Coast Guard Alaska | Season Four Episode 1 Premiere! | Full Episode

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[Music] alaska brings a whole host of challenges with it it's layers on layers of difficulty the weather is so harsh the distances are so long the mountains are huge it's just really awe-inspiring it makes alaska a truly unique and a truly challenging environment to operate in [Music] and when a crew launches out into the dark and stormy it's pretty humbling as long as there are people who are in distress who need our services the job continues the vast alaskan wilderness a place where beauty is cloaked by danger here every day the highly trained men and women of the u.s coast guard risk their lives to save others america's deadliest waters are protected by coast guard alaska [Music] hi guys district got a call this morning from uh one of the adventure yachts found a 44-foot white troller uh that had an anchor down that was a drift district contacted the registered owners and said that there was two young adults took the boat about a week ago to go hunting so we'll go up and we'll just start combing the combination beaches looking for a the two missing people that uh anything on the beach we'll be looking at today we got a call about a 44-foot fishing boat that was found to drift and beam canal the initial information we got was two gentlemen i'd gone about seven days prior to go hunting and while they were away from the boat the boat broke free there's numerous things that we've got to evaluate is somebody actually in distress or they just stranded did these folks maybe leave the vessel this morning and the boat just spoke for you or have they been stuck there for seven days these are the kind of things that we're trying to get the answers for on our flight down for this case we don't necessarily know what we're headed out for a lot of times we know somebody's in distress for this case it's a lot of unknowns we're kind of going out to try and put some pieces of the a puzzle together what was that buddy oh really walking across the way yeah you can see the clouds and everything was nice it was quite a long way to have to go we're looking at about a 200 mile transit just to get on scene and then with the weather we had some pretty low ceilings and pretty poor visibility by the time we launched the rain had really started coming in and the clouds started coming take down [Music] we've got close to 280 mile transit down into bim canal it's in the misty fjords national park so we've got about 3 000 foot mountains on each side of a five mile wide canal that runs north and south once we got into the canal we had no comms with the sector so we were kind of operating by ourselves and we had to kind of figure out what was going to be the most logical place where these hunters would be so my plan is we'll head up here jump on this beach line come around and just start searching this we'll hit the cabin first get up in here if there's something at the cabin that won't get up in here our pilot mr enix and had a pretty good idea as he knew where to start looking started searching near this river inlet and terrain was pretty wild up there sheer mountains on either side not really any beach line lots of tree line there was a couple cabins on the side of the river and we you know thought that you know if these guys are in the area there's a good chance they could be by these cabins all right let's get our search on i think the big thing right now is to be looking forward to should be uh up here a little bit there it is [Music] we just started working our way up that river nice and slow looking for something which we weren't exactly sure what it was going to be we pulled into a hover in the vicinity of a couple of cabins kind of trying to see if we could see anybody that might come out to wave at us or you know want to know why there suddenly is a coast guard helicopter there if there's anybody there i would imagine they were gonna come out we're gonna hold here so that'll blow this tracker lift any of the roof panels off initially orbited the cabins we didn't really see any signs of life there was no fresh prints in the grass and there wasn't any uh any kayaks or or skiff at that location [Music] [Music] [Music] up this river we took it nice and slow kept a good eye on the weather itself as that mountain fog started closing in in patches here and there making sure that we didn't get boxed in anywhere that we wouldn't be able to get out of we took a couple of laps up the river around different little channels that fed into it and maybe after going up i'd say five or ten miles we decided that was about as far as it looked like anybody could go [Music] almost 89 miles in a few hours in the dark of the rain we're searching as much as possible and after we were pretty content that uh we weren't going to find anyone with that river mouth we decided to uh move on to our next search area so the pilots put the nose down and started gaining a little air speed i got someone uh currently at your 8 o'clock position happened to look at the left seat window just saw something odd uh couldn't really describe it and as we came around and got closer back to that delta we realized that there was a man standing there so while we're making our preparations for landing we're doing an orbit around the uh survivor you know the initial report was two hunters and and there was only one so that kind of got me concerned right off the bat [Applause] he was essentially on a marsh island at the end of the river delta an island that was just pretty much closed off by two pretty fast running rivers nothing on it except for a couple deadfall driftwood trees we dropped off petty officer muns and he was going to go out and talk to the individual and just see what was going on we thought maybe we were there and happening on on a separate star case something completely different we took off to see if we could see anything else and then he was able to talk to him without the sound of the