CN Wuthering Waves Beginner Guide

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hey guys Mr poke here back with another video and today we're going to be talking at cn's beginner guide for watering waves covering every aspect of the game itself game mechanics how do you race what should you be doing in the day one uh pooling banners ecosystem battle combat all the kind of stuff so without further Ado let's get into today's [Music] content all right starting off with the first and most important thing in watering waves is exactly team building this is going to be the most important aspect with regards to uh an optimized player experience for watering waves and generally speaking your main team competition is going to be with one main DPS one sub DPS and one Healer one sustain but this sustain it doesn't really count as sustain it is more like a sustain SL support hybrid right so uh the reason why we say it's going to be going on to the outro skills and residence all com stuff but generally speaking this is going to be the core of your main game play there going to be main DPS sub DPS support/ sustain hybrid as of right now we only have two of these units which is basically BYU as well as Vina the five star version right so very very limited as of this current moment generally for watering waves combat system you can think of it as like a a mix of like genin impact uh that the M Seco pretty much uh you have hold attacks you have heavy attacks you have you have light attacks you have skills uh you have qte exchange intro outro ultimate all the kind of stuff the exact game combat mechanics I'm not going to be going into it in dep because you guys can pretty much experience it yourself and I do believe that experiencing this combat yourself is going to be the best way to fully understand how this system is how this system is going to be about right there's no point of me trying to say how should you use your skill how should you hold how long should the rotation be you have discovered it yourself right so uh generally speaking the combat that is pretty much it all the different units have very very different very very unique style of combat even for the four stars there's also the echo you can see you can transform the GI ass Echo but that is also dependent on your main Echo there only going to be equipped for your main character right so generally speaking the game play the combat if you guys have played SEO if you guys have played breath of the wall if you guys have played genin you're not going to be too unfamiliar with the type of a combat you're going to be seeing here right very very customizable very very different for all units right there's also uh different types of Echoes there's going to be the damaging echo which is dealing AOE damage dealing the mobs right there's also the control Echo such as the time stop as well as the sustained Echo that can regenerate health for you so different Echo will always have different uh uses just like how different units in this game will have different usage as well so between both echos and characters there's a very high degree of customization with regards to watering waves hey you can become a goddamn motorcycle in goes right a goddamn that's crazy CH you can also become a a bird a Dragon a plane oh my God I can literally fly in the goddamn game that's absolutely insane right so uh that is roughly how General combat system in running wave is going to work in watering waves uh like I mentioned just now the reason why you really want to have like a suppor is character is because taking a look into your unit's outro skills in or/ intro skills the buff for your DPS units they tend to only cover the next unit so because watering waves you need Tre teammates your support is going to be the one that will have the least amount of field up time with your main DP has been the one dealing the most amount of damage right so the support is the only archetype that with their outro skill can buff up your entire team also this damage buff and damage amplification it is from a different damage multiplier so it's going to be very very good for our entire team's damage right so this is basically bites um skit and aside from B most of the other units right so you can see and all of their skills they only provide to the next unit so you can see buffing this into tra only tra herself gains the buff and then we swap to the next unit only lingyang here gets the buff right so very very unfortunate but if you were to use b/ Verina the only two supports we have in the game this Buff when you swap out it will buff the entire team a non diminishing buff for our entire team for both our sub DPS and our minps which is the main reason why for team building Byer is pretty much a almost Mass build in the early game especially if you're not going to be using your five star selector for Verina but if you are then we probably have to wait and see but then again it also ties out to the main end game content you're probably going to be using multiple teams which we're going to be discussing later on so generally speaking p is really really good for Value as one of the most important for that you want to raise early on in the the game right so yep I want to talk a little bit about the Parry system in watering wav because uh varing in watering waves as well as dodging these two mechanics they are absolutely integral to the overall gameplay you're going to be feeling watering waves you cannot for the love of God brute force and face tank content in this game because by the end game especially especially for the Holograms or even the me the version of the memory K you will quite literally get one shot if not two shot by most heavy attacks or even light attacks so learning how to Parry and learning how to dodge it is not a suggestion it is not a tip it is a must you can't br and just clear every single B in like 2 seconds and like that's done right you actually have to Parry and Dodge so it is very very important that players can can Master this uh between both Perry and Dodge Parry will have a more significance over dodging because Parry does pure damage okay okay okay I need to stop okay chck uh uh YouTube frogs right a little bit of brain Rock I've been playing a little bit so just you do you basically deal T power