Rose Hill | English Full Movie | Western Family

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[Music] my here after your sare this afternoon shall we meet at [Music] [Applause] [Music] home in front of Andor well you just have to at long last reveals the true nature of this man and I say in light of that Revelation that this President and all future presidents must learn that they are Servants of the people God forbid that he should have one title of power except what is derived through Congress and the Constitution is not a government of kings and satraps but a government in the words of our beloved martyred President Lincoln of the people for the people and by the people and fail to grasp that simple principle which was inscribed in the [Music] consti [Music] back [Music] you see anything come on get [Music] in came through earlier let's go stop hey get off help me what help me me at the old fairy [Music] building let's go of me thought you were hurt stay away from [Music] me [Music] [Music] should [Music] wa whoa do you know how close we came back there come on we got away clean just like we always do they had cops all around that square they're on to us time I was on my way what come on I told you how it was going to be told you I'm going west someday going to be a cowboy but we thought it was just talk start thinking different I never heard of no colored Cowboys because it's different out there I wish the man ain't look down on for his color we never look down on you Adam that's because you'd have been dead or jailed by now wasn't for me fine go ahead I don't care I can take care of myself just fine good I [Music] will he's not going to believe [Music] this that's a baby what's it doing in there what do you think somebody threw it away people do it all the time they don't care that girl on the street what girl half crazy try to jump on the wagon it must be hers her own baby why I know where she came from I followed her we could bring it back home she wanted it back she would have got shot of him in the first place least she put a bottle of milk in some extra nappies in here man he soaked through anybody know anything about babies I do there were some in the orphanage we got to get the nappy off him his backside will get sore then do it all right could just leave him right here somebody will probably come along we're not going to leave him it's a girl are you sure I'm definitely sure we got to find a home for what why us cuz we're all she's got can't leave her here I ain't got time for this I'm going west I ain't staying in the city for no body or no baby oh never said you guys couldn't come along that's what you decide you want to do thought you said it was time we all started taking care of ourselves well I ain't begging way Adam I'll check the Alle coppers let's get out of here what about the baby bring her quickly come on hurry [Music] careful there you are four tickets through to avalene Kansas boarding in 20 minutes track two thank you sir good luck to you son $65 for a train ride hope you realize we only got a couple hundred left I told you quit worrying sure is a funny looking little thing ain't she everything okay no problem Ma morning boys where's this cute little baby's mama that's our little sister sir our mama died having her I'm sorry to say where's your daddy Papa rest his soul came down with a fever passed on right after Mama yes sir so now we're headed west to go live with our aunt Prudence in her family yes I see what's this pretty little darling's name Mary Rose uh Mary Rose Clayborn yes and you are I'm Adam Clayborn Douglas Clayborn sir Cole Clayborn Travis Clayborn but trav's fine son how'd you all come to be by the same last name well you see sir Adam here was adopted that's right Officer mama and papa took him in after paw found him near froze to death in a snowstorm half starved and all pitiful like that so yes sir yes you boy sure you can handle this little sweetheart yes sir M all right you have any problems on the train you go straight to the conductor you here now yes yes sir where'd Mary come from my mama don't remember much about her before she died what about Rose it's my mama Mary Rose that's a fine name hello Mary Rose clay well if we're going west let's get [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] going [Music] [Music] hey what about those people too rich you think Rich folks are likely to takeen a strange baby might start asking too many questions got to at least get us some boots a real cowboy ain't nothing without his boots forget about boots start worrying about getting some jobs and making some money you mean we're going to go straight and have to work real jobs you see all those folks wearing guns you want to lift a wallet off of one of them how's Bary Rose doing um she's still sleeping but she's going to want something to eat pretty soon I'm going to have to get some more goats milk I got a better idea why don't we find a goat farmer to give her [Music] to look what about those