Spinal Cord Injury Water Rescue! | Coast Guard Florida | Full Episode

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[Music] [Applause] when the warm summer air is punctuated by frantic calls for help this is a real deal guys the coast guard is ready to respond i want to get out there i want to get out there at air station clearwater the crew races to reach a man with acid burns to his eyes in marathon the team scours the choppy waters to help a young boy search for his father if he's on the bottom and out of air then he doesn't have much of a chance of survival at this point and in miami a gruesome discovery since the boat crew on a sobering recovery mission it was a terrible sight to see the florida peninsula a hotbed for mother nature's fury here every day the brave men and women of the coast guard's busiest boat and air stations vigilantly patrol nearly 2 million square miles of turbulent waters protecting the public from the dangerous elements and preventing foreign threats and illegal drugs from reaching our shores america's southern waters are protected by coast guard florida [Music] air station clearwater operations lieutenant j.j lee i am lieutenant jg chanel lee i'm a 60 pilot here at air station clearwater i just got a phone call from district 7. the tampa police department found a car on the gandy bridge that was still running a 67 year old female who is the owner of the car they haven't been able to find her they actually believe that the woman is in the water so i activated the sar alarm here on base name is lieutenant brian hoyt aircraft commander at air station clearwater we'll have the exact coordinates but once we get an aircraft we'll uh definitely hodo head out there and see what we find [Music] i look for a vehicle that's unmanned down here and then uh imagination i think there's [Applause] roger estimated jump time was 2 30 in the morning [Music] i'm amt3 dave mcpeters i'm a flight mechanic at air station clearwater it was kind of unclear what was going on we didn't have a whole lot of information to go on this is the candy yes huh man i don't see a car i don't see police i don't see anything but you know first in the water we're going you guys all right if i change out back here are we even going to come down and we'll find this person yeah if we find him put pushing down sherman all right i'm gonna change out then there wasn't any information uh as to exact location or or what exactly we were looking for was a lot of confusion so i i just started getting ready to go are we looking at the gandhi or the howard franklin 2-5 sector roger uh the gandy bridge over we don't see a car there's nothing out here roger we're uh we're over the candy right now thrown in nestor's pattern and i don't see any abandoned vehicle or police or anything that's making sense i'll get up a sector and uh get a little yeah that would work when we were in route we started talking with sector st pete to get a search pattern a position to start our search in sector st sector stage coast guard 6025 channel 2 2. search as follows center is at 2 7 attack 5-4 decimal [Applause] and they actually directed us north towards the courtney campbell causeway let me know we don't see an unmanned car on this bridge either what is going on here about two o'clock now as we were flying north i noticed the car on the howard franklin bridge so we decided to circle back and uh you know just take a quick look at the area there's a person right there look at that right there in the water yeah right there in the water see that where do you see him right there three o'clock she's like laying on her back there you go right there one of the yeah it didn't look too good when we first got on scene she was floating on her back up against that concrete break wall getting pushed by the swell we wanted to stay back as far as we could so the rotor watch didn't push her in there and cause any further injury once we spotted her it was it was pretty obvious that i was going down this woman appeared to be unconscious or for all i knew she appeared to be dead all right this is the real deal guys ready go check complete go down wipers halfway down put spencer into the water and from there he swam over to her and began doing his assessment i think the general state of the patient was uh not the best patient was hypothermic which you wouldn't suspect in florida but she was apparently in the water since 2 30 a.m previous morning your core temperature average is 98.6 but when you're in 60 to 70 degree water for that long even though it's not freezing cold water it's going to wear down your system and that's why she was in the state that she was in just a thought if her head was getting smashed into that wall if he's got the ability to stand do we want to give him a litter his hands are pretty full it's not that idea roger i chose the litter because i suspected a possible spinal injury a back injury and the litter is the device we use for for people with injuries of that sort of going up and out the door he had her all strapped down and was ready to go he gives us the thumbs up ready for pick up right five easy right hold prepare to take the load [Music] [Music] brought her inside the cabin and got her situated and at that point we were prepared to recover the swimmer swimmers outside cabin coming inside and we are cleared direct to tampa general next step was to get her to the hospital which fortunately was only about a five minute flight to the right this will give us a lot more room let's go for the uh right between these two paths here okay roger easy forward and then once we got to the hospital we lifted the litter straight onto the gurney with the patient in it [Music] up front guys that was awesome appreciate it man you did awesome too man if we didn't swing around to look at that car that you mentioned i would not have seen her that was a lucky find man yeah nice spot man lucky man just lucky it feels good to me that the patient's okay and that she's alive it's uh makes it worth it [Music] we're trying to save his eyes