Clout Chasing Is A Disease

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I agree. Though she might be “famous”, she will never be a contributing member of society and will always have a distorted view of reality.

Honestly I feel sorry for someone like this. Idiots never realize they are dumb because they are dumb lol

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/TightWhitey 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

I saw this earlier. I really hope she isn't a Senior at the New Brunswick campus. Honestly, i dont think you can "not go to classes" and be able to graduate... like there is no way at NB.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/rutgersunistudent 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Was just about to post this too. So cringe. You really get the full spectrum of geniuses and idiots at NB

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/IllegalMoose 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ThePureClub 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
the world is still being bent over and spanked by the corona virus pandemic but today I want to focus on an equally large and growing disease this is one I don't believe that w-h-o is recognized as a pandemic yet but it's not far off I imagine it's called clout chasing we've talked about this before when I mentioned the youtuber who was making out with his dog for enternet points there was also the man who was executed by his girlfriend at point-blank range with a desert eagle because it was supposed to be a viral video for internet clout this [ __ ] is wild people are dying people are becoming dumber all in the pursuit of Internet clout it's an ailment that's mainly afflicting the youth because a lot of the younger generation just has their entire lives online they just exist in the cyber space so they're trying to emulate youtubers even though they only see a weekly prank video four of them so they're trying to live their life like that they'll get all their social information from Twitter and reddit so these younger people are literally being trained to be losers their father figure will be some reddit [ __ ] poster named tool beans one cream who's giving him advice on the red pill subreddit it's sad [ __ ] these people view internet clout as like this Holy Grail this elixir near panacea that once you achieve enough internet clout everything is perfect in your life and you're totally healed and fulfilled you could be the saddest most greased up loser but if you have enough internet clout you're perfect that's at least the belief that a lot of people have which is why some so desperately dedicate their lives to getting imaginary internet points and clout today we're gonna talk about one such person her name is ava and she is most well known for the coronavirus challenge that she started I'm sure that video isn't new to any of you you've probably all seen it by now if you've been on the internet for a long time it's also not surprising or shocking that someone would do that it's kind of like goat see when I was young goats he was like the craziest [ __ ] like that's something that would make me like [ __ ] close your eyes puke and just go wild like I can't believe I just saw that and now all of a sudden goat see it's like almost safe for work content like you got ability as a Twitter profile picture and no one would bat an eye it's still just sad to see someone stoop that low just for a crumb of attention just a tiny morsel of Internet clout that they can try and sink their little teeth into it's just pathetic stuff as you can imagine spoiler alert the attention was so ephemeral that no one even knows her name which is good the only thing people know from remember her for her legacy for the rest of her life is this gonna be the [ __ ] idiot that tasted a thousand dirty buttholes on a plane by licking a toilet seat that's not exactly the coolest legacy to have I imagine but hopefully the two days worth of attention was enough the reason why I'm even bringing this up now is because I'm seeing a lot of this on Twitter especially I've seen a couple people licking toilet seats one of them I believe got arrested in the Twitter account banned so she did actually start some [ __ ] to try and influence people to doing some dumb [ __ ] for coronavirus pranks challenges whatever so I figured I'd use her as the example here to talk about just how shitty clout chasing is and what a waste of time and life it is to pursue imaginary numbers on the Internet so let's show you a little bit more from Ava I have something though because they think I'm coming down with something because I just like feel so hot rich and iconic and if those are the symptoms of something then [ __ ] I'm ill a real zinger from Ava there as she continues her mission to be the most unlikable person on the Internet this is her most recent life update posted on her YouTube channel of six thousand subs not the smallest number in the world but not exactly knocking on the door to being famous so her little cloud chasing stunts didn't really pan out the results she was looking for she tries to pull off this pseudo ironic sarcastic approach to everything she does and says you know rich famous and iconic but she doesn't do it well it just makes you diss like her even more because she's very clearly not self-aware enough to get the joke or make it into a joke she herself is the joke and she just makes it clear she wants to continue to be the punching bag as long as it gets her any kind of attention which is just super sad she's asked not leaving