ladies oh I did you fool we have to pick somebody that was the deal right wasn't it shut up Trav I ain't see no color Cowboys Adam you sure you got it right I'm going to the Stockyards hey you watch your careful now [Music] Adam claybo work on [Music] sure [Music] this is Mrs puit Doug they're all raising a nice big family on a farm just outside of town that's Doug listen that's cool that's our little sister you've got there come on dog we had a deal shut up afternoon everybody tra gave Mary Rose away to these people again ma'am I'm real sorry about all this but Travis here is a little off his head always coming out with the First full thing that pops into his brain it's been a terrible trial for all of us and I can't imagine how his two brothers could have been so stupid and leave little Mary alone with him then she has a home with a warm and loving family as long as she's cared for that's the important thing come on children great I solve our problem and what do we get we don't have a [Music] problem Mis what's that yeah that's ice some Dart put the best Bron Buster ever across the Red River in either direction [Music] hey fellas fellas pack up we're going to Texas Texas that's where all the big cattle ranches are and where my good friend Mr Isam Dart who happens to be a colored cowboy has promised to help find this work that's right you smile little Mary Rose cuz we on our way R Adam R come onam give come onam give come on give me some got yeah give him one more Adam mind how you talk now young lady you ain't got I'm Travis I want to see one CH well you can't just tired hands around here trying to learn the Ranch business we got to get to work and you mind what M Nelson says now okay I'll see you tonight sweetie you want to play I don't care that's one of your brothers right uhhuh he's do and there's Adam and there's Travis and there's Cole except Cole ain't here cuz he's a Texas Ranger he ain't no Ranger is too right now he's all chasing dirty gunlicks and dry GES and back Shooters I don't believe it and another thing Adam can't be your your brother he ain't even the right color he so color don't matter he said it don't if he said that he's just lying you're a liar I'm not a liar now what's all this Ruckus about I see well why don't you two share these hot cinnamon buns I just made and make friends again Annie what is the problem now it's just a little spat Annie I've told you you're not to give the help food from the kitchen Mary's just a little girl those clay borns are the next thing to abandon gypsies let them get too familiar next thing you know we'll be missing things around here Annie being kin and all you're welcome to live here but you must respect my wishes I'll go back inside I'll handle it play time is over Carrie Mary Mary I want to have a word with you word about what Mrs Parker fighting I have warned Mary Rose I won't have her provoking Carrie provoking was it my husband tells me you're near finished with our Band of Horses just as well just as well y'all be moving on bedtime Mary honey you want to tell me what's on your mind you know I won't be able to sleep a wink if you don't I hate moving I wish we didn't have to I figured that might have something to do with it guess what I'm thinking I'm thinking of a place what kind of place oh it's a fine place it's on a hill it's overlooking a lake it's got plenty of good grass for cattle and flowers too it's going to be ours someday ours all of us that's right Mary honey we're going to build us a house of our own right there and that's where we'll live you and me and Cole and Doug and Tra when when can we go there Adam I ain't found it yet see that's why we're all working and moving around so much so that well we'll have the money it takes for when the time comes you sleep tight marani good night [Music] Adam that's quite a promise well it's going to come true for oh we ain't got near what it takes to set up a spread onor on it be at least another 3 four more years the way I figure it we can't wait that long I mean Mary will be grown up before we know it and maybe you heard they hit gold up in Montana territory are you thinking about taking up prospecting well miners get hungry hungry for beef and I hear the grass up that way is free for the [Music] claiming [Music] oh Co little Mary Rose wo how you doing let good see you Travis Co Douglas now ain't this here A surprise Mar Rose you come away from here now don't you be looking at that is he dead I want you to quit right now somebody kills you Mary Mary look Mary this badge here has paid good hard money for a long time all right money we all need it here but I'm all finished with that now so I want you to keep this for me that's yours where's Adam it's Montana territory in the country for [Music] grass [Music] h he b c d e you remember when Miss Nelson got in trouble for giv me them buns she did come on fq oh that's a g that there's a q with a little squiggly thing how you know cuz I learned to read a long time ago who are you oh Mary