【ENG SUB】The Girl of Destiny | War, Historical Drama | Chinese Online Movie Channel

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Falling from the sky then it Jiufeng How could it be the Wind Heavenly Destiny Xuannu Youda This is the real bird Kill me Ali Us It''s me too Alexander Not good fast Come on You''re not hurt, are you? There are no ministers today finish Good You okay Good We can''t, not tomorrow Don''t, or we won''t participate in this mountain next year It doesn''t seem like anyone can climb it at all Both of you I''m coming up to you Here it comes I, your aunt, don''t beat me, don''t fight finish Farewell, Niang herself target And you, how many times have I told you Don''t climb this, it''s crippled at best, and you''re dead, oops Aunt Lan is fine, climbing the mountain is a snowbird, and she can''t die I''ll kill you Your mountains and seas You''re the first bird again Who do you think you are? You''re the wild seed you picked up from your mother''s nest Dead cold What do you say we are keeping here in heaven? Keep it What so much nonsense You said What''s behind this mountain? Even the eagles flew over and there was nothing Nothing Maybe monster monster I don''t see any monsters Look at you Prince Wuding was presented Father It was the Terrans who attacked the Snow Mountain outpost Now it has crossed the North Mountain That''s cannibalism Ben last night Xuanniao sacrifice to Bu learned Destiny Xuannu Go to the Xuanniao and Fox Sacrifice party Purge the demons Commanded Dead no You see the customs, Jiufeng was included in the royal family It''s time to marry Prince Wuding whereas The Xuanniao Fox has the destiny of injury You should go with the Nine Priests to sacrifice Father The sons and daughters took the lead in the pioneer to eliminate evil spirits The battle was left to Shogun Furuno Remember Destiny Xuannu It''s you The destined queen mother What are you doing? The Shang Dynasty and all the tribes of heaven and earth help in the war, I want to go What do you go to I heard that 10 Luo people don''t spit out bones I''m not afraid Ouch, you''re not afraid of anything You''re not a Xuanniao You can''t save me from a big injury, hurry up and let me go child You have to be careful Wait for me to triumph Good me You take care Come back early Wait for me, me Good Come back early I''m not a soldier So need my protection It''s us How How do you stop? Slow down, slow down The woods ahead are luxuriant It is inconvenient to teach So what to do? Get off the car I don''t want yes, our young lady is an image when she goes out Get down ay You are the person Miss, Miss is stunned, why are you coming and helping Miss, you are hard Miss Wu Ding Oh Wu: You wait for me Miss Where is this? It is rumored that Emperor and Princess Jian are here to devour the eggs of the Xuanniao The Seven Ancestors under him are the destiny of heaven Remember that you are the patron saint of the Heavenly Destiny Xuannu Dashang After trouble, behave in a dignified manner I can be dignified, but you want me not What''s going on Sneak attack whatever We''re all going to die Their patron saint mountain Guarding the cliff Good The Luo people forced Shang Jun onto the cliff and had no way to retreat Okay, you go up Wait for me No The Xuannu is overworked Don''t come and help What do you think Still unconscious When the Xuannu was sick Never tell anyone I, the Lu man, will challenge me to find a woman Other paths down the mountain can be found, all blocked by the Lu It is estimated that it will last for a few days Up to 2 days There is no news of reinforcements Let''s go down other Put down your weapon Put it down We''re here to help, why? If it hadn''t been for the dam breakdown, you''d all be doomed That''s right Drop your breath What are you doing? Put it down Why are you stunned to put down your weapon You, you''re just in time, I have a task to explain What are you doing? What the hell are we going to do? Important tasks What is the important task Important tasks Take advantage of the chaos to contact reinforcements Wear a mask What kind of mission are we, aren''t you here to help in the war? Sit back Then you''ve got to tell me what to do Be a goddess What the I heard that it was reported yesterday It was done by the birds Your patron saint It''s actually a bird today I''m going to slaughter the birds duel Duel with me Duel with me Duel with me Duel with me I duel Mandate of Heaven whole whole Come Come Come life I''m going to fix what they''re doing You led your army to win the first battle I: How I don''t know Your