The COMPLETE Breath of the Wild Timeline

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/belatedbday69 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

An upvote for you sir. Gj

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/digitalcashking 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] this story begins 10,000 years ago with both the history of the royal family and calamity Ganon being an embodiment of the hatred demise had on the original hero that defeated him long ago those who shared the spirit of the hero and blood of the goddess would be eternally bound to a curse an ancient evil would be reborn time and time again in an endless cycle and could only be stopped by the store crafted by the goddess Haile all the way back in Skyward Sword this ancient evil would be turned back time and time again by the warrior with the soul of a hero and the princess with the blood of the goddess through the passage of time these conflicts with Ganon would be passed down as legends and fairy tales but within all these stories there lay one truth one that would lead up to the events of the great calamity the sheikah tribe was a powerful race due to their advanced technology and intelligence as powerful as some monsters war they had posed little to no threat to this thriving civilization however an ancient evil had been on the verge of returning to the realm of Hyrule to protect the citizens of the kingdom the royal family took advantage of this technology and created the divine beasts a legion of autonomous weapons called guardians were built in individuals from the Rideau Zora Quran and Garuda were chosen to pilot the divine beasts sheikah towers were constructed across the land and shrines were built in order to test the hero so they would be ready for the inevitable battle against Ganon the plan had been set in motion once calamity Ganon returned Hyrule was ready the princess hero and champions fought together to defeat this ancient evil the Guardians protected the hero as the divine beasts unleashed their attack on Ganon and once the hero delivered the final blow with a sword that sealed the darkness the princess with the blood of the goddess used her sacred power to seal the evil away Ganon had once again been defeated Hyrule would continue to be at peace but that was going to come to an end soon once the calamity was sealed the royal family became threatened by the same technology used to defeat the ancient evil afraid that the sheikah would use their technology against the kingdom the king banished them from the land while many of them agreed to abandon their technological advances to live normal lives with in Kakariko village others swore allegiance to claim it again and out of pure hatred to those that exiled them this group of sheikah eventually turned into the Yuga clan and would destroy anyone who opposed Ganon the technology created by the sheikah was then hidden away for thousands of years within the ground songs of the ancient hero who defeated the calamity were passed down and will later on be found by Casas teacher to help aid link in his eventual quest once again the stories of calamity Ganon turned into legend and the sheikah tribe technological past was wiped from history Hyrule would once again be at peace for 10,000 years but like before this peace would not last forever throughout the generations of the royal family bloodline King roam Bosphorus Hyrule would eventually become the ruler of the kingdom at some point during his reign he had a daughter and to keep with the traditions of the royal family she would he called Zelda at around this time one of the Knights in the world guard had a son named Linc he would eventually grow up and follow his father's footsteps becoming the youngest accomplished Knight for the royal family at around the age of four Linc along with other hylians had visited Zoras domain at the request of the king while they are he Metazoa princess known as metha according to her he made quite the first impression and was full of energy because of his recklessness however she would often heal his wounds this led to them becoming very close and due to this they spent quite a bit of time together during this time he became good friends with the other Zora and joined a small group called the big bad bass Brigade linked skill and his swordsmanship led to him teaching bass at a fight and he would later become a guard for King door fan soon after link had departed however this would only be the beginning of a journey filled with heartbreak and sorrow for the Zora princess and the silent swordsman throughout to the beginning of Zelda's life her mother would visit the chief of the Gerudo and her closest friend herb OSA after zelda had been born the queen travelled to Gerudo town in hopes of showing her dear friend her newborn child her Bosa stated in the way her friend gazed upon her daughter had been one of unconditional love the Queen's little bird would soon spread her wings and make of a beacon of light to Hyrule during its eventual downfall into darkness and it would all start with a prophecy stories of Ganon who had passed from generation to generation in the form of legends and fairy tales but there was also a prophecy the legends and fairy tales of an ancient evil suddenly became reality when a sheikah fortune teller predicted the return of calamity Ganon the signs were clear an evil that had been sealed away for thousands of years was going to return to the land of Hyrule and the only way to stop it had been buried deep in the ground as soon as the king heard this excavations of the old relics began in order to retrieve the weapons once he used to defeat this evil the for divine beasts were dug up along with the otama nest weapons known as Guardians even though this ancient technology was found it would take a few years until it could be controlled the divine beasts had locked an important key to the puzzle before they could be used Zelda had yet to unlock her sealing power and the warrior with the soul of a hero was still unknown even though the princess would eventually need to be the one to seal calamity Ganon away her love for research caused her to take a great trust in the divine beasts even the king was aware of this acknowledging her knack for research with the mother however she would be able to learn the sealing power that was passed down from generation to generation but then disaster struck the Queen had unexpectedly passed away this had shocked the King as he mentioned how sudden it was he was now without a wife and Zelda was without a mother but even though she was merely a child to six years old Zelda had never cried Rome described her as acting that of a born leader but was fully aware of the grief she was holding him back calamity Ganon would return soon and without a mother and mentor Zelda would have a lot more pressure in unlocking her power Rome would have to act not as a father but a king an order Zelda to begin our training rumors of the return of calamity Ganon had begun to spread throughout Hyrule word that pilots would need to be chosen to control the divine beasts also was made known in rito village one particular person got wind of this and was prepared to take up the offer if asked having great skill in archery Ravalli was the pride of the rito and received praise everywhere he went breaking all previous archery records he felt that he was more than capable in defeating calamity gain and once he returned while considered the best he continued to push his limit in hopes of proving himself to the world it was only a matter of time until he was offered the chance to become a pilot for divine beast veneto during this time he began to work on a special ability where he could control the updraft it was seen as an impossible feat but he would continue to develop it in hopes that it would assist him in the future with Mesa or Bosa and Ravalli set up to become the eventual champions