Rough Seas Rescue off the Coast of Miami | Coast Guard Florida | Full Episode

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high winds off key west threaten the rescue efforts of the coast guard disgusting pretty bad sir just take your time with it while in clear water a rescue swimmer battles thunderstorms to aid a sinking vessel and deep in the caribbean the air crew races to a cruise ship to medevac a stroke victim when the coast guard arrived at that moment all of my prayers was anson the florida peninsula a hotbed for mother nature's fury here every day the brave men and women of the coast guard's busiest boat and air stations vigilantly patrol nearly two million square miles of turbulent waters protecting the public from the dangerous elements and preventing foreign threats and illegal drugs from reaching our shores america's southern waters are protected by coast guard florida [Music] hey coast guard coast guard you out there may yeah we got a guy down he's hurt real bad you know got banged up his neck and he's real stiff roger captain is the person conscious at this time over yeah he's conscious but he ain't talking much roger cam [Music] pom pom pom pom pom pom all stationed all stations all stationed coast guard received a report of an injured person on board a 90-foot trump trawler in last known position two four three five north zero eight two three zero west we received a call of a gentleman on a shrimp boat who was injured about 150 miles away from key west [Music] his crop had gotten jammed by the shrimp nets and he went down there and as he was freeing it the boat had hit a wave and the entire weight of the boat had come down and landed on him i knew the situation was serious and that we needed to get in the hospital as soon as possible [Music] 6607 on cg1 111 over 3607 sector over we don't have much information as far as this uh back is concerned can you please give us any amplifying or new information a patient is having tingling in his right side and uh extreme pain 35 minutes out guys i'm lieutenant howard baker air station miami we don't know a whole lot um but we know his back's hurt and uh he's on a stretcher as of right now and he's in a lot of pain key west could you please pass the frequency where you are talking to this fishing vessel roger we are speaking to them on 22 alpha over we are going to try to kill them on the radio a lot of conversation on the way down this is jose rivera's first live hoist and we're just trying to make sure that this goes as smoothly as possible you absolutely never want to do anything to make the situation worse fishing vessel this vessel this is coast guard helo 6607 on 22 out for over [Music] i don't think they can hear us this is my first medevac my adrenaline is pumping you know i'm a little nervous but you're not you're not thinking about much you're just reacting to everything and on your training relying on your training might be able to reach the talent yeah talent co2 this is 6607 6607 roger i have you uh a lot and clear there was a coast guard small boat in the area that got on scene before us and dropped two guys on the boat to stabilize the patient they were emc qualified they had him bandaged up they briefed me uh what had happened to him they couldn't transfer him due to the nature of his injuries and the type of vessel he was on so the only way off the boat for him was our helicopter this is going to be them right here there is your door speed cool i'm already getting the cab already back here 14 from coast guard 007 6607 roger the plan right now is we'll take a look at how much the boat's moving we'll definitely be lowering our rescue somewhere first roger i copy on all let me know if i can help in any way getting the swimmer on board or moving anything around on deck over when we first arrived on scene the obvious big hazard to us is all the rigging on the vessel they have lots of outriggers uh tall mass standing about 75 feet above the water and the free board on the side of the vessel is about 20 feet as well which kind of took out the chance of a transfer to a smaller vessel also there's lots of hazards all over the deck coast guard 6607 supporting team the only feasible hoist location is going to be on top of the pilot house have the antennas been removed from the pilot house yeah we're going to go offline briefly we're going to transport the victim up to the pilot house stack over you guys hold off on putting them up to the pilot house till we get our rescues from our onboard we're just throwing him to the uh in the way while we're trying to drop our rescue somewhere down there coffee on that because this vessel was uh filled with different snag hazards and a high mast we had to obviously position the hoist a lot higher than normal at about 100 feet which gave us about a four foot by three foot hoisting platform and that was in the very forward part of the vote leaving all the rigging behind us fishing vessel this is his coast guard hilo 6607 uh you're kind of scratchy but i can hear you a little bit roger is the person to be medivac cautious or is he in and out how does he feel as far as being awake or not the captain's laying down he can't move at all he can't even get up next hurting real real bad it's getting worse by the minute roger everybody's ready when i'm coming to the door i am looking down at the boat just getting prepared it was very difficult hoist because we had a very small place that he could put me down what i wanted to do was to get him to a higher level of care as fast as i can coast guard 6607 supporting team his lips are starting to turn a bluish color we covered them with blankets in the preferred position for a shock victim over roger is going down [Music] windy