Searching for Bridge Jumper in Shark Infested Waters! | Coast Guard Florida | Full Episode

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huge seas and dense fog are challenging conditions for the coast guard that's a nice waste in the gulf of mexico 12 people are forced to abandon ship in treacherous seas so now i'm thinking oh boy the canine division attempts some very unique training neither myself or the other handler have ever done this before the air crew makes a shocking discovery be advised we have lost all communications with our current rescue aspect and in marathon the boat crew scours shark-infested waters to locate a suspect who jumped off a bridge u.s coast guard the florida peninsula a hotbed for mother nature's fury here every day the brave men and women of the coast guard's busiest boat and air stations vigilantly patrol nearly 2 million square miles of turbulent waters protecting the public from the dangerous elements and preventing foreign threats and illegal drugs from reaching our shores america's southern waters are protected by coast guard florida [Music] again [Applause] i got a guy jumping on me [Music] life you'll see all the outlines in the squad card he receives a call saying that a man had been fleeing from the cops and stopped on seven mile bridge and from there he jumped off there was definitely areas that he could have jumped into that would have been shallow enough that he wouldn't have made a splash he would have made a thud we can get up under these cops and yell at him finding this guy was going to be a needle in the haystack so good thing we have fwc and uh monroe county sheriff's office to assist where's the last place you saw right there and he was he was at the old seventh minute was he swimming or was he just floatin swimmin [Music] roger that thank you [Music] the weather on scene was winds out of the east northeast 15 knots seas were a little bit less than a foot chop [Music] could be holding on to one of these crab pods he might call out to us if he sees us you know he went right under the bridge headed north that's right where we are we got flear night vision two spotlights when you're looking for a person in the water at night it's it's very difficult because you can't see them we do have night vision we have flare which is forward-looking infrared uh we also had people out on deck listening for the guy yelling for help hey can you flash it where is it us coast guard us coast guard oh wait oh man these crab pots growing up crab thought's gonna look like a head but the longer that you stay in the water definitely your core temperature starts to drop and uh when that happens you basically lose the function of your limbs and in his case he didn't have anything to keep him afloat in that area there's a lot of hammerhead sharks and bull sharks that are basically swimming around eating stuff and he jumped into their feeding frenzy that leads me to believe he didn't really think through his uh plan of attack there they said it was a white or hispanic male uh bald white t-shirt yeah did we did it are the boats coming out yep we had fwc mcso and two coast guard assets out there all looking well we're gonna go ahead and proceed in or out to a position approximately 1.5 nautical miles last known position we'll run a barrier towards you try to contain the search area you want to kill the engine us coast guard [Music] bmc robertson okay we're gonna head towards your position he's between us and the bridge while we were conducting our search pattern the sheriff overheard the person in the water yelling for help i thought i heard something too hey when we go up to this guy we're drawn down i mean if he ran from the cops there's no telling if he has a weapon on him even if he's in the water we had to be real cautious coming up to him we weren't just thinking about saving him but we were also thinking about protecting ourselves when we arrived on scene yeah the subject was in handcuffs i didn't see any weapons on the deck i didn't see any weapons on this person fwc requested our assistance except myself and the petty officer vega jumped on board a little bit yes he had a very strong odor of alcohol not going to throw up are you no i'm good all right do not throw up in my vote and there's big sharks right there i thought you were involved buddy there wasn't any signs of injury i think he just felt like he was really lucky to be able to jump off the moser channel and survive [Music] individually brought back to the station all right good job he's alive if it wasn't for the effort of all three agencies the person in the water could have lost their life or uh not being found at all [Music] hey he's mobile they're happy to be there i appreciate that once we returned to base ems was here they offloaded him all right get those cuffs off first listen don't be stupid okay there's a lot of people here right oh no i'm happy about this yeah okay apparently he had a few drinks and he'd been in some cold water for a while so he's not in the best condition you never know what call you're going to get in the middle of the night appreciate this i've never heard of anything like this for the