the couch so I'm getting these men coming over and pegging me this whole quarantine the only thing about quarantine that's making me upset is they can't go get Botox but otherwise I'm really happy because all the restaurants are closed so I'm getting super skinny that's what I want to say it's hard to find even a single quality to admire about Ava her approach to pretty much anything she does is perhaps one of the worst approaches you could take she's been on dr. Phil three times the most recent one obviously being about the corona challenge [ __ ] Ava this parts for you you've been on dr. Phil three times and your [ __ ] is still not blowing up why the [ __ ] are you still trying Internet cloud is clearly not in your future it's not in the cards for you dr. Phil is like the one direction for the internet anyone on the internet that associates with dr. Phil blows the [ __ ] up except for you you were the outlier the [ __ ] you say and the way you conduct yourself is so unlikable that not even dr. Phil could accidentally find you an audience so stop being an [ __ ] let's take a look at the dr. Phil clip I was fine I made out with a bunch of people I was not hygienic I actually could generate my immune system was down from all the drinking and drugs and for I should have cranberries but I don't yeah there's just no justice in the world she didn't get coronavirus but I'm pretty confident in saying someone around her most likely did and I just really hope it wasn't someone of the older demographic and susceptible to it and they picked up your germs you're putting their life at danger so you can entertain yourself and that is ridiculously selfish and ridiculously irresponsible so you can have 15 minutes of fame well that's their problem first of all not mine when I first heard this segment I was actually convinced she was just an actress that dr. Phil hired just to get some easy ratings or views or something but as it turns out this is real this is her being genuine she's just actually this stupid so she's honest at least you can say a lot of things about Ava but let it not be said that she's shy because she's not afraid to come out here and show the world how dumb she is she has no shame you're the one that's doing it is that your generation only cares about this virus because it affects you no one cares when it affects younger people they just say it's our fault you guys are the ones dying of it not us just an outright wrong statement which isn't surprising because I'm pretty sure she's illiterate everyone's being affected by it and young people are dying from it so I mean it's just wrong and she's just again wrong but she does have an attitude that I've seen a lot of people on Twitter have at least where it's just all about themselves and just whatever kind of joy they can give themselves and just throwing caution to the wind they don't give a [ __ ] about anyone else and I think that [ __ ] sucks I think that's a terrible mindset to have you guys just find a way to blame us but you see you're locking everyone down and instilling fear globally young people are dying from this as well do you even know how to spell science dr. Phil had the same hunch I did and I think that's extremely cute yeah and now I don't get to graduate I mean nothing's happening was just fine like it's not like I really wants a class this whole thing's a joke like like do you think this is all a hoax created by Twitter that's what you're saying I think I think yeah I think well one cloud started this virus a bunch of girls in China started eating exotic animals for views on YouTube and London I know for a fact those bats probably do not taste good they just wanted to shock people and like I get it cuz I'm a cloud chaser myself so this started up pandemic during that whole little codenamed kids next door monologue she goes on there I felt like it was scripted I felt like it was just a joke put together by dr. Phil you know just to farm a little bit of controversy and I just you know snap my fingers and say you got me good on that one dr. Phil Rooney I've been had but again I looked into her and from everything I've seen this is just her that is how she axé behaves believes that is genuinely her whole personality she put on display right there which made me real sad because I thought as like a piece of reality TV like make-believe I thought it was pretty entertaining but the fact that there are people that think like her and there are people that support her they're not super hard to find they're very few in number but there's a few I think I should suck something I should it's terrible now for the coronavirus challenge prank she did clarify and dr. Phil it wasn't a public plane toilet seat she said it was her sugar daddy's private plane that she bleached and then licked I don't know how true that is but I mean it's neither here nor there it's just the desperation of it alone is enough to be just truly pitiful but anyway I think Ava is just the poster child for what cloud chasing does to someone her entire life revolves around it it's just a real sad [ __ ] really pathetic trend that I've talked about before but with coronavirus coming around now on the internet side of things people are taking that and using that as a platform to try and gain some quick little attention through some truly just despicable garbage like Ava did anyway that's about it so yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,448,705
Rating: 4.9664273 out of 5
Id: exTbluQ18Hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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