Lost in the Dark Ocean! | Coast Guard Florida | Full Episode

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in florida hot days and cool nights are keeping the coast guard busy oh hello lights in miami the tactical law enforcement green team is sweating out their final training week a lot of them are coming from units up north they're not used to this heat while down in key west harbor the chilly night air is punctuated by cries for help hey did you guys see anybody in the water i hear somebody yelling for you oh right now the florida peninsula a hotbed for mother nature's fury here every day the brave men and women of the coast guard's busiest boat and air stations vigilantly patrol nearly two million square miles of turbulent waters protecting the public from the dangerous elements and preventing foreign threats and illegal drugs from reaching our shores america's southern waters are protected by coast guard florida [Music] [Music] i am second class postmate scott fisher we got a call of an overturned dinghy in key west harbor with one man unable to be found roger yeah he said he's right here key west harbor could be pretty treacherous at night not only for the wins and seas but also for quite a bit of boat traffic it's a pretty dangerous place for somebody to be in the dark [Music] they said he's in the vicinity of 29 the wind was blowing about 25 30 knots at this point and it was cold [Music] hey color you all right up there yeah cold yeah my name is jonathan cutler person in the water is definitely a big issue once you're in the water and you have 20 knot winds and it's around 67 degrees outside the water temperatures dipping down you definitely get hypothermic very quickly hit that wall up you can't see anything this guy over here is screaming and hollering what do you say he's going to talk to us hey you guys we're hollering we saw the reporting source uh danger one he reported he found his friends kenny's dinghy uh floating in the harbor still running [Music] [Music] every moment that kenny's still in the water we know it could be the last minute it takes for the hypothermia to prevent his motor skills from keeping his head above the water come on man where are you at let's check these boats over here [Music] when key west harbor gets heavy winds it doesn't get big swells like the open ocean it gets very narrow and short wind chop that produce a lot of white caps and a lot of commotion in the water so it's very difficult to spot just a human head i thought he saw something in the water shine that sailboat because if i were him i'd grab on to something else yeah hey cutler we're gonna start checking these sailboats and their anchor lines to see if he's grabbed on to something all right nothing on the back of these sailboats [Music] i got it hey what's up in the water yeah i don't know as the search continued we then got a call from sector key west that kenny had called them from his cell phone that he had kept in a dry bag and stated that he was on a sailboat shine light that way sailboats that person no i don't know like who's this guy ask this guy hey did you guys see anybody in the water no but i hear somebody yelling i hear them yelling wait we they're on a sale i heard somebody yelling over there that way i hear somebody yelling for you all right yeah we they're on a sailboat now because they called no i hear somebody yelling oh right now we're gonna start checking all these sailboats over here on the off the bow hey what's up yeah hold on central quest then gave me his cell phone number i called kenny and got on the phone with him hey kenny my name is scott i'm with the coast guard all right do you see my blue lights all right you can see me to the east i'm gonna put my spotlight right on the boat i think is that the boat you're on yeah right there he was factoring us in by using our spotlight i would shine it left and right until we were right on him yeah i'll come get you right now i think he's on this boat caller oh there he is hey kenny you all right bud calling that we found him you can hang on as soon as we arrived on scene it was very apparent that he was in late stages of hypothermia you okay i'll get them over just get them over man's cold all he could say was i'm so cold i'm so cold and we could tell he was hurting get him a migrant blanket get him both myron blankets stitch key west challenger two we have kenny on board he's showing uh signs of hypothermia uh we're getting him out of his wet clothes and into some blankets we could tell that he was very disoriented he was confused about where he was and what exactly was going on for his uh his life all all units involved in search we have kenny on board and are taking him to the coast guard base for medical attention over you a little better a little bit once we got the gentleman on board started grabbing blankets just to warm up his body temperature try to uh slow down that uh hypothermia how long are we in the water for about 30 minutes 30 minutes you warming up kenny [Music] yeah a little bit and i tried to avoid something in the water and i was in the water luckily we were only minutes away from the base so i knew he would