coast guard [Music] a 38 year old male cut his finger off on a commercial fishing vessel turned to that course of speed we'll be right there oh boys gotta cover holy crap today we're gonna go out and actually conduct our certifications that is delivering the dogs to an underway asset he has a credit site [Music] ready [Music] air station clearwater tanning hey yes we just got a call a 38 year old male cut his finger off on a commercial fishing vessel we're launching the h-60 to go get them [Music] because it's already imparting out that if it gets worse and walk we'll see an approach ems can meet us here there was fog rolling into the airfield uh also we had about uh an hour and a half hour and 45 minutes before darkness so we were we were kind of hurrying to get out there to beat those conditions starting engines doors block pass co-pilots ignition ready for taxi [Music] ready clearwater air 601.99 where air marks this time five cob we'll have a guard with camp so we departed the field climbed through the clouds and then up above them up to about 3000 feet and then headed west to the position of the boat and popping into the bases of the clouds here right around 600. i'll take some for you roger three thousand so this guy's a 38 year old male his name's billy billy lost his finger huh once we were above the cloud deck it was really nice nice smooth flight we started discussing with the crew what we're going to do and obviously the gentleman just had a severed finger so he's ambulatory so we decided if the boat has a nice area to hoist from we'll just put the basket down he can climb in and then we'll pull him right back up i'm all changed down the back just in case [Music] we're about five minutes out so if you want to go ahead and turn to that course and speed we'll be right there after that turn into the course so they turned and gave a good course of speed for the four foot swell that was out there and uh we we pulled in oh boy it's got a cover holy crap that's pretty solid they're just like a canvas cover i don't know i don't know if this is a solid overhead maybe kids get up on top kdf from uh coast guard is that canopy or cover solid enough to uh hoist from that area over rogers you got steel [Music] roger that steel pipes all right well uh that looks like uh where we're gonna plant a hoist the vessel was limited to a hoist area it was only off of the the top of the the roof portion that they had so most concern is getting the patient off the vessel with no obstructions you see those two wires coming down we're just gonna have to go right in between those wires right there what do you think about that yeah that sounds good uh should be plenty of room as long as he doesn't slide that basket way up towards the center mask now it narrows it up there all right 60 feet was a little bit challenging because the wire positioning there was wires that were coming down at an angle so it gave us a very small window of opportunity so if the vessel rolled right or left or possibly had additional snag hazards jds remember how tasty advice and also does he have uh his finger on ice with them [Applause] [Music] once we got that basket in uh the crew that was on the vessel was very helpful and and fast they got the patient right in the basket and then he was loaded and cleared take loads that's just playing the vessel play back on left thirty square foot back left and jason is just below the cap door yeah he's still bleeping and just outside the cabin door bring a basket inside the cabin contrary to what we had thought it was completely detached it was still hanging on by not much yeah he doesn't have a covered or nothing i'm going to start working on that for right now so i get a package stuff i'm going to leave him in the basket is that okay yeah he's fine now helicopter uh thanks for your help you guys did a great job got the patient on board here and we'll be taking it to uh clearwater st peter piper over to ems back in yes i wrapped up the finger to avoid contamination getting into the wound and also to put a little pressure on it to stop the bleeding sector from one nine we have the patient on board we are rtb uh to uh clearwater at this time uh request you have ems awaiting due to weather we're not going to be able to get him into tampa general so we'll just uh take him right to the airport there and transfer him to uh ems rescue nine sector rogers [Music] the fisherman obviously was in a lot of pain but uh he was dealing with it quite well at times i could see him grimace and at one point got a little uh nauseous but that's normal with flight and also losing some blood [Music] yeah you feel bad you wish you could give something for the pain you know but [Applause] i was talking to him he'd been working underneath the deck down below engine parts possibly and got his finger caught setting up for the approach here uh down the benz any problems hopefully we'll break out and we can just sort of roll [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we do have biohazards and cabinets i really feel like i've done my job when i help somebody in need whether it be a medical case or somebody in the water take care man i