Clive Barker's Disastrous Horror Game

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horror is a very nuanced area of game development there's no Silver Bullet for conveying fear in a successful way unlike movies where the Creator can very specifically tailor the viewers experience games are interactive that is to say skills and horror movie making don't necessarily transfer into good game making enter Clive Barker I'm not anticipating death will start me I fully anticipate continuing to make movies after death angel this creative theme has made a huge range of media from plays to books and movies but none of his work is more divisive than a little number released back in 2007 called Jericho [Music] holy [ __ ] a squad-based shooter set in a Gothic nightmare that was frankly bizarre would you like to pray with me I'm an atheist sir I guess not then this game has been sat in my account for 15 years and I hadn't touched it since then but for some reason I had a very negative impression of the game in my head I always assumed the game was an unequivocal disaster with zero Redeemer qualities they even removed the game from Steam that's never a good sign but despite a few great big nuclear flaws there was more to this game than I gave it credit for so as always let's start from the beginning [Music] Jericho has an Abrupt star with the player standing in the middle of a Sandy ruin storm is Raging just ahead and we're being led by what looks like a demon child that's a big red flag after being told this child needs our help we wake up answer a ringing phone and get our orders when oh [ __ ] okay I'll see you at the Airfield there's a disturbance in the desert and on our journey over Ross outlines the team's purpose the Army calls what we do covert occult Warfare just a fancy euphemism for witches with guns there was a time when the church would have burned people like us as Heretics and monsters now we fight their Wars for them we're a team of paranormal soldiers working for the government and an old researcher called leech has lost his mind carrying out terrorist attacks across the world and now he's taken over an ancient military site with the plans to do something awful we don't know what but were being sent in to stop him trust me when I tell you that the team has never faced anything like this before what's the plan Infiltrate The Dig side and neutralize leech in his cronies before they can open the breach the helicopter lands and the whole squatty pulls up Avenger Style [Music] We've Got Sabrina dreadlocks Barrett from Final Fantasy generic Soldier man jiggle physics and Nazi Revolver Ocelot truly Ross the team's captain Two Fire teams that follow me we make our way through a rubble path while the squad Bick is back and forth about what they might find here we do a quick weapons check then blast our way in wow that was super anticlimactic between the level transitions the majority of law is outlined too much for my liking I would have preferred this information to be conveyed in game in a more natural way entering the tomb there's a sudden earthquake and the ground collapses we're out of nowhere the game throws in a qte yes this game was released during the Golden Age of QuickTime events where every game apparently needed one to be considered finished except in this game they're an actual nightmare scarier than any monsters because they happen at the most random occasions and will instantly kill you like this dude had a full grip of me here but when I failed the qte he just let me go get the [ __ ] dropped me out of spite what is that about thankfully there's basically no load during the qtes so you can try and try again until you've memorized every random button pressed to safety up ahead the cave is covered in flesh and blood and we use our torch to illuminate the way gory visuals are a trademark of Clive Barker's design and it's definitely not missing in this game which I'm personally gassed about the closest thing we've got to a Hellraiser game was dead by daylight which just doesn't scratch the same itch turning a corner the squad encounters their first bit of trouble Jericho take cover oh show me your hands holding position a group of emaciated creatures stumble towards us we ordered them to stop before arguing over whether or not to open fire on fire and look at him these creatures are called cultists and they're the game's base enemy pale corpses with blades for hands that usually attack by rushing the player they basically run up to you place their head on a nice silver platter and ask you to go to town they're easily dispatched and once defeated a swarm of flies swooped down and consume their Corpses this happens every time we defeat an enemy is it a clever way to limit resource consumption on enemy body count or is there more to it only time will tell as a first encounter I think it's handled perfectly the squad's training kicks in with just enough fear between them as they bicker about what the [ __ ] they're looking at permission to fire we heal up and split up with Omega team heading to the research center to see wagwan along the way we fight more enemies and we even