Coast Guard Training! | Coast Guard Florida | Full Episode

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churning waters and intense training pushed the coast guard to their limit on your marks get set go in key west the boat crew gets rocked by heavy seas as they search for missing sailors it definitely was a scary situation in miami potential members of the elite tactical law enforcement team endure punishing training and when a man is spotted struggling to stay afloat the crew rushes to rescue him before he goes under with that kind of sea state a wave height can actually cover a person's head so you're not going to be able to see him the florida peninsula a hotbed for mother nature's fury here every day the brave men and women of the coast guard's busiest boat and air stations vigilantly patrol nearly two million square miles of turbulent waters protecting the public from the dangerous elements and preventing foreign threats and illegal drugs from reaching our shores america's southern waters are protected by coast guard florida last contact i had with him he was entering the uh northwest channel he lost power in the channel he could be off to the west over here i'm bm2 stratton leo station key west florida so we got a call that there was a report of a boat taking on water the owner of the vessel could only get a call off to 9-1-1 saying they were sinking uh up by the northwest channel here at key west [Music] the whole ride out the winds were out of the north northwest we're getting rocked around pretty hard taking them kind of over the shoulder so it was definitely not a smooth ride out you guys all right good seas aren't helping maritime enforcement specialist third class jay bermudez when we were heading out for this case we knew the sea state winds were not playing in our favor when we got out in the northwest channel it was a steady four foot swells occasional sex out there it definitely was a scary situation took about 20-25 minutes to get to the last known position that we got the report from 9-1-1 was dark the winds were howling we used our searchlight everything we could to try and get a visual on the boat that was supposedly taken on water all right guys let's put our game faces on sorry i'm gonna see anything did you have him on the radar or no nope you're gonna lose him every time and this wanna try to fire up that flare roger everybody was really on their game they were searching hard we were using our infrared camera trying to find a needle in a haystack trying to find somebody in water like that it can go bad really quick nothing off the starboard beam they got nothing out there the sun should be coming up as soon hours are going by you're not finding anything uh and we also had a helo in the air as well searching and so you know when they're coming back reports you know running them back to sector they're doing their search patterns coming back with negative results we're not spotting anything you know it kind of it wears on the crew absolutely he's probably on the north side of that jetty there's not right there i can't tell we're rocking a lot don't look like a boat searching for hours on end with uh negative results is real aggravating we ended up turning around and heading back into the channel uh daylight was just breaking we spotted something that looked like uh lobster traps that were in a weird spot that's not typical to the area that we were searching so i turned the boat and we went just to investigate just because it looked odd holy those are people are you serious yeah call it in call it in man stage qsdr2 we have three pob in the water good eye man they're on their boat [Music] can you swim to us how many total do you have okay pulling people out of the water and sea state like that is a very complex ordeal uh if you're sitting beam to the seas your boat can rock and land on top of the person you're trying to pull out they had life jackets on so they were all able to swim over to our boat so mk1 levitzky he went out to the back deck getting ready to help getting ready to pull people out of the water i'm in neutral [Music] how you doing station key west did you copy our last over get him up get him up there wasn't much of the boat sticking up they were clinging pretty hard to hang on to it i couldn't imagine what these guys were going through they were on an uh upside down boat for about four hours waves crashing over their back just basically hanging on for their lives make sure he doesn't get caught under the boat all right stay right there walk right back down i'm in neutral jay got him got him all right [Music] good and once we got him on board we could see they were a little beat up nothing major no broken bones or anything i mean after being out there for four hours their faces are priceless i'm glad we found you guys once we had everybody on board and all wrapped up and safe we uh started to head home to get them to local ems local knowledge played a big factor for this case uh if we hadn't seen something that looked abstract and out of place for that area probably would have never even gone over there station town zero two uh all personnel seem to be in good spirits uh minor cuts and bruises overall and good helmets over [Music] running a case where you find three people and you extract them from the water and you get them home to medical care so they can go back to their families at the end of the day it makes me proud to be