hope all right tell them guys thanks i will i will give you something for the pain real soon it was a good medevac we got him home safe and hopefully he keeps his finger i feel it was a life save today [Music] we just got a call that there is a 59 year old male with chest pains alone on a 42-foot sailing vessel [Music] we've lost columns with that little boat freaking bermuda [Music] all right so once you're on deck and you guys are ready to be hoisted you give me a thumbs up then i'll pick you up and if at any time something's not right with your harness or something doesn't feel right give me this right here and this will let me know that you guys hey bring me back down my name is jeffrey fallon i'm a maritime enforcement specialist first class my job is that of canine explosive detection handler i work a bomb dog today we're preparing for our initial qualifications for canine vertical delivery [Music] my name is joshua glaby i'm a maritime enforcement specialist second class currently there are 14 explosive detection teams in the coast guard we practice vertical delivery training because if there's ever a need for us out of boarding out at sea there is a way to get us there other than by boat i've been with strike for a year and a half now uh he puts a lot of trust in me i trust him a lot you're asking the dog to go into loud noisy hazardous areas and if the dog doesn't trust you if the dog doesn't believe in what he's doing then he's not going to do it it's harder than it looks it's just like anything when you learn a new task you crawl walk run [Music] neither myself or or the other handler have ever done this before the pilots and the crew they had never done this before so we're experimenting with different ways to do things in a safe static environment before we actually go fly in a dynamic environment now doing it here is one thing up in the air as long as you're ready to pull this right back in right and just give me a signal thumbs down or cut throat let me know that hey this is i'm not comfortable we'll bring you back in or set you down or whatever it is today went really well i'm really looking forward to moving on to the coast guard asset that's out on the water it's time to do it for real i guess we'll need to get some updates on the position of the boat and root cause the position is about 30 minutes old so i doubt he's still underway if he's having a heart attack but uh you never know we just got a call that there is a 59 year old male with uh chest pains um alone on a 42 foot sailing vessel about 39 nautical miles due east of port canaveral we're sending a helicopter out there with a rescue swimmer there's also a 45 foot vessel from station port canaveral going out there to assist us they can't get a hold of the sailing vessel right now so possibly the patient is not doing so well as of now we're you know planning for the worst it's very difficult to do a hoist from a sailboat with only one person on board because there's nobody to steer the boat while you're doing the voice it's got to go diw and there's not much worse than the wwe sailboat so all right let's do it [Music] number two engine roger roger to get here they lost the vessel i did all right it's not good who knows when i first heard that calms were lost i really was worried that the patient had lost consciousness and possibly could be passing away as we were trying to get there this is rescue 2-2 we are airborne from whole place air station clearwater en route star with five souls on board we'll let you know what we see when we get there what's going through my head right now at this time is what gear i need in order for us to do the rescue and do the medivac there's a potential life at risk this is what we're here coast guard for jacksonville be advised we have uh lost all communications with the four five six one seven which is our current rescue asset can you try hailing them on cg 111 it's over [Music] there is a 59 year old male with chest pains um alone on a 42 foot sailing vessel about 39 nautical miles due east of port canaveral we're sending a helicopter out there with a rescue swimmer there's also a 45-foot vessel from station port canaveral going out there to assist us they can't get a hold of the sailing vessel right now so possibly the patient is not doing so well as of now we're you know planning for the worst rescue 6022 coast guard dr jackson be advised we have lost all communications with the 45617 which is our current rescue asset can you try hailing them on cg 111 it's over okay roger give it a shot break break four five six one seven this is 6022 on channel 2 3. rescue 2-2 after we were airborne sector jacksonville informed us that they had also lost communications with their small boat after i want to say another 20 25 minutes we started to get sketchy calms with the small boat [Music] we're not that far away we've lost cost with that little boat freaking bermuda triangle we are five minutes from on scene folks as we got on scene the coast guard 45 had just arrived as well the sailboat was basically just bobbing in the water back and forth it looked like nobody was in control of the vessel at the time [Music] the 45 