of Hyrule link was yet to cross paths with a final champion while looking for rocks to either the peak of the mountain the girl under Rukh had witnessed a person being attacked while heading down the mountain to help him he noticed his great ability in swordsmanship despite being a kid while distracted the Hylian would end up saving his life and diruk would be grateful to the young swordsman after bonding over food he learned that the young kid's name was linked from that day on they were sworn brothers the identities for the future champions were finally revealed and all of their pasts would one day collide for better or for worse as the days went on further investigation into the ancient technology was done Zelda's interest in the ancient civilization led her to meeting Impa the leader of the sheikah tribe she proceeded to get to know other respectable members including pura and Ravi she would later on embark on an excavation with them in hopes of finding an ancient technology to operate the guidance stones however there was one other sheikah that accompanied zelda during her examination of the ancient sheikah ruins a court poet for the hyrulean royal family and the person who would eventually become Casas mentor it didn't take long before a mysterious tablet was found it was a rectangular object with Sheikh attacks covering the strange device while its functionality was still unknown Impa suggested that zelda hold on to it after finding no mention of its name and records the tablet was officially called the sheikah slate after experimenting with the device some functionality was eventually restored to the tablet the camera rune was restored which would eventually help in regaining the hero's memories while this was a groundbreaking discovery both Zelda and pure I knew that there is much more but the tablet not yet known it was believed that the slate had a function to operate guided stones but it was yet to be discovered the return of calamity Ganon was drawing near all the pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together but the threat was Sylvio the champion still needed to be selected some functionalities of the sheikah slate had not been restored at this point and Zelda was still struggling in unlocking her power without her mother the results of her training always ended in failure her Bosa would eventually travel to hyrule and meet Zelda once again it had been a year since she last saw her at the Queen's funeral and accompanied heard of the spring to train however the pressures of the felt was clear as she witnessed the young girl nearly pass out in the sprains icy waters Zelda's guilt of not being useful to her father and Hyrule was beginning to take a toll on her and doubt began to fill her mind little new Zelda know that her soon-to-be appointed Knight was going to be chosen back at hyrule castle the experimentations of guardians onto one malfunctioning and firing lasers in every direction without a worry for his own life a young boy had grabbed a pot lid and deflected the laser right into the machines weak spot after being destroyed in one hit the king acknowledged the child's bravery and not long after that was chosen as Elda's Knight this young boy was linked and would be responsible for the eventual defeat of Ganon at some point due to unknown circumstances link obtained the Master Sword in the corral forest while the Tunde this occurred isn't known it may have happened before he was chosen to be the princess's appointed Knight at this point however the Master Sword wasn't at its full power since it was not in the awakened state after being gone from zoara's domain for a long period of time link would return and be reunited with me feh while happy to see him meifa notices of the once full of energy highly and she had come to known was replaced by a silent less emotional swordsman while still showing kindness to the Zora princess she notes that while it might just be his height he was looking past her and into the distant beyond little didn't even know that this would be the result of all the pressure put under the hero as he was the one who would need to defeat the calamity with a hero chosen the pilots for the divine beasts needed to be recruited the Zelda travelled to Gerudo town go on city rito village and Zoras domain to recruit or Bosa diruk Ravalli and mesa but the threat of calamity gain and returning was getting more dire as her VOSA claimed the ego were after the Thunder helm a treasured heirloom even going as far as to try and take out Bo Zelda and the chief her resentment for gain and once being a Gerudo drives her to accept as elders proposition for the sake of revenge Ravalli however was taken aback by the thought of being a sidekick for the swords chosen hero his confidence in his abilities clouded his judgment as he would grow to dislike link out of jealousy for not being the one given the pleasure of defeating Ganon but Rev Ally's desire to prove himself to the world resulted in him accepting the offer once the prince is visited in the next day he had also finally mastered a special ability which would be called Rivoli's Gale and ironically end up helping link in his quest to defeat the returning ancient evil diruk accepted Zelda's request without hesitation willing to lay down his life for the sake of his people and all of Hyrule meifa would also accept believing this to be your destiny as well as because she could assist link in his overall mission however she realizes the risks that are involved with the responsibilities such as this I knew that she would have to leave her baby brother side on to fulfill her destiny with Ruta plenty of time passed and stories of a Lionel terrorizing people on poly most Mountain began a surface of a domain once link returned MIFA told the young swordsman above the Beast and he made his way up to defeat it after following him and arguing the Lionel attacked the two of them from behind just as meifa thought it was over for both of them linked swiftly defeated the enemy his graceful movements as he disposed of the monster caught me if his eye and she began to develop romantic feelings towards him Mita was doomed to fall in love with her childhood friend she would begin to gather materials to create Zora Armour for link a tradition that the Zora princesses would do for the ones they would eventually marry but not everyone was on good terms of the hero chosen by the sword the Zelda would grow to dislike the idea of having a personal Knight and resented her father for this decision little did she know that her guardian would also have struggles similar to her and that they would both be involved in something bigger after receiving her father's blessings to pilot the divine beast along with many tears meifa prepares to head to Hyrule Castle for the inauguration ceremony at this time she had gathered all materials needed to make the armor for link and would begin creating it but this would all end up being for nothing as things were going to take a turn for the worse at hyrule castle the ceremony dubbing the four brave souls as champions along with the swords chosen hero and princess was taking place they were given sacred garb crafted by zelda along with links champion tunic the blue being a symbol of the royal family one that was passed down for countless generations a picture of the group would be taken not long after the ceremony by who was assumed to be pura this photo would eventually fall into the hands of Casas mentor being passed down to castes and then the hero link once he completed the champions ballad but Zelda's hostility towards link would prove to be an issue and caused problems in the future a private ceremony would take place shortly after for the swords chosen hero dubbed the ceremony of legend however it was clear to the champions that something was very wrong between the princess and her night her Bosa was worried about zelda diruk had concern for link every valley