able to say i'm in the coast guard and this is what i've done [Music] right here my name is frank hacker jr been a sailor probably for 30 years and ended up hit some rocks into northwest channel entrance and the boat sank almost immediately we were in the water and the seas were really rough from yesterday up until today which was still rough i got out i grabbed my cell phone made a 9-1-1 call to emergency operator to call the coast guard and tell them that we were sinking we kept talking to each other and we'd drag each other back up on the boat every time we get washed off and try to you know tell them to hang on that they'll find us [Music] once we attracted the coast guard and we seen that they were coming to rescue us it was one of the happiest days of my life they didn't give up on finding us you know even after being in the water for two and a half hours they were still out there looking for us go guys line up first day prove yourself now tackle it is the tactical law enforcement team these are the teams we send out for counter drug interdiction at sea all right take off the report was that uh he'd fallen down the stairs and that he was [Music] his unconsciously and having difficulty breathing something's going down [Music] grab yourself coming in and grab seat i'm the training officer at tactical law enforcement team south tackle it is the tactical law enforcement team these are the teams we send out on u.s navy and allied warships for counter drug interdiction at sea [Music] good evening green team too i'm not gonna welcome you guys to attack with south yet you'll earn that over the next three weeks however welcome to green team too green team is a three-week assessment and indoctrination period for all new members to tactical law enforcement team south you're going to be out there working in small teams doing dangerous missions that starts here it readies them for long deployments and it gets them working as a team these will be long long days push through embrace the team attitude they've heard stories but they don't know exactly what to expect this will be a physical challenge that you will overcome [Music] go guys line up first day prove yourself now don't make the lte come tell all of us that you guys aren't motivated on day one we start lighting the fire let's go come on move faster it's a mile and a half that's it come on all the way through next we're gonna do is a one minute push-up you're gonna do as many as you can in one minute we do not train to the minimum standard we exceed it all of our newly reporting members when they go through green team can expect sleep deprivation testing weapons training a multitude of exercises directed towards establishing them firmly in the maritime law enforcement world get your chin over that bar nope nope done these guys will be worked there you go and when i say worked they're going to go through physical conditioning like they've never gone through before on your marks get set go this is because we operate at a higher standard than the rest of the coast guard when it comes to physical fitness and maritime counter drug law enforcement all the way up all the way down good job good job this is just a nice easy one for them the harder ones will be next week and be more puking [Music] [Music] lieutenant corey budreau aircraft commander united states coast guard air station clearwater 1 30 a.m received a call of a 55 year old male on a commercial tanker about 15 miles west of air station clearwater [Music] all right group takeoff ready for [Music] um he's totally all over and can't feel his extremities um and having difficulty breathing um it's 1 30 in the morning most of us have been up for most of the day you do the best you can try to mitigate the risk to make sure everybody feels rested and that they can perform their duty safely [Music] [Music] i'm petty officer ruga and i'm an aviation survival technician it's calm out there right now the seas are uh fairly minimal we do have a little bit of a breeze coming out of the south southwest about uh 20 to 25 knots all right guys i'm going to see if i can't hear the aurora aurora this is coast guard we are now approaching the bow heading to your starboard side what is the best location to hoist from the vessel that's actually good because they're lined up right with the wind right now okay keep your eyes open for any kind of guidewires or any kind of rigging at all looks like they already got the guy on that platform too when we got on scene we saw the gentleman that had the heart attack at the base of the stairs he was motionless yeah put me down on the boat i'll be getting an assessment that'll give you time to put the litter together okay [Music] all right roger checking swimmer i think it's gonna be a high hoist because that superstructure is close roger check this complete ready for one harness deployment of the rescue sword what's your survivor is going down somewhere is halfway [Music] my name is kevin wilson flight mechanic in an 860 helicopter it was a high hoist it was about 110 feet when i first got down to the boat it was get your assessment done get him immobilized and get him off the boat is still stable that is affirmative he's got a strong regular pulse right around 95 beats per minute and he is talking [Applause] the primary complaint i don't think was a heart attack they found him unconscious at the bottom of the ladder well his uh chief complaints pain in his