Cliffs of Freedom FULL MOVIE | Drama Movies | Billy Zane & Jan Uddin | Empress Movies

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[Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] figures whose faiths and deeds echo down Through the Ages like ripples on a river they become mere Shadows that define an event Anonymous impressions of Triumph or tragedy could fill our history books through the distance of time details of what was are lost only simple Impressions Remain the moments actions lies deaths the stories we tell ourselves and our children are not always what was but what we wish them to be innocent victims daring escapes unredealable villains defiant martyrs sometimes it is even the truth foreign [Music] look at my face Turks and remember a world as you burn in hell my sisters and their children have gone to their freedom and now I follow them to mine you will never conquer us [Music] they would murder their own children to rob the Empire of future Warriors who are The Barbarians here there was no time to stab Ross in the village this bike cannot obey this forever is there anything more to be done here brother captain there's nothing more here send word to prepare a ship for Istanbul the sultan must hear of this [Music] [Music] so tell me cousin Mustafa what good news do you bring to our court from tripolisa I will allow Captain Tariq to illuminate your highness without good news behind us we have secured new trade routes the flow of goods into the Empire are more plentiful each day and your Palace Bears the proof of this your highness what also grows your highness is the Greek appetite for Rebellion this hunger in their bellies is not new after 400 years have we not found ways to curb such appetites I will not let my first year of rule be tarnished by such Rebellion we will send more soldiers we will conscript more of their sons we will take their daughters and we will burn their lands we will starve them out of the will to defy you your highness would we Slaughter our cattle to avoid a stampede I can hear the wisdom of your father speaking through Tariq your insights would have made him proud and I trust that you will always do right by me in the Empire but the Greeks refuse our good grace at their own peril I will leave you to your duties [Music] thank you Captain [Music] first it was Sully and now levidi if the Empire continues on this path we will have nothing left to rule in Greece but gravestones and rune okay Ottomans have always ruled with a bloody hand and that has been the lesson taught to my fellow groups for centuries yet it seems that the only lesson they have learned is that it is better to die than to live under our rule even their women and children saw no hope no future in living there must be a better path to Peaceful rule oh I see these women and children have at last impressed upon you what this old man has been trying to teach you for 20 years I know that now can I see my old friend there's something else isn't there what I'm settles you on the cliffs there was a young Greek child all of her people laid dead on the Rocks below by their own hands I could have helped her join them yet I chose to spare her life rather than take it I thought it merciful perhaps but if you left her to live in this world alone then you spurred her nothing only God knows what will become of her [Music] thank you Anna Anna Christina Christina Mona wants you where's your brother he's with Baba then I will race you [Music] know foreign [Music] we thank God for the establishment of the Ottoman Empire which has preserved our Orthodox he sustained our very existence his great wisdom is extended to us through the authority and guidance the second whom the faithful are commanded to obey by the grace of the Supreme Court thank you Lord for the ottoman overlords steal our food pleasure homes for their comfort destroy all that is Holy and Greek over us aim for my hand yes this is the target Alexi a little higher try now boys good that's it you will be Freedom Fighters yet if only you can foresee this snake attack do my little brothers look for a fight already Baba they must be prepared to do their part if the time comes when the time comes and it will ah [Music] field reports confirm that theodorus color katronus has returned to Greece and had men from The Villages rally to his call for Rebellion if the persons believe that this thief in Exile is their savior then they are fools the sultan desires to keep peace so much as it can be kept your closeness to the sultan does not change the fact girl we now fight Insurrection on several fronts as long as our steel is stronger than their discontent it will maintain the peace the sultan seeks would then we require more information on these Rebels if Cola katronus recruits in nearby Villages like valtezu then that is where we must start my janissories will ride into these Villages under the Colonel's command and show us strength whilst seeking information from our local informants I have a question yes mustafabi is there any more wine in that oh look never mind the same conversation it just grows so tiresome it's time for more pleasurable company [Music] your fascination with that blade has not waned since childhood my father could not have gifted you anything more suitable and I continue to honor the great General he was through every drop of heathen blood that touches this plate the wars waged at the edges of the Empire will soon be at our gates let them come we will crush them as we always have why not discourage Rebellion rather than fuel it let us limit the amount of blood your blade must draw if we can I have noticed your appetite for war has much abated Through The Years Tariq and yours has not been satisfied and we've always made a balanced team my brother in arms fortunately I have enough such hunger for both of us and we'll gladly cover your share your thirst for Greek blood is too often exercise for one who carries some of his own mushroom so I cannot Purge this contamination from my own veins and that will surely do so from theirs my family never treated you as any less than a Turk for it do not let your own demons Cloud your perspective with respect my demons are my concern Ed presence keep the villagers in line