out there it's very windy very very windy and the helicopter is not that safe you know it is uh anything could happen wind or whatnot and the swimmer is actually trailing aft at this point in time obviously the boat is not directly underneath us the boat is actually to the right and behind us because of the wind i'm straining just to see the boat at all you're clear the antenna you're good with the antenna sir you might want to get a little forward for something like this he's in a lot of danger in between the helicopter and the boat so as we're putting them down i mean there's wires there's nets there's all kinds of stuff the vessel's constantly moving they're trying to maintain a heading but because of the waves they're going to slow down as they go up swell they're going to speed up as they go down swell and i was basically relying completely on jose rivera to con me around tell me where the boat was in relation to us and tell me what he needed me to do and we got chuck safely on deck and then we brought the hook up and then we sent the uh the litter down which went much [Applause] smoother we're going offline briefly to uh prepare the basement for voiceover roger when i get under the deck of the vessel uh the first thing i do is i assess the situation and the person he was awake and talking which is always a good thing but uh he couldn't fill his legs he was telling me he couldn't fill his legs and as soon as someone says that they can't feel their legs it's a red flag you immediately know that it's a serious situation and my immediate decision with his condition was to what we call load and go i was going to pack him up get him on the helicopter as soon as i can and get him to uh emergency care all right i got him up on the pilot house hey you guys are ready to pick up jose yep once you have a patient into the litter and he's ready to be hoisted the biggest worry is high winds and a lot of rotation when he's going up the spinning low and take it alone easy forward you don't want to bang them around you don't want to move them around the more they move around the bigger chance it is for them to be injured so what i tried to do was just hold the line as tight as possible to keep them from to spin as little as possible the hoist was high enough that i ran out of trail line before it got to the helicopter so once he made it pass and the trail line come out of my hands it was all up to jose to keep him from smashing into the helicopter disgusting pretty bad sir just take your time with it [Music] pretty windy out there we received a call of a gentleman on a shrimp boat who was injured i knew the situation was serious and that we needed to get in the hospital as soon as possible as i'm bringing him up i'm all i'm thinking is this guy's life is in my hands you know i could bring him up and hit him underneath the cabin so it's a very tight spot when you bring him up you got to make sure you handle that litter right so he won't hit anything on the way up or the boat [Applause] itself [Music] as i was watching the patient being pulled into the helicopter i started getting myself ready getting prepared to be hoisted up and to start to treat the patient aboard the helicopter on the way to the hospital inside the cabin so it's complete as we pull the survivor into the helicopter actually initially think jose is yelling at the guy and trying to keep him calm we'll actually look back and realize it's the survivor screaming and he screams the entire way apparently his whole the whole right side of his body is just an immense pain chuck's a man a few words he basically says i'm worried about this guy and and that's enough to tell me that we need to get to the hospital as quickly as possible we even called fort lauderdale international and said hey we can't delay we got to go straight to the hospital pad all right chuck we got eight minutes to go with the possibility of a spinal cord injury when we deliver the patient to the hospital we're trying to ensure the smoothest transfer from the helicopter to the hospital and that starts at the landing hospital's right up here got the pad inside i got the pad okay so i'm gonna open up this door first just like a conduit okay you absolutely never want to do anything to make the situation worse we don't want to land too hard uh when we land at a pad we lock our nose wheel we set our parking brake so sometimes those lanes can be a little jerky so i'm really concerned about the landing and zach does a great job he puts it down real nice and smooth and i'm very concerned about carrying the guy in as well [Music] and we carry the guy into the er screaming the whole way and then once we get into the er the the screams kind of get everybody's attention they get a gurney for us and we put him on the gurney and then we're almost out of fuel so we have to depart i'm glad i ate my wheaties this morning after a case like this you feel good afterwards you do especially when it goes well like this when all the hoisting goes real smooth and we get the guy in the hospital you tell your wife and your parents and everybody gets pumped for you and you're not trying to brag but it is kind of cool you feel like you really you know you made a difference in somebody's life [Music] f-14 tango one seven nine one five eight two and three three six six two nine all right f-14 is our primary precision rifle taking this out to avon and doing some training with it about a two-hour drive two and a half hours or so petty officer first class dan consetti station here at air station clearwater and auf department at uf stands for airborne use of force the auf responsibilities are ports waterways and coastal security today we're loading up you have four days of scheduled