damage when you parry but you will not doal t damage when you dodge so you can see that this dealt a little bit of T because of the Parry here you can also Parry with different not just the Parry button you can Parry with your skills you can Parry with the ultimate there are a lot a lot of different ways you can actually Parry in this game as long as you hit the criteria of the timing right but do know that Parry only works for this yellow circle and you can hear a thing and then you can he the Parry but if you do not have this yellow circle then you pretty much have the Dodge so a lot of different ways to Parry and Parry is going to be super super important you can see over here you kind of have to judge the distance between each unit because different units have different different Parry windows so your different attack range right if somebody is using a pistol somebody is using a sword somebody using a l they all have different timings because the distance is different right so to fully Master a unit you will need to experiment and play this game by yourself um based on who you are using so it is not very onedimensional just because you master a par for TN doesn't mean that the TN time is going to be exactly the same for ch right so very very different but yep once you master them you can see that t b damage is going to be dealt over here breaking the enemy attack patterns just overall very very important to to master watering waves P right so uh yeah to fully get the hang of this play the game you're not going to get this in day one but just know that this is going to be super super important in waves so uh do not forsake the Parry system right aside from the Parry you can also have a lot of different overr world exploration mechanics that can allow you to Traverse in watering Waves open world very very effortlessly as you can can see just now my man basically just did a jump into a hook shot into another jump to just look at that the amount distance you can jump into a Glide and then you can transform character midair and do a plunging attack so the overall combat depth in watering waves is probably one of the most in-depth I have personally seen from any gacha games I have not seen this amount of dep in a in a gacha game for combat it's super super very very inp you can use a lot of different tools uh you can use jump you can use par you can dodge you can switch characters midair change into this jump down break the porer bar Dodge this boom BM Bing BM boom cut out so experience this yourself because D only go so far right so now with that of the way let's jump into the next segment for the beginners guy which is going to be the weapon typings as well as the elemental typings in in Waring W so for weapon and Elemental typings there's basically six elements and five weapons right so just to summarize it's going to be ice fire lightning wind light and darkness and then for the uh different enemies they will also have different resistances as you guys can see from hongi stario some enement they are resistant to ice resistant to fires so it will be in your best interest to match the right elements right and also there are also mobs in this open world that completely immune to damage so for example at this point if using San over here she's eyes damage but this little blop thingy whatever this is it is completely immune to highest damage so uh it will be in the players's best interest to not race units of the same element you want to expand your Elemental Library so that you can be on element against more mobs right you don't want to raise like tree eyes or tree fight at the start of the game right you really want to just just diversify elements overall right so that's going to be that then for the weapon classes there are only five weapon classes one less from the element so it's going to be a knife blade brass red pistol and Sono M right uh knife blade and brass they are basically like your offensive Clos range weapons close combat weapons pistol is going to be like your long range going goddamn American just shoot stuff over the place and then your solo meter is pretty much like kind of like your support that bites what bites is going to be using right so overall the unit can only use the weapon that they are assigned with right so you can only assign let just play this [Music] again yeah okay anyways uh so yeah your three main weapons uh they can pretty much do a plunging attack so the three main weapons that can do a plunging attack your guns your pistols when you jump you will slowly descend while you shoot midair and then your sonom meter which is support she slowly jump upwards before she comes back down okay all right so these are the three main differences between the weapon types aside from the damage up and onome stuff or you can do some very very insane combos depending on a unit kit so for example Al over here you can see that before you plunge you can use a back flip into a hook into a plunge so my man can literally jump up 10 stories from his Base Kit again right so some characters they do have the inherent buil-in back flip to make them jump really really high up for some really really nuclear combos they can see in game right boom so absolutely insane right so yeah you can you can just yeah some character can do this uh but it really depends right so um that is going to be that uh now with regards to the weapon system system as well as the unit development system uh you are mainly classified into two experiences right one for the unit experience and one for the weapon experience right uh this is nothing different from Hong star ging impact right if you have been playing these games it's exactly the same they need experiences to level them up so I'm not really going to talk about this that much the limit break is at 20 40 50 60 70 and 80 so very very similar to Gin impact max level is going to be level 90 for both of our units and weapons right at the same time if we do want to limit break them we W need boss materials right so in in in G imp is going to be your bosses and Hong star is going to be the your ascended Shadows or whatever but yeah you basically need this collect them from over world you also need to pick a little bit of mins you need to pick a little bit of stuff over the place so very very similar