was there with the sailing vessel it's about a 40-foot vessel uh two masted all right or deployed it was a little odd that the fenders and the mooring lines were over on one side of the vessel which is unusual for being that far offshore [Music] [Applause] affirmative stay on scene we're going to pass further instruction good copy there's no one on board so we're looking for a piw typically on a sailboat they're very open someone having a heart attack could very easily lose consciousness fall down and just because the sea state be rolled right into the water hopefully he had a life jacket on when he called to radio for help and hopefully he would be still breathing so we could help him zero two two four six one seven when we approached uh the engine was in the neutral position he was in the on position no one on board i don't know if uh any reports of anyone picking them up this really is turning into bermuda triangle yeah we'll go ahead and deploy an sld and be at the location of the vessel then we're gonna get a sector search first thing we did was deploy a sldnb that is a self-locating data marker buoy and then we'll take the information from where we deployed it to calculate drift if we could find out where the sailboat's been so we had the 45 foot vessel started searching on the surface and we also had a predator uas overhead providing coms relays for us and they were also searching as well all right you come down to uh 500 feet or so tyler i think this search altitude will work a little bit lower here at 250. probably an orange pfd what you're looking for is flight mechanic or the swimmer as well we're looking for anything that's orange anything that's noticeable in color to be a possible life jacket or anybody in the water it may be debris anything that could come off clothing anything uh it should be off the right side now all right i got something at three o'clock i don't know what that is garbage it looks like i was thinking it could have been a a life vest but it i didn't see like a person's arms and legs and things like that okay we'll do one more pass here and if we don't still drive on between us the predator and the 45 we covered this area pretty thoroughly there's a lot of debris out there and just with the current and the wave action a lot of it looked like someone waving in the water so we found a couple items of interest that looked like somebody but on closer examination was just trash well i don't see anything you guys uh drive on here yes we searched for about a good three hours it's kind of unfortunate like you always want a good outcome in these things for me personally i really want to be out there and save somebody's life help them out you know especially when they're in need maybe a heart attack or whatever it may be [Music] be advised we are complete with our search i'll also be advised we have to depart for refill that's why i do this job i definitely want to help the people and it's it's a terrible thing to lose someone like that we just hope we can give closure to people but no you can't always do that fishing guys is a 170 foot research vessel 12 pob taking on water they're going to be sending a casa out i believe from mobile is weather on soon pretty quick they didn't know why they're on scene but looking at the buoys last night before i went to bed there's like 13 footers out there and winds are out of the out of the west northwest otherwise i'm not sure how much time these people have but we'll try to get out there as early as we can all right cool let's go i'm lieutenant commander gary scott air station clearwater it's 3 30 in the morning the alarm just went off and there's 12 people on a 170 foot vessel taking on water the case was found out to be at 230 miles west of your station clearwater which is almost to the edge of the envelope for the age 60. but fortunately it's 150 miles south of mobile alabama the worst case scenario i needed to take as much gas as i could within limits [Music] zero nine air update their uh abandoning ship out there um looking at four life rafts most likely district eight currently has comms with the ship's engineer the water is the point where they're unable to control it any longer and they're looking at abandoning ship all right we got word that they're actually abandoning ship right now roger and with uh 12 people yeah 12 people that's gonna be fun oh yeah i had 12 people in the back before it's all good it can happen depending on how big these people are i was thinking of swimming back and forth from a raft 12 times yeah they're part of 16 15. what about fault that water is going to be up there it's cold enough [Music] all right we got word that they're actually abandoning ship right now ryder just got a star launch for a 170 foot vessel taking on water we just got information that the vessel had sunk uh it was now capsized and the survivors were in the rafts and we had total of 12 survivors so now i'm thinking oh boy [Music] we got a two-hour transit are we gonna have any daylight once we get on stand what time is it it'll on the way out we were told by the operations duty officer that there was going to be another 60 cent for mobile alabama