was filled with doubt regarding the hero and being capable of fulfilling his duty FIFA also came to realize that link would be spending plenty of time with the princess and that she wouldn't be able to see him much soon after the four champions started training to pilot the divine beasts Ravalli was able to master it no problem and both are Bosa and meifa had manages fine daruka however struggled with controlling it Zelda and link would first travel to Rio village where Ravalli confronted the hero going as far as a show-off his special ability duck trevallies Gale he was disappointed as link had no reaction at all even when the rito champion tried provoking him following these events both the princess and her appointed knight would eventually travel to grow on city in hopes of making adjustments to Varadhan Yasur would have an easier time controlling it Ravalli wouldn't be the only one to notice link silence Zelda would go on to write in her journal about his lack of words or emotion the feeling of his eyes on her as they walked made her feel anxious since she could never understand his thoughts he would despise a daughter of the royal family who couldn't even use a sealing power after letting diruk wander aimlessly around within the divine beast for a day he soon got the hand of operating the giant machine with all the champions properly trained the plan to defeat Ganon became more of a reality however it was clear that his resurrection was close as the mountains began to violently shake the clock was ticking and now all pressure was on Zelda and unlocking her sealing power back at Hyrule Castle Robbi was able to restore the mobility of many Guardians excavated from the ground but according to the records many more had yet to be found and resided within five pillars beneath Hyrule Castle all attempts to locate them ended in failure as they were too deep in the ground to be uncovered but these pillars were designed to sense the arrival of Ganon and activate once he returned the ancient structures referred to as shrines would start appearing all across Hyrule and all attempts to enter them resulted in failure while the princess had the task of training of the springs of power and courage most of her time was spent researching this ancient technology while the conclusion was made that the sheikah slate was the key to entering them they still lacked the power of the towers that lay hidden within the ground across the kingdom conflict would arise as a result of Zelda going off by herself and would get angry at link for following her overcome with guilt she would start to avoid him by staying in Gerudo town due to their law forbidding men from entering after requesting to meet the chief or Bosa helps link by teaching him a trick to bypass the security of the town by dressing up as a woman but despite his best efforts Zelda continues to evade him her VOSA would promise to contact link the next time she saw the princess believing that the two needed each other Zelda would return to the wasteland to do more research on Vanna Boris along with her Rosa Hermosa would call link over to meet her learning more about Zelda struggles as a daughter of the royal family however at this time a plot to kill the princess was being orchestrated in the shadows with Zelda being the daughter of the royal family with a sealing power she was the only one who would stand in the way of Ganon's return three Giga foot soldiers set out to eliminate Hyrule's final hope but ultimately failed when link came to her aid [Music] it was clear that the swords chosen hero was going to be a problem for the group which would result in the attempted assassination of him in the future links actions are protecting the princess would not go unnoticed however Zelda begins to realize that our impressions of the emotionless swordsman were wrong his selfless act to protect her from the icky clan causes her to want to get to know him more as she wanted to apologize for her actions as well as talk to him link then opens up to her as he states how he felt it necessary to stay silent and bear the burden with so much at stake and everyone's eyes on him realizing that his problems are similar to hers she wishes to get to know him more and hear him speak openly she would eventually fall in love with her appointed Knight however not everyone would be happy with his development during her examinations of ancient technology Casas teacher began to fall in love with the princess but this love proved to be one-sided when he realized she had her eyes on her own appointed Knight being of neither nobility or royalty he was furious and became consumed with jealousy this would remain unchanged until the events of the great calamity at this time a new discovery had been made it was referred to as a shrine of resurrection after some research it was revealed to be a medical facility with the power to heal its patients using a long-term stasis function while its powers would certainly help in the battle against Ganon zelda hopes of the future battle won't require its use [Music] Gammons revival was coming closer with every second monster attacks became more frequent and did not go unnoticed zelda feared it was a premonition that the calamity was returning soon preparations needed to be complete quickly for this fateful event if there were to be any hope in hyrule prevailing this evil the two would continue to become closer as they shared intimate moments showing each other their true selves for better or for worse but zelda was not the only one in love with link as MIFA had finally finished the Zora armor made specifically for him link would be returning to the domain soon and we Phil wanted to give it to him the next time they met believing the old tales of a ruto falling in love of the Hylian swordsman she prepared to give it to him atop viruta at sunset Link's acceptance of the gift would mean that she could finally be together with a person that she loved however it was unknown whether she gave the armor to him or not as that was the last time she ever wrote in her diary Zelda's struggle continued to take a toll on her emotional state as everything was now riding on her ability to unlock the power of the goddess her beloved this training and lack of free will resulted in self-doubt and lack of confidence in succeeding her father becomes aware of this as she takes time out of her training to observe progress made with the sheikah technology and as a result forbids her from going anywhere near the machines acting as a kena not a father he orders her to spend the rest of her time training believing that if his daughter continues down her path she will ultimately be the heir to a throne of nothing but failure but this would bear fruit Lee's results as the pressure was beginning to become too much for her to bear in truth however her father realizes a stress put on his daughter ever since the loss of her teacher and mother but as a king he realizes that he must stay strong for the sake of the kingdom despite desperately wanting to console his only daughter but time was growing short the Zelda's 17th birthday was approaching meaning that she would finally be permitted to enter matlin a room there she would be able to train at a spring of wisdom the final of the three sacred Springs tomorrow is my 17th birthday so then I shall go to make my way up the mountain but time was of the essence as Zelda had experienced a dream one night of a goddess like figure trying to urgently warn her about something while she couldn't make out the words Zelda knew this must have been related to Ganon's return both her and the king knew that the spring of wisdom would be her I'll chance to unlock her power if not her father would speak kindly to her knowing that there is nothing else Alda can do sadly that moment would never come and Zelda would never see her father again finally it was the morning of Zelda's 17th birthday the champions were to see