if you're going to be cor there is nothing new right so let's continue on each character also have six Idol so or six dupes so six impositions and your weapon is going to be up to five as well so nothing too different over here going into the start of the game how exactly do we make use of this information to improve our new player experience starting watering RAR so it is highly recommended to only focus on two to three units instead of raising different units because the amount of resources you need at the start of the game it's going to scale up exponentially so from 20 to 40 might be very cheap but from 50 to 60 70 to 80 80 to 90 it's going to be very very very expensive so it is highly highly recommended uh not including the fact that you know have a lot of overall material and and unit experience and weapon experience uh you do want to just focus on a core team instead of investing in a very Diversified team right so for example it is it is highly not recommended to raise like four different teammates and they're all level 50 and try to go up against a level 70 plus you're going to get absolutely destroyed unless you're build different so it is very very recommended to just focus fire on one main team as per usual like you you have known from g h is nothing same but yeah just focus on one main team and that's going to be dead aside from this there also tracers and character skills so how character skills and tracers work in bing waves it is similar to okay I'm just going to use f as a reference because I don't really pay attention that much uh you have basic attack you have your resonance skills you have your outro skill you have your ultimate as well as your your your Tech so there are five skills that you can level from one all 10 and upon reaching level of U 50 you can unlock your minor traces uh for the for the most part your main skills you only increase the multiplier so nothing much really changes here the only thing that change when leveling up skills is going to be your damage multi so level two 128.57 6.1 so uh nothing too crazy uh number two this is going to be your minor tracers just add on a little bit of stats right make could be a HP uh effect rest defense uh it really depends on what the units are so uh different units will have different sort of minor tracers right you can only unlock them at level 50 so a on level 50 then you can unlock all this to go even more in depth right so these are going to be different resonances and then you can raise them up higher higher and after a while you can unlock the second tracers for your character so that's going to be how character progression Works in robing waves to unlock these tracers to improve these tracers you would need stamina materials so materials that you can only get from SP stamina you will also need over World materials which are only materials you get from the over from farming uh the mobs and you will also need the normal weekly materials right so these weekly materials this is going to be like your normal stuff your echos of War you know echos of War you need echos of War so these are the three main sources of your not inclusive of your gold right everybody needs go in this economy you definitely need go so yep that going to be that and then Overworld farming this is jumping into roughly the echosystem of watering waves uh echosystem is pretty much watering waves the biggest differentiator between hongi s and gin impact I have made a echo guide in the the previous section if you guys want to see how Echo work you can check out this video over here but just very very briefly going through how Echo work in this game once again you have a cost system right now you start eight cost but eventually you're going to get to 12 cost 12 course is going to be the end game which means you most of the time you're going to be pairing up with a one cost three cost and four cost units uh the ideal setup right now is going to be 43311 for a total of 12 cost so no wastage whatsoever alternatively you could also Run four 4111 right you don't use a three course you change that into a four course but you get one additional one course right so uh this stuff I don't think I'm going to be talking about it that much right on as usual check out my echo guide roughly in here Echo upgrades in watering waves your Echo have a fixed main Stat one and a random main stat two so your three cars over here you're going to have all this your one car is going to be all this and your for C is going to be all this so these are RNG right means that nothing too crazy you just kind of have to kind of grind it out the important thing is the echo's upgrade so for your gold Echo it goes up to level 25 your purple Echo goes up to level 20 and your blue Echo goes up to level 15 um now for each additional upgrade you will unlock a random substate the difference of watering waves and ging impa Hong is that upon unlocking a specific substate that subset it is done you are not going to be able to roll into the subset again so you can't roll like two lines of crit or like three lines of crit so that slot is permanent is fixed so you just want to get all of the different subsets unlocked uh so a ideal m subet distribution for your DPS is going to look something like this a crit rate crit damage flat attack attack percentage as well as their uh respective Elemental damage right so this is going to be the god R it is not all in create rate all in damage you want to have all these R unlocked because the moment you unlock them you can't roll them anymore so this is going to be an example for your God Roll But even within this God roll there are some instances of RNG which is the row themselves has a very very slight difference with regards to the um substat Quality so a flat attack for one gear could be flat attack 30 but a flat attack for another gear could be flat flat attack 40 uh generally speaking as long as you get the right sub sets you don't really have to care that much or feel that bad that you didn't get a good roll on like your attack or C damage cuz you can't even fix them you can't change them anyways so the moment you get a complete subset with the right Rose it's good enough right so a little bit of orang here and there so if you really really want the perfect God here highest Rose for every