honey I mostly learned myself now quit changing the subject f g h i you want to know what happened to me Nelson's face she told you we talk a lot was during the war she said the soldiers killed her husband and her two little kids burnt out their place with her in it but she got out that's sad not back to work JK l m then she had to come out here and live with her brother but I don't think she's very happy I think she like to get away from that mean Miss Parker now you just hold your horses Mary Rose Clayborn now I'd like to help Miss Nelson too but well we just don't have any room on the wagon for anybody else Mar roll now I told you that there is so room has there been some misunderstanding from what Mary said I [Music] see it ain't fancy Miss Nelson I don't need fancy Mr clayber I need a family [Music] again [Music] look at all the Roses it's roll Hill Mary we're home come on let's go it easy easy easy easy whoa whoa hello ch hey hello Sam what are you boys up to don't mind my inquiry today's Miss Mary's birthday I come to pay my respect same and I got here first if you got first Debs why didn't you ride on in I got my reasons why don't you all the Clayborn is home are they yeah all of them one or two of them Clayborn is bad enough watching every move a man makes around Miss Mary but all four I'll tell Miss Mary Rose you're rooing down here maybe she'll send y all a piece of cake or something come on boys wa hey Mr Bates well now miss Mary you going to join us for Mary Rose's birthday party Mr bakes well I was wondering how long it was going to take for somebody to ask now I got all the merchandise you folks ordered and I got something real special for you miss Mary oh by the way there's a couple of boys Sam Tucker and Charlie or they's counting their chickens down by the fork suspect they might enjoy an invite well I guess we better go talk to them then Cole don't you dare don't you worry about a thing Mary I'm always real polite with your young man come on inside and make yourself at home Mr Banks we'll be sitting down to supper directly oh oh Mary where is your mind today might as well have a man in the kitchen somebody would fix that Annie when you were married before you came to live with us what was it like when I was married that was a long time ago if you don't want to talk about it well I don't know what to tell you I had a wonderful marriage know but a marriage isn't just one thing at first when it's just the two of you everything's all sweet and Rosy then the babies start to come along you have to think about the future star what is for suffering oh big Co where are the boys what boys oh yeah them two up the road there turns out they had a pressing engagement elsewhere [Music] [Music] w Mary what's wrong didn't you have a good time wonderful the only man I got to dance with on my birthday was either my brother or fat cow bait I'm not a child and they all still keep treating me like one that's because you let them do not Mary those boys treat you the way they have always treated you since you were a little girl and you love it well you should bless them they threw up a protective circle around you that no harm could ever get through you know but you're a young woman now it's time you begin to step out of that Circle become your own person I am my own person I know you believe that I think you still have a ways to go I didn't get a chance to give you this earlier this was from your husband that part of my life is over you've given me a new life I want you to take it Mary Rose [Music] I think it's time we told her the truth she knows enough for now I'm not sure how to tell Mary about her real mother abandoning her back of a garbage wagon we don't know for sure it was a real mother you sure you're not just afraid she might find out she has a real family somewhere this is her real [Music] family [Music] a back City like someone short-handed here Mister care to sit [Applause] in why not Foreigner huh I Fergus Carol's the name from Edinburgh Scotland well that ugly Critter sitting next to you is Charlie Trent that's Wilber True Blood haer and I'm Travis Clay pleased to meet you Fergus clayboard you wouldn't happen to know I'm Mr a cold Clayborn that's my brother what's your business with him might I have a word in private with you Mr Clayborn it's not my custom to interfere with another man's business but want to over had those two suggest they had a job a kill one to do well you're sure they're from Texas if me geography Serv as me Fort W was last situated there yeah does your brother attract this kind of attention often often enough yeah come on Cole we got a problem thank you Adam we need to talk outside and who might this be a friend of M Fergus Carol Fergus is my brother Adam my sister Mary Rose a pleasure Mr Mr clayboy what's wrong boy nothing for you to worry about why don't you just stay here and keep Mr Carol company Cole do as he says Mary honey come on boys well then maybe you'd care to explain Mr Carol well uh never mind I know it's