see them torturing random people before we engage them these little touches really set the tone for the world it's nice to feel like the enemies are doing something when they're not popping out of the ground to Ambush us on the edge of a crater we run into the child from the start of the game it wants us to follow and apparently hey we're just cool with that stupid [ __ ] idiots every corner it leads us appears to be a trap proudly does right where we needed to go the entrance to the research facility you might want to step back a bit should hurry I don't know how long before it closes again using blood magic we get the door open leaving church and black outside to cover our sixth knee trick our squad's down to two now giving us less opportunity for revives but I actually prefer this these smaller breaks from large-scale combat mix up the pace and offer more of a challenge inside this facility the game takes on more of a fear feel which is an interesting comparison because fear is basically everything this game wanted to be in terms of execution fear is an action horror that despite the focus on combat still manages to scare the player breathe reaching the center chamber we run into the side's agent who is under the impression we're with the monsters you're one of them I know it I said drop the goddamn gun now but thankfully ruling knows her boss can you hear me we can't leave her here I'm not asking some shit's going down outside so we leave green to recover the data and head off that you were a priest I'm a priest well what about Prague I'm also human also I hate to say it but the red Barrels in this game they're not explosive that's a crime against gaming on the way to Alpha Squad we have our first run in with what's known as the explosive cultist company let her get close it's an instant down and at first they're completely fine attacking from reasonable angles and only a few at a time but as the game progresses these guys become a complete pain literally spawning at your feet and blowing your squad apart like a teleporting hooker they're joking I don't know we decimate a few more ways before green radios through claiming that monsters have breached the walls so we head over double time but arriving we're too late Green's been killed God damn it anyone but green they offered so much to the story this is likely to cause a considerable amount of dimensional displacement sir you may want to step outside the stolen moment is short-lived mind because it's Ambush time stuck on the middle platform the scores cornered mowing down waves of enemies in rather epic fashion and I am torn about the game's combat it just doesn't really scratch any kind of itch weight and impact are completely missing from the guns little things like having no recoil makes it feel like you're wielding a pea shooter having an infinite amount of squad revives also removes a lot of the difficulty I think limiting the amount of revives per level or at least per combat encounter would really have improved the overall experience as it stands the combat's fun for a while but struggles to maintain its enjoyability particularly later in the game Onslaught survived coal is able to stabilize the temporal breach claiming leeches opened some kind of portal interested in why this might be we head out to investigate leech [Music] Lee Jericho stumbles across a large ritual area where you just know things are gonna go wrong and as expected after some mild taunting from Leech changed to set you after this to destroy it we're attacked by the Kings from Dark Souls they fight with ranged and sweep attacks using their agility to avoid our gunfire but they're pretty weak and once dealt with we get more context about what we're doing here God couldn't destroy his first creation so we locked it away and banished from the earth so he could start over again then he made Mankind and he gave us flaws to keep the balance right firstborn was jealous but as I mentioned earlier this Revelation was spoiled in the previous load screen I feel like the devs were worried people wouldn't be able to follow the story and so they just added it all in between loading but man people we were trying to contain it what the [ __ ] is that bickering about the moral sanctity of oppressing an ancient demon god the child arrives again this time smack bang in the center of what looks like a sacrificial Stone and sadly there's no get back in the truck option here climbing up it's the old baitan switch demon Kitty Subs in this messed up YouTube thumbnail face looking demon and it absolutely ravages us treating us like a kebab at 3am on a Friday night oh [ __ ] mortally wounded the squad tries their best to heal us but tragically we're too far gone oh my God he's [ __ ] dead Ross is dead and without their leader They Run for Cover heading towards the breach with no clear objective load screen implies death in the box has a different meaning and for clarity the box is the name of the location The Game's set in it's not a reference to some demonic hoo-ha I'm still with you what there's someone in there with him I can feel it Delgado can you hear me Rawlings it's me