and i hope that he's going to be able to use him today we're gonna go out and get hoisted uh working with the aisds to be a survivor for them [Music] coast guard we're here at station miami beach we have two cadets from the coast guard academy cadet tim earley and cadet darien duryer within 24 hours of getting off the plane they literally had their first drug bust i mean what a great and awesome experience for these two young men that's awesome one of the cadets had expressed some interest in the aviation side of the house so we thought it would be great for that young man to head over to the air station and do some training with those folks all right man get her done okay jump in we're gonna run the cadet through sweat training basically he's gonna be flying as a passenger on the 65 so we're just getting him familiar with some of the things that we do here to prep people to go out on different missions go ahead and hop in and we'll hold it my name is durian durian i'm a first class today at the united states coast guard academy aviation has always been my dream to fly and uh you know going to do everything i can to get there this is simulating the door right here in the handle of the hilo what you're going to do is just simulate open the reason for the switch here is to get them comfortable with the steps of what to do if you crash in a helicopter because first thing it's going to do is flip upside down so you're strapped in we flip you upside down and you exit and we just want to see they can know the steps without a panicking reference point got it yeah okay your exit legs [Music] at first i was a little you know if you like what was gonna happen but it's a fun ride man didn't panic just perfect look comfortable what do you want to see well after completing this i'm really pumped up to go on an actual duck flight see if i can get hosted offshore good job dude thanks [Music] fast all right uh 53 whole male hydrochloric acid filled in space it's uh from a tug and barge it's 170 nautical miles uh southwest of here my name is lieutenant commander bill friday i'm an 860 aircraft commander i'm hoping that we'll be able to send you down he'll still be able to put him in the basket tell them to hang on and go for a wild ride all right we got the call launching us on a 53 year old male who had hydrochloric acid that was spilled in his eyes he was roughly about 190 nautical miles away they needed a urgent medevac to the closest hospital go to tampa for the patient memorial hospital right here take off three six left with northbound for rescue six zero two fourteen rescue six zero two four software is approved i'll go to one thousand payne on a scale of one to ten was an eight so we knew he was urgent to get him to a hospital as quickly as he can to get the right medical treatment but hopefully he'll save his eyes and i hope that he's gonna be able to use them like trolls kill normal my name is robert nelson first class aviation survival technician and a swimmer for about 17 years now the question i have is if it's okay to irrigate the patient burns with sodium chloride the patient had acid in his eyes i decided to take some sterile water to rinse his face off with zero two for this sector the flame surgeon indicated that if it's the point zero nine failing solution it's okay we are probably within six minutes every vessel that you hoist from you always can encounter difficulties the worst unknown is not actually knowing what the vessel looks like resolve from the two for before we got on scene i did a hoist briefing with the captain he goes oh we normally hoist off the barge roger have the best hole in sight two o'clock i don't know that backpack with the uh that was pretty easy right there man yeah i feel like the back deck looks like the best option so then when we got on scene we noticed that the best hoisting platform really wasn't on the barge it was actually on the tug that was pushing the barge resolve like you know is it possible we could switch to the stern i think this will be perfect right here it's huge back there yeah we could probably wait until he gets on the deck so they're watching us that way those guys can see all right this evolution is going to be a harness deployment of the rescue swimmer to the deck of the resolve it'll [Music] it was a high hoist so it gives me a little more time for something to go [Music] wrong got the call launching us on a 53 year old male who had hydrochloric acid that was spilled in his eyes [Music] we knew he was urgent to get him to a hospital as quickly as he can once i'm dangling it's all business checking the deck out planning out my landing i'm looking for anything that's going to slow me down or cause me problems [Music] vessel was a nice wide open spot on the back of it very clean decked lower too once i got down in the boat i assessed my patient there's apparently a paramedic that's on board he was able to take care of him uh in a very professional manner his bandages were very clean and well wrapped ready to be hoisted i informed him how the hoist was going to be and what it's going to be like to be inside the basket i think he's briefing him on like hey keep your butt planted i'll help you get in it yeah since he had bandages over both of his eyes i tried to reassure him things are going to be fine it's going to be a little bit bumpy [Music] [Music] i couldn't imagine what it's going to be like go up with your eyes closed not [Music] and jostling available in the beginning of the hoist about halfway up he's going to be swinging a little bit [Music] thankfully he didn't spin in the basket but just the swinging alone is going to throw his equilibrium off the camera that's the smart thing about closing that door all right like i received it and seat belt put the basket away the hoist the whole evolution was great hoisting went very uh smoothly outside the cabinet everything went great i want to say it was relatively easy but yet uh you know it could have turned differently transition forward thank you very much take care of my buddy there