some kind of trouble oh they make me so mad I'm sure they're only trying to protect you miss I don't need protect protect me from what Mr Carol well if as you suggest there's some sort of trouble well um Mr Clayborn uh Travis tells me that you and your brothers have a ranch coincidentally I happen to have an interest in the cattle business myself you I You Broker shipper then no as a matter of fact hush miss Clayborn I'm not accustomed to being told hush there's going to be a fight I told you to wait inside do you hear me young lady I said wait inside I'm obliged Mr Carol things come down you come out and visit the rose we'll show you real work in cow ran oh that's quite kind of you sir you just had to run off and join the Rangers Miss Clayborn I'm sure that your brothers are more than capable of handling themselves I hear you two men are looking to do business with Cole Clayborn well that' be me and my name is Adam Clayborn and that's Douglas and that's Travis they're clayborn's too gentlemen you got business with one you got business with [Applause] all I want to know what happened is there any killing nope didn't have to now after Adam blew a hole in the bar with that 12 gauge look we just took him out back had a little chat with him and sent him back on the same Stage Coach they come in on who were they hired trash what you really want to know I mean hearing about it's going to make you feel all grown up right it was some old business left over from Texas those days Rangers weren't much for courts and judges and whatnot you caught a man red-handed and there was a big enough Tree close by a bullet if there wasn't well enough of that kind of justice and sooner or later somebody's going to make a mistake is that why you quit the Rangers I remember that day the dead man in the wagon see a mistake I thought you quit cuz you knew I wanted you to those men today that's the past can't be buried Mar Rose as much as a person might wish it [Music] could Mary Rose it's just that Foreigner from town I told you about would you look at him good morning Mr Carol Miss Clayborn did you bring that hat all the way from Scotland I by the way of Cape Town Sydney and a few other stops along the way goodness all those those places guess you're some kind of tourist well better take real good care of that hat doubt you'll find any more like it around here so I've noticed oh welcome to the rolls Mr Carol I was wondering when we might see you again Mr Clayborn come in well I represent a group of Edinburgh finers who have formed an investment pool we intend to establish a a cattle station here which I shall operate cattle station I heard of train stations and police stations don't pay any attention to Trav Mr Carol he's not quite as ignorant as he seems sometimes so have you uh found yourself some likely grass I think so on the muscle shell buff Clark's Crossing more coffee Mr Carol thank you and since we're going to be neighbors my name name is Fergus better last your first winner before you call yourself a neighbor Mr Carol there he has the point this is hard country he's handsome carries himself well I hadn't noticed he's noticing you man doesn't know what he's doing show him up to spin them out take all of his money for the trouble you had any experience Mr Carol I'm not here of course uh but my investors have uh Holdings in South Africa and Australia where I served my apprenticeship of course I studied animal husbandry at the University of Edinburgh but I must say I'm worried about all the overgrazing I'm seeing here with more cattle coming in every year well frankly I believe the lands are being mismanaged mismanaged I don't think so Mr Clayborn the nutritional quality of the grasslands here are as fine as anywhere in the world but unless the the soil base is allowed to replenish itself point is Mr Carol this range isn't being managed at all it's free range free range for free men that's why many of us came here and it always will be well perhaps I spoke too quickly now you come to see us again Mr Carol thanks I shall and I look forward to returning the hospitality don't forget Mr Carol take good care of that [Music] hat you two just leave him alone [Music] sh where are your people huh yeah I bet you wouldn't mind watching me take an arrow on the back now would you come on Cole Cole Cole Cole M Rose Clayborn sir I'm John Stringer I'm sorry man but your brother's been shot Cole help me oh when the game broke up it turned out Cole and me were riding in the same direction and where would that be uh me and my partners are camped up on the little bell anyway when we crossed onto your grass Cole found a fresh Trail it was rustlers three of them already taken half a dozen steer judging from the tracks and they got wind of us somehow opened up on us that's when Co got hit I thought he was a goner but he come up shooting we backed our way out of there he's a game one we appreciate what you did Mr Stringer you're welcome at the Rose anytime well I'd like to ride along show