Ross I'm in put those away damn it turns out Ross isn't down for the count using his powers his soul was able to remain with the squad I want you to try linking The Abbey can you do that for me let's see this is where the game really comes into its own each operator has their own ability and combat style some offering sick demonic Powers others jiggle fizzy I mean really cool sick blades Jokes Aside some situations will crawl for specific abilities but most of the time you just get to play around and find out what works for you some abilities are in my opinion leagues of power different to others but hey that's life it sucks to suck now you finally know what it's like to have a man inside you whoa inappropriate workplace conduct putting our new abilities to the test we fight through the bunker and arrive in what appears to be the second world war marked with barbed wire concrete walls and trenches we've traveled back in time buried Within These trenches we encounter a new enemy unique to the period a large mini-gun wielding Soldier who's merged with his weapon they were able to take you out from a distance quick and their bodies are highly resistant to damage making headshots a must and this is where black really shines using a sniper rifle to pick them off quickly taking a path of crushed bodies down we arrive at a heavy encampment that really captures the World War II Vibe With Sirens ringing out and turrets pinning us down and our team's utterly moronic AI really gets to shine here because they stand out in the open like lobotomites eating the turret damage this was a big sticking point for a lot of people and it's understandable the AI is awful in almost every sense that said Team AI is a hard thing to get right not only because you have to make them behave realistically but you also have to figure out what they'll do to support the player so I can 100 empathize with the difficulty of the task but this this just isn't good enough in any case we're pinned down which might be a problem for anyone else but thankfully Cole has a slow time ability giving us an opportunity to sneak behind the turrets and eat in some C4 after repeating that for the other three Rawlings and Delgato have the most moronic disagreement I've ever seen I decide if you're gonna point that at me what have you done oh what the hell is wrong with you man classic Delgato got a shorting a lad because he's mildly pissed thank the heavens we have our resibility of this would have been awkward you accidentally discharged your weapon that was no accident powwow is rudely interrupted when the game's first big body turns up quite the body she is all that leather's got me feeling some kind of way this girl's a resurrected Nazi and she ain't here to make friends as an encounter she's a joke the tactic of run at man to kick him doesn't work so well when you can slow down time and open up a new face cavity you almost feel bad but I mean she and Nancy after a fine spanking she jumps back on the wall where an unknown group blasts her away inadvertently saving us or her I guess in the process I don't know I don't know those guys are but they have my thanks the way I had cleared we're able to push forward and even get permission to control rulings a badass Jewel wielding priest no this is not call of Horrors shut up and the smoke of their torment goeth up forever we enter a sewage tunnel where the soldiers mix up their attack throwing in a flamethrower unit for good measure never stood a chance [Music] leaving the tunnel we encounter the child hiding behind a locked gate to get through we have to use Jones astral projection ability also the lazy [ __ ] he has the exact same weapon as Ross was he twinning with the lad Jones is second in command so you could argue that he was just matching the leader's gear but let's be real they've just done that to keep the assault rifle shotgun in the game we unlock the gate and head inside where we encounter identify oh an English man this squad is part of the British secret service he's sent in to steal the breach back in the 1940s at their headquarter they outline a great deal of context as we Brit love to do God creates this thing discovers it's too bloody powerful and decides to wipe it off the face of the Earth but he can't kill it so he creates the Pixies this box it just sits and it waits for some poor disillusioned bastard to set it free Ploy explained that the means interrupted when something opens fire on the building we're flying through the ruins of a mosque now in the company of our English Brothers in Arms our goal is to pass through another breach but to do so we need lichammer so we agree to go get her her base is heavily fortified with an impenetrable wall surrounding it but thankfully they decided to store their fuel just behind the wall which is genius they must have the same Architects from the just cause universe you Yanks aren't very subtle are you path cleared we split up with the smaller group heading inside to bag ourselves and Nancy and at the bottom of said complex I'll be damned of this giant out of place Cathedral isn't an arena I'm half surprised there isn't a fog wall