maybe we'll find a whereabouts of that's by stavross that has vexed you for so many years open the gates for clearance inspection we ride for valtancy within the hour how many times must we tell them the merchant should be made to stay clear of the palace Gates see to it that he's moved immediately there's no need for diplomacy one crack of the Whip and these old goats are just like Lambs ready for the slaughter I don't know almost ready my friends [Music] day of The Verge Crystal and I see why you've raised the village taxes again the taxes are high for our protection if you care to debate the matter and speak to these gentlemen if you wish what befits a man in my station there's no concern of yours but then [Music] Christina Constantine may I have a word in private about my proposal 2 000 pieces Dowry for your daughter to carry the honor of my name she shares the name of Herod Christina canelos it is she would bring honor to you as well either way I find it a good advantageous smash before I spoke thank you our family name will not be solid by marriage to a turkey collaborate a toast to my sister Christina canelos whose Defiance in death keeps our dream of Freedom alive May her spirit live on through her sons and in my beloved daughter Anna Christina yamas relatives loudly unless the Turks consider it an act of treason I in my position cannot help you you can no more help me in your position then you could be of any use to my daughter except to shamer he's not good enough for you then am I not to marry you will want the animal but not to attracted like that not at any price you're investing for greater things get your uncle's here yes where's my boys my men my young man [Music] I know it's a blessing not having to marry Kristen but another Suitor unsuited to the honor of our family's name for my name and sometimes I fear that I'll never be allowed to marry why did you say that child each time I hear them toasted on or Aunt Christina I feel the burden of her name but she was so strong I was just scared and then that man you were only eight years old [Music] imagination heals our memories in the shadow of tragedy do not let them mislead you it was not my imagination to expired me I live because of him listen to you baba there is no such thing as a good Turk unless he is dead he must not have seen you Joe even if that were true a compassionate Turk would not have lasted long in the Ottoman Empire I don't see why you insist on believing it and tell me what you do see here what's in my future will I fall in love and marry a good man maybe even one of my own choosing [Music] foreign to a greater family than ours one day and you will fall for a great warrior who fights for Greece sold to them from a prosperous family [Music] but is there something wrong with that but will I be a widow true love requires Great sacrifice I only see what the groins tell me the rest is up to Destiny and to you boys is this a gathering for the friendly Society back up now this color katronus used children to fight his Revolution stand down now what is happening here they raised their Rebels young Colonel but I will pluck this Sprout before it grows to weed John sorry take the boy no no our purpose here does not involve the torture of children age does not define an enemy blood must flow or they will not learn Stand Out captain oh we have more pressing issues indeed we have yeah [Music] [Music] spread out Bring Me Down [Music] is it just coincidence that we meet him in tripolitsa and now here again in baltus if I were a suspicious man I might think he followed us here I followed no one and I mean no offense by selling trade goods with many then why run I do not deliberately seek out trouble and I find no shame in running from it perhaps you do not trade but Aid in the business of your friendly Society your Philippe iteria the Spy I seek I do not know this it's tapris and I have no knowledge of any friendly Society then we will educate you reciprocate [Music] this is foreign how can I tell you something I do not know how can I be someone I am not advise I'm Stavros I'm anyone you wish me to be just please stop Ross a true rapper would hold his tongue and die at my hand before confessing you're not worthy of their friendly Society now go back to your pitiful life and thank the Greek gods for your worthlessness take him out and dump him in the street again Alexa come help your sister we do not tie a regular I'm good to tell my mom which is okay Nico get the other basket we should go yes yes it's all right boys [Music] that's a fine sword you have my apologies I mean no harm to you or your children was drawn to the water the Waters of your my brothers and I will take our leave but Barr says butterflies are ancestors in the heads would protect us I was also taught to believe that are you a Greek a conscript I am a Turk but my tutor thanasi is Greek and to my great Fortune he proved a better teacher than I a student you will make fast friends if you feed him these can we feed the horse please you're not bite [Music] what do you want from us men should not have frightened the child as they did he appears unaffected by the scare children can forgive even when they can't forget why would my forgiveness be of any consequence to you and your men I ask only for me please I'm grateful for your help in the Square but I put my family in danger and shame myself if I'm seen with you here please understand boys we should be on our way Mika take my basket Lexi don't forget your sword sir [Music] protect and care for your sister [Music] not a word of this to anyone um I apologize for soiling your fine Barn dear woman you are not the smelliest animal I have taken into my yard but the most dangerous perhaps you take great risk to hide and care for me these eyes have seen many things Turks come into our village with their assassins demanding Rihanna their sultan if I knew a true Rebel but these Turks you may indeed get your turntable and I would be proud to be your blade I owe you my life I am honored to be gifted with your kindness you will stay put and rest until your new Yaya says differently I this Tinker you question was he not your elusive Rebels stavross not minister no laughing matter we'll taste the blade of your