training going on down there at avon park we have to stay proficient through training so if we ever are called upon to take a shot from a helicopter we're ready to do it when they ask us to [Music] here at avon there's a vast expanse of area so this helps the shooter develop some confidence in his ability to go long range with the rifle we prep here during our ground fire and when the helo comes here we'll just go ahead and go through our qualification courses i'm amt ii raymond marion we have to maintain an 80 accuracy rate on this course yes sir normally for qualification purposes you get two attempts hopefully we can get everybody through in one evolution all right so this person did qualify then they'll swap out gunners and uh shoot the next target man we look forward to coming out here several times a year it's a great training environment [Applause] we did stationary targets today so tomorrow we're going to start off with the moving targets so we're about ready to get out of here and get some rest and get ready for the next day all right good man [Music] did you undo that tray line deployment first uh six zero zero nine that's a sector to request your current off position oh boy sounds like they might have something for us zero zero nine you are diverted at this time understand that the vessel is making his way towards tarpon springs at about 20-22 knots get the pump ready in the middle of uh conducting some swimmer training you got the call that there was a vessel taken on water about uh 60 to 80 miles west of here so we started heading that way most expeditiously we still have no builds pumps if somebody wants to start heading this way maybe we can uh rendezvous somewhere with a pump closer copter 609 they had gotten three mayday calls out over the radio we want to get out there as quickly as possible so that we can get them a pump and see if we can help matt get some of that water out of their vessel and save the vessel [Music] all right guys [Music] get the pump ready we got the call that there was a vessel taken on water about uh 60 to 80 miles west of here so we started heading that way most expeditiously all right guys to get a little bouncy here in a second on scene there were scattered rain showers who were in in light rain about eight miles visibility our ceilings were i believe about 1500 feet all right i got a target here as well yeah that's a nice fishing vessel right there yeah i see water just pouring out of his uh little ports on the did you want to put me down to the boat too first so i can caroline it in yeah we might i'm ast-2 jerry landers and i'm a rescue swimmer in the past people have made mistakes in trying to run the pump by not following the proper direction so the best way to do it is just to go down yourself it'd be a little fast to put put jerry down there like that joint venture we have a dewatering pump we'd like to deliver but we'd like you to stop so we can deliver it to you stop your vessel roger all right just stop it i don't know how quick he's taking our water but uh let's go ahead and send jerry down anytime there's a vessel taking on water it's an urgent situation when the boat is rocking that water sloshes the boat can end up rolling over very quickly six zero zero nine this detector can i have uh on-scene weather over there winds are uh zero seven five at about seven knots there are some uh ranged towers that are starting to close in on us from the west swells are three to four feet [Music] halfway down the rotor head built up some static electricity and shocked the rescue swimmer i saw him flail around a little bit swimmers in the water just connected from the voice cookies he gave me the ammo k signal and we just continued on when you're getting shocked you don't know what's going on for a split second then you realize oops you get shocked it hurts and startles you more than anything you get lit up sometimes all right so direct pop delivery uh yeah i think uh dropping the trail line on the bow may be the best bet because all the other crap they get sticking off the back of the thing as he gets over there when i climbed the board vessel the captain he was freaked out the boat at that point it was 30 miles off shore if there's nobody there to save you it could potentially be deadly just introduced myself saying i'm here to assist you in any way i can trail it's on deck you're clear back and left rocking pretty good too ready to deploy phone all right pumps going in the water six zero imagine that zero zero nine a request to know is there a coast guard vessel headed out here roger we have a 45 that just left uh tarpon springs area good copy dario took the pump and got it running and we were just circling overhead waiting for a coast guard small boat from station sand key to follow the vessel in to its port to make sure it was safe if the pump quit running one of the guys from the small boat could could get back on there and get it started up i got the uh 45 instead pretty cool one station stand key was on scene and once we knew that the crew on board the vessel was comfortable with operating the pump we recovered our rescue swimmer and at that point our job was complete i told the flight mech to lower the hook to the water because if i would have grabbed it it would have jolt to me again inside voice complete nice work gary man anytime you can help people out whether it's saving a life or saving their boat which maybe is more likely very important to them is that it's a good feeling that's that's what we're here to do that's what the taxpayers pay us for [Music] get shocked going in the water jerry yeah shouldn't know better man in the area and stuff there's a lightning bolt probably six years old oh i got shocked man