we have to pass through they never turn down good flesh especially not the man of God how's your faith today father as expected we're ambushed by more cultists and the main lady herself and I have to reiterate the game does not lend itself to boss battles the AI just isn't there for it it doesn't help that the best attack they could offer was a series of spinning high kicks shit's hilarious can you pin the camera with a blood Ward once beaten we use Church's blood magic to subdue her and from here rulings carries out an exorcism ignore her been doing this for 40 years and they still can't think of a single original thing to say and what could have been a really cool scene is ruined by their decision to make it a shitty qte not only that but it's a complete fast the priest straight up dies if you fail a single qte because the mean lady nibbled his fingers [Music] I mean grow the [ __ ] up rulings the horror in Jericho really is in line with Clive Barker's previous work the standard bites are clad in leather and covered in agonizing wounds just like the creatures that populate these ruins he's made a few games before this most notably undying which had a similar occult feel although his previous video game Endeavors don't hold a flame to Jericho in terms of grotesque creature design the gateway to the next level of the Pixis somehow she's absorbed made herself the key to opening the breach access isn't complete we have the breach key so that's where we head next feel her blood open the Gateway we spill the chama's blood and in doing so open another breach but before heading through the Brits come over to impart some final advice I'll tell you the rest Templars you say Dairy me only one thing for it through the breach we go well by the power of religion fueled mass murder it's the holy Crusade Circa 1213 Jericho arrives to find a castle Under Siege with troops marching and Fireballs crashing against the walls it is an interesting set piece one of many in the game which really should have helped it stand out but unfortunately it released the same year as Halo 3. Bioshock Assassin's Creed crisis and Uncharted just to name a few easy comparisons that would have hurt Jericho's success in case you hadn't gathered time travel is a major part of the story and in my opinion the game's biggest appeal I wanted to push forward just to see where and when we'd arrive next if for no other reason do you say Templars as instructed by Almighty we make a beeline for the castle to meet up with the Templars trudging through deep pools of blood before passing by the remains of something big and it's not long before we discover what Beast these bones belong to from the ground a giant headless almost canine enemy Rises with a metallic mask where its face should be it sprays lethal bloody mist and we have to use different runes to take cover and stay alive once there's an opening we have to shoot the plates that embezzle its mask to destroy it [Music] now as cool as that encounter was not a mere 10 steps later the game goes hey that previous section was cool right but how about two of them that's like twice as cool right I don't know why but this irked me it's almost childish like they didn't know what to do next so they just doubled up it cheapens the impact on the plus side one of these monsters won't sink beneath the ground this time and here you can appreciate the creature's design it's fantastic holds up even today disturbing and intriguing all at once with a gated mouth and multiple bodies merging with the skin but hey you know what they say one time two times because they instantly drop another one three encounters back to back if this isn't a crude pacing mechanic then I don't know what is and fighting this last guy I actually thought it was broken because no matter what I done I could not destroy his mask despite shooting it for an age turns out right get this you have to possess black and do a qte finisher to kill this one [Applause] where the [ __ ] did that come from and how could we have known they're ruining this creature's Legacy arriving at the castle we attempt to cross the bridge when a flying cultist attacks destroying the bridge and sending a mega team tumbling into the abyss oh you kind of deserve though who sets up defensive positions on a rickety-ass bridge they belong to the children now we must get you inside Jericho separated the remaining few are LED into the castle by one of the Templars who pulls off the most epic prank it's a trap [Music] I have delivered the heathens as you requested Your Grace your dedication and sacrifice to our Lord will be greatly rewarded you and of Heaven A Thousand Times over bro really thinks this collapsed demon is an Angel that's crazy man this guy's crazy [Music] trapped we have to Wade through the Castle's twisting dungeons which are claustrophobic and hectic the tunnel we even run into a prisoner who explains the medieval sich malthius had convinced the Pope that Christian children cannot be harmed by Heathen spear tip of Arrow and so a child Army arrived three days before us and marched against the saracens the blood from their Slaughter opened the