have the proper first aid of medical attention as soon as we reached lamb stay right there buddy i'm just parking the boat okay yeah what is that station key west tells you two more stationary his motor functions were not all there so he definitely relied on us quite a bit are you on my phone yeah i'm coming in right now can you just call her yes i am right now his main concern once we got him in the garage was us contacting his girlfriend letting him know that he's okay that he was found it's all right he's here i'll let you talk to him real quick there you go hey i'm freezing cold i'm out of the water coast guard got me the victim is very lucky that he had his cell phone and a dry bag with him when he fell off his boat if he hadn't have been able to call the coast guard and vector us in when we were looking for him it could have been hours the next day who knows when we would have actually found him all right one of my main reasons for joining the coast guard is knowing that i can go out and help save someone's life and it's a great warm-hearted feeling to do that my name's kenny mckeow i live on the west side of wisteria island just off the key west on my sailboat i was driving in my dinghy to go meet my girlfriend to go to a concert next thing i know my skiff's driving away without me and i'm thinking i might die it was cold and the waves were coming over my head i ended up floating north thank goodness because i floated by a boat that i could grab hold of started making phone calls he got in touch with the coast guard at that point i was just happy to see anybody they were real efficient got me dry and blankets and got me to an ambulance it's not the first time the coast guard have come to my rescue hopefully it'll be the last [Music] when we get a report of someone who's possibly going into cardiac arrest that's probably one of the most severe cases we can have station marathon his face and his left arm is throwing them numb on your chest bad [Music] i'm the training officer at tactical law enforcement team south tackle it is the tactical law enforcement team go keep up the pace guys our teams are specialized in a maritime law enforcement capability to go down range and successfully interdict drugs at sea [Music] we're in the third and final week of taclet south's green team training course these guys over the last two weeks have been put through the ringer mentally and physically but now they're getting closer to what it takes to be a tackle south team member hydrate move i'm the training chief at tactless health we're at uh broward county sheriff's office and uh at their o course use your legs your legs that grip's gonna destroy you there you go we're here today to uh put stuff out there that could happen to them while they're underway now this thing right here is for you to save your life you don't know what circumstance is going to hit you if they're hanging off the side of the ship they've got to have that upper body power to be able to get back on board so they're not in the drink [Applause] it's going to be a tough one [Applause] a lot of them are coming from units up north they're not used to this heat so head down nice job get on that line and gets even worse down the caribbean where we'll be working out of push yourself all the way up so that's why we really have to push them we have to get them in the best possible shape to go out the door toughen up and put out [Music] we have a description of the vessel a commercial vote coming up my name is blake grilla petty officer third class postal mate we received a port of a man who's impossible cardiac arrest so we launched boat crew and we headed out to sombrero reef the best name is lady p diver uh 21 people on board roger good copy sombrero lights approximately three miles from here sombrero light is the largest lighthouse in the florida keys and it's a popular dive spot here in [Music] marathon [Music] on our way out to the cardiac arrest patient we were approximately one to two foot seas choppy uh we're making about 35 to 40 knots good speed is that m right there i don't know i think so no that's spirit that ain't it with cases like this when we get a report of someone who's possibly going into cardiac arrest that's a big deal that's probably one of the most severe cases we can have there's a guy right there off the balance station [Music] uh we pull up alongside the dive boat had already had all their persons out of the water we were able to easily transfer our crew over and the gentleman was seated on the back deck how's your breathing i feel normal shallow has it gotten any better since you got back on board or is it it's getting worse because it's such a popular destination for diving we get a lot of inexperienced folk down here that haven't dove that many times and you know they're more prone to run into a problem while they're diving down here than a seasoned diver would be can you try and touch your fingers for me i do a couple tests with him to see his reaction station marathon from town one seven his face and his left arm is throwing him numb he said he's uh having a lot of times we're gonna bring them i'm gonna bring him onto