People Meltdown Over Oscars

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last night history was made at the Oscars when parasite a Korean film absolutely cleaned ass taking home a plethora of awards including the prestigious best picture award which has never been done before by a foreign language film and I think it deserved each and every one of those awards it absolutely dusted titties at the Oscars last night and for good reason the movie is a masterpiece and I can't recommend it enough now I don't want to toot my own horn or eat my own come but I saw it coming back in 2019 you'll remember we did the moist ease the top-five best movies of 2019 we put Paris at ease number one the Academy must be big fans of the moist meter because they absolutely agreed with our expert opinion the Academy straight bent over and goatse themselves just letting bong joon-ho run a train on their awards show which he absolutely deserves bong joon-ho is a creative genius who makes nothing but hits and I'm super pleased to see him clean up these awards but this was not without controversy because they're not speaking English in parasite baby oh are you kidding me you're winning an American award but you don't speak English it's an outrage you know Twitter went up in flames but not just Twitter there were some brave youtubers that weren't afraid to embarrass themselves and ruin their reputation so I'll start there because Twitter gets mad over everything if someone came out tomorrow and solved every disease ever people would still be trying to cancel them and [ __ ] whining about it on Twitter so we'll start with this brave man won for Best Foreign Film so if Best Foreign Film is the equivalent to Best Picture for the foreign films why is it then allowed to be nominated for Best Picture can someone explain that to me yeah actually I think I can step in here and take that question on also just want to say love the way you pronounce the word equivalent you say equivalent it makes it sound like you're doing a really adorable simp I Oh whoo kind of thing really cute stuff man but yeah the reason why I can win International Film and best pictures because it was so [ __ ] good that it got nominated for Best Picture and it happened to be an international film which means it also got nominated they're like you know the Oscars has you know Best Picture and Best United States film right it's like we don't have two chances to win a movie right like Joker 19 17 floored verse Ferrari mares 3 they may have two chances to win an Oscar it was Best Picture and Best Picture only so his main gripe with the best pitcher as he calls it sounding like he's straight out of the Rugrats cartoon is that parasite had multiple chances as he calls it by winning international best film and best film he believes that if a film wins international best film it should not be eligible to compete for best film because it's only an international film and shouldn't be allowed to be the best overall film for some reason and he keeps mentioning American films like Joker in 1917 but he fails to realize that 1917 is not an American film to begin with so he's already way off his mark there's a reason why they made the Best Animated category because Beauty and the Beast was nominated for Best Picture and then the Oscars decide we're gonna make its own little category which I'm okay with to be honest with you well I do appreciate the honesty but he's also again wrong here animated films can be nominated for Best Animated Film and Best Picture he says that that's never happened and it's impossible but it does happen for example up up was nominated for Best Animated Film and Best Picture that [ __ ] happens I'm not one to suck the ass in the Academy Awards or any awards show in general especially the Academy though I disagree with the vast majority of their decisions over the last few years but in this one in particular I really think they got it right and I don't think award shows are all that important to begin with by the way I think they're just kind of a fun event to get together with friends and cheer on your favorite movie or actor but people were really upset about parasite in particular winning this one and the vast majority the people complaining haven't even seen the movie he also admits to not even seeing parasite or knowing anybody that's seen parasites so I don't understand why he's being so harsh on it and misrepresenting the film to his audience he just keeps talking about Joker and how great Joker was you know it changed this whole world that opened his third eye as dick is now bigger it should have won every award that humanity's ever conceived including a Nobel Prize but he would've been fine with any American movie winning just not parasite it's just ridiculous stuff last night Jackson Matt Danny and I we streamed the Oscars is a little watch a long thing on slash Moyes critical and then in the chat erupted when parasite won everyone who saw it probably agrees that it was the best movie of last year against stiff competition with Joker 1917 marriage story but parasite was just an incredible movie that did some very special things this guy hasn't seen it and he doesn't know anything about the movie as he says multiple times I don't know if it's because he can't read subtitles which I find hard to believe because it looks like he watches thousands of anime and reads hentai or he just outright doesn't want to watch foreign films I don't know the reason but parasite is a movie I think everyone should see and especially you're gonna make a rant about it you should at least know what the [ __ ] you're talking about ok I don't know a parasite and I don't give a [ __ ] about parasite it's fun it won Best Foreign Film you know why because it's a god being foreign film Joker and look I don't care Joker then when I wanted to win but it could have been once upon a time the Hollywood Mayor story 1917 for b4 I'm sorry if you want Best Foreign Film you should automatically be invalid to even be qualify the won Best Picture you should and it pisses me off because Joker let's talk about Joker it's guys like this that make Joker such an embarrassing thing to talk about he's like a Rick and Morty season 3 Szechuan sauce meltdown fan and I don't just mean in regards to the new Joker movie but Joker's a character I think is