her off of the gate and wait at the entrance until she returned at sunset from the spring Ravalli ultimately decided not to send her off and instead fly over at sunset to greet her with me feh diruk and our boasts of waiting at the base of the mountain both Zelda and linger need up to the final of the three Springs this was Hyrule's last hope as time was about to run out but after rigorous training at this hovel in a Roo it was proved to be all for nothing devastated the princess made her way down the mountain where she was consoled by the four champions however this was cut short as the next series of events would ultimately bring Hyrule to its imminent destruction Ganon had returned despite not yet unlocking her sealing power the princess and champions had to act quickly with no time left to prepare the pilots all returned to the divine beasts and linked me to his way of the princess to battle Ginn and head-on after her refusal to go hide after thousands of years the five columns storing the guardians would finally rise up and ready to unleash an attack on this evil but Ganon was cunning and responded with a plan beyond their imagining with his malice he seized control the for divine beasts and all the guardians the atomic aspersions that lay in the five columns awoke and ravaged through the castle and its town all those that lived in the town were killed including Zelda's father meanwhile phantom versions of Ganon were sent to the for divine beasts to dispose of the champions these included water blight fire blight wind blight and thunder blight all four champions tried to reclaim the divine beasts but to no avail the blights ambushed and killed all of them and the giant machines were left under the calamities control because of a sudden turn of events link fled along with Zelda who now felt responsible for the deaths of the champions and her father but in reality no one could have predicted Ganon's unexpected plan [Music] the princess and her knight retreated a four hat no where after being outnumbered the hero prepared to sacrifice himself to save the king's daughter but then just before link shielded the princess from a Guardians beam Zelda used her sealing power to destroy all the corrupt machines at a desperation of protect the person she loved but it was too late as link succumb to his wounds and passed out Zelda would grieve over the loss of her knight but she would not be the only one to witness his sacrifice back at Hyrule Castle the sheikah researchers fled to Kakariko village this included Casas mentor however on the way back to his hometown he had witnessed the Knight shield the princess this act of self-sacrifice made the court poet discard his initial impressions of the hero and the jealousy he had felt he would make his way back to Kakariko village to speak with the elder EMPA on the matter filled with sorrow and grief the Zelda would continue to cry over her appointed Knight but when it seemed that all hope was lost the Master Sword spoke to Zelda upon listening to the voice within the sword she found out that there was a way to save him Zelda created a plan that would be used to save link and all of Hyrule however preparations had to be made [Music] Zelda had link put in the untested shrine of resurrection by Pyrrha and Robbie along with the now damaged sheikah slate if all went well the hero would be healed of all wounds so that he could one day defeat the calamity but it would take time for him to recover and she knew this the princess traveled to Kakariko to inform EMPA of her plan bringing the master sword along with her she gave the elder links champion tunic an item that would be given to him once he recovered one of the twelve memories imput was tasked with informing link about the legend ten thousand years ago as well as his goal in freeing the four Divine beasts across the land until the hero got all 12 memories he would not be given the clue to the final flashbacks location Zelda then made her way to the core ik forced through the lost woods there she would entrust the legendary blade of the forest guardian known as a great Deku Tree like the hero the weakened blade would spend the next century healing but the princess's role in defeating the calamity was still unfinished as she had one more thing to do Zelda made her way to Hyrule Castle to confront Ganon alone where she would use her sealing power to keep Ganon locked away for the next 100 years link you are our final hope the fate of Hyrule this way link would be safe recovering in the shrine and could one day slay the Beast but as the hero recovered Hyrule would be at the mercy of monsters and guardians for the next 100 years the calamity would continue to ravage the land of Hyrule many highly in settlements later ruins because of the Guardians attacks the a colossus adele would serve as a last stand for hyrule where the last battle against calamity Ganon's guardians would take place sadly even this area would fall under Ganon's control as Guardians would overwhelmed the Hylian forces only to Hylian settlements would remain during the chaos Hatta no village would remain untouched by the Guardians thanks to link and Zelda's last stand at fort hatun now Llewelyn village would stay safe because of its location along the coastline but the great plateau would soon become inaccessible because of debris blocking the entrance but this would guarantee the heroes safety as he healed within the medical chamber as it rested on this region after putting the hero in the shrine to recover Pyrrha and Robbie made their way back to Kakariko village to meet with the elder EMPA worried that Ganon would get them all in a single strike Impa remained to the village while liver to sheikah researchers travel to different regions increasing the chances that one of them could talk to link when he woke up Pyrrha and Robbie went tunic Luda and Nicola as the regions were home to plenty of ancient energy they took the guidance stones from Hyrule Castle and Pyrrha would research the chicest site as Robbie would begin to develop weapons that could combat calamity Ganon's Guardians meanwhile Casas teacher returned to Kakariko village where antha would explain to him Zelda's plan his mind was made up after he would seek the songs about the hero who sealed the calamity away ten thousand years ago so they could be passed on to link upon his return so that the princess could be saved upon arriving in neck luda Pyrrha would take shelter on a hill residing by hatun o village researcher the shigga slate began and it wasn't long before the discovery and more runes were made these were Magnus crayon s bombs and stasis believed to have been made to assist the hero in his quest Pyrrha began to create upgrades for the rooms she would eventually give to link this led to Pierre his attempts in creating a rune that reversed the age process of individuals allowing retired warriors to become young once again this would strengthen the hyrulean army and give them a better chance at defeating calamity Gannon the development for this rune would go on for quite some time Robby would settle down in akola and begin to research ancient soldier gear for link so that he would have a fighting chance against the Guardians to speed up this process Robby made adjustments to the guidance stone to automate the entire refinement process of the gear he would call this machine sherry the name of his first love but trouble began to stir as one of the Jaeger clan members fell in love with a woman and had two children wanting to change his ways the sheikah referred to as Dorian tried to lead the clan to live a peaceful life of his family however in response to this is wife was killed fearing for the safety of his kids Dorian men would use his position as gatekeeper to gather information about link in Kakariko village to give to the ego the ego would continue to keep tabs on the hero and would plan to eliminate him once he woke up so nothing could