helicopter and the rotor wash drowning them out [Applause] when dave made contact with him we were pretty ecstatic as a crew you know we found somebody right off the bat in the early early parts of our search and hopefully that he'd he'd be able to provide some input on on where his buddy is once dave got the initial information he started patient care and realized that this person was severely hypothermic immediately i can tell that he's in rough shape he's cold he's been hanging out in the environment you know asking first of all hey you're doing all right you know and uh he says yeah but uh i've been out here for seven days and uh i'm ready to go home so i said okay well uh you know where's your buddy yet and he says he didn't make it today we got a call about a 44-foot fishing boat that was found to drift two gentlemen had gone about seven days prior to go hunting in the bim canal area and while they were away from the boat the boat broke free so we searched the chickenman river now sure enough we saw a gentleman standing there holding a life jacket jesus dude i mean the two days of wind warnings they had down here is pretty freaking that had to be pretty horrific huddled that area had just been issued a warning for the last three days for wind in excess of 60 knots so this person just went through some very traumatic weather he was very weak and pretty much frozen uh this guy's pretty hypocritical i'm gonna get him in a bag real quick yeah we're gonna lift off here going back to catch drop off the wolf pad uh did the friend take off seven days ago he thinks or when his friend took off seven days ago with this gift and never returned think that his skis overturned or something because it was such a small skiff and uh he never made it back to the boat one of the more difficult things to do obviously with all the uncertainty is to try and figure out what to do we know that we had found this one individual so our immediate concern was where was the other gentleman we picked up and started orbiting the area while petty officer muns was still assessing the patient we realized that his situation was more critical than we might even have originally thought that he was much colder and petty officer muns immediately started treating him for some severe hypothermia that's when we made the decision that it was important to get this guy right away back to catch a can and get ourselves back out there to continue searching all right i've got some more information for you all right all right so uh this guy uh he went back out to the boat he lost sight of his buddy but he's seen the boat for the last seven days the whole time until yesterday and he watched his folk and just anchored and drifted away yesterday he was severely hypothermic he was pretty cramped up in the legs so i knew he was dehydrated he was cold cold to the touch definitely didn't have a normal skin color to him but at least he was able to relay some good information that definitely helped us in the case that his buddy had a blue kayak we're transiting back and as we're getting more and more of the information you know he had said that he had just laid down uh when we had flown over and you could surmise that he was laying down for the last time and you look back and you know it's a miracle that he's alive [Music] went and talked to the ems and told them basically the condition that the guy was in we just slide them onto the gurney and then cart them out after we dropped off the patient with the ketchup can ems you know we kind of wanted to celebrate and be happy but at the same time we knew that our mission was nowhere near being close to being complete we still had to go find the second survivor we are airborne at this time to continue our search and request to assume regard at this time we needed to refuel and get back out on scene as quick as we could we were starting to get a much better idea of where these guys had been the problem for us was that that was a week ago i guess you've been posted up in that spot like the last week yep you would sit right on that point by that tree that way you can see if his buddy was coming back he had eyes on the boat and uh he didn't want to appear too far he was about as cold as he could have been i don't think he could have been any colder all right that's what i'm saying if that dude didn't wake up when he flew over he was he was going to be asleep forever yep so that guy's supposed to be anywhere i don't know man it gave us great hope the fact that we had found a guy that was standing on an island for seven days in the elements you know we had all the hope in the world to find the second guy uh we thought maybe he might be further up north in a different cabin uh in a different cove maybe he just got blown away in the skiff oh look at that bears bears bears where's the bears right on the right side they look like dogs the weather had started to break for us now at low tide we actually saw a wolf pack they were probably within half a mile to a mile of where we had picked up the survivor they were actively running around back and forth swimming between the rivers the one survivor had been dealing with those wolves running around and they'd been out there bear hunting so we knew that there were bears in the area and then once we flew out we noticed that there were salmon sharks there at the mouth of the river as well so to contend with the cold in the water there was also a lot of hostile marine life as well if you guys see anything along the right or the left either heads up on its [Applause] bricks [Music] my big thing is i wanted to do a detailed search of the place we found the survivor and then take into account what the wind and seas have been doing the last couple days and predict where the second person will be blue kayak yep all right what's this position all right dude what i want to do is get down to that thing keep it out of let's get a real here picture on the eoir and see what's in it and to get a picture of the whole rope if that rope looks like it's