breach yeah that whole Contraption it looked painful I was half expecting a doll to roll in and asked to play a game what about the bishop oh he's down there still in the Crypt with the children he sent to die heading on WE encounter our first Medieval theme monster a crossbow Soldier they pack a punch but travel slow and loud provided you're not adult you can dodge him employing a peep and Chic tactic geez closed captioning not available great timing too because the game's just dropped another enemy a warrior with sword and shield the perfect adversary for our bladed witch a little while later while climbing down a well we're ambushed from above foreign to the bottom we have a standoff except this time there's no endless teammate revives and as I expected it's an entirely different experience far more tense and rewarding you actually have to try to survive walking away with no health and heavy breath I was scared to turn a corner in case I was attacked and killed this tiny section was infinitely scarier and more tense than the entire rest of the game and I just wished they had done more sections like this we open the door regroup and make our way through an outside area remain samey for the next while until us Squad reach a crypt where [ __ ] goes from old testament's Armageddon to Ivan rittman's Ghostbusters is anyone else seeing this spirits will float around us until it takes their fancy and they attack us whipping us with long tentacle appendages the game implies these are the ghosts of children but the models aren't that they're just floating cultists either they ran out of time or they had censorship issues with the latter being far more likely I can feel them I'll make close area cleared we head through another tomb where we encounter the rest of our team having been hit hard by the ghost's psychological Onslaught 1.6 now let's lower the gun for 90. well [ __ ] nerd am I right anyway back to my hour-long video essay on a 15 year old game we need to find the next breach and get the hell out of here in search of the next breach we enter the Castle's Atrium only to run into Malthus they had Nosferatu looking dick nailed before me and be closed what's he saying same [ __ ] they told me when I was expelled from Catholic school this boss is League's bird and lichammer it has distinct stages of attacking and defending and it requires some figuring out hiding behind Rubble to avoid his AOE attack then returning fire when it Shields are down all the while fighting waves of ghost minions this back and forth lasts a while until the ghost children decide they don't want to put up with this [ __ ] anymore I knocked you off the joys of Parenthood they grow up so fast destroyed apart from that [ __ ] ass Templar that trapped us getting away scot-free we've wrapped up every loose end in the Medieval Age I think that's our cue to leave so we passed through the second breach to see what wonders await us my word is that Spartacus I see well this must be the Roman Empire 38 A.D is about as far from Roman laws you can get with Emperor Caligula on the throne I think that's a good thing don't you following the trail of crucifixions we're greeted by a new enemy the Roman Centurion another well-themed creature and what I love about these guys is that they peep above their Shields to see what's going on the stupid [ __ ] idiots eventually the groove stumbles across lanius a Roman member of Jericho Squad that wants to possess Jones to outline the plan for this time period can open the breach that leads to the hearts of their pictures shows Jones takes such an L in this game his only role is to be possessed and he uses astral projection to open Gates he is a dead character that was worse than having Ross in my head no offense moving on and entering a villa From The Underground we get our first real taste of Roman Life smells like [ __ ] and death in there even giving us another lovely solo section this time with Delgato using his second ability we're able to pass through this fiery area unharmed basically delgato's pledged himself to the frenzied flame but as cool as fire and vulnerability might sound it's literally never used again talk about a one-trick pony also I think these fires are supposed to be filling the building with smoke but all this does is add a weird blurry effect that makes it really hard to see everything and just washes the area out in any case we push through unlock the gate regroup and clear the building leaving out the back to arrive at a giant Pantheon which really has no place being out in the desert but I mean hey we're time traveling I can suspend belief this Grand building is littered with busts of this handsome young chap named Vickers he's in charge having been expelled here by the Roman Emperor for being a psychopathic cannibal man-child naturally we have to go through him to reach the breach passing through a conspicuously large Hall you take the exit door at the back and get quite the shock [Music] sir agree a proper moment of panic where you have to backtrack to the open space and lay down some fire Gladiator is a great mini boss it's invulnerable to damage aside from a