father's dagger soon enough but you must find him first a message from tripolitsa and your boss's laundry time to earn those fees you pocket tax man we don't find surprise a Greek who handles the honey cannot resist licking his fingers today now we eat yes I must return to tripolita at once the Mustafa Bay calls an urgent Council duties of a leader right [Music] you do well to watch that man I have it on good authority that he travels well beyond where a cheese maker near Journey Bubba can we feed the horse no go home come on let's go perhaps even as far as the friendly Society how can we trust his information if he is willing to stay in his hands with the blood of his own countrymen he will do most anything to gain favor for himself I have found his information to be as reliable as his greed pay him to gather news on Stavros and cola catronis until his accusations are proven true observe the cheese makers activities but do no more until I return be patients patience puts you at greater risk with these Turks in town I must leave as soon as possible patience is a virtue I gained when I lost several of my family to these Invaders where is your family they must worry for you is my family now they unite us in our loss and bond us through our faith if you are ever in need hang this in your doorway I'm never far and I will not forget what you've done for me [Music] [Music] oh I am at your mercy good woman even with a weapon I stand disarmed I am Tariq and I'm no one you should be talking to your Precision is impressive does not surprise me that the greatest compliment you can give a ladies on how she wields a blade where did you learn to cut like this my mother really she taught me to relax and let the blade find the cuts must you swing as if the hay were your enemy your blade meets with many who are not your enemy yet you wield it with little compassion my concern is only with your safety there's little room for error there's never room for error as a Greek but you know this it is your people who make the rules that my people must live by there is something about you something I haven't seen in a long time but I cannot recall what it is I remind a lot of people of the past seems to be my curse I meant no offense you and me civility is often overlooked when maintaining order the Empire will do whatever is needed to protect its interests and its people must that include the torture and killing of Innocence we do know more to you and yours than you would to us if given the chance Greek or turk men seek what others have who will fight to the death to possess it do not believe that's the only way then you would do well to believe these words it has been reported that your father has a Rebel Spy anyone and a traitor to the Empire but he's mainly a cheese maker wait who who would accuse him of such trees you should limit his travels and stay close to home at least until my return from tripolitza Tariq why do this why warn me because I once thought I was saving a Life by doing nothing now come to believe that doing something is a greater service Anna Christina my name is Anna Christina [Music] [Music] how is it you were so familiar with this talk that he could tell you this and why would he say such thing and it is never to our benefit someone in the village has betrayed you I believe tarek spoke the truth you may know his name and believe his truth but he's a devious Turk there is no other kind it's not true he's different he is good in him where would you make such a claim as you Bewitched you because he's the Turk who spared me on the cliff no not this again boy when I saw him in the Square I knew it was him it is him I'll never forget the kindness in his eyes kindness what kinds did he show driving you around Christina and her newborn to their deaths speak to him no no I don't think he'd recognized me I did not answer him he was on his horse and and uh why did we see the man with a horse again you put your brothers In Harm's Way as well what were you thinking you don't understand I don't understand how my daughter would act with such careless disregard if we have caught the attention of the Turkish soldiers then we are no longer safe here we must leave that tattoo if we leave it we'll only confirm their suspicions you stay away from this Turk no matter who you think him to be do not disobey me I forbid it [Music] Sultan has commanded that we send another 5 000 troops to the north troops that we can ill afford to spare from tripolisa as it is Kola katronus and his Greek Rebels grow Boulder point we cannot justify moderation Council has already sanctioned more severe punishments to compensate for the lack of troops when sunal gets wind of this he will not hesitate to exact reprisals from any Greek he meets and you must order him backwards up immediately [Music] what could you have possibly done that requires an escort for something you do by yourself all the time about the man that they say was hidden in the oil Stables [Music] captain sonal sir Colonel talek commands you to return to tripolitsa immediately you tell him but until we capture and question the Spy Captain his orders are immediate she's pretty the horses [Music] I need a word with you cheese maker oh is it you so cleverly disguised your Insurrection against the empire don't know what you mean I've been told that of acronos spies with a filiki eteria have I been misinformed your information is false I have nothing to hide I do not know where you get your information but it is not true I'm a cheese maker nothing more don't look inside watch over the boys it's not you I'm one of this one please I beg of you there we go see the Spy in your household Let Her Go the boys need their mother tell us what you know traitor if you do not wish to watch her die perhaps you prefer to watch her beg for your life for the sake of our children please surely your mother would have wanted better from you my mother oh this is good okay [Music] touch me the tax collector we will answer for this I must leave our orders I too protect my brother [Music] go check on Yaya make sure she's safe go here they are what is it what has happened to bring more of my family closer to him and my heart breaks for it [Music] is me how would you account for the