stop Ganon's return meanwhile pure his research for the anti-aging rune was progressing a beta version of the rune had been made but Pyrrha lacked the chicest slate as it was within the shrine with the hero after some work she recreated a sheikah slate and had her assistant shoot the race at the sheikah woman's body however the rune proved to work a little too well as her age rapidly reversed until the point where she resembled a six-year-old the development of an age boosting room began in hopes of reverting her age back to normal but it would take more time to create back at the Accola tech lab Robby's age began to get the better of him at ninety years he would begin to slow down and worry that he wouldn't make it one enough to finish his armor however around that time a young woman called Jaron would arrive she would end up marrying Robbie and act as his assistant after training with Pyrrha she quickly proved herself capable as she carried the blue flame from two Malia Heights and even improved designs of cherry thanks to the redesigns the ovens soon could craft ancient soldier gear and speak in native Hylian but Robbie's exchanges with cherry would hurt Jaron and lead to the restoration of her mechanical way of speaking from now on he would refer to her as ancient oven some time later the two would have a son named grant but Robbie knew this would only be a temporary peace as Zelda was becoming weaker with each day she held back calamity Ganon back at the hata no ancient tech lab research for powering the heroes of ruins was finally complete not only that but her age boosting rune was finished but her research came to a halt when the blue flame for the furnace died out after being seen by a child from the village Pierre is embarrassment from being trapped in a six-year-olds body would lead to her stayin locked in the laboratory and holding survival sadly after spending years researching the ancient songs about the hero casas mentor was on the verge of death in order to fulfill his mission he would task his student caste with the job of finding the ancient songs so that it could be passed a link in hopes of saving the princess he would pass away some years before link woke up but Cass promised to fulfill his teacher's role and traveled across the land of Hyrule but Zelda's power to hold back Ganon was getting weaker by the day and that you guys set out to take the hero's life once he woke up link was going to wake up soon and the fate of Hyrule rested on his shoulders in a weakened state Zelda began to call out for the hero to wake up from his long slumber [Music] a hundred years after the events of the great calamity link would wake up within the enclosed shrine of resurrection but while the hero had fully healed it came with the cost links of memory of his previous life was wiped a result of being in the chamber for a century no doubt it wasn't long before he came into the possession of the ancient relic called the chicest light and made his way out of the shrine of resurrection after a century the door would open and link will be greeted with the razor sunlight his adventure to save Hyrule began confused about who he was or why he had been placed in the chamber linked me conversation with the old man a local of the area who informed the hero of the great plateau in its history as the birthplace of Hyrule Zelda's voice would soon cut the Silence of the plateau as she gives him instructions which would lead to the activation of the sheikah tower residing in that region as the great plateau tower rose from the ground all other towers residing in the different regions would become active after thousands of years upon activation of the now elevated towers the power to all the shrines surrounding Hyrule would be restored however these actions would not go unnoticed when calamity Ganon since the return of the hero he began to create a physical form capable of eliminating Hyrule's last hope with the princess barely holding back the Beast and his creation of a new body link was on a time limit upon descending the tower link would come across the old man who made a deal with the hero once link completed the four trials within the shrines on the plateau he would receive the paraglider with it link could make his way to the castle where Ganon lay for 100 years through these ancient chambers different rooms would be added to the sheikah slate for the heroes use magnesia stasis cry honest and balm runes were obtained and used to solve the puzzles each shrine had to offer the result of completing these tests were spirit orbs items that would allow the user to increase their health or stamina upon the retrieval of all four orbs link would come face to face with the old man atop the temple of time the real identity of the old man was revealed to be the deceased King roam boss for amaz hyrule link was told about everything the prophecy his position as Zelda's appointed night and the events of the great calamity the hero found out about the princess's fate sealing both her and Ganon and Hyrule Castle for 100 years lamenting his decisions as a king and her father Rome requests that link save his daughter and defeat Ganon Link's next destination was Kakkar go village to speak with the elder EMPA with the main quest to defeat calamity again in a Hyrule Castle he was given the paraglider and could now get off the plateau but despite this link would first make his way to Kakariko to meet the elder as Akeem suggested in doing so he would learn about the events 10,000 years ago and the legend of calamity Ganon but it would not be easy for the hero to have the best chance of defeating the evil lurking in the castle link would have to free the four divine beast across the land divine beasts favorito piloted by the Zora champion MIFA divine beast a meadow piloted by Ravalli of the rito divine be svidaniya controlled by the Goron diruk and divine beasts Vanna Boris operated by the Gerudo chief or Bosa but link was weak and as chicas slate was still damaged he would need to become stronger through his travels to prepare himself for the worst [Music] the results of the great calamity led to the destruction of the kingdom Gammons monsters roamed the land of Hyrule bringing fear into the hearts of the citizens link would have to become stronger if you wish to save the kingdom from this crisis to become more powerful he would learn basic combat skills from the shrine within the sheikah village this was one of many shrines scattered throughout the land upon completion he would gather more spirit orbs as a way to increase both his health and stamina some shrines were hidden behind complicated puzzles put together by the monks and some tested his ability in combat if the hero were to succeed he needed to complete as many of these as possible but during this daunting task link still lacked his memories in order to restore functionality to his sheikah slate link traveled to Hatton nowhere he would find the ancient tech lab run by info sister dr. Pyrrha and her assistant Simon upon examination of the Shiba slate the sheikah woman instructs Sling to relight the furnace of functionality of the tablet can be restored once the furnace was relit with the fire of the ancient furnace the camera and album will restored a compendium where the data of monsters and items was also added to the device and would record information that would assist the hero but most importantly twelve pictures of different locations were revealed all taken by Princess Zelda these images were vital in restoring Link's memories as he had accompanied her to all the locations link would also now be able to upgrade the sheikah sensor Bob and stasis runes at the cost of ancient materials back at Kakariko village recovering one of the twelve memories in the album would award the player with the champions tunic a garment that was worn by link a hundred years ago scattered across the kingdom were also for fairy fountains once