neck how do we get a heart attack from that i've had a a strong regular pulse i was ready for a heart attack patient somebody with chest pain and i'd find out that he's hurt his neck i guess he just took a header down the ladder well and his crewmates found him unconscious it's sensory overload on your emt skills now you have to go into full c-spine or full trauma mode [Music] i don't think what's a heart attack is chief complaints pain in his neck i was ready for a heart attack patient somebody with chest pain and i'd find out that he's hurt his neck i guess he just took a header down the ladder well and his crewmates found him unconscious go ahead and send me the litter with the backboard i would go back to kevin it's that little assembled yes sir i'm ready to go all right sweet they're going outside and litter's going down position looks [Music] the patient was in significant amount of pain he did not want to move he kept on complaining of tingling in his right arm our focus was to just take the appropriate c-spine precautions minimizing his movements we got him onto the backboard and into the litter and once you're in those uh type of devices you can't really move much 36 rescue ready for pickup run hold prepared taking the load clear the vessel this particular horse did go uh very smooth for a heart attack patient turned c-spine patient i'm ready to come inside breaking swimmer inside cabin good job guys detective from the rescue 3-6 we are in round to tampa generals this time we're only about a 12-minute transit from the on-scene to tampa general everybody yes sir patient's stable sir he's got a pulse of 98. full sox is good there is a sense of validation when you do get out there and help somebody using all the coast guard resources that we have to get someone out of a bad pinch like this gentleman was in tampa general from the 3-6 request enough your helo pad is ready for the patient that's a good copy sir and we have people out there waiting for you base this year it's good knowing that you did the best you could and it's reassuring knowing that he's got a higher level of care to go okay stretcher's coming out [Music] [Music] [Applause] we got all the rookies today or i believe really even doug martin after his big game hope so i'm captain john turner i'm the commanding officer of coast guard air station clearwater florida today we have the tampa bay buccaneers rookies and a couple of cheerleaders coming out to the air station to pay us a visit hey welcome to air station clearwater very nice to meet you we've done some flyovers for the bucks and just like we're a big part of the community they are as well and it's a great partnership our guys are all set to give you a tour of the aircraft and uh and we'll just have some fun these are the two most capable aircraft that we have jump aboard if you like yeah immediately four or five of them hopped on the age 60 and uh just started asking questions how you doing ladies and gentlemen you're trying to get a little view here good get out we try not to put more than 5 500 pounds of fuel on here this is awesome you see doug martin no he's there number 22. he's in there my name is doug martin at marina back it's pretty cool i never really flew one but it was pretty cool to see all the different gadgets and i don't know how to memorize what they all do no no there's no there's no ej where do you go up where are you where are you going it's a pretty cool thing to see awesome you want to hop in ladies it's super fun just to bring people through and blow their minds we can do a range of search and rescue operations like we can fly out to a freighter and pick up uh somebody who fell down you just have that case fell down uh fell down stairwell or whatever it's always rewarding to get their perspective of what kind of job we're doing let's try to get a group shot out here real quick where's the cheerleader you're still educating our cheerleaders we had a real fun day go bucks everybody's got all their gear we're ready to go you pretty much do everything as quickly as possible trying to get to this guy in time i got the reporting source on the phone and she was completely hysterical telling us to hurry to hurry this man is about to drown [Music] look like you want to be here get your stuff set up right all right instructor take your peckies out get the co2 out you know exactly what you're supposed to do we are in uh plantation florida at the aquatic center and we are here to conduct uh water survival for the green team members today the ocean has no bottom okay we want you to fight fight fight to get this gear off you so you can survive is everyone good with that yes we're actually teaching them to survive so if they're out on deployment out on mission and they fall into the water they know the correct actions to take to keep them alive this is how you enter the water and you take your feet once you hit the water out and you saw your descent yeah don't jump step every member of tactical law enforcement team south has to pass the coast guard's water survival training program make with it sick stick with it get away from the wall come on sick all right this is survival this is not i'm going to grab a side before okay you got to fight through whatever issues you got [Applause] it's pretty intense for the guys that have never been through it before do i need to pull you out of the water are you okay to continue good all right good night sweet