parted that wouldn't go with my notion this thing popped up we really weren't finding many clues then we ran across a blue kayak just like the one the survivor had described that really injected a lot of energy back into the crew kind of redoubled our efforts we just really started scouring the beach in the area of that kayak and trying to put the rest of the puzzle together [Applause] ropes definitely frayed kayaks full of water i would think that they were so traumatic in cities that why that line parted we head back to the same spot where we found the first survivor you know we want to find this second guy and we've got a pretty good chance of finding him because we had found the first guy and even though he had been out in that the wilderness for seven days he was still alive all right cool i'm gonna get in the fourth flight yeah i think i'm seeing some other stuff too there on the beach we started searching pretty vigorously in that area i was basically laying on my stomach with my head off the cabin door looking straight down in the water after a couple hours we started talking about it as a crew you know if this guy did make it to land where would he have gone what would he have done and we decided that the cabins that we had originally flown over maybe we should check those out a little bit more thoroughly all right lg's gonna be somewhere in front of us okay the plan was to walk over the cabins and look inside for any signs of life whether there was someone there a week ago or whether there was someone in there now injured [Music] they were unlocked we were able to walk inside him and there were no signs of life inside we knew right then that there was not a chance that the second survivor had made it to that cabin yeah there's a nice cabin but nothing in there after briefing up the sector they felt that we have exhausted the air search capabilities and we truly had we had searched pretty much every nook and cranny of bim canal in the area that we thought the other hunter would have been this case is one of those testaments of how beautiful and how rugged and unforgiving alaska is a guy was able to sustain life seven days with a pack of wolves surrounding them but on the other hand it's kind of disheartening that you know we only found half the people i know they did all they could but they didn't have a chance they started a week late and he was dead in 10 minutes probably there's nothing anybody could have done with that situation [Music] this particular trip there was this bear and it was a big bear gear shot the bear went down and he was like jumping out of his shoes it just kidding a candy store took all the meat and then we draped the bear out on top of that kayak and when we came out of the river this gift's riding really low so i got out of the boat and it did help it helped a lot brought that boat up so i just stood there and lied flat goodbye and nothing went he motored out everything was perfect and i just stood there and watched him it had been about four in the afternoon by that point just watched him go after a half an hour i knew something might be wrong after an hour i knew something was really wrong and after two hours when the tides started coming back in i knew garrett was dead i couldn't see any other explanation but then all of a sudden the tide's coming i had to hike up through the mud flat there were three great big trees that had fallen over so i figured that's gonna be my spot for the night so i started a routine i said people can survive without food so that only gives me three four days at the end of this before there would be a couple days into a search by the time we'd be missed and i just stayed at the tree it was raining so hard and it didn't matter where i was i was just drenched these gale winds started to blow they blew you know we got wind back in michigan but this is more like when we have a tornado back in michigan i laid down and i thought i was probably going to die i was in a lot of convulsions and for whatever reason there was extreme pain there i'd already come to the conclusion that garrett's family and my family would never know what happened i took my knife and i inscribed a short story in the stock of garrett's gun i put his name in craig alaska and the little story so his family would know what went on i was laying there everything was set everything was finalized i was ready you heard the chopper i got up i just wave and then waving and they were just shooting by me and all of a sudden the chopper goes and they swung around the door pops open and looking at me it was a huge relief i knew all my worries about the family back home everything i knew there was a starting point for garrett now to search for him the whole plan to hold out a week or more i knew all of it was good well to let you know this is the first time i've looked at the gun since my boy died [Music] very emotional it says garrett hagan of craig alaska died while taking a big bear to his boat adrian canops which was my boy's good friend only thought he was gonna die and you think of our family want us to know garrett went it's a very commendable thing you thought of that you know this is a worry of ever fishing family and like us you get a call three o'clock in the morning coast guard called in you still live on hopes pretty soon your hopes start waiting and then when it's all over with you accept what's happened you know you try to deal with it pulled into a hover at that point wind gusts hit the helicopter and we started basically dropping out of the sky i'll fly out hold up pull up i remember just hanging on thinking all right we're just gonna hang out and see what happens [Applause] smrs tomorrow's our helicopter 603s are on channel two three yeah helicopter rescue we got smoke uh in the air you're at our one o'clock position today we're gonna be doing some interagency training with uh sick of mountain rescue we're gonna run a scenario of a injured hiker and then practice deploying and recovering our litter okay target's at 3 