you where it happened we'll find it be [Music] careful where are you from Mr Stringer oh here and there Kansas lady I meant where were you born Tennessee yourself New York City I think it's a long story how'd you know my name when you wrote in well truth is Cole kept going on and on about his kid Sister Mary Rose the whole time Mary Rose this Mary Rose that only one reason I went is I figured if he went off and got killed I'd never get to meet the famous Mary Rose [Music] well I hope this will do for you tonight this will do fine good night Miss Claymore [Music] night stop stop no [Music] shold be nice okay now stay with me yeah stay with me now there a tricky part it's where it all gets dangerous very nice in beautiful forget about your feet not so hard huh Mary Rose Tas traffic how's Cole fever broke this morning he's going to be all right I was just seeing Mr Stringer off I was just uh showing Mary rosea sasche on your way were you yes I was we won't keep you can I afternoon Miss claror I hope we'll be seeing more of you Mr Stringer I'd like that very [Applause] muchl didn't even come close lost him at the river [Applause] Miss Clayborn Mr Carol I almost didn't recognize you without your fancy hat I've since retired I hat Miss Clayborn it seemed to attract a totally unreasonable amount of attention have you been busy seemed to have been remiss in calling on Cole how is he already up and around chomping at the bit to get after the men who shot him can imagine uh shall I see you and your brothers at the Independence Day celebration this weekend you wouldn't miss it on a bet thought I might ask Miss Clayborn if I might escort you to the dance I don't know nobody's had the nerve to ask me to a dance before well that's all um perhaps you'd like a little time to think about it I think that's a good idea thank you Mr Carol where have you been shopping I ran into Mr Carol will he morning Miss gaybor John her Cole's back on his feet sure to send him my best I'll do that so there's a dance coming up Miss claymor you've been practicing that step I showed you you might need another lesson oh well count on seeing you there then unless you got other plans no good Mary Rose you might be a little more sociable hardly said a word to John I promise Danny i' bring us some back L and I won't be [Music] long [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] this a Shining Water she's Shoni she got no people [Music] left she's com to live on the [Music] rose where'd she come from well there's no room for her here she's taking Adam's room Adam says he'll sleep in the barn move out you can't do that just till they build a place of their own you were just complaining there ain't no room Lord it ain't a mystery Adam's in his prime she's a pretty young thing you think she's pretty I guess she is kind of I know it's hard SE you've had all Adam's attention to yourself all this time now a young woman comes along but he doesn't know her he doesn't even speak the same language she's just using him cuz she's got no place to live now shame on you now a little happiness is hard enough to come by in this world you begrudge it to someone who hasn't done a thing in his life but love and care for you you're a spoiled thing Mary Rose [Music] [Music] guess you're a family member would you start over there [Music] Clan Clayborn hello hello sit down and join us Fergus thanks Miss clay Mr Carol look scrumptious thank you [Music] I uh hear that new place of yours is coming along just fine f indeed indeed the main house is almost finished hope to be able to entertain all of you there in the near future sure we look forward to it Adam come the town Adam has other things on his mind these days than the 4th of July Travis oh he probably got roped into card game he'll be along when he gets hungry enough oh excuse me I believe I see you M be sure to ask John if he's hungry tell him we've got [Music] plenty what's that about Mary you know there's been a lot of beef stolen around here lately I was going to tell you the other day rumor is John's had a partment no no John Stringer is not a wrestler look what he did for Cole look I'm just telling you what people are saying Mary Rose John well John this is Fergus Carol Fergus this John Stringer looking forward to meeting you Mr Stringer yeah you're the Scotty one with all the foreign ideas and how the cattle business ought to be run around here ni someone to begin to listen really now mayor Rosa can't stay I want to thank you for the invite though you know you're always welcome John how many had you grazing up there Mr Stringer about 5,000 not much compared to your operation but we're proud of it see you at the dance later Mar Rose yes good nice to meet you 5,000 head stocked up pretty fast Doug stop it you don't know the first thing about him M the truth is nobody does he comes from Tennessee in Kansas and no one knows where his money comes from or how he comes by his stock I'm sure Douglas is only trying to protect you protect me look I've had