Lee freed the fairies he would be given the chance to upgrade his armor in exchange for certain materials along with that dead horses were given the chance to be revived when traveling to see the horse God at the millenia sprained towers for each region could also be discovered and upon activation they would update the Shiba slate with a map of their respective locations with the help of the tablets teleportation transversing the vast land of Hyrule will be made much easier however while link slowly became stronger with more gear and spirit orbs from shrines the guardians were still a threat luckily Robbie had completed his ancient armor and weapons and was awaiting Link's arrival after letting the Accola ancient techlabs Ernest ancient armor as well as weapons drawn enough to combat the guardians were made available to him Guardians weren't the only threat to the hero however as it wasn't long before the eagle an alert of Link's Awakening in the shrine many members disguised themselves as travelers in hopes of catching the hero off-guard and killing him ensuring calamity Ganon's victory dorian would eventually come clean to the hero admitting that he was feeding the yuka clan information on him in Kakariko for the sake of keeping input and pious safe but upon travelling throughout Hyrule link would meet a coracle test you and learn of the korok forest a location guarded by the Lost Woods rumors of the legendary blade residing in the sacred forest would surface but the location of this mysterious place was unknown if link found hidden quarks throughout the land he would be giving cork seeds that could be used to increase his inventory space link would also meet cast throughout his travels who would share the ancient songs of the hero with him in hopes of helping link with his quest while Cass was aware of Link's identity he kept it to himself as he continued to look for the ancient songs by his deceased mentors request as link recovered more and more memories however the pressure put on him increased Zelda's power was growing weak and he still needed to take back the divine beasts Ganon was continuing to generate a physical body and he would soon be free from the princesses seal [Music] while Ravalli was killed during the events of the great calamity his legacy would live on within the Rideau one of the platforms in the village would be named for volleys landing as a memorial to the deceased Rito champion the flight range would continue to be used by the Warriors to improve their aerial combat skills but trouble began to brew as meadow had mysteriously began circling the village from above the divine beasts cannons would shoot down anything in the sky restricting the Rito from flying too close once they realized this ancient technology had become a threat efforts to shoot down the mechanical beasts from the sky began a Rito warrior known as turbo would step up and try to destroy the divine beast but to no avail the elder connealy knew that only a champion could stop a divine beast but none of the Rito warriors would listen to him eventually tiba and another Rito known as harf would try to take down meadow but their actions would result in harf getting injured after witnessing the sight of meadow in the skies link would make his way through to bantha Teredo village he then spoke with the elder who believed link was a descendent of the former Hylian champion at Keneally's request link would help locate tiba as the elder was worried that he would try to fight the divine beast alone after talking to the Rito warriors wife the hero found him at the flight range after convincing the Rito of his skill and archery he agreed to fight Val meadow with link but at the state it was impossible to board the airborne divine beasts as it had an impenetrable shield for defensive cannons would need to be destroyed before the shield would go down Tembo would act as a decoy for the cannons as link shot them with bomb arrows after taking down the ancient weapons meadow could now be boarded by the hero but the battle had left heavy injured so he left Link and returned to the flight range upon landing on the divine Beast Ravalli would direct link to one of the terminals after activating it with his chicest light a map was obtained with the help of controls to adjust the rotation of meadow link is able to activate the five terminals in the machine but when trying to activate the main control unit he would be interrupted by the scourge of divine beasts foe meadow wind blade Gannon after a long battle against the enemy responsible for Ravalli demise link would finally be able to take back control of the divine beast freeing the spirit of the Rito champion as a reward the hero was given Ravalli special ability duck trevallies gale it would without a doubt help him in his quest to defeat Ganon the spirit of the champion would take his place above Rito village waiting for his moment of finally strike calamity Ganon when returning to the village link was awarded with a great eagle bow the weapon wielded by champion Ravalli when he was alive but it was too early to celebrate as three divine beasts remained the news amita's death filled all the zuhr with grief because of her sudden departure the elders would grow to despise hylians being her close friend and the hero link was blamed for her demise as he had failed to protect the princess out of sorrow and respect to the departed champion the Zora plan to send me if his lights kill Triton down the river but this was stopped when MIFA spirits speak to them through the weapon upon hearing this a replica of the Zora champions spear was created and called the ceremonial Trident a tribute for the Fallen champion well me if his father didn't hold a grudge against the hero he would spend the next many years consumed with guilt and regret his decision of allowing his daughter to pilot the divine beast sidon would grow up without his sister but never forget about her sacrifice a statue of the Zora champion will be made as a tribute to her bravery and kindness as Ora helm that link had won in defeating the Lionel years ago would also be enshrined within toto lake as a tribute to the Fallen champion both the king and Prince wood proved to be capable in defending their home from calamity Ganon's monsters a stray Guardian would make its way past upland Zorana into the domain all attempts to stop the rogue machine bore fruitless results as even the best soldiers Spears had barely left a dent on the metal hull without a thought of his own safety the Zora came would pick up the Guardian and hurl it into a ravine a scar would be earned from that fateful day and acted as a token of his triumph the Zoras trust and respect for their king would grow beyond compare but this wasn't the only time the zuhr would be in danger a giant octopus eyes of a mountain would terrorize the villages fissures many sought out to defeat this giant beast but none would return Prince Sion would confront the enemy in hopes of eliminating it but would be swallowed by the giant when dodging its tones just as all hope is lost the octorok would spit out the prince after repeatedly stabbing its stomach with a silver scale spear the creature escaped never to return and the fissures of Hattin obey would pass down this heroic tale of the Zora prince who chased off the octorok but despite the king and princes past accomplishments nothing could prepare them for what happened next out of nowhere Rudo would wake up and begin delivering heavy rainfall to the area surrounding the east reservoir lake fearing for the lives of the hylians who live downstream attempts were made to stop the divine beast before the reservoir burst using Zelda's research as guidance one of the Zora names Sagan would hit an orb on the divine beasts shoulder which would to slow down the water flow of route ah but due to the Zoras weakness to electricity there would be no way to defeat the divine beast without any casualties