Clipping Across Hyrule - Glitches in Breath of the Wild - DPadGamer

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The "The reset world of Hyrule"

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/LinkTroisUn 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2017 🗫︎ replies
hey there i'm Zpad gamer and breast of the wild is the best sky rod I've ever played for real I think this game is pretty fantastic but that does not stop it from having its fair share of glitches let's take a look at those it's time for glitches in-breath is a wild the most important tool in breslav wild is the sheikah slate given to link right at the start of the game turns out there's a way to completely skip that before loading up a new game make sure you have a save file anywhere in Hyrule preferably with Crown has learned once your new game has begun and link is in the first room do not pick up the sheikah slate instead save the game and load up that other save add a body of water use crown us to create a nice square platform and line yourself up on the edge you want to press a to move down and pause immediately after loads of Saveur link was back in the shrine of resurrection and you should see this I don't know why but the game for some reason treats link as if he's falling to his death and spawns him out on the clips from here if you move back towards the cave the cutscene will start but link is a bit out of place [Music] ah [Music] going forward you can play the game without the sheikah slave though you'll be lacking certain things you can't access the map or fast travel however for some reason you can't enter shrines and even use the various rooms at any point if you return to the shrine where you started the game you'll be given the sleep you should be able to beat the game using the slips so if you add on master mode and a limited HUD it'll be the ultimate challenge run so seeing as how this is the first Delta game where you can climb anything you're bound to fall if you find yourself plummeting to your death with no stamina left you can walk away untouched using a glitch ready weapon to be thrown by holding our and throw it right before you hit the ground immediately after the weapon leaves Lynx hands press right on the d-pad buttons and switch to a different weapon link should land completely unharmed with the original weapon nearby ready to be picked up with such a huge map you'll often find yourself needing to travel quite a long ways using horse is great but sometime links just has to hug him self sprinting helps but you always run out of stamina again there's a glitch for that first go ahead and dislocate some fingers and make your best imitation of a crab the button combination might have to input is a little awkward while holding forward on the analog stick you need to hold down on the d-pad and repeatedly press the B bucket sprint with Lynx hands at his mouth you'll be sprinting at near top speed without draining any stamina the time saves with this glitch will make the inevitable carpal tunnel syndrome totally worth it now here's a quick useless glitch using magnesium find something like a metal block and position yourself to the farthest point where you can still attach as you activate Magnus rotate the camera away from the block at all now magnesium's won't attach and link just stand there for another more interesting and more useless glitch let me head down to the south end of the map right around here for some reason there is a section of water right about here that link could just fall into it's really hard to show it visually but there's sort of like an air pocket moving out of that small place we'll have links floating back up while you're in this sort of air pocket you can walk crouch attack whatever it works also while you're down here you can use crayons on underwater which is pretty neat most importantly let's answer the question no one has asked could a sponge camp down here the answer is yes oh and watch out for rain because it could actually put out the fire you know through the water because that makes sense now one of my service things about this game is that you could write anything other than a horse you know like deers bears and chilled a few months ago there was an audit glitch I encountered while trying to mount a while deer I already post a video of it to my channel so you can check that out if you want the whole thing but I'll give you the gist of it I was chasing a deer for some time and I jumped on it at the same time as it faded out of existence this makes link it stuck and a lot of weird things happen the car too really describes so just watch [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] aside from transportation horses are incredibly helpful for digging linked into places he shouldn't be you know like inside of wolves trees and other objects performing a horse clip is surprisingly easy just back your horse up to a flattish object like so you want to jump off the horse and midair save the game we love to save and Link she'd be inside of whatever object the horse is up against like in most games the objects have one side of textures from inside the walls are invisible but you can shoot arrows oh and actually climb on them to exit you'll need a reload a save where you're outside of the invisible cage or just squeeze your way out as far as I'm aware this one has no use but I think it's pretty awesome [Music] [Music] we know how to clip inside of objects using horse so now let's clip outside of the arena for the final battle after picking up the extremely overpowered lipo head over to this place on the map this is the very edge of the arena marked by the glowing barrier headed into this section of the ruins where a wall meets the barrier at a nice 45-degree angle move towards the corner like so and dismount will add a nice trot there won't be enough room for length to get off next to the horse so the game incorrectly pushes them through to the other side congratulations you've now entered the twilight princess zone you'll find that this version of Hyrule outside of the boss arena is a bit different compared to the usual game I'm going to call this the boss Hyrule or bow rule because I think it sounds funny though rule is lacking NPCs so you won't find any enemies or townspeople there are however animals out here which you could use this target practice for the lipo also saving and using the fast travel systems won't work but there is a way to fix that so go ahead and find yourself a horse and head to the south side of bow rule will need to travel all the way to lowland village in southeast faring this village has a special chest gambling minigame in this building if you activate one of the chests the minigames NPC will appear and inform link of the rules that one little interaction populated bow rule with NPCs sort of did not find all the proper towns hope to have land but some of them are a bit invisible like this shopkeeper here she pops in and out of existence I mention talk to her by running in a circle mushroom a bug eventually it worked in addition to NPCs appearing you can now fast travel and save your game however please be warned if you lose your save outside of hyrule castle before the final boss fight you'll never be able to return to the normal Hyrule and you'll be forced to started in the game if you're alright with getting stuck here forever you can't save and explored your heart's content a very odd characteristic of bow rule is that the towers are partially there the collision is active but there are no textures for the railing cheekily pedals or that sort of stuff [Music] also shrines are invisible and completely non-responsive the triggers to enter a shrine just don't exist in a bow rule lastly we're going to do the impossible we are going to enter the final boss fight while outside of the final boss fight re-entering the highway castle throne room will trigger the final fights cutscene like normal so far so good but here is the problem [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] since calamity Ganon was already defeated the game doesn't know what to do and Link is just stuck in this room with nowhere to go I could reload a save but I decided to kill Lincoln see where he'd respond but the game froze in fact the whole Wii U froze it could be limited to just the console but I don't know either way I think this is a sitting place to stop so our adventure has come to an end thanks for watching if you enjoy the video be sure to leave a like and subscribe for more videos from me if you really enjoy my content please consider supporting the channel over at slash d-pad gamer that's what it for this video I'll see you next one [Music] you
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 1,232,098
Rating: 4.8826399 out of 5
Keywords: Glitches in Breath of the Wild, Breath of the Wild Glitches, Glitches in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Glitches, TLOZ: BOTW Glitches, BOTW Glitches, Glitches in BOTW, Glitches in TLOZ: BOTW, Breath of the Wild Infinite Sprint Glitch, Breath of the Wild Underwater Glitch, Breath of the Wild No Fall Damage, Breath of the Wild Infinite Stamina, Breath of the Wild Skip Sheikah Slate, Glitches With DPadGamer, DPadGamer, zelda, botw
Id: HYZ2xTdR400
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2017
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