scar on its back to take it down you have to Serpentine splitting your squad either side and jumping between them to constantly attack his weak spot you almost feel like a pack of wolves working together to take down a much larger animal I genuinely enjoyed this fight it was a welcome break from the very formulaic fights that had dominated the majority of the previous areas foreign deeper into this Palace something that was irking me was all the blood it honestly looks like the developers made this pristine Roman building and the devs were like uh uh we'll splatter blood everywhere like the splatters don't even look good they look way lower quality than the environments themselves and 100 look like an afterthought battling through to the center of this Bastion we encountered the man himself looking somewhat gorged guest have you come to join the feast the area is covered in Gore and I think he wants to add us to the collection and what's that you honor me it's been so long since I've tasted of both sexes sir sir the construction of this floor sir let's begin it's a trap sir yeah maybe lead with it's a trap you dumbass talking about the material construction isn't much use when we're about to drop I would say cut to the chase something about and for once it's not me but of course it wouldn't be Roman times without a Coliseum it's your standard combat affair with waves of enemies although by this point the fighting sections were becoming an absolute drag Governor's pet slain it's time to confront the Beast himself and he is ready having hooked himself up to what can only be described as a weaponized mobility scooter he's a grotesque boss opening his own stomach and spraying putrid juices as a form of attack all the while an unkillable giant is attacking from the center to beat him part of the team will have to run round distracting the giant while we take on the big guy waiting for him to open his stomach and then blasting him until he's good and dead [Music] using black telekinesis we push its hanging body to the center where it acts as a catalyst for another breach what now you go through where else can we go sadly our time in Rome is at an end dear God in heaven I don't know enough about Sumerian history to make a topical joke but uh hey it's nice to be here 3000 BC big it doesn't exactly look like the seed of all evil to me we arrive outside a large structure reaching into the sky it's very Tower of Babel a Biblical Tower created by man to reach the heavens I imagine that's what they were going for just before entering Jones is possessed again for you guessed it another context ghost he's like a ghostly tour guide the demons that guard the temple have each claimed a piece of me slay them and reassemble me so that I can reseal the breach and then the world will be safe again so the body of this disembodied voice has been separated and spread across the tower and he wants us to rebuild him so he can seal the breach something we just accept without any skepticism inside I'm not really sure what happens next the teams step onto a platform where some Cthulhu looking statues stare at us and one by one the team gets teleported away resulting in the ghost of Ross flying around a temple until he finds black and possesses her rash hate when you do that they don't even remark on what's Happening and what exactly we're meant to do next is anyone's guess double kill blindly exploring this ruin we find in free Jones where the two of us encounter a mini boss This flame-throwing Witch it is very convoluted we have to possess one of the bodies above the coffin use telekinesis to open it and then take a few shots at the witch not the coffin all the while cultists will attack the witch will throw fire and there's only two of us needless to say it was a [ __ ] rough section especially with black refusing to take cover and constantly dying but with patience and persistence we get there okay and once defeated the first piece of this man's body is returned running out we even bump into Delgato and rulings miss me after this there's another mini boss but it's far less aggravating we have to shoot four hanging human sacrifices to weaken the witch's power and then finish him off another body part restored and the rest of Jericho Squad even turns up before getting teleported again to seemingly the inside of a beast I think these random teleportations could be the result of cut content as a way of joining the loose pieces because this level feels very rushed and disconnected flies two more demons attack but this time they're covered in flies that are not only damage us but also soak up all of our damage forcing us to do the patented Mad Dash merch coming summer 2023 legging it around this mess to find infected corpses and blow them up demonflies dealt with these more [ __ ] are free real estate body parts returned we teleport back to the breach where we find let me get this right antarunu Born Anew I will bind myself to the bridge once the Gateway is closed we will sleep until we are called on to guide our brothers and sisters once again so the grand plan is for anti-boy to close the breach resulting in Jericho