o'clock and low checking i've been stationed here for two and a half years now and i've seen where the alarm's gone off for a case of missing hikers or missing hunters and we've had to work very closely with like a mountain rescue to execute a case and former is on deck it's actually the first slr today's scenario we're going to be putting to stick a mountain rescue folks out of the aircraft we're going to simulate that they need more boots on the ground to help get the person out of the predicament they are in and sorry is on deck and disconnected connect to the second smr and hold as far as 10 feet off deck and sfr is on deck there is outside the cabin door and on its way down sir the waste evolution today there's a lot of inherent hazards anytime we're working underneath that aircraft we got 120 mile an hour rotor wash pelting us on the ground and it makes the scenario very real singing about rescue members certainly appreciate that opportunity to train that up and you know we're just better prepared all the way around between both organizations and either figure signals better is clear the jack hold position sir and litter is just above the trees there's nobody in the splitter is it spinning oh it's they're standing directly below it trying to hold the airline yeah this does no good anytime we do a litter hoist our main concern is the sail area as soon as it gets off the deck it starts spinning because of the rotor wash that we're putting down it's kind of a dance between the flat mechanic and the ground party to make sure that they can control that spin so we'll be working on that today glitter's on its way back down sir you're stopping spinning way too freaking fast safest bet was to put it back down and then we can regroup and try it again [Music] go ahead if we can go off center a little bit twice at an angle and then we probably won't get as much of a spin on that letter all right they're ready for pickup [Music] today was a great training evolution pilots got to put the aircraft in tight quarters and the flight mech got to practice some precision hoisting swimmer got to work with smr folks on the deck and the smr folks got a lot of good training today with handling our gear 6303 have a safe flight back to air station and uh we're better for the next time when we do it for real [Music] coast guard air station cody aquaten at maloney we just launched the 60 to go down to dutch harbor for a vessel that ran aground in his abandoning ship there in the western side of the harbor was four people on board and they were gonna get in their survival suits and abandon ship so we're sending people down there right now try to hoist them out of the water and get them to safety they're in onalaska bay outside of dutch harbor the weather out there is pretty bad winds are out of the west at about 50 knots gusting over 70 knots it's rainy about one and a half miles of visibility so there'll be challenging for the helicopter to go out and find them winds 50 guessing to 69 in the car right now my only half visibility speed so it's going to be fun we're going to get rock push the whole way there cool anything else we want your need a barf bag yeah get ready as fast as i can rush out to the plane i find out it's a boat that from what i've heard so far has run aground and the four people have jumped off the boat and that's as much as i knew at that point coast guard 6-0-1 0-6-0-1-0 we're off a minute 4-7 we have five pov any update hey roger the poor people they do have survival suits they're going to try to slim to shore and kind of hunker down there so they can get rescued we had a successful launch and we got airborne over kodiak we were able to go direct to coal bay so over the spine of the mountains here in kodiak during that time we learned that the four survivors had gotten off their boat onto the shore [Music] and these guys might be a tad cold i don't know what their ability is if they're hypothermic they might not be able to get in the basket but they are hypothermic you want to sling them up or still want to get them in the basket depending on how bad they are they were basically on land it was a beach but everything else was rocky all around them so they really couldn't get any boats in there to get them i was thinking about the people that were actually on the beach i knew they'd be in survival suits but i still know that in a survival suit in alaska it can be pretty cold they're still heavy seas and heavy winds the winds were strong enough where they thought the boat was going to tip over i was concerned how they'd uh fare out all right see state wind evaluations hold another sea state until we get there but uh wind's gonna be pouring over the mountain from the west approximately three five knots and uh should present some down drafts to us that's a hazard obstacle is a pretty big flip to the north west my only top prize is we're gonna get kicked out of us most likely permission to go on gunners make room for survivors you guys just uh you know once around the belt please have a hold of something right so i can see the cast buzz up there in front of us we arrived on scene to find them at the bottom of a cliff with about 20 feet of shoreline that they were on way too close for us to be able to hoist them from the cliff so we decided to pull in a hover and uh discuss our options figure out the best way to get these guys off the beach and into the helicopter without putting ourselves in a bad situation that's a tight fit yeah that is going to be uh rough huh i do see a bunch of rocks there look at that waterfall just blowing sideways as we're getting into the area the conditions were just outrageous out there all we saw was monster cliffs everywhere the wind was raging they had their back up to a cliff there was crashing waves it was crazy we didn't know we knew we had ideas what we were going to do but we all we passed it around in the cockpit what was going to happen and how we're going to approach this look at those waves crashing compared to the size of their