take your breath pull your pecs they're not good you're gonna oil your plate it's a very important part of the training so that if they ever do fall in the water while they're out at sea with no bottom get that other one going they can follow the proper in-water rescue procedures and have a safe recovery now lean on that side a little bit look at that i'm gonna live all right let's get some plates in one of these kits make sure you have 20 pounds in that kit that's to simulate magazines gerber multi-tools all that all right the gear they're wearing is 20 to 50 extra pounds and they just need to know what it feels like being in the water because you're not going to swim with that on you man [Applause] [Music] if something happens they need to know the steps they have to do to get rid of that stuff we're seeing quite a few individuals who just don't have the comfort level with the water someone's ready yeah go for it and those guys they're not going to be able to complete the training today however down the road they will and will get them to a point where they're fully deployable [Music] you got it um [Music] airborne at this time lieutenant tom huntley jayhawk aircraft commander currently deployed to autec on anders island bahamas one nice thing about living in florida is the amount of sunshine yes we have a joint mission with the bahamian government we do counter narcotic and other patrols all throughout the bahamas it's gorgeous flying all right [Music] i just received a call from our pdf requesting a medevac from a 409 pound woman in fresh greek andros you might be getting diverted here pretty soon um asd one mike zellner we had got a call to do a patient transfer of a overweight female with cardiac and respiratory issues charlie we should be in fresh creek [Music] a medevac of a 430 pound woman wow actually we just got the call we're pretty close to um andros island which is also uh where attack is located we land a fresh creek it's not much more than just a strip and a building our rescue swimmer runs in finds out that she's going to be about 10 minutes or so she's in route we decided to remove some of the non-essential equipment and create some floor space so that we'd be able to lay the patient down on the floor good thing we're picking her up on the ground that'd be a hell of a hoist this shall be a band coming this could be it that's probably it oh here we go taking on a person in equipment of this size it does take some consideration for the cabin my understanding is she's gonna be carried in on a mattress and uh some plywood some of our concern is how we're actually going to fit that into the cabin dude how many people do they have on this it takes a lot to lift her i guess oh yeah yeah as long as we get the door closed this case was different just due to the fact that you don't get a whole lot of people that um that size does tape out a lot of space and it does make it a more difficult evolution it took some effort to get her into the helicopter took a bunch of teamwork from us and also the local bahamians that brought her over in the truck we also had a nurse that came with us she had oxygen on the patient how does she appear to be done had uh respiratory arrest and cardiac issues her sitting heart rate is 125. holy cow this poor lady needs to get to hospital yeah it's about a 25 minute flight from andros to nassau and we'll meet an ambulance there at the [Music] all right i airport an ambulance help out roger we arrived in nassau there was only two individuals on the ambulance that came in so it definitely increased the scenario as far as how to get her out of the aircraft it was about four of us that lifted her out onto the stretcher our physical condition definitely played into a role so it was a little more effort but completing the medevac by getting her over to nassau was uh definitely relieving you know knowing that she was going to be able to get some more extensive care there good job and hopefully everything will turn out good as far as her cardiac and respiratory [Music] i was issues largest person i've ever flown within here today we're able to move away from the standard law enforcement patrol and help out a a local uh it almost feels good to you know help out wherever we can [Music] [Applause] [Music] by this point of green team the trainees are physically just exhausted we don't need the drama embarrassing reporting sources on the beach saying he sees someone a half mile out all right we'll go ahead and get that off we got the call that there was a person in the water right off of key biscayne [Music] all right you got it visual i got it all right good okay we got a person in the water right here he's hanging onto a [Music] cooler [Music] officers high guard strike strike we are in the middle of tactic training it's an indoctrination period for all new members to tactical law enforcement team south straight yeah right now we are in the mat room of the tactics out we went through our different techniques that are in the use of force continuum to help them if they ever have to go uh hands-on with anybody in any kind of scenario so we're escorting him along he starts getting active right all right gonna pull him off balance at that same time loading up his back leg we don't just simply tell them this is how you punch this is how you kick get down get down we also tell them how it relates to the job at the end of the day we put them in a scenario as