single subst set it is going to be a lot a lot of R so do take that into consideration so with that explained how exactly do we obtain echo or the farming process especially with the update from our latest live stream because they did mention that they streamline the echo farming process in watering wavs so you can see over here by farming the overall mobs you're going to be able to get your Echo but these are mainly one cost Echo right you can only get one cause from farming overall mobs but the thing is even though theoretically you could Farm an infinite number of echo in the over world you are going to be limited by this Relic or rather Echo experience so you can Farm them but you can't raise them because this is going to be gated by your stamina so you you can get this from over uh that being said does that mean that it is completely useless uh not really because if you were to see over here okay first of all they already said they're going to be improving the overall process so we're going to have to see what this process is upon the game's actual release but they have also introduced a system where you could farm for your random like unwanted Echo you can use the this and chant fun function to change them into one cost and three CA random so it is very similar to hongkai staros right your your Ric fragments you throw them away then you get a new fragment so something like this it is complete RNG one last tip before we move on from the echo portion which is it is ideal for players to not raise their echo in the early game uh you ideally want to just save your uh Echo experience because this is a very very limited resource uh use your units levels and weapon levels to power through the early game don't level your echo in the early game because is not worth it especially when you have dog Ric quality right towards the late game uh it is also not recommended to raise them all the way to level 25 unless you have a perfect row so for the most situation leaving them to level 20 is going to be good enough because the experience need from 2025 is going to be very very high H you leave your RS at level 12 in early game only bring them to plus 15 if you're absolutely sure that they're going to be the right R for you they're going to be using for a long time right so that is pretty much it for the echo process okay that Union level so Union level in watering waves is going to be pretty much uh the first thing you're going to be grinding out in the first week of volum wav the union level is absolutely the most important thing with regards to your account progression so uh for the grinders for the main Pickers or players that going to be going hardcore in this game it would be in your best interest to raise your union level as fast as humanly possible and how exactly do we raise this Union level it is true you know collecting the overall right farming the Overworld uh just dealing more mobs you can also get them uh the more you farm the more experience they going to raise and eventually going to level them up so why do we want to bring this up as fast as humanly possible is because at a certain rank you can unlock a lot a lot of good things right so for example you're going to increase the odds of your Echo dropping you're going to increase the quality of your drop so for example at first you can only get like purple Echoes and eventually going to get gold Echo right uh and all that kind of stuff as well as increasing your cost limit cuz start of the game you can only have eight cost eventually later on you need to get 12 cost as well as your stamina bar so this is going to be related to your gin impacts like your G impact the M stamina you will consume while running this higher level of your union is going to lead to you running longer flying longer and just overall have a much better time exploring overall so it would be in your best interest to raise this up as fast as human possible right so at the start you can see you can only gain green relics and your cost is only eight at level one so very not very good whatsoever but eventually when you level up you can get blue at level five eight at level purple at level eight as well as a gold oh you get the level you get 12 cost at level 9 you get 12 cost at level 9 so that's why you fully max out your Echo cost and then you finally unlock five star golden Echo at level 15 so it would be in a player's best interest to get to this as fast as possible then you might be wondering what is this thingy on the top bar right the the base chance as well as the uh en chance thing right so this is the percentages uh this things they are only applicable to your boss fights your five cost Echo right um and after doing this five times all right after five times uh you can only refresh this next week so this refresh us only five times once per week right and it's only for your four cost echos so for you are farming your one cost Echo and your three cost Echo uh this percentage chance it doesn't matter that much for you all right so uh still nonetheless you do want to raise this up as much as possible eventually when you hit Level 20 uh this is going to be really really good right you're going to get aside from all the rewards 20% increase base chance as well as 100% increase in ABS cost so yeah just overall raises raises is super super important not affected for your one cost and three cost just only for your boss EOS after hearing the explanation for Union level this is where the difference between the casuals and the non-c casuals will kick in because Union level you pretty much only raise this or rather the the most common way to raise this is through killing over mops and collecting their rics colleting their right so if you play this watering waves a lot you're going to progress your union level a lot faster and the faster you progress unit level the more bang for buck you're going to get back especially when you're farming the four cost mobs four cost Echo to raise your characters overall right so if you are slow in this regard uh generally speaking you are not going to be as efficient when it comes to farming as compared to a player that has been playing this game nonstop all the way uh just to get to as high of a unit level as much as possible so this is the main difference uh for the casuals and