it felt great assisted two people and uh saved probably about half a million dollars worth of a boat all in all it was a great day [Music] we had a gentleman that had suffered a severe laceration to his finger time is of the essence after so much time you know it makes it a lot harder for this person to be able to keep the finger or whatever the appendage is that they have lost [Music] don't mess with it brandon i'm petty officer first class mark county precision marksman auf is airborne use of force we're setting up a moving target for one of our task evaluations we're doing this because we need to get qualified in it which end do you want it at one way down there yeah moving target valuation is probably one of the funnest that we do because it challenges your skills it challenges you to be a better gunner he's going fast talk about making something hard on him the helicopter is moving the target's moving everything's moving we're all looking forward to shooting the moving target course it's probably the most challenging thing we'll do out here m14 is prepped and ready fire [Music] this is probably one of the most valuable training tools that we can get right now shooting from the helicopter is one of the most important things we do because that is the majority of our job targeted site that's hard shooting for moving helicopters it's a little tricky it's definitely a skill that you have to practice all the time we get a lot accomplished out here i think the coast guard gets a lot of bang for their buck out here with us i have a good time i really enjoy shooting i mean you come out here you're shooting the move at target it's just something not a lot of people get to do so it's awesome take every opportunity we get to train the most important thing is for everybody to stay qualified at all times because we never know when that call is going to come all right some business done guys nice job yeah buddy all right guys got a report of uh motor vessel dare has a person on board while they were diving they got a severe laceration to a finger i don't know if it's been cut off or not but uh we'll get out there evaluate see what we need to do i'm bm2 michael t initial report was we had a gentleman that had suffered a severe laceration to his hand or finger given the information about the case that we have so far you know time is of the essence after so much time you know it makes it a lot harder for this person to be able to keep the finger or whatever the appendage is that they have lost we'll assess and see if we need to bring them back on our boat or just follow them in and give them an escort back if you'll go ahead and grab the emt kit we'll be headed out shortly this case was taking place about 20 to 25 miles west of us it's a little bit long further than we normally go but conditions out were pristine couldn't ask for an easier weather to have a transfer in kane go forward get line one all right i don't know yet but anyway sounds like he messed his hand up pretty good it's a hundred foot vessel some kind of commercial boat station key west town one five request updated gps position for the vessel in distress roger captain every question has been taken [Music] wildling i'm an e3 at station key west heading out there we're trying to get amplifying information we found out that they were actually launching a small boat to come meet us probably about an hour to get to their position but with them making way back to key west already it should cut down on it quite a bit them closing the distance between us helps us to increase the likelihood of saving his finger call station request to know what the course and speed is of this boat that's headed back to key west on the way out he was real calm we lucked out we were able to make good speed it took us about 30 45 minutes the winds were real calm everything worked out in our favor if it wasn't this calm we'd be taking a long way around but luckily it's flat right here [Music] but first didn't know that this was a vessel i looked out my port window and saw that we had a small boat coming up on us from the south uh upon getting closer to it we noticed that there was a gentleman waving to us you guys got the hand how bad is it cut it off hang on we're going to get somebody over hey no lines man no lines just wait let the weight settle out have you got have you got the thumb sir it's in it's wrapped up in there go ahead come on over [Applause] upon seeing the victim's hand we realized it was pretty serious fortunately though he pinched a nerve when he cut it and he wasn't in a tremendous amount of pain once i saw how pale his thumb was turning white it seemed really important that we get him back fast i was wished he would have put it on ice right away he's walking he's not getting on the ball okay the whole time while we're alongside the gentleman did show a surprising amount of composure he had no pain which at the time makes sense adrenaline running pain doesn't really play a factor there's a clean cut then he said the nurse pence he's no pain right now okay his right thumb had been pretty much cut off and when you have a situation like this you have to worry about shock if this person goes into shock that shot can cause more damage than the actual cut it's just hanging on there or is it completely off there's like a half inch skin holding okay once we got on board our vessel and his hand was bandaged we tried to sit there ask him some questions make sure he had feeling in the rest of his hand make sure he wasn't feeling light-headed dizzy anything like that and he was able to carry on a conversation which is always a good sign [Music] the victim was a commercial diver when he was diving underneath the water he cut his hand on