our vessel and bring it to burtons you feel like you can stand up on your own wait let's see if you can stand up come over here we're gonna help you across you wanna stand like that for a minute before we move all right on choppy days like today when we're bouncing up and down it makes it tough because you're not on a solid surface so as one boat's going up and you're going down it makes it hard for someone to transfer if you want to come down with our victim today he was still a little sluggish but he could definitely help us get him from his boat ours all right sir whenever you're ready all right there you all right we're go all right so you want to take a seat here or what yeah just have to sit on the floor yes station marathon 717 on your chest when we get someone who suffered some kind of illness or has some kind of pain the situation could get worse at any time on the way in he might just collapse who knows then we're gonna have to perform cpr [Music] first with cases like this when we get a report of someone who's possibly going into cardiac arrest that's a big deal that's probably one of the most severe cases we can have we're heading into bouquet harbor i'm trying to keep this guy calm if i can take his mind off the pain any way i can i'm gonna do that what made you want to learn to dive i don't know one of those things [Music] we found out the gentleman was in the army and he was actually active duty so we could have a couple jokes service wide back and forth you ever think you'd be having a little guys at the coast guard come get you this is the fun part of the job and then we made the safest fast speed we could make into the marina to transfer [Music] station marathon town one seven we are moored at burdines with dms on scene over we transferred him to people that had ems training just knowing that he's safe and he's gonna make it makes me feel great you know i'm doing my job i'm here doing what everyone's expecting me to do and i'm having a good time doing it let's close up shop and go home boys my name is gary wall i live here in oregon i am a major in the united states army reserve i got involved with diving just here recently recreationally made arrangements for instruction at one of the dive schools down in florida you know everything was going well and going smoothly and all of a sudden i had a sharp pain in my chest and i couldn't breathe they didn't know what was going on so you know they notified the coast guard i knew i was going to be in good hands when they showed up it's always great to see another military branch in action yeah it's not always a good thing to be rescued but you know when when time comes you know grateful and thankful they're around coast guard you know they saved the day you know if it wasn't for them you know i might not be sitting here standing here today you know talking to you guys and you know they have my thanks they really know their stuff [Music] all right listen up today's event i'm gonna put a lot of what you guys been taught the last two and a half weeks into one little culmination exercise your use of force your weapons handling everything communications all right it's called a stress test for a reason 10 10 first guy on deck ready to go all right okay go go go go go go go go get up the ladder you got people down in here let's go these are your guys today we are uh conducting a stress test put out what else we put him through stress the last two and a half weeks however today is a culmination exercise come on let's go get those guns up let's go squeeze let's go it's gonna simulate a real life environment if something does happen they know that under the most stressful conditions they can still operate and function [Music] clear your corner man down center man down get him out drag him out hurry up hurry up go go go go go go go go go go go go go go hurry up lead level this is the last test if you will green team they have to show they have developed the mental proficiency and the physical fitness needed to successfully be a boarding team member underway conducting maritime law enforcement we've come a long way from that first week when we started till now you can tell that we've come a long way 67 year old male possible heart attack all right star alarm went off for a medevac off a cruise liner of your vessel this cruise ship is a couple hundred feet tall very full we had a lot of people watching we needed to get into the hospital as soon as we could [Music] uh cruciate carnival it's about 170 miles south west west yeah my name is richard nessler i'm an ast at air station clearwater we just got done eating lunch and the star alarm went off for a medevac off a cruise liner it was approximately 168 miles southwest of key west and so i got all my gear ready and we headed out the weather was clear calm pretty much the perfect hoisting weather this was actually the swimmer's first sar case so he was a little bit on edge our chance of time is going to be about two and a half hours we have a casa um on scene that is giving us up-to-date information they are basically a small c-130 that flies around to give us cover while we're out over 100 miles offshore did