just absolutely fantastic in the new movie is spectacular but it's so hard to [ __ ] say that without cringing because of guys like this who would just go ballistic on these drunken rants about why Joker was the superior movie and the superior message and this and that look at United States of America right now what is more important to our culture than the Joker about a movie that talks about mental illness not being taken care taken seriously about how people in high places look down and frown upon the poor the poverty and people with mental illness how we need to take this more serious but no forget all these [ __ ] social problems that Joker touched upon Wes how they better woke agenda and let's go full [ __ ] whoa let's give the walk means absolutely nothing it is a truly meaningless word these days it's like saying challenge or prank on the Internet truly [ __ ] devoid of all semblance of meaning but this looks like the kind of guy that would be screeching about everything being woke oh god damn you woke demons you've ruined my Captain Crunch cereal uh I can tell you taste the SJW propaganda with everybody it's just so silly yeah obviously there's some [ __ ] that is pushing you know political agendas or any kind of agendas whatsoever where the decision is very clearly made just for the sake of that but this is not one of those circumstances by every definition parasite is an exceptional film where the majority of people who saw it agree that it was probably the best picture it wasn't like a shock that it could win it wasn't like super surprising that came out of left field there's nothing woke about it yet people keep talking about how woke it was to have it win I don't get it go Pat your broke-ass [ __ ] selves on the [ __ ] back but a film shouldn't be nominated for Best Foreign Film and then also have the opportunity to win Best Picture because none of the other Best Picture nominations had a chance to be nominated for anything else you know I mean yes the technical words all that [ __ ] yes that is a good point those technical words in all that [ __ ] now you're starting to really make some coherent points now we're starting to get somewhere I'm starting to see your perspective the country which we all [ __ ] up watching the Academy okay we watched those [ __ ] films why is parasite denominator that again how many [ __ ] people in this country seen parasite I guarantee is probably to pet percent of the [ __ ] population you know parasite did play in America so the Academy having seen all of American movies also saw parasite as well as a pretty large portion of American population actually it did over 160 million so it actually kind of [ __ ] crushed it at the box office especially off of only an 11 million our budget that should absolutely did great okay do we go to other countries and in their best pictures it's [ __ ] 1917 nominated that's legit question so tell me if that's true or not yeah I think I can take that question on it is true yeah American films do get nominated for foreign awards very common in fact it's the Oscars and they're [ __ ] whoa cast [ __ ] agenda and I'm [ __ ] tired of it I'm tired of these [ __ ] agendas why can't the best movie win the Best Picture it did this year it absolutely did which is great I don't know exactly what point he was trying to make here I don't think he knows what point he was trying to make here but a couple other youtubers shared a similar sentiment but they weren't nearly as heated or misguided as this guy we'll turn our attention to Twitter now Twitter was a little more upset that it was Korean that was winning American awards they're more upset about the language than the actual amount of awards they won now obviously I'm not gonna show you every single meltdown tweet about it but there are quite a few this being kind of the poster child for this stupid [ __ ] take on the situation a man named bong joon-ho wins hashtag Oscar for Best Original Screenplay over Once Upon a Time in Hollywood in 1917 acceptance speech great honor thank you then he proceeds to give the rest of the speech in Korean these people are the destruction of America initially it sounded like he just hates Korean people as a whole and it would have been extremely berry for him to just say that out right on his check mark Twitter account so he went into damage control mode to clarify what he meant by these people these people are obviously not Koreans with those in Hollywood awarding a foreign film that Stokes flames a class warfare over two films I thought were more deserving simply to show how woke they are that should be cleared from the rest of what I tweeted about tonight's production woke has truly lost all [ __ ] meaning and also if that's what you meant why did you even point out that he was speaking Korean in the first place if the issue you had was the class warfare and thinking the other two films deserved it more why did you even point out the fact that he gave his acceptance speech in Korean your initial tweet is literally Korean director wins award he gives speech in Korean these people are destroying America but they're at no point do you ever even say anything about class warfare the other two films just being better it makes no [ __ ] sense your damage control is way off mark if you want my expert opinion I think this guy just hates any language that's not English because the tweet right before this one is complaining about frozen being sung in other languages calling it globalist trash imagine if this guy heard the spongebob krusty krab pizza song in other languages he'd lose his [ __ ] mind he'd probably go set a church on fire he'd go nuts I can't even imagine how he responded when parasite won best picture cuz he was melting down about it winning Best Original Screenplay when it won Best Picture my god you know there was chairs and tables being flipped in his household it reads like an Alex Jones parody tweet to be honest but it's not in that sad parasite is a great movie deserve to win and the meltdown that a lot of people are having over its win is just ridiculously silly that's about it so yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 5,361,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -yqyfm0xbvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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