bodies they're actually bigger than you think yeah go in and drag them up there and then try pulling off that way you're going against the current right there yeah it's going against everything yeah we pulled into a hover probably good 50 yards offshore to assess basically how we were going to lower me down or how we were going to get these guys off it was part over singles back out again at that point a wind gust downward wind gust hit the helicopter and we started basically dropping out of the sky all sudden we start feeling the helicopter shake i hear one of the pilots to say torque torque torque or up up oh oh hold up pull up we're just we're frozen we're like we're going in the water it's we're just sitting there we're like oh no i look out the cabin door to my right and the water's just kind of getting closer to the cabin i remember just hanging on to the cabin thinking all right we're just gonna hang on and see what happens all right bill do you like what's going on yeah yeah all right that was a hell of a down draft we were heading for the water whatever you had to do you did it yeah those downdrafts were a big gut check that's that's the first time i've i've had that experience i've i've got a little bit of mountain flying training uh we've all been in some downdrafts little downdrafts here and there uh but for the 60 with our with our big engines to not be able to overcome it pulling max power and still descending towards the water that was a eye-opening experience i'm thinking we're not going to be able to always come off that shore i just say the same thing i think they're going to have to make his way to shore if they're in survival suits i'll bet you put you in there and you go get them we discussed that we're going to put rasheed in the water up current let them swim down to the guys in the water and at this time mr flippowicz announces hey the guys are getting in the water oh don't get in the water dude they all just jumped in the water they're swimming towards us they're like oh no this is something that we don't like to see i mean it just kind of changes everything because now we're going to be chasing four guys on the surf floating around the ocean who knows what's going to happen it's just it's dangerous [Applause] there were four people in the water they abandoned ship and they're out there floating okay going off ics love you guys before he got out he said i love you guys i remember saying i love you two man or something like that he kind of gave me a smile and he's like let's do this we decided to pull into a very high hover they were going to be some of the highest hoists that i have ever done [Applause] ready for one [Applause] [Music] the original plan really was for me to get lower down swim to shore and i take one guy off at a time bring him out put him in the basket go back for another one to shore and continue the process when the guys jumped in they basically made it so we had no choice in the matter and i got lowered down to swim right to him this will be a basket to the water from 90 feet that's what's going down looks good looks good so i got the basket out and we started bringing it to rasheed and the way everything was happening it just went so smooth i got that basket and it just landed right next to him it was it was amazing he put the survivor in there and i brought him up that's what's inside kevin drivers getting out of the basket as soon as he was going up i immediately went back for the other three guys there was one guy that was out front i ended up getting to him first i happened to be the captain of the boat he asked actually to if i could get him last i said at this point it's it's first come first serve and that's when i noticed one of the other crew members stopped swimming he was actually drifting toward the rocks again all right he's got one guy he's slowly starting to swim away from the group so i went for the guy that was drifting toward the rocks i grabbed him made sure that he was at least relatively okay i said his knee hurt so i just grabbed him swam to the third guy with him had them interlock arms and started swimming with both of them until i reached the captain all right rescue chuckles complete right for one second basket recovery of the survivor roger at that point the basket was coming down for the helicopter i told the guys just keep kicking i ended up getting the captain into the basket he went up i went back to the two other guys just outside kevin that's inside the cabin let's get the survivor in the seat the way i can't even explain it it was amazing where the basket was landing survivors get to the basket everything was just perfect basket land in between everybody he would throw somebody in bring him back up and do it all over again they went up into the aircraft and then i'm expecting a uh either basket or the strop to come down for me and that's when i see the helicopter take a little bit of turbulence and then start dropping a port you again a little torque pull up you're good you're good hold it just get the nose over we hit one of the last downdrafts from this cliff i think it was probably the scariest one we had i uh felt the helicopter pretty much shaking and falling and all i could think of was rasheed's in the water and we're gonna fall on top of them or something good right there i remember diving for the dmv which is the data marker buoy part of our emergencies is to throw the dmb and throw the life raft for the swimmer in the water if we're gonna go down or we're gonna go on a flyout condition let me know i saw a nose over the plane i was all by myself in the water and i started yelling pull up pull up they were able to pull out about 25 feet make another go around another pass they lowered the strop and as fast as i could hook up i hooked up they pulled me up and we got out there as quick as we could [Music] the hoisting of this case was the big thing the downdrafts the people jumping in the water that really made this one stand out it's right there tied with it with the