enough protection from the both of you I've lost at least 200 head myself I know others that have lost more the federal Marshall and Great Falls might as well be on the bloody moon and the Army there have no used to tell when it comes to cattle wrestlers it's time we acted on our own I'm in a hard place Fergus he's Cole's friend and any fool can see how Mary Rose feels about him Douglas these thieves have to be stopped caught in the act and dealt with I'm going to offer a $5,000 reward for the right piece of information there a lot of money true but I don't have time to [Music] haggle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wonder how long it'll take them to miss you my brothers don't mind him I don't they just haven't faced the fact that I'm not a little girl anymore don't you agree I [Music] agree [Music] I've just had word they're going to hit Ben haer's place tomorrow night who are they my informant gave no names Adam will you and your brothers ride with us yeah we will [Music] they're coming in from the south you ready let's go humans stop where you're at throw down your [Music] [Music] [Music] weapons John ah [Music] [Music] cold John Mary I need your help what happened Night Riders come after me and my partner claim we've been stealing cattle it's lies Mary I made a run for it but they're right behind me I don't know how far they are and they need a fresh horse mine's nearly done in John my brothers rode out tonight they were wearing hoods I couldn't see who they were will you come back I don't think so take me with you I can't I'm sorry I'll done for you I promise 5 minutes Mary give me 5 minutes to get saddled that's all I need [Music] go Mary Rose what are you doing out here couldn't sleep was worried where's Adam and Cole Miss Clayborn has anyone been here tonight what do you mean I think that's a simple enough question I better check the Barnes we tracked one of the rustlers down this way lost him in the creek bottom Mary I think it's John Stringer no couldn't have been he wasn't he wasn't Travis hey no [Music] Cole is dead God straight or shot him it's true no it's not true it's not true no it's not true many Waters cannot quench love neither can the floods drown it the man would give all the substance of his house for love would utterly be condemned [Applause] amen Mary Mary I know the pain you're feeling it's the same for your brothers it real pass lady Rose how's she taking it Travis and Douglas both love you and that's the important thing any news of stringer that's what I've come to tell you about he made a run for the bad lands we caught up to him yesterday morning the Alex side a Crow's Landing string I reached for his gun and I shot him no no no are you Qui for him for Stringer he promised to s for me ain't this family been hurt enough family this isn't a family you made it up and I don't belong here Rose Hill all of it you never told me the truth about my real family Mary you want to know the truth about your real family then it's time you should know all I can tell you is what Cole told me the day we stole that wagon with you in it there was a girl she was carrying on tried to stop us but there was no stopping us with the cops on our tail Cole followed her back to where she came from Mary honey I have to figure that's where you come from too I'm sorry Cole said it was a big place down in the battery he remembered cuz it was just a few blocks up Maple Street from P's Pawn shot where we did a lot of business back in those [Music] days said there was a a fountain in front of the house with one of them little baby Angels off to one side that was a long time ago Mary Rose everything could have changed by [Music] now I [Music] yes [Music] is Mr Elliot in please I'm Richard Elliott who are you my name is Mary Rose clayon I'm looking for my family think you better come inside who is she that's uh my wife Ellen you're um remarkable resemblance to her is why I brought you into my house where is she she's dead she um died almost 7 years to the day since our daughter was lost it's our daughter Victoria she was um kidnapped when she was 4 months old she would be uh just 19 sorry it's a long time ago Helen and I had gone out for supper earlier in the evening and uh when we got back M had um that was the woman that you met at the door M had already discovered the Victorian was missing and i' um called the police there was a girl someone who worked here how would you know that I knew someone who saw her there was a girl servant girl named Gwyn who we'd um had to fire a couple of weeks earlier for stealing silver and obviously we suspected of her then she uh disappeared anyway the uh police told us to expect a ransom note uh as you would imagine I was prepared to pay any amount but the um the note never came so finally we were forced to accept the idea that something um terrible had gone wrong and that uh Victoria was dead so that's my story of Mary Rose I think you better tell me yours where's the major he's in the drawing room