all right so uh buying plano 6 for now unless something happens to the other 60 mobile roger just over 30 minutes out guys i'm seeing some white cats and stuff down yeah looks pretty pretty gnarly the cockpit really can't see much it's very poor illumination even on night vision goggles the seas were pretty big you guys have anything on the uir yet as far as the life raft about 20 miles out right now off the nose the c-144 was already overhead they had given us the updated position of the survivors they had uh grouped themselves into three life rafts slow down guys should see it here all right there's the flare off the nose off the nose yeah got it i'll fly over one time get a good look at him mark the position and then go back around for the approach we did a quick loop around the survivors to get a good handle on the situation brought the aircraft into about a hunford hover that's when we started to see the life rafts getting tossed around pretty good all right guys we'll take uh as many as we can we're telling another success when we got on scene the swells were a lot bigger we ended up having 15 to 20 foot swells and as pitch dark no visibility the moon was covered by the overcast clouds so it's really hard to see those big swells coming all right thanks did you want to go in the water well i mean you could put me down there that's a nice way yeah they are 18 feet seized is comparable to about a two-story building you know comfortable with that i'm comfortable with that we'll go ahead and plan on putting you in the water checking the people out and then we're planning on our baskets for the recoveries okay other than advanced rescue swimmer training out in astoria this is some big water uh i have concerns all right what's up summer's at the door and uh rescue checker complete ready for one harness deployment of the rescue summer i'm looking at the waves going wow those are some big c's uh this is gonna be tough just mentally preparing myself getting ready to go so we're going down we're going down i lowered mike down my main concern was just the big swells that i couldn't see coming because it was so dark out over swinging a little bit cold the top of the way was not where i thought it was going to be and the first wave hit me just right in the chest pushed me back about 30 feet and i swung back underneath the helicopter and forward and i was about 10 feet from the entrance to the raft away coming up those clothes are pretty big they're bigger than i thought he uh pulled him up and grabbed him down struck him a little bit but he's all right i swam up asked if there were anyone injured one person was covered in diesel fuel and he was experiencing some discomfort from that i had a target in sight or not score going down they were very cautious about getting in the water once they got in the water they did not want to let go of the life raft they wanted to hold on to it and two of the guys i had to physically remove their hands from the life raft so left hand another swell coming roger hold position okay they're in between their ass right now the wraps are getting blown faster than he's getting yeah he's not able to swim hardly at all he's not going anywhere okay [Music] i went up with the hoist mike held onto the basket to keep it steady well the wave had dropped out from underneath him as he held a hold of the basket then he was about 10 feet over the water he took a flight over the raft landed right on the door on the other side of the raft all right we're ready for the next survivor okay you can uh continue roger beth's going up right here the first few boys that were dark before the sun came up they're the more difficult ones baskets in the cabin survivors getting out right yeah that's pretty challenging out here tonight man yeah those walls are just pushing that rest all over the place i wonder how mike's doing i don't see a strobe light or anything so he's he's apparently doing all right the trick to doing heavy seas is looking for the lulls in the seas which is hard to see at night we had tough time anticipating swells as we were going through the evolutions all right back there paul so good just trying to buckle these guys up roger going all right sir yes i'm starting to get into the groove now starting to feel it better sunrise for being like the next half hour roger which will uh make things easier for us [Music] roger i'm backing up mr scott who was doing the hoisting was definitely challenging conditions for him to keep the aircraft stable just with the lack of illumination and the large seas and the wind effect on the aircraft how are we doing on gas we got uh 3 600 pounds after picking up seven survivors we noticed we were getting close to bingo fuel [Music] how are we doing on gas after picking up seven survivors we noticed we were getting close to bingo fuel the h60 from itc mobile was behind us so i felt comfortable leaving five survivors behind knowing that the mobile would go ahead and pick them up and bring them back all right he's talking to him right now he's going to tell us the other plane's going to come in okay we completed seven hoists of the survivors uh the swimmer was in the water