great job we're glad you're here thank you very much and have a safe way thank you once again you're welcome have a good evening 11 minutes right there i don't think there was anything that could have done any quicker it seems to be pretty comfortable pretty calm seemed to handle it pretty well i used chatty in the helicopter i was able to talk to him get plenty of information he was cleaning up on the ship and the polish he was using must have got on his hands and he was wiping his brow and it got into his eyes while he was sweating it wasn't uh splashed on his face like they had told me he was pretty prepared for a lot worse injuries general hospital general hospital coast guard and rescue 6024 all right we got a visual on the pad there right here [Music] we flew him into the hilo pad in tampa general hospital i assisted him over to the uh wheelchair and we build him inside to the hospital all right looks like rob's making his way out he cleared it he's cleared it we're ready for takeoff roger general thanks very much off and to party thank you have a good night right there yes it is this is my last duty day in clearwater i've been here for four years you know it's just always nice being able to do what we're trained to do and that's to go out there and save lives here we assisted a life to ease his pain and it's it's just as rewarding everything worked out well i was in kodiak prior to coming to clearwater and everyone says kodiak is very challenging and it is you know operationally distance wise but i've had my my most challenging flights while stationed here challenged myself challenged that the crew and the co-pilot knowing that if my skills weren't as honed as they were you know it could could have been different all right one more case come on [Music] there is a person floating in the water face down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my name is darian duryer i'm a fourth class cadet the united states coast guard academy i'm here in miami and yesterday i passed my sweat training for the asts and today we're going to go out and get hoisted working with the asd side by side and get to be a survivor for them [Music] i don't think he expected it to be that extreme underneath that helicopter it's a lot different than what it looks like you know you can't really see anything your your mask is getting hit with water your face is getting hit with pellets it feels like little bb's hitting your when the hook came down he was my survivor i had already had his harness hooked up my harness which is called a madpoo a military augmented double pickup survivor i hooked up to the rescue hook and i told him to give the pickup signal which is a thumbs up in the air [Applause] [Music] josh and i we went out together as a two-person hoist and just kind of being hoisted for the first time ever into a helicopter was definitely an amazing feeling there's nothing like it just can't even describe it [Applause] so i got in the helicopter the amt was there to help me get settled and they sent me pretty much basically right back down by myself complete ready app to harness they'll employ and duck is ready when you're getting lowered out the helicopter you tend to spin every time just from the rotor wash coming down and he didn't know how to kind of react it with his fins which as a swimmer you learned to do really fast and so i think he got a little bit of a ride going down it's pretty interesting it gets you quite an adrenaline rush to be there just you and the asd just sitting there in the ocean with the heel overhead it's definitely an experience that i'm never going to forget definitely have a lot more respect for the asts and what they do with their professionals and you know going out and save lives so so others may live it was absolutely amazing it's awesome it's probably the coolest thing i've ever done in my life [Music] therefore [Music] at this time i'm bm2 great o'neill coast guard station miami beach i was in the duty room when we received a phone call about a person found in the water [Music] over by the american airlines arena so we mustered up a sour crew and headed to that location [Music] the details of the story were limited all we knew was that there is a person floating in the water and that was it we didn't know it's male female how old they were how they died or ended up in the water we headed towards the american airlines arena and we noticed a lot of red and blue flashing lights so city of miami police were there and then along the seawall they had flashlights shining down into the water it was covered in sea grass we we couldn't really see exactly what they were shining at right there you see the heels [Music] do you ready to pick them up [Music] my name is josh dutton i'm an e3 at coast guard station miami beach a big part of this kind of mission when you're dealing with a deceased or injured victim is personal protective equipment putting on masks and gloves could save your life basically you don't know if that person has had a disease something that might transmit to you or your crew just let me know when you guys are ready the body was covered in you know sea grass and debris so we were trying to figure out the best way to you know come alongside and recover the drowning victim we got a pretty good plan together uh one person would handle the body bag myself and seaman rivera would actually put hands on the drowning victim kind of looks like a kid all right so just get ready for that okay okay just get ready for that might be a kid we're gonna get the hook out [Music] you're trying to prepare yourself mentally for whatever you might encounter you're not sure how long the body has been in the water if it started the decomposing process it's kind of a traumatic experience for some people and it never gets easy what we'll do basically grab the pants with the body we didn't know how long it was in the water for so you always grab it by the article of clothing and not like the arm or you know the foot or the head or anything like that because if it's waterlogged if