empires out there someone said today tax man spy but you've yielded me nothing he has a daughter Secrets now you tell me his daughter is a spy do you tell me for a fool no no let's go [Music] come on no no you can't do this laughs [Music] believing every rumor of Greek Rebellion would have us chasing our own Tales all over the polyphonies we must find the truth of it what news about tetsi the rebels found a foothold there so close to tripolita well tesi is no threat for the moment uh too busy morning a spy in his treacherous family did you recapture and kill the Tinker I told you no it was the cheese maker were you able to extract any information from this spy before like a bull yielded nothing there was no choice but to put him down I'm unfortunate turn of events first family as well will you not given orders to keep them in line until my return A revolution is upon us interrogating spies is a more value to the Empire than simply keeping them in line and who are you to decide that would it not have been better to have kept him alive until he broke you would not pray but I'm told he has a daughter still lives she maybe have no consequence but I have informants seeking her capture find the real Rebels I'm gonna waste your time on this soon now indeed chasing after some young girl speaking of which I'll be in my Chambers you have your orders May the Ottoman Empire prevail you disobeyed my direct orders and slaughtered innocent Greeks do so again and I will have you removed from your post do you punish me for killing a spy one day you'll remember to see them as I do my friend your mind is clouded by the pipe he killed an entire family and now he seeks to hunt down an innocent girl so now is a professional assassin he performs his duty however in us and shows his allegiance to the Empire you sound like a turkey and you a Greek which is infinitely more dangerous now Tariq I enlarge your sensitivities and you know that this open display will be taken as weakness by your peers and even used against you then you will be able to help no other judgment is sound is it whatever this girl is to you I must counsel you to leave her be no good will come of this you have a kingdom to protect Tennessee I must ask you to do something for me in baltazi as we come together on this darkest of days in sorrow and in grief let us pray amen [Music] Iran Christina gave me Comfort when she was returned to the Earth and now I hope that it can do the same for you [Music] condolences please know that my alphabet match is still yours with these Turks at hand the safest place for you is with me I have resources I can give you a home and I will be your family who still has a home she still has a family I'm really making a wait I am merely extending her comfort and comfort her by your absence keep walking [Laughter] [Music] oh no [Music] with these signs I mock thy passing and pray they will guide thee to thy final judgment Anna Christina I'm unfamiliar with this prayer this tribute this is a local tradition it's my own prayer I've learned too well in my life that friend of foe the dead must be guided to the rest were you a friend of my fathers the last no my name is anasi where did you get that were you and your brothers gave this to a mutual friend it is his wish let it be returned to you he shares your grief and asks for a moment of your time tell your friend that our friendship died with my family I am deeply sorry for your loss please leave now it's the only courtesy I can accept but man [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] why do you desecrate the memory of my family by coming here [Music] your memories are warm and full of life this is no place for you and your grief I know is it a place for you after which you and your men have done was my captain Sonata brought this torment upon you and you cannot control your dogs it was done on my watch and I carry this disgrace upon my conscience then disgrace weighs upon us both I told my father that you were good and could be trusted I did not order this my intent was to save him and to protect you then why search my soul for the same answers believe me believe for a dozen years I believed you you and your men got death and destruction to the Village of levidi my aunt Christina led the women and children over the cliffs have you not brought me and so many others enough unspeakable grief foreign this this belonged to my aunt Tina canelos who died in defiance against the Turks against you do you remember now I am haunted every day by their sacrifice none of it has left me and none of what your men have done will leave me not ever I will avenge the deaths of my family and see your captain slam for it but Bob was right the only good Turk is a dead one then take your revenge with my own blade honor your family and make me a good Turk I deserve no less for the pain I've caused you [Music] [Music] you were right there's nothing moving you wear a mother's scarf with Grace bring honor to our family anymore honor does not comfort me my loss when they died I buried Anna with them I'm not that girl anymore I will wear her scarf and fight in her name as Christina I understand and feel your grief it will wear heavy on your heart for some time but the pain will become bearable and the wound will heal I have no desire to heal this wound this was your godson Alexis wear it in remembrance of him and this was Nico's wear it in remembrance of him remember their innocence in life and in death pray for the souls and for mine for today I make a vow to avenge the deaths of our family child you will be avenging no one I'm not a child father my family's bones lie the foot of these Cliffs and beneath Hallowed Ground have I not earned the right to seek Justice for them pledge vengeance is a sin and when the Turks slaughtered my family was that not a sin in God's eyes you must follow what is right in your own heart and I will travel with you I will go and fight as well and pray for God's Will and protection and together find our Solace and steel and Steve they will chase their destinies join those hidden Rebels how will you even find them I may have a way I knew you would come I was told you have business that involves killing Turks both of you will be coming with me all