for about a little over an hour summer's coming up clear [Music] i've got people everywhere there's barely room for me to step through and get to my seat all right we got him situated awesome he's sitting on somebody's back i don't know what that is i think it's your back hopefully the aed doesn't activate on his butt [Music] how you feeling oh my legs are smoked yeah i bet dude okay um in round mobile obviously we would think at home so with the guests we've got we've seen an hour and a half now if anybody starts getting sick or anything let them know they were all beat they were cold they're all shivering and just i could tell they're wore out and i'm sure they're upset but they i mean lost their boat we had the pilots turn on the heat so they could uh warm up i passed around some box lunches they were very happy to see those they ate those up pretty quick i'm glad they all got off the boat everybody was happy to be alive just [Music] taking a moment of pause i imagine flying back it was nice and easy the weather was beautiful to get back it was sunny and the skies were blue [Music] ready for approach mobile they don't stand a uh ready helicopter they're a training unit primarily so when we got there about half the air station was out there to greet us and uh captain turner and commander ferguson our ceo and operations officer also have to be there for training so it was pretty cool to get greeted by them it was definitely the most difficult voice that i've uh just the whole case in itself is most difficult and it definitely was the most rewarding seeing seven people in the cabin that we had just hoisted up as a crew it was definitely rewarding that's why i joined i wanted to get into aviation and save lives [Music] and we are all buckled up ready to go dog's not in yet is it yes sir oh they already loaded it okay yeah striker's laying down braves take off i work a bomb dog assigned to an anti-terrorism unit after all the work-ups we did yesterday getting the dogs acclimated to the helicopters today we're going to go out and actually conduct our certifications that is delivering the dogs to an underway asset via the basket and a canine hoist that's designed for them he has a cutter in sight [Music] all right this will be a basket deployment and delivery of the sports team member and his canine from 40 feet striker's freaking out a little bit but he's good he's getting in they're trying to get settled now i'm daniel horde avionics electrical technician second class i bring it back to outside chemistry i have not worked with a canine unit this will be my first time ready for one faster delivery of canine unit to the deck and that's going down [Applause] being in the basket with the k9 is very uncomfortable we're not strapped together in the basket he's just in between my legs and i'm holding on to his harness he wants to get out because he doesn't like where he's at and basket is on deck waiting for a pickup signal strike starts trying to move around and jump out and so that just adds a whole new level of difficulty trying to hold him in and prepare to take the load and taking load when the dogs get a little scared it happens out there because it is loud noises it's all foreign to them we just pet them just reassure them talk to them tell them they're doing a good job basket is inside cabin and hoist is complete strikes did a really good job i'll be doing a harness deployment of worry team member and canine my dog is tommy he's a 90-pound dutch shepherd he is a pretty relaxed animal and i'm fortunate for that he hasn't let me down in all the years i've had him check boarding [Music] ready [Music] i spend almost every waking moment with that dog we deploy all around the nation in support of national special security events and uh anything that that the nation needs us for ember is on the deck pointing for rayford roger i have ready for pickup the bad guys are coming out with new and unusual ways to to do things and and hurt the people of the united states and they need us to go out there and try to prevent that number is at the cabin door and bring a member inside kevin training in air station clearwater was phenomenal emperor's inside cabinet and voice is complete i think it's great that we train together so that we're all on the same page when the situation arises that we all need to work together to get a mission done it concludes our training for this evening all of us are all on the same team working for the same goal and right before flight
Channel: DANGER TV
Views: 481,330
Rating: 4.8956242 out of 5
Keywords: coast guard florida, coast guard florida season 1 episode 11, coast guard florida season 1, full episode coast guard florida, coast guard florida full episode, searching, bridge jumper, shark infested waters, air station marathon, marathon florida, florida, danger, dangertv, danger tv, Danger, DangerTV, Danger TV, dangertv coast guard, dangertv coast guard series, us coast guard, us coast guard florida, united states coast guard, united states coast guard florida, search & rescue, us
Id: 9e9J3Nl37Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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