stand-in How can that be I am the Destiny Daughter The Destiny of Heaven takes us out of the encirclement Can you I Why can''t you can''t I can you can''t you can''t My dad, you look down on me, I sue my dad, hum, I sue my dad Odin Who is she? This is a big photo of my heavenly daughter Who do you say I am, I am the Destiny of Heaven She is a Destiny Witch Palace maid: You go out You let me out, you and my father, you don''t let me be quiet I can take me Sue me in I Bullied Why did you knock her out Be quiet ah It''s really a palace maid I''ll deal with it Let me ask you a question I''ve heard Destiny Goddess Be your wife one time From now on No one is allowed to approach the military tent of the Mandate of Heaven You want to kill him I''m going to cut him with a thousand knives tomorrow There is already a chance That woman challenged you You''re scared You''re worried One more time You may not be able to win to win him Do you hear me? The Death Worm is on the leap Monkey business You actually went behind my back to fight with the Luo people This is called waste utilization Our prisoners of war on the side of the Roto There are so many To save or not to save It''s all tricky Now the Luo people want to make an appointment with him When he duels with the Luo people We''re out on a raid It''s a good wash, no It''s too dangerous pudding What do you mean? A fake stand-in, and you still want him to come true My dad I won''t let you go What do you mean, kid Let him go and die What are you pulling me for, am I wrong? All right You think I should go The operation was dangerous You can also not go Okay, I can''t go No matter how I think this kid is, it''s unreliable I think he''s there Take advantage of us Even though I don''t have a good brain, I think it is I think you''re really overthinking Although we won for a while But we are still stuck on the top of the mountain by the Luo And the food and grass in our barracks is only enough to support two days In the name of a duel, go deep into the middle of the enemy camp and blossom This is our only chance And We can''t let the captives go Good How willful you have been since you were a child, we all spoil you You think you''re a Xuanniao, and we''ll cooperate Not really this time We''re going to die You''re coaxing me Not me You cooperate with me again, I, I, I don''t mean that No Do you think I''m sick? I''ve never thought I''m a Xuanniao Big sister: Of course you''re not a bird anymore You are human You''ve proven yourself this time, and it''s good, let''s go back Let''s go It''s really too dangerous this time Let''s go I understand You want to be a princess Climb the high branches, don''t want us anymore Oh, yes So let''s go You let me go You repeat walk Let''s go, can''t you hear me? I''ll go I''''ll go I''m leaving I''m really gone Actually, I''m worried about your safety too Or don''t go Come with me somewhere Go, follow me feed Where to Where to Miss I can''t take it anymore, I really can''t take it anymore Make him crazy He won''t survive tomorrow anyway hum That''s right Is my dad here? The lord has arrived Take me there Hey, where are we going Relax with me It''s so high, be careful It''s coming, it''s coming, it''s coming It''s so beautiful think Have fun I love Love Star woman yes Out What to do Silly girl Fake can''t be real It''s true No Today I am the guardian of the Xuannu As soon as reinforcements arrive, kill them immediately We can''t support Taijiu Fight with me Let you see the death of our human breeding Why I ask you why other run Hold it run Stop, don''t run Chased stand I My dad My dad Help me, what are you doing? My dad Help me What are you doing This is a net woven from snow silk in the Tianshan Mountains Not even a tiger can break free General Furuno He saved the life of the lieutenant general You can''t kill him He''s a fake stand-in, and you want him to come true I: Hmm I can not kill him But you have to admit it My daughter It''s the Destiny of Heaven sky ay It''s up to you The youkai in our box are so powerful There are a few harms in this It''s that he''s not a monster He was destined to choose a woman You''re the monster, your whole family is a monster Prince Wuding was presented Father My son is clothed in battle armor It''s very heroic The sons have something to tell each other General Furuno has already informed me about the stand-in I''ve done a good job, just kill it Children cannot be killed Nine crazy, I don''t want to marry either, I have to marry We have to have his support You need the support of the clans The clans are under