non-c casuals all right then there's going to be uh you can also get some rewards there's going to be uh events there's going to be all the kind of stuff so not much to say about his over here that is basically the overall watering waves uh very bare bone system of what you could expect as a game itself so this is going to be what you should be doing day one of watering base so the first thing you do when you go in if you have been playing Hong Eng impact it is nothing new you basically want to progress through the main story as much as humanly possible because the main story is what unlocks not only do you have the most amount of experience to raise your your overall level for your Rover you also unlock the new maps as well as the overall Monsters level to just to make your overall farming a lot better cuz like I mentioned overall farming in in watering RTE is going to be very important for your units and for Echo so the more you progress through the main story The more zones the more maps the more types of enemies you're going to unlock which is just overall going to make your experience playing One race a lot better right uh there's no rush to this right there's no rush but generally speaking even if you are casual focusing on main story should be your utmost priority right and then you can go ahead and just fly over the place explore the world and all the kind of stuff so not too much to be said over here after completing your main story Quest there are also companion quests so they side quest as well as some random ass Quest so these quests should be second priority because you only do them when you are hitting like a cap like a level cap before you progress the main story you're going to hit a cap then you can do this uh to just make your progress even further but only when you can progress in the main story so aside from the side quest and the main quest then these are the endgame content for watering wav right so aside from the quest these are the end content you're definitely not going to be doing them in day one uh but these are some things that you're going to be expecting going for so the first of all being they version of simulated Universe right so exactly the same as what you would say expect from Hong stario you have different Buffs you'll fight different mobs at the start especially at the start of the game when your characters are very very weak you might face a lot of problems you can see that doing absolutely zero damage whatsoever but as you progress further and further through the this version of s Universe you're going to get different Buffs different Echo Bobs different unit bars different uh weapon bars all kind of stuff and it will just make clearing a lot faster as you get more and more so exactly the same as one thing that is different from simulator is that in watering Wes you can gain specific unit Buffs so for example in B over here you can see that she can gain special abilities so in this case it's going to be you gain um 10 stacks of this and when you hit 10 stacks for the next three seconds you you should do like en attack right or another bu over here you can see this is going to be a pawn using her ultimate B is going to recover 50% of the HP and gain 5 Seconds of this additional buff and every second second so different units have different specific unit Buffs which is the key difference between this and and Hong St right so it will make overall playing experience even with like underutilized units a lot better so you can literally quite literally use a DPS b as you can see over here to do nucleous amount of damage and this is going to be possible uh in in in this domain right so a few to explore you can there all this kind of stuff change to Echo a very very Dynamic gameplay with regards to this content one ring W right the other end game content is going to be a the version of uh I believe this called the echo Tower this literally translates into Tower of echo or Echo Tower so this is pretty much spiral abyss slm of chaos right so there's two different zones uh the first zone is basically a single clear event the moment you clear it you claim everything it doesn't refresh the second zone is going to be the real endgame content uh this second Zone it will refresh every single week it refresh every single week and there are three three different uh I guess towers that you can attempt and each Towers have different uh waves right so this is going to be Tower one then there's going to be four ways in Tower one so how exactly does this work is that your units will have a stamina system so you can see over here lingan is going to have 10 stamina your your Cur is going to have four stamina every single time you do a singular wave it will consume stamina so this is for your first wave is one one stamina two stamina three stamina and four stamina for a combined total of 10 stamina just nice for a single team to clear all four floss so there is going to be Tower one right uh shouldn't have too much of an issue and then you're going to have to just spend this up clear everything boom done uh but the moment they're out of stamina you can't use them again all right one 2 34 for one4 stamina very very normal the moment you're out of stamina can't use them again and this brings us to the team building as back which is if you get into the second tower this is going to be different from the first Tower in a sense there's only two waves and they are instantly fighting the boss the first Tower you're fighting against mobs second tower you're fighting against boss and generally speaking Tower two is going to be having a much higher difficulty compared to Tower one and they both cost five stamina each if you were to consume your stamas for the first Tower they can no longer participate in the second tower which means you probably want to use your weaker units on the first Tower and then use the stronger units for the second tower and then there's also another Tower towards the end but but that's basically it so uh very very interesting when it comes to team building you definitely do not need to think about this uh at the earlier start because that means it will require you to build three different teams cuz there are three towers you can see over here right there are three towers so uh it is definitely not