some of the gear that he was working with he actually didn't realize it was cut for some time yeah he's like a mailbox when he shows down he's calling his finger over there was it a charter dive yep this boat is out working for uh mel fisher treasure museum the reef here has claimed a lot of vessels young and old and that what weights at the bottom you know there's only a few people that can actually go get it all right coming apart i do my best to make the ride as comfortable as i can he was definitely fortunate to have a nice smooth glassy surface on the water clear day good visibility allowed for the smoothest ride back with a finger cut off you know the last thing you want is a bumpy ride to where you're having to feel every little bump well it looks like the ambulance is right there where we normally more so uh we'll just go to our normal spot anytime you go in a case where someone's in danger and you're potentially helping save their life or make their life better by not losing the limb it feels great i mean it's why everyone joins the coast guard more than that this case in particular without your thumbs it makes it really hard to do pretty much anything they're gonna try and get his finger attached station key west talon with five board stations there's no better feeling than getting the chance to help people it makes me extremely proud to be where i'm at and doing what i'm doing all right hey man take care thank you name's uh mike perennial this is the mailbox and we lower it down pin it there and it fits over the prop and as the boat moved back and forth the mailbox slammed back and forth somewhere along the line i cut off my thumb it was a crushing blow so it sort of pinched off all the blood vessels and the nerves the captain and the first mate asked me what i wanted to do i said well i think better call the coast guard and head into port so that's what we did the coast guard were there were great people you know they checked out my thumb re-wrapped it and then they transferred me onto the the coast guard boat everything went fine and there were a great bunch of people hopefully this is not a career-ending injury i'm hoping to get back in the water as soon as the hospital tells me it's okay to go back and there's no chance of infection the coast guard did a really good job i think it takes a special breed to be able to do this every day the coast guard keeps our waterways safe to all the coasties out there i thank you very much you guys did you do great work [Music] once i got on the vote saw the survivor she was exhibiting the typical signs of a stroke right side of her body was paralyzed she could not squeeze my fingers or move that side of her body the facial sagging was there i could see the left eye moving but not the right eye [Music] try some hot sauce pull up a chair get comfortable you're gonna be here for a while i like it my name is seaman brent in canada i work stationed in key west so we finally get a day off and uh we decided to come to this pepper bar to try some different hot sauces and barbecue sauces mustards things like that well just to let you know we've got about 900 sauces in the store we've got about 100 on this bar to sample from and do you guys get them like from all over all over the world this is gonna be awesome man we're in downtown key west we're out showing our support for the local business today we see them out on the water all the time they see us you know we try to have a good relationship and uh i think we're gonna try some hot sauces they got a pretty wide selection all right how's the jerk sauce very good all right this one's a little hotter this one's the ring of fire extra high i don't like that name why are you looking at it looks gonna kill you my name is pete i own peppers of key west we had five coast guard members come in and we're very honored to have them in it was a lot of fun we got to hurt them a little bit are we going hotter let's do it this is going to make for an interesting night this morning yeah so with these toothpick ones you want to put it on the center of your tongue in front of your tongue is a lot of taste buds your lips are real sensitive it's the center of the tongue no fingers lift your eyes if it gets on your fingers don't rub your eyes how are you looking at me that guy just for comedic value you're not going to back out on me are you oh all right all right stand in the tongue one two three go oh my god you know what we should eat lava pretty much they're not lying they got some peppers it's pretty spicy it definitely burns my stomach right now i need to maybe get some ice cream or something to cool it down it burns my ears it's definitely fun living in key west there's a lot of unique and quirky places like this to go and visit dealing with the high levels of stress usually at work it's definitely beneficial to get out enjoy yourself relax have fun with everybody it lets you see a whole different side of the people that you work with enjoy the rest of your night i'll contact d7 to get a position as well as course and speed for the cruise ship how on that my name is lieutenant kevin murphy we just received a call from uh district seven there's a 49 year old female on a carnival cruise ship that is uh suffering from stroke-like symptoms we're launching a 60 kilo as well as a c-130 to us to support the elo the cruise ship was about 250 nautical miles southwest of key west [Music] key west radar it looks like further east yet but it means pick up a little bit lieutenant commander tom english i think the medevac cruise ship medevacs happened more often here than anywhere else so we're going to go pick her up and get her to medical care we'll drop her off the hospital in key west get gas and