the protection of the throne Rather, they are willing to kill for you when I learned to talk back Get out Do you believe that there is a Destiny Witch? Prince Prince Good Wake up Wake up who Who watched it Miss Qiufeng said that she was a monster We need to keep an eye on it Loosen the pair to loosen the Songge Lao Tzu I''m sorry Open loosen Let go Let go of the prince unraveled Let the prince go old old Canghai is coming, someone is coming, Chen old Open Don''t Don''t Pull Aside Don''t Come Over Pull At last Move Move At last Don''t move Don''t come here Let''s go Prince: That''s why Won''t you come with us? Give this back to him I don''t deserve it You are crazy Well, you can''t kill I''m crazy, I won''t marry you, who do you want to marry Not good That one Country woman It is good for the man I want to marry She is my destiny Your Destiny Daughter It''s Jiufeng You have to marry her, you have to accept your fate, I don''t accept you Do you want to force death as a father? You are my son, you are the heir to the throne, think about it If there is no uncle Our father and son Can you be my throne? Father I''ve contacted the tribes to get rid of my uncle''s uncle Bing''er You''re so naïve I beg thee for the Father''s sake Don''t look in my face for the sake of the fathers and the fathers Listen to my advice Go with the flow of heaven The Father has knelt down for you, and you don''t want that Father child You figured it out He is not worthy to be my son Warriors of man We set foot in India Let''s eat a bowl of noodles It''s fragrant Thank you, Ann Niang I''ll eat it later What are you doing here? We want to We prepare There is no what if You said We''re here to be careful Good We don''t have much of a job But there is still the ability to be good to you The two of us discussed It doesn''t matter who you choose We are all happy We''ll all listen to you, and you''re up to you It''s good to have you I went and persuaded him All right You come down A-Niang Did you pick me up from here Nonsense You were born to me So I''m coming out of the mountains, am I a bird that protects the mountains? ay Don''t think about it, come down Can I fly A-Niang A-Niang Why are you climbing so high? Why are you climbing so high? This kid A-Niang I want to know I wasn''t born from there You''re so old, why are you still asking this question? I want to know My man died young, and he didn''t have a child with me before he died That day I went up the mountain to collect medicine A meteor shower fell in the sky Then I saw the shadow of a big bird on the cliff It turned out to be the shadow of the starlight shining through the bird''s nest Then Suddenly, the cry of a baby was heard I looked up See you baby Crying in the bird''s nest That''s it You will be my daughter Thank you I should have listened to you You shouldn''t be cranky Look at it, I advise you every day to stop thinking nonsense I''m afraid of you Xuanniao That''s the patron saint of our big business It''s not that easy to do But Do the things of the Xuanniao It''s still pretty simple In fact What is it called Does it matter You''re finally here The old man finally waited for you 20 years ago The Shang kings used the power of the ancient fields to suppress the tribes He even tampered with the divination results of the Xuanniao soldiers I am a priest of divination Heaven wills Xuanniao was born as the daughter of the Wind Clan Jiufeng How can it be a madman Destiny Xuannu I don''t recognize this result at all Because it wasn''t really a bird in the first place You know There are only birds in the world to get up this cliff You see The army of the Luo people has poured out The injuries were critical Do you want to go? I''m going Destiny Goddess Flickering big and little Tell me who you are My name is Rich I''m here It''s about proving yourself I want to be a goddess of destiny 9 Present it to the temple and hear the proclamation Three worship to the king This king has important things to do today pronouncement Ben King Phoenix ay Isn''t this Jiufeng ay You''re so beautiful today yes You''re in such a hurry to marry me You like me Still trying to control me No Listen Prince General Hu Ye Don''t worry Don''t worry Wu Come Don''t touch me Stand down for me Stand down for me Stop them, stop them Well Move How about 2 people, hurry It''s so fun Why pull me Because I''m afraid I''ll regret it king Luo people and break through the layers of levels Deeper, I was surprised Where is it? Our army has always been invincible How can it be vulnerable last night I had a dream I dreamed about