being trapped in a Time Loop along with all the others in an endless Purgatory something Delgato understandably isn't too keen on you believe that [ __ ] about a dreamless sleep am I the only one that's been paying attention look I understand your apprehension but what about the others the Templars the Centurion they're not dreaming they're not one with the great beyond they're losing their minds in purgatory exactly where we're gonna find ourselves when he closes that breach that bastard is lying through his gold [ __ ] teeth what are you suggesting we fight if I'm gonna die here I'm gonna die with my hands around the throat of whatever weights on the other side I can't let you do that don't even think it yeah go get em Delgado shoot him in the gut shoot him in the gut again he's going to destroy everything there's a whole world outside full of innocent people you think your life isn't worth saving that I think he's right ball have you lost your [ __ ] mind my mind is the only thing I haven't lost today after back and forth rather than sacrificing themselves they decide to try and break the circle to head in and kill the firstborn ending this once and for all everything I love is right here sucks for him I guess poor lad never done anything to us but we blow his head off let's do let's do it I won't force you to follow us through the bridge the squads engulfed in Water Swimming out things instantly go from bad to worse sir I believe he is going to channel our powers against us however if you're currently in possession of it Islands in a heartbeat Cole and Ross 2.0 were destroyed and the final boss fight begins with the squad instantly down by two a boss it's not awful it's just anticlimactic the firstborn will possess different members of Jericho and use their abilities to attack us then we have to hop in to say character and use the same ability to damage him in turn there's a moment where delgato's flame power is battling the firstborn flame like two living snakes engaged in combat but that's about as cool as it gets ultimately for a god it sure is a little [ __ ] four hit and he throws in the towel getting tossed around by Abby like a little [ __ ] where all the sudden leech wanting to finish what he started attacks the firstborn flying into Oblivion where we receive possibly the most abrupt ending to any game I've ever seen hey [Music] okay so that whole thing is a completely rushed mess but let's try and make some assumptions about what we just saw the starters it looks like the firstborn's dead haven't been killed by leech who wanted revenge for his betrayal after which it would appear that Jericho Squad are stuck in some bizarre land that existed before time itself but who [ __ ] knows I scoured the internet for more information but couldn't find anything concrete about exactly where the issues laid many claim there were creative differences amongst the developers codemaster and Mercury steam although if reading Blood Sweat and pixels taught me anything I imagine they just ran out of money or time I guess nothing the first few time periods we explored were strong with interesting set pieces but by the time we reached the Sumerian age it's little more than a few gimmick bosses and padding YouTube or from the Flies it is a shame because there were moments that really made this game interesting and that's what makes it so annoying you can so clearly see what the goal was not long after release Clive Barker made it clear he was planning a sequel now obviously this never manifested either he lost interest in the project or the failures of the first game made a sequel impossible but it would be interesting to see where they took this next with the squad essentially trapped at the start of time they could go in a bunch of directions having Jericho try and fight their way back to present time or maybe they stay at the dawn of mankind using their powers to become gods and gradually losing their minds to power forcing a new Squad to take down each member in their newly created domains I mean that sounds cool to me feel free to take it Clive what have you done if you had fun on this little journey into Clive Barker's mind please remember to like the video and more importantly hit subscribe we're very close to 400 000 subscribers and you know I'd like to hit that so I'm counting on you specific random whomever you are You Beautiful Bastard Rawlings it's me Ross I don't know what happened I think I'm in him oh homo
Channel: TotallyPointlessTV
Views: 1,682,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clive Barker, Jericho, Clive barker jericho, Clive Barkers jericho, the worst horror game, the worst horror game ever, analysis, totallypointless, totallypointlesstv, silent hill, Time travel, medieval horror game, roman horror game, tower of babel, was jericho that bad, remembering Jericho, Jericho explained, Jericho longplay, Jericho video essay, TotallyPointlessTV, TotallyPointless, totally pointless
Id: 5U1FmbWY8DQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 9sec (2469 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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