three of us I will turn the flowers in your mother's guard you will be safe you do things we need to reach the camp before nightfall [Music] your father's cross foreign take care of my grandchildren protect them with my life [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you what is this place and their poor Greek Village until the Turks came and took everything from them Now it only served as a home for their ghosts and us [Music] soon Cook's a fair game for your thievery but never steal from your own people again or else you're not better than a Turk we will treat you as well that was so stubborn that's so great we're in need of volunteers what did you bring us my brother and I we're strong we can fight and come with Stavros you're more than welcome but you must go to the family and grief is deeper anger is deeper that I fight we all agree from loss we cannot afford the destruction you must leave in the morning she must stay please go yeah don't worry you're not going anywhere please if you doubt her ability I will fight for the both of us tell us what to do what is the plan we'll wait for orders generalis will send word for us any day now we are sure of it so what there's no plan to fight the plan dear boy is to stay alive until we are ready to strike what do we do until then we pack and keep moving we've just arrived it's the life of a freedom fight remain Vigilant and stay on the move or death will grab you he's ready to run at a moment's notice you my boy will be the new camp Courier so this old man can rest his weary legs he will change his mind about me we will change his mind about you foreign [Music] thank you wait back Christina wait this thief got what he deserved his actions shame us all do not doubt me my blade will taste the blood of anyone who violates my honor took all Greek with this sign I Mark thee dead I pray it will take you to your final judgment could I be there when you tell her she still has to leave tomorrow I don't understand why are we still just sneaking around moving Camp from one place to another at least Dimitri's trips back to the Village brings us news and supplies when are we going to fight the Turks patience my boy we have to keep moving so the thugs cannot find us I must stay in hiding so we can be ready when General doesn't even know exist General knows that there are many groups like cars in the mountains awaiting his word do what fight most of our weapons are all Farming tools we could always tell the text to death that is why we avoid engaging with them we're not match for their Firepower we have a rifle against two dozen train soldiers also with Rapids I think none their Camp blocks are only passage up how do we get past them we've moved quietly behind those trees stay close to me anymore hello [Music] good job thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] thank you thank you do this father guided me I found one alive down with this sign I Mark thee dead now he carry you to your final judgment you know the janissary captains you know then you will deliver this message to him to him I am the daughter Constantine vagrinos by calling me a rebel he has made me one hunt his blood [Music] whatever [Music] crate saddle bag and Barrel take all that is useful that Canon pitch it to one of the horses Christina we don't have to wait for the general to call upon us after all thanks to you we now have a reason to call upon him [Music] what well Captain sinal you've made yourself a dangerous enemy we all know how women can be the Caravan traveled at 20 men and was heavily armed how is it only you survived there were no more than 12 men and we engaged them she appeared and no harm came to her she mocked me as a dead man Bewitched he is an ordinary girl of no consequence who mocks the people minded now get out of my sights Superstition will not be our undoing in order to save these Farmers from our retribution WDS good for all transports this must not happen again you've made quite an impression on both Greeks and Turks I'm not trying to impress anybody and this is why have your cousin does not understand what an asset she is word of what she's done is spread to other Villages other camps and to the Turks as well no doubt yes but they underestimate us the Greeks have nothing Farmers with weapons find us another route through the mountains our fight is seeing her the essence of what we fight for our wives Mothers Daughters who protect her with their lives for the Turks I know what they should see it was vangeli's idea and we've sent word to all the other camps we'll leave a common signature your signature that will confound the Turks and make them think that you are everywhere [Music] I've received word that the sultan is sending reinforcements of Munitions so do stop worrying Colonel tank [Music] thank you they said they wanted to join the camp of Christina the legend proceeds you as it always has well then perhaps you should let it Christina you carry these men's hopes and fears through your courage and in return they are ready to carry your Legend into battle all of that she's a sorceress five Caravans in as many weeks they dare us to retaliate that's enough now seal it up and bury it mark this spotwell [Music] let's give her a nickname something fierce to strike fear in the Turks she should be the hand on Vengeance the maiden of the mountains my name is Christina that's who I am there should be enough to make them remember which is right that the Turks know and fear our real names I'm tired of being told who I am who I'm supposed to be no good can come from being told such a thing you've helped all of us figure out who we are for Christina [Applause] let our hands be your Vengeance let the Turks know fear when they hear your name is a frightened rabbit and she mocks us Han a peasant girl out with my soldiers find her and kill her killing her will only make her assemble your eminence then I will defile that symbol to break their spirit I will find her your reminisce deliver the girl unharmed I will decide she is in danger I need to find a way to speak with her I have no wish to see more Greeks died but consider the consequences if you are caught with an enemy of the Empire and more importantly the property of the Bay there may