your goal right now you should definitely still focus on a singular badge and Slot team just to clear true main story as much as possible exactly how you wouldn't want to try be trying out spal abys or memory of chaos at day one or even week one right so only thing about this in the future but do be prepared to build a lot a lot of different units to match up the different anging content as well as the fact that each different Towers they also have their different respective Buffs you can see over here different Towers different waves they all have different Buffs so do try to match up the element as well as the um best units to take the best advantage of set Buffs and these Buffs they will refresh every single week so that's going to be that and then these are going to be the rewards are going to be getting right the high is going to be 30 out of 30 so exactly the same as the memory of chaos every single clear this will refresh every single week right so you can scroll down all the way down pretty much the same 750 asites per week so really really good then this is going to be uh the one time clear event so that's is going to be that then you can literally exchange this you know this is going to be the currency you're going to be getting from the end game content you can exchange for a monkey you can exchange for shards and all kind of stuff this one best in SL don't really think talk about it yet but just know that this is your car stand up memory K stuff another endgame content that watering waves will have is going to be the legendary signature Holograms Holograms in this game they are basically your direct boss fights separate from the the tower content right you only fight the boss and they are extremely extremely difficult when you get to higher levels you can quite literally I'm not sure you guys C that over there towards the later levels even when your character has quite literally 10,000 HP 10,000 HP a single hit is half your health bar you not parrying this means it's game over so this is probably going to be the much more intense content as compared to Tower because Tower you're not really limited to your skills that much because you're limited by your units right this is going to be just you against the boss Tre units against one it is all skills no two ways about it you just have to get good this is pretty much you have to get good right uh you really really need to learn their attack timings their pacing when their weak points when is the opening for you to go in uh how do you use your rotations uh different team conss for different units all that kind of stuff uh this is going to be a very very me personally this is going to be my favorite content right I've been playing Securo for the past I think one week uh I I I'm looking forward to this right so there are currently four Holograms as a CBD tree I'm quite sure we're going to be getting more bosss in the future split between level one all the way to level six now one important thing to note for this level one level six is that not only do they have increased health and increased attack their attack patterns also change it is not a simple math number change right it is not a simple Health sponge it is comparable to if you're playing mon Thunder you are fighting a normal Ros into an azur Ros into a silver Ros so the attack patterns will get more more and more aggressive more and more punishing the higher difficulty you go into the holog GS so uh very very good challenge very very good content for players to really really want to sweat it out and test pretty much one of the hardest content that waren wte has to offer and you can also do some interesting self impulse changes like you know one man clear no hit clear no reic whatever so feel free to go ahead I'll be looking forward to this when we get that right so that's going to be the hph all right so these are going to be your stamina domains so where do we use stamina for watering wav right uh first domain this is going to be the training grounds you're going to be able to get your uh unit experience as well as your weapon experience as well as your Echo experience as well as your normal gold over here so this is going to be a comparable to your golden ks in in Hong Guai Star right red is your tracers gold are your normal materials so this is going to be what you're going to be expecting not too crazy here and then this is going to be your CX rate right your R CX in kongai stario these are your skill tracers for you to upgrade your character skills as well as your your weapon skills your essential materials all the kind of stuff right so that's going to be that and then your unit Ascension like your limit break Ascension is going to be from overall bosses so pretty much the same as your stagnant shadows and H St right so that's going to be your farming keep in mind if you defeat overoll bosses you can get Echoes from them right remember these are Tre cost Echo you can get Echo from them and they consume no stamina you can collect them for free but if you want to get the essential material then you would need to consume a stamina up right so if you are a heavy heavy Min picker you can spam boss fights and collect your tree cost Echo uh completely for free without spending St up so something to keep in mind and then this is going to be your weekly this is pretty much your echo of War right your weekly EOS of War level 40 level 90 get your EOS of War materials all that kind of stuff not too crazy over there 60 stamina that's pretty much it they did mention that um then this is going to be your Echo Zone this is going to be the place where if you are casual you do not want to farm overall you do you want to still get Echo you'll pretty much go here and you will still go here even if you are a hardcore player because you still need to get limit break materials for your Echo right uh you do need to get these materials to level them up otherwise you can't do do anything about it uh they did say in the live stream that they have improved the drop rate for this Zone because previously this drop rat were completely do so players were not too happy spending the stamina here it was not worth it but they did say that uh they're going to be improving this so I'll be looking forward to see exactly what can we get upon the actual