it's been exposed to the environment for a long time the tissue becomes very soft [Music] yep shoes [Music] at first we thought it was a child that's obviously going to be worse dealing with a child that has been deceased but it was a it was a grown man it was a terrible sight to see because of the fact that you know it's dead body but i treat it as if i knew the person how would they want to be treated and obviously you want to treat them with respect and courtesy and get it done as quickly as possible good job boys [Music] good not too bad right once we secured the body brought it back on the boat we spoke with detectives and determined that the best plan of action was to take it back to base where they could meet up with us and continue their investigation on it thank you you guys good for me to speed [Music] up [Music] as we arrived at the station the investigators were basically waiting for us we moored up and petty officer o'neill and sema rivera carried the johnny victim up to where the investigators were [Music] they actually did their examination on base took the body off examined it make sure there was no major lacerations or injuries that would be pertinent to the case that one little abrasion which could have been anything his nose appeared and then the corners took the body coast guard station miami beach is the busiest small boat station in the coast guard and it's it's not easy dealing with deceased bodies and you can get emotionally involved with it you just have to detach yourself and just make sure you put your training to use and get the mission done no problems appreciate it thank you very much appreciate it it was an unfortunate thing to be called on but hopefully the outcome helps whoever's related to that person bring closure to it and it does part of the job that we have to do and i'm really glad to accept those [Music] challenges [Music] i just found those bubbles and they just quit we go out on missing diver cases and nine times out of ten we don't find anything and maybe a couple days down the road we find a body [Music] cadet early cadet during a fallout you guys got here hit the ground running and definitely did a great job for us and i think the entire crew would agree with that good job guys thank you very much all right my name is darien drier i'm a third class cadet the united states coast guard academy and i'm here at station miami beach come on in all right good afternoon have a seat good to see you all right yeah sit down for the last six weeks we've had two cadets here cadet early and cadet duriet and today i'm going to meet with them and give them their evaluations okay so i've got your evaluations here i put in some good comments as you progress through your career as you want to make sure that you're taking on jobs of increased responsibility as you progress through the ranks because we want to see people who have the ability to take on greater risk and lead this was our first taste of the real coast guard this definitely exceeded my expectations by far i've gotten to do some amazing things here [Music] from a major 776 pound drug bust to dead people to flying and being hoisted with the rescue swimmers at air station miami is this experience has been unmatched by nothing else i think any of my classmates have the opportunity to do and i'm really thankful for being down here in miami beach getting to see what the ultimate forces station is really like it really is the true life stuff that's going on out here and station miami beach gave them an opportunity to experience that now they fully understand the true meaning of the organization that they're becoming a part of and hopefully that motivates them for the next few years while they're in the academy to keep moving forward and keep doing the right thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we got a report of a missing diver we're going to go out there and check it out and see if we can't find this guy i'm petty officer coryell the diver it was approximately one nautical mile south of spanish harbor bridge [Music] we've been missing for about an hour keep your eyes out support my name is kevin david jackman i'm a mk3 in the united states coast guard with diving out here in the open waters you have pretty strong currents we go out on missing diver cases nine times out of ten we don't find anything and maybe a couple days down the road we find a body i want a position he was anchored out how long he's been down we're going to determine drift from that position we're approaching the boat uh we still have one adult male one male child on board how you doing sorry do you know the last position that you were in the last place you saw exactly but it was close try not to get too attached to each person initially uh you want a clear head for the case finding out that the diver was the father of the son that was on the boat you know makes it a little bit more emotional for all of us i just found those bubbles and they just quit he was only like halfway through his tank i being a diver and myself if someone tells me you know i stopped seeing bubbles that's not good at all that's automatically says to me that this guy's out of air stuck on the bottom with the currents being as strong as they are right now and the tides affected and the location of where this man could be it makes their search that much more difficult if it was slack tied on a flat calm day it'd be a lot easier but with the conditions the way they are it's going gonna be a lot harder to find this guy we're looking for any signs of a diver bubbles anything like that he could still be down on the bottom he has a weight belt on so if he's on the bottom and out of air then he doesn't have much of a chance of survival at this point [Music] what's going on that is yeah one guy been down for about an hour and a half fish and wildlife arrived on scene and decided to split the search area with us sure we can do that they went west we went northeast towards the bridge [Music] a yellow ball okay you said they were next to a yellow ball the