close to life as what they would have to do i'm with the us coast guard sir this is my partner okay whatever good good good good start you have to move people you have to get hands-on with people you got to shut up let me work on my engine [Music] all right how to roll all right take your helmets off what you ended up pulling him away from him which is why he lost grip so what else can you two person take down two persons yeah two man take down going forward all right knowing these techniques and how to apply them properly is uh not only going to be safer for them but also for the people we deal with oh fine [Applause] hurry up hurry up hurry up let's go let's go let's go these green team members are putting up with things they never thought they would have to put up with what's up and i'd say pride simply from the fact that they're here they're pushing and they're continuing to perform get on the market by this point of green team the trainees are physically just exhausted we don't need the drama embarrassing however these members will continue their intense physical training regimen hurry up let's go 15. and we continue to push them through the wall over the wall there you go this is awesome training to make sure our members are ready to be a taclet south operator when they're done with green team they're going to be the best there is to be at this job good push [Music] hi guys good morning i'm getting one press with d7 tag that i'm here with uh bmw day today we're going to be going over your d7 noncomplying vessel use of force workup non-compliant vessel pursuit training is something that we are required to do here at station miami beach all the time all right this segment right here is for the coxswain it says to evaluate how he gets into the appropriate positions for a different use of force sharing international border it's important that we protect that border and any vessels that are attempting to enter the united states if they fail to stop we have to have a means to do that and that's what non-compliant vessel pursuit is each one of us are going to be going on the 33s for segment two so there we were about to launch to conduct trainings when we got the call that there was a person in the water right off of key biscayne the reporting source is on the beach saying he sees someone a half mile out all right we'll go ahead and get that off so we immediately shifted gears from a training mindset into search and rescue all right coming up i'm bm2 justin dowlinger changing from one mission to another is something we deal with so frequently it's just part of the job everybody's got all their gear we're ready to go you pretty much do everything as quickly as possible trying to get to this guy in time as we were transiting out i got the reporting source on the phone and she was completely hysterical telling us i see a man in the water his brother's here on the beach with me hurry hurry this man is about to drown [Music] as we got up to where we thought he was i started to slow way down because at that point i didn't want to run them over the sea state was probably about a one to two foot shop it was about 10 15 knots of wind so it wasn't ideal condition with that kind of sea state a wave height can actually cover a person's head for a number of seconds so even if you're actually looking exactly where the person is you're not going to be able to see him there were two local news helicopters in the vicinity and i asked her i said ma'am see underneath one of the helicopters and she said yes yes steer for the helicopter that's the furthest off shore he's directly below it oh i see him right there [Music] yeah all right you got a visual i got it all right good okay we got a person in the water right here he's hanging onto a cooler we're gonna go ahead and recover this gentleman out there yeah starboard side as we arrived on scene and we got closer you could immediately see a look of relief on the victim's face seven hours hanging onto that little cooler was a long time oh my god all right what i'd like you to do is put this underneath your arms and turn around backwards against the boat all right this guy was just exhausted i think he was too hypothermic and too tired to even grab onto the line [Music] seven hours in the water even if you're down here in the tropics it still takes a toll on your body um hypothermia can set in in you know 90 degree water put this underneath your arm all right all right the last thing you want to happen is you don't want them to almost give up at the last minute and have that person go below the surface [Applause] here we go the only information that we had was that it was a person in the water and that was it about a half mile off the beach as we arrived on scene we could tell that he was clinging on to something it was definitely apparent that he was not wearing a life jacket [Applause] we uh turned him around because he was completely exhausted we wrapped a line around him [Applause] [Music] just keep your head still for me all get some right yeah get some blank blankets and pillows and stuff like that for him so he can stay warm how'd you end up in the water oh our boat sunk like three miles out i just swim all the way in what was this last night last night was anybody else with you yeah my brother but he got it made it to the uh he made it to the beach yeah okay do you have any other pain other than in your lower back no you have to be very careful