release of watering waves right yeah that is pretty much it for 90% of our content and now our final portion is going to be the whales right the shop guide what exactly do we buy with our with our the bons if I can say so myself right so this is going to be the slightly less relatable section so let's take a look at warant waves currency all right so exactly the same honga s gion impact this is pretty much $99 you get the double top up on the first time and after the double top up you're going to be able to get the normal rat right so exact same price as R waves and same H premium currency is going to be this little sphere over here which is basically your honic shs they can convert them into your asteroids or rather your St jats right so not too crazy exactly the same Ono one conversion uh in and then this is going to going to be the banners right your banners in the first week your banner you are going to be getting these banners you're going to be getting a 50 pool beginner Banner at 20% discount you're also going to be getting a standard banner and then a stand up weapon Banner as well as a limited banner and a limited weapon Banner so you're going to be seeing five different banners on the first day of watering waste so one important thing to note is that the currency use for your standard summons it is shared between both the unit and the weapon whereas for your limited summons it is not this limited rate up summons you can use them for only your units and then there's a separate currency for your limited weapon so there's the key difference all right you can see there's a different currency marked by this weapon over here it is a different currency first thing obviously we are going to be doing the beginner pool get a random five star call a day 20% discount everyone should be doing this all right and at the start of the game you'll be getting a lot a lot of summons because you know as you guys have seen from the live stream uh the developers have given us a lot a lot of summ right so you have no problems whatsoever getting a five star the moment you play the game right not even day one you can probably get it in the first hour or even the first 10 minutes so don't be worried about there but that being said we have also come into a brand new news which is going to be the festar selector after 80 po so this is going to be really really good um most of the time you should be choosing Verina she's going to be our best in SL support/ sustain like I mentioned there's only two support SL sustain one now there's only Vina and there's only B right right between these two Vera is a high better option so if you guys are going to be meta players she's going to be the main pick if you guys want a DPS unit then you are going to be picking Kakarot right kakaro is going to be the strongest standard five star DPS and the rest of the DPS is really uh not that great compared to the rest right so yeah this is just the part where content creator is like years of gacha player anguish he didn't Target any game it's like years of players feedback years of Anguish and finally we have gotten a game that has given us a standard selector after 80 p and we can finally say bye-bye to the nightmares of of not getting a five star bye-bye all right so just a little bit of interesting St over there uh now going into the next portion which is going to be okay this I'm just going to gloss you cuz it's exactly the same as Hong Kai star right you have your rate up every 80 sumon is going to be your guaranteed five star so is different from the 90 guaranteed is 80 guaranteed every 10 boo is going to get a fourstar weapon or the unit right so not too much to be uh different over here so we don't really to talk about it your weapon Banner in water waves like I mentioned you will never ever miss you are always going to be able to get your weapon so for example the standard weapon you can use a selector so for example if you want the sword you can click the sword after 80 P you are guaranteed The Sword and this is refreshable which means if you want an S5 sword or if you want an S1 of every single copy you can choose exactly what weapon you want for watering waste right so this is going to be for the Ed weapons so very very nice it's refreshable so you can see every single unit eventually if you play the game long enough they're all going to get their cenal weapons no problems whatsoever right so uh that is going to be good then for your five star this is going to be our first Banner T featuring our tree red hits right uh I do want to say uh taning she is pretty much the strongest pick over here she has dged an absolutely insane amount of damage but that being said you do need to learn how to Parry but T is going to be a really really good unit so this going to be first Banner with TN limited Banner like I mentioned you do not you do not okay I'm just going to let the CM bro talk about it you guys probably can't understand but you can feel his passion right you can feel his passion from this so I'm just going to let him say I'm not sure if you guys could understand uh the what he was saying but basically from the passion he was super super happy that the limited weapon in this game is 100% you will never fail a 50/50 7575 in watering way right so he is super super happy about this uh and the fact that this makes our e0 S1 cost infinitely more valuable in one ways in fact if you are going to be someone that don't even like the fstar unit but you like your fourstar you can quite literally pull the SIM signature weapon Banner for your four stars and in Waring ways there are some four stars in specific setups that can outperform five stars so this is a brand new Dynamic that players probably have not considered before which is there may be scenarios where pulling for a signature weapon it is more worthy more value than pulling for a limited five-star unit for the first time ever there's going to be this situation where people pull for the weapon before the unit because you can never lose a weapon and you can give this weapon to your fourstar units and from what we've seen one way there are fourar units that can outperform five stars right so uh yeah you can consider putting a five star weapon for your fourar abas so uh players keep that in consideration when we play