he has a visitor oh good lord M you look as though somebody with salt in your pudding ignore him who's the visitor Harrison come in as somebody I'd like you to meet uh this is Harrison Victoria's brother and his wife Emily this is Mary Rose Clayborn she's come to this house all the way from Montana to find her family oh hello it's obvious she's a gold digger please don't tell me you believe she's Victoria I don't know I do believe her story at least I believe it until it's proven that I shouldn't father assuming for a charitable moment that everything she says is true it still doesn't mean she's Victoria she has only a secondhand account of an incident 18 years old and somehow after all this time she stumbled onto you a golden opportunity the resemblance how do you account for that she is after the money Harrison whether you understand this or not this is something that I have to pursue I suppose but why must you invite her to stay here well if she is a hoax and the quickest way to find her out is to have her here where I can watch her don't you agree the guest room I've been badgering Richard to let me in here to redecorate but he's been on an economy binge lately well it'll have to do I'm afraid I've never seen anything so fancy you know I never was cut out to punch cows there's too much hard work in it you'll be back I know you will goodbye Adam you take care of every going to miss you Annie especially them sourd don't know who you got to left the boss around got to go out and get yourself a lazy dog maybe I will be [Music] careful [Music] K ail whale snow I heard of them but I ain't never seen one people call it kissing AO it means it blows cold [Music] it telegram it's from the investigators you sent to Montana inquiry Mary Rose Clayborn confirm Rose Hill confirm Brothers Adam Douglas Travis Clayborn confirm deceased brother Cole Clayborn still investigating Outlaw John Stringer deceased details to follow Outlaw I'd say the plot thickens when are you going to confront her with this going to confront her with anything Harrison much of this she's already told me Emily's taking a great liking to Mary Rose hasn't she [Music] Lord I'm mering oh God thank you it's bad I've never seen it this bad so [Music] early [Music] don't be nervous my dear you're going to be the bell of the ball I wouldn't bet my saddle on it I would besides I have a suspicion that they're going to have to get used to you Richard I don't even know if I belong here smile the Mr Damas I'd like you to meet Mary Rose from Montana this his wife meet you Mary Rose Merry Christmas [Music] and where did you go to school well most of the time in the front room sometimes in the back of the wagon or maybe around the campfire come round up oh well that just sounds [Music] Charming Miss M what is it I'm I'm so sorry I'm so sorry what are you sorry about M he said it would be all right he said it'd be no harm done to you we were just going to hide you for a little while and and collect the rans and bring you right back again and then he didn't show up when he was supposed to and the police were coming and the wagon was right there but but the B the B came running and it was you it was you Miss Victoria I'm so sorry he he went away he said he'd sent for me but he never did he who you talking about his name was Tom Flanigan I was in love with him but he was just using me can you ever forgive [Music] me m I know what it's like to do something wrong in the Name of [Music] Love I do forgive you I think what you did caused you so much more unhappiness than it ever did [Music] me this is the end of it it's dead and buried [Music] forever morning morning I've never called anyone father before it's going to take some getting used to you sure oh Victoria thank God thank god what happened between last night and this morning I'm sorry Father that's that's just something I can't tell you Victoria things you've missed it makes me so angry been raised in a fine home with a loving family you'd have attended the finest schools you'd have seen the World by now no father I was very lucky I was raised by a family that loved me more than anything in the world these were the very people who took you away that didn't even try to find your family father they were boys they they they were running from the police they didn't mean anybody any harm don't you see father they gave me so much I had the whole Wild West for a playground and and and as for schooling maybe it was in the back of a wagon going from Camp to camp but it was enough and I had Rose Hill the most beautiful home that ever was I had four brothers who would do anything for me I don't think I ever really appreciated that until now I'm sorry I had no [Music] idea perhaps if you'd like to go back there for a [Music] visit thank you for understanding but after what I did I can never go back that's not true [Music] if the upper Sands or anything like this it's 90% of the herd [Music] ugas are you sure you must go there's nothing left to stay for you were