's trying to keep it on plane that way it doesn't sink okay we're gonna go up there put the pump on board the boat pump the water out because there's apparently there's a lot of water coming in we're gonna bring the boat over here i'm gonna have ski and a crew ready on the travel lift to get the boat out of the water okay because we're gonna try to see if there's more drugs on board before if you know if we can get this boat uh salvaged okay and you guys just keep a sharp lookout out okay i have two cadets on board it was their second day the prior day they reported and then that day they wanted to go out with me and see you know what we do on the boats and whatnot all right coming up here i got him i got him off the boat i see him as we were pulling up we noticed that they already had the boat in tow which was barely above the surface of the water we saw the blue lights from the fwc boats and the other 45 that was already unseen we were basically preparing ourselves to keep this boat alive so we could get it back to the base the fwc they sped over and petty officer morin was bent over my child morris one of the fwc guys was holding onto him by his belt [Music] grab him help him with the light there you go right there he got over and picked up the bale of narcotics [Music] that's awesome so then i realized that there's got to be more narcotics on that boat we need to put that this side has no water the other side is what has water so you stick me if you can switch sides of ruby real quick yeah you stick me three feet away from me i'm gonna jam that suction hose in there that's what i'm saying perfect perfect go ahead and get the physics punk ready to meet up with meet up with the fw that's alongside my name is jeremy niece i'm a stationary beach i'm an e3 and i'm a fireman a p6 pump is basically just a de-watering pump that we use on vessels that are taking on water see if you can put the search light on the boat pretty much you just put it where the vessel mostly is taking on water and uh prime it that's fine that's fine just stay with it right there there you go there you go and once you start it you got to prime it some more and then it'll eventually take out all the water out of the boat at a very rapid speed that p6 pump is great because you know after priming it and all that you know once it gets your prime within seconds it took all the water out now the hardest part was me to maintain station next to the boat while it was being on tow while one of the crew members was holding the hose and he was spotted by another crew member you know so it was a very complex evolution it's taking on water again let me get that pump open that up okay uh strauss wrap that black line out forward right there that is the end pump it out pump it out first pump it out first pump it out pump it out pump it out run it jeremy come down the pump let me get it up start it up come on come on [Music] once the coxswain came closer with the boat towards the travel lift where we mow the boat up uh the vessel started sinking [Music] so they shortened the toe and the coxswain came up accelerate pretty quickly and try to pull the boat back up okay it's back up it's back up henry you got it bro you got it every time water would get into the boat contraband kept coming out as evidence for us so we would try to grab the contraband and safely put it in our boat and kept it watering it it was a long transition so it was very intense gotta maintain carson's speed we're going to pick up a barrel [Music] [Music] once we came in through government cut we determined that it was a lot safer if we hooked up another tow line to it put it on a heavy line and pass it to the pier that way they kept positive control if at any point the boat sank they can still have some lime attached to it from land and not from the boat hey ready [Music] i threw two heaving lines and they took it from there we released the boat they pulled it in all right mk 3's dankowski ran the uh travel lift and got that boat up on land wait shut it down all right good job everybody get a lot of teamwork there right now we're trying to find out everything what else was inside we were able to have find some ash some more marijuana [Music] the fort lauderdale boat that actually made this stop and apprehended the suspects and got the initial contraband off the vessel they're getting ready to tie up to the dock here and we're going to offload the suspects [Music] they've been in these cuffs i know your buddy so these are the our two newest cadets um they're freshmen at the coast guard academy and they got here what last night right 24 hours ago okay so in less than 24 hours they've been involved in a major narcotic seizure uh the rest of two suspects and you guys aren't even full-blown officers yet you're still in training right sir these are the future leadership of the coast guard welcome aboard nothing like throwing your feet in the fire right yes sir all right good deal we just cut the boat open and it was a pretty good bust yeah we're wrapping up things we got the detainees and ice is going to take over and you know they're going to go ahead and prosecute them having a case like this brings morale it refreshes the crew as to you know hey we did something successful we did it together as teamwork [Music] so it gives us more motivation to go out and look for it and look for these cases and look for the drug smugglers and the people voting on their influence and things like that and successfully you know keeping the water safe out here [Music] [Music] i'm rear admiral bill baumgartner in florida the coast guard is responsible for about 1.8 million square miles of water area [Music] search and rescue pollution response commercial shipping there are people smuggling narcotics sometimes smuggling terrorists and here in florida this is the most intense place for so many of those missions if you're going to go out there and combat the threats that we combat every day you've got to have people that are working for something for more than a paycheck in the coast guard we've got the best people from the young people that we're getting in all the way up to captains that run the big air stations the missions are so challenging that we can't afford to have somebody that's not the best at what they do we try to do our best to protect the american public while we're on watch and then we train and turn it over to the next generation that's where values come in play honor respect devotion to duty has made us successful for 222 years and it'll carry us through the next 222 years [Music] you
Channel: DANGER TV
Views: 420,735
Rating: 4.9094696 out of 5
Keywords: coast guard florida, coast guard florida season 1, coast guard florida season 1 episode 1, coast guard florida season 1 episode 1 premiere, coast guard florida full episode, full episode coast guard florida season 1 episode 1, us coast guard, us coast guard florida, united states coast guard, united states coast guard florida, florida coast guard, air station clearwater, air station clearwater florida, danger, dangertv, danger tv, Danger, DangerTV, Danger TV, dangertv coast guard, us
Id: 5y-fQF8WlEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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