Prince Saddam would leave the domain along with others or to search for a highly and willing to take up his heroic task of taming Ruta the prince would eventually run into link and request that he visit the domain unaware that he was talking to the former champion of Hyrule after a long and difficult road to the Zora settlement Linkwood talked with king door fan who recognized him as the wielder of the sword that sealed the darkness the king wouldn't be the only one to remember the hero as the others or will recognize link but the elder still held a grudge on the hero because of me FFA's death after learning of links lon slumber Anna's amnesia door FM would ask that link helped the prince in stopping ruta for the sake of the citizens and the princess who we found out was still alive in Hyrule Castle link was given the Zora Armour so that he could ascend waterfalls but the elder Musa would object as that armor was crafted by metha for the one she loved in order to convince muzu to tell the hero where to obtain shock arrows link put on the armor which had fit him perfectly it was then revealed that link was the one meifa had romantic feelings towards Musa then cooperated telling link above the stories of a Lionel making its home on poly must mountain after going up and retrieving the shock arrows to use against ruta Sidon would meet link at the east reservoir ready to fight against the divine Beast link wrote on site ons back destroying a barrage of ice attacks from Rita as he scaled the Beast and shot the orbs with shock arrows after shooting down all the orbs the divine beast would stop dispensing water and could now be boarded by the hero Sidon would return to the domain and it would now be up to the hero to finish the job Methos voice would cut the ambience as she instructed link to go to a terminal within the Beast after receiving a map and controls for udas trunk he would solve the complex puzzles in the divine Beast and activate all the terminals but upon activating the main unit he would have to fight water blight Ganon but he would persevere and overpower his foe avenging the death of the Zora princess with her spirit finally free meifa would give link her power that was called me FFA's grace it would revive the hero if he ever fell in battle and she then would take her spot with ruda atop the mountain when Ganon returned she would be ready when returning to the cane link was awarded with the light skill Trident a weapon that meifa used to defeat her foes after witnessing his bravery against the divine beast the elders would no longer bear any ill-will towards the champion with to divine beasts down all that was left was new Boris and rude Anya but the sudden eruptions of Death Mountain would hint at links next destination the stories of the powerful diruk would not fade from history as a statue of the deceased champion would be carved out of the face of a mountain time would pass and durricks descendant you know bow would inherit the go on champions power little did the Goron youth know that he would need it against the fight with rude Anya rude Anya would eventually wake up and cause volcanic eruptions atop Death Mountain because of this turn of events the North mine would be abandoned putting a dent in their mining operations they would be limited to extracting oil from the southern mine but this would not last forever as link would arrive to deal with rude Anya the elder Bluto and you know Bo would try to chase red Anya off with the use of cannons but time and time again the divine beast would come back the hero would arrive to Garron city where he talked to Bluto having back pains the elder would task linked with finding you know Bo who went to the abandoned North mine for painkillers once freed from the room the Goron youth would thank the player for his help and return to the city after giving the elder his medication you know Bo waited at the base of Death Mountain as the two of them are going to chase off the divine beast again but bluto's back pains would lead to him canceling the operation as he wasn't fit to take on road Anya link would head over to tell you know Bo this news but upon arriving would convinced him to help the hero and take him back the Beast after lowering the bridge both made their way up to the active volcano after evading Road Anya century units and using the three cannons the divine Beast would fall into the volcano you know Bo then stood back as he witnessed the hero descent to board Road Anya after following two routes instructions link would be able to access the divine beasts controls as well as retrieve a map of its interior activating all terminals would lead to the activation the main control units but only after slain fire by Ganon and free indirect spirit as a reward link received direct protection an impenetrable defense which would greatly assist him in combat because of his bravery in defeating Road Anya link was given two routes weapon that was used 100 years ago the boulder breaker link now had one final destination the Gerudo wasteland were the last of the four divine beasts lay while it isn't known if freesia was a descendant of herb OSA she would become the chief of the Gerudo after her mother suddenly passed away while treated kindly by her people Ruiz you could see the worry in their eyes she becomes concerned that she will not be as good of a chief as her mother and this would only worsen as Vanna Boris had waken up after many years of inactivity Rijo would investigate the divine Beast the next day but as she drew close to it she was driven back by the sandstorm and lightning ana Boris would spook her sand seal Patricia who made her way back towards the beast after reeju tried retreating back to the town she would go unconscious and be safe of Bulli ara who felt guilty for the events that took place from that day on she would never leave the on Chiefs side but it would only get worse as the Yuga had stolen the Thunder help a family heirloom that was vital in stopping the Boris as it could withstand the divine beasts lightning despite this bully ara would not leave Raju's side the soldiers would search tirelessly for the air loop and would eventually find the Yaga clans hideout but they would be unable to get close to it as it was heavily guarded by you got foot soldiers Raju's prayers would soon be answered as link made his way through the wasteland to the town but because of their laws he would not be permitted to enter link would return to Caracara bazaar where he purchased women's clothes from a highly being taken for a vie he was granted access to Gerudo town where he met the chief acknowledging link is a former Hylian champion he would first be tasked with recovering the Thunder helm from Caruso Valley link made his way to the Yuga clan hideout where he would have to sneak past the guards the hero would come face to face with master Koga the leader of the clan and fight him upon defeating him the Thunder helm was retrieved from the base and taken back to Rijo link would meet the chief of the outpost outside the sandstorm and after receiving a thunder Helms power both would chase down the Brewers in the desert by staying within the Thunder Helms barrier link could shoot the legs with bomb arrows bringing the divine beast to its knees the hero bored Ana Boris ready to finally finish what he started 100 years ago by listening to her vocês instructions he would get a map and controls for new boris through his exploration of the divine beast link would activate the five terminals after puzzles were solved but he would have to defeat thunderblood Ganon before activating the main control unit and taken back navour from Ganon's control or bozo would congratulate link as their century-old plan could finally take effect the ability to summon lightning would be given to the hero which was called or BOCES fury taking aim at Hyrule Castle the deceased chief was ready to avenge her fallen comrades as she