Clearing Fence & Backfilling Continues

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hey guys this morning we're gonna keep working at the other farm those fences we got some tools gonna head down now and we're gonna start tearing some of them posts out and switching some things up we were working at these fences a little bit in my last video keep about 80 head of heifers at this farm we're going to be moving half of them home so we need less pasture we still need some though for the the ones that are staying we got two long rows of fence we're going to tear out down that way so we're gonna pull the posts out we have all the wires disconnected we're just gonna have to roll them up we just have about a three acre field right there we're going to be expanding it to about a seven acre field we have four strands of high tensile wire on this fence we're going to try and roll them all together we got this big reel we're going to use hopefully we can get it rolled up on here pretty easily [Music] if i keep some tension on it we can get it to roll up it's working pretty good the only issue with this reel is it makes a lot more ground than the wire that it rolls up because of how much bigger these side parts are so the plan is we're going to try and grab it with the forks and drag it back every hundred feet or so [Music] okay go ahead foreign it's working pretty good we ended up getting a lot of slack and then it kind of gets tangled up trying not to twist it so it doesn't get knotted we got half of it rolled up already didn't go too bad this wire is heavy it's not easy to bend how you want it now we'll go get the second piece just one more long line there we got all the wire rolled up now we gotta just pull the posts out [Music] [Music] okay we went through and pulled all those posts out starting here the whole way up through to the end [Music] i guess we'll go get some lunch and then we'll come back and pick these all up [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so so saved one of the nicer posts because we have one that broke off one of the ones we're going to keep he's replaced there's three long slim meadows about two acres each coming out this way we're just leaving one here and then there's two identical ones that we removed we'll have about five acres or so of pasture for the heifers that are still at this farm [Music] all right oh there you go here we go so all right the last thing we have to do today is a little bit of work with these fences that the heifers are still going to be using so you have that meadow in this one and we have some wires that run across we want to be able to switch back and forth we got four wires that hook into this post there's three more that are wrapped around there but they can all hook here and we want to make it so we can swing these straight across excuse me hey hey hey get out of here we want to be able to swing them straight across so we can keep them out of this pasture but that post was way too far away so we just set this post in and we just have to make hooks for this to hook onto so we had this little gap and we were going to run wires across then we just decided why don't we set another post right in the middle and then they won't be able to get through it'll actually be probably just as easy as bringing up a bunch of wires so i'm gonna start digging another hole that should do it [Music] got it set in that should work i don't think the heifers can put their shoulders through those kind of like the man passes we have in our dairy barn you can get in and out of pens without the cows being able to just gonna make three more of those let's get this all right now we're set up we can switch past yours just swing these four wires across the other side [Music] [Music] [Applause] they hold in all these big rocks just try to solidify the soil a little bit because it was kind of soft and they drove on it a bunch with the heavy truck now they're gonna push soil back on top of them i guess it did the job [Applause] [Applause] hey we're working at getting some of this topsoil out of the way too today we don't want to get rid of all of it but some of it they're hauling away [Music] foreign
Channel: 10th Generation Dairyman
Views: 134,187
Rating: 4.9771428 out of 5
Keywords: farming
Id: 71Htn7HLNMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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