be no Redemption for you if I help her I risk my life if I don't I risk hers there may be no Redemption for me either way my friend please go to valdezy and find me a way to reach her I will do my best some of the tax collector I'm holding him to his promise now what did you know my son my apologies dear lady but your son and I were not acquainted you come to his burial and now to his garden yet you did not know him so what is your business here my name is I am tutor to one who serves the sultan I'm come here to ask your help regarding your granddaughter and why would I help a Greek who pledges loyalty to a Turk because as Greeks you and I have seen much over the years and we both know changing the course of Mighty Rivers with Wayward Pebbles catching each other against the current my granddaughter is one of these Pebbles she is my master could be too so long as we could find a way to nurture their hopes instead of crushing them yeah is he bringing trouble he does indeed but wrapped in promise you must get a message to Christina calls for a gathering of all the freedom fighter camps in the mountains we're ready to take the fight to the tracks at last [Applause] Christina yeah yeah wishes for meeting with you the cenotaph do you recall where it is I thought Aunt Christina Shrine had been lost no no we moved it to a cave in the canyons west of valtteri it's hard to find there's less traveled when we move Cowboys caught you there [Music] [Music] still burns the candidly oil for your mother and your first tribute at a funeral still guards this place I remember making it all my sorrow and guilt into this and now it fuels our Rebellion your mother would want us yeah stay behind me we've been betrayed what have you done to our grandmother where is she she's safe in the village without her help I would not be she would never trust a Turk Ina this is a trap why do you haunt me still you know this man he does not trust me nor should he to him I'm just a Turk a killer of Greeks is that who I have become to you as well why are you here have been some developments in tripolitza you are not safe so your captain sunal has received my message he has as did the court of the Mustafa Bay so now rides with his men in search of you let him come my hatred for him is greater than my fear do you understand that it is my fear for you that brings me here the Bay has ordered you be brought back alive for his harm come with me and I can protect you you'd see me delivered to a man it would enslave me for his pleasure please Christina you must trust me you will trust no one especially a man who seeks her capture I seek only her safety why we're enemies I do not believe that is the only way you told me that once though sunal has the blood of both Greek and Turk he cannot see its value we can choose better I did not choose this he brings this fight to me and I will not run from it nor will I be captured and made a Slave you know I cannot go with you then at least allow me this is one of my fastest no matter where you release him he will return to me with your message always wondered whether with Life free there is only one thing he desires more than his freedom I have his maid I must go now the others will worry soon I worry now Christina we can't just let him go a war weighs upon us both I look to you to keep her safe to do so learn to your pistol first your father turns in his grave you have betrayed everything that he died for he saved my life he's a good man how can you put your trust in a Turk well you barely met I've known him in my heart for a dozen years Bengali you must trust me and tell no one not even Dimitri [Music] my captain demands to know where to find the cheese Maker's daughter such important information I will impart to Captain sanal not his Aaron Boyle tell me now or shall I tell the captain that you've outlived your usefulness all in the church right now pray that you were right about this cousin of hers [Applause] take it [Music] that traitorous bastard Christo will pay for this forget about the tax man what about Dimitri the Turks took Dimitri to get to us to get to me they mean to divide our attention we must not let them succeed I am sorry but this is all we can do for now but we will think of something that's not enough I get it he's been taken to tripolita so when we have a chance you would trust a Turk with Dimitri's life he's a good man and he will help us rumors place the greatest number of these Rebels at baltetsi are Eminence then take that Village and rid it of those peasants once and for all I will not tolerate this from a bunch of Bandits again have you broken this one yet sadly it is simple Shepherds he was most uninformed as to the rubbers whereabouts then throw this garbage back out into the street to serve as a warning foreign greater importance than the preparations for work the Bay has just given new orders to attack valtetsi so we may not know where the rebels are now but we know where they will be so waste no more time here that is my direct command as you wish release him ah let me tell you what I will do to you if I see your face again your cousin Christina sends her regards I do this for her and get out of the city as quickly as you can say you were released because you knew nothing do you understand now get him out of here you risk too much trusted me teach you the ways of the Greeks so that you could govern wisely not risk your position by betraying your own people you taught me that truly this must stand on the side of what is right to speak for both Greek and her should I not be such a leader now it is a sacrifice I'm willing to make I need you to see that Batman leaves the city safely [Music] [Music] let's see to it that this man gains a shadow yes sir God truly Smiles on your brother vangeli seems we have friends in high places a Greek supporter in the palace No Doubt I'd like to meet our friend from Chipotle shake his hands so would I but he's not safe yet it's a certainty that the Turks will try and follow him to locate us at this time we'll be ready for them seems you were right about your good Tech [Music] Dimitri all right Dimitri what has he done to you I'm all right yeah yeah what are you doing here I insisted on seeing for myself how my