when you're dealing with survivors that have been in the water for any extended amount of time you don't know what kind of injury that person could have sustained he's all right as long as he's not sitting up so i just make a slow bell back that water was freezing it's a bad time of the year fall in the water yeah well you're safe now all right we're going to get you to the boat ramp okay and then we're going to be met by fire rescue i glad you made it basically what happened was he and his brother went out fishing around 1 30 2 o'clock in the morning and they were on a little 12-foot homemade vessel and they got overcame by water um water came in over the stern of the boat swamped them and once it swamped them in turn rolled them over the cooler the lid fell off the cooler my brother made it to the beach but with the pain i i couldn't swim right right oh my god he's been out here all night this guy's just exhausted he was just clinging on hanging onto that cooler lid for dear life what worked for this guy was the fact that he had that cooler to cling to him and his brother what happened to your life jacket out of curiosity oh it was on the boat and when i went to put it out it was stuck with something and the hopeful it was just everything happened so fast right we couldn't they were there we just couldn't get them out so then i kind of offered him a friendly reminder that life jackets don't work unless you wear them yeah metro date fire rescue put one of their paramedics on board to help us um stabilize the patient remove your toes good once we get that short we are going to tell you along songs and see if there is any water if you ask for a water but definitely you need to go to the hospital they're just really lucky that um his brother was able to make it to shore because no telling how long it would have been until he was reported as overdue so far has turned out to be a great case and now we're just taking them to the marina to transport them over to fire rescue personnel when we came around the corner towards crannon park marina that's when we saw all the paramedics and the police officers and then we also saw the survivor's girlfriend as well one two three my name is vanessa i'm george's girlfriend they told me they would be back by two in the morning and i said i was gonna pass by the marina and see if the boat is here and i noticed the ambulance was here and i kind of started freaking out there for a moment [Music] i'm so thankful for the u.s coast guard and that they were able to get him and find him and bring them out here i'm thankful that they're out there and for them to be able to find them i'm very appreciative of that again the coast guard always wants to stress you've got to wear the life jacket that is the primary it's just like wearing your seatbelt in your car you don't get in your car without your seatbelt you really should not get on board without a life jacket this was great for me as the commanding officer to actually be on board and watch my crew do exactly what they're trained to do without skipping a beat and as efficiently as they did it it just really reiterates everything that we do in training he is lucky man and his hand was just like a freaking raisin yeah yeah definitely a life saved shipmates any time you get a life saved that's a bonus for us that's what we signed up for for me i don't get to do these kind of things very often so it was great because it re-emphasized the whole reason i joined 22 years ago george good to see you man good to see you thank you for walking around good good yeah i'm george vadesia from miami florida we were going out fishing we decided to go about 3.5 miles out to some rocks that we had seen so what was the first thing you said to your brother when you guys were sitting here floating in the water calm down yeah be cool be cool once the sun came up he saw land and he dashboard i told him listen you gotta go we you know i'll stay here i can't swim no more my back is hurting really bad every kick was pain come on let's take a walk down and show you the boat all right oh this is amazing then when i heard a boat i look back and i see the orange boat i'm like oh okay this is a coast guard you know i'm safe now you know all right we're gonna sign this for you okay and i brought on there best of luck don't stop fishing this is not the first time that i've seen somebody clinging on to a cooler most people that don't wear their life jackets have them stowed underneath the seat and then when that boat capsizes what pops up nine times out of ten the cooler i think the coast guard here in miami florida they really put 110 percent thank you very much all right man yep yeah thank you coast guard for being out there i'm just glad that we're there thank you guys
Channel: DANGER TV
Views: 111,562
Rating: 4.9410682 out of 5
Keywords: coast guard training, coast guard florida, coast guard florida season 1 episode 9, coast guard florida season 1, season 1 episode 9 of coast guard florida, us coast guard training, us coast guard, us coast guard florida, united states coast guard, united states coast guard florida, air station miami, miami florida, danger, dangertv, danger tv, dangertv coast guard, Danger, DangerTV, Danger TV, clearwater florida, air station clearwater, coast guard tactical training, training, us
Id: garAuCXug9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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