little boy stated that the last time he saw the diver that was in the water was near a yellow ball we looked around in the area and noticed that there's a string of lobster pots that are marked by a yellow ball it was a yellow ball just like that i want to go back to the original position and get an eye on one of the balls that could be in that area it's happened a couple of times that the best pieces of information we get are usually from children they're pretty good observers and they're usually objective what i would suggest doing is run those yellow balls if anything is probably going to be somewhere around those it gave us a pretty good idea of at least a general area where the diver might have been last we have half hour maybe 45 minutes before the sun goes down and it's a whole different ball game at that point uh report of a missing diver they said that he's been down for about an hour maybe an hour and ten minutes and he's diving on tank so i'm guessing he's about out of air by now a yellow ball what i would suggest doing is run those yellow balls if anything he's probably going to be somewhere around those one of the persons on board the child says that uh last place they were was around a yellow ball we're thinking it's probably a crab pot which there's a whole line running from east to west they usually throw you know like 40 or more traps so it could be anywhere from two miles around here if that's what he's talking about [Music] got him poor bell got him out right off the bow yep tell me you got eyes on him still got him yeah all right cool i noticed off the port bows i was hanging out of the door a diver in the water i think that's him what's the distance a couple hundred yards turns out the uh the diver in the water was the one we were looking for robert yup how are you doing i'm doing fine all right no pounding that's all right i've already kept anyway good enough sorry to get you guys all out of bed hey that's all right i appreciate you being here put a ladder on the other side or you can just drag yourself i'm up i'm good when we got up to the diver uh he had a smile on his face we pulled him on board he was laughing the whole time how you feeling good awesome they were 300 yards away from me i'm doing this got the net up there everything and stayed buzzed off the other way i'm like what are you doing so i started heading towards you awesome once we had him on board we checked him made sure that there were no medical concerns he didn't seem very exhausted he was pretty leisurely swimming towards shore i know my son's freaking out even though he was acting pretty casual i think he was pretty relieved that we had found him i knew if i started freaking out it was just going to make things worse how long is it going to take me to get to shore am i going to get there by dark we found this guy about 30 minutes before sunset he probably would have not quite made it to land he could have easily been run over by another boat it could have definitely ended a lot worse than it did thank you man that's awesome we found our diver helping someone keeping them safe and returning them back to their kid as we pulled up alongside this man's vessel and you could see the smile on his son's face don't worry you're dead he was all right i was heading to shore buddy the look he had just said you know there's my dad and i didn't know if i was getting him back you all right were you worried are you worried i'm all right i'm all right [Music] i was upset too trust me he says call mommy [Music] i want to out of all the missing diver cases that i've been on this is one that i'll definitely remember for a while finding him in good health and getting him back to his family and seeing that immediate gratification is the reason we do this we don't always get a positive outcome but i couldn't have asked for anything better on this one it's no problem little man station one seven roger one seven is resuming normal patrol over he was actually a pretty intelligent diver just diving and you know the boat lost track of them he gets to go home to his son tonight good news for everybody edward over here sit down there we go read the card look at that when i seen the coast guard coming it was definitely a relief you know especially to get reunited with my son hello edward we understand you were a very brave very brave boy when your dad was lost you know i lost my dad at a young age and i think he really thought he was never going to see me again we also heard that the clues you gave the coast guard helped save your daddy's life i gave him a clue that we lost him at the yellow ball we thank you the united states coast guard and then when he picked him up felt happy had happy tears look at that it's a helicopter that's pretty neat huh i learned a valuable lesson shouldn't have been diving alone other than my son i got three other kids i got a new grandbaby i got a lot to live for my girlfriends informed me there's a gps watch with a transmitter on the boat and we all decided um for his birthday in september we're all pitching in and getting that we're actually gonna be down here not this weekend for next week hopefully it's on better terms hey the coast guard my hat's off to them when things happen you need them they're the only ones out there thank you very much coast guard for finding my dad thank you very much the us coast guard
Channel: DangerTV
Views: 585,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spinal cord injury water rescue, coast guard florida, full episode, coast guard florida season 1, coast guard florida season 1 episode 3, episode 3 season 1 of coast guard florida, us coast guard, us coast guard florida, united states coast guard, united states coast guard florida, coast guard rescue, danger, dangertv, danger tv, Danger, DangerTV, Danger TV, dangertv coast guard series, search & rescue, first aid training, first aid, spinal cord injury, helicopter, swimmer, water, us
Id: 8jCSl_8wa6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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