grandchildren are living in rebellion and I could not get her to stop pestering me about seeing you imminent attack on altazi she's safer here I counted at least three or four Turks training us on Horseback just around that bend attack on my we must tell captain sunal [Music] [Music] foreign check the road Christina stay here and be vigilant there may be more in the surrounding Forest [Music] why did you come here why did he send you he does nothing like him why did I say under my hand I don't know the closer your drugstore the news draws around his neck but if he dies if his own people believe him a traitor then the best hope for our people dies with her promise me you will not turn him from his destiny laughs the woods are clear who is he as Mark says he worked for the Turks he's a Greek I knew him he deserves that respect he may be a Greek Christina traitor deserves no respect if he is one who helped free Dimitri then he deserves our utmost respect we will not let this treachery go unanswered we must send a message laughs and so must I mean Returns what belongs to the Empire and tell Captain tsunal Returns His janissaries yeah [Music] this was not the sacrifice a man told friend foreign Act only shows how the Greeks treat even their own they cannot be trusted you want them to be my brother my heart breaks to see you learn this lesson in blood with their retribution is coming the rebels have no doubt learned our plan and color katronus will be preparing to resist when he's a fool we have more than four times as men and ten times his Firepower we've sent a generous demand for his surrender but if it's a battle they wanted they'll tetsi show crush them Tariq will have a chance to avenge his teacher let's lead him to a sorrow with [Music] it's not your fault he knew the risk and is now closer to God for it what concerns me is your Turk are you sure you can trust him there can be no room for doubt as children of God have we no room for faith Turks are capable of anything so you truly have faith that he is the man you hope him to be after what I've done I do not know humidity Christina the time has come to face the Turks we now have thousands of Freedom Fighters amassed to new valtitsi tomorrow we prepare for battle Dimitri they will need our knowledge of the village and of the surrounding Hills come more battles more death how do I seek forgiveness for the innocent life I've taken perhaps you will find peace in a night of prayer at the senator will you come with me with me chasing Destiny is for the young my child let Demetrius go to you I only wish to go home I have a growing Garden to tent [Music] the bay is generously allowed you to date a mourn my brother we'll meet at the field camp tomorrow and then we will crush these Rebels and bring glory to the Empire laughs yeah yeah [Music] foreign [Music] and I pray you will carry him to his eternal rest thank you God have mercy on my soul I am lost and seek your guidance I've betrayed my family and Dishonored them by trusting a man I should not have trusted and that I've come to love I've tried to hate him to rid him from my heart but thought of him will not leave me and now to have the blood of it innocent he loved on my hands is more than I can bear I pray for the strength to honor my family to help my people find a way to live with myself [Music] why are you here if you come to avenge the murder of one you loved I'm guilty and ashamed of what I've done [Music] well I see before me is a mirror of my own tormenting grief whose guilt and shame is no lesson to love you Christina more than my own life [Music] go now my honor is all I have left and my love for you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] leave these lands and you can be safe your presence here puts your family in peril I can arrange for you to travel far from the Empire and the endless fighting I have such influence then you must use that influence to help stop this bloodshed you're an honorable Turk if you believe peace is possible you must fight to find it you speak to me as the nasty ones did the Greek who believe that my people could learn and change but my belief grows weak each day they no longer listen to my reason or guidance this force is the only way to rule and what way could I possibly have over my people you underestimate who you are to your people and to me Christina there is a battle coming to beltetsi I beg you stay clear of it cannot bear to lose you nor could the Greek people if I'm to do this I need you to Swear to protect and take care of my remaining family you have my word upon my honor I swear to you Gregory they're back good the Turks have come to fight [Music] did a wolf travelita move here thousands of them not engage such a force and survive we will use the terrain to even the fight Stavros is right we know these lands better than any Turk there are only two paths to attack the village their main force will make a frontal assortment we've been tasked with defending the rear past of the Village near the hills where they seek to cut off all Escape it's time for us to win laughs oh welcome back colonel at last the Greek send a reply to our generous offer of their surrender I will read their caring acceptance then we can leave these filthy peasants to their Farms we attack a Dawn and we will show no mercy your eminence the Valdez tax collector urgently requests an audience your remnants I've learned firsthand that an official from your court has been consorting with a traitorous girl whom you seek for your Harem you're sure of this Greek I have no doubt the colonel is a traitor yeah clandestine meetings would remain undetected if it were not for my vigilance now I Cousteau Petrakis have proven my loyalty to the Empire and to you I've heard enough of your lies tax man are you foolish enough to accuse the man most trusted by the sultan you a thief who steals the Empire's taxes your loyalty to this court will be rewarded accordingly captain tsunal I would like you to show him our most precious metal no no I I know I know things I am loyal to the sultan I know things why would I lie my information is always sound good ataric he's consorting with the Enemy he's betraying the Empire I know oh an ottoman colonel conspiring with the rebels but