they update us on uh no updates on a person's commission some of the things that we prep to make sure that when we get him into the helicopter we have the room for him to get uh the care he needs the captain of the vessel to know if the wife of the patient is able to come along on the hilo it's fine but we can do it now that's a good copy i think i got something there once we got on scene i felt sort of nervous excited i had a pretty good adrenaline rush going this cruise ship is a couple hundred feet tall very full a lot of people were top side so pressure was high carnival glory from the coast guard helicopter six zero two two four come in tonight stern of your vessel to uh [Music] with the older cruise ships there's a little bit more that's maybe not secured on the decks so we just want to make sure that we're not blowing stuff around and make sure that the passengers on the ship are not going to be in the way they got some kind of equipment there in the corner but hopefully we'll be able to see the fire hose when's the evaluation maybe three feet or so and wins we got off our uh about ten knots okay first choice we'll do a uh harness deployment of the rescue swimmer they rescue swimmer on scene stay away from the buffet no rescue brief is complete nestler he was a little bit nervous about it we had a lot of people watching so he was uh sweating a little bit once i got down to the vessel i got an initial assessment of the patient and decided to hoist the nurse first that way i could have someone in the helicopter beforehand ready to uh take care of them learn to move break your back basket again okay another basket the patient had a cardiac infarction so that's basically a mild heart attack we needed to get into the hospital as soon as we could bring the basket into the cabin basket is in the cabin okay we're gonna slowly bring him out okay survivor was drowsy this was the wife coming up here so she might be a little scared back i think basket isn't cabin roger better settle than that one more to go in range five easy forward race and hook goal position that's pretty good it only took about 15 minutes to do all that [Music] carnival glory from coast guard helicopter six zero two two nice work skipper yeah this will probably look at about 50 minutes or so to the hospital once i get in the cabin my emt training started to kick in so i started taking blood pressures i hooked him up to oxygen i was palpating for pulse and blood pressure ensuring that his condition was stable checking him every 15 minutes how's the patient doing uh good just giving him some uh oxygen how's his wife doing she's kind of scared she's smiling now though yeah probably break off the casa now too uniform do it you're cleared out thanks for the help that they did a great job man but we can help that's all set for landing back there yeah all the way down he took him to a hospital in key west once i handed the patient over to the hospital i was completed with the case and it felt really good to help someone nice job in the back i'm frank baruch we went on a cruise and that was just actually to to be to relax that morning when i got up i started having chest pain and shortness of breath and it's kind of scary i was having a mini heart attack i know my husband gets very nervous with anything medical i knew that he needed me there to be calm and to be with him and that if i wasn't there he would be much more anxious and nervous and if somebody's having problems with their heart you don't want that the coast guard were absolutely amazing i would like to take this time to just thank them from the bottom of our hearts because [Music] without them i really don't know thank you thank you for saving my life [Music] casting off four station one seven underway this time stand by for dar over i'm petty officer fairchild currently i'm transiting with the crew over to the turtle hospital it's about a quarter mile away we're going to be embarking a sea turtle which we're going to transfer up to cape sable which is near the everglades it's a mission that a lot of people don't know about the coast guard they know about the search and rescue the drugs the interdiction of migrants but there's also the environmental side so once we do get the opportunity to help out the turtle hospital we jump on it [Music] come on inside now let's introduce you to stella i'm richard moretti and i'm the director of the turtle hospital turtles come in we get them from all over the united states and actually from out of the country and we fix them stella come say hi yes she looks like she's ready to go stella came in and she was very thin a green sea turtle has to get down to the bottom to eat she couldn't because she was bloated up for some reason she was probably impacted with something she ate here she goes she said i like that she had a lung infection and she has one flipper in the front so the other flippers self-amputated in the wild probably from a trapped entanglement or something similar we got her healthy with antibiotics her blood chemistry looks good she's eating and because she's such a large turtle the coast guard helps us with their bra and they help us lift