hardest star case i've done uh in the coast guard and here in alaska uh it's definitely gonna stay with me for a long time and i'll be telling the story we'll end my 80s i'm sure they're ready for four slides okay there's one guy with a possible history all right foreign [Music] out of all the other hoists and star cases that i've been on i would say this is probably the most demanding star case that i had due to definitely the weather on scene conditions the just the huge i don't even know how tall this cliff was but it was a monster and it was making our job very difficult nice job gentlemen that was a hell of a horsing solution you're doing okay your knee left me yeah just did a quick once over on everybody once we had the door open and get every everybody out of the plane and we also had a medical unit from dutch harbor come and take a look at each individual i don't know who i got first without you i was planning i was going to go in grab each one of you one at a time and then he made a quick decision for us but uh but uh no it was impressive if you guys see getting off the beach i know you guys went through a lot it's about the roughest i've seen i mean we've been through you know 50 60s 70s before but this was just outrageous well we're all pretty cold wet tired and just at the mercy of the sea at that point ended up getting us pushed further further up on the rocks and we got pinned in between two big boulders in the water so that was it lots of fanny lost anchor and then just beach came up next cliff started coming down [Music] they were pretty lucky considering all the conditions that happened that night and everything that they just went through to be able to walk off the helicopter after we picked him up which is pretty amazing don't always get to see that [Music] one of those rocks ends up right in the side of my knee when i've got it x-rayed a player told me yeah it's broken [Music] i've seen a coast guard helicopter fly so yeah it was just incredible thanks a lot guys for coming out there and you know pretty rough thanks a lot really appreciate it [Music] we're gonna go back to the place where my friend garrett lost his life and i spent seven days the worst thing for me is to look out there just just garrett motoring his boat out that's all i see [Music] a little bit so everyone knows where we're at we're just hearing beam canal part of the mystic york monument that bay directly across is where they found this skip blew it out of there yeah i may drink an ops we're gonna go back to the place where my friend garrett and i were we're just going back there because that's the place he lost his life and i spent seven days my wife is headed along with garrett's dad he's apprehensive i know but for me i'm very glad that he's here there's a big fallen tree just up above the black area that's the tree i was by i would hope that there's some kind of closure that it'll never be closed it's just part of life right now [Music] there's a seal out here almost a whole week and we stare at each other he'd pop his head up and look at me like there was some kind of novelty here if you want to come out you can really [Music] fast hey you see your friend here adrian the seal over there oh yeah there he is he went right there too there he is [Music] all right i'm going to my i tree kind of excited actually that i'm back here with it it's nice to be back here standing up healthy and you know oh i got to pick up my trash [Music] i had two old hand warmers in my pack that weren't active they were old ones from hunting so i will take my trash back with me but this was this was me for a week and during high tide last afternoon when the wind gusts were like a hundred plus i had to put my hand back there and hang on well i kind of wanted to come here to try to put together how my boy died you can't believe that it could be so vicious when it's so serene and warm and beautiful right now but if you're here when it's bad you know the difference it's deceiving my worst thoughts are that he was thinking of me stuck here but you know that's what it was i know the worst thing for me is to look out there [Music] just just garrett motoring his boat out that's all i see [Music] happy time it was a happy time i can remember him as like it happened just an hour ago back of his head curly hair standing up straight with his new outboard motor running out there with his kayak and a bear hide right behind him i mean it's very very clear he loved the ocean they loved the wilderness that was his life this helped me a little bit closer and kind of get a visual on what happened is what a guy wants to know what happened to their kid and how and the coast guard they was on on the ball without the coast guard adrian would have been dead it uh makes me feel that the coast guard is there for us that they really do care this is what i would like to say about the coast guard they're such a nice bunch of guys it's like your friends are out there looking for you it really is and when i got in that chopper that's exactly how i felt i felt like i was with people i have no one they were taking care of me you felt safe i appreciate obviously the training and commitment that they have and the very fact that i was rescued that's had a profound effect on my family and friends it's a positive thing coming here was positive today yeah it is
Channel: DANGER TV
Views: 376,568
Rating: 4.9264917 out of 5
Keywords: Coast Guard Alaska, coast gaurd alaska season 4 premier, coast guard alaska season 4 episode 1, coast guard alaska full episode, full episode of coast guard alaska, full episode of coast guard alaska season 4 premier, full episode of coast guard alaska season 4 episode 1, danger, dangertv, danger tv, Danger, DangerTV, Danger TV, dangertv coast guard, us coast guard, us coast guard alaska, united states coast guard, united states coast guard alaska, coast guard training, search, rescue
Id: 8rfA9NmrDXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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