ridiculous I'm sick of these Greeks and their lies and I want this girl dead and on display like all dissidents of the empire bestow this honor upon your Colonel to avenge the death of the Nazi the Greek for a Greek my brother the honor is yours alone colonel you there is no honor in a Greek who feigns being Turk Greek blood runs through your veins and yet I can honor you and I return that honor by protecting you and your family against all threats but sometimes sometimes The Most Dangerous Ones do not carry swords I'm willing to perform your duties but that someone would do the same for me but my mother's shame and that great rapist blood allow me no salvation my only aim to honor you and your destiny as the true Turk I can never be so do not stand between my sword and her neck foreign [Music] could throw on his marches with his troops and rallies the people we have a leader for our Revolution [Music] [Music] [Applause] manyatas of Spartan blood Mariners respects us even more of the Europeans have joined our cause look at all the camps [Music] the general is here so you are the daughter of Greece that frightens and confounds the Turks it is an honor to meet you at last it is said that the strongest weapons are not made of lead and steel but of Love and Hope what you carry in your heart can rule Nations and we will need your inspiration for the long War to come these are the words of Bishop Pierre Manos to be read in every camp by a true Greek Patriot they have taken that for which we were best known to the peoples of the world they've murdered the equality and freedom which reinvented with democracy for 400 years these Turks tortured and killed us along with our ideals which benefit all mankind and we accept it having been born with it they've taken our numbers from 20 million to 1 million it is time each man woman and child be willing to sacrifice their life if necessary because there will never be enough of us to attempt this again and if these Turks kill with little remains history will write that we were free again before disappearing from God's Earth together we fight from these Hills and cliffs for our freedom foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you'll defend the bee here and leave the secondary reinforcements I will command the main frontal assault tomorrow with the Empire prevail foreign my friends call me Stavros if you thought to come at me alone you should have stayed in hiding we can no longer hide that which is everywhere for reinforcements this will be a long satisfying day [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Hey Brother [Music] [Music] [Music] Christina stay down cover me foreign [Music] [Applause] all right [Music] oh my God [Music] yeah I will keep my promise to you my brother sultry of you now little girl enjoyed my family you monster [Music] think you have done to my brother it's heart and mind die [Music] [Applause] [Music] stop with this sign I mock thee dead may it carry you to your final judgment and eternal rest as a Greek [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Applause] you must get Christina to Higher Ground away from the battle why should I trust you I've got this one because I am trusting you now God [Music] Christina [Music] [Applause] [Music] Christina we must go come on [Music] how can the carnival eventually happens come on what's up shut up [Music] [Music] [Applause] Christina come on foreign [Music] [Music] thank you must get away from here the janisseries are coming if I am to die then I wish it to be by your hand I cannot do that I cannot lose you come with me and we will fight our way to Freedom we will get far away from here where we can be together and leave all this madness behind I will not be the reason you turn your back on your destiny you are my destiny now we die never [Music] [Music] [Music] mind [Applause] [Music] they know you I cannot abandon my destiny any more than you can yours Christina [Music] foreign [Music] Christina Christina know just as you once gave me my life sparing me on those Cliffs I give you yours live it boldly and honorably for both of us Christine and remember your promise to look after all of us [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] we shall Never Surrender [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Christina is the man you hoped him to be [Music] died that day but valtetzi was saved and the war for Greek Independence had begun in earnest like that of her aunt Christina's sacrifice inspired the Greeks to rise up against Turkish oppression but she also inspired a Turk to do the same Tariq kept his word and supported Greek Independence as a way to peace but when his moderate voice could not sway the sultan this is unacceptable he saw the Europeans enter the war forcing a piece from the Ottomans that set Grace free through it all he carried her scarf close as a reminder of their love and belief in each other and before he joined her at last in Legend he returned it to her family with its honors and sacrifices forever woven into its threads that was Anna Christina's story my story the story of our family and now it is yours [Music] tell me more Papu Dimitri some terrorists that are told are not always what was but what we wish them to be but sometimes they are simply the truth we are the proof that their actions have not been in vain remember this and carry it close for as we remember our history our memories watch over us [Music] [Music] thank you you came into my life where I was lost and alone I live because of you [Music] roses filled my broken heart and kept away my feelings I'll wait for you when all the darkness Fades we will be joined in a Time times [Music] here though you cannot see me I'm the butterfly fluttering through the breeze [Music] though my destiny on Earth is a memory I'll wait for you when all the darkness fades [Music] [Music] beautiful [Music] I always [Music] [Music] so away [Music] I'll wait for you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
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Id: C8q2f1UQGHs
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Length: 137min 7sec (8227 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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