waited for the moment to strike Ganon down as a token of the gratitude for calming the Boris Ryu awarded link with her boasts a sword and shield he could now use a scimitar of the seven and date breaker in his future battles with all the divine Beast is taken care of League would have a better chance of defeating Ganon but at this time the legendary sword within the forest was awaiting the hero's arrival after finding out that the sword lay in the great hyrule forest Linkwood journey through the lost woods to obtain it after navigating through the enchanted woods he wound up in the cork forest here he would meet up once again with Hess - but he would also come face to face with the great Deku Tree the forest Guardian told link above the sword that rested in its pedestal for 100 years waiting for the hero but he was warned of the risks of pulling the blade in a weak state if link tried to retrieve the blade without 13 hearts he would certainly die but after taking on shrines within the kingdom he was ready after 100 years the Master Sword had finally returned to its rightful owner [Music] the sword proved to be powerful as it would deal extra damage to enemies tainted by Ganon's malice with it he would without a doubt be capable in defeating the calamity but by retrieving the sword a new challenge would open up to him by putting the blade back in its pedestal link got access to the trial of the sword after completing each set of trials the master swords power would be increased once the hero completed the beginning middle and final trials the legendary blade would be upgraded to its awakened state with this it would be at full power at all times however the hero had one final task to complete before heading to Hyrule Castle and to complete it he would have to return to the place that it all started [Music] after freeing the spirits of all the Champions link was instructed to return to the shrine of Resurrection to put the chicest light back in its pedestal upon doing so a final challenge was presented to him by the monk Maz Koshien a new weapon would be given to the hero called the one-hit obliterator it would defeat any enemy in a single blow but the reverse was also true the hero traveled to four locations on the plateau where he would need to defeat all the enemies to uncover four other shrines these proved to be a challenge as link would have to navigate through them without taking any damage but the shrines awarded him with spirit orbs allowing one final upgrade to his health or stamina after solving all four of the shrines the weapon would break creating new quests for each individual champion when doing this challenge link would confront cast as he was on his own mission to complete his teachers unfinished sean's about the four champions once solving the three riddles along with her shrines for each champion lake would have a rematch against the blights in the illusionary realm completing each champion songs would upgrade the champion abilities and a new memory but the completion of all the champion songs would lead to links final challenge he would once again put his shige's slate in the pedestal which opened up the final divine beast under the shrine of resurrection by solving the puzzles within the four rooms the main doors locks would be removed there he would come face to face with Masco Xie who challenged link to a battle defeating the monk would result in completing his final trial and he was awarded with the master cycle 0 the final rune that acted as Link's divine beast link would return to the shrine of resurrection where caste would play his now completed song called the champions ballad a final memory was obtained and link would receive the picture taken that day from Kass the champion spirits were free the blade that seals the darkness was in the hero's possession and his memories had also been recovered it was time to take the fight to hyrule castle it wouldn't be easy to get to calamity Ganon as an army of guardians and enemies lay within the castle I would mention the Lionel's but at this point the video is already long enough so let's just say the hero ignored them the aftermath of the great calamity was clear as the once occupied castle would lay in ruins Zelda's room and study could be visited revealing her diary and research notes the hero would know of the struggles she had faced as the princess with the blood of the goddess which would motivate him to finally end this 100-year long battle many powerful enemies were within the castle walls but defeating these foes would real powerful gear that could help in the fight against Ganon visiting the lockup and defeating Estelle Knox would reward the hero with a Hylian Shield a piece of gear worthy for the former champion of Hyrule a shrine could be found within the docks giving the hero a major test of strength challenge but this would be nothing compared to the battle that lay ahead after the tough journey through the castle the end goal was in reach after a century link would walk into the sanctum and defeat the ancient evil as the prophecy had foretold upon entering the room Zelda would release her grasp on Ganon but because of Link's quick arrival what fell out of the cocoon would be an incomplete state of Ganon's physical body the floor would break sending both the hero and Ganon into the laboratory after noticing the hero Ganon prepared to strike him down but at this moment all four champions strike with the divine beasts or volley with medow MIFA with Ruta diruk with rod anya and or Bosa with 'no boris the attacks would hit Ganon taking half of the strength away the rest was up to link [Music] wielding the sword that seals a darkness he would fight calamity Ganon as he lay a barrage of attacks onto the hero his weapons combined with the ancient technology would put linked to the ultimate test but after the fight between the two strong opponents link would finally deliver the final blow to claim to Ganon and destroy his physical body but it wasn't over yet since link had one final challenge to face dark beast Ganon the princess would give the hero a bow strong enough to oppose a calamity called the bow of light with it link would shoot the glowing points of a beast until the final hit it was over as darkbeast Ganon lay defeated Zelda would emerge from the ancient evil and use her sealing power to destroy Ganon the calamity would disintegrate into nothing and Hyrule was finally free from this evil reunited with the princess both would be relieved to know that their jobs were finally over [Music] Lincoln Zelda would leave Hyrule Castle but not before the spirits of the King and four champions would vanish satisfied that they could finally rest in peace while Ganon was gone for now the princess and her knight had much to do the calamity had lay many areas in ruin and the restoration of these places would take time they first would had to Zoras domain because divine beasts fehb route had stopped working the two would also offer closure to the Zora Cain as his daughter's sacrifice was no longer in vain Zelda would push on with link believing that if everyone worked together Hyrule could be restored to its former glory or perhaps even beyond [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: NintendoBlackCrisis
Views: 1,482,494
Rating: 4.9211721 out of 5
Keywords: Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda, Zelda BotW, Breath of the Wild, Timeline, Theory, The Champions Ballad, Trial of the Sword, Divine Beast, Ruta, Medoh, Naboris, Rudania, Shrines, Sheikah, Great Calamity, Master Sword, Calamity Ganon, Ganon, Hyrule Castle, Final Boss, Yiga Clan, Kohga, All Memories, Kakariko Village, Zelda Timeline, Breath of the Wild 2, BotW 2, Sequel, Breath of the Wild Sequel, BotW Sequel
Id: SUvaxhN9who
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 1sec (3361 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 09 2018
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