right free Rangers finished what you going to do I'll find something a long way from here all right then get up sad day sad day Adam what have you heard from Mary Rose she right she found a family she made her choice Fergus that's the end of [Music] it Emily it's Fergus it's Fergus Carol come with me m r Fergus so good to see you we must talk I'd heard it was a hard winter I I didn't realize by January it was hopeless the cattle headed down for the coolies bunched up against the snow but what grass there was lay under a dozen fet of snow he starved to death by the thousands tens of thousands from Texas to the Canadian planes Adam and Douglas did what they could and more out in it for days on end not the hard was lost what about yourself Fus I made it through badly but then I was better prepared than most all right Douglas is gone I don't know where he went it ruined Adam's Health he's very ill what about Travis it's going as well in the fall before the blizzards I heard they went down to Santa Fe to card paror but you're the one that Adam most needs to see I should have gone back a long time ago I kept putting it off was afraid to face them Adam isal that's what Adam wants Mary when you come home then Madagascar white thought you said it was being stubborn I saw you uh talking to a man in the street his name is Fergus Carrol he's a friend of mine from Montana father I'm going back to Rose Hill well I had hope that you'd never go back but uh I can't say I'm surprised I have to Adam's very ill I see the truth is I want to go back please don't worry your father Victoria it's my job to worry about you don't be hurt you are my father and Adam is my brother and Travis and Douglas and and Cole is still a part of me and now Harrison and Emily are too but I'm marry rose Rose Hill is my [Music] home then go back to Rose Hill Mary Rose go back with my blessing [Music] [Music] let's go Mary oh it's been so long Shining Water look at you must be so thrilled can I see him come [Music] oh none of that it's just good to rest eyes on you you look fine fine how are you Mary honey I'm home happy to be home Lord I wish you didn't have to see it this way and we're going to fix it up fix it up just like it used to be no never going to be that way again not like it was when we first come when it was all so big and free as far as the eye could see made a man's Hard One to explode it's all gone now all that no Adam it's going to be better first thing I'm going to do is help Shining Water to get you well then we'll all go to work on this place and I'm going to be here when your baby's born see what kind of daddy you're going to make we'll do that man [Music] we'll do that well this is a fine [Music] mess [Music] hello Jake Mr Carol could you send this immediately Santa Fe Sentinel place the following under your personals column urgent Travis Clayborn contact Rose Hill Adam ill whereabouts of Douglas [Music] unknown [Music] all right looks like everything's in order I appreciate you coming in and it's been a [Music] pleasure need to [Music] talk I'm glad you could come how is he poor doc doesn't think he'll make it he's got consumption I guess we'll go see him wait please I didn't ask you to come back just to say goodbye Lord knows I've made mistakes and I'm sorry but there's some other things to think about here what do you mean Shining Water has a baby coming I can't let Adam go not knowing if his child has a place in this world I want to build Rose Hill back up so Adam can see it one more time the way it was I can't do it alone will you two help me h where do we [Applause] [Music] start I heard there's work to be had in these parts can't pay much we'll work for our supper little one dou coming up for you [Music] got [Music] go give up go go go [Applause] [Music] go [Music] Mary Rose it [Music] works what do you think [Music] Adam Ranch without cattle ain't much of a ranch they're coming my father offered enough to get us [Music] started you did fine Mary honey you did fine it's Rose Hill again Adam for all of us always here Co for [Music] you stay Rose Hill is as much yours as it is anybody's it was always yours Mary you're the only reason there ever was for it I'm happy you brought us back here Mary and I know Cole would have been proud of what you've [Music] done will you be back back for Thanksgiving you be happy here [Music] [Music] Mary thank you Fergus I did nothing it was you Mary you brought this place back you saved Adam's life thank you for bringing me home oh wasn't only for Adam's sake that I came for you I know [Music] what
Channel: DDF: Film Magazine
Views: 701,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, WesternMovie, FamilyMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Rose Hill, Western, Family, Christopher Cain, Jennifer Garner, Jeffrey D. Sams, Zak Orth
Id: wLswCTQ2kE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 34sec (5854 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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