the game more and more look forward to more and more signature weapons right do keep in mind I know most of the time you guys are pts from P weapons so you guys probably don't even look at what a weapon does in one ways that is not the case the weap weapons have incredibly incredibly good value they can give to a lot of your different teammates as long as they are the same weapon type right so if you love your four stars you can pull a five star weapon for your four star okay the dupe system in watering waves the dup system in watering waves this is going to be tied up a little bit to our shop over here uh first of all if you lose a 50/50 you will gain an additional 30 coros so what exactly are the corals these are similar to hongi staros undying Starlight all right uh you're going to be able to get a eight corals I believe from a four star and the 15 blue corals from a tree star all right so this is going to be exchanging from a shop so that's why if you were to fail a 50/50 you get an additional 30 Coral just to console you a little bit oh no you lost the 50/50 here's 30 coral for you uh so so that's good right so now important thing what is this Coral going to be used for almost 100% of the time the only reason for you to spend your Coral your Rainbow Coral is going to be dupes dupes for your for your units specifically limited unit dupes so it cost 360 rainbow coral for a limited unit 270 unit for a uh 270 coral for a standard unit as well as 55 for a fourstar right you are never ever ever ever going to exchange this uh for for for these summons over here cuz it is not worth it getting a this is basically guaranteed win on a summon on a limited this is a guaranteed win over here so it is never ever worth it to exchange for this please do not change for this it is never do not spend your Rainbow Cards on this uh the only thing you should be spending on should be 360 for a free Idol of a limited Banner unit this is extremely extremely important do not waste this uh it is Beyond bricking if you waste this so just just don't was this right save this for your limited Banner all right if you really really want a standard Banner you could but uh the only one that's worth is Vina uh but overall it's not really that recommended right you can only exchange for two so you can only get up to two copies of both the limited and the standard afterward otherwise it's just gone right so one thing you should consider is that the limited idin it only appears during the units better which means that theoretically you can't just save like 10,000 rainbow corals uh and then instantly get a two push uh for for your uh Tien right if tien's Banner is not up tien's idence will not be up you will have to wait for his rerun or you can only spend it on the current rate up Banner so you can't really save this for that long but the currency itself it stays in your account forever it's just the island changes right you can just hold your currency wait for 720 cors right so save up for 720 Coral save it up free E2 in donate for everyone and the month right so this is a really really good system so this means that even for free to plays for new players or low Spenders you can also get a E2 limited unit after playing sometime and then for the whals you only need to pull for five copies you just need to pull for five copies and then you can get a E6 eventually so this system is really really good it saves a lot of players a lot a lot of time so yeah overall just just a great system right cool last first segment of today which is going to be the normal Blue C so this is your normal uh I believe it's called Amber shop in hongi Star real right you can exchange for pools exchange for limit uh materials for your characters uh one thing to know for watering waves is that you can exchange 18 pools a month instead of the usual 10 you get six limited unit summons six limited weapon summons and six standard Banner summons so every single month you can get 18 pool instead of the usual 10 so that's going to be really good absolutely your highest priority is to get them all and as we know by now the weapon summons in this game they are not to be underestimated right the we signature weapon in this game is super super valuable so you definitely want to exchange for everything here when you have a chance right so that's going to be that and then if you are a whale you can consider pulling for the uh unit upgrade materials because at the start of the game you are going to be running out very very quickly so if you're a whale you have a lot of this frence lying around feel free to get this upgrades and just upgrade your team a little bit more and yeah just have a h ahead of everyone else uh then you have some battle passes over here monthly card battle pass all the kind of stuff nothing too crazy exactly the same song as St so that's going to be that monthly pass I the same 90 St the day 90 the day and then there's also going to be the battle pass all this I think this kind of stuff is not too crazy so I'll just wait till the game uh is released and save is that right with that we come to the end of today's content if you want to engage any further discussions on over to disc disc. daily basis andily BAS every day this coming day 21 on myON absolutely insane absolutely nuclear I'll be looking forward to the one W release at the time this recording W ra should be out in less than 17 hours absolutely crazy I'll see you guys there that's all I have today all the best for your TM Po and I'll be seeing you guys next time take care n [Music]
Channel: MrPokke
Views: 60,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starrail, honkaistarrail, mrpokke, streamer, twitch, singapore, guides, mihoyo, theorycraft, game, mobilegame, blackswanguide, howtobuild, archeron, firefly, drama, teambuilding, genshin, hsr, memoryofchaos, purefiction, meta, tierlist, overpowered, best teams, acheron guide, cn, hoyocreator, wuwa, wuthering waves, baizhi, kakarot, calcharo, yinlin, jiyan, lingyang, livestream, before release, pgr, analysis, beginner, beginner guide, beginner's guide, genshin impact, rover, wuwa guide
Id: 0QpG6V_ZiJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 20sec (2840 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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