her all right guys i'll need you over here around the tank all right guys ready all right get hold up all right good easy then lower down all right nice job all right we'll take us to the boat we're going to take her to a special place up in the very edge of the everglades where the the grass is very lush when she looks down and looks at that grass she's going to think she went to turtle heaven slower account hit it on the edge station marathon town one seven we were back underway at this time once we got him on board we drove about 12 nautical miles north up into the gulf no no no no no no yes it's my fifth time doing it coming down bringing them back out it's a natural environment it's always a good feeling knowing that so it's out there safely one two three okay here she goes easy later swim out now push it in push it in the water and let her swim out [Music] excellent excellent she's like yeah that's awesome nice job good job guys well good partners and thanks guys no problem it's our pleasure the turtle hospital and the coast guard have been partners probably for 25 years and they've always been great it's a good trip and i'm sure stella's out there playing in that grass and enjoying herself not bad let's go see who else we can save [Music] we got a call about a possible medevac off a cruise ship elderly woman suffering from some chest pains be a little bumpy going too there once we got past the reef the sea dishes were pretty bad pushing about six foot [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] green team's almost over they've almost made it to a law enforcement attachment they'll go down to south beach in miami to complete what we call the pride run the final cumulative exercise of green [Music] team amazing people stop what they're doing they turn they watch the coast guard run down ocean drive they cheer [Applause] people get really excited about what's going on and it definitely shows and the appreciation that we get from the crowd [Music] great team bring it in they just completed three weeks that are arguably some of the hardest weeks that they've had in their coast guard careers and they're finally done they've done it they've accomplished what they set out to accomplish remember what this is like remember this team building and when you go to your leadets work together work with each other and push forward good luck to you the amount of pride they have at the end is it's enormous nice job tonight thank you sir they're gonna be the best there is to be at this job let's take a little swim [Applause] [Music] 10 by four stop mine of course clear all right uh here's what we got magic cruise ship ladies having some kind of hard troubles weather uh looking at at best i'm thinking three to fours best it is a cruise ship it'll give us some kind of a lead once we get alongside it so hey my name is michael teig i'm a boston's mate second class at u.s coast car station in key west florida we got a call about a possible medevac off a cruise ship an elderly woman suffering from some chest pains i don't know exactly how severe quite yet only information we have is that the cruise ship is in route back to the key west sea buoy [Music] and hopefully we'll be able to meet them there get her off and back to a hospital as soon as possible surprisingly nobody out tonight be a little bumpy going to there but we have a downswell run on the way back once we got past the reef the sea conditions were pretty pretty bad uh pushing about six foot and the winds were about 30 knots for a cruise ship to turn around use that time that others have paid for to go on a cruise it's a big deal so we want to try and expedite this as quickly as safely as possible yeah they're moving pretty good i'm coming down and trying to get comms with them one real quick established communications carnival magic this is u.s coast guard small boat channel 2 2 alpha carnival magic coast guard small boat roger we're at the key west sea blue and we have you visually approximately how many nautical miles are you from cebu at this time we've established where they are and have asked them to go ahead and make way towards us and we'll be doing the same thing just the speed of us going at each other is going to cut down on the transit time significantly oh hello lights what side are you on our starboard right yeah let me get alongside you yeah fenders got it station zero three we were on the scene at this time with carnival magic we'll be conducting this transfer momentarily and we'll let you know when we're sleep when you approach any vessel on the water i mean you're always going to have some kind of dynamic forces whether it be the wind or the sea state wasn't as bad as we thought just because the cruise ship really did mitigate a lot of the heavy seas by being on the lee's side the cruise ship presents its own potential hazards they have a platform that comes out right at the water line so one of the main concerns that i have and that my crew has is that the sides of our boat don't get caught up underneath this platform that can result in us either capsizing rolling over or possibly dumping people over the side all right you guys all