come back sounds good with stroke victims time is critical it's crucial to get them to the hospital get the drugs that they need to help them recover from a stroke you ready all right gentlemen we've got the police sequence figured out we plan on doing any questions whether that day was pretty good calm winds high ceilings our primary concern was the range of the case it was a long range case it's like their intercept point is pretty well matched on the radar there we consider anything long range around here really anything 150 miles or more offshore and this is about 320 miles to scene having the c-130 overhead helps that quite a bit they can get on scene much faster than we can and have the ship briefed up and ready to go when we get there okay traffic 300 feet above us all right gears up clear in the back clear in the back as soon as you can we'll get the last known position of the cruise ship yes sir we went out ahead to kind of facilitate the whole operation check out weather and route check out the best wins and we'll go uh check out the ship come the hoist brief then we'll go find the helicopter and escort them back in sounds like a plan so you're really there to minimize their time on scene since that distance offshore for a lot of our helicopters that's operating right at the extent of their their max range capability oh you got the cruise ship right there that deck is packed oh man we're getting some love too all these pictures man really there's a lot of people in that pool wow we basically did the hoist briefing with the cruise ship discuss uh where people should be positioned for the hoist yeah i would say after the pool was probably the best location you can tell the helicopter will save some time okay we'll go find the helicopter you're about an hour out still then went back and escorted the helicopter in the rest of the way zero two six oh right in front of us the c-130 they were able to escort us all the way to the cruise ship we had the intercept plotted and there they were ready for the hoist we've wasted from about 80 feet so we had plenty of space to work [Music] it's interesting there were many many flashes from cameras on the cruise ship i kind of got blinded once it'd be nice to talk to them get their perspective on things but you're focused on the mission if you're doing the case you're kind of block them out of the deck [Music] back in once i got on the boat i saw the survivor she was exhibiting the typical signs of a stroke right side of her body was paralyzed she could not squeeze my fingers or move that side of her body the facial sagging was there i could see the left eye moving but not the right eye [Music] once i got on the boat i saw the survivor she was exhibiting the typical signs of a stroke about halfway down normally we'll try to get the ship's nurse aboard the aircraft first so that the the nurse is up there when the patient gets up there nursing is just outside the door the husband we did not know that he wanted to come he's like i'd really like to come and i'm like we'll see what we can do for you sir we can't always take family members with us on board the helicopter due to space in general being able to get them to a hospital but i know as a husband i would most definitely want to be with my wife yes we did recover the patient's husband okay now the best once the husband got safely positioned in the cabin sent the litter out down to the swimmer the swimmer gets the patient packaged up in the in the litter [Music] clear it back [Music] once the litter was on board they sent the bear hook down for me and then uh up i got it [Music] [Music] everything went great we had a nice long ride together an hour and a half to get back to keywest [Music] being able to know that we were going to get them to the hospital and get them the care they needed was uh it's always a great feeling all right we got a visual on the pad there we took the patient at lower keys medical center in key west able to transfer her right into the emergency room and then we refueled at the hospital for the transit home there's a great deal of job satisfaction that goes along with getting a patient to medical care i love doing my job that i help other people makes it even better well anytime you're able to do what you signed up to do it's a good feeling we're all here to help people and to help the maritime community anytime you can do that and you can employ the skills you were given it makes you feel good [Music] my name is larry mumford we've been married for 23 lovely years my wife donna had a stroke and we needed to get her to a facility as soon as possible to get treatment when the coast guard arrived at that moment all of my prayers was answered [Music] i appreciate them being um of service to us to get us to a location where you know i could get more better medical treatment prior to this i didn't even know too much about the coast guard but today i praised the coast guard because they was able to airlift my wife and they allowed me to go with her to a hospital to get the care that she needed you
Channel: DANGER TV
Views: 87,404
Rating: 4.9416485 out of 5
Keywords: coast guard florida, coast guard florida season 1 episode 12, coast guard florida season 1, rough seas rescue, rough seas off the coast of miami, air station miami, full episode of coast guard florida, us coast guard, us coast guard florida, united states coast guard, united states coast guard florida, miami, miami florida, danger, dangertv, danger tv, Danger, DangerTV, Danger TV, dangertv coast guard, danger tv coast guard series, coast guard rescue, rescue, shrimp boat captain
Id: 2GGhcqgOxFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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