The Bad Batch VS Clone Commandos Who is Better?

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[Music] my friends welcome back to another episode of generation tech my name is Alan in the first episode of the seventh season of the Clone Wars we are introduced the clone force 99 a very special unit of commandos that were brought in to help the 500 first during the Battle of an axis on force 99 in many ways is quite similar to another units within the Grand Army of the Republic the Clone commandos and when clone Force 99 first appeared on scene a lot of the fans also made that connection as well so today I want to take a look at these two different units and talk about their similarities and their differences despite their more unique physical appearance clone Force 99 also came from the Kamino cloning facilities clone Force 99 was named after the clone 99 he was amongst one of the first generation of clones and suffered numerous genetic and physical defects which caused them to have a hunchback appearance and increased aging but 99 embodied would have meant to be a clone he didn't let his ailments stop him from participating in the balcony you know when an underwater separatist droid Force attacked the cloning facilities on the planet it was as personal as war got for the clones because Kamino was in a way their homeworld 99 was gunned down trying to retrieve more detonators from a group of clones that were trying to protect some cadets aside from honoring 99 clone Force 99 also had some pretty extreme mutations in their genetics these mutations were far more extreme than the genetic modifications made to the rank-and-file clone troopers and even more advanced than the ones made to the no land commando units these mutations also changed each of the clones appearance and so they looked quite different from most of the other Fett ones the four individuals making up clone Force 99 were known as hunter crosshair tech and record hunter leads the units all of his senses are enhanced especially his smell he can also sense electromagnetic emissions on a planet-wide scale this allowed him to be quite a good tracker and of course hunter crosshair had extremely sharp vision and fast reflexes his personality was quite cynical and he disliked fighting alongside regular clones crosshair was thinner and more gaunt than most of the other FET clones as well then there was tech who and enhanced cognitive abilities he's very talkative and like sharing his knowledge but shied away from confrontation lastly we have wrecker he was much harder and more muscular than the average clone and had superhuman strength which allowed him to lift something as heavy as a la 80 gunship he was a loud and brash individual with the short temper but he did have one weakness and that was his fear of heights I mentioned the personality quirks of each clone in force 99 because not only were they given unique genetic skills they also behaved that fought unlike any other clone unit they were very chaotic and aggressive and more importantly unpredictable Commander Cody had clone Force 99 called in for backup because the clones on an axis had been compromised when a secret algorithm designed to help the clones fight better in combat was recovered by separatist leader Admiral trench now the clone commanders were a more mass-produced units of clone soldiers but that didn't necessarily make them and he lost dangerous or good at their job by the time the war started around 10,000 Clone commandos had been trained and were ready for deployments the Clone commandos were months the first batch of clones to be created by the Kaminoans during the earlier stages of the creation of the Clone Army had been conceived that a special forces unit needed to be made unlike the rank-and-file clones these individuals would have to operate more independently especially if they were alone behind enemy lines and so the Kaminoans lifted some restrictions they had placed on vets personality matrix but the first batch of these special forces coins known as the no locks were almost too volatile to function within the military structure the Kaminoans saw this generation of clones as failures and wanted to sanitize them but they were stopped the last minute by Jango Fett who agreed to train them personally the Kaminoans then focused on creating the next batch of Special Forces clones and their DNA was modified somewhere in between that of a normal clone and the null arcs and that is when the Clone commandos were born they were still quite independent and creative but at the same time loyal and willing to follow orders these commandos were also larger and stronger than the amber clone as well they function best and groups and were raised from birth in pods of four these pods would eventually become their unit when they were deployed this meant that the bond between a unit of Clone commandos was extremely strong and they offer times could predict each other's movements before they even made them now on to everyone's favorite part the gear East member of clone Force 99 was outfitted with unique and oftentimes of prototype appointment's their leader Hunter was a pretty bare-bones type of fighter it was actually modeled purposely after Billy salt from predator that was George Lucas's idea in my opinion hunter looks like Rambo so I usually just call him Rambo although hunter had access to some of the best equipment in the Clone Army you actually preferred using a small vibro blade whenever possible it's definitely not the most efficient weapon to use against metallic George but these guys were unique and full of personality quirks which is what set them apart from the Clone commandos most of the time however hunter dual wielded each c-17 hand blasters just like Captain Rex clone Force 99 usually wore modified dark-gray clone armor hunter like the clone commanders also carried a large pack on his back which is full of ammunition ordnance and other equipment he needed to bring into combat crosshair was the designated marksman in the group he used the 7/7 3 fire puncher blaster rifle which allowed him to be effective against targets up to 10 miles away his rifle scope fed data straight to his helmet which increased his accuracy tremendously chuck went into battle usually wielding d c-17 blasters like hunter but he was in a no lease firing away he was usually delegated to a support role he wore heavily modified Scout server armor with a specialized visor which functioned as a display but the computer system built into his wrist on his suit Tec used this computer to do a variety