set yep let's do this thing [Music] oh hello lice what side you going our starboard right on the way out to conduct a medevac case for an elderly woman who was complaining of chest pains everybody was just discussing a game plan who was going to actually go on the cruise ship who was going to stay back the best situation to to transfer the victim yep let's do this thing we came up to the cruise ship we could obviously see all the lights and all the people out in deck and everybody was pretty interested in what was going on beam right up to it about five feet [Music] good hey duncan all right how are you okay myself and petty officer canning embarked the cruise ship i went into the medical office we saw she was in a stokes litter i passed that back to uh petty officer teague it was the coxswain to let him know and i let the rest of the crew members know that we were bringing over a litter which makes it a little bit easier because everybody can grab a hold of it once we got her down to the ramp we basically just passed her off one by one and brought her over to our boat put your hand on it got a hand one two three how you doing bonnie you doing okay all right okay you're fine it's all right originally we had our perpendicular to the boat and then we decided that being parallel closer to the cabin door was the best place for her being inside the cabin's not always the best place for a victim just because there's more things inside that could possibly fall possibly hit her people on a stretcher also when they're laying on their back and looking up they can get a little motion sickness and she was all right with the temperature and we made sure that there was no sea spray getting older we had her wrapped up fairly well in blankets is your first ride in the coast guard boat all right well i hope you enjoy it [Laughter] i maintain a positive control of the top of the litter so i talk to her a lot i always talk to the nurse make sure that she was comfortable and everybody else so that was comfortable it might get a little rough when we when we come around the back of the boat all right it's gonna come from both ways they're gonna shield your face so you don't get sprayed okay once we started making our transit back to uh station key west the sea state definitely was not in our favor we're pushing about six foot seas it's too fast or whatever and you're moving too much you're being comfortable is what matters all right right now our eta looks like it's probably going to be about an hour and a half to station only reason it's going to be that long is the weather as we come around the stern of the cruise ship again it's a washing machine we're up and down side to side winds are causing a lot of spray as well one thing that my concern is i don't want her getting too cold how you doing bonnie warm enough all right good course dude no we're good back here man she's comfortable [Music] you remember any of this i think you were here about six hours ago as we're getting closer to key west i do notice the seas are starting to lay down a little bit we've apparently gotten out of the gulf stream so this is going to allow me to make a little bit better time back to station i'll hop over and throw you four once we entered the slip the ambulance was present we moored the boat up safely and we transferred her to the ambulance one two three [Music] we had just gotten back on the ship from key west it was my birthday so i was gonna celebrate we got to dinner ordered my prime rib and i just felt it come on i tightened up i couldn't breathe i couldn't swallow i couldn't do anything all i could say was get me out of here when the coast guard put me on their boat we said farewell to the carnival magic i was scared i was very very scared i was alone i knew i was in good hands i mean i watched coast guard on tv at night you know the rescues i know they know what they're doing and they are very competent at it if the coast guard could not have gotten me off that cruise ship i don't know what could have happened from what the doctors said i'd have been dead because i'd had that much injury to my heart in the past and this could have been the one that did it so you see why i'm so fortunate and proud to have the coast guard they saved my life they got me to shore if i could meet the crew that brought me to shore oh i just hug them and kiss them i would i just hug them and kiss him and i'd cook him a good gumbo all right bonnie you take care bye bonnie see you bonnie [Music]
Channel: DANGER TV
Views: 282,640
Rating: 4.9214287 out of 5
Keywords: lost in the dark ocean, coast guard florida, coast guard florida season 1 episode 10, season 1 episode 10 coast guard florida, coast guard florida season 1, coast guard florida full episode, full episode of coast guard florida season 1 episode 10, us coast guard, us coast guard florida, united states coast guard, united states coast guard florida, air station key west, key west florida, danger, dangertv, danger tv, Danger, DangerTV, Danger TV, dangertv coast guard, lost in ocean, us
Id: 6F0WwIx9zEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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