it again I dreamed of a bird I think there must be Destiny Xuannu must be killed by me king We made up this story You forgot No No, don''t let us give Dropped the bag You forgot king Jiufeng is the fairy of destiny or Let''s put Good Give it back, don''t believe it Or we''ll be with the tribe again Let''s talk about it No way I haven''t said it yet, why can''t it? Don''t forget, I''m the king I said yes Look Look at your eyes Do you want to rebel Don''t think that if you help the king to suppress the tribes, the king owes you Don''t forget that everything you have is given to you by the king Get out Get out The crowd obeyed heavy Destiny Xuannu Will lead heavy troops Fight your way to the enemy Divine Enemy Army You''re going What''s the use of going I am no longer a prince of the Shang Dynasty That''s what you think Am I the Lady of Destiny? You are my destiny You are my king Where are you going? There are so many of them, I''m going to find a reinforcement army We have no reinforcements Take it Don''t give it to anyone else this Wherever you are, I''ll be there for you whenever I''ll wait for you to come back We can''t beat cowards You''re a monster who eats people and doesn''t spit out bones If you have the ability, you can go, otherwise I will be a living person with three heads and six arms Their old man didn''t recognize it, and no one could make this chair Why don''t you fight? You don''t have a first race in your heart and with me out of the land of the people Whoever goes out with me, don''t quarrel with me, don''t argue Just you coward My throne My throne throne What are you doing Didn''t you say there are no birds? You''re not saying No one can sit on this chair? And you I can only do it We''ve been arguing over this broken chair for years Now there is no need to argue How much good the Holy Family has given you Let you do such a big puzzled thing ay opposite They treat me very badly They called me a witch and even tried to kill me But now We don''t fight for injuries We are for ourselves For the sake of the land beneath our feet, it needs to be protected It needs that bird Are you that Xuanniao? Are you Are you, are you father this They''re coming Today Let''s set foot in India Be here New owners Let the merchant community Be a slave to our Luo people forever The day has come for a blood-drinking revelry Kill kill Soldiers Don''t be afraid Mandate of Heaven war rebel enemy Rush out, I don''t dare You''re heaven, you rush out for me Kill me Kill you Hold it Swear no What to do I have you in this life I''m really happy But this time Don''t follow me Shang Jun was defeated like this, and it was useless for us to do anything Not necessarily I''m going to be a Destiny Lady again yes The Lady of Destiny is back rush rush rush rush Don''t fight, don''t fight What do you think still Stop If you bring good food and wine We welcome it at any time If you dare to do it again Will die here Xuannu hugged out Too delicate Close the beaded curtain in the treatment room Fuhui is the king of the world Mandarin duck monasticism Proud Immortals This king is a good woman Destiny Goddess With my son Protect the big business King Xie The Mandate of Heaven protects the Great Sage Destiny Goddess You Dasheng Heavenly Destiny Xuannu protects the great Destiny Bless the great The Mandate of Heaven protects the Great Sage Destiny Bless the Great Sage Xuanxuan black big sky May all the people be happy Rain downwind tunes Fire and Ice The country is long, ice and fire are condensed Fire and Ice Destiny Goddess Destiny Xuantian life Xuannu The story of Wu Ding and the rich With a strong sense of family and country and scorching temperatures Generations When time fades History becomes a story tale Become a legend legend It has become a myth again Who we are today It can still be in Yinxu A glimpse of that time Famous through the ages Wuding City yes kill Baizi also played on the way hundred You are supreme Yours who
Channel: Chinese Online Movie Channel-ASIA MOVIE
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Keywords: chinese movie, chinese movie eng sub, china movie, new chinese movie, online movie, hot movie, new movie 2024, new movie, HD movie, movie eng sub, Chinese Online Movie Channel, hot movie 2024, free movies, full movie, watch free movies on youtube, latest free movies, free full movies, eng sub movie, latest movie, c-drama
Id: oCqpRPbd25o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 23sec (5123 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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