different things including translating alien languages calculating trajectories for munitions and recording mission data tech also liked recording sounds of all the sentient beings he's ever encountered Recker wore a suit of heavy clone super armor would blast protection around the neck area when he wasn't using his bare hands to smash droids together Recker preferred using a z6 rotary blaster cannon and a rocket launcher along with a commando knife but most of the time a DC 17m blaster was more practical and so that's what he usually used the members of clone force 99 were also differently unique it was almost like there were different classes in a game like Battlefield or battlefront the club man is on the other hand were far more uniform and kitted out in the same way but each member of the four-man commando teams were trained and specialized in one of four positions he had the team leader demolition expert marksman and field medic the clone commanders were generally equipped with the variation of the guitar and armor one of the most advanced pieces of armor in the entire Clone Army and in my opinion superior to even Mandalorian armor the katana commando class armor was made out of heavily plated thorough plastic which could stop the most blaster rounds well not as durable as Mandalorian iron the guitar class commandos suit also included built-in deflector shields which were actually quite rare to see on an individual troopers armor usually a deflector shield that was powerful enough to stop multiple blaster rounds from coming in had a huge radiation profile which was deadly for the wearer each one of these clones also carried a large backpack like the one hunter wears not only was this additional shielding for the trooper it was also follow up extra ammo explosives medical kits rations and other survival supplies these backpacks also had special compartments for other gear you'd want to bring onto a mission let's say you were fighting in space or underwater you could bring extra oxygen tanks or for the field medic you can bring up back the tank the DC 17m is the main firearm for the clone troopers although most Clone commandos did carry DC 17 blaster pistols as sidearms the these-- 17 M is really all they needed and that's because the DC 17 M was an interchangeable weapon system that could be reconfigured in seconds making it quite useful in combat situations in its base configuration the DC 17 and functioned like a high rate of fire blaster rifle the DC 17 M can also be lengthened and the individual shots powers could be increased so loud the shooter to use it as a marksman rifle another arrangement allowed DC 17 m to fire armor-piercing grenades there's a lot of the clonk managed to carry far less weight into combat but still have several different options in the a battle while cologne 1499 had some significant upsides like hundred-percent mission completion rates they also had some severe discipline and personality issues that could make them a liability for one they didn't always get along with the rank-and-file clones who they call dregs crosshair hated everyone basically and as we mentioned before he looked down on the normal clones and constantly got into fights with his own teammates including wrecker the two were very competitive and often times go into competitions about who could kill more droids Recker was completely uncontrollable and oftentimes had aggressive outbursts Tech generally avoided any of these fights but which sometimes completely zone out when he was working on an especially difficult pact leaving him open to attack hunter was their leader but in reality there was a very loose chain of command amongst the units although clone Force 99 had a playbook of different strategies they mainly depended on their absurd superhuman abilities and strength to accomplish any mission they weren't necessarily the most efficient fighting force when it came to planning and using tactics clone force 99 also had significant problem working with other clone units or under the command of normal clones they were however usually able to keep up with their Jedi commanders much better than the rank-and-file clones the clone commanders were definitely more easy to work with for one they had a brotherly approach and how they interacted with the other normal clones and oftentimes in part of wisdom and training techniques to them as casualties began Ament throughout the war the Clone commandos actually welcomed normal clones into the ranks to fill out their teams the Clone commandos were extremely efficient in combat and communicated well with each other as we mentioned before most clone commanders were raised together and trained together from birth making them very familiar with each other's actions and thoughts and they were also used to working with small teams of clones as well as Jedi commanders and so the Clone commandos were just as effective as clone Force 99 and had a similar amount of offensive and defensive capabilities I would argue that most commanders would probably choose to work with them because they were extremely reliable as well as capable clone Force 99 was a bit too mercenary to completely trust and no control in them once you set them loose in the case of more sense and emissions this was a bad idea now should be mentioned that clone Force 99 is actually considered an experimental clone commando unit this is why they have similar weapons and they also have a four-man team structure but anyway I'd like to hear what you guys think about these two different organizations in the comment section down below do you think the commandos are better or do you prefer clone Force 99 well guys I hope you enjoyed today's episode don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button so you don't miss on the rest of our awesome content as usual thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you our generation tech [Music]
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 959,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, Season 7 Clone Wars, Final Season clone wars, Clone wars, Clone Force 99, Clone Commandos, Bad Batch, Genetic modification, Kamino genetic modification, Hunter, Crosshair, Tech, Wrecker, Delta squad, Gregor, Omega Squad, Boss, Fixer, scorch, sev, Battle of Anaxes, Captain Rex, Clone commando equipment, Katarn, CLone force 99 weapons, Crosshair blaster, Wrecker saves commander cody, Katarn class commando armor, DC-17m, DC-17
Id: sy70A1AjO2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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